ains Here row Tuesday. brisk bug ittractiveness of our stocks in 4) are often a great a store of particularly ; after day. We ice concessions that mean of these appear to-morrow, Pure Linen lkerchiefs 80 Only en's Pure n Handker- chiefs | 20 inches square, ine half inch hem. border, of a quality uld be considered lue at 2.40 a dozen ach. TOW morning *af- only 12ic. each or dozen. y Collars afacturers' sett of all different de- ging in value from . each. ' row morning af- r 15¢. each. Each -- Dest Et Values Anywhere at .00 and 1.50. g statement, but one we are d is correct, after comparing Our H MODEL CORSETS gives n other cities and here. *S8, comfort and grace 'man who wears tbem. They for slim, medium or stout cr or ractive 1215c. Each 185¢c to s' Ta ords ived a stock of Ladies' r Cut Oxford Shoes, plendid quality. 'We es at the low price of "ifty Cents 50 t Shoe Store. 0 or Buit Case for $5.00. Big stock 3 \ 3 . » o» - * hb 9 ing and FUR 0000000 Special attention given at this time of year to repair- YOU SAVE DOLLARS By consulting us now. remaking. GARMENTS DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Trade, 8 p.m. 14th Regiment Parade, 8 " ; Q pn Run Lene This day istory «William born, 1759 ; 8 burned, 1871. p.m. Committees Pitt -- WHIG TELEPHONES 248--Business Office, 229--FEditorial Rooma. 202--Jobbing Department. Rubber Stamps to Order. CHEAP DINNER SETS We have just finished stock- taking, and find we have a few set short of a small num. ber of pieces. These we will Sear out at a great sacri- ce. Come and get a snap, $12, $10, $9 Sets, for $7.50, $6 and as low, as $4.50. Al best quality. COCCO000 ® Fur House, 8 149-155 Brock St., © Kingston. OOOO OLIVES OLIVES Olives Olives Olives Olives Olives Olives Olives Olives JOHN McKAY, OLIVES at 10c. per bottle. at 15¢. per bottle at 25c. per bottle at 30c. per bottle at 35c. per bottle | at 40c. per bottle at 50c. per bottle at 75c. per bottle -----Stuffed Olives---- 15¢c., 30c. and 50c, Jas. Redden & Co, EXCE PTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE AT AUCTION, FRI- PAY, May 31st, at 10.30 an., subject to a low reserve bid, that desirable dence, ROS} House is modern CLAWN," with Union St. W . city drainage Electric Lights, Bath and Extra Toilet, Gurney in two years Terms made known ALLEN, 243 Sydenham St, Hot Water heating installed with- and guaranteed. at time of sale. The Auction Telephone, '4 AUCTION SALE Fine FRIDAY, "ROSELAWN Cabinet Grand, Oe Furniture. 10.45 West MAY. 3ist, ,"" Union St. a.m., Boston Upright Piano, Antique Mahoguny Furniture, Kidney Writing Table, Cheval Mirror, White ¥Fnamel Chairs, Couches, Pictures, Oak Din- ing Room Suite, Crown Brass Ded, Hair Mattresses; Rugs, Carpets, Singer Sew- ing Machiné ax erous to men ALLEN, 243 Sydenham St. rd other articles too num- tion. The Auctioneer Pelephone, 23: Auction Sale WEDNESDAY, May 29th, Corner of Barrie and Queen Sts. I HAVE sell all his Iiffects, consi Room Sets, Kitcken Uten Oil Tank, BEEN the Ikxecutors of the late Household sils, BY to and Bed INSTRUCTED Wm. Fee Furniture sting of Parlor and Happy Thought I New Cutt Waggon and Buggy, articles too mumerous to mention. Collectors of Antique Furniture would do well to attend. Sale, at 10. .80. MURRAY, Auctioneer. WAL AUCTION SALE 201 Princess SINGER ing Machines, street, SATURDAY, June 1st, 1,30 p.m MANUFACTURING SEW- Tucker and Button Hole, Ladies' Ready-Made Sus, Coats, Skirts Ladies" Cravenette TRIPLE Migror, Models, Lace Curtains, Bedsteads, Iron Barbers' * Mu, Heaters, and ALLEN, 243 Sydenham St, EE ---------- Suiting, t:Glass uti : Our Special Berry Bowl in fine clear cut glass. Price $6.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Street Tweed, Thread, 8 Rubber Coats Feather Pillows Crockery, in Meltons. Cloth, Carpets Springs, gs, Pandoro Range. numerous other articles. The Coal JEWELERS The federal conference on education favors the establishment of a central clearing bureau, where the education- empire ists of the may exchange ideas. * Robertson Bros. SYSTEMS ENTRENCHED. Views of Men as to Progress of Christianity. London, May 28.-- Addr ssing a mis- sionary meeting here, yesterday, the Right Rev. Edward Ring, Bishop of Lincoln, said that while there was no sort of evidence that Christian mis- sionaries in the Orient had been beat- en it was sadly 'and disappointingly true that the great religious systems of the east were in an entrenched and unyielding position. Lord Hugh Cecil declared that neither India, China, nor Japan would be converted until Christianity was preached by the na- tive voice. It was a disheartening thing * he added that after so many years of work by the 1 missionaries in India there was no native bishop there. Living With Broken Neck. Rochester, N.Y., May 98%.--Henry Todd, of Batavia, captain of the high school track team, had his neck hrok- en, Saturday, while pole vaulting. The pole broke and he fell eight feet. He was taken to the Batavia hospital and is still alive. He shows so much vitality that 'the physicians have some hope of his recovery, Were Badly Hurt.. New York, May 25. Mary Garden, of the Opéra Comique, and Oscar Hammerstein, director of the Man- hattan Opera House, here, while rid- ing in an auto, yesterday, were vio- lently thrown against the curb as the result of a broken wheel. Both re ceived severe, but mot considered fatal, injuries, ------ From present indications it would seem that another week must elapse before the taking of testimony, at Boise, Idaho, can begin in the trial of William 1. Haywood, first of the alleged "iuner citcle" of the Western Federation of Miners to face a jury in answer to the state's charge of conspiring to murder former Governor Steunenberg. Henry Becker, under arrest since shortly after the slaying of Amelia Staffeldt, in Elmhurst, N.Y., last Wed- nesday, is alleged to have made a second confession, describing = with minuteness how the crime was com- mitted. Prevents constipation, stomach and kidney "trouble. Makes everything dig estible. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea does: 3c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's Drug Store. W. F. Walker, absconding treasurer of a New Britain, Conn., bank, 'was a passenger on the steamship Dorie, on her last voyage. landed at a Chinese port and disappeared. A telegram from Ely, Minn, : that lumbermen engaged in blasting a channel in Fall Lake have encountered seventeen inches of solid jee. Snow fell over a large portion of the province on Monday When in doubt, if needing glasses, go to Chown's Drug Stare, says "WALNUTS and -° WINE" advertising, Stick to 'your the mongrel's hold will slip, But only crowbars loose the bull dog's grip, Small tho' he looks, jaw that never yields Drags down the bellowing monarchs of the fields. "wo the «The world gives its ad- miration not to those who do what nobody else at- tempts, but to those who do best what multitudes do well. a a 4" 11 never get round You g nd shouldered . carrying money you make by con- templating doing things. oF vo ¥ The Whig is now reach- ing the eyes of over 21,- 000 readers every day and ou ¢an safely count on the fact that Ystore news SONS CRIME He Chloroformed His Mother On Saturday [HEN SUICIDED A STARTLING CRIME AT BRIGHT, ONT. The Mother Was Charitable and Aged Seventy-One--The Son Came From Michigan and Was ---- Said to Be Financially En- tangled--No Motive Assigned. Woodstock, Ont., May 28.--The little village of Bright, fifteen miles from here, was, on Saturday afternoon, stir- red as never before by a double tra- gedy in which a well-known resident and her son were involved. At three o'clock David Waugh; a baker, went to the home of Miss Jenny McKie on his rounds. He received no answer to his summons. He went to a neighbor's home where orders were sometimes left, Nothing was there. Then he got John McKie, a brother of Miss Mchie; who entered the house through a bedroom window. He passed through the bed: room to the kitchen, where he found William McKie, son of Mrs, McKie, ly- ing dead on the floor. He was partly undressed and had in his hand a six- ounce bottle, a third full of chloro- form, and a handkerchief saturated with it. Mr, McKie then went back to the bedroom, where he discovered his sister in bed. Both had been chlo- roformed and were quite dead. The dead woman was seventy-one years of age, and her son forty-seven. She was highly respected in the vil- lage, and noted for' her charitable work, Her son was formerly a school teachcr at Bright, but lately had Leen the proprietor of a drug store at Kalamazoo, Michigan. He arrived home only Friday night, and it is pre- sumed that while his mother slept he admipistered the chloroform, and af- terwards committed suicide. The mother and son were, apparent- lv, devoted to one another, and while he was away he wrote to her each week. No motive for the t; is known, but it is suggested that jt is the result of financial entanglement out of which McKie saw no hope of emerging. No message was left ex plaining the affair. An envelope containing twenty, dol- ars in cash was found. A note said that fifteen dollars was what Miss Mo. Kie had borrowed from Arthur = Dun- can, a neighbor, and five was for Miss Belle McKie, of Brantford, No in- quest will he held. Miss McKie, the deceased woman has always gone by her maiden name, a-- Was Likely A Pact. Detroit, May 28.--A Kalamazoo, ich., dispatch, referring to the Me- Ki¢ tragedy, near Bright, Ont., says it was no doubt the result of a pact Mother and son were very close to each other and there is every indica- tion that they resolved to die to- gether. It is known®hat McKie was in financial straits, and this, with the fear of dethronement of his reas- on, with which he was threatened, no doubt caused the decision. Another theory is that McKie killed his moth- er while the woman slept hy adminis- tering: choloroform, and then ended his own life. McKie went to Kalamazoo seven vears ago. He was ome of the firm of Lake & McKie. It is said he had lost 21,000 in a gold mine in Idaho, and had borrowed part of the money from his mother. McKie's affairs were not in such shape that they might not have ben surmounted. The man left Kalamazoo on Thursday, osténsibly for Chicago. That the ending of the two lives was premeditated is evi- denced by the fact that he took with him all his private papers and de- stroved them at Bright. He was un- married, Live Stock Market. Montreal, May 27.--About 750 head of butchers' cattle, 62 calves, 75 sheep and lambs and 600° fat hogs were offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stockyards this forenoon. Higher prices prevailed all round, which caused a slow trade. Prime beeves sold at Bic. to Ge. per lb.: pret- ty good cattle, 4c. to 5ic., and the common stock at 33c. to 43c. per lb. Milkmen's strippers sold at from 3c. to near 5c. per lb. Calves sold at from £2 to $8 each. Shéep sold at Se to per 1b.: lambs at £3.50 to $5.- 50 each. Good lote of fat hogs sold at Tie. per Ib, about Southern Pacific officials have been notified of the arrest; at. Cartersville, Ga., of R. F. Garner, a former clerk, d with the embezzlement of W from the company's New Or- Jeans offices J. B. Corev. Pittsburg, the aged re- i of William Ellis Corev, steel head, is so ashamed that he lates going into court and that he be given a new sur- Harrv Carlson, aged eleven years, and chal Hallbrain, aged twenty- one, wore drowned Farm-pond- by rturning of a boat. at. South ton, Mass, NM nv other people besides Scots- Migs or the kilt. Tt is the national dress of the 'Albgnian, the Massalin shepherds and the mountaincers of | ---- The Very Latest Culled From All : " Over The World. Very stormy weather is reported on the lakes. Good hematite iron has been discov- ered near Roblin, May. en revolution exists twelve of the provinces of Russia. The Johannesburg yiine managers say the strikers are gradually return. Chinese rioters have destroyed the German mission station at Lien Chow, The bursting of dams on the Danube, in Hungary, has caused the collapse of 260 houses. The funeral of the late Dr. Watson (lan Maclaren) took place, at Liver pool, on Monday. The National Rife Association mect- ing at Bisley begins on July Sth and closes on July h. No Canadiaf missionary hoards have missionaries stationed near the of the troubles in China. The Norwegian barque Nagpere was wrecked off the coast of South Ameri ca and eleven of her crow Jost, Word from Minnesota says that Lake Fall and Lake Basswood are covered with ice seventeen inches thick. Lethbridge miners will invoke the Lemieux act if present negotiations with operators are unsuccessful. A strong faction has arisen in op position to Wilbur Glenn Voliva, sue- cessor to John Alexander Dowie, Toronto union men say that plumb- ers are being brought from England to take the places of the strikers. Dr. J, Haddow ¥ell has been ap pointed sheriff of Manitoulin in suc cession to the late Sheriff Jackson. in at least scene John Irwin was killed, at Peter boro, by the fall of a wall in the Peter ' Hamilton Agricultural works' paint' shop. | WEEKLY SERVICE, May Berlin, 28.--The Hamburg-American line proposes . to establish a direct weekly passenger and freight service between Ger- many and Canada as soon as the pending tariff nego- tiations' between Germany and the dominion are satis- factorily arranged. EEXXKRE A definite settlement of the dispute between the Dominion Coal Sowpany and the Dominion Iron and com PADY NOW Secu assy At Pittsburg, Pa., Henry D. Sellers, aged twenty, accidentally shot and kill- ed himeclf, "while cleaning a revolver preparatory to shooting a dog. Judge Britton quashed the Ottawa early tlosing bylaw for grocers, on the ground that the requisite three fourths majority did not sign the peti- tion. The Prussian government intends in 1908 to. begin the electrification of several state railroads of western Ger- many, where the freight traffic is heavy. Chung Kee Yeum was found guilty of murder at Clinton, B.C., Satarday, for killing a companion in a drunken row. At the first trial the jury dis- agreed, Toronto University has decided at the coming convention to honor a number of Ontario's veteran school teachers by the conferring of honorary degrees, Last fall Bishop Hoare and a num ber of Chinamen were drowned off the coast of Canton, during a great storm He has been succeeded in his work by Bishop Lander. Rev. J. J. Redditt, pastor of Yonge Street Methodist church, Toronto, has been appointed assistant to Rev. Wil liam Briggs, steward of the Methodist Book and Publishing House, Toronto. Michael Burns and George McGrath, Toronto, were sentenced to seven years in penitentiary. They. were: found guilty of afsaulting Charles Oxbor ough, alias Shoulders, in a lane and robbing him of $200. - The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, in view of the many diffi- culties, has decided to refer the ques tion of the union of Scottish churches to a committee, i The department of education has given out the names of the high schools among which the grant of £6,000--included in the estimates for agricultural tuition--iz to be distri- buted. They are as follows ; Colling- wood, Galt, Essex Centre, Perth, Lind- say and Morrisburg. Thirty-five Russian students have been arrested in Berlin. They are said to have been in constant commumica- tion with' Russian students at various German universities and to have among their papers formulae for mak- ing 'various bombs and explosives, The late Frederick William Lewis, M.P.P. for Dufferin, was the son of Wellington Lewis - and Ordelen, his wife, both of whom were English. Dr. Lewis was born, March 30th, 1855, and was educated at Athens high school, and at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, At Boscotrecasse on the southern de- clivity of Mount Vesuvius a fissure suddenly opened, yesterday, from which a flow of poisonous gas escaped A pedsant who imprudently approach- etd the fissure, was killed, and nine others who rushed to his rescue and fell asphyxiated, were saved with dif- ficulty. Morocco has acceded to all the ge mands of France, which include He imprisonment of the Marrakesh pasha, the punishment of the assassins of Dr Mauchamp and M. Charbonunior, and volt in Mauritania, and the immedi- i : os Thi veed in very dangerous to the assailants of H. Lasalles and This seawee y Girosicourt, the paymesit . of 4n in-| bathers who get entangled in it. demmnity, the immediate organization| Dates and melons are almost the of international policy, the recall of only food of many of the poor in Mudal Viriss, who stirred up the re-| Jerusalem. Usunlly AN OUTBREAK Of The Triad Soclety In China MANDARINS TO GO KILLED CIVIL AND MILITARY OFFICERS, Missionaries and Foreigners Not Molested--The Triads in Pos- session of City and District-- Urgent Appeals Sent to the Viceroy For Assistance. Hong 'Kong, May 28.--~The rebellion in the north-east of the province of Kwangtung was begun by the Triad Society. Thirty thousand members of the society started it last Wednesday in the city of Wong Kong, Yuiping district. They gained possession of the city and the whole distriet, and kill- ed all the civil and military officers. The policy of the rebels is to extermi- nate the mandarins and all connected with them. Missionaries and foreigners were not molested, Some of the rebel divisions have Len sent into the province of Fo- kien which adjoins Kwangtung on the north east to attack the city of Chia- ochow, only a few miles north west of Amay. There is great excitement and urg- ent appeals have been sent to the viceroy for assistance, Taxation Too Heavy. Swatow, China, May 28.--The revo: Tutionists are now attack Chung Lang and Tung Chang, wealthy towns in the Ching Hai distriet. Many of the inhabitants have fled to this city. The rising is attributed to excessive tax~ ation. Changes 'Are Made. Detroit, Mich. Nay 28.--As a re- sult of an investigation into the work- ing of the United States immigration office at Niagara Falls, changes have been made by the government. John L. Zoeurbrick, inspector in charge at Ringars Wills oi, whieh 33 scot 4 is consi. dered an important one.' Mr. Zeur- brick will be succeeded here hy G. 0. Frick, Toronto, whe, thereby, is pro- moted and his salary increased fron, five dollars a day to $2,000 per year, Joseph Francis, formerly inspector in charge at Niagara Falls, is transferred to Port Huron, ---- At Ferguson's -Falls. Ferguson's Dalls, May 27.--Mrs. Wil- liam Stewart has returned home after a short visit with friends in Carleton Place. T. Costello of Amherst, N.S. is visiting. friends in Lanark. The farm- ers of this vicinity have finished put- ting in their crops. Mrs. J. Grace is visiting Miss Julian MacCaflery of this place. 'Mrs. J, Willows has gone to Stittaville, to attend a camp meet- ing. John McCarey has raised his new barn. A. Nicol is bringing eleven thousand logs down the Mississippi this year. Some of the young men of this vicinity have gone to work the good road system. on Back To Work. Ottawa, May 28.--The striking brick layers, last evening, decided to accept the scale of wages arranged by the ex ecutive and the contractors. They did not want to do so. They now agree to take forty-seven . cents per hour for one year and fifty cents ap hour for the year following. Thus all the men are back at work in the building trades. He. Was Feared. Copenhagen, May 28.--The police yesterday, expelled a German anarch- ist, named Niebiegh, who was employ- ed near the roval summer residence. It was suspected that the man in- tended to make an attempt on the lives of foreign sovercigne visiting the members of the Danish royal house- hold. Other suspected foreigners are being watched, Baseball Record. National League.--At Cincinnati, 3; Chicago, 2. At. St. Louis, 7: Pitts- burg, 0 wr The Columbus, Ohio, Penitentiary News, published for _many years by the state 'convicts, has been suspend od because there is not a man in prison who can set type or issue the paper. This is complimentary to printers, . especially as there are twenty bankers now in bonds there. The college orator is abroad in the land, and is winning medals and honors in half a hundred places at once. Incidentally, he is telling a lot of people all about a lot of things that have puzzled the greatest minds and taxed the highest courts for lo | these many years. : Brent Tor, a curious, jagged hill to the "west of Dartmoor, and crowned with an ancient church, is said to be the most extinei of England's many extinet volcanoes. The stems of/ the ord weed some- times grow to 'a length of forty feet, but are extremely thin and tough. PRINCE EDWARD A SINGER. Wins Place in Choir of Royal Naval College. London, May 28.--It is well known that musi wments above the average crop out from time to time among members of the British royal family. Prince Edwurd, eldest son of the of Wales, seems to be the latest instance. When he lately en- tered a8 a cadet at the Royal Naval college his father asked that he be tried for the choir, stipulating that no favor be ghown him, but that he he accepted or rejected solely on the mer- its of his voice, The youngster has now gone through the tests and em- erged successfully. He made his first appearance as a choir boy at divine service Sunday. It is stated that the young prince, who is proud of his suo cess, has a singing voice far above the average, S----------" CENTENARY OF METHODISM. J --" = More Than 60,000 People on Lonely Mountain. London, May 28.--More than 60,000 persons assembled, on Sunday, on ow Cop, a lonely mountain on the borders of Cheshire and Staffordshirk, to celebrate the centenary of Primi. tive Methodism. No banners, no in- strumental music, no uniforms drew the crowds. Plain preaching and song alone sufficed to attract the wonder- ful gathering, which celebrated the in- vitation of 1807 from a Staffordshire carpenter, Hugh Bourne, to the Am- erican preacher, Lorenzo 'Dow, to hold a camp meeting on Mow Cop. Five poor men on that date seceded from the Wesheyann. Readers of George El liot's "Adam Bede" will know the type. To-day the meeting of the five in a little room nearby has grown into a great church, ---- CUT EM OUT, ------------ EF ERFERFR » » lL] years old was pass- the state legislature, M Ys Me W-------- TRAPPED OSCAR. A-------- Clever Work of the Wife of a Journalist, Montreal, May 26.~The man- ner in which Mrs, Muck, te of a local journalist, trapped a bold burg- ar, yesterday, is the talk of police circles. She saw evidences of ocoupa- tion, yesterday, on returning home, and on investigation located a burg- lar in an upstairs room collécti clothing to take away. She ey in locking him in the room and thes out to be Oscar Berube, o husky Young jail bird well-known to the police. KING TO SELL RACERS. ---- No Intention of Withdrawing From Turf, London, May 28.--The Sportsman says that several of the king's race horses, in training, and brood mares will shortly be sold at auction. The sale will be an important ene, This does not imply that his majesty has the least intention of withdrawing from the turf, but he believes thero is too much of the same blood in the Sandringham stables, and he has re- solved to make a change. -------- Police Lieutenant Suicides. Now York, May 28.Police Liouten- aut Richard F. Walsh, recently assign. od to the Classon avenue station, in Brooklyn, was found dying from a bullet wound in the head, yesterday, at his hows in Harlem, He died at an hospital, The wound was probably mif-inflicted, as his revolver was found beside hima. Walsh was recently attached to the central office as a de lective sergeant, but in the recent po- lice shake-up he was sent to Brooklyn to do desk duty. No réason is known for his suicide. Ho leaves a widow and family, : Lady Daly Seriously Ill, Halifax, N.8., May 28.--lady Daly, wile of Sir Malachi Daly, is seriously ill; in fact, her friends and physicians fear hopelessly so. She has received the last rites of the church in prepar- ation for her death, For some time Lady Daly bas been in poor health, but with the last few days new com- plications have appeared. She is a sister of T. E. Kenny, presidént of the Royal Bank, who is ill in Montreal. Big Sydney Mines Deal. "Halifax, N, 8., May 28.--It is cur- rently reported that an important deal, involving the purchase of the | sent for the police. The man turned | LAST EDITION T , Out., May 28.--(10 a.m.) St west winds clearing Wednesday, fair and a little warmer. Summer: Dress Materials # More Beautiful § Than Ever. | 10H Of all * the we like seasons Summer best, For it brings to us youth and vitality--fresh reedorn--or | air and utdoor less expensive--that is ticularly true at this store, Beautiful Wash Fabrics shy" the new Trish Dimi- x in whi Teo ha and black. Priced from 20e. to 3 35¢. j Floral Organdies--40c. to 60, Marquisettes--60c. to $1. » a Gratin oils, Knicker Shit. » y olored Linens, Swiss B Musing; ota, NOW READY, Ladice' . Home Journal, 15¢. 8 Quarterly Style Book; 15c. Monthly Style Book, free. Call and receive one. STEACY'S. , on 17th May, ta ihidm Wilson, a son. rt, May 16th, WILSON.--At 'Na Mr. and Mrs. STONNESS In" West to Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Stonness, a daughtery COPELAND.--~At Deseronto, May 14th, to « and Mrs, James Copeland, a daughter. x KIERSTENSON.~A% Soutlt Napanee, on 14th May, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kierstenson, a son. MARRIED, LAKE--~CARSON.--At Oshawa, on 28rd May, Miss Nora E. Lake, and Frank L. Carson, both of Napanee NAFIN--BENNETT.--At Yorkton, Sask. on May 18th, Patrick J, Nufin and Miss Ella Bennett, formerly of Tyendinaga. LAIDLEY~BLACK.--At Portsmouth, on May 27th, 1907, by Rev. Canon Cooke, Mae, 'third daughter of Mr, ami Mrs. A, Black, Cataraqui, to Harry J., eldest son of Me, PF Lakdiey, Ernesttown. DIED. . BLOOM.--~Af Deseronto, on May 23rd, Adella Turcotte, beloved wile of We J. Bloom, aged forty-three years. R J. REID The oa Undertaker Phone §77, 227 Princesa St ------------ » (GRAND (OPERA HOUSE ) Thu Friday and Saturday and Satara tine aay 80th, 31st, Jute "LEO, THE ROYAL CADET Spirited Military Roma for of Highland Cadets, Rotaiiplor der Colonel Gordon d Ofticers of Ki Garrison, deat Cok Baylor Er the R , By A of Nova Scotia Steel & Coal company's dwelling houses at Sydney Mines, hus been in pr during the past weok and it is likely to consurmated if the project meets with the approval of the directors of the steel y, at a meoting to be held shortly at of (200) stron oi t ng Matimme Chi 1 Seats on AFTER HOUSE CLEANING New Glasgow. 'Revolution In Ecuador. Adds Guayaquil, Bouador, May 28.-- ie Nional new Poratontila, Tecently ap ared at Tanizehua, near Guaranda, ho ) Rivhamba. They h routed after skirmishes with the gov only one meal a to crush the revolution. . The government is Prriegly sombemirating roops in the eantral parts of the republic in order ate settlement of all French claims . is not overlooked by all of them. the Thibet and Assam frontiers, v a i against the government. : | ¥ dav is taken. . S---------------- Hon. Adem Bok: aailed. land] "Ox Gall Soap," Me. Sold at by the Victorian on Prigayy TF J Gibeon's Red brug Biome. Oe -------------------- At Chicago a loos and Suited "love » take place on - oe ateatged Dy Tabor Jeaders business men, in some park, where people can get tg "Jt you lmve to il he Se HR ings uly 4th, is The feast will be } At Eastman, Ga. ey, charged with the Harrell, was fo g