s from Women Who Ay, ns.--Many Women Syj; tions Will Be Interested, n, suf- | oper- thtens pleased that I did so, for it perfect health, saving a Speraiion and the immense } e same. ep y 5 and best wishes» Bfcept my. hee Miss Margaret Merkley of 275 34 & Milwankee, Wie,, write: > 2 Street ating to her dit, t she Diz Mrs. Pinkham :-- L that | "Loss of strength, extreme ner: severe shooting pains thro: he omgans, cramps, bearing-dowy ., who \ irritable disposition compe! medical ad 3 y: hoped an exam ion, said that I h female trouble and ulceration an operation a% 'my only. hope strongly objected--and 1 deca, 1asa C sid Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget "To my surprise the unlcerat; all the bad symptoms disappears am once more strong, vigorous and I cannot express my thanks for "" a : may is the much cause ured Com- d an fact, st be nedi- it Las done for me. Serious feminine troul les are ete the increase among women--a submitting to an operation ever should try Lydia E. Pinkhar pound, and write Mrs Lynn, Mass, for advice, For thirty years L Vegetable Compoun the worst forms of fer anctional troubles, i . g and displ larities, indigesti "tion. Any w d the many gr: Mrs. Pinkham's « vinced of the efficig Lydia E. pound. Woman Best Understands a Woman's [lis, well: What gn, v . » Weakness nervy, ney of he Pinkham's Vege 5.00 Black Cheviot Silk- 3 t's a real beauty, } : : rd 13.50, 3 : + Good, rain or shine. ! 50 Coats, : Proof Garment, $15.00. 3 ; ; ® : : - * Bibby Co. ; . a 0060000000000000000000 | | | aists lwear--afford > Women. t, most correct [=a are absolut tvle with oy Al nd tear. Ask, for the label, 4 Sat. Gallery Use Many "Rifle Shots" have become converted to Dominion Ammuni- tion by noting the accuracy, freedom from miss fires and absence of fouling in 22 Cal. Cartridges in A "less the duty" price is a consideration for those who use a large amount of Cartridges. - The trademark guarantees quahiy. DOMINION CARTRIDGE co. Lro. aor MONTREAL. | A E. HEROD | ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti- squeak is used on all work. 286 PRINCESS ST. THR HOUSE OF QUALITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE Cc TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.30 p.m. Exnress--For Ottawa Mon: twreal, Quchec, St. John, N.B., Halifax Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren: frew, Sault Ste. Mare, Duluth, St. Paul Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake connecting with C.P.R. East and West. 7.45 a.m, Mixed--Fcr Renfrow and in terivediutle points Passengers leaving Kingtton at 12.3¢ p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. ; Peter boro', 5.12 nm.; Toronto, 7 Montreal, : Bostom, 7. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P R. Ticket offices, Ontario street. *. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Bay of Quinte Railwa New short line for Tweed, Napanee Deseronto, and all local points. Trains feave City "Hall Depot" at 3 pow. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. Commencing May 10th, 1907 A SPECIAL TRAIN With through sleeping and dining car attached, Carrying the European Mail VIA Will leave Montiel, 19.45 Friday May 10th, and succeeding Fridoys until furthor notice For North Sidney Where a transfer pa outward bound. EUROPEAN MAIL STEAMSHIP. NRE TE Military Tournament Montreal, Que. MAY 17TH AND 18TH Round trip tickets will be issued Fri- day und Saturday, May 17th and 18th, $6.16 kets will include one admission to end will be valid for return on or ore Monday, May 20th, 1907. For tickets, Pullman or Parlor Car accommodation or any other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson aud Ontario streets. comfortal J ors bag e steamer will and anail to a Corner MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Ionian, Fri, May 3. May 81st, June 25 Virginlan, Fri, May 10. June 7, July 5 Tunisian, Fri., May 17, June 14, July 12. fctorian, Fri, May 24, June 21, July 19 RATES OF PASSAGE First Cabin, Victorian and Virginian, $50 and upwards. Tunisian, $70 and up ards. Ionian, $65 and upwards. Second Cairn, $42.50 $45 and $47.50, 8rd., Class, $27.50 hWnd 328.75. _ Victorian and Virgisian are Triple Screw steamers, of 12.000 tons, pro pelled by Turbine engines, = For sailings and rates of ALLEN Line service to Glasgow, Lon- don and Havre, (France), with full par ticulars, apply to . P. GILDER- SLEEV Clarence St, or to J. P. SANLE TIME TABLE GTEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe 1sland:-- 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00-3.00 p.m. TUES. J 30-915 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. : .80--9,15 a.m. 1.00--3, m. THURS., Breaky's : 99 pan lay 6.30--9.30 a.m. 1.003.830 p. PRI, 730-915 a.m. 100-300 ad SAT. 8.00-9.15 am. 1.00--8,00 p.m. SUN. 9.00-10.00 a.m. 12.30--3.00 p.m, | Leave Kingston:-- 8:80--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 . 8.801130 a.m. 2.00--4.30 ir Wed. 8.30--11.30 a.m. Thurs. 8.30-11.830 a.m. 2.00--7.00 8.80--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.0)--4 * 58.80 M Tues Sun. 9.30-11.30 am. Sat. --Special to nd Spoor' "Time Table to trip 1 pan, Toland goter to 2.004.530 p.ia. Simcoe Island CAUSE GOES OVER POSTPONMENT OF LONDON CONSPIRACY CASE. The Evidence of Preston is Very Essential--Several Smallpox Cases in Smith's Falls--Ap- pointed Jailer. Toronto, May 10.- Upon the appli= cation of E. F. B. Johnston, this morning, Justice Anglin granted a Postponemitnt of the London election consparacy cases. Mr. Johuston said the evidence of W. T. R. Preston had not been taken, that he himseli had been ill and had be unable to give attention to the matter, and that if a postponement was not granted he would have ¢o abandon the cases. Jus- tice Anglin, in granting the postpone- ment, said the evidence of Mr. Preston was very essential. The latter writes that he is prepared to be examined on June Ist. The provincial board of health has been notified of several cas's of small- pox at Smith's Falls, all of a "mild type. During the absence of Hon. Mr. Foy. in England, Premicr Whitney will be weting 'attorney-general. Sheriff Hawley has appointed Archi- hald M. Downey, of Napanee, jailer of the county jail of Lennox and Adding- ton, located at Napanee, .to succeed Z. A. Vanluven, resigned. The gov- ernment has approved of the appoint. ment A dispute over fifteen cents a day occupied half an hour of the time of the Dominion railway commission, this morning. The Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto railway wants ed the watchman, at the diamond, al erritton, paid $1.45 a «ay, but the wnt Trunk would not pay more a B1306 a day. The commissions ongineer will make a report GIVE PLENTY OF MORPHINE. PITH OF THE NEWS. Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. J. F. M. Stewayj was elected presi- dent of the Empire Club, Toronto. The royal baby of Spain has been named Alfonso, and will be so chris tened. The S.S. Manchester Engineer from Manches. er, inward, at Father Point atl am. A severe undulating earthquake was felt at Irkutsk, Siberia, at 5.30 o'clock this morning. St. Margaret's College property was purchased by the University of 0 ronto for $70,000. City Engineer opinion that Toronto would not se- cure a terminal railway. station. The directors of the Manufacturers' Life offered the gencral managership to George A. Somerville, London. Senator George W. Ross, with his bride, formerly Misa~ Peel, are stop- ping at the Gadillac Hotel, Detroit, for a short time. The club house of the Homewood club, at Homewood, lll, one of the oldest. and most exclusive country and The Rust expressed the | | BRITISH Wihg, FRIDAY, NAY ee ---------------------------- Te HOW IT CAME OUT A LETTER WENT INTO WRONG HANDS. ---- } Holiness Pastor Follows in Steps of Cooke--Harrington, Del., Man Runs Of With Member of Congregation. Harrington, Del, May 10.--Admit- ting his infatuation for a young wo- man of his congregation, al- though he has been married for thir ty years to a highly respected woman and has one son, thé Rev. DD. M. Car penter, until yesterday pastor of the Holiness church, here, left Harrington, as he says, for good. His inamorata is Miss Della Goodrich, whom Carpen- ter declares God intended for his wile. He has known her for six years. She is thirty-two and Carpenter fifty-five. Carpenter's romance came to light through his error in sending a letter intended for Miss Goodrich to Recor der of Deeds Aaron Dover instead of a marriage certificate he intendal for goli clubs, was wiped out by fire to- day. Loss, $25 000. It is said that Lieut.-Col. H. A. Rata will resign the command of the Governor-General Foot Guards at the | end of the vear and be succeeded by Licut, J, W. Woods. Sir Wilirid Laurier's English chaui- feur was charged with driving the | car containing the premier, at an ex- cessive rate of speed in Regent's Park, | and fined twenty shillings. F. Stephens, an employee of the Sun Life Insurance . company, Winni- | peg, was arrested, charged with being | the principal of a gang of burglars! who have been operating there, i Murdock Mcleod, discovered twol nuggets of gold, each weighing twen- ty-five potnds, near the Larder Lake district. He also reports gold finds in | the hills north of the Soo, near Lake ! Superior, Thomas Hawley, Goderich, is dead, | Would Hasten the End of the ! Doomed. Washington, May 10.-- "Kill your Iy'n: consumptives quickly and pain- | lessly by heavy doses of morphine." | This is the substance of the advice | gi'en by Dr. 8. A. Knopf, of New | | I York, to the National Tuberculosis Cen:ress. Dr. Knopfl is one of the | wo-li's foremost authorities upon | tul ecculosis. Emperor William decorat- ed him for his work in fighting the white plague, and gave him a prize [ $5000 for the best treatise upon that discase. The statement created a Selisation, but was liberally - applan $10,000 FIRE AT ENGLEHART. New Ontario Storekeeper Heavy Loss. New Liskeard, Ont., May 10.--Engle- hart experienced its first fire Wednes- day night, when Johnston's general sture and large boarding-house were completely destroyed. The loss on buildings and "Stock: is estilnhted at $10,000. Only a small insurance was corricd, as the rate is almost prohi- Litive. Exploding rifle cartridges and dvna- mite prevented salving any of the and there were no fire appli- i | ' Suffers | i gods, unecs. AN ODD DISAPPEARANCE. | 1 Authorities Are Searching. For Fhillip Rice. Wianijez, May 10.--The identity of Philip Rice, whose name was used by | the persons alleged to have padded | the pay-sheets with the intention of defrauding the city, is bothering the civic authorities investigating the al- | legel pay-roll padding. Rice cannot ! be found. although there is a week's | pay euming to him. Even an adver tisement in the papers, to communi- | cat> with the authorities: to learn of ! something to his advantage, has failed. Arrangement In London. The following is an extract of the agreement of the Ontario department of education with the London board «f education, respecting the Normal school there : "That for the purpose of the Normal school only, the principals and teach- ers of the classrooms shall be subject to the authority of the principal of the Normal school, and in the event of any dispute between the principal of the Normal school and any teach- er, in rezard to any matter affecting the Normal school, the question in| dispute shall be subject tothe adindi- cation of the minister of education. whose decision shall be final." -- The Best Officer. Ottawa, May 10.--Th: militia orders, today, give a digest of the report of the director of staff dgties, at the war office, on the eXaminations, last No- vember, of officers of the regular for ces and the Canadian permanent force. The whole result was satisfactory. The best officer of the Canadign permanent forces was Capt. W. B. Anderson, R.C.E., with 1,260 marks. He is an Ottawan, Joyceville Items. Joyceville, May 10.--Mrs. William Gordon is getting well again. Though late, seeding is now progressing. The impatent and ungrateful may get more than his desert yet, when the harvest comes. Bishop Mills is to preach in St. James' church next Wednesday, May 15th, at 10.30 am.: St. John's, Sunbury at3 pm. and Herald Angel church, at 7.30 pm, the same -day. Af . The World's Best. Wat maunfacturers are all represent. ed at Campbell Bros., Kingston's style {contre for men's hats. You'll find our clothing just right in Pevery wav. Guarenteed to keep their shape, Try us. Roney & Co. The first shipment of furnituré by the Peseronto Furniture company was made Wednesday. The consignment +'wélit 'to Montreal. Mctonkey's high-class candy, fresh, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 0 : { Daniel Robinson. E. | the house formerly occupied by E. § at Harper hospital, Detroit, of! Bright's disease. He was about sixty-' five years of age. Previous to going to! Goderich a few years ago. Mr. Haw- ky was a resident of Detroit, and practiced law there. The R. M. S. Empress of Ireland, C. P. R. line, from Liverpool. inward, | at Father Point, at 4 a.m. The Rim- | ouski mail tender being disabled only | a part of the British mails was land- | ed, the steamer proceeding on t™Que- | bec with the remainder. I David MAllister, long an esteem- | ed business man of Detroit, died on | Thursday night, after an illness of | several weeks. Mr. McAllister was | born at Goderich, Ont., and came to | Detroit while still a voung man. He was fifty-one years of age Tidings From Bath. X Bath, May 9.--The schooners Briton and Voges brought coal for G. A. | Wartman this week, ' for which many | people are thankful, their supply hav- ing run short. Mrs. William H. Hall, who has been ill for the nast r auth, is slowly improving. R. R. Finkle, who has heen confined to the house for most of the winter is able to be | around again. The firm of Robinson | Bros. have dissolved partnership, and the business will now be conducted by I'. Shepherd has purchased the house and lot formerly occupied. by the late Mrs. Thomas Armstrong and hes moved into the A. N. Robinson. is moving in » same. Shephard. Overton Ball has improved | his store very much, by building a nice verandah to it. | | | Oak Leai Locals. | Oak Leaf, May S.--Harry Green is home from McGill University for his! holidays. T. Jeffrey has engaged an | Englishman? and family recently from | the old lund, to assist with his farm- | inz. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taber, Ath- | in ens, spent -a part of last week at F. Sheldon's. . Little or no seeding has | been done here owing to the backward | on. The remains of the late Frod- | erick Pierce, Athens, were placed in Oak Leaf cemetery, Tuesday. Vernon Gilbert spent Saturday and Sunday in Brockville, with his mother, who is | a patient at the General Hospital. R. J. en, Charles Murphy, M. J. Johnson and John Earl are erecting wire fences on their respective farms. N. Ralph disposed of two horses last wezk. G Upholds The By-Laws. Noel Kent called at the Whig office, this morning, to express his disagre.- ment with the views given in a letter of "Victim of a Corporation,' with respect to the smelter by-laws. Mr. Kent declared that every: property owner should go to the polls on the 25th and vk for the by-laws to be submitted. The city, he pointed out, was not giving anything away. The land to. be handed oyer to the com- panies was not paying taxes now, so that the proposed exemption means nothing. Mr. Kent would advise the people to pass the by-laws and get the smelters established, for other in- dustrics might be at racted here through them. - Plans For Church. _ H. P. Smith is prepuring plans for the re-comstruction of. the Roman Ca- tholie church at Sharbot fake, re- cently destroyed by fire. The walls have been found to be in good order, and the edifice will be built the same size as before. To Erect A Celtic Cross. A large Celtic cross will be erected over the grave of the late Rev. Father O'Gorman, on Howe Island, ¥ the people of his parishes, viz. Gan- anogue, Lansdowne:and Howe Island. IH. P. Smith, architect, is preparing the design. . rt ren { BY Nrs. H. P. Claringbold, Conway, & recovering from a painful accident of which she was the victim April 27th The cistern door had been removed, aml she tumbled in, sustaining a number of severe bruises. New sweaters for the boys, 0c, T5¢., $1 10 $2.50. Bihby's. A farmer residing in Tyendinago has bean summoned before the Deseronto magistrate, charged with sending skimmed and watered milk to the De- | latter was pleased to see them, | conducted | the north | shops and Pleasant Valley Doings. Pleasant Valley, May 9.-W. Brad- ford amd team are with the stone crusher, repairing the roads. Mrs. H. | Sigsworth is quite poorly. .J. Hughes {is somewhat better. Visitors: Ed- ward Bare, Burridge, and Samuel Barr, Fenelon Falls, visited their brother George last Thursday. The not having met Samuel for twenty-threa years. Messrs, George Hughes and G. Randolph took a trip te Sydegham, yesterday. Mrs. J. BEllerbeck wisited at Sydenham recently. J. Hughes, Mrs. E. Hughes visited at Mrs. J. tradford's recmitly. Mrs. Rradford much improved in health, Miss A .. Barr took a trip to Oso last Thursday to visit her grandmother apd other friends. Miss P. Priscella Burke, accompanied by Miss Sarah Burke, visited friemds here, Harrow- smith, Murvale aml Hartington, and returned last Thursday to her home at Oso Station. Child Poisoned. Vera, only daughter of William Close, Moscow, aged seven vears, was buried on Tuesday. There was a very large attendance at the funeral, and the service, a very afivcting one, was by Rev. KE. Farossworth Little Vera, with the teacher and the rest of the school children, to the woods an Arbor day was taken ill the same night and died on Monday morning. 1 is supposed she ate some poisonous leaves, which caused her untimely death went Where Polly Got Her Name. The name Polly applied to the par- Friday. She out Vat | COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going On ln the Business World-- the Markets. Manitoba Sour is driviog, American aids Out ol Newioundlana. lng pelween rort Wiliam and W Winnipeg s assesswent commadssioner estimates the realty assessment for 1wO7 to be ¥¥O,000,000, s Very valuable copper gold has been found on Finlayson island, B.C, A wiu im) wan has otfered the indians uo 4 yvar for fifteen years for the privilege of worki the mine. Ground buen broken for the hall- willion-doliar plant of the ; Canadian Portland Uement at Fort Colborne. This will «be cement company in the country. The largest t farm in the Stats is situa United and is owned and run by a woman, Who warkets from 30,000 25,000 frogs a year at wu profit somet like $2,000. J. M. Gibson says it will cost $300, 000 to modernize the Humilton Stree railway, and to do this the company asks some concessions from the city. ,..The proposed cula t of the G.T. R. car works at London will cost $75,- 000 and an increase in employdes by 200. It is estimated that steel, irom, equip- ment "mnd electric companies in the We Did, But It Was Only Prices. ie, Here are a few of the many dropped for SATURDAY states have on their hooks at the p time orders representing valuation of over $1,200,000,000. Profits on this amount of business will run ¢lose to $250,000,000. Company, Ogilvies, Western Cafiada and Lake of the Woods, this morning an nounced an advance of twenty 'cents a barrel on No. 1 flour and five cents on No. 2, following the lead of the - inde- pendent millers. . The Jumping Frog. New York Post. s Andrew Lang, in the Albany Re- view, tells of his first acquaintance with Mark Twain. It was memorable, he says, because it illustrated varie ties in the sense of humor. "I was then," says Nr. Lang, "an undergraduate, returning from Scot: land to Oxford in the same railway lage with my friend and tutor, Mr. Jowett, later the renowned mas: ter of Balliol. 1 bought at a book- stall a cheap little paper-covered book (not impossibly pirated), "The Cele brated Jumping Frog," by Mark Twain. 1 opend it and my contduct for half an hour was highly unbhecom- ing a person 'in statu puplari," who, accompanied by a leader in philosophy and theology, was returning to stud ious cloisters. 1 shricked and explod- ed with laughter; my eves were filled with idle tears of pure mirth; my ges tures were convulsive, and when 1 reached Finis 1 handed the volume to Mr. Jowett. He read ghrongh it with purfect solemnity combined with dis- approval, and restored it to me with- a word." The master, adds Mr, Lang. hail humor enough for a whole university: vot he did not see the fun of. "The Celebrated Jumping Frog." Breaking It Gently. The wife of leaving her a master painter was house when one of her rot is said to have been brought to [husband's workmen rushed up to the in an early day of flat- boatmen, who took grain and provi sions down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans. Parrots were in cages at the doors of many French the westerners heard the French say to the birds, "Parlez | Parlez !"" pronounced parley, and meaning, "Speak ! speak !" This word { a= they brought it back came to be {me to paint the Polly. and 1 was just after thinkin' it would bear we weight. 'Shall 1 tey it? Armstrong-Sexsmith. save I to meself, An' then, before 1 The marriage took place at St could make up me moind, the ould fA 8 George's cathedral on Wednesday, of Therean Sexsmith and Francis Arm. strong, both of this eity, Dean Farth- ing officiating. The bride was attend- ed by Miss Ruth Stockbridge, and the groomsman was Henry Smith. The bride was attired in a suit of pink silk, and the bridesmeid was dressed green voile. Mr. and Mgs. Arm- strong will reside in this city. ---------------- To Make A Report. Montreal, May 10.<At a meeting, here, to-day, in connection with the life underwriters' approaching con- vention, a lezislation committee was appointed which will consider the r port of the royal insurance conunis | sion and will make suggestions to the | convention advisable in the Other propara- the forthcomiog deemed interest of the body. tions were made for convention, Racing Model Arrived. Owen's design for Kingston's eigh- seen-foot sailing racer to contest with the Watertown challenger, has arriv ed. It is a paper model, and looks most promising. The boat will be built in the Kingston Boat com- pany's yard by W. Holder. No nails will be used in the construction In- stad brass screws, with wood plug: ging will fasten the pieces together, Poles To Be Removed. A large "number of the old electric wire poles on the streets will be re- moved as soon as the cables are laid on the new poles, most of which have now been erected. People have been wondering if so many poles are to re- main so close to one another. The present high ones are nearly all to come down. King Edward's Hat. His majesty King Fdward wears a "Woodrow." It is the renowned Lon don hat sold the world over zt £3.50. Kingston gentlemen who want the best are buying the "Woodrow." George Miils & Col, importers of fine hats; are sole agents for Kingston. Education For Longboat. Seorvtary Stokes, of the YMCA, hos returned home from Toronto. While at the West" End YMCA. he met Longboat, the champion runner. Nr. Stokes save thet the association is taking steps to give Longboat a college education. Burned To Death. Rochester, N.Y., May 10.--Fdwarld Reubens, single, aged thirty, was burned to death, yesterday, at Man- chestor, in the Lehigh vards. In pull- ing the headlight from an engine he spilled the oil on his clothes, which caught fire. > Arthur Andrew Fraser, Napanee, at- tending Columbia , College of Phar- macy, New York City, was gradunted on May 2nd. He passed with high honors, and secured a beautiful gold seronto -cheese factory. Try Bibby's nobby #2 dehy, Men's Bt Bligh. The large mills, including the HB 250 YARDS tv Be. yard, 500 YARDS Beautiful shades, A BARGAIN BARGA you need ( tucked yoke, odged with frill. Regular price 5c. 49 Sold regularly for S0c, On Sale Saturday | patterns, kimonas, ete. Regular price On Sale Saturday, per yard * flowered Regular 20c. yard, On Sale Saturday, per yard . Lace Curtains, only 40 pairs, 3} yards long, 54 inches wide, Lovely patterns. Regular $2.50 On Sale Saturday ... 123 LADIES' WHITE COTTON | 99 PAIRS LACE CURTAINS 3 yards NIGHTGOWNS----Well made with long, 36 inches wide, uice On Sale Saturday ......... - ot rites Tren rman | 350 YARDS WHITE CURTAIN MUS- 8 ONLY, LADIES' HIGH-GRADE } x } : GIRDLE CORSETS--Sizes 18 to 24, | JAN--Has fil on one side, wilk make dainty LIBERTY CREPE-Dain-| 48 "CENTURY" RUGS- suitable for waists, totrns, sizes 66x27, price $1.25, 1224 SUMMER MUSLINS- patterns, in all 12; IN TINE IS DOUBLY A Now is the time that urtaine. "A small lot of 120 PAIRS HUCKABACK edge with red lar 3%¢. pair. er. SERTION-~many Regular Se., for, Regular 3e., for, 1.48 Dollars to Save on Clothi Getiipi, ar S8e. pair. On Sale Saturday, per pair... sash curtains, Regular 20¢. and 2c. var. On Sale Saturday, per yard le Saturday .......... Pure linen, size 18x36, plain hemmed On Sale Saturday, per pair. ---------------------- 1,000 YARDS VAL. LAC dainty Regular 10c. for, per yard per yard per yard 3 Nice brigh 49 TOWELS E AND IN patterns Ge. Se. Je. door. "What's the matter, Pat?" she quickly asked, feeling sure something had happened. "Shure, missus, it's nearly kilt I've Dear me! How ¥ "Well, T was on the roof of the house over there an' the boss towld ould wonden spout, been 1" exclaimed Pat, Killed ! spout tumbled down to the strate !" "And if you had not hesitated vou would have fallen with the spout "Shur answered Pat, "just like the boss did. Ye sve, he tried it first." Journalistic Delicacy. Chicago Hecord-HeraM. "Here," said the managing editor, holding up the proof of the music critic's article, "you'll have to be more careful about the phrases you use in reporting these amateur al LOW PRICE heavy enough for present wear, dark and medium patterns, well tailored Sweaters, and properly trimmed, sizes 32 to 40. Regular #2. On Sale Saturday ... FEEPING REDUCTION IN BOYS' SWEATERS-300 Boys' at a price they couldn't be made for. A large mill's make. Navy, cardinal, grey, black, a few with striped 'have double collar, cuffs and skirt. FOR TROUSERS-Just 1.39 Regular $12 and $M. On Sale Saturday All-Wool over: and Oxford eravenctie collars, some ders, All 'sizes in the lot, farmer's satin, Regular price 78c, to $1. 19 On Sale Saturday coin. . Regular price $10. spring's latest mike, best Italian lining, latest .single breasted model, 50 MEN'S RAINDOATS In dark olive and loose fitting, high-padded shouls lined all through with test cloth, long 6.48 fairs." "What's the matter ¥ "Rive tried to be absolutely fair to every one who was- on the programme." "You say Miss Arabella Fattmore rendered the Spinning Song in a fault less manner, "Yes. She did it very well." "But don't you see that the use of the word 'render' in this connection is very objectionable ? Her father got rich in the lard business. If I permit ted your article to go as you have written it he would take out his ad. and stop his subseription to-morrow." Poker For 96 Hours. rame of poker ever played has been lost and won in Chi- cago, where, as a result of it, £20; 000 has changed hands. Six profes- sional gamblers took part in it, play- ing in a room of the Magnet Hotel, North Clark street, They played for four consecutive days and nights, and stopped only when rumours of the contest got abroad and threatened to bring an interruption from the police. The game was &topped for meals four times in each twenty-four hours. One man had to drop out for an hour be- cause his eyes failed him, but he re sumed play £10, but "jackpots" were opened: their size. One "jackpot" bud £1.800 in it. The loser had "four of a kind" against a "straight flush." The biggest Largest In The World. Wooderalt. The oquipment of the Dampsey Lum- ber company's new sawmill at Ta- coma, Wash., is the largest single leather belt in the world. It is eighty- four inches * in width; three ply in thickness and weighs just 2,300 pounds. The belt is 114 feet long. Tt took the centres of the hides of 225 steers to make it, and each piece of this le ther, was separately stretched be- fore being olaced in the belt, In put. "tins "the belt together no pegs, rivets or fastenings of any kind were used exept cement of the hest-quality, and the plies were cemented together un- der a hudraulie pressure of 250 tons. Getting Better Every Day. Strawberries, fresh Saturday morn- { ing, 26c. box., at Carnoveky's, The attorney-general of Ontario says he dismissed the Picton jailer on order of Sheriff Gibson, who had au- thority in the matter. A neat shuffle! 3} Ibe. fresh erisp sodas 23e.; 3 Ib. J box crisn sodas, i; at Mullin's, It is so easy to give fi in print, that it must su here to repay a journey of many mi ures, and so hard to show " ce to say--' 'You will find 'valu lit os T The Montreal Stock Compa 180 Princess Street 180 BETWEEN REDDEN'S AND CRAWFORD'S GROCERIES a { Beautiful Shoes For Ladic or Ladies p If you want to see the newest creations in Fine 4 Footwear,"2Come and inspect what we have 4 made by : . Utz & Dunn J. & T. Bell and G. A. Slater 3 Gibson Ties, Punaps and Sailor Ties in Tan : Calf, Gun Metal, Patent Colt and Vici Kid. Store A he Sawyer Shoe wa