To. 8c Mik ----- Montreal, Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. --BY ---- W. E. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST. "Phone 700. Will be much required dur ing the coming "BRIDAL SEASON." You will find our Stock replete with new designs, in Pearl Brooches, Rings, Scarf Pins, Necklets, etc., for gift giving. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of . Marriage ae m------e ARAND | Ogsice Grane, INION |= isis <r JOTEL | msmesina ome map of New Yi % On receipt of 2-cent stamp, ang City [he June Bride l save a lot of money by ng her outfit at this store, besides she will see exclusive s that cannot be duplicated y other house in the trade. sell 'Minerva' and 'Ideal' ls of Whitewear. These are nized as Canada's premier s, and certainly our showing 'm will bear out the claim. Plain or Fancy Silks our is very large while the are popular, swellest range of dainty and Embroideries, ever it into Kingston. A look 'display will be pleasant, as 'profitable. Are You \eeding ? t Waist, c Petticoat, ® Muslin Dress. rviceable Dress for travel- we have the correct article. tt---- a) MAN & SHAW RS § L THE 1 ORIGINAL, CHOCOLATE A Sustaining Food. Aq "Irresistibly licious" "Confection Lamont, - Cop; & © Tlise 0., Sole Importers, 27 Common St., Hh&® Getsthe Most Heat Out as the highest efficiency. | There is a considerable loss of gas from the burner on the ordin- ary range. When the pressure is too strong -the gas is forced through the burner and wasted before it can be consumed. With reduced pressure you don't get enough gas to cook with, + The Adjustable * Gas Valve, used ex- clysively on Ox- ford ranges, cor- rects this. It feeds "just the right amount of of In designing the Oxiord Gas Range, the object was to get the greatest - econorly of fuel as well and draws in the right ° proportion of air with it. There is no heat lest board, amd has an heat in, and nmkes the Oxford oven a splendid fluctuate and ruin your food. Cook by gas the Ox- ford: way and you do the finest roasting, with the most comfort ¢ and the least lavor. We want you to see 4 and efficiency that yo will agree that the Ox- oe The Oxford Range oven costs $18 to $20, $ according to finish. Better see it to-day. Oxford Gas Range & THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO. LIMITED. FOR SALE BY Simmons Bros, .,,.. AND LEADING DEALERS EVERYWHERE. PIQOPPPIPPIOIOPVVVITEOVVOVPIDIVDDOVOODO00® o® The Yellow Store Lo AS A BRACER FOR A HARD DAY'S WORK y BREAKFAST ON As a food it is far superior to mushy porridge or pasty corn products. It is hygenically perfect and more . whole- some and nutritious than meat. BISCUIT and TRISCUIT are an Ideal Combination. All Grocers--13c. a Carton ; 2 for 28. Refrigerators Ice Cream Freezers and Lawn Mowers We are now showing in nice as- sortment, McKelvey & Birch 8 Brock Street, Next to Carnovsky's Fruit Store DOCO0GOOSO 0000000000000 000 Mirror, for $25 Mirror, for $25 5 for '$2 White Materials for First Communion Dresses India Linons, nice fine sheer quality, 12jc., 15c., 20¢. and Victoria Lawns, 40 inches wide, very rpecial at 12jc., 15¢., 20c. and 25¢c. yard. 4 Persian Lawns, at 15¢., 20c., 25¢. and 35¢c. yard. Brussels Net Veiling, 72 imelies wide, Veiling, very special at 39c. yard. : STOCKINGS. White Stockings, in Plain Lisle and Lace Stripes at 15¢., 20c. and 25c. pair, all sizes. : GLOVES--Children's Lisls wide, very special at 12}c., 15¢., 20c. and 25¢. pair. : : RIBBONS. Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 3, 4 and 5 inches wide, 15¢., 20¢c. and 25¢c. yard. THE JAMES JOBNSTON STORE A "180 Wellington ar LS uy X id gm . SALE OF HALL FURNITURE THIS WEEK $35 Hallracks Polish Oak, $30 Hallracks Polish Oak, $35 Haliracks Polish Large Mirror, $15 Fat Rack, for $10.50 A few China Cabinets, the will be sold cheap for cash. Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker ture Dealer, 230 Princess Ambulance 'Phone 577. MEN ews #w, -- Street Traffic, Anjmal Seizes . Baton and Bolts. Paris, May 28.--"Toutou," "Ki-Ki," "Noble," or whatever-name he ° mits himself to be called, is only a dog, and therefore not always discrim- inating. When on duty "protecting the boss,™ atop the big truck, . he barks at policemen just as furiously as hé would at a bearded man who entered his own home unintroduced. Furthermore, he means business: truck, for_the time being, is his coun- against a myriad of supposed foes. go ahead. worst eneiny. The dog was not arrested. MAY MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Musical Success. evinced great enthusiasm at the ex and orchestra. tata, "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast,' which was given in a way that satis of discouragements and disappoint the purity and delicacy of toning." suite from Bizet's "Carmen" and Wag tion to Act II, of Lohengrin. The chief item of the orchestral por- kowsky's "Nutcracker" suite. Mr "The Death of Minnehaha," which was rendered with even finer effect than snd -thythm, which both these works demand, if their poetic beauty is fo be best realized, was a marked fea- ture, and proved the intelligence with which the chorus had been trained. At the close of the final concert Mr. Rey- ner was presented by the members of the choir with a very handsome and costly Oriental rug, as a token of their appreciation of his labors. The president of the Duluth Oratorio So- ciety is Stephen Jones, a former well known Montrealer, DOCTORS' INSIDE KNOWLEDGE Cannot Be Compared to Outside Study of Human Proportions. "The anatomical sectional division of the height and weight of the hu- man body" is the scientific title of what the Semi-ready Company short- ened to '"Physique Type Chart." This is different from the doctor's knowl edge, for his is inside intgrmetion, and the Semi-ready designers only mastered the outside truths of anatomy. This is haw they can tailor to the finishing stage the most expen- sive cloths without running any risks of carrying dead stock and old styles. The H. D. Bibby Co., 78., 80., 82 Prin- cess street, ave A new defence for crime is being sprung on the courts. It is called financial insanity, and has been pleaded in a number of cases for looting banks or otherwise appropria- ting- other people's money. e scent of roses pervades the breath of the girl that takes Hollie- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. Bright eyes, red lips, good health follow its use. 35c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's Drug Store. The more patience a woman has with her children the less she has with her father. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Cote oo. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he A Seiok of the 2 ols eney 0., doing business in t, of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, sum of arid that said firm will ONE . HUNDRED DOLLARS for each of Catarth and every case that cannot be cured by the use of 's_ Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my_ presence, this 6th dey of December, A.D., 1888 D . : Seal A. W. GLEASON, 2 ) Notary Public: Hall's Catarrh Cure is Ssken htsrnally, acts directly on = surfaces the system, Send for free. CHENEY, & Co., Toledo, O. Take Hall's Familiy Pills for consti: | pation. x : o E DOG. ROBS POLICEMAN, BUT Resenting His Regulation of | try, with the "boss" the reigning sovereign, and he the loyal, vigilant army guarding all frontiers at once He was alert as usual, yesterday af- ternoon, when the truck was being driven through the Rue Royale. He saw a crowd of people and an endless stream of vehicles passing, and barked away at as many of them as he could Hair. count. He knew as little as he cared about street traffic regulations' and when a policeman held' up a, baton and the truck came to a stop d 1 1 bgt. 1 not understand that it was all as |hair will. grow again, if the follicle peaceful as The Hague intentions. It | has not been totally destroyed. Nels 20 happened that the policeman stood Peterson, of Lime Spur, Mont., says: quite near the truck, and the gallant | "1 had been "bald six years, and had guardian thereof consequently stood | tried all kinds of 'cures, but without as near the policeman as possible, a | any benefit whatever, until I tried fact on which the latter did not | Herpicide. November 16th, 1899, I be- count, whén, with'a majestic wave of k his baton, he signaled the drivers to [months a fine growth hair "covered my head completely," Ask your drug: As he did so he turned his back on | gist for Herpicidd. Everybody ean the truck, and the dog, seeing the'| have luxuriant, glossy 'hair, if Herpi- baton within range, made a bound, : caught it and. bolted. Then it was | stitute. Sold by leading druggists. that the guardian of the law bolted | Send 100. in stamps for sample to after the guardian of the truck and | The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold the. driver of the truck bolted after | in two sizes, 50c: and 81. G. W. Ma- both. The baton was cventually re | hood, special agent. stored to perspiring authority, but it ee -- has lost some of its beauty, the dog | SENATOR FULFORD'S WILL. having treated it as a limb of his H, W. Reyner Achieves Great Horace W. Reyner has just achieved At the first concert the chief item A IIIIHRIIGIIIIINNNE J] was Coleridge Taylor's beautiful can fied the most exacting. "Only those who watched the chorus from its be ginning and remember the first re- hearsals," says a eritic, "can fully appreciate what Mr. Reyner has ac- complished or the splendid optimism that has sustained him during a year ments, His choir showed an excellent balance, were sharp in their attacks, and are to be highly commended for The second concert, a matinee, was mostly composed of instrumental mu- sic, and the programme contained Elgin. May 27..-P a3 > May 27.--Peter Plunkett is im- such fine works as Dvorak's Sym- gin, May rhony "From the New World," a ner was represented by the introdue- ed. Rev. E tion of the third concert was Tschai- Reyner then took his choir through the "Wedding Feast." The phrasing WAS BALD SIX YEARS. Three Months of the New Scien- tific Treatment Restored His Baldness is caused by dandruff, which is caused by a germ. Kill the germ and it is - almost certain that Decision Takes Six Million From » thé Grandchildren. Justice Teetzel has given judgment regarding the. construction of the will of Hon. G. T. Fulford. He decides W. T.. Hanson dompany, and the Ful- - ™ # GARIBALDI'S HELPERS. ¥ - | 8 ------ # Rome, May 28.--A bill ¥ % was presented in the ¥ ¥ Chamber of Deputies yes- ¥ ¥ terday appropriating $200, ¥ 000 to the followers of MH &%: Garibaldi, who to-day are ¥ "¥ in want, the distribution So -|# to take place on July 4th ¥ # the 100th anniversary of M¥ ¥ Garibaldi's birth. » be] Fol Marriage At Elgin. proving his house with a coat of tar paper and new clapboards, H. T. Brown is having his residence repaint- . W. and Mrs, Crane cele- party of church members and the his brother, P. W., at Collingwood, ter seven weeks' treatment in Brock- on Tuesday. She is much better. Wil- liam Kelly and wife, Brooklyn, N.Y., arrived last evening to spend a while Halladay went to Kingston last week for a few days. Harry White, ill for a few days, is able to be out again. J. P. Noddo and Miss A. Maénn- mara were quietly married on Tues- day by Father Grey in St. Columbus church. After the ceremony a very jolly wedding party took dinner at the home of the groom's father, U. Neddo. Mrs. Gilbert has gone to In- nisville, Lanark county for a couple of wooks, Mrs. Morton, formerly Miss Gertie Randolph, Peckskill, N.Y., is spending the summer with her par- ents, Mr, and Mre. J. 8. Randolph. Over The Telephone. By Amos Charles Smith. The telephone rang the other day, ting- ling, Hello ! says May. Will you go to the ball to-morrow night 7 Well 1 should say Can you dance the waltz, and? two and three ? Well now I guess, I used to he the prize winner at all the tmils : Do youn sce Hello, that'll do, I'll come for you at seven O'clock to-morrow night, Charly Hello | you awful fright, say, fi dress i In Pink and White. That'll be nice said the gallant beau, but will you ave the tiecessary doe, I'ta short, Central! ring off, Youre crossed my 'line, I guess I'm talking to a bn ge man, Good-bye, thank you, Sn ---- Bongard's Movements. 'Bongard's, May 27.--Owing to the cool, backward weather, farmers are not yet through seeding," John Pen- man, of Lanark, was in this vicinity looking for a farm to purchase, Miss G.' Williams of Picton, was a ealler here recently. J. B. Bongard, of the steamer Alexandria, was here over Sunday at his home. Quarterly wer- vice was held here on Sunday last. Mrs. Sniith who has Been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lucas, has returned of Hamilton, spent over Sunday at Beadley and P. C. David are painting and repairing their huildings. Mr. and Mrs. G. iy? y y guests at S. A. Tobey's. Mrs. le {| CONDENSED ADVERTISING] | gon using Hegpickle, and in three cide is used thoroughly, Take no sub- that the late semator's holdings in the : ford, Hanson company, which handle a great success at Duluth, Minn., on | Dr, Williams® remedies in South Ame the occasion of the first May Festival | erica, United States. anid Mexico, are of the Duluth Oratorio Society. The society, together with the Minneapolis | proprietary medicine business, the in- Symphony Orchestra, gave three con- | come from. which was to be accumu- certs, all of which were attended by [lated for the bemefit of his grandchil- large audiences. The latter at times dren. This will now be distributed - {amongst his. children. The amount in- cellent renderings given by the choir | volved is about $6,500,000. not to be considered as part of his brated their silver anniversary by a choir on Friday evening. ' A great many went to Jones' Falls Friday, to the annual picnic. Lew Brown left this week for Fort William. He will visit on his way. Mrs. Thomas Wright, af- ville General Hospital, returned home with their parents here. Mis. Philip son on Tuesday last. tq her home in Napariee." Levi Price, [ally a remedy to ~ 'Sluggish Kidneys. : t A great many Pople yeu ocon on stimulate the kidneys to greater avti- his home. Miss S. Bfadley visited her | vity. These or=ans grow sluggish, sigter at Fairmount, recently. James | not properly filter the blood, amd result is a disordered condition of entire system. Peek's Kidney » | Liver Pills meet the need of a kidney, liver bladder RATES' Wirst insertion, 1c; A word. Each oom secutive insertion thereafter jo, a pe ---------------------------------------------------- STRONG BOY OR"YOUNG MAN. AP- ply Mahood Bros. TWO - BOYS. APPLY KRONTHAL Lithin, Co.,; 299 Queen street, COACHMAN THOROUGH. APPLY "R, L. M.." Whig office, by letter, trade. Apply Wh hice. 4BNERAL, BLACKSMIT! By ANDY at w work; go a 3 pRly Pr, H. Roberts, Sydesbam, Ont. » BOY WHO OAN EARN FROM B TO $4.50 per week. A am 's Qroom Factory, ing "St, near sR SALESMEN FOR AUTO-SPRAY. Best hand Sprayer made, automatic. Sample to appro i agent. Cavers Bros., Galt. MAN TO DO LIGHT WORK AND Rake himself etal around hotel. 3 wages paid. pply to "W, B.," Box H., Whig office. PORTRAIT AGENTS WORKING FOR themselves send for IW whole sale price list. Sam; y lowest. Merchants Portrait Co., Ltd. 3 in all branches of building, stone, plastering, slati amd boiler work. Apply to Box "J. B." Whig of ° a SS A NO 5 OM, | HUNCH KBYS, FRIDA 4 xu UNG RA ¥:- ON ING office. : FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. A ------------------------ A FURNISHED HOUSE FOR: THE to 175 Apply Clergy . Albert street, RONG BOY, TO LEARN PRESs.| FURNISHED FOR ay aU RER, STRONG Good hance at a first-class ET BY losated: . poly, or tween Union and Earl streets. PLEASANTLY SITUATED, EIGHT Bon May Toth compan to 0 Bry Fade TO-LET. RNISHED ROOMS, WITH MODERN PR 176 Chergy streets neers SUMMER COTTAGES, DWELLINGS Stores and Offices. McOanm, B51 prices | A COUP! OFFICES OV 20 a OF OFFI B ER Clarence St. Apply to J. B. POSITION AS BRICKLAYER. WELL ROOMS, IN GOLDEN LION 1 suitable for ly to A. B., © street. or living SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE men, being your own cloth and a | TWO GOOD OFFICES, ONE IN FRONT cheap up-to-date suit made. ye, of bu King street, neat peice ig, Sah ks ell "a 4 J, P. ha Gents Fur re one well. way, + Pe y The Matlor, 181 Broek street. » 848 King street. if i et -------------------------- OFFICE PARTITION, OF AND : ! i BLOCK, roams. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, AP- ply Hotel Randolph, LAIN COOK. APPLY MRS, = Tandy, 86 Johnson street. MAID, FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. No Washing, Small toanily, Avply Mrs. L. C. Lockett, 54 Wellington St. A COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY, RE- ferences required. Apply in the even ing to Mr. Henry olger, at resi- dence of Mr. Howard S. Folger, 55 West St. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION street, twelve rooms, extension ing room and kitchen, hot water heating | immediate Fi y ta . Ng. I 81 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY hot Water, fumace, all venfences, stable and i t i Apply to J yoars if desired - McCann. S1 Broek street. PERSONALS, , 11-rooms, conn PF ooo] + Nick! Rent, rt tame, for tam A COLD MAY MORNING, Freezing Point, For the mercury to hover about the sported itself this 28th of May. The night, the police report a few slight snow flurries, though the sky was almost éloudless and the moon shone brightly but coldly at midnight. The weather man's predictions yesterday morning came true, It is many years since sucl a cold spell visited this district so close to the first of June. The old Seotch saying to keep on your coat till May is out, scems to have good foundation. Winter over coats were worn this morning, and they weren't too warm. § People have been wary about put- ting out flowers till June lst, this vear, and thos there were very few for the cold wave to damage. It cun- damaged to any great extmt. The sidewalks attest. : News From Caintown. H. W. Powell spent Sunday last in Brockville. Mrs. John Kincaid was the Franklin, Junetown, on Friday last. Mise Alma Brown spent the 24th at GERMANY'S FLEET The Mercury Hovered About the |Has Assembled For Manoeuvres. | Berlin, May 28 ¢ heavy artill comprises rain of Sunday was Sustqeda by a | The Sor tonne of the cool wave. Monday afternoon the a is 219.000 wind blew strongly from the north. | fos Frote: The corre gee hy west, and the mercury began 10 drop | of the combined Russion and Japa- tll it reached forty degrees at mid- | .g, fleets at the battle , might, Belory sunrise A had gone a Straits. Although it is regarded ew degrees lower, That was in t th I ble ke--part i . city. Outside, the atmosphere was a Sorouehly. of le to ty in bat little colder, the freezing point being this high sea fleet powerful enough to reached in some places. During the | pegist an enemy's landing. x 0, 8S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF | PROFESSOR HALSTEAD, N Ma al Bt, land, Palm ale rod Short stay in a 25¢. Daily 9 to 9, 58 Bart St. MEDICAL. ---------------------------------------------------- DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied corner Mon- + Ryan, treal and Brock streets, Not Formidable, Doings At Denbigh. Denbigh, May 27.-R. Mayer, Philadelphia, who, last sumdner, with one of his daughters, spent about a mouth here, has enjoyed our bracing mountain air, and the romantic seen- ery of this vicinity so well that he hag roturned this yoar earlier in the sea son, bringing two of his daughters with him. They are guests at Chatson house and enjoy their daily drives, boatings, and rambles in vicinity very much, Revs. 0. Linke, of Connestogo, and E. Holm, of Stratford, are staying a not yet be (old if the trea have been [1% Io, 40, hp parsonage, and will | Y a series of missionary 'services in leaves which are not yet fully out, and Lutheran church at which, accordingly, are so tender may week they: intend to undertak be blighted somewhat. Many of them to Pembr » were snapped off hy the cold as the | oedions of the Lutheran synod of Can- ada, which will be held there this year and begin on the 30th inst. Are pa 9% uvition aoe Denbigh, i : Abin and Ashby for this year wi Caintown, May 27.--No service inj}. hald at the Chatson house on Sa the Mothodist church next Sunday. turday, Jung Ist. : Flower and garden seeds, the kind guest of her daughter, Mrs. Harry | (hat is sure to grow, at Chown's Drug Store, The Paragraph Pulpit 1 n ) --By far freezing point of a Fahrenheit ther | cst and most Roo pis Sone mometer on the morning of May 28th, warships that Germany has ever as- is unusual, unpleasant and unprofiv- sembled is now en; able. Yet that's where the mercary spring manoeuvres Heligoland. The ht; ge in the annual of Teushima experts" do not consider the lan. Next a trip mbroke, to attend the annual Lm Tuba tubes in all Unitarian; REV. CO. W.CASSON, 0 TTAWA - : -- The Sin Of The Sombre. shalom tok vik, to be Somes and nd, ls a; atl % love rh a OF Mublishey go through life with a smile, is to show st evidences of belief in the verities of and religion. A men's distance from the kingdom of heaven is never to be guaged in inverse ratio by the distance of his chin from his Jorehend, Heiven will not he folate y creatures who go aroun as though God were dead, they wanted to be. One need not be always serious to take God seriously, The vi bration of a laugh does not jar the foundations of one's religious faith. Address Mr. Casson for free litera ture. YINGSTON ONTARIO Superior Courses her home at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. V. at her home here, Christopher Con- nelly is home from Toronto for the summer. Miss Mabel Wilcox intends going to Rockport this week, Miss Eli is spending a few days with her friends in Brockville, Mrs. Mary Fer- guson is spending this week with friends in Brockville, William Grah- am, cheesemaker, had the misfortune to cut off his little finger, but he is fasg improving. Edward Nowlan at- tended the funeral of his brother, John Nowlan, Brockville, on Sunday. Miss Alma Brown and Miss Nora Kincaid were guests of Mrs. William- & i his i fu : George Ham, of Conway, visited her brother, | regulator. Tn boxes, 2%5e. turned to | only at Wade's store, antgn: F- Dodge, han. tuned. 0 | uch is aot sinlactasy, v issiisl From the Atlantic . to the Pacific Are the millinery orders coming in to us. Our orders by post every morning would surprise you, but not us, we are fule ly satisfied it is our merit. | | | | bd bad bb fries 'Most Engaging Creations Are On Wiew at 174 Wellington St. and you are welcome to look them over at any time, énly too pleased at comparisons. are confident of results, . xg ' i ha gE :