Daily British Whig (1850), 25 May 1907, p. 5

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Suit you'll fancy here, est. n 'the choicest styles, the newest best tailoring. ng about the New ideas in Spring yl take--we're selling them. g in appearance will find at this Spring its 5, $14, $12.50, $10. Bibby Co. POO0000000000000000000 ES ---------- SAE. COURT OF. REVISION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT he Court of Revision for the Township f. Palmerston and North and South anonto, will he held in the Town Ha': almerston, on MONDAY, the 27th ay of May, commencing at ten o'clock renoon. All persons "having business at said ourt will please govern themselves ac- rdingly. ISAAC ALLEN, Clerk, Dated this 8th day of May, 1907. icycles icycle Repairing ishing Tackle ase Ball Goods Suits ammocks alking Machines, ---- ' NGROVE'S SPORTING GOODS HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET. Vaggoner's Special! Blue Serge Suit $20 Best Workmanship First Class Trimmings Fit Guaranteed BSR NIRS | you w rd pa tol be successful at- fh . . apd | all jects thoroughly ta Rp - fen o Classes. Inter at Rates very moderate. F. METCALFE, President: E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. ERE Hr rs women live on the .hope that not judge them as strictly own mirrors 4 3 ai who wan out in the fight to ill r a mean man i : HEADACHE, WEAKNESS, "] Suffered With for Yeats--Pe-ru-na Cured , Me Entirely," HEART TROUBLE" AWFUL INJURY ¢ Miss Albina Chauvin, No. 50 Rue Agnes, St. Henri, Montreal, Can., writes: "I consider Peruna better than any other remedy, as it cured me when nothing else could. I suffered for years and years with heart trouble, headache and weakness, I ngfen expected to find anything to cure me, saw one day, in "La Presse," that Peruna was excellent and [ tried it. One bottle produced a change in me and if the price had been $100 a bottle I would have paid it gladly. "Please Accept My Thanks and Best Wishes For Your PE-RU-NA." Many cases of heart trouble are caused | by reflex disturbances. i Derangetfients of the stomach and liver produce symptoms of heart trouble. Catarrh of the stomach is a very fre- | quent cause of sympathetic heart es ease. | the stoma r the mucous mem- I theirk sod "alls winter. fil} Palpitation, shortness of breath and branesa g the natural func- | &n! their boat unused all' winter, : F «d and sank fifty vards from shore. bloating after meals are the most prom- | tion of t that causes I'eruna 2 a 3 SEvDapt . {to bri 3 Felict Bolton was a poor swimmer, Hopwell inent symp oms. ito bri tags aR 10k though weighted with a heavy provi- sion basket and .clothing, had Bolton S---- - --- ova = | place his hands on his shoulders, and 1 have taken six bottles and gm entirely cured. Please accept my thanks and best wishes for your Perna." y this morning, at the J. A. Smith works, where she is employed. Her hair caught in some machinery. She was taken to St. Michael's hos- pital. She is seriously injured. The woman displayed great presence of @ |[ mind after the accident. By the upsetting of the Toronto railway company's construction wag- gon, this morning, at Yonge and Richmond streets, three workmen had A narrow escape from serious injury, Matthew McGowan, S1 Arthur street, had a leg broken. Another man saved himself "by clinging to the trolley vires, which were, fortunately, not harged with electricity. AT THE POLICE COURT. Theit Case to Be Tried By Judge Price. fix holiday drunks faced the magis- trate on Saturday morning, and a fine of $1 and costs was imposed upon cach, An Indian from Wolfe Island, wes among the offenders, and a num- ber of his friends came to his rescue after the police court session was over. In the case of Thomas Miller, the young man arrested" for stealing clothes from a line at an Earl steosi home, John McIntyre, K.C., who ar- pearad for him, have the prisoner tried hefore a county judge. The magistrate was about to Impose a sentence of six months in the county jail. The clothes found in Miller's possession when ar- rested hy Constable Naylon, were In Factory at Toronto--Railway Construction Waggon Upset and Workman Had His Leg --2 Broken. Toronto, May 25.--Miss Bella Lo- gan, thirty-one yoars old, had her scalp literally torn from her head, Hungerford made apvlieation to! INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters Un Their Rounds. Good, sweet oranges, 2 dozen for Be. Edwards &, Jenkin, 274 Princess street. The K. & P. railvay brought 210 visitors to the city on Victoria day, and the Bay of Quinte train had 133 passengers on board. : There were no games played in the city baseball league, on Victoria day. The Young Irishmen and the Emer- alds had a practice game on the cricket field. Chief Bond, of Port Hope, was in the city this morning, with. a pationt for Rockwood asyhm. This was his first visit to Kingston and he was very much pleased with the appear ance of the aity. We invite you to call and inspect our new premises aml especially our fine display of fancy chocolates, in sealed packages and bulk, muanufac- tured by the W. J. Crothers Co. W H. Medley. : The Kingston Old Boys' Association of Toronto is to hold an, open meet- ing and entertainment on the evening of the 30th and all friends of King- ston have been mvited. The annual home-coming takes place Saturday, July 27th. More than one clothes line in the Sydenham-Earl street district. was cieared of clothes the other day by a thief. One youmg lady' called at the police station to see if her white goods had been captured, but they weren't among the spoil. -- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Lacrosse at Toronto, yesterday : Montreal Shamrocks, 1: Twoumsehs, 7. Dr. W, F. Lewis, M.P.P., for Dufferin, who was visiting Toronto, died sud- denly, The 13th regiment, of Hamilton, is jon a visit to the 65th regiment, of { Bufialo. Walter Wellman, the aeronaut, left { London on Friday, for Spitzhergen, on | DAILY! BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 25. " : SCALP TORN OFF A YOUNG WOMAN SUFFERS NO LIQUOR ALLOWED TO BE SOLD ALONG LINE OF THEG.T.R. The Prohibited Area--A Yukon Clerk is Accused hf Irregular Acts--Judge Investigating. Ottawa, May 25.--Hawkesbury and Cobalt have been created outports of customs under the survey of the port of Ottawa. An amendment in council, prohibit ing sale of liquor on the line of the construction sof the G.T.P., is as fol- lows © "All those portjons of the pro- vinees of Manitobn, Ontario, Quebec, except in the provisional district of Rainy river, in the province of On- tario, within twenty miles on each side of the located line and inclutling the line itself of the national trans continental railway from the limits of the town of St. Boniface, in the province of Manitoba, easterly to the Quebec bridge across the River St. Lawrence, in the said province of Quebee, and in the said provincial ju- dicial district of kainy River, within ten miles on each side of the located line, and including the line itself, of the National Trapscontinental rail way, but not including incorporated cities amd towns within the said area." Oswald S. Finnie, chief clerk in the office of the gold commissioner of the YEAR WITHOUT A SUMMER. Yukon territory, is accused of wrong- --- ful and irregilar acts. Judge Craig | Ice Was Common in Month of will investignte, J July. The coldness and backwardness of the: season' so far has been the theme of many serious conversations "wher- ever men do congregate" and the ty- pical "oldest inhabitant" has been much in demand for comparisors of cold seasons in former years. Ninety- DISTRICT DASHES, Items Snipped From Our Various Exchanges. Miss Mary Bell MeGregor, died in mith's Falls on Tuesday, aged twen- t; seven years, one years ago--I8l6--the northern "Rev. A. C. Huffman has resigned | parts of this continent, and also his appointment at Cloyne, owing to { Europe, had a visitation of eold which throat trouble. caused that year to be known as 'the W. H. Spider, a former shoe mer- chant of Belleville, died last week at Lansing, Mich. Ww. year without a summer," and as "the year. of the frost." The following in- teresting facts are to be found'ia Rev. identified by the lady at the house. | his way to the north pole, J. Morris, Delta, has been ap- | Dr. Patterson's "History of the Coun- Miller was found guilty of theft in The railway commission 'will make a | rointed bailiff of the sixth division ty of Pictou, N. S8.," published in the police court in February, 1906, | thorough inquiry into the matter of | court of Leeds and Grenville, : 1877: and was also found guilty on a simi- | broken rails on railways. ' The death occurred at Keowatin of "In the Northern States frost, ice lar charge, in the month of August | The monument to the Strathcona [John G. Wornworth, aged thirty-two | and snow were common in June. Snow of the same year. | Horse was unveiled, at Montreal, on | Years. Deceased was a native of Tam: | fell to the depth of ten inches in Ver- | Friduy . by Chicf Justice Fitapatrick worth. . i Joka Wolk Hint, Page 3 Haine, Jk Sheen in It is believed the defaleations of J. w farm house of John W. Berry, 'eniral New York. On July 5th, ice DROWNED ON HOLIDAY, | Ed Boeck, the New York gem neat Descronto, was burned on Wed- | wag formed of the thickness of com- Such a condition of the stomach is He Perished as Friend Had Him ! broker, may run to a million dollars. | neshy. The family just escaped with mon window glass throughout New also liable to produce headaches of the The Lake Mohonk conference on in- | their lives. Re England, New York and some parts worst sort. " at Safety. Yaiain J | oThe Lek 'arbitration decided not to Harold Fiezgerald, Wellington, start. of Pennsylvania. In August ice was Medicines that palliate the symptoms Ti John, ky May - George a | press the question of disarmament or ig Thutadey for Roreita, white he formed half an inch thick. Indian oa: Pal liate loltom, aged twenty-one, was drown Hindtation: of armanients. as accepted a position in the Metro: | corn was frozen that the greater Lake Lattimer, after a gallant his companioni «d in attempt at rescue by A Fdward J, Hipwell. They were fishing, It is the effect which Peruna has upon 100 READY-TO-WEAR HATS thn started to swim ashore. rards from the land Bolton gave out | and went down. This so unnerved Hip- well, that he, too, sank, hut managed to grasp a stick reached out to him 75 CENTS EACH. These Hats are nicely tr of Velvet around the cre in front, with two quills through it, worth $1.50, but being all the the line, he cffered to clear at half price, which offer we accepted and n { the same advantage. $1.50 Hats for 75c. SEE WINDOW DISLAY Coat Bargains still on. Your size and style may up. p ; 'certain spots; the island of Bornholm, DD. Mi. Spe nce, Old Sayings. lin the Baltic sca, acts as a huge mag The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store, Sheet L.ea Sizes. A Canada Metal Co. Weill Universi MONTREAL. Session 1907-1908 1 Seieno Metallurgy Arts, Appliec Chemi Co ras in (Architceture, and Theory and Practice of Railways, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Min: ing Fngineering) Law, Medicine and Conimerce, Matriculation Examinaticns, © and examinaticns for cond - Year Exhi bitions and Third Year Scholarst will commence on September 9th: Applied Scie 1 will Lectures in 'Arts, Midicin: and Commerce, September 15th; in Law, on September 10th. Particulars recarding nir. nse requirements, study, fees, etc., can be obtained on applicaticn to J. A. NICHOLSON, M.A, : Registrar. NewYorkChinese Restaurart 83 Princess Sirest Of en from 10.80 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city Meals of all kinde bn shortest notice. English and Chinese examinations, courses of With, 2 tance runner, may lose the sight of classes. In addition to the lectures one of his eyes as the result of an ac- giver hy the Professors and Lecturers {cident at Caledonia. Longhout com- of the University, students gre assisted |peted in a five-mile race, winning it lent tutors. Gymmasium, skat- i hollow: fashion. When he finished A lent tutors, Lynng _ : his friends crowded about him, dnd ing rink, tennis courts, etc. Scholar- |... big fellow tried to lift him on ships em! Erhibiticns awarded an- [his shoulders. In doing so he stuck : I the end of. his cigar into the runner's ada It tranches of music | right eye, "burning it "severely. The ir Ri0nk in aL a i Music Indian was brought io the city for McGill Conservatonum of Music, : from shore and was pulled from the | { water.Both were dry goods clerks and | clese companions. VICTIM OF VANITY. | immed with two rows y " RR J | »wn, a Round Rosette Girl Stole Funds and Must Go to | Jail. { manufacturer had of Bloomington, 1H., May 25.--Dismiss- ing her lawyik, Helen Pixon walked J before the bar of the circuit court | and pleaded guilty to the charge of | embezzlement of 81,300 from the or- gan fund of the Gleaner Society of the Second Presbyterian church, and | iso to the forgery of a note of £300. | The prisoner's demeanor was cool and self-possessed, and - there was no | change when Judge Myers senteneed | Wwe give our customers her to the penitentiary for an inde 3 rs . af penitentiary Tr an ing Only seventeen left, {terminate term. be in them. Hurry Miss Dixon was treasurer of the | Gleaner, and, it is understood, spent | the money for clothes. Dean Swift is credited with "Bread is the staff of life." It was Kents who said, beauty is a jov forover." Franklin is authority for helps those who help themselves." "Man proposes, but God disposes," remarked Thomas "A. Kempis. "All ery and no wool" is an ex- pression found in Butler's "Hudibras." was an observation of Thomas Southerne that "Pity's akin to love." Edward Coke, the English jurist, was of the opinion that "A man's house is his castle." (1 "When Greeks Greeks, then | o Lid, -- r-- -- was the tug of war," was written by Nathaniel Lee, ROYAL YICTORIA We are indebted to Colley Cibber, not to Shakespeare, for "Richard is - A---- All ¥ WILLIAM ST, Toronto, Ont. joined himsel! again.' To Milton we owe "The paradise of COLLEGE - MONTREAL fools," 'A wilderness of sweets" and "Moping melancholy amd moonstruck A vesidential hall for the women siu- | marhess. dents of MeGill University. Situated | The poet Campbell found that + . a i | "Coming events cast their shadows on Sh rbrook street, in close proxi- before" and "Tis distance lends en- mity to the University buildings and | chantment to the view.' Students of the College latoratori - Longboat's Eye Injured. Hamilton, Ont. Longboat, the celdbrated long a wmitted to the courses in, Arts of McGill University on identicid terms c dis- but mainly in separate treatment, and t was advised to go into the hospital. For further particulars address The Warden. Royal Victoria - College. Died On Way From Church. Belleville, Ont., May 25.--Mrs. An- dew Knox, aged sixty-five Years, a Sale of lancy | stockings, splendid MONTREAL. { lady who for years was a resident of | value, 25c.; also cashmere stockings, ein | this city, while mturning home from | 25c. New York Dress Reform. { hidge Street church, was taken ill and Wood's Phosphoding, expired before medical aid could be trea A Remedy. summoned. Heart disease was the The Great English Remedy. | Sai ' . p 1 new | h Bod in : eine. Cures Nerv- 1 . Ment! and Brain Worry, Des-| Qu, Weed and Belladonna, com- an 3 sions, Sper |, + : pordeacy, Sez! Weakness, Srminns nnd. Sper Ihined with the other ingredients used ea, and Ef : aforr isi a 15. One wil six | jn, the best porous plasters, make on Ba by all dragwises Batali | fen 8. W. & B. Backache Plas- i , 'ters the best in the market. Price 25 Ona | | | an silver Ten | a , { mance of Monte Cristo" | hold j avarice, Two or three of the original oO said by reputable navagators to exert "A thing of | suoh marvelous power as to be able to C "God | aside rom its { of this terrible natural magnet can be felt for a distance of ten miles. the the island and the consequently able to steer correctly. Befo of countless wrecks, at night, due to | the fact that pilots would steer direct- rescue was practically impossible at night during any kind of a storm. natural tree fountain, the water flow- ing continuously from up in ago the water from a spring was con- ducted through a shaft, and the sup- ply pipe was directed through the cut trunk of a young poplar tree which was rammed in the ground. May 25.--Thomas | short time the trunk rooted, branches followed, and now there is a splendid top growth. archipelaga, has the distinction of be ing the home of representative of the wild eattle. An idea of the extremely diminutive pro- portions of the anoa, as the animal in tain it is that he prefers fishing to polities. > man was killed and several others were injured; on Friday, by" a freight train at an 'mrrotected ecross- ing on the Toronto Esplanade. Fabulously Rich Mines. The history of the famous Australi- mine of the "Broken Hills" reads more like a page from the ro- than as the recital of sober facts. A few years ago i fourteen men clubbed together $500 each to buy the mine. Some of these their sharcs to the present day, and are rich beyond the dreams of fourteen grew faint-hearted and sold their shares for small sums. To-day each of these shares, with its ramifica- tions, for they have beem divided and subdivided many times over, is worth £10,000,000. In the early days of the company one of the original holders became pos- sessed of three shares, and ko little value did he place on them that on a certain occasion he played cards with his boundary rider, wagering a single share with some paltry stake, He lost, The boundary rider took the share and kept it. Bornholm Island. The reermt great discoveries in con- nection with the North magnetic pole have called attention to the fact that the entire carth is ome huge electro magnat. This is very pronounced in net of the most enormous power, It is a vessel to turn perceptibly true course. The effect When vicinity the pilots allow for magnetic disturbance caused by n this ts true char- eter was discovered it was the cause y onto its rockPound coasts where Tree Fountain: re An extraordinary curiosity is to be a spout high the tree. About twenty years After a Home Of Smallest Wild Cattle. Celebes, an island in the Malay the smallest living question, which has some of the char acteristics of the buffala, is called, may be gained when it is stated that its height at the shoulder is only three feet and four inches. Feal gr.atness never had to keep yelling to make sure the world would not lose sight of it. They wore such things ere we were born She looked so serious and stiff, politan bank, The property. owners - of -Norwoor have, by a majority of fifty-three, car- ril a by-law to raise £10,000 for cement walks, and to improve the town hall. The engagement is announced of Miss lina M. Clark, daughter of W. I. , Picton, to Charles E. Break- enridge, Smith's Falls, The marriage will take place in June. On Monday at Smith's Falls, Wil liam Frederick 8. MeCrea, Smith's Falls, formerly of Metrickville, Ont., was married to Mrs. Agnes F. Rolph, of Two Rivers, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Me- Crea gre going to be residents of that town. The house of Elmer Galbraith, Croy- don, was destroyed by fire with its contents, #during the high wind of Wed- n sday of last week. Mr. Galbraith will be a heavy loser, having Lut $500 insurance. Last August his barn and had 'to pay £3 per barrel. On his way crops were destroyed by fire, tack on June th, he stayed all night The family of J. B. Murphy, Tam- | at a tavern between Halifax and worth, were all taken down with Truro, and in the morning the ground measles Mrs. Murphy, son James was frogn so hard that it earried his and little daughter Blanche aned May; | horse. The flour came round hy wat- not one left to wait on the other. | or and. he went down to town (Pie- The neighbors turned in like bees and ton), to bring it up the East River, did evervthing there was to be done. which he did on a coal lighter. On Rev. Father Kelly, Smith's Falls, Ni hi up on Ne 16th, he saw 'a has gone to Quebec, to meet his sisters the Misses Kelly who will spend the summer in Canada. They will be the guests of Father Kelly at the preshy- tery during the greater part of their stay and will also travel in western Canada and United States, Miss Annie M. Nash, died at St Luke's hospital, Ottawa, May 2nd. De ceased was a resident of Napanee, until eleven years ago, when she went to Ot- tawa as a teacher in St. Patrick's hoys® school, where she proved a po- pular and efficient teacher, und gained the esteem ; friendship of a large circle of friends" The remains were tak en to Marysville for interment. part was cut down for fodder. Indeed almost every green thing was destroy- ed. A similar state of things existed in England. During the whale season the sun's rays seemed to be destitute of heat, All nature seemed to be clad in a sable hue. The average wholesale price of flour during the your in Phil- adelphia was £13 a barrel. The aver- age price of wheat in England was nin: ty-seven shillings pér quarter. "Here (in Pictou County) the frost was hard in the woods: in the month of June, provisions were high and from the destruction of the erops the previous year (1816) by the mice, many. were suffering, and nearly all the farmers were put to some iheon- venience for want of foéd for their families. Alexander Grant, miller, of the East River, went to Halifax to get in 'a supply, He there bought seventy barrels of flour, for which he How She Looked. Wilkes-Barro Leader. Just hold it slanting, thut the light May fall " Just so upon the glass There | Now you seem to have it right Sweet, quaint, old-fashioned little lars | How phuin and smooth hor hair is worn ; The frock, how hideous its stripe-- It's grandmother's daugerrotype, Yt those two curls are perfect dears. seen in the Swiss village of Gunten, |I very often wonder if Go be By . » She was us prim as she appears, pe rT on Lake Thun. It takes the form of a You see, her head the "artist" placed DA gelF- > Sd In some machine with iron grip. Still, signs of mischief T have traced In grandmother's daugerrotype. No you have a frandtather says that in'times gone Ly ~She led him (uite a lively ee Dear wie ! It really mmkes one sigh To think about the old romange. He says she had such roguish ayes, And lips, he says, like cherries ripe. It's something that you'd not surmise From grandmother's daugerrotype. Dumb Councillors. As the result of two candidates (one conservative and the other liberal) for the Cambridgeshire county eoun- cil having polled the same number of votes, a remarkable situation has arisen. When it was discovered that they had tied, the returning officer was asked to give his easting vote, but this he declined to do. It was thought that the clectors would have to te polled again, but that appar- eatly is impossible, and according to the Inw another election cannot' fake place for three vears. In the mean time both candidates may attend the mectines of the council as the refire- sentatives of the division, but neither will Le permitted to vote nor to speak. . minutes. closet. There's the New Transparent Oven Door; and the Combination Grate, THE RANGE Made in sizes to suit all requirement strate for you its many ustrated catalogue, When a man gore wrong it is funny | how many of his neighbors seem to have expected it. The wiser a man is the more cer Miss Louise Vigoria Foden, left for Toronto. on Thursday, to celebrate her birthday with her sisters, on the 24th. She will visit Hamilton, to see ber new , Waldron Howard. Sale of Baking Pow Made of Pure Grape Cream of Tartar. man trying to harrow his evound, where he had sowed some grain, at wearing a great coat, in consequence of the cold. : "That might being Saturday he put the flour into a barn owned by (he late James Carmichael-father of the late Senator James, Cyrmichas) whe had shortly before begun to do busi- ness where New Glasgow now stands, On Monday morning, before he reach: ed the spot, there were as many as: sembled as there were barrels of flows and no sooner was the door ; than a rush was made and each man reized a barrel, asking no questions as to price, and it was with some dil ficulty that he saved one for his own family," ------ The satisfaction of knowing vou are where you wanted to be quiets mis: givings ns to the route taken. : No offca ever ruined its eyesight soking for a mom who knew he was fitt:d for it, Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets for Women Make FREE! THE ONTARIO tting up to find the fire out and to be late with breakfast--if Thought n ge Sy enn 8 A turn of the dampers at night and the fire is retained for 36 hours; another turn in the morning and the fire is burning brightly in 5. . STOVE SIMPLICITY : is embodied in the Happy Thought Range" from oven to. warming lector Shelf---a the Fang Burns Coal or Wood otheppoints of excellence, or write us direct id which will be mailed to you FRER, " the WM. BUCK STOVE C i ng In the Morning x OF QUALITY

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