Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1907, p. 3

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Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. wa BY oe W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 8 and 80 BROCK ST. "Phone 700. Will be much required dur- ing the coming "BRIDAL SEASON." You will find Stock replete with new designs, in Pearl Brooches, Rings, ete. our Scarf Pins, Necklets, for gift giving. SMITH BROS Jewelers. and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. RAND Central Station NiO uN : NEW YORK cry. } OB receipt of 2-cent stam Opposite Grand OTEL $1 a Day sad upward map of New York City P Nothing Nicer ing this season of the than a serviceable IN OR SHINE COAT ind that we sell. This . weare offering some Snaps in these goods, you can easily save $3 to $5 if you buy e the 24th, A few pring and immer oats se at $5 each. They e very latest. the beautiful designs White hirt "aists .and $1 and as high )5 each. -- MAN & SHAW Jt you wish to be successful at- The Kingston Business Coll Limited, head of "Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade 9 hool. Book-keeping, 3 pe. "tybowriting, tele Ggraphy, @ 9 cts thoroughly taught by Suber, experienced teachers. Day and nirht Classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate. Phone, 440. fi. F. METCALFE, President. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. [Beis Sica eR iY ral DNL "The World's FavoritefChocolate" -_--- Almost indispensable to travelers. motorists and those who delight VARNISH STAINS in-out-of-door sports. fhe Canada Pang Coe. Varnish Lamont Corliss & Co., Stains are ly use and wi ap- Sole Importers, y SHI Sedu yd Tic shades 27 Common St., Montreal. SOLD ONLY AT STRACHAN'S "HARDWARE. Present a small ) and he'll have the time of -his life. Refrigerators Ice Cream Freezers We are now showing in nice as- sortment, McKelvey & Birch 8 Brock Street, Next to Carnovsky's Fruit Store There's Health in its savor, And Strength in its Flavor-- Blue Ribbon Tea is nature's nerve restorer. It's a stimulant for the enervated ; and a delicate tonic for all, Black, green, mixed --25c¢. to $1 a Ib.--All grocers boy with a watch and Lawn Mowers SALE OF HALL "FURNITURE THIS WEEK $35 Haliracks Polish Oak, 30x40 Mirror, for $25. $30 Huliracks Polish Oak, 80x40 Mirror, for $25. 4 $25 Hallracks Polish Large Mirror, 0 for $20. $15 Hat Rack, for $10.50. A few China Cabinets, the latest style, will be sold cheap for cash. Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker ture Dealer, 230 Princess Ambulance "Phone 577. and Furni- St. Resscecttttttesesetees PLLLLLLLLLL400008800 Lawn Mowers Sharpened You will soon need to use your Lawn Mower. Why not let us sharpen it for you ? SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. We carry a large assortment of Lawn Mowers in price from $2.75 up to $8.00 Each. ELLIOTT BROS. 8 77 Princess Street. IFIP IF SIFFS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY Special Showing of Wash Materials Prints the best English make, in Light aad Dark Colors, 10c. and 12}c. yard. : . Tats: P Checks, Stripes, Embroidred, Figures, 12}, 15c., 18c. and 20c. Muslins, in White Grounds, with Colored Sprays, in an Endless Variety of Patterns, at 20c. and up to 50c. the yard. Our Showing of White Wash Goods is the Best. White Mercerized Waistings, Piques, Madras, Persian Lawns Dimities, India Linons, Mulls, Victoria Lawns, Laces and Em- broideries. Dots and Figures and 12jc., 15¢., No trouble to show Goods. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE ' 18Q Wellington Street. » ITHEIIHIGH PRICES OF WHEAT CAUSED [BY ANX= IETY AS TO CROP. Due to An European Shortage-- Damage Reported Ewerywhere Except in France. speculation alone which has brought about the present high prices. The situation has been strongly influenced by buying for the demand. : Germany has been purchasing Aus- tralian wed rgentine cargoes for nearly six "Weeks, the shortness of stocks in that country being eaused to some extent by selling of consider- able ghantities of both rye and wheat to Russia, as last vear's Russian crop suffered damage. Germany, therefore, must now get about 4,000,000 gnar- ters more between January 15th and the end of July this vear than "she did during the same period last year. ; This fact is regarded here as mainly instrumental in causing the srhiceze, because the River Plate shipments are rexuired by the United Kingdom, Ger- many and the Mediterranean, especial ly Italy. It is also acknowledged that siderable damage con- has been done to the winter crops, in Germany, Rou- mania, Hungary and along the Dan- ube, extending to about forty per cent. Ome Bulgarian report says that in places it is about eighty per cent. From all' Europe, France excepted, the advices are unfavorable. The Rus. sian crops are not only bad, but the political uncertainty in that country 18 also having a depressing effect on trade. The millers have been keeping down stocks to the lowest points pos- sible, living from hand to mouth, ex- pecting a drop in prices. Cold weather in Great Pritain also to some extent helps the advance. In the past generally speaking, when there has been a shortage of wheat in the west, there has been plenty in the east, and vice versa, but this year both are bad, und naturally the price goes up. The representative of a large Rou- manian dealer informed The Associa- ted Press that when he left Roumnnia some weeks ago the outlook was bad, and that his advices fully confirmed the depression of the situation. He further said that unless rain fell very shortly the spring crop would be ruin- ed and the export of wheat would be prohibited. A dispatch received bourne, Victoria, this evening, said that the' wheat market there wae strong, and that prices had advanced five cents. here from Mel- Misses' Shirtwaist Dress. a rset ret A Eo NN FE Eh The summer wardrobe of a young girl is incomplete without a shirt- waist suit. The very stylish design here shown is made of plaid gingham. The blouse is plain, with the excep- tion of the "Gibspn" plait extending well over the shoulder, which is a be- coming feature, The sleeves are made long (or short 3f preferred), with flar- ed cuffs of white material, trimmed with plaited frill. The rolling collar and box pleat down the front match the cuffs. The skirt is a short, round length, seven gores, with side plaits and a box plait in front and back. Although the present immigration season to Quebec is but two weeks old, about 20,000 immigrants have al- ready arrived. Women Suffer Agonies from Kidney Trouble GIN PILLS CURE THEM There is Mrs. Ripley, for instance. She suffered terribly with her back. It ached, ached, ached--all the time. Rven in bed, it seemed as if she could A. Cro and J. Nightingale have Mrs. Ri a To noe 2 fy +o formed 'a partnership to run the east Trouble, yo the sick kidneys were end blacksmith shop. Mr. Gamble has back ache--were giving her vacated the west end blacksmith shop, i headack belonging to T. Coleman. A. Tont her 3 2 Ts Spping has. started his butcher waggon GIN PI really png life. GIN| 884in. Scedingis about finished; pas- PILLS cured ber She has| ture is backward and milk drawers re- been well ever since. GIN PILLS are s| Port light loads. Feed is scarce in grand medicine for women. some sections. . Try them at our expense. Mention this Per ten writing and we willl Perfect fitting glass, the result of send you sample $0 you can see| perfect test, when vou get glasees for Joust fut what GIN PILLS will| , : 'Chown's drug store. or Ma Bole rug a, Wiani ode. white: table limon fur dS, at ne 5 Jortigan's. oc. 6 box---6 lox Sago. Atelideslems. | "o's underwear galore at Bibby's. DAILY BRITISH Beecham's Pills are the "ounce of revention" that saves many a dol- for cure. "1 disease from getting im, and it never lay you The safeguards & inst all life's London, May 20.--The European | tommon ills are: Regular Bowels wheat 2 situation, according to the Hemthy | generally accepted view here, resolves ¢ ird be stot itself into questions of supply and He= Handreds Of Hhousand, h mand. It is explained that it is not | men ep healthy by a remedy that has stood the test for half a century and is now used over all the civilized globe. They purify the blood, strengthen the nerves, regulate the bowels, aid the kidneys and cure stomach troubles. Build up the nervous force and re- ir the ill effects of overeating. he best safeguard against indiges= tion, biliousness and dyspepsia. Take Beechant's Pills regular and you will maintain good heal at small cost. 'At Small Cost Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. THE CROP CONDITIONS, As Reported From Sharpton, in Odessa District. Sharpton, May 20. Notwithstand- ing the late spring, the agricultural outlook is far from discouraging. Grain is about all sown and for the last few days have seen very good growing time. As to lateness,' this spring, very much resembles that of 1885, the year of the North-West re- bellion, although that year snow fell on May 5th and 6th, and seceding did not become general until after the middle. There was a fairly good crop of hay and grain, Pastures are some- what short of a full supply for the stock, Some are yet feeding their cows hay and grain. The fact that old fodder is pretty well cleaned out should be a sufficient reason for farm- ers to put on their thinking cap and ask themselves where would they be should there be a short crop, and the present large stack on their hands. Experienced dairymen say that plant- ing corn is one way out of the diffi culty. Clover meadows are more or liss winter killed. The flow of milk is not large on account of the scareity of feed, but if the present good grow- ing weather continues pastures will ting a metallic roof on his house, Mrs, F. Trusdale and Miss Pearl Taylor, Hartington, were visiting the Jatter's parents, D. Parks, of Napanee, made his parents a flving visit. Sharpton school section is again in an unset- tled condition. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. Bileans a Certain Cure--A Strong Endorsation. "I had chronic constipation for five vears," savs Mrs. M. O'Byrne, of Agries street, Toronto, "It brought on headaches and dizzy bouts, and robbed me of health and vitality. I spent a lot of money in trying vari- ous useless remedies. At last 1 tried the right one--Bileans--and they cured me." One of the finest scientific papers in the world {Science Siftings), says of Bileans in this connection : "They cure constipation without causing griping, and do not cause after-con- stipation, as other purgatives do." Piles, - debility, anemia, indigestion, biliousness, heartburn, headache, and female ailments all disappear before a short course of Bileans. AN druggists and stores, at 50c., of Bilean Co., To- ronto, for price, 4 Short-Cut Curing. When you have a severe strain, or bruise, pain in the back, or twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia, you want re- lief in the shortest possible time. No- thing can relieve and cure quicker than Smith's White Liniment. It penetrates deeply and relieves congestion, inflam- mation and pain like magic, Large bottles 25¢c., at Wade's Drug Store, Cole Lake Locals. Cole Lake, May 20.--~On Thursday ev- ening the young people spent a very Sa : enjoyable time in dancing. Excellent | carly oll the anvintories of the col- music was furnished by J. Nicholson. | 1°Ction in the various palaces were . destroyed at the time of the Com- Walter Brown who had the contract of Puieing up a number of wire fences, as the joh completed. Mre, W. Kenne- dy, of Redwater, intends spending the summer here. Miss Edna MacMahon is able to be around aguin. Alexander Hamilton is renewing old acquaintanc- es after hing away 'four years. Visit- ors: Geor, Butteri. and family, Fer- moy, at T. Butterill"s; Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin at T. Peter's; S bell at A. McLoud's, Parham; Miss M. Kennedy, Miss S. Shillington and C. Kennedy, at Verona; Percy Trousdale at G. Killen's; E. Kennedy and Alex- ander Hamilton, at J. Hill's J. Mae- Mahon and family, at G. Killen's.. Ameliasburg Items. Ameliashurg, May 19.--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman celebrated the fifty- eighth anniversary of their marriage on the 15th. Many relatives and friends met to extend congratulations. TUESDAY, MAY 21 Er ---- | HELP WANTEDMALE, BELL BOYS, APPLY HOTEL RAN dolph. A BOY ABOUT 16 OR 17, TO LEARN trade, at leahy's Grocery Market Square. A DRIVER FOR BREAD WAGGON. Apply to T. R. Cernovsky, 66 Princess street. AT ONCE, A GOOD FARM HAND, single man preferred. Apply Dr Black, cormer King and West Sts. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, 'at Ww work; good salary. P. H. Roberts, Sydenham, Ont HANDY Apply BOY WHO CAN EARN FROM $35 TO $4.50 per week. A at Gould's Broom Factory, ing St, Queen St, near TWO ENGLISH GARDENERS; WAGES from $20 to $25 per month. kn- Store, |, THE PEOPLE'S FORUM. WANTED---GENERAL. HOUSEWORK TO DO. APPLY MRS, Brooks, 221 Earl strest. BY A STEADY YOUNG MAN, ANY kind of light work, carpentering i ny SAS on AEE 3 hg w ven, be A A ang Pr---- GENDRON ¢ Whig oh BIOYCLL, APPLY AT ed A DESIRABLE BU ING LOT, pro- ("Allred "street, bike 1 SN eset OFFICE PARTITION, OF WOOD AND mn oil A FURNISHED HOUSE FOR THE summer nfonths. Apply to 178 Clergy street. FURNISHED FOR THE SUMMER, "Roselea,"' the residence of Charles 3 88, Deat well SITUATIONS VACANT. VPIy at Whig office. hed WANTED-TWO SPECI ALESMEN | A 10 BORE DOUBLE BARREL SHOT : for Busters, Ontario (5, ork singly of gun, Almost new, Tr to Pro Say. Montrail. hy: vy asony ven for re. Apply at EEN TrrS FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. |(IGI Tor on mmm Fase -- of St. ort south t 8t., a short distance of Parl St. Apply . 5 ham; 79 Cita to A. 8, (inate, licitor, GRAVE PLOTS FO . Sho "Hr, Sm Sn Bart. Lancaster n PORTRAIT AGENTS WORKING FOR themselves send for our new whole sale price list. Samples free, prices lowest. Merchants Portrait Co., Ltd. Torontoy A BOY, TO LEARN RIB KNITTING. Good chance to learn trade. Good steady applicants considered. Apply King ston Hosiery Co., King Sty SPRING 'SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE- men, bring your own cloth and get a cheap up-to-date suit made. Style, price and finish guaranteed. Pressing and repairing dome well. Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brock street, HELP WANTED-FEMALE. HENDERSON'S CASHIER, AT Grocery. ------------------------------------------ A COOK: APPLY TO MRS. NICKLE, 130 Earl street: -------------------------------------------- GIRLS TO SERVE ICE CREAM, AP- ply H. Jervas, 220 Princess St. THE A GOOD COOK. APPLY IN 181 evening, to Mrs. H, A Calvin, King street. A COOK OR GENERAL MAID, AP- ply Mrs Strange, 156 King St. Cor. Union Sty A HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN THE evening, after 7 o'clock, to Miss Hora, 45 King street. -------------------------- A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY BE- tween 7 and 8 pom. to Mrs. Samuel FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH MODERN conveniences, 170 Clergy streets SUMMER OQOTTAGES, DWELLINGS Stores and Offices. McCann, 51 Brock street. A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THRE G.N. W. . N.W., Company' Clarence St. Poly to 3 BW . } ire of. or 'phone to G. Pyke & tached, large grounds, tennis court Wardens 4 ; Apply, or add Ibert street, be Elliott, Oatarsqul Swith Son." Wolte" sland. tween' Union and Emr streets. -- A oi : TRE : SLIGHTLY USED McMILLAN BOY TO ASSIST IN MAILING ROOM, PIANO on Monday and Thursday, forenoons, PLEASANTLY SITUATED, EIGHT | (at concerts), "i and Saturday "afternoons. Apply oa M ry buna hous aud easy terms very Business Manager, Whig. rom May 15th, eon ent to ne in t. Call or write at fod eine, ul exteomion kitchen. | once ihe "Senlen Piao' bo. a : a ot, or _horse ' ntario ey TW SALESMEN _ FOR _ AUTO-SPRAY. Apply to Box "G.. Whig ofcen Sata a 5. Gree, Sample Machine free to approved agear" Cavers Pros. Galt. TO-LET. SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE NO. 78 ydenham street, at ostupled by Rev. W. G. Jordan. Vacast on corner of Stuart and Sts., tomether with three ron Double Ni and 63 Netlington Auterest in west lot No. 2 in sub division of Farm Lot ship of ROOMS, IN GOLDEN LION BLOCK, suitable for offices or living rooms. Apply to A, B. Cumningh 7" Clarence street. NO. 179 QUEEN ST. COMMODIOUS residence, l0-roowms, hot water nace, and lighting. Possession at once. ent on 180 Princess street. TWO GOOD OFFICES, ONE IN FRONT of building,, facing Ki street, pear Princess. Il be vacant May 20th Apply J. P. Forrest, Gents' Fur nisher, 348 King street. ---------------------------------------------------- BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION street, twelve rooms, extension dine hot water 'ormer]. upled W. F. Nickle. Rent, 3300, free of taxon, for a term of years if desired. Apply to J. 8. R. McCann, 81 Bi street. NEAT GIRLS, AT ONCE, TO WORK in dressmaking department. work. Apply Mrs. Brock St, SOME COSTLY RELICS EUGENIE CANCELS FRANCE'S MILLION DOLLAR DEBT. In Courts For Twenty-Eight Years--Then Commenced Ac- tion to Recover Napoleon's Personal Property From Im- perial Palaces. Paris, May 20.--By the judgment of a Paris court, the ex-Empress Eugenie is authorized to take possession of certain objects now in various French palaces that were the private property of Napoleon 111. : One of the reasons given in their decision by the judges was that the articles in question were of no inter- est either from point of view of art or of history, They include a book given by the pope to Napoleon 1, a portrait of Louis XVI. by Lebrun, a sword from Napoleon I, the bit of the horse Na- poleon rode at Waterloo, the bench on which Napoleon often sat at St. Hel ena, and a box which belonged to St. Louis. The litigation dates back to twen- ty-cight years ago, when the ex-em- press commenced an action to recover from the imperial palaces which had become national property under the republic certain articles which she claimed belonged to the emperor per. sonally, as distinct from crown pro- ports, which reverted to the nation. mune, but the Administration of Pub- lic Domains after years of patient re- Before y.. Pen- An 2a re ol) is take h BLL, WV. moved to his brick block, on | Tit Pa SE soon be good. oh 130 DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY There is a baby boy at S. Somer Biren, 156 Bast strest. Dr: Ryan, corner Mon ville's. E. Taylor and W. Hanley |qrwo GOD SMART GIRLS, FOR | _ treal amd Broek have purchased new spring waggons. transferring and looping. First-cl . There was a tafly pull at J. Smith's. wages. Steady work. Apply King- VETERINARY. > ston Hosiery Co., ng St. P. Babcock has- had J. Redden put- BR GW B 5. HAS RB search drew up a list of objects which were the personal property of Na- poleoh III, and which will now be restored to his widow, It is considered more than likely, in view of the gifts already made by Empress Eugenio, that the majority of these relics will be presented to muison or other museums. It is reported that the decision of the court in favor of the 'ex-empress, was the result of a compromise. By the judgment of the Seine tribunal, rendered in 1879, the French republic wes declared to be a debtor to the empress, as the heiress to the third Napoleon's private fortune to the amount of nearly 3,000,000 francs. The debt was not contested, but parlia- ment never voted an apprppriation to pay it. It is understood that Em- press Eugenie intimated her willing- ness to Jet the matter drop entirely if the articles which were the object of the present suit were restored to her, In a sense, therefore, she pays about 5,000,000 francs, reckoning the principal and compound interest, for a number of souvenirs which the court declares of neither historie nor artistic interest. - > HAHEI 3 Remember Tuesday, May ¥ 28th. . HARAIIISIIIOIIICIINK Count. Mazm, Italian consul-peneral in Canada since 1901, has been ap- pointed envoy-extraordinary and plenipotentiary at Teheran. Compound Syrup .of Hiypophosphites, our own make, equal to the best, Big bottles, 50c. and 75c., at Wade's drug store. ' j0E Joon and kitchen, ng ly, to Frederick Welsh, No. 1 Division street. ? S---- 81 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY 0 A pt. Sommbdious residence, 11-rooms, MAHL Bor as. A aT or, cons veuiences, Stable and coach house, | JEN y facing Macdonald and City 'Parks. "Anchor Tui. ASCHTRoT. "Phone, POWER & SON, ARCHITEOT, WM. NEWLA AR OF fos, RL over s ' fr Rt streets. 'Phones, 608, BB... Hh TI . The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian REV. 0, W. CASSON, OTTAWA ---------- The Joy Of Progress. Have you never felt the difference between lying becalmied "ililer a hot sky and the swift progress through the waves before a favoring breee ? It is the joy of progress. It is felt in religion just as keenly as in every- thing else. To lie mentally becalmed in the placid waters of the orthodox- ly accepted, making no progress, not even daring to propel onesell ahead,~ what a fate for the man of ambition und aspiration. But to spread one's sails to overy breeze of thought, and to make progress, with each new day toward some new goal, how splendid and sublime. The latter is the Uni- tarian policy. Address Mr. Casson for free litera- tare. Ladies' favor with your dress maker. Shirt Waists HIGH-CLASS MIL Gat Corsets Our complete range is now at your service ; so why not get the Special Corset that is so much in The justly celebrated "Royal" in our Specials, selected with the greatest care for the women of Kingston, aré also heré, and at present we have every size for the slight, medium and large figires. SOMERVILLE:

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