'have | nally admitted were correct. whith ern Canadian mills. teamsters, employed by the Do- BRITISH The from Oswego, who visited recently, will be here inspect ' Thos, Quinlan Healer. Ticket Was Purchased By His Rates--C. F. Sige, Also natural osteopath, noted for Father, and Entailed An | Giving Evidence-- his phenomenal ing of deformities, Annual Subscription to Keep Likely to Strike. will be at the Windsor hotel until it Good. 14.--One of the rea- | ext week, to treat all sorts of ail- Ottawa, May 14.--W. H. s, in ous given by bears, in Wall street, | ments, terpreter of the immigration depart Pacific stock ment, was given a glad s se, this down from 174§, yesterday, to 169§, Leaves Wonderland. . | morning, wi a Wad a letter loday, (owiide of bearish crop news,| George Hammond has resigned his from Germany informing him that he was & anew stock issue was to be | position as soloist at Wonderland, 10 | was. the. Hel holder of ticket - No. made by the company. A high offi- take charge of the bathing house and | 16.001, which Fad drawn a prize of cial of the company on being asked [Pavilion at Lake Ontario Park, for $4,050 at the annual drawing of the about the stock stated that | the summer, Leiprig lottery, on May Tot, Mr. Rog- there was no truth in it. ------------ ers has held the same number for the C, F. Sise, president of the Bell] To Unveil The Monument. lottery every year for twenty-three Telephone » Was on the wit-| Archbishop Gauthier will unveil the | years, having got the ticket frome his the | MS stand, all morning, undergoing | monument be erected beside the | father. In the Leipzig lottery there the | examination, by Mr. Shepley, in con- of Rev. Father O'Gorman, on | are 25,000 tickets, which are subserib- nection with the government's fnvestj- below the 8] then went of years and gave stances of the kind which Mr. Site said he was not aware of it. Mr. hepley back for a number a number of in Sise a Rew Tor | grave Island. The completed in' August, structure will be into the telephone rates ques- . Pursuing the Tine of eno: with which the investigation opened, The Funeral To-Day. here, Josterday, Mr, Shep! took up| The funeral of Waldie and bia Vie matter of the itali- | tims occurred at Gangnoque this af- sation an he fame oF new souk J | tarmoon, The children vor named EI ise was a if he was aware that | sie, aged and Marguerite, two the company had made issue o new | Past. aldie only took possession of tock at par when market price} the Parmenter farm on April Ist. was above that level, or whether the -- Overflowing Again. Two carloads of bananas this week, one lot from Jamaica, the other from Costa Rica. On Wednesday until noon, only, we will sell perfectly sound bananas for l0c. per dozen, at Carnovsky's. CC -- minion Transportation and Shedden The Elks' Club. STANDARD STOCK EXCHANGE, a 's flere for the GTR. ve-{ The Elks are debating as to the -------- spectively, have practically determined { name their club shall 'be called. Reported From 18 Market Street, [to go on strike for an increase of | "Frontenac," "Canada," and "King- i pay but it has pot been definitely de- | ston Elks," are proposed. The ques- tm cided yet Whether this afternoon or to- | tion is also unsettled as to whether . hir . morrow, "Y go out it is claimed | the club will be a purely Elks organi- snd Forks, from in... rs that it will not he a direct strike | zation or a civilians' club. 1.95 jin sympathy with the longshoremen 1744 but it will, doubtless, do a good deal Horse Ran Away. After Midnight. New York, May avoid being married oy, ident of the Si suite at the Hotel The ceremony was lyn. A Fifteen-Year-Old Murderer, resentment over a vish quarrel, | kitchen, but still the rice swelled. In which took place two weeks , Syd- | the 'end Miss Cromwell and her chum - Freble, fifteen years old, shot and | had to throw most of the cereal out- Killed W. Heath, aged eigh- | doors to keep it from boiling over. Razor | {oan years, in Bowdoinham, Saturday | T¢ is said the society girl, since then night. has taken great interest in cooking ie murdered boy buried at the edge Death Of Gen. Wilcox. Cobourg, Ont., upon this peculiarly favor: officer, here. He had been poor health Grand Trunk ton, by the officers of the local corps, - Kicked In The Face. Comber, Ont., May 14.--While driv- to this village, Richurd Parish, in the Strangefield district, met automobile; ~ Fearing trouble he his team and was making for * heads, when one, a colt, kicked him in the face, inflicting ugly 'and perhaps injuries, Fairly Satisfactory. issued a report, by Dr. Haanel, on ) periments on : satisfactory, Jenkins for boy's Black Cat stock- Sow Peerless lawn grass scod and make gure of having a beautiful lawn, 20c. per lh, at Chown's drug store. . The stay of Earl Grey in England at Wade's drug store, from Belleville for Lemmon & Sops: id to Japan. Jenkin's for boy's wash suits. BAKING (AL his are the most appetizing, health- ful and nutritious of foods Much depends upon the Baking Powder gu | Mabelle Gilman Not Married Until {of 14.--In order to on the unlucky 13th of the month, William Ellis Cor- United States Dorporation, and Mabelle Gil- man. the former actress, were not wed- ded until after idnight this oi, ceremony tool ace in the roy: The 4 Gotham Fifth av- enue and 86th street, in the presence of a small party of ffiends of the cou- pie performed by . J.'L. Clark, pastor of the Bush- wick Avenue Congregational church, of Brook], Brunswick, Me., May 14.--Cherishing crime was not discovered until day when M. S. Heath, father of found the body of a swamp. Pre- ble was arrested and immediately con- May 14.--Gen. Wil- cox, a member of a prominent Ameri- can family and a United States army died in | cighty-two years ago. for some years. Yester- fh day the remains were escorted to the on their way to the Zr- lington Heights cemetery, at Washing- different. Ottawa, May 14.--The mines branch of the department of the interior has [experiments made at Sault Ste. Marie on the smelting of Canndian iron ores by the electro-thormic process. Thess the whole have been Wade's Tooth Paste, in tubes, 150. A boatload of eement arrived today The minister of education is consid- ering the adoption of legislation to ilk bo very brief. He will return to 1 da on the same Steamer which | prevent the spread of tuberculosis in will Prince Fushimi on his way | the schools, to help the dock workers. ee ---- SOCIETY GIRL BOILS RICE. Tries Pounds in Pot. prominent short time ago well, ft young matron on Long Island, and, in the course of her stay, both the maids took French leave, Miss Cromwell new maids, ordered by telephone. She found two pounds of rice, and, While her married friend was kneading dough for biscuits, the Society girl undertook to make n pudding. Pouring the entire two pounds of rice into a pot; she set it to boil, and she was astonished 'to sce the vhwt bulk the derenl attained. As the boil- ing ocontimied the rice swelled and swelled until soon Miss Cromwell was ladling it out with both hands. That 8 10 say, she had a ladle in each hand, and bath were kept busy, She filled all the other vessels in the from Manhattan schools: ---- a. GREAT TERRORIST PLOT. Eighty Men Plan Attack on Em- peror Nicholas. London, May 14.--The Daily Tele- graph's St. Petersburg correspondent reports the accidental discovery and foiling of the greatest terrorist plot since the great Decembrist conspiracy 'he correspondent says that accor- ding to reliable versions no fewer them eighty conspirators resolved a couple months to assassinate Pmperor Nicholas and plans were finally fixed for carrying out the deed during Kas- ter. The plotters included reserve of ficers and other officials and civilians. The plan, the correspondent says, was to approach Tsarskoe-Selo in dis. Unet groups and then execute a sud- den and daring attack on the Palace. The first group, consisting of "thirty- four men, arrived on the Russian Good Friday, but from some means unknown suspicions against them were aroused and the whole of them were at Tsarskoe-Selo. Te aed Documénts found in their Possession led to the apprehension of th th members of the band in St. Petere burg. ---- BEAUTIFUL AT 50. Hasn't Washed Her Fifteen Years. City, Ia. May 14. Mies Amanda Johnson, of this city, one of the most beautiful women in North- west Towa, has not washed her face for fifteen years. Though she is fifty years of age and still unwed, she ig far from being an old maid. She is bright and _oheerful and fun loving. Her face is as free fromgwrinkles and her 'complexion as faultless ns the shin of a baby. fifteen years 'ago: her co plexion was far from beantiful. She ps to the conclusion that soap and water were not good for her face, and im- mediately set about to find some method whereby she might keep a clean countenance and yet a pretty one. | Miss Johneon does not intend to wash her face again for fifteen vears, according to her own declaration. -- ; Face For Webster I Comes Into Its Legacy. New York, May 14.--Amherst Col- lege is to benefit by the will of the late Edward W. Currier to the amount of about $500,000. Mr. Currier was a member of the "class of '65 and died twelve months ago. He left $500,000 to his alma mater, subject to the life interests of a relative, She died re- cently, and the college comes into its legacy. y -- See our stepdadders, "whitewash brushes and paint brushes. Big selee- tion to choose from. Sons, King street. Price's chocolates aré made fresh ev- Housekeeping--Puts Two New York, May 14.--Dorothy Crom- in social circles, 5 visited the bungalow > valiantly essayed to | an aid her chum, pending arrival of the Lemmon &{S : A horse attached to Crumley's de- ivery rig tool ight at some flying paper while prolie in front of the store, this morning, and dashed into the lane at a rapid gait, causing much excitement. The animal was captured before doing any damage. Came In Automobile. Biward Francisco and John Mad- den, of Napanee, wero visitors in the city, to-day, having made the trip in automobile. Sr. Francisco is a former Kingstonian, and is well known here. He is at present the bartender at the Royal hotel, in Napanee. The visitors report a pleasant trip, and state that the roads are in good con- dition. They enjoyed a spin around the city, : Was A Small Blaze. The fire brigade answered a call, sent in about half-pust ten o'clock, this morning, from box 32, corner of Colborne and Barrie streets. The men made quick time, and on arrivi at the scene discovered the cause the cured by Mes. Landeryou: The shim. cu re. Fou. e chim- ney had become ignited, but very lit- tle difficulty was experienced in put- ting out the blaze. Position Of Pedagogy Dean. It is said that Queen's University authorities have offered the position of dean of the pedagogy faculty to an outside man, whose name is with- held. The university will have to draw upon its own funds to meet the expense of the new faculty as the 85,- 000 contributed by the Ontario gov- ernment will not nearly cover the cost. The dean's salary alone would have to be $2500, if an outsider is secured. -------- Must Relinquish Work. Captain Thomas Donnelly has been suffering from the first of the year with an attack of grippe and stom- ach trouble, brought on by exposure on a trip to Lake Superior in ' the Golspie investigation. For eome time Past he has heen under special treat- ment and, after examination by Dr. W. P. Caven, Toronto, he has been Promounced in a serious condition, and has been ordered to relinquish all work for a time. : Royal Humane Medal. The bravery of the lad, Gallagher, who jumped into the icy water of the Rideau, 'a week or so ago, and rescued the lttle son of M. Gourdier, from drowning, may receive recognition due. Lieut.-Col. McGill interested him- self in the case and had a -talk with, | the mayor regarding it, with the re- sult that the latter has written the Royal Humane Society officers asking that that society bestow its medal upon the lad. It was an act of eon- spicuous courage,' and no doubt will receive some recognition. Highway Commissioner Here. I This afternoon, A. W. Campbell, commissioner of highways for Ontario arrived from Toronto, and was met at the G.T.R. station by Alderman Gaskin, chairman of the board of works, and City Engincer Beckwith. These three, in company with Mayor Mowat and Aldermen Graham, McCann and Hanley, drove about the city to view the condition of the roads. This evening, Mr. Campbell will address the city council on road construction and |, give information wanted in regard to rebuilding the local roads. "Great Colored Show." "The Hottest Coon in Dixie," a col- ored organisation of players, forms the best troupe of singers and dancers h iy bride on their that has played through ®anada in a oaadn, a Sere 3 railway long time. It has some very pretty |, solos, duets, trios and 'choruses. An. drew Copeland, the well-known come dian, in the title role, sings several songs, assisted by Wylie, Evans and Reid, who do a clever specialty act. It carries a magnuficently uniformed band, and will give two apon-air con- certs, one at noon and one at seven o'clock, in front of the Grand Opera | House,on Thursday, May 16th. Gas stoves and gas ranges. The WHIG, TUESDAY. MAY 14 the steamers day, and it is not necessary that | whatever is purchased be eaten on the premises. John Devins, restaurant keeper, at Sunnyside, was recently convicted under the new Lord's day act, for selling candies on Sunday, Royal Military college are being held at the armouries to-day. Lieut.-Col. D, Kingston boy among the candidates is Wiliam Mackie, son of the Rev. Mackie, of St. Andrew's church. bearing shiners arrived The most pathetic death of a bride and groom at gl- most the same instant, that the other still lived. members of 'the excursion party were thrown from the coach on > over on the ground. tally ness and exhibited remarkable bravery. The wife's first thought was husband and the husband's thought was for his wife, murmured Ellenbogen to the physician, "Give her my love how she is." Message of love to her husband with Before the phywiciang could carry an- other message Tit-Bits, -- ---- WON A $4.000 PRIZE MR. ROGERS, OTTAWA, HOLDS A LUCKY TICKET ed for by individuals, the cost being about $6 per year. The same ticket is held year after year. On the day of the drawing there are two wheels with corresponding numbers. While the wheels are moving two lads draw out certain numbers. Seventy-five people may win ' prizes varying from 100,000 marks to 500, Mr. Rogers' father was a British consul in Austria, and he purchased ticket No. 16,001. At his death the pasteboard passed to his son, who for twenty-three yeaps paid his $6 fee ac holder. The cléir profit on his prize when his fees to conduct the lottery are deducted amounts to $4,050. SOLD AT RESTAURANT. Candies, Ice Cream and Fruits Under License. Toronto, May 14.--By a decision, given by Judge Morson, to-day, it is legal for any one holding a restau- rant license in this province to sell candy, ice cream or fruits, on Sun and fined $20 and costs by Magistrate Kingsford. He appealed before Judge Morson, who gave judgment to-day. In Guashing the conviction the judge held that the kind of food a person wanted depended upon the per- son's taste or the length of his purse A man could choose what he wished to eat, whether it was candy or ice cream or ham and eggs. He should be allowed 'to purchase light food - and take it away if he so desired. The judge could see no distinction be tween the various kinds of foods, and there was, no doubt, that candies, or- anges and ice-cream were foods. Un- der the old or the new Lord's day act these may be sold by a restaurant on Sunday. It is understood there is no appeal from this decision. SENIOR BASEBALL SCHEDULE. Representatives Met at Y.M.C.A. lace insertion, finished with ; Bertha trimmed to match skirt--tucks, lace, full sleeves with deep c CHILDREN'S Dresses We have now ready a most attractive range of Girls' Fine White Dresses. White Lawn Dresses All sizes, from 2 plain untrimmed dress trimmed gown at 6.00. is sold. lace to match. Waist made full front, 10. 12. 14, 16 years. Price Only 4.50. Girls' White Underskirts To match dresses, 2 rows insertion and lace to match, sizes from 2 years right up to 16 years, 95€, 99¢, 1.20, according to size. irst Communion years up to 16 years, from the at 45¢. up to the dainty lace JUST A WORD about one style that is very at. tractive and we cannot get again when present stock GIRLS' WHITE SWISS ORGANDIE DRESSES SKIRT made with deep flounce of tuckings and deep hem and edged with buttoned back, with deep insertion and uffs of lace insertion, sizes | Monday Night. At a mecting of the representatives of the senior baseball series in the City League, held, last night, at the Y.M.CA., the following schedule was drawn up May 18th, Royals vs. Pmeralds: May 25th, Victorias vs. Emeralds, Young Irishmen vs, wyals; June 1st, Vie- torias vs. Young Irishmen; June Sth. "meralds vs. Young Irishmen, Royals Girls' White Drawers All sizes, lace or embroidered trimmed. Girls' Corset Covers 25¢c, lacetrim m vs. Victorias; June 15th, Emeralds vs. Royals; June 22nd, Young Irishmen vs. Royals, Emeralds vs. Victorias: June 29th, Victorjas vs. Young Irish- men; July 6th, vals vs. Victorias, Emeralds vs. Young Irishmen; July 13th, Royals vs. Emeralds; July 20th, Victorias vs. Emeralds; July 27th. Young Irishmen vs. Royals; August drd, Victorias vs. Young Irishmen: Auoust 10th, Young Irishmen vs. Em- eralds;-- August 17th, Royals vs. Vie torias, In doubleheaders, teams first on schedule, play first game at 2 p.m.; econd game, 4 pm. When only one game is played, game will be called at 2 pm. One Kingstonian Writing. The entrance examinations for the D. Young, presiding. The only Dr. Girls' White Stockings A complete stock now ready, white or lace effect, Girls' White Gloves In Lisle thread or silk. White Ribbons All needed widths, at prices much below regular. Kindly compare. White Veils Very pretty effects at moderate cost. both in plain White Brussels Netts to make up veils, all widths Shriners Tell Their Story. San Francisco, May 14.--Three trains yesterday rom the scenes of Saturday's wreck incident was the each believing ---- a -- L. N. Ellenbogen and his bride were if and g thr of 1osite sides of the track as it reeled n Both were mor- injured but retained conscious hér first for Tell my wife that I am all right," and fet me know Mrs. Ellenbogen, in return, sent assurgnee that she was all right, both had passed away. -------- Saved Himself By Answer, Starting 'with his foofenfonfentonfonton tortor to fontontortntontuntontoct. so Last, best display in the city. Lemmon & ons, Two quart fountain inges, 50c., at Wade's drue ¢ ny : ery dav. Jeukin's for Kentucky Jean pants, "and tore. pants, double seats | ANY PERSON REQUIRING SOFT have same bought only one ticket. 3 The bride noticed the oversight at . once, E "Why, you bought only i 9 dear," 'she said. y ly ne ishat, 3 "That's so, dear," he answered. "I . forgot all about myself." : % If the moon should be gifted with | J he power of speech there would he n | ot of reputations ruined. . 1 Only all-cream ice cream j the city x at Prices, in the sity, x oo NOTICE La wr. . WORKING BOOTS FOR UNION MEN That are Union Made. We always try and sell the best Shoes to working men. They need the best value for the money. We Have Boots from $1.25 up to $4.00. That are suitable to work in Good Solid Boots, Boots that will stand the wear. The Lockett Shoe Stor. al cinders can carting Jenkin's boy's away from the Kingston King streat, Hosiery Co, 8 P.S.~Good Trupks from $2 up. - + 1.8 Eirini Sead ing ert odor bon Bos Tuan on teoTeetuetoutonttobin uo Titel Tete to ttt Eile Tonteatento tot 2 2 + etd AEE ST---- YEAR. 74. NO I ---------------- ------ BOPOIPPPPDDOODIO $ Our Sealskins are the ® procurable, being the ® ine F ALASK And in richness of | » and durability, - they , superior to any other g JOHN McKA 149-155 Brock St Kingston. ES Canned Fru We have a full stock Canned Fruits, in glass a Peaches Pears Plums Apricots Green Gages Red Cherries White Cherries Raspberries Strawberries Gooseberries Blueberries JAS. REDDEN & wl Good Investment A Practienl Business Training is the Master Key to Success. Frontena Business College FINGSTON ONTARI Superior Courses --AT-- Moderate Rates. MOCK 1 . N. STOCEDALE, T Principal. Phone, 680. MONUMERNTA PE LIAE For every variety of Real Bargains and Insurance, SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE INSURANCE AGENCY. AE "To Contractor TENDERS WILL BE RECE the undersigned up to noon of 20th iunst., for Painting and 7T for the Board of Education. Specifications at the Board } JOHN MACDONALD, Sec AFTER HOUSE-CLEA If you have decent Furniture you want to dispose of, 1 Wi a decent price for them. I Leading Second Hand Dealer SR When yod add FLOU your list of grocery + be sure and designate right brand. PATENT HUNGAR For Bread! WHITE ROSE For cakes, biscuits,