Seal Skin Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. --BY-- W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 8 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. Pearl 4 Jewelry Will be much required dur- ing the = coming 'BRIDAL SEASON." You will find our Stock x replete with new designs, in Pearl, Brooches, Scarf Pins, for gift giving. Ringe, Necklets, etc., SMITH BROS Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Phone 666. z Life Producers atham Incubators . Life Preservers hatham Brooders » only machinks that. rival the cr hen, Automatic fn action, perfect nstruction and a sure hatcher. d on time, or with a five year ntee. J. /HAY, T. B. HUGH<S, Agents, 42 Princess street. 'ARNISH STAINS Canalla Paint Co's, Varnish » are ready for use and when ap- will produce clear and rich shades © mature, SOLD ONLY AT RACHAN'S HARDWARE. JAND | Orestes Grane ION |= osx or. $1 a Day and upward TEL | tomes oad rom ve: n rit oth BE O07 e Weather Man | mises warm wea. shortly. Are you ared for it ? Have d full supply of light erial dresses that canput in the wash when soiled ? If not, come direct to this > and see what we to show you. dreds of pieces of ls, 7c. a yard and y Check Ging- , I2)4c. a yard, nbrays, in all col- 2}4¢. a yard, X e Muslins at 6c, a § and up. + ed Muslins at 8c. 3 d and up, © 0 ria Lawn, 408 8 wide, 1oc. a yard § Pp. » 7 Batiste at I5C. § . & yard, x erd's Plaid Dress § , double fold, 25¢. § | and up. 3 range of White- & at popular prices. ¥ DO . D ---- QD * QD OD Si Exactly what baby fs Emulsion nourishes baby's 5 entire system. » Stimulates and makes, bone. oF needs. itis Is fitted with tthe' improved Record Triangular Grate--the most perfect fur- nace grate on the market. Of the four triangular grate bars, each bar is operated by the use of a handle applied to either of the two centre bars. 'To remove this handle after 'shaking is impossible until the grate ;bar has been returned to its original position, flat and in Foundries at MONCTON, Taylor & Hamilton, Stoves; Simmons Bros. Furnaces, Kingston, place, without any of the cogs ~ «4 sticking'up." The result is that | the bars are always flat under ¥ the fire andsthat it is impossible for lumps of coal to drop through end be wasted. The Record Triangular 'Grate can be en- tirely remowed from without without lying on stomach or bothering with a light. Write for' Catalogue. THE RECORD FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. N.B. & MONTREAL. PQ Sales Agents. 104 or ASKH_ FOR toe. v Naw, when chemists JAMES McPARLAND, (LONDON) 9 announce its purity, and ° judges its merit, one need look no further. The Ideal Beverage Sales Agent. A/Pale Ale, palata- ible, full of the virtues of 'malt and hops, and in sparkling condition, is the ideal beverage. Our Big | Still On. >= Your labor seems in-vain after 2 house cleaning if you do net eT add a NICE PIECE OF | & FURNITURE to your home. We need the room, Every- , thing at close out prices. JAMES REID. FOR HOUSE CLEANING TRY FURNITURE RESTORER. BELLA LALLLLLL00000004RRELLLRMREL LL RDOGLS Fireworks! The largest assortment of Roman Batteries, Triangles, Wheels, Rose Fire Crackers and Cannon Crackers, pedoe Canes and Caps, Balloons Candles; Sky heels, Mines, eta. and Flags. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street Rockets, Union Torpedoes and Bombs, Tor- FIFE S VI STEVES IRTeII Insuranc A906 mien com 318,57 The Fotegoing Figures Sho Assets e In Force w 'The Even, Steady Growth, OF T HE CANADA LIFE Kingston Office, 18 Market street. GROWTH BY DECADES J. B. URQUHART, Special Agent. J. 0. HUTTON, Manager. White Materials for First Communion Dresses India Linons, nice fine sheer qualitygl2ic., 15c., 20c. and 25¢, yard. Victoria Lawns, 40 inches wide, very rpecial at 12jc., 15¢c., 20c. and 25¢. yard. Persian Lawns, at 15¢., 20c., 25¢, and 35¢c. yard. Stripes at 15¢., 20c. and 25c. 20c. and 25c. pair. 152., 20c. and R5¢. yard. Brussels Net Veiling, 72 ches wide, Veiling, very special at 39¢c. yard. : : It EL Stockings, in Plain Lisle and Lace Hirst _ pair, all sizes. RIBBONS--Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 3, 4 a 5 inches ¢ Communion GLOVES---Children's Lisls wide, very special at 12}c,, 15¢c., wide, lander, aches, indigestion, and stomach disor- ON SATURDAY. Accident on Victoria Day--Dis- solution of a Fizm--Death of a Lady at Bloomfield. Picton, 'May 27.--"The best board in two years," was the comment ow President John A. Sprague, on t Victon cheese board, Saturday after- noon, when 1,308 colored cheese were Lourded by seventeen factories. The opening bid was 12jc. All the cheese sold at 12 11-16c. It was decid™d to start next week and board separately the cheese of the six county factories expected these will bring higher" the county factories will pay $8 to defray the expenses of the Publow ban- quet. . Victoria Day was not without broken on Main street. of torpedos. These exploded. Picton, 'Her owner, Capt. dergoing treatmeng for cancer, day, with freight for Charlotte, N.Y. new coal shed, on fitting wp a new office for his posite his present place of business. maiden name was Alzina Hicks. funeral was church on Sunday afternoon. Miss Tottie Hepburn, attending West- hourne sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Currie. Mrs. J. J. Rae is visiting in Trenton and Brigh- ton. ------ VOTE ; WORK. (Continued from page 1.) If the city failed to pass these two by-laws, it might be several years be. fore, another such opportunity would present itself. It was a case of "now or never," payers would do everything in their second to none Canada, and if we wanted to take our rank. In conclusion, Ald. Craig referred to the fumes from the smelters, a ques- tion touched upon by the previous speaker. He had heen told upon the best of authority, that the fumes would not be injurious, Have Sweeping Ma jorities. Ald. Elliott was in favor of carry- ing both by-laws with a sweeping ma- jority. The city, he said, had noth- ing to lose, but everything to gain, As to the ultimate success of the smel- ters, he was not in a position to know. He had yet to mect a rate payer who was not in favor of pass- ing the by-laws, and as he stated at the last meeting of councd, he did not think that it was necessary that a public meeting be held to discuss the matter, He feared that some might feel somewhat overconfident about the passing of the by-laws; and all should be urged to worlg hard. Each smelter would have a pay roll each week, amounting to $750, and this was something to be considered. He believed in getting out after the small industries as well as the large ones. Hf this proposition was carried, other industrics would be sure to come to Kingston. Ald. Toye was next called to the platform. He said that he was in thorough sympathy with both the by- laws and that he intended to work all day Tuesday in their interests, He had made enquiry and had ascertain ed the value of the land which would be used for the smelters, Dur. ing the Jast five years it had metted STOP THAT HEADACHE } Foolish to Suffer When a Simple Remedy Will Prevent and Cure, Ever stop to think what caused your headaches ¥ > . Probably not. Then look to the 'bowels and stomach, and you'll find plenty of cause. Thances are you'll find coustipation, liver is sluggish, stomach overburdened with half-di- gested food, No wonder you. are dull, tired, rest- less day ands night, You need the cleansing influence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills which cure your condition in short order, . Being composed of natural vegetable remedies, Dr. Hamilton's Pills possess réat power, yet they are harmless. 'hey aid 'all organs connected with the stomach, liver and bowels. In consequence food is properly digested, the blood is pure and nourishing, the body is kept strong and resists dis- ease, Headaches mever come to those who use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and this fact is vouched for by the Assistant Manager of the Poultry Success Mag- 'azine, of Springfield, Ohio, J. H. Cal- who writes : "No better medi- than Dr. Hauwilton's Pills, Pe 'use them regularly and know of mar- velous cures that resisted everything else, They cleanse the whole system, act fs a tonic on the bload, enliven cine you feel strong and well. For head- ders | am eonfid soription is Dr. You can rely oe that the one pre amilton's Pills." on Dr, Hamilton's fect is wonderfiil. Sold by all dealers, or by mail from N. (1 Polson & Co, = geton, Unt. and FINE CHEESE BOARD WAS] THAT HELD. IN. PICTON which make cool-cured cheese. It is' prices thah the rest of the board. Each of its quota of accidents. An unknown young woman, from Napanee, had her arm x She was thrown from a buggy, the horsé of which became frightened and ran away. The young son of Capt. Heffernan had his left hand severely burned. He put his hand in his pocket which was full The steamer Varung has commenced her daily rum between Trenton and Alired Hicks, is still in St. Mary's, Ohio, un- The steambarge Waterlily 'cleared; Satur- William H, Lake is building a large i street, and busi- "Iness. Messrs. Lake and Killip having dissolved partnership the former will enter the coal and wood business op- The death occurred, in Bloomfield, on Friday morning, of Mrs. Freeman Bow- erman, aged thirty-three years. Her The held from the Methodist school, after spending a few days in town, has returned to Toron- to. Mise Edith McCuaig, Belleville, | press himself in the way he did about has been visiting in town. Miss [the bonus given the grain elevators. Clark, Toronto, is the guest of her |In the carrying of the by-laws, the He hoped that the rate power to bring out a large vote for the by-laws. « Kingston had facilities in the dominion: of place in the wanufacturing line, we should see that we got into the front mise to put forth every effort possible digestion, help the stomach, and make er . The meeting d cheers for the king. Pills with implicit confidence; their ef- Will ot > unk wh scala Price 3c. per hox, five boxes for $i, | tion, { { mtn ay' Oa? bandon: sum of §300; reach $3,352, , The" proposition was a The speaker: remarked. that be had ii E J. B, to speak by mayor, He sgid ly he hd never as yet come to the Rembrake and Bay of Quinte railways, Ph ich would other- Napance. devators had to look at the grain coming this. There was on but that the profited in this respeét, 'as grain would have been taken. on Ogdensburg or some other port. week five grain steamers had passed on to Prescott, but had we 5g2 < E not the grain elevators the number go- ing to Prescott might have been twilve. Ki would have been sidetracked, Tha eity had a magni v purposes: ald the by-laws carry, would She fet bo. -wauid | by MPP, was asked || lconclusion that the city made a mis- take or granting "bonuses. He re- ferred © to the bomises granted the | also | for the city. One | a -------- HELP WANTED-WALE, _THE PEOPL STRONG BOY OR YOUNG MAN. AP ply Mahood Bros. THOROUGH. APPLY L. dM." Whig office; by letter, STRONG BOY, TQ LEARN PRESS. wWorky Good | COACAMAN JUOALH ce at a first-class trade. Apply Whix office, GENERAL CESMITH, HANDY at - : good . Apply P Robe, aie TR BOY WHO CAN EARN FROM TO $4.50 per week. A at Gould's Broom Factory, ing t., near Queen Sty TWO ENGLISH GARDENERS: WAGES from $20 to $25 per uonth. Bn- uire of, or 'phone ta G. Pyke & Sea Wolfe Island. 10 approved agent. Cavers Bros, Galt. Continuing Mr. Pense said Kingston's market was not nearly so good as formerly, and that the hotel accommodation was not what it should be. - Everyone should get gut and do a good day's work in sup port of the by-la% on Tuesday. Every- thing would depend upon the interest taken hy the citizens. The members of the 'board of trade would be out to work, but they would he in the min. ority, It would be the man. with the small hense who 'would carry the dwy. He would like to see 4 full vote poll given new life, with bright prospects for becoming a great manufacturing centre, To Gain. Ald. Hendewson' was a strong sup- porter of the by-laws, and was very much pleased to hear Mr. Pense ex- city had nothing to lose, and every. thing to gain. Ninety men would be employed, with a large pay roll, and this would mwan that the city would gain new citizens, as there were no unemployed in the city at the present, time. At least there was none with- out work who wanted to work. The newcomers would require houses, would pay taxes, and in this way the city would be benefited. "he speaker hoped that -the electors would not rely too much upon the board of trade, aml the city council, on election day. He hoped that all the voters would go carly to the poll. on Tuesday, and of their own actord. He, himself, intended to give the men employed by him at the grain elevator, ample time to cast their vete and he hoped that all other employers of labor would do the same. § Ald. Rigney outlined the agreement between the city and the companies. The city, he said, was giving 'over what he termed unprofitable property. He spoke of the many advantages that would he derived, should the by- laws be carried. There should be no question as to the passing of the by-laws, and every ratepayer should be wrged to do his duty. A two- third vote was unecessary, and hard work would be necessary. J. L. Whiting was the last speaker, and he, too, was a strong supporter of the bylaws. The proposition was a straight and casy one, and could be easily understood. There appeared to be no opposition, and all that was necessary was to see that the vote was secured on election day. The speaker referred to 'the progress made by other cities, naming Peter horo, Lemon, Ottaws amd ' Beant- ford, while Kingston had been stag nant. Kingston had not increased in population * during the last twenty years. It was high time that the city got "a move on," and one wav to do this, was by encouraging mew industries. > There was much laughter, when Mr Whiting said that even poor okl Belleville had a boom on. He referral to the Abpott Steel Works, which had given Kingston the "go by." This company had gone out of busines, but had established in that city buildings and machinery that conld not be taken away, and now another company had taken over the plant--a company. that would employ four hun- dred hande. Surely this was 'a boom for poor old Belleville. An American tourist, who visited Kingston some time ago, had heen asked why it was that Kingston did not go ahoad 'as fast as it should. "You have too mmny steeples amd not enough smoke stacks," was the reply given by the American. Steeples And Smoke Stacks. The speaker said that while he did not agree with the statement that there were too "many steeples, he thought that the statement Wwhout the searcity of smoke stacks was certain. ly a good point." He urged nll "the electors to put their shoulder to the wheel and give the smelter by-laws a handsome majority. © ; "By doing this 'vou will add two more smoke stacks to the city," said Mr. Whiting, in conclusion. This ended the speech making, and Mayor Mowat -annguneed, for the second time, thet a¥y® person opposad to the by-laws would be hoard. THere was no reshoiee to the appeal. Lieut.-Col. Menrv' Smith arose, and moved, * seconded by * Corneling Ber- mingham, that the elector§ at' the meeting place themselves on record as being strong supporters of the by-laws and at the same tithe give! their pro- to secre the passing of the by-laws, motion was passe! by a stand vote: then adjourned, with The botter you know some men the it is to why they MAN TO DO LIGHT make himself useful Good wages paid. B.,"" Box H., Whig ------------------------------------------ PORTRAIT AGENTS WORKING FOR thewmeel ves for our new whole sale price list. Sam iree, prices lowest. Merchants Portrait Co., Ltd, Toronto ' WORK AND x around hotel. pply ta HW, office. MAN TO DRIVE DELIVERY WAGGON, one who understands the care of horses. Apply jmmediately top Mo Kelvey & Birch. POSITION AS BRICKLAYER. WELL up in all branches of building, stone, plastering, plating amd boiler work, Apply to Box "J, B." Whig office ed, and w everyone to work on polling day. Kingston was benefited | TWO BRIGHT ENERGETIC YOUNG hy the locomotive works and would men to distribute aumbiles in the 4 : eity. Go pay. pply after 6 also be benefited by 'the smelters, With o'clock, to Mr. Horner, Hotel Ran- the two industries Kingston would be dolphg WANTED-TWO SPECIAL for Bastern Ontarig: te, work Broa. Cot. Monsees *P 10ST, . sr Fe ¥en Gove Srovorne res or Pr ta, FB Pp 'Jeave | BI : at Whig office. A a Whig ie OY \ . : ¥y A PURSE, CONTAINING SUM OF|A DESIRABLE BUILDING Al + oney, Saturday. Will finder Al 'streot on = Plonss remarn. £0 Wait offic: ? el w > = HE LADIRS' GOLD WATCH, SATURDAY, | OFFICE PARTITION, OF WOO Akp * robably on Princess street. Liberal] 'Beat and I-finished fu Neva for its return wo Whig office, Poly at Whig ofice. Tn i 4 10 BORE DOUBLE BARREL, : STRAYED. wun, almost new Firs ake SE ---------------------------- purchase a good gun h ® NT 3 PREMISES OF JAMES xiven for selling, A oN ATH, FEMS Se. a Black Whig one, : Sn Colt, with Xhice Bb on GRAVE bp. - O ave samo rovin, LOTS SALE ik Pa paying for nia ns Christ ehurch oR h tisement. Apply to the Qemgtery, © Wardens Bart. Lancaster and Smith FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. eq ® ETE AT A DARGAIN-AN SGANT Up. ISHED USE PO! HE r J rand MeMil A BED Apply to 175 Clergy in dark green oak y street. Ruaranteed, and Moe tone -- beautiful finish. LCall or write FURNISHED FOR THE SUMMER, eA Plapo Cos. 128 Ontario "Roselea,"" the of len e E. Suirably located, de- tac large gro , tennis court. Apply, or Albert street, wddress . bee tween Union amd' Earl streets, PLEASANTLY SITUATED, BEGET from May 15th, convienent to boats fad trains, i lot, or cow, Apply to Box "GQ. office: TO-LET. F ISHED ROOMS, WITH MODERN Ly 176 atreety Cergy SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE men, bring your own cloth and get a cheap up-to-date suit mde. Ye, price and finish guaranteed. Pressing and repairing done well. Galloway, The Tailor, 181 Brock street. HELP WANTED-FEMALE, ---------------------------------- A COOK: APPLY TO MRS. NICKLE, 130 Earl street. [PLAIN COOK. APPLY MRS; ® + Pandy, 86 Johnson street, A COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY; RE- ferences required. Apply in the even ing to Mr. Henry Folger, at resi- dence of Mr, Howard S, Folger, 55 West St," UMMER COTTAGES, DWELLINGS ? Stores and Offices. McCann, 51 Brock street. A cour or SIFICES OVER B Clarence St. Apply to J: B. ------ tt eet ROOMS, IN GOLDEN LION BLOCK, suitable for offices or living roams. Apply to A. 5 Clarence street. er Sot A TWO GOOD OFFICES, ONR IN FRONT of bui : K street, nean Princees. lf en Gents! Fur Any 848 King street. BRICK DWELLING, NO; 181 DIVISION te. Anchor Dulin, Mather Besos... City. 8 Earl . 3 Readings 5¢. Daily 9 td 9, 58 St. street, twelve rooms, extension dine PERSONALS. ing room and kitchen, hot Water 'Phone, } # dn to' Frederick Welsh, No. 170 PROFESSOR = MALSTEAD. LONDON Fe ahead : POWER 4 SON pig So is 3 England, Palmist and 'sychic Read . Wein t er ® Short stay in TTT WE -- Hom ul 4 81 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY. MARRIAGE LICENSES, eet epee. O; 8S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian REV. C. W.CASSON, 0 TTAWA -- The Duty Of Happiness. Surely God jutended all people to be happy. He has filled the world with beauty. He has given us facultios and percoptions whereby we can per eive and enjoy the beautiful and the pleas- ure-giving. Epictetus was right when he said, "Hf a man is unhappy, it must be his own fault, for God made all men to be happy." The happy life is the normal life. Its very happiness is the seal 'and symbol of its heigg lived in harmony with .the laws of God, Always unhappiness is unfaith. Always worry is wicked, It is both our privilege and our duty as the chil- dren of God to be happy, joyous, carefree, pleasure-loving, -- o Address Mr. Casson for free litera- None need suffer - with Rheumatism. It makes one think that perhaps geome people WANTED to have Rheumatism, Because they wont take Bu<Ju. Now, isn't it a fact that there are a lot of 1a your neighborhood whosay ** completely cured me of Rhewmal- £5 ~ When read their letters; the agony they suffered with Muscular and Inflammato Rbeumatism, Sciatica and Lum ; how they tried remedy after remedy without relief, and then found fealth in Bu-Ju, you will wonder how will go ou having Rheumatism when they cin cure themselves at bome. - | Hl OIL 2 ST A)! nicely, and after Jess than 1 boxes had been taken, it left me without a vestige of the old cofapiaint. believe Bu-Ju te be the Best medi cine on record for Rheumatism." . » Mas. Drvsbare. So confident are we of the of Bu-Ju, of its unfailing success with cases that have even the physician . Soc. a large Sy At all druggists, or from » at re | hot' water, *i oR En BR A LP Ice Cream Freezers and Lawn Mowers We are now showing in nice as- sortment, - » a 3 " FN NI yy iS 8 Brock Street, Next to ror, y Mirror, for $28. $25 Hallracks for $20, Fa? Rack x few China Ca will be Robt. ture Dealer, F And Dainty Footwear will make . For those who prefer them we that have a style peculiarly their McKelvey & Birch 7d SALE OF:HALL 'FURNITURE. THIS WEEK sold cheap for The Leading Undertaker and Furni- Ambulance 'Phone 577. " Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds' pretty. Our Spring Goods are just the finest selection of i HIGH CLASS SHOES § To be had on the markets of Canada or the United States. boven Carnovsky's Fruit Store 4 4 RE WW AT TE Polish Oak, 80x40 Polish Oak, 30x40 Polish Large Mirror, .. for $10.50. binets, the latest style, : | cash, J. Reid, 230 Princess St, even an ordinary foot look have the American own, and for those: