0¢ Same big package you have always boughs Same High Qpality When you buy "The Porfoct Post™ sands of the best judges Try it to-day. It Is delicious, Just the best you ever tasted EE ---------- tos dainty lingerie, and our White Underskirts wil not only for their daintiness, It is impossible to up for anything near the all new and fresh and material and trim cost of a ready-to Prices from $1 to $5.60, Come and examine CRUMLEY for yourself, BROS. "Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds" And Dainty Footwear will make even an ordinary foot look pretty. Our Spring Goods are just the finest selection of "HIGH CLASS SHOES To be had on the markets of Canada or the A United States. Our Big Still On. add a NICE FURNITURE , thing at close out prices, JAMES REID CLEANING TRY FURNITURE RESTORER a : & - - - Refrigerators Ice Cream Freezers and Lawn Mowers | 3 0 We are now showing in nice as." sortment, - McKelvey & Birch 'Brock - Street, Next to Carnovsky's Fruit Store | you will do just what thou- |: good foods do--buy it again, but also for their } comprises many different styles-- » Some embroidery trimmed, finished with fine tucking Rebuilding Sale Your labor seems in vain after house cleaning it you do not PIECE OF to your home. / We need the room, Every. of energy is lacking, thems, | it will keen him out of the countrs snap and vigor are lost and in their place | for some time, but not, alas, for come dullness, dizziness, loss of appetite, | ever, and The nt is There is a new Hercules in town, SIA nd ogous. ors. gh sha, and he is performing a grand new n pe 4 hy is can ly digest the food, | herculean stunt, that is really thrill- and the easiest, q and Way te | ing. Herr George Lettle, five feet six do it is by the use of inches in height and weighing 135 BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS pounds, is the new strong-armed art- . ist, and his soecialty of stopping au- Nils Burlotte, Jiequet_Eiver tomobiles with twenty-five Eorse-pow- | | with 'my stomach a TT ae traublec = turned ou to run fifty miles an place I 1 doos our. Herr Lettle, who is a Bavari- the cine rem shen. boy pion £4 an, came to New York onlv a short " and was constant! wing worse. One | time aco, and pave the first vublic 1 day I bad the ood ck to meet with a | exhibition ofprowess. He ic of slim friend who had troubled in the same physique. and not even the profession- . way as m My friend teld me of the | a] eve of Bernard McFadden would . eure Burdock Blood Bitters had pick him out of a crowd as a profes- made with her and advised me to try a | sional strong man: But he int hosd vor and what + hap shange eood. The exhibition took place at bottle made. I took more Broadwav and Fortv-Third street, and he peas off wed, and I shall ever sing in the selection of that busy spot was | t demonstrated the little German's |s Prieo $1.00 per bottle ar § bottles for $5.00 good Indement in his choosing of a Rian ns ns ih Pp Write We del rice; Of Herpicide is in Giving it a Thorough Trial. lawn than of the saddle, There is only one test by which to judge of the efficiency of any article and that is by its ability to do that which it is intended to do. Many hair vigors may look nice and smell nice, point is--do they eradicate | 9 but the The report 1906 tells and Statement, C 7 a OF CANADA of this company for a story of They give the Motual' Life is ry in Canada. for iver 1906--A Year of Success for Pprospenty, Canadian Life Insurance. items tell more-- New Insurance Written, $5,555,639 Gain in lasurance in force, $2,712,453 Euprusen $10,224.36 LESS 'than in 1905. the wisdom--the sound Tey pow fete sushi 1 show how the interests of the -HOLDERS are safe. the it to you clean and d Without slate, at the yery bottom THE REAL TEST. fastest growmg of 37th Annual "Miied free 0 reqs t any of the Company's Stomach i Troubles " To'wrong action of the stomach and im. paired digestion a Hist of diseases owe | their origin, bl management why The combination with artificial flowers the | teeth - of the children of the public weed produces a charming effect, schools. The dental society will con: Both of E. H. Harriman's daughters | sider the proposal favorably, it je are enthusiastide whips, and they al- | said. There will not be any charge ways make a good showing in the [for the work done for the children. coaching parade. The blonde, Miss | The déntists, it. is expected. will give the | their services in turn for certain hours OAl J Cornelia Harriman, is, perhaps, buy, ined. about the voung woman. The eques- BOOTH & COo., trian garb she sports is conventionally Phone 133. Foot of West 8¢t [| fomin, 1 severity fashion demands. newest photographs shows her in a low beaver of white silk, with a rigorous. dandruff and stop falling hair ? al No, 'they does, because it goes to do not, the evil and kills the tacks the p apilla hair gets_its life. Letters "fr. ue son, George Luks, Maurice Prender- alcohol these days, Tot How it any, It is a delightful dressing, clear, | gast, Everett Shinn and John Sloan. | | tonics and alteratives, This is all iy Pure and Tree from oil or grease. The new group, whick has no name or keeping with modern medical science. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. | formal organization, will make its It explains why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is in" stamps for sample. to The Herpi- | first appedrance in public next "eh- | | now made entirely free from 2 cohol, | | cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in two runey with an exhibition lasting two | | Ask your doctor. Follow his advice, | sizes, 50c. and $1: G. W. Mahood, {wecks. For this show (h group has | | JFSRUElan the formaise Eowall mon: special agent. secured the Fifth Avenue pend of ot feu? ik _ 14 | Ise m from prominent erywhere are daily proving that New- bro's' Herpicide stands the but Herpicide | comfort, the root of germ that whence the pe people ev. Jex more kindly collar. in a costume suggestive more course, it is a riding And when she drives Miss Mary Harri | in man is ready at any the Miss Cornelia has at- | National Academy art * A BIG STIR. A New in Town--Seaward on Women's Hats--Recount of Mayoralty Votes Bill. New York, 24.--~The Adriatic, the latest of the huge new steamers, created more than the usual when she came up the river. Her huge Proportions made her tower above all nearby objects, causing intense sur- prise even .spectators who had scen all the other big vessels. When she unloaded it seemed as though a small town had been dumped 'into West street, and it took a prea while for the passengers to get lost in the crowd. She had on board 2,994 passengers, including 700 cabin pas- sengers, and such a number poured into the streets at once staggered peo- rle who reflected that they had been brought over by one vessel. As she lay for the week at her berth, she was _visited by a great mass of peo- ple,who almost invariably spoke of mparison with the big sky- he is built for comfort, and \ with ease and little motion. 'Her gait is not rapid, as she takes 7 days, 1 hour and 45 minutes, at an average speed of only 17.02 an hour. She got in the harbor all right, which is a comfort, as it was feared that the leviathans would' experience difficulty in caming in through the narrow and shallow chan- nel. The absence of John W. Gates from Wall street, and the cessation of "Bet you a million," will tone down the street in a very marked degree. Gates is the most remarkable man who has come out of the west, and had Wall street by the throat many a time. There is a general feeling of relief that this element of imeertain- ty and organized sensationalism and cowboy methods has disappeared. The street breathes more easily, and ex- pects less turbnlance than of yore. Prosperity to his hunting, sav all, as ISH Ww T _sarvmoay, NEW YORK LETTER] | -- A HUGE STEAMER CREATED, ionable Ingenious another dozen evelashes. sample of ceived by an ingenious inventor, whe has created a MAY 25 William MeBeth, the art dealer. Each man will send five pictures, and there will be no jury, Friends of the bill providing for a recount of 'the votes cast at the ma- yoralty election of the city say they have discovered what was the reason of the long delay in getting the bill out of committee. They say. that in spite of the evident effort to make the bill a general one, in order to keep it out of Mayor McClellan's hands, it will have to go to him nevertheless, If this is true, it is evident that pass- ing the bill before adjournment a veto by the mayor will kill the bill, as there would b¢ no legislature to re pass it over his veto. As it will not be reported until the end of the week that would mean the 30th before it would be ready 'for passage over the mayor's veto, and the legislature is expected to adjourn before that time. The only hope the bill would have under the circumstances would be for the governor to recall the legislature to pass it over the mayor's veto, but it is not thought that this step would be taken upon a measure of purely lo- cal importance. Should the theory of the friends of the bill be correct the measure would seem to be in a fair way to be killed by the man most in- terested in preventing its passage-- Mayor McClellan himself Although it would be a severe tax on the imagination to picture Mrs. Stuyvasant Fish or any other New York social leader entertaining a party o friends in Central Park, or any of the city's breathing places, where the lungs of the more Populace expand, a foreign paper says that on every Suns} day Mrs. Mackay receives her friend in a secluded corner of the Latin Quarter's most famous park in Paris. The refreshments at these entertain. ments are supplied by passing vendors, such as old women who sell tempting raisin cake and other like dainties The paper adds to this account, which whether authentic or not, is pleasant to believe, that these novel little af fairs have been most successfal and gre a great relief after more formal fash- entertainments, The puidic take these park receptions as 5 matter of course in Paris, it appears, and there is no gaping throng or camerg fiend to mar them. ---- FALSE EYELASHES. British Inventor is Swamped With Orders. London, May 25 "Please send me This is, a numerous orders being re demand among female eauty seekers for ialse lashes to re- nature's eye fringes with which owners are dissatisfied. The patentee claims that hundreds press agent. However, with the scat- tering of a group of reporters and camera men, the patrolman on that heat saw for himself some extra work in keepine the crowd back, and he threatened to pinch the strong man if the latter did not go elsewhere. Horr Lettle looked frightened, and his hands shook, so the test was adiourn- ed to Forty-Third street, near Eighth avenue. A hig routung car was used. Herr Lettle waited until the rear wheels reached him, and then. his right arm between two of the spokes, braced lis feet against the S asvhalt pavement and pulled back, while the machine tried to go at full speed ahead. The chauffeur put on all of the thirty-five horse-power. the te wheels went around, but the body of the car remained stationary. After two such tests Herr Lettle amused is himself by lifting the back part of the st 2,000 pound machine clear off the ground, Geacious ! The latest development in woman's eccentricity in dress is a broad-brimed hat trimmed with geq- weed. Not real seaweed, of course, for that would have to be dried to be Put on a hat, and dried seaweed is the reverse of pretty. This decorative seaweed is artificial. The women of u Ottawa, May 25... W Woods, pre Paris who are adverse to using the | sident of the board of tra has plumage of birds on their bonnets, | generously offered to defray half the and are tired of having their hats cost of i ling a dental chair I piled with flowers and floppy bows, | the necess: ry equipment of a first have hit upon the product of Nep- | class office in the Protestant hos tune's garden as a solution of the difficulty. When arranged skilfully ina better of the two when 'it comes to|in _ aiden chasm 18 a athe Managing a four-in-hand, though the putting im some good Coal. We runctte, Miss Mary Harriman, is sell ood { aL te ihe Kina that clever enough with the ribbons. But maken the home comfortable : re the blonde girl dresses the part more | Be the best 'money can nod faithfully, and, in. fact, it takes ninch to horsey attire loes her sister, be inferred there than However, it must not | w is anything mannish e eminine, and has only ani that touch of Que of the ¥ plain habit and a smooth linen The other girl frequently rides of the though, of habit after all. T time to step off | cov to afternoon tea. really abundant hair one in a tight coil, the kind which box and go of women are eagerly buying the eve lashes, especially , much time automobiling. him to be fitted in the but after the made | lashes keepin month. They -may then need a little attention such as curling with w The Growth of Art and Aesthetics to from custom ciate the finer qualities of tailoring. putting web will suit his tas when it is fect. used, cheap and independable in Semi-ready "Semi-ready"' of the greater saved in the expert system of ga lendid equipment, and one can stil] save from $5 to $10 on a "Semi ready" suit: as compared with cus- tom tailoring. The H. D. Ribhy Co, 78-80-82 Princess street. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S TEETH. Generous Offer Towards a Dental pital, where Dauphin, Man., May No. pany at Etiomami, was taking a stroll and May fled for the camp with bear in close down and instantly being torn eaten hefore the came from' Smith there being from two t fn_er, those who spend They visit first instance, preliminary fixture the good shape for quite » arm ongs and receiving a touch with a pecial fluid. -- SARTORIAL GRADUATION, in Men's Dress. A man has to graduate from school college before he Can enter the niversity, just as he has to graduate two things, A healthy stomach does actual] Ist--gives up strengthén the muscles of the 'enough gastric stomach--increase the power juice to digest food--and of the churning movement --2nd--churns food, by means of its muscular For Indigestion they give you a healthy stomach, '** Fruit-a-tives »* and also enable the stomach to excrete sufficient gastric is either too weak to to make digestion complete, chronic Dyspepsia. action, until digestive juice to completely digest juice and every food are meal, thorough. Thousands have been cured of "Fruit. ly mixed. Indigestion and Dyspepsia by a- tives An un- "Frait-a-tives"' alon also cure healthy "Froit-a 8s the Con- stomach stipation 0 properly churn the food or it does not give up enough gastric juice Then you have Indigestion --Heartburn -- Distress after Eating--Sour Stomach -- Headaches--and finally "Fruit-d-tives" cure Indi- gestion and Dyspepsia because and Biliousness with which so many Dyspeptics suffer, * Fruit-a-tives" are intensified fruit juices, combined with tonics and antiseptics--and are an infall ible cure for all Stomach Troubles, them. soc. a box--6 for $2.50. At &11 dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Tied (on FRUIT LivER TABLETS.) run Write for Please mention Kingston Whig wh , ichards Pure Soap BECAUSE --it is a solid bar of pure, fres! , dirt-removing ingredients, containing harmful adulterants. --whe --easy on the hands --no experimen our hand giver free for Richards FREE Mail us five Richagds Pure Soap wrappers "and ten Richard troth any paper, and we will send you a beau The RICHARDS PURE SOAP CO., Limited CUT THIS AD. OUT--IT IS VALUABLE. = > atom of gnotas a washing colored goods they will not or fade. ns or flannels will not shrink, as no ssary. or rubbing ies, 1g--in use for 40 years. ¢ illustrated Catalogue of Premiums, Scap wrappers. ds Pure Soap rtiscments souvenir. WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO J €n anewering this advertisement the ready-made clothier to the tailor before he can appze- Semi-ready No man can tell how cloth in the te and expression up. That is one to forejudge the of- The most expensive cloths hence one does not get made emi-ready idea, ary the viloring. Still, the good value of the is surprising, for much cost of fine cloths used Chair. treatment for your case, entirelv free, in of cost, my book--WOMAN'S OWN ME Ing why women suffer, and how they can easi) have it, aud learn to think for herself. 7 et " FREE TQ YOU--MY SISTER am a ING FAC WOMEN'S ALES L this en's Th there will he introduced system for the treatment of the each month, PURSUED BY BRUTE, ar Overtook and Partly Ate the Cook. 23.--0n Sunday, the cook of Camp Red Deer Lumber com- ile John May, 4, of the tion," you can decide for yourself, Thousands of wom remedy. It cures all, oid or \readment which sp robust Just « M. SUMMERS, pr. No 3s came mal across a black bear, showed » The vicious disposition the He was struck killed, his vitals out and the body partly alarm was given, May s Falls in December, pursuit, he hands of female mummies found the tombs of Egypt are literally ered with rings, in many instances 0 SiX on every lone a horsewoman can wear with As a result of the attitude of the of Design towards and artists, eight well-known vinters have combined to hold annual hibitions. The members of the eom- "test of bination are Glackens, Arthur Davies, William Robert Henri, Ernest Law- EY of Alcohol Doctors prescribe The large Batteries, Ty rtment of Roman 's, Wheels, Rose Fire Crackers pedoe Canes and €aps, Balloons and know woman's sufferings Sa have found the rure, X ¥ will mail, free of any charge, my home treats Ment with full instructions to any sufferer from Women's ailments, I want to tell all women about daughter, your mother, or your sister, tell you how to the help of a doctor, ence, we know better than any doctor, that my home treatment isa safe and sure cure for 'Where caused by weak; emember, that it will cost you nothing wish to continue, it will cost you oul t will not interfere with ow you suffer, if you wish, and I will se Jrapper, by return mail, y cure themselves at home, when the doctor says--" You young, To Mothers of peedily and effectually cures Leucorrheea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Meustruation in Young Ladies, Plumpnes: wlicrever youli~e,I can refer you to ladies of y. tefl any sufferer thy. t Ey well, strong, plamp s Home Treatment really Cures all woman's di BRs"™ the book & Fireworks! Wheels, Mines, and Cannon Crackers, m a woman, < cure -- you, yourself, your I want to Cure yourselves at home without Men cannot understand wome What we women know from ~x« I know sufferings or Whitish discharges, Ulceration, Dise placementor Falling of the Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, U) Srowths, bearing ing up the own feelings, nervousness, creeping feels ne, melancholy, desire to cry, hot weariness, kidney and bladder troubles f at home, our work oro. youtlhe I will also send you free VISER'" with explanatory illustrations shove Every woman shou: « must have an operas nen have cured themselves with my home Daughters, I will explain a simple home s and health always result from its use ur own locality who know and will gladly seases and makes women 'nd me your address, 1:1 the free ten days' treatment is o-day, as you Way Bot see this offer again, Address : WINDSOR, Ont. TT ---------- Candles, Sky ele. Rockets, Union =, Torpedoes and Bombs, Top- Flags. 3 EE -- A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street . Undige: i d 'rer 4 ny portion of foo ¢ W hen u Ye the torments | digest ferments, irritating th, ! "ile other parts of the bo nsequence. : 44 So long as this undigeste discomfort continues: A few'd BEEGHAI ermentation, sweeten | Hop ga Ietmental that relieves of Beecham's' Pills gradually soon restores them to a norm Beecham's Pills positively « beneficial effects on the liver a eral health, Beecham's Pills have been | eral public for over fifty years. Prepared only by the Proprietor, Tho Sold everywhere in Canada an What is Fooc What is a Lea & Perrin Try it both dl Jud Look for the Signattfte-- White on label-- Black on wrapper. Use "Acorn Quality" Corrugated Gal and both price and quality will b more than an all-wood building gating, renders the sheets so frame may be used, than with ¢ Sheeting boards are quite unnec wood strips are required. Then, the cost for labor in apply Sheets, is, by actual test, less th would be for wood sh ng es. effected by labor, sheeting boan frame-work, more than m es ug in cost between present day woods our 'Acorn Quality Corrugs: Sheets. : Our lightning proof barns are i locality in Canada.© We will request, a list of users in your Get their opinion. The Metal Shingle & Siding Co. Limited mm---- "ALL STEEL DOME Bs 0 i EB SUNS! FURN. The Sunshine is differently constructed than common fur stronger, safer, more health 1 The dome, the two sections « pot and the frame of the as securely fastened together by ou 1 joint." Three *'cup joints" in All sections, you will notice perfectly, and are lined with a la tos cement, which unites them s become, in every purpose, one s never spring or fall apart. And that's not 2 the dome is fastened cement and boiler rivets, mal as smoke, gas, heat and dust From a hygienic standpoir cedence in the furnace world Notice, too, the Sunshine is ¢ matic gas damper. This damp when the gas in the furnace rea and allows it to escape up the cl danger of an explosion or gas es the registers ; Safest as well as most health aged, cleanest, greatest labor economizing furnace you can bu If your local dealer- does not write direct to us for free bookl M¢Clar London, Toronto, Montes i oan a -