a Choice r 450 Pairs JRTAINS = ------- 1.50, 2.00 pair, each make w patterns, . to 18.00. Nottingham Netts, special g, 2.50. Curtains, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00, 50, 5.50, 6.00, 0.00, 8.75 up A Bargain rning at 9.30 DD rnoon at 2.30. s of dairs Of urtains To-Morrow and 75 pairs in the ngham Netts, etts, broidered, ch Nett, ent Off. OR UNION MEN : hat are Union Made." We lways try and sell the best hoes to working men. hey need the best value for 16 money. We Have Boots from $1.25 up to $4.00. hat are suitable to work in ood Solid Boots, Boots at will stand the wear. Timinirleinleiriinimiini=i=t hoe Store | tin} SEALS Our Sealskins are the best procurable, being the genu- ine ALASKA (London Dyed) And in richness of lustre and durability, 'they are J superior to any other grade. § JOHN McKAY, 149-155 Brock St., Kingston, ; PIVPPIPVIHIIVIIIIEOOP 'Canned Fruits We have a full stock of best Canned Fruits, in glass and tins. Peaches Pears Plums Apricots Green Gages Red Cherries White Cherries Gooseberries Blueberries JAS. REDDEN & CO. i Good Investment A Practical Business Training is the Master Key to Success. Frontenac Pusiness College FINGSTON ONTARIO . Superior Courses --AT-- Moderate Rates. T. N. STOC KDALE, 'Principal. *Phone, 680. MULLEN& NICHOLSON (LINER VEIL: LILLE KUMENTAL Ld A SPECIALTY 4 ta (1 3 hey PUBLIC NOTICE. 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT, BY Order of the Minister of Murine and Fisheries, the provisions of the Canada Shipping Act, Chapter 118 of the Ree xvised Statutes of C anada, respecting the Shipping and discharge of seamen on in- land waters, must, on and after 1st June next, be stricely observed. Master wust have a signed agreement with mvery seaman whom he carries as one of his crew, as required by law F. GOURDEAU, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisher- The os, Ottawa, 19th Apri}, 1907. Sc. 5 WONDERLAND KINGSTON'S HIGH CLASH AMUSEMENT HALL OPEN--AFTERNOON, 2 to 5. EVENINGS, 7 to 11. MOTION PICTURES--I.0.0.F Par- ade, Toronto. Illustrated Songs. The best half-hour entertainment ever offered to the public in Kingston. Mothers come and bring the children; they enjoy it as much as you. Sc. Sc. B For every variety of Real Estate Bargains and Insurance, go to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND Cm --------" DAILY MEMORANDA. Qity Council, 8 p.m. Board of Trade, 8 p.m. 14th Regiment parades, City Property Wednesday. Christian Science Lecture, House, 8 p.m, 7.80 p.m. Conumittee," 4 pom. Grand Opera This day in history :--Vaccination in- troduced hy Jenner, 1796 ; Battle of Lewes, 1264 ; Fahrenheit bora, 10806, ct-- WHIG TELEPHONES, 243--DBusiness OfMce: 229---Rditorial Rooms. 2902--Jobbing Department. Rubber Stamps to Order. CHEAP DINNER SETS We have just finished stock- taking, and find we have a few set short of a small num- ber of pieces. These we will clear out at a great sacri- fice. Come and get a snap, $M, $10, $9 Sets, for $7.50, $6 and as low as $4.50. All best quality. Robertson Bros. "NEW WHEEL ?" Going to buy one this spring & Then see ours and get prices here. We can save you money. Bicycle Repairing Promptly Done. Harvey Milne, Phone, 542, 272 Bagot St. To Contractors. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to noon of MONDAY, 20th inst, for Painting and Tinsmithing for the Board of Fducation. Specifications at the Board Rooms JOHN MACDONALD, Secy.-Treas. ---------------------------------------- AFTER HOUSE-CLEANING If you have a t Fupniture Ly Stoves, a want A BPOSEe ha Wil ve you "decent for them. "PU the Leading Sorin Hand Dealer of ing- POPE AS SPONSOR. 6 At the Christening of the Infante Alfonso. 13.--King Alfonso, the opening of referred to the Madrid, his May ch at cortes, yesterday, cellent feeling between Spain England, which he said had strengthened, by his interview King Edward at Cartagena. He also Sxjrestod pleasure that the pope had nsented to stand as sponsor for Tntarits Alfonso. His majesty added that the very urgent reconstitution of Spain's naval power would be begun forthwith. in the oex- and been with A victim of paralysis for four years, George M. Percival, died ut St. Vin- cent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, on Saturday afternoon. He was a son of the late William Percival, and was f ght years of age. His wife re- sides in Australia. Deceased, who had been residing in Australia, came home two years ago in the hope that the change would be beneficial, but his re- covery was only partial. Five weeks ago he suffered another stroke. Gilbert was down at Montreal last week buying fruit. 75c. oranges, na- vels, at 50c. a dgzen; Choice oranges ad 10c,, 20c. and 25¢.. Sweet and juicy. Sweet peas and nasturtiums, mixed and separate colors, at Chown's drug store, Jenkin's for boy's § cop "Success Seeds" Oboocter: Now who ever heard of a 'varsity race being won by the crew that rowed a few strokes and then rested to see how far the strokes would carry them ? You've pretty near got to keep rowing every minute: I went into a store the other day and asked for something they ought to have. The girl said "Just out," and went right on chewing gum. She gets too much pay, but it's all such a store can afford to give. Probably you can't do it all in one year. You might as well get a little enjoy- ment out of life as you go along. The mofiby isn't all here is to it, As I was going by your front door this morning I saw Fortune knocking there. You were sleeping overtime, so she went on. When things get to com- ing your way, it's a mis- take to lean back and think it's all over but counting the money. Then's the time you've got to work the hardest. The Whig is the servant that accomplishes the most work for the smallest wage for the Kingston merchant --and it. is always ready . to serve. NI I To Repel The Fi First United Advance FOR CLOSER UNION WITH THE COLONIES, SAYS AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN. Colonies Demands For Perference Refused Almost Brutally--Con- ditions in India--Birth Rate in England and Wales Lower. London, May 14.-<In the House of Commons yesterday, on the second reading of the finance bill, Austen reform amendment. He dealt with the general question of taxation and sat- wized the attitude of the government towurds the colomial demand for a preference. The demands of the colo: nies, he thought, has been refused al- most brutally. The opposition were anxious not to repel the first united advance for --a-eloser union with the colonies, No juggling with the income tax would meet the case. Mr. Cham- berlain laid it to the charge of the British: fiscil system, that it acted as a handicap to trade and commerce, wages and employment, and suggest ed the imposition of duties on im- ported manufactured goods. Mr. Lyttleton also condemned the action of the government regarding the colonial conference, while Jesse Collins ridiculed the statement by Mr. Asquith that the question had been finally settled by the last elec tion, Messrs. McKenna and Buxton re fled on hehali of the government, the iter arguing that the financial sys- tem of Britain was now sounder than for years, If Britain adopted prefer: ence, retaliation or protection, «it would lead her inte hopeless chaos. Questions in parliament drew from Hon. John Morley, secretary for In- din, a statement that 'The disorder in India had assumed a very serious aspect, and created a feeling of un- rest both in the province of Eastern Bengal and in Caleutta. It is not de- sirable that they. (meaning the Indian rioters), should have it in their mouths to say that this house is divided." The registrar-general of vital statis- tics in England and Wales Jyporte that in 1906 the births were 934, This is at the rate of twenty-seven per thousand of the total population, the lowest hitherto accorded. It is 1.7 per thousand below the average of the preceding ten years. There were 530,- 715 deaths. The rateis 15.4 per one thousand, as compared with an aver- age of sixteen during the 'preceding ten years. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. R. 1a. Borden, leader of the federal opposition, is in Cobalt. Montreal Jlongshoremen went on strike, Monday night; 1,500 men are idle. It is expected that Premier Gouin will leave England for Canada on May 24th, The West York provincial bye elec- tion will take place on Saturday, June lst. The cost of free music in New York city during the summer months is $100,000. D. 8. Curry, city comptroller, Win- nipeg, sent in his resignation, which was ac ted at a council' meeting. » at Clinton destroyed the thresh- er works, Rattenbury's hotel and Dr. Evans' house and stables; loss $75,- 000, Ownership of the Woodbine race track is to pass to the Ontario Joe- key Club, after the first of July for £150,000. In Morocco the rebel tribes have oe cupied Marakeesh and compelled the removal of the guards protecting the Europeans. The French government refuses to officials to form unions, the General Confedera- permit state as desired by tion of Labor. Frederick Hawkins, alias Stephens, was sentenced to twenty years for housebreaking, by Magistrate Daly at Winnipeg, this morning. The village of Finch was visited by a destructive fire and two churches, the public library and several stores and dwellings were burned. While in Europe, the Hon. L. P. Bro- deur, minister of marine and fisheries for Canada, will purchase two ice breakers for the St. Lawrence, The brown tail moth, one of. the worst pests that orchardists have to meet, has made its appearance in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. Jobn Martin, special deputy collee- tor of customs, died at his home in Plattsburg, N.Y., Monday morning, of diabetes, after an illness of about three weeks. Herr Arendt, stag, suggests, a member of the reich- in Der Tag, that Alsnce-Lorraine should be made an in- dependent duchy, with Prince FEitel Fritz, a son of the kaiser, as the first grand duke, Rev. W. M. P. Richards, pastor of the First Christian church (negro) at Carlisle, Kyv., was called to hfs door Saturday night, and shot five times. Miss Duryea insists that she shot Richards because he betrayed her. Fresh flo and garden seeds at Chown 5 Chamberlain moved the official tariff |. Meantime London, His friends, King Peter, throne, with the pec jewelry estal UIT Reign of Are All New Re Mexico Cit learned tha who assiste last Guatem is designate ing gov ernment route to to Mexico w Every G tively at we and it is be fighting in in thirty Gon, Tole pleted arrar of Guatemal der before where he ha time past. be made that place | to confer w in this city, It is now head the ne tomala. It his arrival ernment, for some Gen, Toledc According table reign Guatemala. than ten 'th tin the since Fvery ves ing people, The story in the over Cabrera, twenty changed. ( as Mex far Dr. Osler Jessness of Prof. Willig being a would Boston, lost his la Sullivan a 12th, 1892, reputation," MAY YET BE KING. Karageovite, first cousin of King Pe |! ter of Servia, Conditions in Servia are in o terribly chaotic state and gs iled prince and his mother gre popular make a succ he is making TEN THOUSAND OF WEALTHY | CLASS HAVE GONE. Bt the dent Cabrera. revolution a ainst Oabr were taken, and two of the men, Ham- of hy g rig iton and MoKensie, butchers, wore ; "eoife | talent revolution against Guatemala will begin with- | t days, de leaving Meshia, Nicaragua, | on in New Orleans, business classes dent: Cabrera's Mexican ports is covered "by ing in the extreme thousand troops on the temala affair HOPE AND NUX VOMICA. Philadelphia; May best physic "therapeutical Nihilist." admit logical societies than from medicines. JAKE KILRAIN A COP. Special to Break Up Tough Boston cial polien man by Mayor Grimmons of Sommersille. is in_the Broadway field, opposite the city stables, where there are many gh at It is hat Kira night. FB pon = od = ~~ CREM OC KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESD Y, MAY 14 190%. He Works in London at TARRED HIM The indignity Pu Put On A Port Elgin Man FOR HIS CONDUCT HE WAS ORDERED TO LEAVE THE TOWN, Two Butchers at Port Elgin Were Fined a Dollar and Costs For Assault on Joseph Elymer. Kincardine, Ont., May 14:~The quict village of Port Elgin, on Fri- day, had its good name disgraced by an unprecedented affair which order- loving citizens deplore, For some weeks past there has been a growing feeling against a man nam- ed Joseph Elymer, an employee of the PRINCE KARAGBOVITO, shovel works. Elymer came here some May 14.~Prinee Borghidad | Ume ago and went to board at the { sidence of a barber named Venuer. i+ an exile in London. Puyple alter a while hepa to gp, and A the more so when nner i a Rp Xi about a-month-ago-Jeft town, leaving his wife and family. Elymer has since lived at the house, On Thursday night last"a crowd of men broke into the house in search of Elymer, but met with a stiff argu- ment by way of a club in Elymer's hands, and made a hasty retreat. De- feat only made them more anxious to deal out summary: justice. On Friday morning one of their number, a supposed find of Elymer, went down to the Venner residence and got the victim to come up town. They went to the Queen's hotel, and noon hour, a few leading spirits When Elymer emerged from the hotel, he was grabbed and rushed to the [Ft where, in a box stall, he was stripped of his clothing, and given 'a thorough coating of tar, hayieeds being afterwards sprinkled over him. In this condition he was vy, May iif has been Jet and ordered to leave the town. t Gon, Salvi E Toledo, J. lzzand, proprietor of the hotel, «dl Gon. Barri in the | on hearing what was going on, sum- alan revolution, who i as the leader of the com- the ex ple it is believed he would essful king. At present a living ina London lishment, GUATEMALA ad collected. Terror Exist§--Juntas at Work Planning a volution Agaitiat Presi- moned Chief Heney, but the band of purity had ywn. Several names "helare' a msgisirate: and fined ithin & week or ten days, 81 and costs. uatemalan revolutionary The degrading part of the affair wan junta in Central America and in the | that it took place in broad daylight, United States and Mexico is now ac- | and was witnessed by school children wrk on plans for the new and citizens, who were too timid to President Cabrera, interfere. Tho better class of citieens that the actual [deplore the circumstances, as it gives lieved he lown a notoriety that it does not Mrs. v enner was horn here, and comes of a well-to-do family. Elymer refused to leave town, and Friday evening, after cleaning himself, he appeared on the street and dared them to again molest him. Flymer has gone to Walkerton and information against soveral lo is said to have com wwemoents for the invasion a from the Honduran bor- s been stationed for some Further arvangements will and from : we will .proceed to Mexico, laid an ith the Guatemalan exiles | men. almost cortain that he will WwW movement against Gua NO SWORD FCR STOESSEL. * ulag, assorted that upon | Sword = of Honor Goes to here, the provisiona gov. which has been contemplated | Museum, ny ne, will bo organized, with] St Petarshurg, May 14.--The sword » as provisional president of honor, which was to have boon to the refugees, a veri. |Eiven Lieut. -Col. Stoessel, who com- of terror now exists in |manded the Russian forces at Port It lis stated that more | Arthur. for the purchase of which a Jarge fund was collected in France be ousand of the wealthy and have left Guatemala | fore Stoessel's fall from favor, was alleged attempts on Presi- | formally presented | yesterday to the life, i, weeks ago. | Museum of War 'Relics' by the St. 1 leaving San Jose for Petersburg Officers' Club, the flee The dedicatory inscription to Stoes- effaced from the sword is a complimentary Russian army. sel has been and in its place reference to the DROWNED HERSELF. of the atrocities practised rowded: prisons: are revolt it was Toarned, has now Mexi can border, and eleven thousand more | Had Been Reprimanded By Her on the Honduran frontier. Parents The situation in this city is u . . 3 n Sherbrooke, Que., May 13.--Because « swrards the Gyi Micialdom egutls the ys she had heen reprimanded by her pa- for some misdemeanor, Agnes i wdock, the fourteon-yenr-old daugh- ter of James Haddock, Kingsey Falls, committed suicide by drowning herself ag a closéd incident ico is concerned, in the mill pond. She wrote a letter Says His Practice Was [to her parents in which she stated So Described. that she was going to commip the and they would not again have She also told several of her friends what she intended do- ing, but all took it ds x joke and Inughed at what they called her non- deed, 14.--~"He is the ian who knows the worth- most medicine," quoted wm Osler, of Oxford Univer to chastise her, sity, towards the close of his lecture | = C to the Pathological society on Friday . ---- at Pennsylvania hospital. He added that his practice when he A BOMB EXPLOSION. was in general charge of the Johns Hopkins hospital Baltimore, had been Thought Man Had Designs in aptly described as a mixture of hope King's Life, : and nux vomica Paris, May 14.--~Rome despatches to He. resented, " however, the accus-| the Journal say that a homb ex- tion frequently made against him of | ploded, yesterday afternoon, at Pont He that there were four | en Horse Roundabout. drugs of inestimable value in the ; were wounded. A man named Antoni, practice of medicine. the supposed hearer of the bomb, was Dr. Osler said the world had more | arrésted. The royal train from Venice to hope for from the work of patho-| was due to pass Pone Lagoscuro his presence it is believed Antoni in- tended to king's life. General Botha Sails. London, May 14.--Gen, Gang. May 14.--Jake Kilrain, who st fight, that with John L. t Richburg, Mass., on July has been appointed. a spe- | sures of his life. to attend the confer "I'l Li up to my past said Kilrain. His detail | that the frienfiships he had formed might be strengthened. Tarine moth bags, all sizes, at coveries have been made at Toulouse, other towns in the south and south-west of have: a Freed the patients had eaten. ated with tale, a mineral which is Lagoscuro, near Ferrara, near Wood- Three children shortly after the explosion. From his appearance and his refusal to explain make an attempt on the Botha sail- od for South Africa Saturdny. He said it had been one of the greatest plea: ence and meet representatives of the various colonies. He expressed a wish CARGO FOR KINGSTON. The Whittaker Will Be Raised 2 Very Soon. Amherstburg, Ont., May 14.--Wreck- ing Master started work, this morning, on the steamer Nittakes, sunk here, on Sunday night, by col lision with the steamer Gault, and ex- pects to have the vessel up to-mor- row. No boats were allowed to pass], the wreck last night. The boat Pe pretty well in the centre of the chan- nel, only decks and cabins are above water. She was loaded with gy thousand bushels of corn for a Kingston fin. Neither captain has been heard from yot as to the cause of the collision. The Gault did not seem to be seriously injured, as she continued up the river and did not stop at Detroit, sn MARRIED JOY SHORT LIVED. A Bride Leaves Husband and Re- turns Home. Cleveland, Ohio, M 14.-- Taking refuge in her father's ;home after her disagreement with her husband, Bes- sie Johnson Mariana, yesterday, re- turned to this city, with Mayor Tom. L. Johnson, It was expected that she or the mayor would make a state mont in, regard to her parting from %ertrico Marinoni, to whom she was married {wo months ago, but neither did so. Mrs. Mariani denied herself to visitors. Her father, while accessible, was well-nigh mute, It was known hy many friendg that the Marianis had separated, temporarily, if not perm- anently, and that the bridegroom had stayed in New York. USED CHEMICALS MADE SERIOUSLY ILL BY POISONOUS BREAD Inhabitants of French Town Sul- fer. From Epidemic of Gastric Diseases. Paris, May 14.--Extraordinary. dis Saintes, Agen, Bordeaux and France, of the wholesale adulteration of the in- and ints, The dootors stomach sought for the' cause of this curious Jenatians Amazons, i oll the phe, and attributed it to bread. pe metudine The Bakers, by way of showing their ood faith, supplied samples of the It was found to be heavily adulter- hit Facies and of these Priced' t from 78¢. to $2.50 generally found in rough, brittle, tals, which can be sliced with a knife. Other samples contained lar, quan- | § tities of marble dust and sulphate of ryta. Inquiries at Condom and other places where the disease had appeared showed that the flour had in a great many cases come from Toulouse, where it was found that several deal- erd were able to buy what was ap- parently the finest white flour very much under the average market price, The Toulouse Jotice raided the pre- mises of a wholesale flour dealer who had failed in business, and discovered a large quantity of tale and over 6,000 letters from millers and flour denlers containing orders for tale. The dealer was only an agent for some tale works at Tarascon. In consequence of these revelations, twenty-three wholesale flour: dealers at St. Jesn d'Angely, twenty more at Saintes and many others in the towns of the south and south-west of France have been arrested. Every possible precaution was taken to prevemt it being known that tale was used, The stuff was sent in col ratively small quantities by roundabout . railway routes and never addressed direct to the purchaser, The police investigations show that' 150 toms of tale, higutions to people who cannot be traced, passed through the Saintes railway station alone y ing the last ten months. Large ntities have been shipped from Tordonux to Fugland and America without the names of the people it is consigned to being mentioned on the bills of lading. At the present time an aver of 600 tons is shipped every Tell from Bordeaux to Liver pool and New York. It would be in- teresting to know what use it is put OD. Celebrated fof their Jin ualities and w 'e have them in oT, id Creme and low prices, 50¢. o" $1. i STEACYS. rington -81% p.m-- CHRISTIAN § Scientist of Boston, Mass, Admission free, Sent Up For Trial. Windsor, Ont., May 14.--Dominio gh rs ny that PRR Os assortments ot he beautiful watt or a groan ale, Bi Black. British Panamas Tab wea! at exeaptiopal CALL AND SEE THEM. Quarterly Style Book Ready. Price, 15e. . Friends nnd respectfully invited to attend. Underiaxer 227 Princess TUESDAY, MAY 14th, All are cordially invited to the LECTURE Judge Ww &4Ewing, 6: o oS pA Poe Frege: Church of arch of Oheists No collection Provenzano, the Italian, who stabbed and shot Antoni Gariti, also an Itali- an, two weeks, ago, has bef com- mitted for trial on a charge of shoot- "ing with intent to kill. The two men had been friendly and had had no Jroubls of any kind, but on the night in question Provenzano, in a secluded spot on the road, attacked Gariti with a knife and pistol The police think Gariti was "Black Hand" victim, and that Pre cenze wi was acting for some one else than himself. Sixth Annual Tour of L. E. Musical © Si two Ie a ---- Civil Service Association. Ottawa, May 14.--The civil ser vants of Ottawa, at Ly meeting, last night, of which Dr. W. F. King: was chairman, and J. L. rh secretary. decided to form a\eivil service "| Pitkin Gross Kemp, cigar ation. Rules and convention will he | or, Toronto, formerly of drafted. The object) is put thus: "Toland county, di promote. the comm interest of civil | dlared at $11 Left Over $11,000. servants employed /by the government | who will ) of Canada." father's business, daughters, Mr Jacob's Trish biscuits just avrived at | hou x Gilbert's stores. : Gas stoves. See our display. mon 8 So I n's | THURSDAY, MAY 1 Cobourg, Ont, May 14 ~The