BY W. F. COURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST, "Phone 700. Will be much required dur ing the coming 'BRIDAL SEASON." . You will find our Stock replete with new designs, in Pearl, Brooches, Rings, Scarf Pins, Necklets, etc., for gift giving. SMITH BROS Jewelers and Opticians bommunion others having children are taking their First munion will find a derfully large variety 'hite 'Dress Materials is store, 30 White Gloves, in zes, hite Hosiery, in all lite Silk Ribbons, all s, extra value, te Ne*, 36 inches 25¢. a yard jand up, -- Jil "riday pecial ards Black Sateen, trous finish, perfect- color, 28 inches wide, easily 17¢. yard, Special 11¢. a Yard ---- = * ness of the steak--th 'crispness of the toast--but you will ne'er forget the satisfying deliciousness of : your breakfast cup of Chase & Sanborn's ~ SEAL BRAND COFFEE. NOT SHAKING. JUST A GENTLE ROCKING OF THE LEVER. Shaking is a hard, back-breaking exercise; peculiar to common furnaces, while you can' stand erect at the Sunshine--and moving the lever, to and fro, about half the length of your arm, afew times, is mere play. A child can easily doit. Grates of the Sunshine are in two sections-- right and left. By gently rocking the lever, a few times, the ashes are released from the right. Repeat the operation an the left and the ashes from that side drop into the ash-pan, too. You couldn't wish for anything easier than the Sunshine Method. When this lever is use it can be dis- connected from the grates and the opening capped. But when connected it fills up the opening so snugly that no dust from the falling ashes can escape. the best. us for FrREe BOOKLET: MClarys LEMMON & SONS. ail Semon A ar It Takes All Kinds of Women to Make a World==and It Takes All Kinds of Shoes to Please Them. WEVE GOT "EM THE SHOES, NOT THE WOMEN Smart, fashionable styles, or more conservative shapes, built for comfort. the newest, most up-to-cate models. the lot but workmanship. the ever popular pump. Every shoe dealer in Canada is worrying about Tan Shoes. We are showing a large range of the *'Golden Buck Shade' in Oxfords and Gibson eliects at the popular price of $3.00 A Pair J. H. Sutherland & Bro. ' THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE MAKING Sheet Lead :.. Canada M tal Co., Ltd. FRIDAY BARGAINS TOWELS Huck Towels, Fringed or FRIDAY Bargain, 40ec. 20 dozen Large Size All Linen Hemstitched Ends, worth 60c. pair, Pa. so LACE CURTAINS am Lace Curtains. This is the best snap Curtains, 3} yards long, extra wide, and good value at $3 per pair. FRIDAY Barkaih $2.25 pair. Some other good lines at' 75¢., 81 and $1.25. SATIN QUILTS a ;ask Bed Quilts, in' different de- 67 pairs Nottingh you ever got in Lace 1-4 size Double Satin Da mask sgn worth $3.50, for $2.75 each. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE i 180 Wellington Street. IAN & SHAW SUNSHINE "FURNACE Every detail is thought of on the "Sunshine "--that's what makes it If your local dealer does not handle the "Sunshine," write direct to Bonn: TORONTO, MONTREA!, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N.B All were chosen by our experts from Not one pair in what represents -the acme of high grade They're here in all the desirable leathers in the late lasts and heel effects, button and lace style, or WILLIAM ST, Toronto, Ont. ATTHE POLICE COURT N HOTELMAN \ WAS FINED $10 AND COSTS: For Allowing a Man on' "Indian Hotel--Charge of Selling Was Dismissed. In the policé court this morning; the case of a Kingston hotelman, charged with selling liquor to a man on the "Indian list," was heard by Magis- trate Farrell. . The young man giving evidence, was acrestedbfor. being drunk, several days agd, and Svhen Dede the court, told 0, Magistrate t ad been serv. ed' "igor ai orto hte When ce this morning, 'he 'aghin made this statement, sayihg that he had been served the liquor' in. the bar- room, by the bar-tendef. He did not remember having been served any drinks by the proprietor of the hotel, but was certain that the bartender had: given him drinks; * The bartender, when called, swore that he had not served liquor to the you man, but admitted that the man had been in and out of the hotel several times during the day in aues- tion. The man did not ask for liquor, but when he came into the hotel, he had a flask of whiskey in his pocket, and was under the influence of hawor. The proprietor of the hotel said that the young man was at his hotel, but denied the statement made that he had been ser liquor. He said that when the man came to his house he was under the influence of liquor, and at that time, had a flask of whis- key in his possession. He had asked to be allowed to go to sleep in the ) and this request had been granted. Later, witness had found the man ly- ing in the barn with the empty flask beside him. ; This concluded the evidence, and the charge against the hotelman was thereupon amended by Charles Web- ster, who prosecuted on behalf of License Inspector Wright. The charge was amended, charging the hotelman with a breach of the liquor act, in having allowed the young man in question to remain on "his premises. The magistrate said that from the evidence offered. he could 'npt find the accused guilty on the other charge. The hotelman vleaded guilty to this charge, stating that perhaps he had heen to blame. but he did not care to throw a drunken man out on the street. The magistrate imposed a fine of $10 and costs, and stated that hotel- men should read over the liquor laws so that they might become acquainted with them. If a man on the "Indian list" was allowed to loiter around a hotel, it might be an easy matter for him to secure liquor, through other people. ' Robert Reeves notified the court that he had done away with his horse as ordered, and the charge against Him was withdrawn. He was ordered to destroy the animal hy the court a few days abo, a veterinary surgeon having stated that the horse had an incurable disease. Alexander Kippan, 'a drunk, was fined 81 and costs or ten days. ---------------------------- Nailed Birds Of Brittany. San Francisco Star. . " . "Speaking of exaggerations," said a traveller, "reminds me of a pie bird story of the Breton farmer. There was a farmer in Brittany who wished to tell a visitor how his farm had heen overrun with pies. Pies, you knows are large bird%, black and white, with long tails--a kind of crow. The farm- er said the pies devastated- his fields horribly. If he put up scarccrows the birds tore them down. Ope day Fis voung son ran into the granite farm- house and shouted : "Oh, father, hundreds of Lirds ! The wheat is being all eaten up I" "The farmer loaded his gun. But where was the shot ? - None could he found. He put in a few handfuls of tacks jnstead. 'Then he ran oui. 'lhe wheatfield was black. and white, ike a checkerboard with pies, The farmer gave a loud yell and the birds al' flew up into a tail poplar. He fired, and lo! every bird was nailed fast to the tree. Their flapping wings filled the! air with a loud whirnn The farmer, amazed, stood watching them. Then a strange thing happened, The birds, with one grand united effort, pulled up the huge tree and flew away with it." Campbell Bros'. The store that saves you money on men's fine straw hats. Bibbw's underwear for mine. Children's black drawers, 25¢., un- dervests from 10c. up., New York Dress Reform. When vou need Chown's Drug Store. : . See Bibby's first communion suite At Brockville on Wednesday morn- ing, Ellen E. Dunham, widow of Aw drew McCully, passed away after an illness extending over some months. She was a daughter of the late Archi- bald Dunham, one of the pioneer set- tlers in Augusta. Forty years ago she was married to Mr. McCully. glasses go to Some exclusive London clubs purvey ginger ale that vies in deli- cate STiSpaiess with York Springs Dry Ginger Ale, but does not equal it in purity nor excel it in flavor, pungency and aroma. Try it with Rye or Scotch, or straight, or with a dash of lemon juice-simply fine! Your club, favor- ite bar or merchant can procure it for you. Demand it by name. York Springs Dry Ginger Ale, is better--yet 'costs no more. For Sale by Rigney & Hickey, Jas. McParland and W. R. McRae & Co., Wellington street. | _ "List" 6 Loiter™ Around His | I. EMO Sg Sustaining to digest and at the same "TRRESISTIBLY "GALA-PETER" 6 The 'World's - Favorite Chocolate. ---- Lamont Corliss & Co., Sole Importers,e 27 Common St., Montreal. TWO LUCKY INCIDENTS, Discovery of Gold in One Case-- x A Duck Story. A men working of a new railroad out west, did something the foreman didn't _Jike. He was an unfortunate sort of chap always getting into trou- ble, 'and the foreman considered him a fool. Well, om this particular occasion foreman did go so bigstickedly mad that hé sent the fellow sprawling down «a twenty-foot embankment. As the pobr devil went rolling down he grabbe avel to save himself, and when he fetched up at the bottom he was a sight te behold, As he washed { hig hands he was strick with the pe- culiar appearance of the dirt, and he investigated. Result--discovery of a gold claim that made him a million- aire. That's the kind of story you can hear about gold discoveries. Now it wasn't gold that made Sam Law rence rich; it was duck eggs. Sam used to be .a senator up in Michigan. One day an opposition newspaper, to ridicule him, printed a cartoon, the central figure being a duck with his head on it, and witha line under it: "One of the ducks from Sam Law- rence's farm." Some people got the idea that he was a raiser of ducks, and he got a lot of letters asking the price of duck egge. This.put a notion in his head. He had seen nn advertise ment in some'eastern paper of a man who had duck eggs to sell, and he wrote. to him proposing to vlace his eggs on commission. He didn't pay much attention to the matter, until he learned that his mother, who had looked after forwarding the orders, told him her commissions had am- ounted to aver 8200, This gave a hint of the money to be made out of duck 'ergs, and he went into the busi- ness. Now as a result of that car toon that was meant to kick him out of his political job as state senator, he is making money fast out of ducks and duck eggs. Almost as good as the gold mine story. - Laurier's Lead, Saturday Nieht. 4 Nr Wiltrid Laurier was ¢alled all sorts of agreeable namés in London-- the Nestor of thé conférence, the Sil- ver-Tongued Orator of the Empire, and half a dozen others. A few imperial: ists, who mistake pranding for pro: gress, were things which less excitable people re- gard thankfully. He spoke for pre ference, he gave plain talk on the cat- | tle embargo, he lauded inter-imperial independence, and he counteracted the eagerness of Mr. Deakin (whe is much conditioned by the extremities of labor legislation), and of Dr. Jameson, who was once before in g disastrous hurry to help a revolution. With the First Canadian, then, reposed the restrain- ing and progressive power of the con- ference, for he represented the balan: ced, experienced aspiration to go ahead, ~Which makes resistance to short-sighted haste, really valuable. Australia talked most. Canada exer- cited the heavier counsél. That Sir Wilfrid completly satisfied neither free trader nor tariff reformer, but strong- ly impressed both, is the best pro- mise that our imperial influence can easily grow. If we merely said 'Dit 10" to ome or another Rritish party's creed we might as well become resign ed to & perpetual provincialism too big to be dignified, too circumscribed to be natiomsl, incapable of being im- perial. Rousing Rooseveltism. Col. George Harvey, editor of Har- per's Weekly, delivered a remarkable address to the National Dramatic Club in New York. Replying to a toast, he made a speech in the shape of a sermon, taking his text from the tenth chapter of FEeclesiastes "Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child. , The beginning of the the end of his talk 'is mischievous madness." Col, Harvey applied this fused, contradictory, inconsistent, il- logical, irrational." As might be ex- pected, the éolonel's "$értoon" is pro- voking spirited comment fu the press. After 100 Wears. A Massachusetts man having only 2100 to Jeave beh aghy"willod that the money. be in abd at the end of a hundred years, it with its accumulated interest. should go to charity. The time i¥ now up and %£19,431.72 will be handed to the town of Goshen and the parish of the Con- gregational church 'of that place, -------------------- br 3 Waiting. Milwaukee Sentinel. "Do you think you are going to like your new noighbors 2" "It's a little too early to tell. They haven't hung out their washing yet." Campbell Bros'. For the best in children's tams and straw 'hats, . » See our splendid summer corsets, 60c. and 65c. We keep all the well- | 8 known makes as well as ordered cor- sets, and guarantee giperfeot fis, New York Dress Reform, + « "ou has been appointed fishery ingpéctor for hi digtrict, b v's special BOY; * dhder wear. BOY WHO CAN BA FROM 3 TO $4.50 per week. at 's Broom Factory, Doar Queen St, vexed because he did |, words of his mouth 3% Jaolishness, and | "Herpicide i text to the United States and its im- | leading petuous pre sident. He referred to Mr. | stamps for sample to The Herpicide Roosevelt as a misghigwops child with | Co., "a passion for notdriety, noisy, con-| and 81. G. W, Mahood, special agent. Aldermun James Statling, Bellefille, | Jamies' church, Carleton Place, has re- ceived the Christ Church cathedral, Ottawa. St, SaALBSNHEN 8 FOR AUTO-SPRAY. Sahin, tree ro" rpproved agent. Cavers Bros, Galt. PORTRAIT AGENTS WORKING FoR Shamseives send ur new wi sale list. Sampies ree, rices lowest. Merchants Portrait Co... Lud. TRACK FOREMAN, ALSO MAN TO assist at Lake Ontario Park, must have some knowledge of horticulturey Apply at Street Railway Office, King street. SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE- men, bring your own sloth and - t made. le, guaranteed. and rephiring done well. Gelloway, The Tailor, 181 Brock street. wm HELP WANTED-FEMALE, EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES. AP» ply Hotel Réndolph. TWO SALESLADIES: APPLY AT Wood's Fair, Princess St. MAID, EOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, No wasling. Small family. Apply Mrs. L. C. Lockett, 54 Wellington St. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework. No washing or iroming. No housecleaning. Nurse kept. Good wages. Apply 154 Barl street. ---------------------------------------------------------- A COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY. RE- ferences required. Api in the even ing to Mr. Henry olger, at dence of Mr. Howard 8S. Folger, 55 West St. PERSONAL. PROFESSOR HALSTEAD, LONDON England, Palmist and Psychic Read- er. Short stay in citys Private Readings daily 9 to 9, 245¢., 58 Earl street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. R! §, WITH D., APPLY MRS, a Briar st. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. ------------------------------------------------. U; B A vine uoatbar APHly A8 STE Clergy B. desirably loca tod, Apply, or Albert rey wt tween Union and Barl strests, PLEASANTLY SITUATED, EIGHT joomed, statu furnished haute, from 15th, convienent to boa and trains extension kitchen, to Box "GQ. Whig office; . TOLET FURNIS| ROOMS, WITH MODERN Ra ior hr) SUMMER COTTAGES, VELLINGS UMMER ow Offices. i ans, B51 Brock street. A COUP F OFFICES OVER 8 SUH Shommions, um Jom) Ck pply to J.B. Walkem. glass, a wali-finished A NEW 16-FOOT SKIFF, BRAM, 44 inches, first. in every particular. 4 Apply wt this Office. : PHILATELISTS, A FEW GOOD CAN- ada Jubilees, dollar others, A " % Gers, Cheap. Apply PE ---------- to Sp rt A 10x18 T \ AND 4 CAMP BEDS aud also a ES ear now. SPH, 4 : _PEOPLE'S FORUM. A DESIRABLE 'B FURNISHED FOR THE SUMMER, Alfred UE Ed Ras, aw 108 RR OFFICE PARTITION, WOOD A neat and hd b,A%D Whig = ROOMS, IN GOLDEN LION BLOCK, suitable for offices or living ropms. Apply to A. B, Cunningham, 79 rence street. ™wO aoon OPFIOES, ONE IN FRONT of bul Sing, Kin street, ont WL Ft oi nisher, 848 King street, BRICK DWELLING, NO; 181 DIVISION street, twelve rooms, extension din. ing room and kitchen, hot water heating ; immediate [Sssegaion. A BY t Frederick ish, No. ih ivision street. h an Es STRERT, CORNER JOLY «s OO SFOS, t Water, furnace, modern con~ ce, moved to his brick block, on Clarence street, just above ost Office, Calls bv te one or promptly at to. LOST. 0.|S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF stable. Aad Marriage Licenses, Clarence St, , facing Macdonald and Clty Phone, 568. Yoo Coupled by W. Ni Rent, § a free of LY ora VETERINARY. R. "McOann, 51 Brock street JR. G. W. BELL, V.8, HAS RE. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE o bullding and contents thas any offers. them at Godwin's Insurance , 8 » Emporium, Mark: SILVER BROOCH, MARKED VAN- couver, on Princess, Wellington, Brock or King Sts., on May 29th. Reward for its return to this Office. BAG OF PLUMBING TOOLS AND vise, night , om James Baxter's and t Pittsburg Road. Finder please retern to Elliott Bros., and receive reward. -------------------------------------- The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian REV. CO. W.CASSON, OTTAWA Working With Others, It is the modern task of men to learn to work with others, to find his place in the social system, to recog- nize the complexity of human rela- tions, and to conduct his life as one who lives by, for and with his fellow men, His highest privilege will be found in the service of all; his great: est power will be exerted in union with all; his noblest ideal will be real: ized in the uplifting of all, and with all, himself, It becomes every man's duty in these days of wocial unity to learn more and more to act-in con- junction with his fellows, and ° so achieve the largest deed and influence. Address Mr. Casson for free litera- ture. ---------------------------------------------------- PROMINENT PEOPLE. Testify to the Efficacy of the New Scientific Dandruff Treatment. A. E. Lgnicr, Denver, says: '"'Herpi- cide hus made my hair grow rapid- v Mrs. A. Guerin, Great Falls, Mont, says : "1 find Herpicide an excellent dandruff cure." H. Greenland, Portland, Ore., says: "Newbro's Herpicide stopped my hair's falling out." J.D. red, Nerton, Wash., says : "Herpicide has completely cured my dandruff." Charles Brown, President First Na- tional 'Bank, Vancouver, Wash. says: noted for keeping the scalp clean. Insist upon the druggists, genuine. Sold by Send 0c. in Two sizes, Hc, Detroit, Mich, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The U ly i MULLENA NICHOLSON Rev. A. Flliott, BA. rector of St. nv LONDON AND AS95088 Fire om hy Rasite $61,187 218. ition Ei paid. with a dollar. b appointment of eamon of Livingston's for confirmation suits, a sy, the EAE Private Banking. General Insurance. . AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES © IN TARIFF OR NON-TARIFF COMPANIES FEA THOMAS MILLS, 79 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. DEPOSITS RECEIVED WITH DRAWABLE ON DEMAND. INTEREST FOUR FER CENT. PER ANNUM, calculated on the daily balance and added © to Deposits account quarter yearly. Small accounts with numerous = checkings will receive less interest. When the give me three or six moaths notice of withdrawal, a higher rate Th Home Savings Banks I sell these, with key, for one dollar, or if you open an account I give you the FREE USE OF hold the key and thus help you to save money. Banking; General Insurance; Loans; Home Saving"s Banks. 79 Clarence Street. - Depositor agrees to 4 THE BANK, and I ® That couldn't wear