Daily British Whig (1850), 25 May 1907, p. 1

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YEAR 74. NO. 122, BHOOIOOOIPOIOOOOOOHIR \y Morning 0 11.30. le the following special Mounted r Rugs hoisted at Pretoria. 1 vaded Canada, 1870; Men's Sox od quality and weight, » read Cotton, which is by otton sox for s WOLVES DAILY MEMORANDA. Excelled By none, Equalled Ly few Are Campbell Bros'. New Hats. Smelter By-Law Meeting, City Hall, 8 p.m, Marks Co., Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m. Waterworks' Committee, 4 p.m., Mon- day. Ordination, St. George's Cathedral 11 a.m., Sunda) Sons of Kx This day in histor ~British :. Fenians ------ WHIG TELEPHONES, 248--Business Office; 229--RBditorial Rooms. 202--Jobbing Department. Rubber Stamps to Order. gland at First Congrega- tional church, 11 a.m., Sunday Vin died, 1564, MAYOR SCHMITZ "WE ARE SEVEN" THEY CAN But Many More Are Concerned in Indictments--The Mayor t Black and T; the 'regulars are 15¢ anc RUSSIAN GRIZZLES, BLACK BEARS,, POLAR BEARS, { Magnificent Specimens JOHN McKAY, Fur House, 149-155 Brock St., 10c. Pair Marmalades CHEAP DINNER SETS We have just finished stock- taking, and find we have a few set short of a small num- ber of pieces. These we will Sear out at a great sacri- ce. Come and get a snap, $12, $10, $9 Sets, for $7.50, $6 and as low as $4.50. Al best quality. Robertson Bros. Have Accepted $50,000 For His Help in Get- ting a Franchise For Cairn's Scotch Apricot Marmalade Green Fig Marmalade Green Fig and Ginger Ginger and Pineapple Crosse and Blackwell's Orange Marmalade, 1 1b. glass Eugland, Orange Marmalade, 2 1b. tins Orange Marmalade, 7 1b. tins. JAS. REDDEN & CO. Smelter By-Laws A public meeting for cussion of the Smelter will be held in the CITY HALL SATURDAY EVENING May 25th inst. At eight o'clock. All ratepayers are invited to attend. J. McDONALD MOWAT, ollars es, all different styles Om 35€, 40¢, 45¢, 50c. irday Morning Each. in our Show d Saturday up Theatre, to lice arrested th the following Kingston, May 21st, 1907. gston, AUCTION SALE Fine Furniture. Mahogany Furniture, ing Room Suite, Crown Brass Bed, Huir 2 Carpets and Other HS articles to numerous to mention. Exceptional pportunity TO PURCHASE AT AUCTION, FRI- DAY, May 31st, at 2 to a low reserve bid, that desirable Resi- Electric Lights, Bath and Extra Toilet, Gurney Hot Water heating installed with in two years and guaranteed. Terms made known at time of sale, At Same Time and Place Lot 16 Beverly St. ALLEN, The Auctioneer. | 2438 'Sydenham St. "Auction Sale WEDNESDAY, May 20th, Corner of Barrie and Queen Sts. the Elxecutors of the late Effects, 'consisting of Parlor s for Men $3.50 fords atent Colt Dongola Kid hoes are the best} te latest shapes, and' tive style to every articles too numerous to mention. Collectors of Antiqué Furniture. would do well to attend. oe Store. sell at $3.50 & 4.00. S.0.E.B. S. LEICESTER LODGE, SONS b Live Agents in ev WANIE city a town in Can ada to handle our meritorious and grade Cobalt and Larder Lake flotations. Correspondence solicited, LAW & CO. 728-729-780-781- 732 Traders Bank Building, To ronto. POLICE END ROMANCE, Arrested For Fraad on Eve Wedding. Rome, May 2 the marriag Detectives called Jibby's 81 shirts are fitters. CLIPPED Don't advertise if you believe you are wasting money. Let your competi- tor waste his money on advertising and perhaps in this way you'll"soon "put him out of business." Fix his clockwork for him, Just stand back and laugh at him when you see him squandering his money for printers' ink. Once there was a boy named John-- we think his last name was Wannamaker, anyhow his name was John with some * sort of a maker attached to his * last: name. He ownéd 500 yards of calico, three pairs of jeans, a half dozen pairs of boots. He called this a dry goods store through a Philadel- phia newspaper and offered to sell a pair of socks for thirty-seven cents. The don't-believe-in-advertising merghants laughed. Young "John spenty sixty-five dol- fars with the Philadelphia Ledger to advertise just re and had less than $100 worth of goods. He was cautioned by the merchants who 'knew it didn't pay I" It was through sympathy that they offered him advice, But John didn't-listen to them, and went and blew his money in foolishly ; and to-day poor John sees the result of his misdoings --he has so many large dry goods stores that he can hardly find time to study his Sunday school lesson. --Baldwin Bulletin. The Whig will serve the mian as profitably Y y the MAYOR SCHMITZ. San Francisco, May 25. returned twenty-one mdictments #h the graft cases, and it is thought this principally ends oF holl their Annual Church Parade, TO-MORROW morning, mee! at their Hall, at 10 o'clock. An lishmen invited to attend this servi J. J. MARSH, E. LBACH, President. Secretary. Sg ce, rick Calhoun, Thornwell Mullally and T. L. Ford, of the Theodore Halsey and Louis Glass, of the Pacific States Telephone company; United Railroads; indictments against'. My charge the mayor with accepting the sum of £50,000 from L. Ford, chief counsel of the United Rail- way, in connection with the granting of a franchise for Two more accuse Schmitz of reoviving a bribe to permit the gas rate to be fixed at eighty-five seventy-five cents as platform pledges PITH OF THE NEWS. The arrangements of Mile. Carmen Melis, prima donna at the Constanzi Humbert Cariola, a sup- posed South American millionaire, were cancelled yesterday, when the po- thd latter on numerous charges of fraud. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. been appointed governor of Permuda. shortage of labor and it has become an impossibility to obtain men. Prof. Ozeroff, of Moscow declares the Russian peasant is taxed and starved and the graiters are ghut- at Mlle. Melis' re- sidence while her lover was there, and took him into custody. The police as- sert that he is not a millionaire, but a daring and clover criminal. The prima donna is prostrate with f :annot fulfil her profession- x * Nn #* ment has met with its first ¥ * Walls is paralyzed as the result bolt of lightning John Hare, a member of a party, was shot and killed * Hi : #5 the expense of the. strikers, * * the wife of the negro » FAAS Black bass found among sheepheads under sized are shipped great quantities from Leamington, Ont, Two men were Billed and four others seriously injured in a collision between a freight and a work train near the tional railway, on Thursday night. The residence of Mrs. end of Napanee, and the Brandon, adjoining, were burned. to the ground on Satur. day morning. The fire is supposed to have been caused by fireworks, on Fri- PHYSIQUE SINKS LOW. Extraordinary Degeneracy Attri- buted to Want to Meat. Some curious stat- istics come from southern Baden, Dur ing the recent enrolment of recruits Allgau districts, out of G04 young men hable for ser were up to the physical 'standard re- 3 military authorities, placed on the doubtful list, number of 367 were put aside as wholly unfit for active and the unusual among the most robust in the empire, owing 'in the first place to thé dearness. of meat, and to the fact that once one of their staple articles of food, is now care cheese factories, their physique has sunk to a danger- ously low level. Their principal been potatoes ahd milk, which was 'The By-Laws. Jwnd your aid for the passage of the smelter by-laws, May 28th. Campbell Bros. For the best in men's strawshats, ir---------- Bibby's for swell shirts. Glasses that suit hoth your eyes book KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 25. 1907 EE ---------------- - i - TOOK BRIBES So The Grand Jury Charges MINISTER ARRESTED. Accused of Abducting Young Wo- man at Rockford. Chicago, May 25.--~Rev. Albert Bahl strom, pastor of the Swedish Evan. 'gelical church at Roekiord, 111, was arrested here charged with abduction. Bah'strom was divorced from his wife in Rockford three weeks ago, Soon afterward it was rumored that a young woman in Chicago was the primary cause of his desiring a decree and the wile proceeded to do a little detective work. The result, was that she ascertained, it isalleged, that her former husband was in love with Marcha Pederson, of Chicago. Bwhl- strom is thirty-thréa years old and was popular and prominent in Rock- ford. "Her mother knows where the girl is." Bahlstrom said when taken to the station, "I can prove that 1 did not abduet the girl and that I had nothing to do with her." GIRL PIED FIGHTING. -- Was Gathering Dandelions When Attacked. New York, May 25 --Amelia Staf feldt, fifteen years of age, was mur dered on the outskirts of her father's farm, in Elmhurst, Long Island. The critne was committed in a lonely spot, where the girl had wandered in search of dandelions, and the means of her death was the kitchen knife which she had used to cat the crowns from the roots of the flowers. . The child died fighting. There were two gaping wounds in the throat, and the blood- smeared knife lay nearby. Henry Brecker, twenty-one years of age, of Manhattan, was arrested on suspicion. Brecker, according to the police, ad- mitted having been in the neighbor- hood at the hour the erime was com- mitted, and' admitted washing his hands at a pump in a nearby yard. CHILDREN WALK 70 MILES. Found Crying With Cold and Hunger. Cardiff, May 25.-Two little girls who were found erying from cold and hunger, on the roadside, near Trede- gar, yesterday, explaived that they had walked from Bromyard, in Here fordshire--a distance of seventy miles. They were Elisabeth and Elsie Taylor, aged eleven and nine years, respective ly. They started eight days ago with their brother, aged fifteen, to walk to Rhymney, where they eved an aunt was living. They w tually to get to the home of another aunt in Canada. The girls missed their brother at Rhymney bridge, and then they lost their way. Nobody seems to have noticed them until, worn out and dis tressed, they sat down on the road to cry. IAHR ASAHI | STRIKE ON THE RAND. Johannesburg, May 25.-- The new Transvaal govern- serious trouble in connec- tion with a big strike of the white miners on the Rand. The workers in forty-six of the leading mines are out, and the work, is with difficulty be- ing carried of by Poor Dutch, who, however, may in the long rum benefit at whom the magnates declare will not be reinatated. JEALOUS AT FIFTEEN. French Lad Stabs Girl Friend and She May Die. Paris, May 25.--A despatch from Charleville states that Gabriel Viet, a boy of fifteen, in a fit of jealousy, stabbed a girl of his own age with whom he was friendly, They had been dancing together at the conscripts' ball, and Viet, becoming exasperated at the compliments received by Mile. Godard, stabbed her twice in the back. Her condition is very serious. The boy has surrendered himself to the po- lice, -- Judge Hargis Acquitted. Lexington, Ky., May 25. Three years after the shooting of Town Marshal Cockrill at Jackson, a ver- dict of not guilty was returned here in the case of Judge James Hargis, the first of those jointly charged with that murder. Cockrill was shot in the court house at Jackson, Several witnesses swore that Judge Hargis, his brothers aml Sherifi Edward Cal- lahan had entered into a murder con- #piracy, promising immunity to any one who would shoot Cockrill, Dr. B. D. Cox and J. B. Marcum, all of whom have since heen killed, The de- fence, however, presented testimony to disprove the conspiracy charge. and Judge Hargis denied all commection with the shogting. Curt Jett, who confessed to fkilling Marcum, for which he was given a life sentence, was a witness ageinst Hargis. Encouraging Reports. Winnipeg, Man., May 25.---The vast majority of the farmers have complet. ed wheat seeding and turned their at- tention to other grains. A summary of the reports so far recwivad indicates that the acreage in wheat in Mani toba will be. from eight to fen per cent less than last year, but that the province of Saskatchewan will show an increase, though a mych smaller increase than was anticipated, The, general tenor of the reports is most encouraging. fo toy thm songs which were splendidly received, James L. Hughes, Toronto, addressed the school children at Ealing. hall, Earl Crewe presiding, and severgl there was the apathy of the public to- zon is expected soon to re-enter pub- PEAFFEXLEEN AREA AXLE REE R sovereign him, for his position is political, and he retires into private life with the other members of a defeated govern. ment. it was arranged to transfer the . re- mains to a niche in the little mortu- ary chapel. At the exhumation suspi- cion was aroused by the extragrdin- ary light weight of the coffin, which, are prosecuting the town eouncil, . ported to have robbed the grave of William J. Waldie, who murdered his wife and twn chideen at Gananoque recontly. He was buried at Halstead Bay some distance from the town. OVER THE SEX The Empire Day Celebra- tions in London SPOKE AT EALING THE FEDERATION CONFER. ENCE IN EDUCATION, Opened in Caxton Hall on Friday ~--Earl Crewe Spoke Finelp-- Lord Curzon is to Enter Public Life at An Early Date-- He is Invited to Fill Several Seats. London, May 25.--Among- the cele brations of Empire Day, in London, was a great concert, under the honor- ary dirgetion of Dr. Charles Harris, at which artists § rom all parts of the empire appeared with great accept- ance. Miss" Fdith _ Miller, of Canada, sang four French-Canadian The federation conference on educa- tion opened, yesterday, in Caxton hundred delegates from all parts of the empire being present. Lord Crewe referred to the utility of exchange of ideas and hoped the conference would be the first of a long and useful ser- ies. Dr. Parmlee, Quebes, as an lich speaking Protestant, referred the fact that he was sent by French- speaking people. The difficulty ward education, The unionists of Jarrow division of Durham have entered into competition with Rutland for the parliamentary services of Lord Curzon of Kedleston, inviting the former viceroy of India t, contest Jarrow on the approaching re tirement of Sir Charles Halmer, Gibe ral, who was born in 1822, Lord Cur- lie life. The betrothal is announced of Prin. cess Louise, daughter of the Countess of Paris, and Prince Charles of Bour- bon, widower of Infanta Moreedes, sister of King Alf . The welding probubly will take" ile in England in, November. King AWonso will at- tond. According to the Teleg¥aph it is officially stated that there is little prospect of the Oxford-Cambridee track team visiting the United States to compete with the Harvard-Yale team this summer, KING PROMOTES OFFICIAL. Master of the Horse Takes Prece- dence. London, May 25.--The king, accord- ing to the Garette, has given the mgs: ter of the horse--the Earl, of Sefton--a tremendous step in the order of pre. cedence. Hitherto the master of the horse has ranked between the comptroller and the vice chamberlain of the house hold, in the table of precedence. In future he will take precedence of the speaker, the lords of appeal, the - bishops and barons, viscotnts, earls, marquises and dukes, and will come immediately after the chamber- lain of the king's household. The master of the horse has charge of all matters relating to the sov- ereign's stables and horses, and has the privilege of using any of his mas ter's horses, pages or footmen. Hig sional place j& next behind the proces His dignity, however, depends on the vitality of ministry which appoints GHASTLY SUPERSTITION, Girl's Corpse Used For Witchcraft | Rite. Naples, May 25.--May 25.~The Na- ples municipal council is being prose cuted for a ghastly crime committed by unknown ghouls in a cemetery. A little girl was buried there in July, 1905, and twelve months later on being opened, was found to con- tain only the child's skull wrapped in straw, with the customary bottle, containihg particulars of the deceas- ed. Professors Antonelli and Fimiani, who examined the head, declared that it had been ruthlessly torn from the trunk soon after death. e police investigations have re- sulted in the discovery that the eirl's hody wai disinterred and the bones pulverized to serve ' the rites of ne- cromancy and witcheraft which are still 80 much in vogue among wuper- stitious peasantry of that region. As the actual malefactors have not boen brought to justice, the varents His Grave Robbed. Brockville, May 25. --Ghouls are re ---------------------- Kingston. A -- For Complicity in Attempt on Life of President. ife of President Cabrera, on Apri 20th, in this city, handed down sen- tences of death in the cases of nine teen of the prisoners. These findings have created intense excitement, Two Italians, two brother Tinetti, to Guatemala, Signor Nagar, at once] § obteired information concerning the | § proceedings of the court, and request. ed a prompt revision of the findings of the court, In addition to the two Italians, it is reported that the sentenced of death and a woman named Luz Castancda, TWO MEN KILLED. Jacob Hennessy, Fireman, Run Over By a Train. Belleville, Out, May 25.--Jacob Hennessy, a fireman on the Central Ontario railway, was cut in two by a train a Banetols, The train broke apart an is supposed to have thrown the unfortunate man un- der the wheels, Hennessy was thirty years old and unmarried, is home was in Toronto. Dominicoe Botsies, an Italian, was killed in a dynamite explosion on the Central Ontario railway extension, noar Maynooth, The coroner held that tne man's death was due to his own carelessness, as he had been warned by the foreman to stay away from the blast. He was twenty threo years old. McLAUVGHLIN IS 007, ---- Well-Known New York Police Officer Resigns, New York, May 25.~William W. Me. Laughlin, admittedly one of the most active officers that the New York pol- ice department has' had, whose thir ty-nine years of service to the city have been crowded with stirring ev- t him, Commissioner | had no alternative but to grant the application. AN OLD JOURNALIST Passed Away After a Very Active . Stratford, Ont., May 25.--Heory T. Butler, a resident of Stratford for over fifty years, died here, last even- ing, aged sixty-throe years, He was intimately connected with the news. papers of Stratford, having outered the Beacon office as an a tice in 1858. He was lor a time editor of the Herald amd in 1876 established the Stratford Times. He sarved the town and city as councillor, and for two terms filled the mayor's chair. He retired from active business life a few years age. Mrs, Butler, five daugh- ters and one son survive. TORE DOWN U.S. FLAG, Englishmen Removed Stars and Stripes From Vice-Consulate. Winnipeg, May 25.--~The celebration of Victoria day was marred by the unfortynate and ill-advised notion of two young Englishmen, whose identi ty is so far unknown, who tore down the flag from the American vicewcon- sulate. Keen regret is felt here, and should the perpetrators be disvovered they will be severely dealt with, The Stars and Stripes and British flag were flying on the same pole, but be- cause the former was nost. it aroused the resentment of the English- men, WANT HIM BADLY. Stands Accused of Murders in Italy. Rome, May 25.--The ministry of jus tice is negotiating with France for the extradition of Enrico Alfano, alias Erricone, the head of the Camorfa, who was arrested in the United States whenee he fled after committing two murders in Naples. Alfano was taken from New Y. to Havre, where he was ro-arbested at the instance of the Italian consul, when he landed from the steamer La Savoie. His extradi- tion is likely to be promptly granted. ---------- Baseball On Friday. Fastern League--At Toronto, 9-2; Providence, 1-5. At Montreal, 1-4; Baltimore, 4-1, At Rochester, 5; Jer- sey City 4. At Buffalo, 11; New- ark, 4, American League--At Cleveland, 3; Philadelphia, 0. At St. Louis, 0; Bos ton, 4. At Detroit, 9; Washington, 2. National League--At New York, 5; Boston, 7. At Philsdaiphia 3; Brook- lyn, 6. At Pittsburg, 3; Cincinnati,2. iit Women Of Kingston. Show your interest in the ~ood old laws, mii: Cc Bros. © ampbell For the best 82 and $2.50 derbies in i -------------- Tee oréam made from dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross drug madorate geies, fine to-day. Arrivals FRIDAY AND SATURDAY | Sling. | White Embroidered Collars French Dresden Ribbons Fancy, Elastic Girdles Chiffon Neck Ruffs 4 Length Kid Gloves 4 Length Fabric Gloves Summer Cashmere Hose Fine Summer Under@oar Dainty Muslin Waists High-Class Silk Waists French Silk Petticoats, ete. Call and ask to see these g things. All areygworthy your "best attention. Steacy's ROBERT J. REID eo Leading Undertaker 227 Princess St ALL THIS WEEK The Popular Comedian, TOM MARKS Supported by His Big Stock Companys Saturday Mat.--""The Fatal Wedding." Saturday Night--"Jerry The Tramp. Matinee Prices, 10c. and 20c. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Friday and Saturday Satulday Matinee, MY 80th, Bist, June "LEO, THE ROYAL CADET Spica Miltary Garrison, Lieut.-Col. OC. By a Company aver Handsome nificent Scenic Fiffects, oh rices, 00 35¢., 50¢,, THE. cos, hildren 15¢. to any Sale Monday. Romance for benefit under patronage of 5c." Don't Paul to Taken SC. WONDERLAND change of Programme d@very Monday, Wednesday, Browne Goes Home. Orchestra in attendance. Now Illustrated Songs. UCTION SALI 201 Princess street, SATURDAY, dung ol par. x FACTURING SEWs town and help to pass smelter by- | ime Machines RIPLE Mirror, M

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