Daily British Whig (1850), 11 May 1907, p. 9

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t at 7.30. ey atte Blankets ize. t while the lot lasts Z5¢ Pair. 200 Pairs Of the Famous Boys' Leather Knit Black Rib. bed Cotton Stockings. by long odds the best 0ys or girls. ce 20¢, 23¢, 25C. "o-Night Pair. NANT LE Morning o'clock. \t Sale . y "hh >00ds ! ck will have to go rder to do this we hem at ALF PRICE 'weeds, Voiles, Ve- 3 and many other olors, many of the pring, 'lengths range yards. the same time Yards Linings of Grey and Black. irs Monday Morning 5¢ Yard. THE MEETING OF THE BRITISH AND " Spanish royal yacht. Senator Raines' Threat to Gover- Special Correspondence ; Letter No. 1,564 Scientist, applied to the coroner for | sits inside, an indictment against the other par- | lady rc sally Mrs. Eddy or not? ties in the house for not summoning a Some weoks ago 1 spoke of the mud- regula® practitioner when the patient | dled condition of our politics. Since was-taken si®k. He decided that as] then we've gone from bad to worse the sick man had made no request,| We are developing a warfare, harsl nor had any been re fuse curred Here, but, so far, none of them | able man in the state doubts the have found their way #nto the Sou Eddy declares that she né ired the suit. The son replies is an imbecile and not qualified to | ment of insurance had long been a judge. It is claimed that the income | public scandal. It had millions « of which she is being robbed amo unts lars with which to reward the v to millions. Others declare that s ot ae Proud Of. Best Quality, \e New Styles, And at All Prices Satenty that will wear, at Velour Sho -to-Date, t Sa es, Up-to-Da : Vici-Kid Comfortable Shapes, at $3.50 ir Russia Blucher, Shoes, Patents teed, t 0 crack), af $5. > Tan Russia Shoes, wide and arrow, at $5. Everything New At Teale tee test ontuetestentostootontontuntnt at eat unt ut ot. I I TIT iit Triiieieileib hoe Stor ¢ Trunks just in. a re 1907. SPANISH { MONARCHS. King Alfonso arrived at Cartagena on April 8, and, after he had been formally received by the municipality, he put to sea in the Giralda to meet the king and queeif-of England and escort them back to the port. On the follawilg day King Fdward and Queen Alexandra visited King Alfonso and Queen Christina on board the -------- ---- - & 1] $ home is in the hands of trusteess The |' : same is true of the magnificent temple | that she reared at the cost of a round | mithion, it having passed from her con trol and into the hands of the same cormorant board of trustees. The roy- alty on her books on Christian Sci Letter From Greater New énce must be 'large, for the sale has been immense, and, gn addition to her York. . | other income, she hls receiver d a lib- \ eral tribute from Christian Scientists all over the world, as the pope re- ccives "Peter'a Ponce" from devout IS MRS. HDY ALY Catholics. HH it is Arve that Mrs. Eddy is not worth a dollar, where does all the money go? FEcho, ane SONE "BFLTEVE SHE Drp|TreS Where? On account of the desperate anxiety RECENTLY. : of the trustees to keep Mrs, Eddy from being brought into court, a report has gone abroad, and is believed by many, nor Hughes--The Latter Will | that the real genuine Mrs. Eddy, the Not Shirk His Duty--Death to original Jacobe, joined her Christian the Grafters and Thieves ! Science friends in paradise weeks ago and that there she is now, not paring a brass button for the fight that is New York, May 9.--There is trouble | going on in this sublimary sphere. It in the C hristi: an Science eamp. A has been Mrs. Eddy's habit for a num- man has' died of acute pneumonia | ber of years to take an afternoon ride without proper medical attondance. | up and hown through the town. She He trusted Christian Science i failed him. He did not rea he trusted: the religious cult to the | riage were usualiy last. After his death, his sister, who | they were dpen Mrs. Ex had faithfully atte nigel him during his | veiled. The carriage makes its usual Mlness, and who was not a Christian journey now and a closely veiled lady and it | was quite sensitive about being ob- ¢ it, for | served and the eurtains of her car- loged, and when ly was closely but the fuestion is, Is this there was | personal and bitter, such as the st "no cause of action." A sick person has never known before and which ha of recalcitr must be allowed to select his own | severely shaken a mrtnbe mode of treatment. Otherwise you de- | ant republicans who have, up te | the stroy every vestage of personal free-| presnt time, been a de a weight and dom. * Several similar cases have oc-|a disgrace to the party. No resp esty of Governor Hughes. y The case brought by Mrs. Eddy's| was elected, he- considered it his duty adopted son, in her name, calling on} which he 'had sworn to perform, to in- | the board of trustees for an ac | vestigate thé manner "in which the! counting, is a singular -one. Mrs, | great affairs entrusted to his care were! noble r author- | conducted, and for which he was re- | that she | sponsible to-the people. The depart- dol ith the boro ors Spain - Just taken at Corlagersd o opportunities for graft wel Hughes was inaugurated a man named missioner of insurance s evil doings induced » administration ol few guestions to prove ernor demanded his Fesignation, the man flatly refused. friends in the legislature ho had _se- stand by Nim and defy he or of the disgraice ful Reins hot 1 bill, Which caused suc h a sensation is reported to hi ve Th Governor Hughes be magnifice nt council chamber and give will it remain until his dyin, ig day. are looting the pie treasury Wis politica ul career opie of Rg state of New York will: of Senntor Raines ? question of riots erndic h alua alto as a general healing application. » senator's record Jpersons comfortably. enough among the any flagrant wrong, nator r Ra ines will find always been virtue ! ful servants who betrayed their trust | not worth a. dollar. Wer beautiful and they were lavish of their bounty. ! AN ITALIAN WOMAN'S DARING FEAT OF HORSEMANSHIP. The picture shows Mdlle. Berta, daughter of Louis Spector general of Italian cavalry, performing one of those remark- "glissades" down a mountain side that hér father has' made . a feature of his new course of training for officers and, men of Hughes is also aimed at _ President Roosevelt, who has stood Jrmly by our worthy governor and supported him, in every effort in hunting down WIong- doers. So far from the gov- ernor's public career being ended, let me tell Senator Raines that it "has only begun. The battle now raging is sure to end in the disgrace and punishment of all grafters and erie inals. Gov. Hughes never solici office. He atcepted the governorship at great cost. He gave no pledges. an Ho took the governor's'chair = with clean hands, and w he leaves Wha or &-funnsien hands. afumtardished as the wes he A it. Gralters must look out for sqmlls, for somebody is going to get hurt, and don't you forget mt. The town of Hempstead has had quite an excitement during the past week. "A respected Episcopal minis- ter has cloped with a seventeen-year- old girl, ho was confided to his care by her dying lather when she was only seven years of age. He be- trayed that sacred trust, aban his lawful wife, and fled with his ward We unknown place, | with the od of Cain upon his brow. There The ghost of the dying will stalk at his back under the baie of the noon-<ay sun, and will {fright his visions in = the night. No peace can his guilty soul know while life lasts. : --~BROADBRIM. Forget The Itching. . Salt Rheum and many other skin afiecti ns cause more anmoy ances and suffering than many more: serious ail- ents. Wade's Ointment gives alinost axmediate relief and will, thoroughly te these affections.. Invaluable Cures © Fezema, Salt Rheum, Seald flead, Cold Sores, Er ipelas, Piles, ete. In hig boxes 25c., at Wade's drug store. -------- F. F. Miller, Napapee, has purchnsed a new Russell automobile. It is a beautiful car, has four cylinders, is twenty-five horse-power, and seats five TIREDNESS . COMES IN THE SPRING. What Are You Doing to Overcome Ite? The cold of winter exhausts vitality and exposes everyone to disease. Spring is sure to bring tiredness and languor that will not go. Spring sickness doesn't cure itself-- the cause is in the blood, and that cause must be remedied. It is easily done" with" Ferrozone, a mmrvelous remedy that purifies the blood and ex- pels those humors and poisons that de- press and weaken. Just think of it--Ferrozone uplifts the entire neryous system, renews the blood, makes" it rich and red--gives the sort of, aid that's needed in throwing off weakness and spring langour. Tens of thousands enjoy the advan- tages of renewed health through Fer- frosonep-if. you'll only use it, you'll surely grow strong 100; it's beneficial action is noticed even in a week,~you see' it goes right to work, removes the causes of the trouble and then quickly makes a cure. For those who sleep poorly and have pervous apprehensions, Ferrozone is a boon; it is a specialist in such cases. Where there is paleness, poor appe- tite and langour, Ferrozons makes the patient feel like new in a few days. In tirodness, nerve exhaustion, spring fever and debility, the power of Fer rozone is known from eoast to coast and universally used with grand re- sults, Let Ferrozone hiild you up, let it win you back to robust health --it will do so' quickly if you give it the ahance. Sold By all"dealers, 80c. per box or six hoes for $2.50. Remember the yards. "The distance in Toronto will | ba two miles. SPORTING » NOTES. Interesting Temes on Various Sporting Topics. Ottawa already has about a hun ead roller roller hook Hayat, The game re ro Amite Tr has nineteen batsmen past ti mark; the Na- tional League hod twelve. At the annual meeting of the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club, un 8. Miller was ré-clected commodore for * 'the third year, and E, W. Sheriff secretary, Thomas Longboat, the Indian run- ner, has been mde an honorary chief of the Onondaga tribe of Indians, and has been ER the name of Dayo- honzh, "Dawn of Day." Umpire ro FRI O'Loughlin has writ- ten a4 letter to President Johnson, calling attention to the dilatory tac- tics during a game that have crept into the American League, and sug- fetting a heroic way to correct this ault, Coaching the batter with no one on the bases has grown to be such an in- tolerable nuisance in the American League that Ban Johnson is on the trail of the offenders, and has in- structed the umpires who are in the west to prevent all of it. Some of the Pittsburg erities pick the New York Giants to win the Na- tional Basebnll League pennant this year. They believe that the New York team hes fully recovered from the weakness of last year, which was oc- casioned by the injuries to the play- ers,: and while they predict a close race between New Y. and Chi , they are for the Giant8 in the final O'Brien ran away from Burns from the first round to the finish, and only occasionally was the latter able to overtake him. Then (FBrien invari- ably clinched with Burns, and held on until the referee pried them apart. The crowd hooted and jeered O'Brien, and shomted all sorts of raillery at him. Few blows of any vigor were landed by either man, and neither sul- fered any serious damage,' though both of O'Brien's eves were damaged and his lips were cut open. . Burns had scarcely a scratch. two-mile walking race for the championship of the work will be held in Toronto on the "Varsity ath- letie track on June Sth. The contes tants will be Don Linden, of Toron- to, and G.- V. Bonhag, of the New York Athletic Club. onbag won the walking championship at the Mara- thon races: at Athens last year, beat- ing Linden hy a few feet. However, q cision, as it was claimed that on ond occasion Bonhag ran. However, tha decision + holds 'good, and Bonhag holds the title of ch dy ake of the World. The 4 ite a howl 'was raised over the The Handy Doctor in Your Vest Pocket TS a thin, round-cornered little Enamel Box-- When carried In your vest pockst it means Health-insurance. It contains Six Candy Tablets of pleasant taste, almost as pleasant as Chocolate: Each tablet is a working dose of Cas carets; which acts like Exercise on the Bowelssand Liver. It will not purge, sicken, nor upset the stomach, Because it is not a "Bllesdriver,' like Salts, Sodium, Calomel, Jalap, Senna, nor Aperient Waters. Neither is it like Castor Oil, Glycerine, or other Oily Laxatives that simply lubricate the Intestines for transit of 'the food stopped up in them at that particular time. - - - The chief cause of Constipation and Indigestion is a weakness of the Muscles that contract the Intestines and Bowels. Cascarets are practically to the Bowel Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath are to the Athletic Muscles. The, stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contract, expand, and squeeze the Diges- tive Juices out of food eaten. They don't help the Bowels and Liver In such a way as to make them lean upon similar assistance for the future. This is why, with Cascarets, the dose may be lessened each succeeding time instead of increased, as it must be with all other Caghartics and Laxatives, * - - Cascarets act like exercise, If carried in your vest pocket, (or carried in My Lady's Purse,) and eaten just when you suspect you need one, you will never Kiowa sick day from the ordinary lis of life Because these llls begin in the Bowels, and pave the way for all other diseases, **Vest Pocket" box 10 cents. wr Be sure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and neve sald in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC. Full R. Poker oi Peseronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. ¥. CONWAY, Agent B: Q, Ry. Kingston. ti ff AA Commencing May 10th, attached Ea Ste. mae, Th weg Vancouver, Seattles HEE with EP. fg East a.m, rn Mixes or Renfrew a Passengers leaving Kirigtton at 12.30 pry in Si oh Ph da i Montreal , am. ; Bostox, 7 particulars at XK. & P. and ©. {0 New ahiort lino for Tweed," Napanee, 1907 A SPECIAL TRA With Hitaugy sloepitig soll dining Carrying the. the Europea INTERCOL Ll LENNY Will lea May oth an "MR 10.45 Eeiduy, riper not § Far North Sidney ; SE ESAs rE hin boun 8. Ba a r---- HTS REL ee Ift a statement "Tommy" Burns, the winner of the fight with' O'Brien, "do- claves that he promised 'to lay dawn and let O'Brien win the fig He said there was no chance otherwise to get 0 into the ring. He said he as soon as the gong sound- ed the fest round to broak i ise and determined to go in a win: Burns snid : "ack O'Brien was caught in one of his own traps. 1 could not get him to agree to enter 'the arena until 1 had promised to lay down and let him win the fight. F pretended to be willing to do this beeause IT want: ed to show the country that I was O'Brirn's master. In the first round O'Brien was taken off his feet, and was scared to death. He knew I had planned too cunningly for them all and that he was due for a beating." Caledonia Banner : Almost daily we read of new runners of the long dis- tance vari ty springing into promin- ones and taking a creditable standing among a bunch of their fellows at some long distance event, but, we be: lieve, it romains for he Toner Ve near Caledonia to produce the like of Long- boat, and the dav. may not be far dis: tant when a still more speedy one than he will blossom out in the aths lotic world, Hamilton, first; Toronto, second, and later the American cities may claim Longboat as their very own, but notwithstanding all their claims his humble little shack on the | reserve mdjoining. this town along waters of the noble old Grand will ever be his home, it matiers little what the differant sporting papers may say in regard to this. The Indian is an Indian still and the haunts of his native woodland will ever prove dearer and better than all the cities on both sides of the line. A FEMINIST MOVEMENT. It Has Broken Out fa Chinese Empire. Lowdon, May 11.--Even in China there is a feminist movement. 'A wo- man's newspaper has been heen found- od in the Celestial empire, dealing with topics in which more advanced Chinese women are beginning to take an interest. The most prominent question the educated Chinese woman is grappling with concerns her feet. Shall she con- tinue to submit to the cruel conven- tion that compresses and mutilates her feet, reducing her to the state of a cripple, or shall she allow her feet to grow to their natural size ? The foot-binding custom appears to be doomed, and an increasing nuntber of women do not interfere with the feet of their girl babies. Higher education is spreading among the women of China, for- which they have to thank American mission teachers. Quite a number of Chinese married women go to the United States or Japan to get a university education. The advent of a Chinesa woman's niwspaper is the latest and most siemificant result of the awaken- ing of Mrs. Ah Sin. A pint bottlé of beef, Iron and Wine, our own make, only 50c., at Wade's drug store. Rev. A. {'. Huffman has his appointment at Cloyne, owing to throat trouble, - f ' L% i." 7 ead TN "Baby's Own" Soap. ki its delicate fragance to yt fragment,s and it is so well made that i wear to the thinnest nh Albert Soaps Ltd, Mfre,, Montreal, RB Sewaree/ and substi ror Sold by G Storekeope ada ar " Stop ==1. Colic 2 ki MAY 17TH AND 18 a and "whi Safors Mondey, May 8000) apply ALLA "ori Li SUN, 9.001000 arin "13,08 i Round trip tlekefs willfhe fasted | ; 3 and Sabaniny: May A3UE wud 150h, $6.16 tml - MON, - 'UES. 7.80-0.16 VED. 16 THURS ' y a 1 a.m ' rut 7.8 730-018 u, ry 00-3 Leave To. ae ; wm. 8011.80 11.80 = 2.0 0.8 ae a Sat.~8 1 ip to Simcoe Island an Grogere Gok ot 5.30 Jims Table subject to any without et calls at Garden Island 'rola to and from Su Bu i ne PA Tagine. 1D COTTAM BIF 82. Bathurst St,

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