's for choice -------- LX. hour, at It is claimed in militia circles that | H. A Ottawa, was in the - when the. Pruiment and active militia oy yesterday. Waterto Children's 'stock that will wear, | °OTP® march into Petawawa in June, n, Wa wn, was » 13e., Tos 200 New York | they will be quartered in the fincst Rares Visitors. Dress Reform. military camp in , and one| H. Reynet, of Syracuse, N.Y., was a > i which in many ways favor. | visitor to the city yesterday. -- ably with any one in the world, The | James Stewart tame in from Pem- ; * impovemenits made since last summer | broke for #h8 Victoria Dav celobra- : te nearly $40,000. The | tion. area by the buildings, twen- | Arthur Richardson and A. E. Tyner, ty-vight Which are new, is one | Watertown, N.Y., spent the 24th in square mile. stables are neces- | tow sit § 7 150 DISTINCT SUITS . Jin the latest New York and Lond iad - tailor-made Yhroughout. We, Rogtllee 810, now $6.67. Regular 815, now $10. Regular $12.50, now $8.33, Regular $20, now $13.34, El = TR Regular $35, now $16.67. handsomely the interior, company lease. and Dr. recalled and tha '| Veyor be sent. | All Lace Curtains at-20 Per J] Cent Discount All Curtain Muslins at 20 Per a a Cent, iscount ERY AE Si a charge of and duri the oi otcurred on Victor tase and raincoat belohging to Inv \ oR i the temporary md y School of Music { _ Rowernment the privilege leasing the water lots for boathouse Purposes, and that they are not in- clded in the company Lawe, surveyor of the ! ; : i getic officers than many in the per in, wall paper, call at | Manent corps. The later need to ho ~ 0. Fraser's. wil weeded. A beginning is being | day. sony to accommodate the horses, for that they Petawawa, or ar are not to go there thi Dy Their exuminations: are about Fn self Into Hot Water. .| Trouble exists over a strip of land along the harbor, bet bridge and the M. T. of 's lease. Henry department of has been here to settle the dispute, and i is understood that, both be and T. W. Nash, PLS. hold that the land is covered by the The former, it is alleged, made such a statoment before poring to Ottawa on the matter, E Bvans telegraphed to the capital demanding that He Lawn be t an unprejudiced sur- Mr. Lawe left for Ot- tawa at noom; being reondled, it ig claimed, by the other party, ------ Took 'Away Goods. Among the losses reported th hate in day was a suit »r All Carpet Squares At.20 Per J fabio faves ar oy hy unt. Stratford, of Jowesnfive hall, had bi 3 a Bs Hat ao or ad is Ef.) | terday. Miss Nellie deft in Belleville. Mrs. Cook, : [the returning rig Day, for a , t | the holiday with her friend. Mi ween Cataranhi Sparks, Wellington street. - Company pre Thomas Ferris and J. V. Brennan, has held that were numbered in the Gananoque cone tingent which Mr. and Mrs. lington street. aunt, Mrs. Duraford ston, start practice, widow 7 They Are Saying And Doing. Felix Shaw went to Perth yester- Miss Vicei Delph left for Watertown, ne A. V. Turner came up from Lans- staff, | downe to attend the celebration yee- The many friends of Miss Eva Max- well in be sorry to hear that she is very ill, Rendall Mills and Albert Vincent came up from the factory town ves. Fr. T. J. Kinnear, of Toronto, formerly Christian Science reader here, is visit ing in town. to pay a visit to her aunt, a few days with Miss May Robinson, Stuart street. W. A. Craig, Syracuse, was one of Samuel Thornton, Auburn. N.Y, is spending a few days in Kingston, re- newine_wenuaintances. Rev, Hugh is n town with his sister, Mrs, R. W. Ravson, University avenue. Miss Edna Salter, Gananoque, spent Misses Agnes Freeman and Mary St. Louis, Desoronto, are the guests of P.G. R. A. Blackeby, Kingston, was in Haileybury, on and assisted at the institution of an LO.O.F. lodge. Mrs. S. C O'Brien. Mrs, W. Pipe, Nirs. H. Chambers, zer, of Natartows. N.Y, are spending Miss May Cameron, 'Barrie street, loft for Watertown, to-day, where she will likely spend the summer with her Durnford has been appointed treasurer of the diocese of Montreal, in place of Lansing Lewis, resigned. Mr. "Rev, Father Powell, of the Cowlev revor, who i d ously ill' in. the (R10 AY «W. B. Renaud, the official starter at the Victoria dn 'with. some prominent men of the city, The. death took place in ol. few days ago. of i of the late Samuel P Mrs. Buxton Smith, in Kingston, and ithe and her family have many Bical ere, h . "i We have plotted, planned and figur. od, eS, Fh tte morning till hi for a medicine ht ip ht Ford Ri , Will clear fr for Charlotte, ia arrived t, fr #E | last night's struggle being the "toe great ad- & LATEST PLAN. 8 | hold," which has won for Gotch more : eg than nine-tenths of his vietaries on ta) s-- London, Ma ro] Y. 25.--An- 3 | the mat. SEES ea forme en BIT shows that the Cana. | 26 throple Bh or, Thi ¥ bE 2 No ® ne : - an 0 S------ Woodstock, 1,800 boxes at 19¢ San Officers took iain, anding (vides for the repatriation Xt |Frontenac Ward Will Benet By Madoe, 585 ot 12 7-16c. Nanci ht _" ] tain, notwith- | ang pensioning of all the Smelter. Porth, 700 900 sa' Beikvitla prices. | big advantages in Flom to wei Poor and aged Scots mow Kingston, May 25.~(To ihe Edi- Th danecial Sutorship and in Having ® in Great Britain. Mi | tor) : 1 would. like especially to draw the military wri In' some x ts for his bounty i to 'the attention of the property own- cass the Canadians ex. Capt » parison A pr old and 3 | ers of Frontenae ward the import- Anderson, formerly of the Royal Maki: indigent. | will be sent i ance of every voter easting a ballot ries and the Mth P.W.O. ack to their former homes | for the smelter by-law on Tuesday. Ri ®, of Kingston, stood ional. in Scotland, at Mr. Car- # | No other ward will be as greatly bene- ly high. Canada 'turns out vn very | J negie's Rad, and a x fited by the installation of those two Dest "of officers, but it whist be way [¥ Pension of sbillings industries. Thego is a dangerof those that some who inflict themselves on the a week will be allowed... | by-laws not carrying, not because of mil service would be better at - | any opposition, but by reason of a vocations. However, the | SHINN | romber ol wi oat mooson of a Neh Standards or Syiel will keep their vote. Don't let this be said - of dullards i those 4 our ward. The polling booths for Nos. who have brains. It en Mhen- PERSONAL MENTION 3, 1% and 13 is at No. 289 Princess Movements of the People--What Forsythe, Portsmouth, Gananoque, is spending Kingstomians on Victo- visit, J. Spenver, of Chicago, visited the cit yoster- B. J. O'Rourke, Wel ay night, Mrs. W. B. Ta resided in King: The doctor has the Manitoba coun- and leaves soon to y. . fame over, on rs. R. W. Ray- y races, is a former having attended school thirty-five years ago, ontreal, a Smith, often visited hor niece. Anne Gilv nasturtiom seed, colors, at Chown's av way a ver, om at i om Montreal, with a slight = mis. Montreal, when the into her, and, as a small hole inher as not delayed' by to the core. Yesterday morning 'one hung above a Union Jack on the ery stockings, 2pc JaPportats, extra strong, all i two wu dress INTO" RAILWAY YARD AND BROKE HIS THIGH The Foolish Act of a German . in Montreal--Frank Gotch Wins Heavy-Weight Wrestling Con- test. pg ontreal, Hay 1 Alte a Jorty- ve foot jump iling. of the Notre Dame street pn Place Viger yard of the C.P.R.. Thom- as Fichtus, a German, i Notre Dame hospital, suffering from a broken thigh and other injuries. At 11.30 a.m. yesterday, a milk- man driving over the bridge. saw the man elimb on the railing at. the south side of the , and jump to the x below. None of the yard em. Ployeos below saw the man, until he was lying injured om the ey To who ran to lift him up he said' "I think my left log is broken." but gave no explanation of his act. To a house which crowded every cor- ner of Sohmer Park, last night. Frank. Gotch again asserted his claim to the heavyweight wrestling champion: shiv of America by defeating Fred. Beell of Marshfield, Wisconsin, in two straight falls, the deciding factor in streel, and for Nos. 14 and 15 at No. 53 John street.--J, Ward Chairman. Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. L. Malcolm, C. McDougall and la- dies, Stratford; W. J. Kane, A. Ver. rall, Mack Elliott, Henry Lott, Syl Pine, George Barragar, Belleville: P. 8. Parland, R. Lauzon, D. Hunt, Miss Longtin, Clayton, N.Y. George Gar: V.Y.; A. BE. Lett, B. Burns, J. B. Smith, J. Jones, W. Mortimer, Henry Kay, A. Lauraman, omas Smilie, Watertown, N.Y; R. E. McLaughlin, Morrisburg; R. Chest- nut, J. R. Molther, C. F. Schermer horn, Oswego; A. P. Christmas, J. A. Linton and wife, J. B. Burgess, J. 8. R. McCANN, | Buttlar, Daniel Brashi, Montreal: Francis Ewiss, W, E. Hood, Ogdens- burg; Wallace E. Snider, Syracuse; James Dunn, Mrs. Stewart, Miss Kane, Deseronto; F. Newman, M. Muchlberg, London; W. B. Cockburn, H. P. Tay- lor, Arrowhead, B.C; P. J, Kinnear, Toronto; W, H. Reynolds, Verona: W. D. Shannon, Smith's Falls; George Atkins, George Sweeney, R. M. Stearns and wife, C. H, Bailey and wife, Miss Ruby Stearns, Alexandria Bay; G. T. Sackett, Cape Vincent; R. T. Dumn- ford and wife, Rochester, N.Y.: S. W. Neill, Buffalo; Miss Clapp, Chicago; Mise Meagher, E. W. Charlton, Miss Turner, Miss Birmingham, C. C. Kin- near, J. Marshall, G. M. Henderson, J. H. Dewolf, J. Courtney, Miss Os- borne, E. A. Chapman, Frederick Lozo, Charles Grant, Gahanoque; J. McBond, Port Hope; Henry G. Purdy, Sydenham; V, Kimson, Ottawa. THREE, PEOPLE ARRESTED. For Letting Off Firecrackers on the Street. The police had a busy time Victoria Day, looking after the offenders with fircerackers. Three young wen wore arrested for letting the firecrackers off on the street, but after spending a short time at the station, they wers allowed to go, with a warning. Constable Samuel Arniel, who was in plain clothes, caught a youhg man in the act of lighting a good sized firecracker on Princess street. in the forenoon, when all the streets were crowded, and took the offender to the look-up. The other two offenders were caught during the afternoon. The Patient Was Found. On Thursday, a man named Kirwin, belonging to Renfrew county, hg from Rockwood asylum, where he has tonfined. Guards were sent out and the patient was traced to Hug- rowsmith. Word of the escape was telophoned to County Constable § Fast Black Cotton, 10c, 1234, I5¢, 20c, 25¢. CHILDREN'S Plain Black Cashmere, all sizes. AFTER SUPPER SALE TO-NIGHT 7.30 to 10 O'clock aty > Pesial Purchases just opened will be offre 1,340 Yards * Fine White Victoria Lawn Full 33 inches wide, just the right weight ang make for children's dresses and ladies' shirt waists. This make is extra good value at 15c. regularly, Yours To-Night 10c. Yard 118 Sample Pillow Shams and Bureau Covers " Some very beautiful designs, all different pat- terns, some in pairs, others singles, ranging in values 75¢, 8oc, 95¢ each. Yours To-Night 49¢ Each | Economy in Hosiery and Gloves We have a large and most complete stock of Hosiery and our prices are without question the lowest ia the city for reliable makes. WOMEN'S Summer Cashmere Stockings, 25¢, 35¢, 45¢C. Fine Black Lisle Thread, 3sc, 45¢, 49c, 65¢. Ribbed Cashmere, all sizes. Plain Fast Black Cotton, all sizes. Ribbed Fine Make Black Cotton. The F amous Boys' Leather Knit Black Ribbed Cotton, extra strong make, all sizes, prices from 15c. to 25¢., according to size. Thomas Dowker, the Sherlock Holmes of the Harrowsmith-Sydenham dis tries, and that officer of the law very soon found his man. Kirwin was walking along the railway track, and said he was on his way home to Renfrew. He was brought baek to Rockwood. ---------- The Flag Was Shifted. The residents of University avenue pride themselves upon being British of them (a lady) saw a Yankeo flag of a ------ A Painful \ Michael Walsh, Williamsville, met with a painfyl mishap on Saturday morning. He was driving along Prin. Cess streét, and when in front of An- ve's, the biffaking of a holt on the caused the front wheels to sep- arate from the body of the convey- ance. Mr. Walsh was thrown out and sustained a dislocation of: the should-| | I ------------ Two pairs .; hose colors, | | Bledel tt Todutas. Chey Tee Reliable Shoes for Men At $3.50 A FINE STOCK OF Oxfords Gun Metal Box Calf Patent Colt and Dongola Kid Our Shoes are the best! makes, the latest shapes, and Seeteetec lett Putt, crt era Slat. Toteol. Tee 3 Teoleateutnt 8. Boeteatintiteutote 80 2 8 8 o_o A IIIT iT rrr viele ole shickds, 3c. New ork" fr | a distinctive style to every 3 x pair, 5 The Lockett Shoe Store. i P-8~-Nome new Suit Panes just in to sell at $3.50 & 4.00. 1 eo - SBCONIL Ti YEAR 74. -------------- pe meen At Ro Robinson C BROADER Letter From Great York, TWENTY YEAR OF SAN FRANCISCO AT LAST. the villainou stealings wi might be re fing ballot honest they soug franchisc Ik crimes that wer who earnestly « tle. They taminated 'in tics, when the were 'af the filthy 1 more vita istration ¢ San Franc in the union, .} lars Investec busire:s e trict is te furnishe crops of brought to a buy carried for thousands greatest i and on each occ the bones of the ¢ their frocks and cowls, know that beiore long the Sicilians were buried Un th * ) 2 oa