( HOC or ATE oO present ors wel old. and young than ome "GALA--PETER" The most healthful ici of Chocolutes. and delicious ts -- Jamont he & Co., 27 Ce Supa Montreal, for Seal Skin Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. BY W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER /8 and 80 BROCK ST. "Phone 700. Will be much required dur- ing the coming 'BRIDAL SEASON." You will find Stock replete with new designs, in Pearl Brooches, Rings, Scarf Pins, Necklets, ctc., for gift giving. our Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Phone 666. Opposity Grand {RAND Central Station INION |. NEW YORK cITY. OTEL [> $n api a Sagenge to oand i trom ata: aod on it of abl map or row ork Cisy z s & Ni ht. IN1ght.: g : . perfectly fast color, collar at- E zes 14 to 16). A regular 60c. 3 Each. b 4 84 to 10, extra special, 2 2 pairs @ lars, with and without tabs, \ight Only ch. \ at half price, h. ick. Cotton Hose we y . . a Pair. nd Drawers, special at 69c. or white, in all sizes aud at 3 C. & pair Best Lace Ss ur. competitors. a Pair nd 19c. Big value, | SAVED CHILD'S LIFE ¥. Tipmerman, of Ridge Spine, S. C.,'in Gratitude Writes wn] at the Life of Her Baby, Helen, Who "is Two-Years-Old and the Brightest Jewel of Their Happy Family, Was Saved by WARNER'S SAFE CURE POTTLE OF THIS GREAT KIDNEY CURE WILL BE SENT AR TRIAL L OY 32 3 70 VERY READER OF THE BRITISH WHIG, WHO Eo FROM KIDNEY, LIVER, BLADDER OR BLOOD DISEASE, I Baby Helen Timmerman, Who Was Given Up by the Doctors as Having Incurable Inflammation of the [Bladder al Gall Stones. In a recent Fier Mrs. Timmerman said: "I wich you to know that our en- tire family 'agree that. we owe the life of my bright two-year-old daughter Helen to Warner's Safe Cure. After three months' treatment, (with no improvement, our own doctor a skilled surgeon from a distant city said they had dome all they could for ry Oue said she had inflammation of the bladder amd the other said gall stone: We gave all hope of her becoming Well, when we were advised to try Ware rer's Safe Cure and began to give it to her, and within five days there was a great change for the Better. She took hree hottles and was cured. We inclose bs photograph, which shows her to be plump and the picture of health. War- ner's Safe Cure saved her young life. She is the brighrest jewel in our happy home to-day.' Cures Kidney Disease. When the hidueys are diseased the uric acid is not earried off and this causes Gout, Jambago, Rheumatism of the Joints, Rheumatism of the Muscles, Rheumasisin of the Haart, Rheumatism everywhere. In Kidney disease ths bowels are often constipated and the liver worpid. Warper's Safe Pills quickly relieve this condition, and no ill after effect ie exparh WARNER'S SAFE CURE is put upin two sises and ilo sold by Ma Slt gists, or direct $1.00 A BOTTLE. Reefuss substitutes containtug drugs Which injure the systems ¥ To convince every sufferer frome Slseames TRIAL BOTTLE FREE of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that WARNER'S SAFE CURE will absolutely cure, a trial bottle will he sent FRE 1 OF CHARGE, ostpaid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO., Atlantic " & Pacific Ave., Toronto, Ont,, and mention having seen this liberal offer in the Kingston British Whig. The genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by the publisher. If you will write' us a full statement vf your case, our doctor will send you free advice and a valuable medical booklet describing cduses, symptoms and treatment of all diseases of the neys, Liver, Lladder and, Blood, monials. All communications strictly confidential. and many convincing testi- YOUR SUMMER SHOES ARE NOW READY FOR YOU We have all kinds of Shoes-- Brown Shoes, Black and Patent Shoes TATE I TT Shoes White Canvas In fact everything that is stylish in Footwear, Oxford Shoes are in great demand. We have them i for men, women, boys, girls and children. % BT TITTY Men's Oxfords, $3.50 to 5.00. Women's Oxfords $1.25, 1.50, 2.00 to 3.50. Boys' and Girls' Oxfords, $1.00, 1.50 to 3.50. Children's Oxfords, Black Vici Kid, Patent Leather and Brown Leathers, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00, You Are Invited to Inspect Our Oxfords. Abernethy's Shoe Store 24.inch Silk Gloves 85 pairs, Long Silk Gloves, in black and" white, nice regular $1 quality. To- night, 7¢e. pair. = Hose Supporters with satin pad, ¢ pait, heavy quality, rood silk elastic, 10 dozen Fancy Hose Supporters, ends, worth 25¢c. To- wight, 19¢. SPECIAL--] ust Received To-Day iw and worth 5 dozen White Shirt Waists, all made in the latest styles, $1.25. To-night, 98c. each. THE JAMES JOHNSTON. STORE 180 Wellington Street. Earl street, was en fete on night, meet . and enjoy themselves. were the not-outs, the the some-time-outs, an with the hostess, while The rooms looked lovely with out. in spite of wind and frost. Welsh was at the piano delightful music. Assisting Mrs. lessie sory absence cheery GLAS was much mi dance to be given by Richardson, Stuart street, on nesday next. 3 a The first-class cadets were host a picnic party which was most Enjoyable. Mrs. John with soeiety, sight of the racers starting off coming in round the home buoy. club mat intercet in yachting and welec were mach in evidence, the out-of-town free of the club's privileges. ew 8 Mrs. Mrs. Gordon, Miss Beatrice Tantly Miss Loretta, Swift. R. E. Kent, Mrs. Noel Kent, George street, sant Victoria day. . The young people who had playing tennis in the park yestes afternoon, appreciated very much W. St, Pierre Hughes' invitation tea afterwards. - - - -. Miss Mario was the cause of Kingston covers were laid for nine. ea. a small picnic the bridesmaids at the. wedding Miss Jessie Bel June 5th. * . . * The date of the Royal Military College, is June «8 ce ing at street, Mrs. George King's, this evening. sae a Smith, sister of Mrs. Adam Sh hy her by walks in the Devon lanes, and lingerings in old Devon villages. Miss Smith one of the guests at cona's garden party. » - - Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cassels, of onto, entertained night in honor Raval Canadian bride, moon. - . . . Mrs. Adam Shortt, King street, accompany Professor Shortt on trip down to Washington, Regiment, and will ledve next Saturday on Shortt's return from Orillia and tawa, school inspector for Lennox and dington, and daughter, week in June. Mr. Newboro, for a few days, to pay former parishioners a long-prom visit, Mrs. G. from - Belleville in a week or so, Mills at "Bishopseourt." of here, bricht old lady, is going to get and particulars will be given la Canon Loucks, Barrie street, gone down to Ottawa to visit son, the Rev. Walter Loucks, Mrs. Frederick McGachen and ing Mrs. street, will leave, on Tuesday, Orillia. . . . . . Mrs. Henry Skinner; House," and Miss Nan Skinner go on Tuesday to Ottawa, where P.R. for their western trip. is spending a Mabel Lewis, in Montreal. left to-day to son, Dr. Grimshaw, in Toronto. Mrs. John R. Dargavel and SF Mary McGuiggan, of Elgin, will be town shortly, for a little visit. Telfer to Mr. I erick Charles Hahson, in Montreal, on Mrs. W. G. Anglins pretty house oh Wednesday when she gave her dancing par- ty for the young people. It was one of the nice dances at which all ages There just-outs, and their enjoy- ment was complete. Fortunately, for themselves and their partners the | cadets invited were able to come, and their scarlet tunics made the usu- al perfect foil for gossamer frocks of pale blue, pale pink and white, Miss Mamie Anglin, the debutante daugh- ter of a few months back, received |gnend Miss Susie and Master Douglas Anglin shared in the gaiety very materially, for the younger not-outs were asked for them. mar- guerites and the frail, delicate beauty of the wild flowers, "which have come Mrs. and played An- lin were Miss May Ford and Miss Richardson. The only draw- back to the evening was the compul- of Dr. Anglin, Whote The invitations are issued for the Wed- s at yesterday afternoon, Cochrane, Gore street, asked about twenty of the girls from town and the cadets to a jolly little party to celehrate Victoria night. The yacht club house was thronged yesterday, enjoying the and The ladies, whose men kind take a special ters, ymed ople who were made The ladies in charge of the tea at the Golf Clubhouse this afternoon are: Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Francis Hill Macnce, Miss Bessie and gave a little not-out dance to end a plea- been rday Mrs. to Gilmour, of Brookville, to Mills, yesterday, at which Miss Irene Hanson is to be one of of red- June ball at the 21th. There will be a little musical even- Alice Letters received from Miss Gertrude ortt, speak of the exquisite enjoyment given shire the quaint was Lord Strath- Tor- at dinner Tuesday of Major Burstall, his who are there on their honey- will his Virginia and other parts of the states. They Mr. Ot- Mrs. D. A. Nesbit, wife of the public Ad- are spending a few days as H. Paul's, Earl street. The Rev. G. H. P, Gront, and Mrs. Grout _of Delhi, N.Y., and their child- ren will leave about May 28th, for thdr Canadian homé. They will stay at Grimsby for a day or so before coming on, and will be here the first Grout will fo to his ised R. Beamish will be here and will be the guest of Mrs. Lennox Some one who is thought a great deal because she's such a dear, delightful surprise some of these ays, his her small daughter, who have heen visit- F. W. Kirkpatrick, King for "Maitland will Mr. J, 8. Skimner of Montreal, will meet them and put them on board the C. Miss Minnie Crothers, Earl street, few days with Miss Mrs. Delos Grimphuw, William street, d a month with her ( in Gi e Osborne bas arrived in Suptal Dod a ith his mother, Mrs. Osborne, Queen street. Mrs, George 'Davidson Craig their house on Gilmour street, Th go down to New York on Com will be her home Mrs. Richard "Hooper came home on Thursday from her trip to New York and other. in the States. Miss C, Alfred street, will leave shortly for St. John, N.B., to the with her sister, Mrs, Robertson Little Miss Margaret Maclennan, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Earl street. Miss Gertrude Comnolly, of Yarker, is coming in on Tuesday to visit Mrs. Ww. G. Craig, West street, Mr. and Mra Edward Botterell, Centre street, and Mrs. Parker Allon, have gone to Adolphusiown to visit Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Miss Bessie Weight pHa is here to: spend a fow days and to be pre: sent at the ofdimation of her brother, holiday from Toronto. turn on Monday, will remain for grandmothers. Mr. and Mrd, James Cappon, Barrie street, are home from Atlantic City. a visit with his two home from Atlantic City, to-day. Miss Victoria Morrison, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with Mrs. M. Morrison, Clergy street. Mrs. George R. Webster, wood, has gone up pay her daughter, ville a little visit. One of the Vietotia day visitors was Miss Bn , of Brookville, who is stay- ingot ckwood. iss Ida Hughes, Mr. Norman Henry of Rock- T. R. Somer- cottage there for. the summer, . Edward Yaedh and Miss Edith ay, visiting rr "and Mrs. R. Vashon Rogers, Barrie street. Mr. Oliver Hooper came home from Chicago for the holiday. Miss L. Howe, of Ottawa, is staying both out of town, Miss Fanily leavidg, yesterday, visit Mrs, Williams, and Miss Mary Rogers going to Montreal. The Rev, tawa for a trip to Winnipeg. . - - * Mr. W. R. Givens, and Dr. J. Lazier MaDowall, Kingston, were guests at the Canadian Club dinner, New York. Among the out-of-town 'people who viewed yeeterday's races from the bal- cony of the Yacht Club were Mr. and Mrs. R. Maitland Hannaford, Mont. real; Miss McGachen, Hamilton; and Mrs. Venn Henderson, Ottawa, Miss Fleda Pattersan, Springfield, Vt., is spending a few days, the guest of Miss Mabel Lake, Alfred street. Miss Wilson, of Gananoque, was a visitor in town yesterday. ». . - - Captain and Mrs. H. R. V. de Bury, of the Royal Military: College, have returned from Montreal. Mrs. Venn Henderson came up from Ottawa, on Thursday, and is the guest of her aunts, Miss Macpherson and Miss Edith Macpherson, Brock street, Miss Hallway will leave, ston, Madame Pacaud is coming up next week to visit her daughter, Mrs. F D. Lafferty at the R. M. C. staff ad- jutant's residence on Point Frederick. Miss Alice Houston of Ottawa, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Rayon University avenue. . Frederick Hammond of Toronto, -- down to spend the holiday with Mrs. James McParland, Emily street. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Macdapald, of Mount Forest, are visiting Mrs. Mac- donald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.J Dingman. Mrs. H. Munro Grier left on Thurs- day morning, for New York, by the Cape boat. . William Bampfield and Miss on Monday, for Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Stella Pratt. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Aléxander Pratt, of Cobourg, Ont., to Mr, W. J. Bert Davison of "Port Hope, on Wednes- day, June i, Mr. and Mee. a n Furby, Port Hove, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary So8ephing, to Mr. Wilson Graeme Denison of Port Hope. gs & 8 8» The engagement $s atmounced of Miss Emilie Dlive Church, daughter of the lage Mr C. of Winnipeg, to 4 chison, son of Mr. Henry Hutchison, Sherbourne street, Toronto. The mar riage will take place about the middle of June. Mr. and Mrs. Willism Robinson, of 39 Wilcocks street, Toronto, ammounoce the engagement of their daughter, Alice Maud, to Mr. Garnet 8. Bell, son of Dr. Robert Bell. The marriage will take place on Wednesday, June bth. City Hall, City Hall. To-night, to-night, the big meeting | is sold at Silas. Rod drug in the interests of passing of the! tore, Fresh there. smelter by-laws. It is strange how seldom a woman Campbell ros. For new telescope hats. leaves for op Vincent, N.Y., where she will rem Junti] the aututtin. Mrs. Cornelids Bermingham, Barrie in the house on Mr. Wright, late . of Trinity College, themselves send for our "ue whole Toronto, on Sund sale price list. eat. Suupiee iree So.) prices Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Cunningham att: Neth alt 144, and little Paul came down for the They will re but their small son Mrs. Haskell, of Boston, is the guost -- date mut sci ped La of Mrs, B. ner, King street, Pies Gal ah Ate, 'Prosoiny Mrs. R. C. Carter and Miss Madelon and Nbairing done. well. Galloway, Certer, King Street, were expected -- atin 10s Brosh direst LC Wa Hamilton to and Mr. Willis "Connor, who intended motoring m Ottawa to Kingston for the 24th, stopped off at Rockport instead. Mr, O'Connor has. taken a with Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street, The Misses Rogers, Union. street, are for Toronto, to Walter Loucks has left Ot- cries at those times when exes she is going to, EEE MAN TO DO LIGHT WORK SMALL SIZE Fone Be vat YACHT, 246 Wellington Se OFFICE PARTITION, OF woop neat and poly at Whig a ov aiehed in ild's IC rs RC ory 4 un 0. articten ot L20 Purniture, A 10 i DOUBLE BARREL ---- -------- te pe. HO ical ™ Mie. Ary Sunier : GRAVE vB kr A SALE SL ------------------------------------------. FO! UMMER, FURNIE D, te R_ THE S§ tg gate ol $l TYEE ON Kikg "Inder please leave at Whig office. - GOLD! WATCH, LADY'S, OX ON. THURS- Will _ the day evening, down ' finder please return EE Whig FOUND, A GOLD WATCH, ON FRIDAY EVEN- 4 , 385 Princess St. mence June 1st; and she oung men for store services on ATS. Ap- 5 ply The Wm, Davies San Lt MAN TO DRIVE DELIVERY WAGGON, one who understands the care horses, Apply immediately to Mc Kelvey & Birch. 2 = SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE HELP WANTED-FEMALE, A COOK: APPLY TO MRS, NICKLE, 180 Karl street PLAIN COOK. APPLY MRS, Hu, Tandy, 86 Johnson street. A GOOD COOK. APPLY IN THE evening, to Mrs. Hy, A Calvin, 181 King street. REAL ESTATE. E. B. AURDY SOLD TWO DWELLINGS this week, one on Johnson St., and the other on Ellis St, and three more for sale on Johnson street. wake ne useful around hotel Sood Apply to "W B.," Bos n, PW¥hig © A SANTLY SITUA EIGHT A DRIVER, SERVICES TO COM-|PLEA = ees est ) Shae ln AT A A, BARGAIN... N EoANT 3 oy Union of ve. Habe a' ahinat Grand i p Senutiful 1 ia ; fcMillan 0 Co., ingston. BE Green . EY Pl i) TO-LET, FURNISHED ROO NS, Ny WITH MODERN SUMMER odTrAGES: DWELLINGS a A coy OF OFFICES OVER 0 Gv: Fund Coming, gee ROOMS, IN @ BN LION Bi . he ah Ma Sti Ouminghes, 15 Sf Lior IN FRONT ThE bod J BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION street, rooms, on din- water A Poem in Memory of the Late Dr. Hingston. Marie, you take dat stufl away-- 1 don' wan' to eat to-ni t= An' brin' dose clo'es I buy las' year An' dat shirt dat's clean an' white ; For I go to Mon-real-- bout sixty mile; You' min' to be alone, 1 come back in a little while. 1 don" care it was tem t'ousan' mile § My heart he tell me right, He say: "Go to Mon-real, Go, Pierre, to-night' I won' spen' de money for train, I walk alone all way, Ain' I tol' you, my frien' he dead ? Ile died yesterday. Dat man, he was kind to me An' to you an baby, too, When yon were seek an' so poor You don' know what to do-- An' every day for mor' a month Ile came an make you well, An' he gibe money but you don' know Pierre he never tell, All he say to me : ¥ Cheer up, Pierre, Ie spr ng he soon be here, Dis snow an' ice day go away, So don' you never fear, Your wife an" chil' dey bee' get well In 'bout a week or to.' An' you bet' get well--jus' I wonder how he know 7 as he say; An' when I say in few months time ¢ "What have I to pay ? Why, he look at me an' laugh an' laugh, An' den I turn away An' like & fool T bow my head An' not a word could speak, I admos" cry jus' like a chil' An' feel so very weak. But I shake his hand an" den he say Somet'ing kind to me ; Mon Dieu | de tears come to my eyes So bad I could not see ; An' 1 jus' say : "'Marei, my frien" For what you done to me."" "Bout an hour ago dey tol' me How he died in Mon'res How de peoples say dey Tone. deir frien' People big an' small ; How dey honor hm--not because he rich-- Bat for 'being kind An' dey say in Canads He de bes' man you can find, Marie--il some one ask for me You tol' him what I said, An' say I go to Montrval-- My frien' is Glendower Gleamings. Glendower, May 24.---J Albert- fon has a gang of men loading rock on the branch for Mr. Richardfon. George Timmerman is on sick list; had the doctor to see him. Char. les Babcock has moved into this neigh- torhood again. James Colter passed through here buyi ing Suit the, Some have returned from t. Farmers have got their spring work neatly done. Christopher turned from Cobalt. s and Mrs. Allan Snider, at Sanford Leemon's, Men Of Kingston. Now or never. Vote for the smelter by-laws. The genuine Manaancs 4 's talcum powder Cross you most Try Bibby's 31. siegligen. shirts, which treasures in bought fa, Ri hteovsnrss is the at i han an be Three things to despiss--cruelty, ar- | infallible, « absolute ce and ingratitude, thority in blights much Three things to wish for--health, Mate than it It becomes a friends and contentment. of thought, restraining all frees Three things to admire--dignity, | boo and Aanest esigston I gracefulness and intellectual power, er tan ized fact to Three things to rgive--alms to the aay faith. Foriiogd g is it to needs, comfort to" the sad and appre- | take the Bible for what it is AY in ciation to the worthy. getint stimules and he It is red insofar as it is Je - ly insolar as it is . To x SIIHISIICIIIIIICIIIIIIINN || i UY more concerning it is to sub- # A GENEROUS OFFER. : or one Hm Ppa » Senna exercising the right # Winnipeg, May 25.--F. if |ocreising the right of private judg: ¥ W. Heubach has oftipd to : . -- § % donate 150 acres in Tuxedo ) ¥ Park, close to the present # odes Mr. Casson for: free litera: HH: Agricultural College, to ¥ ! ¥ the university council for a ¥ site for the new buildings 3 # which it has been suggest- ¥ Mi ed they erect in some ¥ #¥ section where the various % # colleges could be gathered ¥ together, W ¥ » HAHN. if St, Peter etied recommendations from his neighbors, real friends understand fle are bankrupt. | Rule Of Three. The Paragraph Pulpit Threo things to govern--temper, ton and conduct, Unitarian Three thing to culivate--courage, | REV. O. W. GA38N, OTTAWA affection and gentleness Three things to cominend--thrift, in- dustry and promptness. The Blight Of The Bible, Where the Bible is accepted a# an No man would ever get into heaven Coming Out Time. The ladies are coming out to help and pass the smelter by-laws on Tues- Large size Tarine moth sheets for putting away furs, Sc., » 8% Chown's Drug Store. day. The only way to find hH how many you have is to let pdople Fruit syrups from frah ¥ipe fruit diss pensed at Gibson's Cross drug store fountain, Bibby's for men's underwear. er's high-class candy at Red Cross drug store Ladies' Corsets Our complete range is now at your service ; so why not-get the Special Corset that is so much in favor with your dress maker, Shirt Waists . The justly celebrated "Royal" in our Specials, selected with the test care for the women of ingston, are also here, and at present we have every size for the slight, medium and large figures, SOM ERVILLE