Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1907, p. 5

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man when considering 'what iy a rchase, Suit, no matter if he has worn on er. { nd you are sure to be FIED MAN Every r is fast, and the fabric is right. Serges. picce of Serge is ng your suit here. Black Suit, Semi-Ready! , 818. Bibby Co. F0000000000000000000080000000000004900000000000000000000000- 000000 Se HAVE PERFECT FED ON DDED HEAT ISCUIT for Luncheon. n; 2 for 25¢. i orks! + Candles, Sky Rockets, Union he lg, Mines, ete. cers, Torpedoes and Bombs, Tor- | | Flags. Princess Street ISP SVIIIIIIIIIIIR IIe COMFORTABLE. Ve have a large assort nt of )XFORDS Men, Women, 3oys and Girls If, Velour Calf and . Blucherand But- - ici Kid, Patent Colt, 5, $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, in Patent and Viei 0 cheaper lines for 1.50, 1.75 2.00 to Oxford Shoes Shoe Store: agent. ex the ap »phicant; gad if the ag sppiied for » Feed For The w (Growing Child Declared Whole - Grain of Greatest Bare Deda ment of Body and Mind, "The growing child especially needs those elements that are found in whole grain preparations," says the writer of a recent ine article on 'The Best a A - s e per wiih Vila perfect whole and older sisters and brothers, Being 8 pure grain product--simply the whole of the best white wheat and a little salt, mixed with pure barley malt extract--Malta-Vita supplies the body with those food elements which blood, muscle and brain ng perfect health. The malt extract Is added after the wheat has been thoroughly cooked and steamed and converts the starch of the wheat into maltose, or malt sugar, which is highly nutritious ana easily assimilated even by very weak stom- ac Physicians recommend maltose for Its strength-giving qualities and Malta-Vita is rich in it. After being treated with the malt extract, the wheat, rolled into little wafer fiak goes to the ovens; where it is bak: crisp and brown, delicious nd de- scription. BTocers, now 10 cents. i MAKES YOUR CAKES LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT. MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIGHT. Order from your Grocer. EW.GILLETT Sourany TORONTO.ONT. --r BE SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NGRTAWE.T HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Anv even numbered section pf Domin. lor vands in Magitoba or fhe North. Wau Provisces, execpting 8 and 20, not reserved, n be homesteaded by any person the sole head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of, one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Application for homestead entry or in pection must be made in person 3X the applicant at the ollice of the local Agent or Sub-agent. An aptlication for entry or inspection made personally at any Sub-agent's office may be wired to the local A t by the Sub > at the "vacant on receipt of eo talegraxi such application is to have priority and the land will be held until the mecessar) Papers to complete the transaction are eCeived by mall. In case of "personation'" the entry will be suminarily cancelied and the appli cant will forfeit all priority of claim. An applicant for inspection must be eligible for homestead entry, and only bone application for inspection will be eceived from an individual until that pplication has been disposed of. z homesteader whose entry is ia good tanding and not liable *o cancellation wy, subject to approval of Department relinquish it in favour of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, uv eligible, but to no one else, on filing de tlaration of abandonment. 2 here an entry is summarily cancelled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to Institution of cancellation proceedings the applicant for inspection will be emn- titled to prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must state In hat particulars the homesteader is In default, amd if subsequently the state ment is found to be incorrect in mater ial particulars, the applicant will lose nny. prior right of re-entry should the land become vacant, or if entry has been granted it may be summarily cantelled Duties--A settler is required to per form the conditions under one of the followin; lans te 1) At Nest six months' residence up on and cultivation of the land in each Year during the term of three years. (2) It the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such homesteader the requirement as to residence may be atisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent esidence upon farming land owned by him fin the vicinity of his homestead the requirement may be satisfied b) residence upon such land. Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice writing to the Commissioner of Do tinion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten fon te do we. YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--Coal Lands may be purchased a. Prgon acre for soft coal and $30 foi anthracite. Not more than 330 acres can be acquired by one individual or company. lloyalty at the rate: of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds k on the gross output. gi vi Ba oon eighteen years of age, or over, having discovered mineral is place, may locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 feet. Tho fee for recording a claim is §.. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. Whem $500 het been expended or paid, the latator may, upon having a survey made, and wpon omplying with Sher requirements, pur- id at per acre. She the ani rovides for the payment of royalty of 2} per cent on the sales. . Placer mining claims generally are 106 kot square entry fee $5, remewab early. . An applicant may obtain two leases to dredie Ty gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior The lessee shall have a drudge in abe ation within one season from the ats pf the lease for each five miles. Ren 10 per annum for each wile a ve leased. Royalty at the rate of § por cer', collected om the output after it eds $10,000. CW. coRY, : f the Minister of the Interior. N,. Unt orized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and Is now open to the travelling sublic. | ous and businesslike assembly, into a PREFERENC ee THE |A STATEMENT AUTHORIZED BY LAURIER, Advocates It, But Not Disappoint- ~'ed Because It Has Not Been Obtained. London, May 21.--Sir Wilrfrid ier authorizes the Chronicle to {He is perfectly satisfied' with the work and results of the conference. | Great progress had been made and the way had been prepared for good work in future. The Chronicle adds that the Canadian premier advocates preference, ; but is not disappointed because prefer- ence has not been obtained. He sees difficulties in conrection with applying the preference and the impossibilit-z. of the colonies offering the mother coun try free trade. "We depend," he says, "on our custom duties for our nation- al revenues. They could be towered, but not extinguished. It is impossible for us to find other sources of rovenue, We could not introduce an income tax or land tax, which would check the de- {velopment of resources." Sir Wil- alternative for the preference is a scheme for providing quicker and better means of communication between Great Britain. and the colonies. He hopes by the time he returns, in July, , that the government will have arriv ed at a decision on the question. It is {important that there should be no de- lay, as conference reports will show j that Laurier is opposed to having re- vorts of the proceedings published. His fear was that publicity would turn | the conference, which should be a seri- Laur- say rarliamentary debating society. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. New belts, 50c. and 75¢. Bibby's. Maypole Soap Dyes, all colors, Wade's drug store. Jenkins' © for cashmere and Jerseys, Daggett and Rainsdell's Cold Cream is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Jenking' for new ideas in vests The armouries at Belleville will cost $88,000. Sullivmn & Langdon's tenden was 888.525, Jenkins' for new straw hats. New satchet powders at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. Jenkins' for choice caps. This cvening the local Masons are giving a complimentary smoker to their friends in the lodge rooms. Pibby's $2 hats sell on sight. at lisle The iron work for Queen's new laboratories" buildiig . has. now. ae 3 Rp ~~ ried, and work on the building is agein being rushed. Jenkins' for Panama hats. McConkey's and Huyler's high class candy Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. Jenkins' new Nova Scotia caps. The annual meeting of the Kingston and. Pembroke Iron Mining company, which wae 'to have been held Tuesday. at 11 a.m., has been postponed until June 17th. Bibky's for men's toghery. Western mails are wretchedly late in distriution these days. It was three o'clock to-day before the mails were sent out, thas preventing replies this afternoon. Tae post office says the trains are late. Jenking' for light weight stiff hats. Constable Hughes arrested a voung man on King street at seven o'clock, this morning on a charge of drunken- He was too much under the in- fluence of liquor to appear before the magistrate at ten o'clock, but will make his bow before the court to- morrow. Bibby's 81 shirts fit well. No. less than three newly-married coyples left on the Cape Vincent boat this aiternoon on their honeymoons. The steamer Island Wanderer had an extra load of freight, comprising chiefly rice, old shoes, and white rib- bon, but the customs officials will, doubtless, allow it to pass without duty. Jenkins' for Featherlite soft hats. Practice On Roller. Since. the announcement was made that a roller skating rink would be opened in Kingston, some of the mem- bers of the Y.M.C.A. have been very anxious to get in some practice, and on Monday night, at a meeting of the physical culture committee of the as- sociation, a request was made that the gymnasium be thrown open for the members to practice. The members of the commitiee decided to grant the re- quest, providing the skating does not injure the floor, and a test will be made. Creates Colonial Office. Berlin, May 21.--The official Gazette publishes a decree creating an inde- pendent ministry of the colonies and appointing Bernhard Dernberg, direc- tor of the colonial office, secretary of state for the colonies. : ville, on Saturday, from pleuro pneu- monia, aged fifty-one years. Deceased was Miss Alguire, daughter of the late Harmonion Alguire, of "Athens. One brother, Isaac C. Alguire, Athens, ex- warden of the united counties, and two isters, Mrs. J. P. Lamb and Mrs. Lydia Phillips, Athens, survive with the husband. Jenkins' for new flannel shirts. Tre Cough of Co tion Your doctor will tell y a good food are consumption. But trusting the entire revision of Vulgate to the Benedictine order. It is difficult portance of this step. Utica, N.Y., May gine, east-bound, on justantly killed, bly, of the Passenger jured. Engineer Hyde of the freight + Among the injured, and now fin Little Falls hospital, are Mr. Mrs, Folger, of Toronto, Ont. train, was i A telephone message to H. 8. Folger, that RB, W. 'olgrer, while they had been all right and safe. -------- 'A POSTAL WAR Likely - Between the Countries. 'Washington, Moy ment of Canada has office department that Is matter, sent to United States, by either express « freight. and mailed there. dian second-class Postmaster-General to-day government to handle not be handled Junetown, May 20.--A event took place at the residence « James S. Purvis, Junetown, on Ma led to honor daughter, Ethel Ferguson, a the marriage of Estella, to prosperous farmer ¢ took their places 'under an arch « Mr: Pocock, of Lyn, ceremony. The wedding march bounmet of white roses. Congratuls to the well-ladened tables. The dir ingroom and tables were beautifull decorated in green and white, and Mrs. Ferguson The brit i navy blue going-away gown was ¢ chiffon broadcloth an a reception at the home of the groon The teem in which she was held by he many friends. -------- Held A Meeting. The Humane Society executive me Monday afternoon, at the Whig buil ing, afd received reports position of inspector, but an offer the police commissioners to with thanks. Co appointed as i cer, was accepted stable Arniel was president, solicitor and secretary gi on repression and prosecution, Death Of Dennis' Driscoll. old and esteemed resident, ston. , eighty-two years 'ago, For many he mason. During the past fifteen year he lived a retired life. He is survive by two daughters at home. years ---------- Workman Injured. John Birmingham, laborer, of Chat ham street, met with a painful acci dent while at work on the new medi removed to his home, and will be laic up for some time as a result. Rejected Bill. Dublin, May convention, in session here, Mr. Birrell's Only all-cream ice cream in the city, at Price's, Buy your the season i Wah 3 Bogligce, shirts. it at | Practices will commence at once, and] The Amhersthurg town council has Cibo Rel Cron arog store 1% at Lthe invitation to play another una passed a petition to the dominion Jenkins' for: thescelebrated "King" | %ian team in Watertown, on July government, protesting against the te Tog eeu ® ° | 4th, will be accepted. grotesquely inadequate mail service Mrs. Francis Wiltsie, died, at Brock. | Jenkins' for new fabrics in Men's | given the town and asking dor an im. shirts. The passenger steamer Naomi, ply- ing between Chicago was burned, deck hands were burned to death and several passengers injured. The pas- sengers were taken off by the steamer Kansas. ° and Milwaukee, Tuesday morning. Four George Sackville Cotter, for fifty- two' years deputy registrar of Haldi- mand county, died, Tuesday, -- seventy-eight years. aged Listerine tooth powder is sold Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The. bowlin~ alley, owned. by J. i Malloux, Amherstbhrgh, Ont. was di- stroved by fire, Tuesday morning. See Bibby's new 50c. nockwear. W, The pope has a decree en- the asad to over-estimate the, im- Jenkins' for Carhartt"s union over- alls. "Sucecss Bod Bug Poison" sold only t Gibson's Red Cross drug . + New shades in neckwear. Bibby stare. " 's. 21.--A freight en- the New York Lontral Suilway, i the tracks at ---- Yink's sin, - east of Little Fall x Tha terest Every! N.Y., this morning, at the Buffule Matters 4 In t ody and Cleveland special train, west- Notes From All Over--Little bound, crashed into the wreckage. of Everything Easily Read Baggneroman Finiey, New York, was and Remembered and Engineer Trem- and his fireman were badly scalded. the age from. Toronto this afternoon, said _ Jr, and wife, in a wreck, were Two 2L~The govern- notified the post ° it will be im- possible for the Canadian postal de- partment to handle second-class mail that country from the The Cana- rate is lower than the second-class rate of this country, Meyer explained, , that as soom as a. .specific.cnsy of refusal on the part of the Canadian Canadian se- cond-class mail, is called to his atten- tion, he will be forced in the circum- stances to issue an order that Cana- dian publications in this countr- can- at the seccond-class rate. ---------- A Junetown Wedding. pleasant 15th, when about 100 guests assenib- his J. B. Junetown. At 7:30 o'clock the couple evergreens and white lilies, and Rev. co assisted by Rev, Mr. Philips, of Escott, performed the was 3 1 » | ¥ . rier, pleaded guilty to charges of HY > . Basen mT g . . y Plane by Mise Kate Purvis, ] he | of ling registered letters, and was o S very ttily on : 3 « Fas very prettily attire In {ontenced to three years in the peni- white silk organdie and carried : tions over, all repaired to the dining- room, where ample justice was 'done Mr. left for Ottawa. white silk waist, with hat to match. On their return they will be tendered . Many useful and valuable gifts received by the bride showed the es- specting several cases of unfit horses for work. N.Y Ten applications were received for the include the preventive work within their line of duty, and to detail a special offi- spector and preventive officer, and the en power to expend what is necessary Tae death occurred, on Tuesday, of Dennis Driscoll, Wellington street, an | Th of King- For the pust two years he had e. The decensed was born in and came to Camnda when a young man. | mis wns a stone cal building at Queen's, Tuesday | was heard. The action of the trial morning. An iron girder fell on his | judge who dismissed the original ae- left foot, crushing his toes. He was | tion was affirmed. 21.--The nationalist unani- mously adopted Mr. Redmond"s reso- lution rejecting bill. Irish flower and garden seeds at Chown's drug store. The lacrosse enthusiasts met in the Y.M.C.A,, yesterday evening, and de- cided ta reorganize for at ade's Furniture Polish, big bottles, 15¢., at Wade's drug store. LIT [NEWS OF IN BRIEF FORM, n- Sovercign Bank of Canada, er has resigned, track, i lish syndicate has on the Cobalt, for $1,000,000, Cold weather and snow parts of Ontario have caused alarm a the fruit growers. It is now almost certain that a see ond' venire of talesmen will: have to be summoned fir the Haywood ' trial. N. K. Laflamme, Quebec, has been exonerated of all blame in the Asse lin libel case by the council of the bar of Montreal. A motion was made, to-day, at Osgoode Hall, for the winding up of the Davies Wholesale Tailoring com- pany, Toronto. The sismological observatory erect- or | ed at the expense of the pope, was in- augurated, Monday, at Valle de Pom- peii, near Naples, The Stromboli and Mount Etna vol canoes are again active, espedially Swromboli. Deafening explosions are of constance ocourrence, The American Booksellers' Associa tion is about to ask the president and postmaster-gencral for 4 two-cent rate to foreign countries, A stranger managed to swindle five or six banks he ohn by means of forged cheques, the total amount ob tained being abGut $1,400, The Western Municipalitics Union has endorsed the Hydro-Electric Power of | Commissions termt with the Ontario ¥ | Power company, Niagara Falls. A laborer, tipsy at the time, stuck out his tongue at the kaiser, driving on Berlin streets. For his offence he of | was given nine months in jail. John Singleton, a Ro western of mining man, while in a cab in New York, was assaulted and robbed of $1,200 watch, and a 8600 diamond pin. William Candline, Winnipeg letter car a 1 tentiary. R= At Independence, Kan., the sheriff destroyed $5,000 worth of liquor in the street, seized from saloons in the county. The destruction was witnessed by a crowd. At Silverton, Colo, an unidentified Jf | man committed silicide in a saloon hy a | exploding a stick of dynamite. Tattoo marks on the body show that he - was once it the German navy. a The largest number of boats passed Lime Kiln Crossing™eon Monday. that has ever gone through in a single day since the government channel has made the crossing navigable. The Michigan supreme court has af- = v pr administrator of the estate of George st, | P. Nixon, Flint, Mich.. against the d-1 Grand Trunk Western railway, Carlo Ciardi, convicted in Ithaca, , for the mupdor of his friend, Luigi Horzi, on November 30th, 1904, of | avas successfully electrocuted in Au- burn, N.Y, prison, this morning. The steamer Turbinia had an ace dent, on Monday, to one of her tur- bines, which will lay her up uatil ma- chinery from New York arrives. Man- ager Goodearle has gone to New York, Ii an alliance has been completed be- tween France, Japan, England and Russia, practically isolates Ger- many and minimizes her influences in world politics to a degree galling to the emperor, * provincial license department is considering the question of whether the selling of liquor under the grand stand of the Woodbine race track is legal, as is held by the Toronto license com issioners, Ensign Alfred T. Brishin, in difficulty 8 | with the police of Santiago about a 1 | fortnight ago in company with sail ors from tht Tacoma, has shot him- self through the lung and is in a seri ous condition. . In the supreme court, Ottawa, the - | appeal of the Elk Lumber company - | v8. Crow's Nest Pass Coal company n- n- v- i Frank 'Arnoldi, K.C., Toronto, was instructed by the master-in-chambers, to-day, to furnish further particulars of his bill for $7,500 for legal services against G. R. R. Cockburn, former president of the Ontario Bank. Prince. Tsa Chen, who was Chinese ambassador at King Edward's coron- ation, has resigned his offices of grand chamberlain and president of ecom- merce, Pekin, following charges of dis- solute conduct. Tho socialists arrested in Toronto Junction for obstructing streets, say they will go to jail rather than pey a Tine and their sympathizers propose to attempt to hold another meeting next - | Saturday night. mediate improvement. The teamsters of the Dominion Transportation company, Ottawa, who went on strike at the C.P.R. freight shed, for a month, returned to work this morning. They will pro- bably get their demands. Port Arthur is applying to the On- tario government for a lease of Nog Lake falls, on the Kaministiqua river, with a view to constructing a develop- ment plant thers which eventually will sretierate 30,000 horse-power. For bargains in wall paper. eall at 7S William street, D. E. Fraser's. "Phone 373. The douma, on Monday, adopted a resolution expressing indignation at the formation of a plot against the cear's life. Jenkins' colored. ; Bibby's $1 shirts look well. * Beautiful new perfumes in bulk at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. James Rowland and wife, Brookville, for cout shirts, white and iI_WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 21, WORLD LOCCURRENCES RECOUNTED D, M, Stewart, joint general manag: An attempt was made to wreck a C. --- P. R, express, at Almonte, by rolling a 1 purchased claim of the Casey Mining company, firmed the yerdict for $6,400 given the in various = . | - ROYAL Baking Powder is indispens- able to the prepara~ tion of the finest cake, PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the People--What They Are Saying And Doing. John T. Bolger, Boston, is a guest in the city. . F. Munro, Lancaster, spent day in the city. Ur. Wade, Havelock, is in town visiting friends for a few days. Frederick M. Howe, of Bank street Ottawa, is ston. George Henderson, Watertown, N.Y, has been spending o- week with rela- tives in this city, Bishop Mills held confirmation ser: vices in Brockville on Sunday. There were many candidates. George Goodwin, Belleville, has ae- cepted a position as wine clerk with W. Harris, Congress Hall. Dr. Allison arrived in the city, to- day, from Watertown, N.Y. He was accompanied by his brother. Henry M. Andrews, of Toronto, who has been visiting in Kingston and Watertown, N.Y., returned home to- day. Canon Starr will be home the end of the week from Delhi, N.Y., where ha has been the guest oi Rev. G. H. P. Grout. Dr. Graves leaves on Thursday for the old country to walk the Lomdon hospitals. He graduated at Queen's this year. Miss Mane McIntyre left, by mid: night train, Monday night, for Temagami, where she will remain for a while. Messrs. Roy Pumdy and Clement Woodraf, of the Metropolitan Bank, Harrowsmith, were visitors in the city over Monday night. Prof, Halstead, the well-known Lon- don, Eng., palmist, born psychic reader, is mmking a short stay in the city. Hours 9 to 9, daily, 58 Earl street. y Vernon Crawford, who will act on the steamer Brockville as information clerk for the coming season, is on & trip down the Saguenay, becoming to- visiting friends in King- acghininted with the R. & 0. N. Co's service. Patrick Hunt leaves this week for Toronto to fit out his department on the steamer Kingston. Thoms Me Gall, at present wine clerk in the Strathcona hotel, Brockville, will be his assistant this summer. C. H. Kerrigan, of Kerrigan Bros., the mew lessees of the stands on the steamers of the Thousand Is land Steamboat company, left this morning for Watertown, to secure sup- olies for the American boats. Dr. Joseph Losee, Collins Bay, re- ceived word from New York, this morning, that he had successfully pass- ed his graduation exygninations at the Long Island College of Medicine. He returns to the metropolis on the 20th, Prof. Nicol left, to-day, on the Cape Vincent 'boat for New York en route to Germany, where he will spend the next month in study. He expects to be back about the middle of July, making the return trip by way of Glasgow. Lynn R. Clark. principal of the Cape Vincent, N.Y., high school for the past five years, died on Thursday last at his home af-Bridgewater, N.Y, from hemorrhages jand typhoid fever. He was a good teacher and of genial temperament. Dr. Albert McCormack, Ottawa, who has been in the city since convocation, leaves tonight for Montreal, having accepted a position as ship's surgeon with one of the large steamship com- panies running between Canada and England. "Curly" Campbell, Pembroke, who has been ill since early in the spring with appendicitis, expects to leave the hospital for home this week. He un- derwent a successful operation and will, doubtless, again be seen uphold- ing the honor of Queen's on the campus and ice next season. * Jenkins' for up-to-date men's suits, We have plotted, planned and figur- ed, working from morning till wight, seeking for a medicine that will take the place of Hollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea, but we can't find it. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Mahood's drug store. L. E. Smith, Ottawa, will be tried, at Brockville, May 25th, on a charge a Smith's Falls liveryman. have to San Francisco to live. Biliby's $2 hats for mine. i Jenkins" for new, fancy vests. hot-breads, rolls and muffins. No other baking powder _ strength, ROYAL HAS NO purity aad wh ~~ ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YO GANANOQUE TIDINGS. A Mason Had dis Hand Severely Injured. Gananogue, May 21.--The schooner Tradewind rel for Oswego ter- day. The steam tug Nellie, to the Mary Louise, Indon with lumber, a= the Skinner a cturing. Co., Limited, arrived ae Daniel Bullous, King street, o as mason by Mitchell & Wilson, at a job down the river, near Rockport, had his hand badly jammed with a large stone on Saturday afternoon. Fortunately no bones were broken. Harcourt Acton moved his house hold effects to Kingston, yesterday, and will at once begin his labors with the newly-organized harness com- pany, of which he is a partner. James Bedard expects to leave during the wxt few days, Daniel Bishop, of Watertown, N.Y., an old Gananotjue boy, has returned to spend some' time at his old home. Mrs. Frederick J. Skinner, King street west, is spending a fow weeks with her mother, Mrs, Van Huesen, in Johnstown, N.Y. A. H. Mabee, D.D.S,, who has been spending the past month in Manitoba and British Columbia, looking for a location, has returned. Charles Byers, of New York, and Archibald Byers, of Montreal, were in town attending the funeral of the late W. G. Matthew, Miss Lottie Root, Brock street, has been spending the past month with friends and relatives in Ottawa and River Desert, Que., has returned home. Reginald Taylor, son of Mrs. Wesley Taylor, Church street, who lately re- turned from an. European trip, has gone to Toronto. He expects to spend the coming summer at Cobalt. | Mrs. Savage, provincial secretory of the International Circle of King's Daughters, is in town for a few days. An open meeting of the local rcircle will be held in St. Andrew's church this evening. hot biscuit equals * it in : x! SUBSTITUTE + >» 2 ibe RK a ingston's way. a match, very prettily made. | 2h add a NICE | C FURNITU Ww tho EEL bid New Blouse Waists, the finest assortment we have ever shown, ranging in price, from 50c. to $4, sizes, 32 to 44. ; New Coats, in Light Fancy Tweeds, Covert Cloths, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50. Millinery ! Millinery! Millinery! This department was never more to the front, with show of Up-to-Date Novelty Hats, Sailors, Boating Sailors, Children's Headwear, ete. SPENCE'S ™- loi Milley Hatsi New There's no time like the good. summer time--but it is a long much in evidence on Sa and ing Sold by leading druggists. in stamps for to The H Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, and $1. G. W, Mahood, special New leather belts at Bibby's. VICTORIA DAY IS DRAWING NEAR! Is Your Wardrobe Ready? If Not, It Can Be Replenished Here. New Shirt Waist Suits, in Cream and Black, of fine Eng- | lish Lustre, the closely pleated sunburst Skirt, with Waist to Fawn, Broad and (1 the York ~ Still On. Your labor seems in vain ouse cleaning it you* Rebuilding o- SEE:

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