Daily British Whig (1850), 17 May 1907, p. 1

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\l Sale nd Saturday e balance of our stock of es' Spring Coats AND ies' Spring Suits AT er Cent. Off ies' Stylish Spring Coat: «cloths and Fancy Tweeds. for 5.00. for 7.50 for 8.00 on through the list. ale a sample lot of AVENETTE DATS ! Greens and Fancy ond 60 inches long, r 2.50 r 4.50 \ for 5.00. Ts the lot and this is a eally good Raincoat uy just yet, secure ide until required. ish ts _elebrated Crum's ht Grounds, with "ancy Designs. er Blues. ' Children's Wash S, at 12}: c yard. lateas 7 20c, 25¢. re -- Lov rl RE TY) | vivid ieieeloieiofeiele Tinie xfords "or Men 3oods just received New Tans + ranteed Patents § ctal, Velour, Calf % ox Calf Leathers + e variety of styles, I and widths to select prices from + 3.50 to $5.00 + Bond Shoes at . I It Shoe Store : All our Suit Cases and marked cheap. YEAR 74. NO. 116, REGHOIEOPIVIVEOIISIOS i for 3 sil ¢ Valuable ; + & Fars | re ] 4 4 JOHN McKAY, Fur House, ® 149-155 Brock St., Kingston. k Telephone 489 § PEVOSOODE A Is 44 2.3 Stylish Hut Civic Finance Committee, 8 p.m. " Fast Spain born, 1900. 243--Busineas Office, 229--Editorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Rubber Stamps to Order. DAILY MEMORANDA. nd a Durable Hat the kind you get you buy at Cwunpbell Bros', Lynne," Grand Opera ) p.m., Saturday. his day in history 1886 ; House, ~King Alfonso of Mafeking relieved, For Hats at a Dollar, Two Dollars, or three, George Mills-& Coy; Always suit me. WHIG TELEPHONES, CHEAP DINNER taking, and find we have a few set short of a small num- ber of pieces. clear out at a - great sacri- fice. $10, $9 Sets, for and best quality. SETS We have just finished stock- These we will Come and get a snap, $12, $7.50, $6 as low as $4.50: All Robertson Bros. Many people would like a Safety Razor other than the Hoe kind. Here is some- thing that should meet with every gentle- Had approval, with Seven Blades, for W. A. Mitchell's Hardware Marmalade Cairn's Scotch Orange Marmalade Ginger Marmalade Apricot Marmalade Green Fig Marmalade Green Fi g and Ginger Ginger and Pineapple Crosse and Blackwell's Orange Marmalade, 1 1b. glass Royal Table glass, Orange Marmalade, Orange Marmalade, Marmalade, 1 1p 2 Ib: tins 7 1b. tins. 'JAS. REDDEN & CO. ALTE of LHI ART TE Ld VEL | MONUMENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY RL) WET | { | ET) I PPYMCA Waggoner's Special Blue Serge Suit $20 Best Workmanship First Class Trimmings Fit Guaranteed Private "Sale . A LAl some Of our has just been ree Bros., fine Od B 3 K GE ORIENTAL il Another Consignment. 2.50 derbies popular $2 and $2 men's hats. Huduu oréam are sold at Gibsdn' drug store. Only sll-cream a, ALSO an be seen ivad at Campbell Kingston's style centre lor t's toilet water amd. © id at Prica's. EN Bath towels, Be., at Corrigan & Sce Bihby's 50c, underwear. Red Cross joo cream in the city, He nick mon ist, We ug t H. AFTER HOUSE-CLEANING If you have decent Furniture or Stoves, you want to dispose of, 1 will give you a decent price for them. TURK, 'the Leading Second Hand Dealer of King ston. NOTICE. ANY JRSON REQUIRING SOFT cOal cinders ean have same for carting away from the Kingston Hosiery Co. King street: DEATH OF YOUNG MAN. Napanee, curred, yesterday morning, of J. Earle Caldwell, sécretary-treasurer oi the Napanee Canning company, at the residence of his step-father. W. A. Carson. Deceased had been in poor health for the past nine months. List summer he took pneumonia from which he never fully recovered, although went to Calgary and spent win ter there in the hope of throwing it offi: Alout a month ago he returnad since which time he has been gradually growing weaker until] the end cam. vesterday morning. Deceased was aond thirty years. The funeral took on Saturday; the remains will LL taken to Belleville for interment iy the family plot. The parents and friends have the sympathy of 4 very large cirdle of friends in Napanee in their sad bereavement The, funeral will) be private. Mrs. W. Vance, Elmwood, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. CC. Har dv, John street. Gertrude Madols ar rived home, this week, trom Nev York She vacation to re- where The Mines Are In Frontenac. One hundred men mine the ore and ship it on to Kingston for treatment. Vote for the by-law The Greatest Values In childrin's tam& and straw sailors at Campbell Bros', the store . that Saves you money. w re. Reware of r fountains, where we froit Tispensed from metal tank t syrups at Gibsons Red Cross drug store are sll ; 1 dispensed from glass hottles town's Was = Secretary-Treasurer of Canning Co. ! May 17~"The death oc he the will take a year's ite, after her serious operation , of months, ago. A. I. Chin returned last week from Toronto, ho has passed the past four ths under treatment Ly a special will be reghiired to » can put you in line, sir, with the best dressers if vou'll o do vour spring outfitting D. Bibby Co. allow The "Don't Be a Quitter"' Ii there is one enterprise on earth that a "quitter" should leave severely alone it is advertising. To make a success of advertising one must be prepared to stick like a barnacle on a boat's bottom. He should know before he begins that he must spend some money: He should also know that he cannot hope to reap results commensurate with his expenditure early in the ame, "ADVERTISING DON'T JERK, IT PULLS." It begins very gently at first, but the pull is steady. It increasés day by day and year by year until it exerts an irresistible Tue Whig is the best medium for the Kingston merchant because it reaches the most ,people and at a time when they have the time and inclina- tion to read. It costs less,' too. In 1906. THE TOTAL VALUE} TO LAY KEEL OF ANOTHER GREAT SHIP, The Orders Received at the Ports- mouth and Devonport Dock Yards--Britain"s Acknowledg- ment of Germany's :Refusal to Consider Disarmament. Loudon, May 17.--The statistics of the Board of Trade for the United Kingdom, in 1906; show that the total imports from foreign countries and British possessions, during the year, amounted to $3,039,442,500, as against £2,825,009,585, i 1905; while the ex- ports were $1.877,876,690, in 1906, as compared with $1.271,179.300, in 1905. The total value of the imports from British possessions and protectorates, in 1906, was $710,826,200. The total exports to British possessions and protectorates were valued at $606,706,- 390. Orders have been received at the Portsmouth and Devonport dock yards to lay the. keel of a. battle ship of the Dreadnaught type in each vard as soon as the battleships Tem- araire and Bellerophen now in course of building have been launched, which will be in August next. The under standing was that 'in case the pro- posal of disarmament should take de- finite shape in The Heague peace con- ference only Dreadnaught would bo laid down. The order for two Dreadnaughts is Great Britain's ac knowledgment of Germany's refusal to entertain the of disarma- ment one question WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. Everything. Booming--Salvation Army Starts. Wolfe Island, May 16.~The farmers here have all nearly tinished their spring seeding and everything on the island has bright prospects this sea- son. The cheese factories "have all opencd and many of these Rave made a shipment. The different hay pocsses are starting out to work again. Eleven dollars is the price paid. The death occurred last evening at nine o'clock of Mrs. James Brown, who lived in the willage the greater part of her life, but who had the last few years lived with her son-in-law, Charles Hall. The funeral took pl: on Thursday at nine o'clock. The de ceased was a Presbyterian in religion home on the Dr. Vanness and wile are island wasiting friends. The doctor will shortly leave for lowa, where he will settle down in practice: Misses Agnes and Lillian Greenwood are visiting in| Watertown, N.Y, Frank McGlynn's condition remains about the same. Dr. Spankie's launch has arrived. There will be a dance in the CMB. A. hall the first of the week, John Kingsley's many are expecting him home the last of the week after his extended trip through the west, He is now at the hot sulphur springs, Irencds at Banff, Alberta. Harry Card has got a new naptha launch. The village 1s getting very religious now, There arc four denominations, and the fifth s to hold its first meeting this .cven- ing in the town hall, viz.; the tSalvy tion Army. Some of the Joeal jockey are getting their colts trimmed up for the coming June races. | Briceland purchased. three horses this week Oliver Hawkins has sold his bl team to Mr, Wilson, of Kingston, and has" bought a team of colts from Mr. and Mrs. Willian left for New Ontario to stay a couples of months Baseball Record. Eastern longue At Toronto, 2; 4 sey City, 4. At Buffalo, 0; Balti 2. At Rochester, 0; Providence, - Amerigan league At Boston, 1. At Detroit, 1 f). At Chicago, 7: Washington, 2. At St. Louis, 4; Philadelphia, 0. » National | ue--At Boston, 0; Ch cago, se Millionaire Dies. Halifax, N.S., May 17.--William L. Lovitt, one of Yarmouth's' largest dead ship-owners, was found in bed, vesterday. He was forty-eight vears of ave, and leaves an estate valued at about a million dollars, Arrived At Kingston. Kingston, May 17,-Sidney Oli: vier, the newly appointfd governor, who succeeds Sir Alexahder Swetten- resigned, arrived here, and received a magnificent recep Ja., ham, yoster day, tion. And Only $3.50. A splendid' weasing patent Colt Blu cher cut Oxfard or high shoe for men only, at the Lockett shoe. store. . Get ready for Victoria Day by ing here. 'You will get Al value have money left to celebrate. Roney & Co. A wommn never seems to think her husband is sick unless he cusses a lot about it. ° You can save from BSc. to ¥l getting your hat at Bibby's. Stockings, with double sole, 2 for 25¢., at Corrigan' by pairs TIEINPORIS Into The United Kingdom 'NEW DIRECTOR ---------- @& 0. sMmITH > Washington, May 17 Otis Smith is the mew director of the Un ited States logical survey, succeed ing C. D. alcott, whom President Roosevelt revently placed in the sécre- tary's chair of the Smithsonian Insti tute. Mr. Smith is a scientist of noted ability, and it is doubtiul if Mr. Roosevelt has made a more satis facto appointment recently, than his' selection of Mr. Smith, for the head of so important a branch of the government, y WAS IT ATTEMPT? 3 George * Berlin, May 17.--Accord- ing to the Mitting Zeitung what may have been an at- tempt: to shoot the Kaiser occurred near Wiesbaden. A high-power automobile was _runaing, between "Ehermheim and Hatter- sheim, when a revolver was fired at it. The bullet passed over the heads of the occupants. Ten minutes later the kaiser's car pass- ed. It is supposed the man i who fired the shot took 34 the first car for that of the ¥ kaiser. » wy TRAGEDY OF FAR NORTH. A Trader Loses His Wife and Three Children. Duck Lake, Sask., May 17. Word comes here hy a trader from the far north of a terrible drowning accident in which the wife and three children of GG. Cardinal, another independent trader, perish Cardinal and his family were crossing Coal Lake on the ice, "he « being ahead on snowshoes Hearing a scream, he turned, only to family perishing in the efforts to save seo his entire water, his - desperate without avail them being HSI EASES x WILL BUY THE LINE. ; x Detroit, Mich., May 17.-- a It is stated here, on good # authority, that the Wabash ¥ railway has completed $ arrangements to buy the # Grand Trunk air line be- ¥ tween Glencoe and Fort 4% Erie, Ont., over which the ¥ Wabash has had running 4 rights for several years. . AHS Took Away Children. Windsor, Ont., May 17. Mrs. Hatti Tilden, formerly of Guelph, was he looking for two of he n, aged tour ind SIX, who, sh \ taken from her by a s Detroit. Her story w pied her husband, a furniture manu fucturer, in Guelph, 'when she was sixteen, and he was fifty, going with him to live mn © thie. They were ted a couple of months go h trouble for which she blames peon, and she came back to Guelph, with her children, $o live. The husband returned to his former home in Hamilton, where he died in the hos pital a few weeks ago, and when she vent there, she claims that the step. gon took her children to his home in Detroit, English Residents Arrived. Paris," May 17.-A despatch Ao the Petit Parisien, m Tangier favs the English residents of Mfrakesh have arrived at their point of safety. The French residents were eypected to arrive there the next day. [The Ger- mans were quitting Mardkesh, on Mav 10th. The tribe g. Mur kesh has seized all the nch goods it the place. Black Fly Kill¥ Green Bug. Washington, May 17.-It was an- nounced by the agricultural depart- ment yesterday that the green bug which has done wheat and other small grains in Tex- as, Oklahoma' and Kansas, has heen virtually exterminated by the new parasite, a very minute black fly. so much damage to -------- .Flat Brim Derbies. The correet styles at Campbell Bros' Tee cream, made from pure cream, dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain. Bibby's $2 hats are fine, MAY 17, 1907. LATEST EWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody --~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Famine and fever: are spreading daily in China. The GER, and C.N.R. are to, build a union station at Cobburg, it is sta- ted At a meeting of Toronto barbers it was decided to charge fifteen cents for shaves, : The liberals will not nominate a candidate for the local bye-election in West York. Pennsylvahiia state Jogislature, at its appropriated $15,000,000 for public schools. Miners in Atlin district will foree the Japanese out. The merchants also in- sist on white labor. The dreaded Terrapin scale pest has appearnd throughout the United States and Ontario. Fort William and Session, Port Arthur har bors are free of ice and navigation started with a rush. The annual baugnet of the New York Canadian Club was held at the Hotel Astor, last night. H. R. Cuddan, Alexandria, Ont., had his jewelry establishment robbed - of goods to the value of $2,500. John Hanson was fined $100, at New York, for showing moving pies tutes of the Thaw-White tragedy. Men in the C.P.R. shops, at Winpi- pe objoat to the new rales, and it is possible they may strike to-day. Kh. J." Laird, of Grandview, Man., formerly bailifi, was sentenced to six months for theft and embezzlement. D. B. Hauna, third vice-president, has been appointed general manager of the Canadian Northern railway. The Corona hotel, Montreal, has heen taken over by Georgé Phillips, Jr, formerly assistant manager at the Windsor. The ud nited States submarines Octo and Lake were kept twenty-four surfpce as an en- pus hours beneath the durance. test. Alexander MeDonald was fatally in jured by an explosion of dynamite on i railway contract at Parry Camp, this side of Kenora. The story that a party of English men. wera refused work in Port Ar thur, Ont.; because they 'were English denied there point blank. The date of the competition Tor the Palma trophy at Ottawa has been fix- ed for September 6th, and the Empire match at Sydney, Australia, for Oc 20th. s Elsie tober ' M Fox, reputed to be a wealthy American, is held in London charge of manslaughter, a man having bven killed in collision with her airtomohile An English lad of seventeen, becom ing suddenly demented, eseaped from the immigration hall in Edmonton Atta, elad only in an undershirt, In thi ttire he twice swam the river, but was finally eaptored I'he Archbishop of Canterbhiry warng Englaml that far from enough spirit wal lenders are being sent to Canada, nd Bishop Carmichael says all the visdom of England will be required to ole the problem of how to per petuate the 'magnificent loyalty to it animating Canadiana, It was learned at the immigration lepartment | that 25,500 immigrants rrived at ocean ports for the month of April, compared with 16876 ip April, 1996. an increase of fifty-one per cent, The outlook at present is that 'the immigration for the current reach the 300,000 wae 215,000, year will mark, Last year it TO SAVE FORTUNE, This Was the Idea For Ruef's Con- fessions. Sun Francisco, May 17.--The Grand Jury, yesterday, listened to Abe Ruef for an hour, and then, after cpnsider ing his testimony for an houg failed to return any indictment. t was plainly evident that the members of the grand jury did not believe Ruef's story, and that Henry and other pro- secutors made a big mistake when they induced Ruef to turn states evi- dence. The general opinion js that Ruef confessed. to save the remnant of his fortune, as he foresaw, if he fought the many indictments against him, ho would have very little left Don't Forget. That the ladies' Dorothy Dodd and Empress Oxfords are the finest goods Wade, ~The Lockett shoe store, Blue sorges and grey worsteds, S.B. or D.B, styles, latest out, colors, fit, wear and lasting shape guaranteed. Prices from 83 to 85 lower than others for equal qualities; See them, Roney & Co. A gontleman- is, one who under stands, and shows every mark of "de- ference to the claims of self-love in others, and exacts it in return from wo Harditt. unis used to. depend upon ith wines, olives, cereals and eattle. Now there are a number of profitable mines and railways being built to exploit them, y IN HIS OWN HOUSEHOLD, The Men Who Conspired Mgainst His Life. St. Petersburg, May 17.--Further de- tails of the plot against the life of the emperor show that it was deep laid and the conspirators were mem- bers of the emperor's personal escort. The soldier suspected and who made his confession on Wednesday, was fol- lowed by a Cossack sergeant, a gate keeper at one of the entrances, who became frightened at possible dis- covery, and he also voluntarily con- to which he was to let into the pa- lace a number of conspirators dressed in the Cossack uniform. Numerous ar- rests have already been made. THINK HE IS DEAD, Feared That Rev, Jere Cooks Has Suicided. New York; May 179A suicide, a Slim, well dressed man, bearing every evidence of refinement, who is believed to be none other than the Rev. Jere Cook, the eloping pastor of Hemp- stead, L.l., was taken from the Star hotel, at No. 95 Bowery, to-day, after, he had shot himself through the temple. He had entered the hotel but a few minutes before. District Attor- ney Coles will investigate at once. Later--The body discovered is not that of Rev. Mr. Cook. | since April 16th. Advised To Steal Million. New York, Muy 17.--William 0. Douglass, former loan clerk of the Trust company of Amerion, planned to steal $1,000,000. He bas pleaded guilty to larceny and is awaiting sen- tence, According to i took small quantities of bonds, bor; rowed money on them and lost it in spectlating. When evident. that he could not' retrieve his losses, a lawyer war consulted, who advised. that the only way out of the dilomma was. to steal $1,000,000 worth of seouri figs turn them. over, to the lawyer, w might negotiate with the officials the trust company for their return. of Petty Naval War, Annapolis, Md; May 17.--~Ths whole} membership of lst Battalion of mid. shipmen has been restritted for an indefinite period, its members having "given the silence" to Lieut.-Com- mander C. B. McVay, The battalion had taken exception to McVay's mode of investigating their actions. "The silence," as old as the navy itself, is in the nature of a boycott, Those par- ticipating keep absolutely silent dur- img some meal at which the officer is present in the midshipman's hall. Money For Hospital. Montreal, May 17.---As a subscrip- tion towards the funds of the Western Hospital, John Pitblado, treasurer, received from Miss Mary Dow a cheque for 85,000. Other recent subscriptions include a like amdunt (£5900) from Peter Lyall, $1,000 from John Mur- phy, and £1,000 from Messrs, Drum- mond, McCall & Co. Shot Them Down. \ Lozen, Russian Poland, Mag 17.- Forty-five officials and workmen, of Kuttner's spinning mills, were shot down, this morning, by Cossacks be- cauge a band of terrorists attacked a mail waggon in the neighborhood, killed a Cossack guard and wounded another Cossack and two post of- ficials, Cleaning House. Joplin, Mo, May 17.~The special grand jury returned 108 true bills, which cover gambling, Sunday saloon keeping, immoral resorts, slot ma i corrupt practices and other of fences, All the gamblers have flod and many hangers-on, without visible means of support, have disappeared. More Touble In Sight. Toronto, May 17.~Another dispute has been commenced between the city of Toronto and the street milway company. Yesterday, without paying the street railway put a curve in at the New Searboro Amusement Park. This morning, the city tore up the rails. May Indict Official. fossed. Heo betrayed a plan, according} » » * DEADLOCK BROKEN, # aa 38 t¥e to the safe ¥ » as re- W Madison, Wis, May 17.~ MIS Soros qunlivien' and prices," are #¥ The Wisconsin senatorial know Nhat, gt wun Jars. ago. { Rent hy the nominesion iy, J [8 Horner sit te AC 2 v A We Were we better ¥ the first ballot in the re. Bi better values than Wo aro Bow # publican caucus of ex-Uon- Big VS START wim # gressman Isaac Stephenson, ¥|§ 8 of Marinette. . The final ve- Bk |, TABLE LINENS, BLEACH. BH sult was Ste on, 54; ME ED TABLE LINENS, ¥ Esch, 23; tten, 19; ¥ Pure Wile Read Teislt ~ Linen, EY scattering 3. The ballot » very preity part rns, . hright # ended a deadlock existing Dumas Cand tol} 06 inches wide, § #* % - Ais confession, ha |$ Torouto, Ont., May 17.--(10 a.m.) A a, ot aan fair, o little temperature, 8 fow scat- p nL arly part of Sature a S Home . Necessities --IN THE Linen Sections BLEACHED TABLE LINENS Doublé Damask, All Linen amd Pure White, beautiful designs § with horders. Two great lines, | fu 78 inches wide, wt The. and , BLEACHED TABLE NAP- KINS Of Pure Irish Linen, in many cases the designs mutch our Fable Linens. Some. jure Femmed Good A AR- for use, Fxtra nes, THe: to $4.50. Se ara inl. y : Fair Peace Linen Towels. Special, at 10c, 4 + FANQOY LINENS. Inchting: Doylles, Centres, Tray Covers, Carvers, Tea Cloths, etc, in Damask, rifle, Taora, etc, § from Bc. to $6.50. We are the sole agents celobrated 'OLD BLEACH LINENS" Towels, Towellings, Sheetings, Pillow Linens, ete. We invite you to call them, STEACY'S FEFIVIINIIIIINNNG MARRIED. THORNTON---CROZIER.~ In , Kingston, on May 16th, 1907, by Rev n. for the and see § Boyd, Mary [Elizabeth Crozier, to John Alexsnder Thornton, both of this city ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 577, 227 Princess St (GRAND {OPERA HOUSE A -- SATURDAY, MAY 18th, Matinee and Night. Joseph King's "East Lynne" Forever. A It touches Question A Play that will' Live Story of a Woman's Wrongs. the Hearts of All. Without the Greatest Emotional Drama of the Present Generation. Prices--~Matinve, 15c and 20e. Evens ing, 15c., 2be,, 85c., ble. Seats now on Sale. One Week--May 20th to 25th T Tom Marks Supported by His Big Stock Company, in the ' "That Irish Boarder" MONDAY NIGHT. iood Specialties Between Acis (800) Ladies Freo Mopday Night--Free List Closes at 5 p.m., Momday. Prices--10¢., 15¢c., 25e. . Seats pow on Sale. Taken Unawares. London Argonaut. dmiral Sigshee, at shanquot in Achnira thos, dia on unex " New York, May 17--The grand jury has finished its investigation of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company, and; it was said on apparently ood authority, that, at least, ons official of the company would be indicted as a result of the probing. -------- Not One Opposed. ; Not one single alderman will vote or work against the smelter by-law. It ix a grand thing for Kington. recently convigted of having killed Gus tay Simon, a Broadway shirt waist manufacturer, was sentenced to serve seven years and five months in the state prison for women at Auburn. Bibby"s $2 hats are winners; said How did you come to fall inte' the water, sir 2 '1 didn't come to fall into the water," the fisherman an Anisia Louise de Massy, New York, | od, 'I came to fish. You can 8 vour outfit "his 4 Washington, was. once ca peotedly to reply to a toast. is tu reply. was very graceful and illiant, but at the start he was rather confused, and he coversd his this way : id. "1 am A great gold strike is reported from Omenica river, British Columbia,

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