DREN'S mmunion sses a most attractive range Dresses. vn Dresses s up to 16 years, from the 45¢. up to the dainty lace Jt one style that is very at- again when present stock 5S ORGANDIE DRESSES ep flounce of tuckings and 1 deep hem and edged with , buttoned back, with deep skirt--tucks, insertion and cuffs of lace insertion, sizes aly 4.50. Underskirts NS insertion and lace to rs right up to 16 years, ' to size. e Drawers idered trimmed. | set Covers 2 Stockings ready, both in plain te Gloves ibbons prices much below gS Veils derate cost. = make up veils, all widths --------, Ar solic EE ---- Teutetonl. Tt FOR UNION MEX That are Union Made. We always try and sell the best Shoes to working men. Tt ST They need the best value for the money. We Have Boots from $1.25 up to $4.00. That are suitable to work in Good Solid Boots, Boots that will stand the wear. Tote Toe TontontenTeatortun tute tnt tt. TI i ih Shoe Store 2 up. » » » o E » » . YEAR 74. NO. 115, ey Sn po Sterling | dlver | FOR THE BRIDE. | The selection of a pleasin, rif for the June bride r is po Si matter with our large stock. to chdose from. An article small or large is always appreciated, and sterling yuality assures everlast- ing wear, and suitably marked it stands always as a souvenir of the wedding days Ladles, Spoons and Forks, from $1.25 to $6. Salad Server: from $10 to $1 Bon-bon Dishes, Almond Dishes, from $2 to $15. s, Fish Servers, 5. Spangenberg JEWELER, { KING STREET Many. people would like a Safety Razor pther than the Hoe kind. Here is some- thing that should meet with every gentle man's approval, with Seven Blades, for Ww. A. Mitchell's Hardware Canned Fruits We. have a full stock of best Canned Fruits, in glass and tins. Peaches Pears Plums Apricots Green Gages Red Cherries White Cherries Raspberries Strawberries Gooseberries Blueberries JAS. REDDEN & CO. Carpets Cleaned and Laid * By men who know how. Prices Reasonable. -- Harvey Milne, Phone, 542. 272 Bagot St. lh Good Investment A Practical Business Training is the Master 'Key to Success. Frontenac Business College FINGSTON ONTARIO Superiot Courses -- AT Moderate Rates. r. N. STOUKDALI, Prinoipal. *Phone, 680. IAT WHT ALU TLL LHS PP 1:18 Joh dl fe 2 N PRY M To Contractors. i AMONRDAY: A ¥ ed ary Bui ladi Big run On Campbell Bros', Friday. Annual Meeting W. A, at Y. M. C. A., DAILY MEMORANDA. Stylish Hats. ire and Light Committee, 4 p.m. y, at 3.30 pm, The Hottest Uoon Tn Dixie)? Opera House, 8.15 p.n This day in history Mahon, near Mafeking, 1900. Annual Meeting of the Woman's AUXili- } Association pan, All of the Y.M.C.A. ding, Friday, at es' welcome. at the 3.30 WHIG TELEPHONES, 243--Business OfMce; 229---Fditorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Rubber Stamps to Order. at CHEAP DINNER taking, and find we few set short of a small num- ber of pieces. clear out at a great sacri- fice. $10, $9 Sets, for and as low . as best quality. C. WONDERLAND 5c. AFTER HOUSE-CLEANING If you have decent Furniture or Stoves, SETS We have just finished stock- have a These we will Come and get a snap, $12, $7.50, $6 $4.50. All Robertson Bros. > @ @ > ® ® 3 2 6 A 149-155 Brock St., Kingston. Telephone 489 POVOPOGG KINGSTON'S AMUSEMENT HALL OPEN--A EVE RNOON, 2 to 6. NINGS, 7 to 11. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Every Monduy, Wednesday and Friday, MOTION PICTURES. To-Day ard To-morrow--Jlapanese Varie- |'1906, Dominion Veterinary Inspector ties, Puls W. W. Stork, Prampton, improperly New Illustrated Songs. quarantined and had slaughtered 170 Come Mo#hers and bring 'the Children; lambs belonging to Lloyd, in York they enjoy it as much as you. _™ R K county. The animals were said ta be you want to dispose of, 1 will give you : i - a decent price for them. TURK, the | sage, received at the Catania observ Leading Second Hand Dealer of Xing- | atory, from Mount Stromboli, yester- day, stated the violence of the erup- . i i i ince T - Private Sale Hon hud heen Snag since Tues A LARGE GEIBNTAL Huw, 'AvLso| J: and that the voleano Was ex: some fine OM Blue Plates. Can be seen | traordinarily active, The subsequent ut 1483 King street. While shoeing a horse in his shop Frankville, Wednesday morning, W. Gram --Canadians join- Ce. | off the ear, which quickly s Sc. Made A Confession Of His Crimes. AT SAN FRANCISCO WILL HELP TO PROSECUTE OTHER BOODLERS. The Gay, Debonair Political Leader Broke Down and Wept --Will Live Down His Old Offences--He Will Likely Only Implicate Mayor Schmidtz. San Francisco, Cal., May 16.--The greatest sensation in the graft cases, since the wholesale conféssion of the boodling supervisors, came, yesterday, when Abe Ruef, the indicted boss, made a confession of his guilt of ex- tortion in court, and agreed to aid the prosecution of the boodlers who have brought shame upon the city. It was a complete surprise to Ruef's counsel, as well as to the pro- secution, and the scene in court was pitiable when the once gay, debonair supremely confident spolitical leader broke down, wept and nearly. collgps- ed while acknowledging his shame and hig purpose to live down his old of- fences. Ruef's action has caused consterna- AHSASIISISIISISICIICIISIISIININK A CHRISTENING GIFT. * * # ------ * # London, May 16.--Prince ¥ ¥ Arthur, of Connaught, ¥ A ¥ * 3 * BW * River terminal, Kresnie declared the conductor in uniform entered the car, turned out the lights, and then . at- tacked him with a blackjack. While he was dazed by the blows, Kresnio said the conductor robbed him of his gold watch, diamond ring, aml his money. While he was only half con- scious, Kresnic said, he was thrown arted on are in- its return trip. The police vestigatiag the case. Slaughtered His Sheep. Ottawa, May 16.--The deputy minis ter of agriculture, F. G. O'Halloran, has been commissioned by the ernment to enquire into the complaint of Edwin A, Lloyd, that in March, gov affected with sheep scab. Volcano Very Active. Rome, May 16.--A semaphore mes- cessation of signals creates fear that R. Sherman, blacksmith, was attack- ed with heart disease, expiring almost instantly. Mr. Sherman was a man of fifty-five years and previously had en- joyed the best of health. ---------------------------------------- « The returns on advertis- ing grind out slow--but ex- ceedingly fine. Results are as inevitable for the judic- ious advertiser as the night that follows day. The assertion is based on oy talk with him. Let ¥ him tell you about The : and ts Samuel Cook, hisswife, and three chil- sticks of dynamite, placed house and exploded. The house was demolished and nearby buildings shaken." No motive for the crime is Like the Mills known. Cook was a one-armed man, of and his record was good. . Justice sey City, 5. burg. 1. Just ask the dispenser where yoy history. Our advertising drink soda water if he dispenses his man is always glad to sfrups from La ;Soutainers. i he perie: does, don't drink it. ruit acids act pilot the. fhex enced on tin and often cause poisoning. The along safe and judicious fruit gyrups never touch tin at Gib- "Phone him now-- son's Red Cross drug store | varnishes, ete. Great varioties prices, at Lemmon & Sons. the eruption. has become seriously worse. Diabolical Crime. Ruston. La., May 16.--~While asleep, lren were blown to picees by several under the : Baseball Record. Eastern league--At- Montreal, 3; Jer American leagne--At Sty Louis, 5; Philadelphia, 8. National league--At : Cincinnati, 3 At Boston, Pitts At Philadelphia, 2: Chicago, 4. At Brooklyn, 3; St. Louis, 4. New Y rk, 4; House-cleaning supplies -- Brooms, brushes, pails, alabastine, jell stones, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSD |RUEFTELLS ALL ative J is a oa in his highest John C Three London during the Int The Ha pointed vitatior thi EEF FF LEER REFEREE EEE EEX Cat Selk a far jail © father render OCCure mixed on the as 80« ben Swee mixed In Senatorial Fight in Washington, May 16.--An interesting feature of next convention union national Chicago in 1880, who for German U. S. Grant for the presidential nomination for a third term. the reunion has been issued AY, MAY IS A CANDIDATE His . State. Js J. Milwankee, Wis, ESCH. May 15.--Represent- ohn J. Esch, of Wisconsin, re- membered for the part he plaxed in starting the beef trust investigation, is a foe to corporate malpractice. He ndidate in the senatorial fight state and * holds the second number of votes to succeed . Spooner. : PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. cents a mile for passengers on railways in Ontario and Quebec went into effect on Wednesday. The government has decided to pro- KX started ob Madrid last secute a number of firms found sell- b enmgiaking with, him mg oleomargarine as butter, h it g il il g Premiers Laurier, Ward and Bond re t, a silver gilt cup of were presented with the freedom of tha # artistic design. city of Bristcl. They afterwards visit- 4 * ® | ed the docks at Avonmouth, 4 ® ASHHHASAISIIIIAIIANNANAOR Right Hon. Henry Chaplin, Union- X Eh aE TTT = ist, was alected for Wimbledoh, Eng., ® y| tion in political circles for if he over Bertrand Russell, the sulfragist 4 ora e @ | makes a clean breast of all his deal- candidate, hy almost 7,000 majority. 9 ® | ings, as promised, a score of men who The Hiberntan societies of West Aus. 4 4 have stood high in the community, | ¢p,lin expressed confidence that the > | will be dragged down and punished, | j ish party under John Redmond, will ® au S & | but those who know Ruef well are adopt the eprrect attitude towards '@ | fearful that, when his present spasm | Mr. Birrell's Irish hill. 4 f ® | of weakness and remorse has passed, | A slice oF the huge fortune of John or » he will fail to make good with any |. Rockefeller, amounting to $60,000, valuable revelations, except in regard | will probably be handed over to Me- V 1 bl to Mayor Schmidt, whom he hates. | Master University, Toronto, after > a ua ec _ Robbed Him On Car. No Ck ot hie your. on the 4 ® New York, May 16.--That a condue- | Canada Atlantic | railway, has been R tor of the Grand street car line turn- | appointed inspector of accidents un ®. urs ed out the lights of the vehicle, knock- | der the railway commission, with 2 ed him down and robbed him of $250 | headquarters at Winnipeg. ' while he was a passenger on the car, The Ontario government appointed ; A was -the complaint made to the po- | M. B. Holmes, Athens, 1. G. Sib%ald, @® | lice, yesterday, by Antonio Kresmic, a | Claude; J. Alpaugh, Dobbington, and S JOHN M KAY @ | hospital nurse. Kresmic said he board | James Armstrong, Cheapside, inspee ¥ C ' ed the car late last night, be tors of apiaries for this season. bd it would wry him toward Jersey Lord Wegrdale Cremer, M.P., repre- 3 Fur House, City. I, the car wns going | senting the British group, has receiv- q enst. stopped at the East | ed from the Canadian speaker an in- vitation to hold the next inter-parlig- mentary f The special cable despatch from the conference at Ottawa, Muil, that Sir Robert Bomd had charged the colonial office with inflictitig gross humiliation on New foundland, is characteriza by Win- ston Churchill as a base and impu- dent lie. The dairy commissioner will visit the produce centres in Great Britain the coming summer and attend ernational Dairy Congress at ', to which he has been ap- Canadian delegate, on the in 1 of the government of the L Netherlands. HAHA HAVE REUNION. the republican national will be a re- of delegates to the convention in rty-six ballots supported The .call for EESFFEFEFEF EAR EF FEE * MILK WAS POISONED. and With Murder. irk, Man., May 16.--MacGuskia ner from Popular Park, is ir harged with murder. He is ac cused of poisoning the family of his fh-law for the purpose of ob taining their property. One child died Pin great agony and nine others were The alleged crime Strychnine od very ill. ed Sunday. with the sugar table m as a part of the food eaten, and the. poisoned condi- tion of the milk was then revealed. A small portion was given to a cat, and the animal died in a few minutes. t peas and naabréiums seeds, i sud separate colors at Chown's Child Dead--Charged was and milk used One child began to cry had 16, 1907. T00K_ NONE AT TSARSKOE-SELO oF THE DISCOVERY PLOT WAS MADE, HOW The Soldier Had Much Money--- He Was Shadowed--Then He Became Panic-Stricken' and Confessed--The Details Are Not Worked Out. St. Petersburg, May 10---A terrorist conspiracy directed against the life of Emperor Nicholas, the existence of which has been suspected for some time past, has been revealed by the arrest, at Tsarskoe-sdo, of a soldier of the Guard Regiment, who confessed to the acceptance of a large money bribe to assist in the murder of his ma- jesty. Suspicion was directed to the soldier, it appears, by the fact that he was seen to have in his possession considerable sums of money. The man was at once placed under observation. When he noticed that he was being shadowed he becamé panic-stricken and AAAI III & THE BILL DEFEATED, x #: St. Petersburg, May 16.-- # Yesterday the council of ¥ # the empire, rejected the ¥ douma's bill abolishing 33 # field courts-martial. Ten 3} 4: members, who sympathize BN with the constitutional x democrats left the hall be- #4 fore the vote was taken, ¥ # # | He then broke sought the authorities, e down and voluntarily made his tection. . All the threads of this conspiracy, which radically differ from former at- tempts of this nature, is not yet in the hands of the sceret service men. A few underlings have been apprehended, but the real instigators of the crime, and the men who furnished the blood money, have not yet been identified. Princess Made Grand Duchess. St. Petersburg, May 16.--Aw imperigh order creates the Princess Anastasia, of Montenegro, who was married, May 12th, at Yalta, to the Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholaievitch, a grand duch- ess and announces the emperor's sane- tion of their union. This was the first official reference t, the marriage, of which no formal cog- nizance hitherto has heen taken on account of the attitudé-of the Ortho- dox church towards the re-marriage of divorced persons, the grand duchess having been divorced from her first husband, Prince George Romanowski, Duke of Leuchtenberg. The newly married couple are still at Yalta. Yesterday they revived a deputation of Mohammedan. villagers who presented them with the tradition al bread and salt and assured the grand duke that in future as in the past they always would be true to the emperor and his family, To Sell American Goods Here. New York, May 16.--The China buy- er of cotton goods has completely turned the tables on the American seller, and is offering to sell in this market American sheetings which are now offered in China for Jess money than present open market quotations here. This is the firet time in the his. tory of the trade that goods shifped to Chinn 'have been actually offered for resale and reshipment to this mar ket, and at less than the goods are now selling here. The nedirest approach to this condition of affairs was seen during the Sully boom, when China buyers" who had purchased cotton goods a- long time ahead sold their by Col. A. M. Hughes of contracts for delivery at a handsome Columbia, Tenn., the only profit in this market. surviving member of the a OE Tennessee - delegation to ¥ Dr. Kellock Modérator. that Convention. Col. ¥| Brockville, May 15.--The Preshyteri- Hughes estimates that 3% |an synod of Ottawa and Montreal op- there are between sixty and 3 | ened last evening with a large attend: eighty of the immortal 306 ¥ | ance. Rev. R. Gamble, of the Ottawa Grant delegates living. # | presbytery, preached his sermon as : ¥ | retiring moderator. The discourse was He is one of ths oldest ministers of the synod and a graduate of Queen's, , 1 Kingstan. 1 - Mail Carrier's Death. London, Ont., May 16.---Miss Mabel Charles, mail-carrier London ahd Byron, dil very un- expectedly at an early hour Tuesday, s| at Byron. She had carried the mail ftom Byron - to" London for twenty years. % Miss Charles was in the city vester- doy and when she returned home she was taken ill with pneumonia. r Campbell Bros'. Stylish derbies, with cushion sweat bands, fit all heads. d -|1 Nora The Gas stoves ' and gas in the ci ranges. Ys. Lew con- | pineau, a young Cornwall Island fession, after which he begged for pro- started an appeal for greater activity and a development of the latent power in the church. The election of Mr. Gamble's successor restilted in the honor going to the veteran Dr. Kellock of Leeds. between A TEXAS FAMILY'S RECORD. Thirteen Children in Only Eleven Years. Jacksonville, Texas, May 16.~The most remarkable woman in the world from a medical and sociolc 1 stand- point il Mrs. W. G. Jowell, of Jaock- sonville, Texas. Mrs. Jowell, only thirty years old, is tho mother of thirteen 'children, all living, healthy and perfeotly formed. : All these babies have arrived during the period of eleven years. Mrs, Jo- well, moreover, is in perfect vigor, looks less than her real age, and ad- mits the likelihood of at least a few mors sons and daughters, "If the Lord sees fit to send them," says this mother, "they'll be welcome, and I'll be glad to have them." The father, being entitled to an opinioh on this subject, has said : "The farm is big enough for twice as many and as long as we have our health and the crops and stocks turn out reasonably well we can and clother them and send them all to school. "The worst strain of it all comes on memory. I know the youngsters all apart, that is barring the last trip- lots, and wife thinks she knows them, but I can't" strike their names half the time. To-day I reeled off half the names in the family before I could tell Lee and George to come off the roof." Jowell's last present to her husband was in the form of itriplete-- all girls and blue-eyed. The last two causes for congratulation were twins, the last puir being boys with brown eyes and the pair before that girls blue-eyed again. Should the Jowells wish to they could sell their farm and live in ease for the rest of their lives by exhibit. ing their wonderful brood, The "Greatest Show on Earth" writes them several times a year with most tempting offers, and all sorts of shows and exhibltors have from time to time mado. propositions. But neither parent will consider the iden a= Jong as they are able to feed, clothe and educate them all. WEDDING STOPPED, Indian Arrested and Taken 3o Court. Cornwall, Ont., May 18.--Louis Pa~ ave, morning, with the intention of there] wedding one of the dusky belles of the St. Regis tribe. At the dhirch door, however, ho was corralled hy Jounly Constable Graveley, of Corn- wall, vhs informed him that the wed ing would have tg be postponed un- til ho had journeyed back to Cornwall and there answered to a charge before Magistrate Danis, and Papineau brought by a daughter of Toler Po ters, of Cornwall, with whom he had on keeping company. Tho case came a. remanded. He was released on for St. Regis, on The People's Chosen. Springfield, Ill., May 16.~The all- night session of the Tlinois. legislature is likely to create the biggest scandal in the history of the state, Boer and whiskey flowed fike water in the cloak rooms, being drunk from tin cups and dippery until the upper rotunda of the oapitol 'had the room. foul odor of a bar- . The paved street south was fiterally covered with broken glass bottles, thrown from the upper win dows; ' The Will Upheld, Ottawa, May 16.--Pierce Mansfield a local saloon keeper, when he died, left $10,000 to the Catholic church by in. The Bifhews claimed undue in- uence on the part of Father 8) but Judge An kn has decided Blon testamentary cians and against the relations. Great Loss Of Timber, Corry, Pa, May 16.--A forest fire which started, last Monday, in the pine forests of Chenango county, has raged incessantly, Ten square 'miles of pine and hemlock forests have gone up_in smoke. One hundred thousand dollars worth of timber is destroyed. Resigned The Office. Ottawa, Ont, May 16.--Percy Tee, physical director of the Y.M.C.A., has written his resignation of the commis- sionership of the C.A.A.U., and sent it' to Toronto. He says he has not timo to attend to the duties of the growing demands of the C.A.A.U. Clergyman Suicides. Penn Yan, N.Y., May 16.--Rev. B. B. Stanton, aged seventy-five, a former Baptist clergyman, who had retired to his farm in Keuka, committed suicide by hanging himself in his. barn, His body was found by his daughter. No cause for the act is known. To Open An Exchange. { Ottawa, Ont., May 16.--Ottawa brok- ers have decided to open a stock ex- change hore, on Monday, in conmec- tion with the clearing house. Forgotten Aches. Those 'who keep Smith's White Lini- ment at hand and use it when re- quired, are not troubled with aches and pains. It stops rheumatism, Jum- bago, neuralgia, etc, in the start. flave the remedy at band and keep these ailments away. Large bottles, 25c., at 'Wade's' drug store. ere e---------- Campbell Bros'. $2 and $2.50 derbies have no equal at the price. - See our $11.50 suits; they are dan- dieas Perfect fitters and will er WAIST SUITS Not only the siyies which are t appearing in American 'ashion Centres can be see here, 8 but also those which will be in v all over the United States J Canada th the entire spring apd summer. moss novel and niost fashionable Shirt § Waist Suits which the continent of America Has to offer are shown hore at Special Prices. back leat, with msratd avy Blue, Great Prices, at $17, xi English ed Skirt, model Strapping, Waist 1 Trimmed to match, colors, Na 1 and Black, A great leader at $10, Other Natty Models Made of fine Lustre, Skirts te of at seams, Waists with Cluster Tdeks to Yoke depth, in oolors, Navy and Black, all sizes in stock, including 0. 8, sizes Shirt Waist Suits Of 'Wash Fabrics, in Plain White ra Tweed effects, from $2.56 to 12. CALL Axo SEB THREM. Quarterly: Style: Book Really. Price, 1be STEACY'S. NORTHMORE.--In Kingston, on May 15th, 1907, Einily, relict of the late J. Northmore, aged Funeral wil] take place son, 47 J St, ta Cataragui Cemetery, EE --------------E------------------ % ov = TO-NIGHT Sixth Annual Tour of L. BE. GIDEOUS, Musical Comedy Success. HOTTEST COON IN DIXIE Headed by the well knowm C A. A. Copeland. With singers tha: a" singers. With dancers that are dancer With comedians that are funny, magnificent uniformed band that will two o air ris, one at noon, on wd rook in front of the House. Prices, 50c., 85e., Seats now on Sale. SATURDAY, MAY 18th. © Matinee and Night. Joseph King's "East Lynne" A Play that will Live Story of a» Woman's Wrongs. It touches the Hearts of All. Without Question the Greatest Emotional Drama of the Present Generation. Prices--Matinee, 15¢ and 23¢. Even? ing, 15¢c., 25e., 85c., 80. Seats now on Sale. . One Week--May 20th to 2m Tom Marks Supported by His. Big tock Company in the : > "Rose of Killarney ' MONDAY NIGHT. Good Spetialties Between Acts. (800) Ladies Freb Monday N List Closes at 5 p.m. Monday, Prices--10c,, 15¢., 25¢. Seats on Sale day. Forever. A Wants More Wages.