Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1907, p. 3

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Seal Skin Get ] Sacks ¥hig MADE OVER - AND DYED, i --ay-- =| W. F. GOURDIER 'Ww| EXCLUSIVE FURRIER ther 'Phone 700. Jewelry Will be much required dur ing the coming ""BRIDA] SEASON." You will find our St replete with new designs Pearl Brooches, Rings Scarf Pins, Necklets, ct for gift giving. Jowelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage tains You'll be pleased, and should )| you decide to purchase you'll be saving money, also. The prices We quote are much below regular, and for this reason we are having a wonderful sale just now. 3 | Lace Curtains ! At prices ranging from 35c. to $6 a pair. BRASS CURTAIN POLES, con plete, 15¢c. WHITE WOOD POLES, complet 15¢. Tuesday We Will Sell 500 yards of Fancy Art Muslins, 30 inches wide, the 10c. quality, for 5¢. a yard. ------s. NEWMAN & SHAW Dry Farming In Utah. Rochester Democrat and Chromicle. Not all the farmers in 'thi great West can have the advantage of iri gation. Those who cannot have, in Utah, organized the Dry Farmers' A oclation. As far as we are able to earn dry farming is the growing of uch crops as do not require mucl noisture. _Four years ago the legislature of Jtah provided for experiments in dr arming as an object lesson to farm- rs who cannot get water for irriga ion, and the system is declared to bo emarkably successful. One result of bis has been to show that a large art of the water used for irrigation » wasted; that the crops do not nel ll the water, they get and that the pense could be reduced.' It is ex ected that the - development of dry rming will quickly double the till ea in Utah and greatly increase the gricultural products of the state. i m---------- Death ) D. E. Rose. D. E. Rose, druggist of Tamworth, od on Sunda{ night. He is a broth in-law of John A. Gardiner, of this ly, and wha went out to Tamworth day. Deceased had been ill about a nth. He was a Methodist, a con vative and a Mason. He is surviv- by a widow and two sons, Clint, Tamworth, and Sidney, of Boston : Th ETT 'ee the ladies' stockings, 2 pairs for -» at Corrigan's. 78 and 80 BROCK ST. : Have a Look! :|At Our Big Range | Of Handsome Pat: | tern Lace Cur end of the meals of the day should be Chase & Sanborn's SEAL BRAND COFFEE. It's the first thing for break- fast--the last for dinner-- Dewars Whisky Biggest Seller Because the Best. B900900009000000000000 000000000000 000000000 " Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds" And Dainty Footwear will make even an ordinary foot pretty. Our Spring Goods are just the finest selection of HIGH CLASS SHOES To be had on the markets of Canada or the United States. look For those who prefer them we have the American Shoes that have a style peculiarly their own, and for those who stand by Home manufacture, we have the very best Canadian Makes. 'McDermott's Shoe Store OOP ooe © SALE OF HALL FURNITURE FP =~ THIS WEEK $35 Hallracks Polish Oak, 80x40 Mirror, for $25. © $30 Halira Polish Oak, 80x40 or, for § Hallracks Polish Large Mirror, ) for £15 Hat Rack A few China will for $10.50. Cabinets, the latest style, be sold cheap for cash. Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker and Furni- ture Dealer, 230 Princess St. Ambulance "Phone 577, Rieteststtscstsstsesss Rhttttesttetttestetes Evangeline Ganong's G. B. Chocolates THE VERY BEST, ONLY 50 CENTS PER LB. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street ii YY Why Y ou Should Buy FIVE REASO ! S Wash Goods To-Morrow MADRAS--30 inch wile Fine Corded Madras, with neat black figures, dots and stripes vn white ground. Special value, per yard ",eaaall - - 22. ZEPHYRS--Fancy Striped Zephyrs. This is a very fine materi- al, with pretty woven stripes on white and tinted grounds. Excellent value for per yard 15e. GINGHAMS Fine Dress Ginghams, in a large variety of pretty checks and stripes, and all the popular plain shades, per VArd = 5 ae wna. "mace bee =. 10ec and 12}c. MUSLINS--Figured and Dotted Swiss, large variety of styles to select from. We have them in white and linen color, with colored and white embroidered figures and dots. They range in price from, per yard - - - - - 12jc. up to 50c. LAWNS---White India Linon Persian Lawns, plain mull figured and plain pique mercerized goods of every description and all marked at quick selling prites for TO-MORROW. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 Well on Street, THE SPORT REVIEW LONGBOAT IS STILL IN THE teens. If He Accepts Education He Will Be Professional--Echoes of the Burns-O'Brien Fight--Falconer and Kelley. : Manager McCarey, of the Los Ange- les club, substantiates Brusso's state- ment that Brien tried to fake the bout. The usual exodus of Cornwall la- crosse players appears to be Gnder way, judging from the howl the Com- wall papers are putting up. The Burns-Squires bout is scheduled for Los Angeles, on Decoration day, May 30th. Burns will decorate Squires' face in indigo tints, they say. In the ladies' goli championship at Newcastle, Ireland, Miss May Hezlet, Portrush, beat Florence Hezlet, Port- rush, by 2 and 1 to play, thus win- ning the championship for the third time. International | golf competition be- tween the United States and Canada is to be attempted this season. Ten well-known amateurs, chiefly from the metropolifan and Philadelphia dis- tricts, have agreed to come across the border and participate in tournaments and team matches. "Jack" O'Brien is the latest, addi- tion to the gallery of fallen idols of the United States prize ring. (FBrien stated that his match against Burns would be his last. It ought to be too, if the Canadian fighter's story is true. There is no room-on this continent for fighters who "attempt to "fix" their mills and bunco the spectators. The young male members of the three Anglican churches in Brockville have formed an athletic association for the purpose of engaging in base- ball and lacrosse the coming summer, and elected the President, Rev. H. vice-presidents, H. Y. Woodcock, Rev. 0. G. Dobbs; secre tary-treasurer, A. 1. Pearson. Miss Violet Summnerhayes, of the St. Matthew's Tennis Club, Toronto, the holder of the ladies' intermediate championship and ex-Canadian: cham- pion, leaves for England on. May 17th, and ill participate in the great Eng- owing officers Bedford-Jones; 'arr, Rev. F. D, lish tennis = championship tourney at Wimbledon in July Miss Summer hayes will compete in several local tournaments before leaving. She will play against Miss Sutton, the re nowned world's champion, while in the old country. The reports from wood and a dozen Ottawa, Colling other places that Longhoat had consented to run there at the coming athletic meets, are all denied by the great Indian runner him soli, who wishes it to be emphatically stated that he will only run twice dur- ing the summer, once at the YM.C.A, games at Hanlan's Point, on June Sth, and at Caledonia, on May 24th He has no other despite reports to the contrary, no in ducements of any nature will make him change his mind, he says. Toronto. World : When in Toronto, last winter,y Noah Brusso convinced those he conversed with that he could defeat "Jack" O'Brien. The Quaker also had the same opinion and was only induced to enter the ring hy a and, Agements, rus>. All is fair in love and war, and the Canadian's tactics were reason- able. Burns only received a draw in his previous hout, when the public ver fict was in his favor. This he had to obliterate and another battle e|sary., Some of the United States papers are still discussing the case of Long- boat, the Indian runner, and they all agree that it would be unjust the art. of the AAU other ath- letic organization to punish him be cause he was honored by the residents of the city which he represented in the Boston Marathon race. The United States athletic body threatens to pro- fessionalize him if he accepts the edu- to was ne on . or anv eational course Toronto is going give him, The Toronto News says that the re markable resemblance between "Joe" Kelley, manager of the Toronto Ball Club, and Dr. Falconer, who recently accepted the presidency of Toronto University, has excited considerable comment of late. It publishes pictures showing the heads of both gentlemen, and points out that they exhibit in a striking way the wonderful similarity of their features. Can you tell them apart ? the News asks. Well, anyone but a blind man could. There's as much resemblance between the two as between night and Give us something easier day. Lord Kitchener's Lawn. London Daily Mail. A good story is going round of the inventive genius of Lord Kitchener. The distinguished commander-in-chief desired, on the occasion of the recent visit of the Amir of Afghanistan to India, to lay out an artistic garden for his gratification. Rare exotics and flowers of great variety of colors, tropical and sub-tropical plants, were brought to make the garden beauti ful. One thing was lacking--there was no grass to give a finishing touch of verdure, and the few days available did not permit of procuring it. Then Lord Kitchener's résourceful- ness came into play. The garden' was sown with mustard and cress seed, with the result that there was in due time a delightful green sward offect which astonished all the visitors and not least the amir himself. Won With An Egg. Lexington, Ky... May 13. --Thomas Tally, of Mayslick, wrote the words "Wile Wanted" on an egg and signed his name and address beneath. Now he is engaged to Miss Edith Fleming, of Readville, Mass. The éggs were sold to a Boston produce man. The wholesaler sold to a Readville retail- er and Miss Fleming drew the prize. She wrote to TaMy, and to the cor- respondence, a June wedding will fol low. -- Grand Duke Married. Yalta, May 13.--The wedding of Grund Duke Nicholas Nicholdievitch, secondl cousin of the Emperor of Russia, to Princess Anastasia, of Montenegro, divoresd wife of Duke George of Leutchenberg, was celebra- ted, yesterday. PEGG'S PREDICAMENT. Treated "Roughly "For 'His Re- marks About Flag. Sunbury, Pa.» May 13. --George J. Pegg, a Canadian, , cwployed at. a re mill, all 40 have called the United States nothing more than a dish rag, was compelled, by an angry crowd, last 'night, to salute tho emblem and carry # on a pole seve ral miles during which the puraders frequently threatened to throw him into the Susquehanna river. Peggy was Jed to the centre of a bridge, crossing the stream, a man on one side, carrying a rifle and another with a noose. He was threatened by the mob with drowning. The enraged crowd surrounded him as he:said : "I made the remark in ignorance of Ame- rican respect for the flag of your country. 1 am very sorry." He was released amid hisses and groans. A Lingerie Waist. An exceedingly pretty waist is here shown, made of any of the summer materials. The above was a fine white swiss, made with a yoke in front and a" centre-back elasing. The attached to the yoke, having tucks to give fullness: The swiss insertion is brought over the shoulders and down the back to give the suspenger effect A very neat design of eyelet embroi- dery in the yoke and collar helps very much, but thig.can be left out if de blouse is sived. The sleeves are very short and full, having cuffs of the insertion. A three-quarter or long sleeve can ly used, Death At Harlowe. Harlowe, May 1l.--Last Friday morning, Mrs. Abbie Thompson, relict of the late Douglas Thompson, de parted this life, aged eighty-four years. She was ill but a short time with pneumonia. She leaves three sons, William and John, both married and residing in Harlowe: Joseph, of Los Angeles, and one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Thompson, also of Harlowe The funeral service Rev. - Mr. Huffman, in the M. FE. church, on Sahday afternoon A Lirge crowd of sympathizing friends gathered to pay their last respects to armed friend. Then th was conductod by an remains were placed in the: Methodist come- tery. Mrs. A. Palmateer has left with her brothers, Carleton amd Grant Wheeler, for an extéfided | visit 'with friends in Syracuse. A. Fraser is home from the states. A wee girl has come . to brighten the home of <E. Bishop. W. Cadman, Holloway, is at his sister's, Mes, J. White. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Parry Road, are living on their daughter's, Mrs. A. Palmateer, place. William and George . Marshall aro home from the tend going back Kingston, was week. €obalt, but they in- soon, Mr. Nash, at the Royal this -- Women On Russian Railroads. The number of women employed on the Russian railways is increasing. Ac- cording to the latest returns there are now working on the twenty-five Rus- sian state railways no fewer than 22,- 000 women as gatekeepers, clerks, telegraphers, ete. The average wage varies from 130 to 135 rubles yearly $65 to 870.) The extremes are great. Thus, the women clerks receive on an average from 150 to 460 rubles, or about $230, while the women attend- ing at the station gét only forty rubles, or about £1950 a year, in addition to free lodging and a few extras, -- Rubber sponges all shapes and sizes at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. e Silver King mine near Queens boro has been re-opened. Cheese sold at Napanee, on Friday, at 12 THESE MEDICAL FACTS. Fou Can Study With Profit How few realize that twenty-five per cent. of all disease has its origin in some interference with the function of elimination. The whole body exists by reason of the transfusion of fluids through its component parts. Up to a certain point the body has Power to object to destructive ete- ments, but this power is limited. When it happens that the bolv is loaded with wastes and poisons which it can't eliminate fermentation, :le cay, and germ life run riot through the blood. Serious illness is the result unless nature is assisted by 'a cleansing tonic like Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which are purely vegetable, containmne mer- 'eury,: no bismoth; no injuriopssmetal- lic ingredieiite of wny kind: i . Suth a medicine is the greatest pos- sible assurance to every man and wo- man of health, 'spirits and content- ment, "oe Grand results are achieved, and fa- mous cures made every day by © Dr. Hamilton's Pills, as this letter proves. From Newfoyndland, Miss Lillian Anthony, of Upper Gullies, Concep- tion Bay, writes: "In- prpise of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, T must gdy that I have used them with grand success for three years. They never fail to cure me of indigestion. or constipation. Formerly my face was full of pim- ples, but now my complexion is clear and ruddy. In more ways than I.care to mention have Dr. Hamilton's Pills helped me: they would be good for every woman to use." : Insist. on having, &fly Dr. Hamil: ton' Wills, 250." per hose or "ive haxid for 81. at 'all dealers, or b¢ mail from N.C. Polson & Co., Hartiord, Conn., U.S.A, 'or Kingston, Ont. A CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES GENERAL HELP--WANTED. BY ENGLISH GENTLEMAN, FUR- ORNRRON, JIOYCLLL aPFEY aT BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT goud opening for a hustler. Apply Husiness office, Whig. A STRONG BOY TO RN Hardware Business. Apply Chown & Co., Bagot street, ------------------------------------------------------------------------, BOY ABOUT 16, TO WORK IN Pluubing Department. Apply at 69 Brock street, McKelvey & Birch THE to A. MASONS AND STONECUTTERS , MASONS AND BRICKLAYERS wanted ; wages 45 cents per hour; sandstone cutters, wages 43 cents per hour, at the New Government Museum, Ottawa, George Good- win, Contractor. SALESMEN FOR AUTO-SPRAY. Best hand Sprayer made, automatic. Sample Machine free to approved agent. Cavers Bros. Galt. ------------------------------------------------------ PORTRAIT AGENTS WORKING FOR themselves send for our new whole sale price list. Samples free, prices lowest. Merchants Portrait Co., Lud. Toronto, PLUMBER AND STEAMFIT R, with two or three years experience; State wages. Good opening young Man. Apply Wg R. Lindsay, Unt. MEN FOR DITCHING, LIFTING track and ballasting on Kingston and Pembroke Railway. For particalars, apply to F. Conway, Acting General Superintendent. STEADY understands stableman, Swift's Coal SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE- men, bring your owa cloth ay cheap up-to-date suit made, price and finish guaranteed. Pressing and repairine dome well. Galloway, 'The Tailor, 181 Brogk street. HELP WANTED-FEMALE, RELIABLE MAN, WHO horses thoroughly, as ulso w wan. Lo cart. Yards. A COOK. APPLY 1830 Karl street. TO MRS. NICKLE, THE 181 A GOOD COOK evening, to Mrs. King street. APPLY IN H. A Calvin, LAUNDRESSES AND MAIDS, AT THE. General Hospital, Apply, between 7 d ¥ pm FOR OFFICE SER- Apply at The Wm A YOUNG vy vice, at Toronto. Davies Co, |Lwd. SKIRT MAKERS, APPLY TO MA- dame Richards, Steacy & Steacy's, Dressmaking Department. ------------------------------------------ A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. AP- ply in -the evening to Mrs. Sullivan Cor. King and Princess streets. A YOUNG GIRL, FOR A SMALL family, to assist in general ho work. Apply at once to 104 Clergy St. near Princess street, . ' INFORMATION WANTED. WANTED TO KNOW THE WHERE- abouts of Katy May Frasier, Who was given by her father to a person living in Kingston, in 1887. Ad- dress Mrs. John BP. Lawrence, Map! Grove Farm, Macedon, N.Y. nished , on lake fromt. A Box 18, Whix office. oly : so th te. a AMAGED WIIEAT, AT OT. PIANOS AND ORGANS TO TUNE Rribevas Strat THE FOOT a L In ies -- Ordnance > . Bey lv \ we, orner P 3 and. Bagot Sta ¢ promptly at- | & DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, ON tended to © Alfred street. Apoly to Harry $75 CASH WILL BUY A NE Yorn skiff, two sails, a JA use, Apply at once to 266 Rideau re i eet ete. A 10 BORE DOUBLE BARREL SHOT gun, almost new. chance to purchase a good gun cheap. Best Wale piven for selling, Apply at GRAVE Bots FOR SALE IN Howard, Portsmouth, FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. Christ church , Catarag -- ------------------------------------------------ woe to the Rector, or Alinaul. PLEASANTLY SITUATED, EIGAT ardens Dart. and Smith A detac furnished house, Elliott, Cataraqul. from May 15th, convienent to boats and trains, ges, extension kitchen, | A PLEASANTLY SITUATED, WELL large lot, stabli for horse or cow. bullt house, in west end of city. Apply to Box Whig office, rooins, la lot, with fruit trees, concrete cellar, water etc. $1,500, TO-LET. Apply Box 10, Whig office, A HOUSE. . APPLY TO THOMAS |SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE AND grounds, number 174 Earl St,, form- FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH MODERN conveniences, 170 Clergy street: HOUSE FOR THE A FURNISHED Apply to 175 Clergy sumaner uionths, street, MER COTTAGES, Stores and Offices. Brock street. DWELLINGS, McCann, 519 erly pied b; late W. R. Mo. Ras, but now 2 ' Resi . Vacant lot on the oant St., a short distance south CH Sty Apply o A. B. Cunn 79 Clarence St., Vea dors' Solicitor. . SAILING YACHT, 25 FT. BY 8 PT. beam, lead ballast on centrebourd, Roomy Cockpit. Very safe and com- fortable. Slooprigyged Sails by m----" ---------------- Old . New A ' LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD. for. gasoline nto Hw Lo Apply Mrs. J, Sherman, 298 Univer of Simcoe street: Bargain ta quick sity Avenue. purchaser. A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE G. N.\W. Telegraph Company's office Clarence St. pply to J.B. Walkem. ROOMS, IN GOLDEN LION suitable for offices or living Apply to A. B. Cunningham, Clarence street. BLOCK, rooms 70 179 QUEEN ST. COMMODIOUS residence, 10-rooms, hot water fur- nace, and gas lighting. Possession at ounce. Apply 180 Princess street. -------------------------------------------- 10. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE building and contents than company Examine offers. Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORR Fire Insurance Company, Rasets $61.187.215. In which the policyholders vo security the unlimited lability of all Division street, 81 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY St.,, commodious residence, 1l-rooms, hot' water, furnace, all modern con veniences, stable d coach house, facing Macdonald and City Parks. Formerly occupied by W. F. Nickle. Rent, $500, free of taxes, for a term of years if desired. Apply to J. 8S. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. SITUATIONS VACANT, WANTED-TWO SPECIAL SALESMEN for Eastern Ontario to work singly or with gang on road. Apply to Luke Bros. Co., Montreal. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUER OF Clarence St. C. 8S. KIRKPATRICK, Marriage Licenses, 'Phone, 568. GANANOQUE TIDINGS The Inn is Rapidly Being Re- built--Waterworks System For Grace Chureh--The Baseball League. Gananoque, May 13. The funeral of the late George Nuttall, who passed away on Friday last, at his home, corner North amd Charles streets, in the seventy-ninth year of his age, took place from his resi e, Satur- day afternoon, to Pine Grove ceme- , South Lake, Rev. William 'Fim berlake conducting the services, On Tuesday evening last at the Gananoque Fast . parsonage, Miss Myrtle May Koapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. 8S. Knapp, old residents South Nel- of Gananogue, now located at Lake, was united in mart e to son J. McCleverty by Rev. Joseph Cornell. Ihe baseball league has selected these officers ; W. J, Wilson, presi dent; Thomas Field, vice-president; Clark Allen, secretary; W. J. Phillip, treasurer; James Bell, scorer; W. J. Phillips, umpire. The season will open on June lst. The game schedu- led for that date will be North vs. 'South Wa I'he opening of the excursion season in Gananoque toc place, Saturday afternoon, steamer Where: now well-attended exeursion to Clayton to' witness the first ball game of th Ss which Gananoque has beep interested, the high school team the Clayton High School and winning handy with a score of 26 to 7. This morning work neet Grace church with the water works system. A motor will be in- stalled to pump the organ. For 'the of thé ministers conference connection with the telephone system will be made, I'he building known as the Interna- tional Annex is being remodelled an up-to-date resmdence, beginning show a decided fmn- provement. Phe roof has been replace ed on the southern portion, and work is being rapidly pushed along. The Sons of England have made ar- rangements fo attend ship at Christ church md&rning, May 26th. Congiderable interest is being mani- fested among local circles in the ques- tion of a eelebration h for Domin- ion day. A number of prominent citi- zens are booming the 4 wiil- likely take shape in the near fu- when 0 ran a ason, in moeting team, began to con- accommodation ad Bell as The Inn is to religious wor- on Sunday re re. A jittle befare church time, Sunday morning the sidewalk on King street, iENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, te. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER. chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 313. WM. /NEWLANDS, fice, second floor over Mahood ARCHITECT, OF 'ns Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Fntrance om Bagot 'Phone, 608, near the schoolhouse, was noticed to be ablaze, doubtless caused by the stub of a cigar or cignrette, The wind being strong, it was soon fanned to quite a blaze. The prompt applica- tion of water removed all danger. 8. Angrove, Charles street, is dis- posing his household effects by private sale, as he intends leaving town in the near future, Mr, Claude, accompanied by his two sisters, left ol | vesterday for Halinx, where they will | take passage on Tuesday for their {home in England. | . and Mrs. Clifford Sine, Arthur t, accompanied by Master Wilfrid and Miss Phyllis Sine, left on Thurs day for a short visit in Cobden. Mrs. E. Beeman, King street, is spending some time in Redwood, N.Y., where her sister, Miss May Bullous, is ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bdiley, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., spent some time in town during the past week, the guests of Mra. Bailey's pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Bethuel De Wolfe,* Sydenham street. A PARADISE FOR PAUPERS. New Workhouse in London Sumptuously Fitted Up. London, May 13.---Some of London's paupers will soon be as magnificently housed as princes. The revelations of extravagance and luxury in the West Ham workhouse, which so astonished and alarmed London taxpayers recent- ly, bid fair to sink into insignificance as compared with those of the latest paupers' palace, which is in the bor- ough of Hammersmith, Its cost is £1,307 630, This paradise of the poor has been constructed in a spirit of lavish and reckless expenditure, The result is a structure equal, if not superior, to any nobleman's mansion in the land, and vying in many respects with the finest is hotels in London. Weary Willie and Fired Tim will enter their palatial home between handsome screens of fitted pitchpine of the finest possible growth and plate-glass, walking on a floor tiled with mosaic, and surround: ed with a dado. of eucaustic. ware the most expensive art type. Fhe sum of $1,675 per head has been spent for the housing of the paupers of TWO GOOD OFFICES, ONE IN FRONT the stockholders. Farm and clty p of building,, facing King street, near perty sured at lowest possi! Princess. Win be vacant May 20th, rates. Before renewing old or giving Apply J. P. Forrest, Gents Fur mew business get ra nisher, 848 King street, & Strunge, Awents, BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISION street, twelve rooms, extension din- ~~ EDUCATIONAL. ing room and kitchen, hot water heating ; immediate rossession. Ap- INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND- ply to Frederick Welsh, No. 179 ence Schools, Scranton, Local Pa, Office, 57 Brock St. Office hours, 9 am, to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7 to 9 o'clock. J, K. Carroll, Repre- sentative. 'Phone, X PERSONALS. INFORMATION REGARDING Goon Farm for sale within hunkired miles of Kingston. Give lowest price, rea son for selling. Owner's only need answer. Address Information Departs ment, Locator Publishing Co., Min- neapolis, Min. VETERINARY. 'R. G. W. BELL, V.8., HAS RE. moved to his brick block, on street, just above the Fost Ol Calls bv telephone or telegraph promptly atten to. MEDICAL. DR. McUARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Dr. treal and Brock # Ryan, corner Mon treets. The Paragraph Pulpit nitarian REV. CO. W. CASSON, OTTAWA Play Your Part! : You have a part to play in the great drama of life, whose author is God and whose stage is the world. You cannot hide in the wings of in- dolence and seclusion without sin. Come out and take your stand and spouk your lines. However small a part it may be, and however trivial its char- acter in your own opinion, be assurad that it is absolutely necessary to the fulfilment of the purpose of the greme playwright of the universe. God can- not fully express Himself unless and until you are fully faithful to the part assigned you. Have courage, and stand forth! God waits your word. \ Address Mr. ture, Casson for free litera- YOUR HAT. yo-- May Be a Stylish One, But Makes Trouble. A man usunlly buys a hat that's "in style," but the modern hat for men has lots to answer for. Baldheads are growing more nu- merous every day. Hats make oxcel- lent breeding places for the parasiti germs which sap the life from the roots of the hair. When your hair begins to fall out and your scalp is full of dandrufi it is a sure sign that these countless germs are busily at work. There is but one way to overcome the trouble and kill the germs that way is to apply Newbro's Herpicide to the sealp--it will kill the germs and healthy hair is sure to result. Sold by leading u Send 100. in "stamps Tor = it The Herpicide Co:, Detroit, Two sizes, 50c. and 81. G. W. Mahood, special agent. Cruelty To A Child. Gobourg, Ont:, May 13.-- Henry Wal- den, Gore's Landing, is accused of craelty to a little girl, five years old. The child's body showed severe brais- of Hammersmith. The cost of the cooking apparatus is 815 per pauper, and of electricity $12.50 per annum. A svetem of duplicate wiring has been introduced similar to that which was vejected for Buckingham Palace a few years ago on the score of expense. " There are gencral and ladics' com mittee rooms and rooms for clergy of all denominations, and a dining hall almost baronial in style, the light soft- lv diffused through stained glass win: dows: like those of a cathedral, The apartment is equal, if not superior, to of Oxford. a toon, to join her husband. number of her friends were pot_to see her off. most of thé dining. halls i the colleges sone es, and it was alleged that Walden had kicked and struck her. His de fone was that he strack at her with hia smock, and that she was against the table, bruising her head. Walden was committed for trial. © Mrs. George H. Williams, University avenue, left this morning for Saskat at the de 'sold at Gib- Djer Ki p

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