Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1907, p. 5

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* <4 - 4 4 p 4 A 4 4 4 4 k .® > °® p ® ® p * p ® $ $ ving a Fine Line of 4 $ o h ion and First ion Suits. just what you want if you bring which has had the reputation for Clothing, would never, i ; offer not the best. Bist Suits 'amounts to but little, . unless § 2 quote prices. & only way to Judge of their d Sick Suits, d Norfolk Suits, in Black Venetians. Boys' Shirts cckwear lockings > Bibby Co. and ast, : $750.00 pF ' )SMOBILE SPEEDY f these dering. ors, . Architects, SILENT ---- handsome Runabouts Real Estate at and shipped from St. Catharines, Ont., sentative, Lansing, Mich, : your Lawn Mower. or you ? JARANTEED. tof Lawn Mowers 0 $8.00 Each. BROS. Street. ~ VITIIIIIII IIe wt SBD. TVYVVvevvYYeev ved | ® . Sky Rockets, Union ete, orpedoes and Bombs, Tor- dles 5 Mines, Fs to the Bilious Are you compelled to deny your- self-many wholesome foods because ou think they make you bilious? o you know that your condition is more to blame than the foods? Your liver and stomach need at- tention more than the diet. When ou find yourself suffering with a bilious attack, take . ~ BEEGHAM'S PILLS and all annoying symptébms will soon disappear. They settle the stomach, regulate the liver and ex- ercise the bowels, Their good ef- fects are felt immediately. Beecham's--Pills mingle with the contents of the stomach and make easy work of digestion. The nour- ishing properties of the food are then readily assimilated and the residue carried off without irrita- ting the intestines or clogging the bowels. Beecham's Pills should be taken whenever there is sick headache, furred tongue, constipation, sallow skin. or any symptoms that indi- cate an inactive liver. Sold Everywhere. RovaL YEAST (AKES MOST PERFECT MADE. o0\D A¥° USED EVERYWHERE. E.W.GILLETT conrrey = TORONTO. ONT. NERVOUS ai WEAK 'COULD NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT To the thoumsnds of posple all over this land whe are tossing an sleepless pillows night after night, or who pace the bedroom floor with nerves unhinged, and to whose ayes sleep will not come, MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PiLLS offer the hleming of sound, refreshing slumber In boxes 24 cents. They restore the equilibrium of the de: ranged nerve oeutres, and bring back the shattered nervous system to perfect condi- tion. Mrs. Wm. Richardson, Pontypool, Ont., writes: *I take great pleasure in recom- mending Milburn's Heart aud Nerve Pills. I was troubled at times with my heart, felt weak and mervous and eould not sleep at might, I have taken several boxes of the pills and am wonderfully improved. I have recommended them to éthers and they have found them just what they needed." 3 The price of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills is 50 cents per box or 3 bexes for $1.25 at all dealers or will be mailed direct en receipt of price by The T. Milbura Ca. Limited, Tarento, Ont. \ SHOE POLISH is a welcome increase in stock to every grocer. It is the best, quickest and blackest polish made, and the quickest and readiest seller. Black and allColors 10¢ and 25¢ tins THE FRONTENAC LOAN AKD INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright oi Pro- Money loaned on City and Farm pertics. Municipal and County Depts tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposi received and Interest allow .8 C. McGill, Managing Director, Office. 87 Clarends Sieest, Kingstom - -------------- Wm Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, : for sale. 1 A Large Surplus For FINE SHOWING MADE BY THE DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY, ' b the Past is - Yéar--A' Dividend Declared-- The Officers and Directors Elected. Montreal, Many 30.--The report of the directors of the Dominion Textile company, limited, which was preseat- ed to the shareholders of the com- puny: at its annual meeting, to-day,» gave the results of the operations in connection _with the business of the company for the year ended March 31st, 1907. The report showed the sales for the year to have been $8,- 507,013.81, being an increase of £376,- 08.86 in value over the previous year. The company has in operation 8,048, 365,905 "spindles, employs about 6,- 000 hands and paid in wages over ong and three-quarter million dollars, be- ing a lgrge advance over the previoust veqr, and on the lst of April last there was.a further large increase of wages made to the employees. The financial statement showed that the not earnings for the year, after writing off the large sum of £205,- 825.52 for repairs, hetterments, ete., to the mills, amount to $898,518.30, out of this amount has bee paid in- terest on bonds, dividends on prefer rec stock, rent of dominion and mer- mills, , amounting i to 0) i in all leaving a surplus of £166,- sum, together with the dividend received since closing the books on the shares of the capital stocks of the Dominion and Merchants companies held by them, will incrense the surplus for the year: to $286,- 927.70, and leave a balance at credit of profit and loss account of $523,- 842.05, which, in the opinion of the directors, ought to be "considerad sa- tisfactory. In view of the showing made for the past two years and the bright outlook "for the present year, the di- rectors hove declared a dividend of one and .oncywarter per cent. on the common stock of the company, pay- able on the 2nd July to shareholders of record on the 15th June. The board of directors, which com- prises' fourteen meme were all re- elected. The board is as follows : David. Yuile, Hon. H. I. Forget, C. This B. Gordon, Hon. Robert Mackay, H. S. Holt, J. P. Black, H. V. Mere dith; "S. Carsley, D. Morrice, Sr., Ligut,-Col. F.. C. A. Gricr, John Bailie, A. W. Allen and A. B. Mole. At a meeting of the newly-elected board of directors, held after the annual meeting, the follgw- ing oflicers. were. elected for the en- suing vear : President, David Yuile: first vice-president, Hon. L. J. For. get: second vice-president and man- aging directoy, ' C. Bi Gordon; secre- tary-tréasnrer, C. E. Hanna. Hehshaw, C, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, -- Newsy-Parigraphs Picked Up By Reporters Un Their Rounds. See Bibby's 81 soft shirts. Confirmation 'suits, Livingston's. Kingston depot for . Steinway and | Nordheimer pianos, at Kirkpatrick's | Art Rooms, The only cough syrup you can depend on, Gibson's Red Cross cough syrup cures any.eough. : St. George's cathedral will be very patriotic this year, and will hold its annual Sunday schoo} Ricnic on Do- minion day. 1 Bibby's for the best shirts, Recruiting for the 5th field battery, of Kingston, for Petawawa training camp is going on' steadily. Major Malley expects to take a good battery | to camp an Jane 11th, ' Dr. J. A. Ruddick, dominion dairy ioner, the exceptional weather is bound to have a serious ef- ! fect upon the output of cheese | throughout Ontario especially. © The conditions are such that cows are still being stall fed, and as a consequence are not-giving anything like the usual quantity of milk, "Try Bibby's nifty $2 derby. says A Characteristic Stead Reform. W. T. Stead did a very character- istic thing at the recent peace confer- ence in New York. At all the meet- ings he wore his visiting-card on the lapel of his coat and so saved his fellow-delegates the embarrassment of not. knowing him. .An American jour- nalist, commenting on this innova- tion, says : The inclination will be to treat Mr. Stead's reform with levity. There is something about it that suggests iden- tifying numbers on a race track. But it meets a real need, and will relieve more embarrassment in large gather- ings than any device yet hit upon. When every attondant on our large conventions properly labels himself there will be no hesitation about ap- proaching men "whose faces are fa- wi'iar."" That long rigmarole of ques tions anxiously put for some clue to identity will become unnecessary. The occasion for introductions, involving the pronunciation of names or some- thing passing for it, will be done away . Stead has proposed many radical reforms. We doubt if he has suggested any so, promising as this. At St. Louis, the 'Independent Catholic"' thurch, was the scene of pil-g lage when thirty members foreed their way in earried off everything of value. They said they were the vie: tims" of the Rev. Vincent J. de Lagen, the priest, who disappeared severdl weeks ago, with _ $6,000 subscribed to the new church fund. All the pictures that hung on the walls, the books, stationery, chairs and small tables were carried away. James Lang, Brockville, aged gev- enty-séven years died on Wednesday. He was twice married. Two daughters and three sons gugrive. Mrs. Edward Truesdall, Echo wodge® Mrs. J. W. Putnam, Watertown; George F., in Brockville. John, Texas, and W. 1 'Michigan: The late Mr. Lang was a man of sterling character and of dint disposition The death took place Wednesday on the front. of Thurlow, of one of its o'dsst lady residents, Mrs. Catharine McCurry. The usual infirmities of old see were the cause of death. She was PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Halton and Peel beekeepers expect a good crop of honey. Count Von Moltke has resigned the position of governor of the capital of ye Many large icebergs are being met in North Atlantic by Canadian steam- ships, inward bound. The head offices of the Sovereign Bank are to 'be moved from Mon: treal to Toronto. The Toronto Stréet Railway com- panv has received notice' to remove its tracks from Munro park. SS. Mongolian, inward, at Cape Magdelen; SS. Mount Royal reached Quebet; SS. Ottawa, inward, at Fath- er Point. Winnipeg, telegraphers are troubled to decide between prosecution for Sunday work and loss of $12 to $16 a month salary. Memorial day was generally obser- ved throughout the United States to- day. Some 16,000 veterans turned out in Manhattan alone. Hon. Clifford Sifton is in Ottawa. He is very optimistic over the All- Red steamship scheme between Can- ada and England. The Ontario Medical Association has decided to take steps to secure the establishment of an institution for tho treatment of inebriates. In three years, or five at the out side; there will be a war hetween Ja- pan and the United States, is the-op- inion expressed by J. A. Elliott, of Manchester, NH. Count "Johann Harach, Vienna, one of the leading Austrian noblemen is originating an association to suppress hat doffing as & salutation, and to substitute the military salate. Maximillian Harden, the well-known editor of the Zukunft, Berlin, has been challenged to a duel by Count Von Moltke and has declined to meet his challenger on the field of honor. William Hewitt, a farm laborer em- ployed by James Douglas, Moorefield, Ont., was struck on. the head by a | pulley, while engaged in stretching a wire nicht, Dr, William Bayard, St. John, N. B., will in August next complete his seventiecth year in continual practice of the medical profession. He is nine- ty-years old, but still visits a few patients. At Hartford, Conn., the second week of the anti-vice crusade opened with sermons in five pulpits, the ministers all standing by the four who a week ago bitterly assailed the police, charging corruption, The government eénquiry into the telephone charges ahjourned. The Bell company thinks it has proved that it is not charging unreasonable rates, Mr. Shepley may ask for state- .ments from subsidiary companies. Miss Emma Louise Mosscropp, for- merly a teacher in a Brooklyn public school, but more recently connected with a medical journal published at Montreal, committed suicide at a furnished room house in New York on Wednesday. In order that Kelvin, winner of the Ontario king's plate, may have a chance to show what he can do over the Blue Bonnets track, the Montreal Jockey Club has decided to put on an extra race, which» will' let in all king's platers of Quebec and Ontario. Germany will claim for the Villa Achillion, Corfu, which the kaiser re- cently bought, the extra territoriality which it' possessed when it was awnxl by the Empress of Austria. Germany will also claim the right for German warships to sojourn at the port of Corfu. The cases of the Woodbine book- makers came up agnin before the To- ronto police magissrate, to-day, and were remanded till to-morrow. = The crown attorney wants to see the books of the Jockey Club to discover the agreement. with J. A. Cavanagh, New York. Backed with a capital of $2,000,000, ex-Mavor Francis Perry, of the Michi- gan Soo, George Kemp, F. C. Smith and other capitalists, under the name of the Superior Coppér company, will erect a bie concentrating plant on the Ontario side of the river, just west of the plants of the luke Superior Cor- poration. This will 'be the first big copper mine on the Canadian side. fence, Wednesday, and died at The Wonder City. Oanadian Courier. ¥ Winnipeg has had its ups and downs, but just now there is nothing but "Up! Up! Up!" The settlers daily arriving find it difficult to believe that thirty years ago Winnipeg was only a trading post with a few hundred in- habitants. To-day it claims a popu- lation of 115000 and to be larger than any other city in Canada, with the exception of Montreal and Toron- to. Its broad boulevards, and long, paved . and well-lighted streets, bor- dered by an ever-increasing array - of fine buildings, make it look more like a city a century old. The city is fairly throbbing with life and energy in its efforts to keep pace with the marvellous growth of the west. Manufacturers are coming in, wholesale firms are adding story after story to their warehouses, business blocks of great dimensions are in course of construction and the resi- dential portion is spreading out ata pace unprecedented in the annals of any other city of the eize on the con- tinent. During the year new buildings cost $12,760,450--a total of $42,500, 000 spent in new buildings ip five years. The realty values in 1900 amounted to $26,973,650. A few days ago the assessment commissioner handed. out the approximate valuation at $95,000,000, Must Stay In Jail. St. Thomas, Ont., May 30.--Counsel for Engineer Stephbns arrested for manslaughter, yesterday, applied to County Magistrate Hunt, this morn- ing, for bail for Stephens. The amount was fixed for $5,000. Howev- er, the prisoner will remain in jail, until Tuesday, at least, when he comes up {or a hearing. May A. Bell Marks, forced to irr minate her season in Marka Bros. company to. undergo. an oberat:cn, has recovered, and is now at Red Cedar Villa, Christie's Lake, she home of her husband, R. BD aiarks. ; 'Try Bibby's, fancy hosiery, 25e. & New oh from 'Texas, at Cor- ALL DEMED CHARGE NEVER KNEW OF AN ELEC- TORAL FUND ---- As Mentioned in the Letters of Baron De Lepine to Hij Syndi- cate--Turgeon Was Emphatic in His Denial. Quebee, May 30.--The hearing of evi- dence in the t-Asselin libel case is finished. All the members of the provincial cabinet, less Hons. Mr Allard and Mr. Tessier, who are ab- sent, were called to the witness lox, and declared, ome after, * the other, that they nexer new of such things as the electoral fund, mentioned in the letters of the Baron De Lepine with his syndicate, and they never heard of any contribution which was to, he made by the said syndicate to ' any electoral fund in the province. Hon. Mr. i son denied, emphatically, of ever Raving heard directly or indirect- ly of any contribution to he made by the Belgium syndicate to the electoral fund according to the letters of Baron De Lepine. Loughboro Council. Sydenham, May 27.- Court of revis. ion met and added to the assessment roll W. H. Stevenson, James (rgw- ford, James Barrett, Elner Alton, Rolert Clark, John Grimason, H. Thurston, Archibald - Whaley, F. H. Berry, John Nugent, Harvey ' Ravana, James Scott, Gordon Nicholson, W. E. and Walter Shales, Wilton Guess, Wilson Knowlton. The roll was adopted and township business taken up. On motion, Trousdale-Nichols, the county treasurer notified to take proceadings to settle the difficulty re- garding the conveyance to W. H, Ste- venson, of lot 19, in 9th concession, securing his release to all claim to it: the overseers to remove the gates erected between lot 6 and 7 in the 8th conpession; the gate near Albert Amey's to be placed where it was for- merly. On motion Sills-Trousdale a new road division to be formed of the road between lst and 2nd concessions, east of the Sydenham road, with Har- vev Buck as overseer. On motion Ruttan-Sille, that $300 he expended on a cement walk from Cross street south, in Sydenham. Moved in amend ment, Trousdale-Nichols, that the walk be laid on the west side of Mill street, youth from Trousdale's corner. Amend- ment oarried. Voted: John Hogan, breaking stone near O'Connor's hill, 28.58; James Foxton und others, eul- vert on Mill street, $1.45; H. Hadley, iobs near Raymond's corner, 86; John Buck. Assessor. salary and postage, $55; Thomas O'Connor, collector, sal- ary, postage and discounts, $67.40: dames Nicho's. joh near Murray's swamp, $10; 8. F. Darling, job on Perth road, $9.50; H. Martin, culvert near Spaffordton, $1.25: €. N. Davey, repairing walk, £1.50: William Snook, two culverts near his place, $6. Ad opened till Monday, July lst. Portland CTouneil. Harrowsmith, May 27.--The court of following ap- revision decided the peals : 1B. Wheeler, reduced $100; Adolphus Perault"s assessment con firmed: John Carr & Son's corrected: those of E. KE. Day, B. A. Snider and Alexander Myers, confirmed; George Barr's, reduced £300; Edgar Hughes', reduced $500; James Meck's, reduced $100; those of James Brady, Sophia Williams and William Albertson, con firmed; Kingston & Pembroke and Bay of Quinte railways' assessment re duced to $1,906; several names of farmers' sons and tenants were added to the roll. Township council then met. Upon application from J. T. McKim, for the position of township clerk, no action, The claim of George Good, for dam ages, was laid over. On motion, Reynolds-Wallace, the crusher to be taken to the rear of the township for two weeks. The rate of statute labor was left as last year, notwithstanding the raise in assessment. On motion; RevnoldssHenderson, Water strect in Petworth, to he kept open, the path- master to be notified, Moved, Shil lington-Wallace, that as a govern- ment grant is soon to be expended on the old Hinchinbrook road, in this township, this council grant the free use of the township crusher for two days--carried. The statute labor in Verona was commuted, the amount to be collected by the pathmaster and expended on gravelling, this couneil to complete the job of gravelling in Verona. The clerk was instructed to notify the. reeve of Ernesttown to meet Councillors Shillington and Hen derson on the boundry on June 3rd, to sell jobs of repairs. The two coun cillors were instructed to sell jobs of repairs near J. E. Shibley's, Wilton Road. Adjourned till Monday, June 24th, New York's. Latest in straw hats at Campbell Bros.', Kingston's style centre for men's hats. Bibby's for boys' jersey sweaters. Sale of wash belts, with pretty bue- kle, 10c., New York Dregs Reform. Moth balls, cedar camphor, and camphor lavender flakes, at Chown's Drug Store. Try Bibby's 208c. cashmere hosiery. A call from Manotick, in favor of Rev, W. H. Cram, Cobden, being placed in Mr. Cram's hands by the presby- tery, he indicated his acceptance of it." The presbytery agreed to the translation. His last Sabbath in Cob- den is to be June 16th next. Chinese furniture cream mnkes old furniture look like new, 25c., at Chown's Drug Store. . Try Bibby's $1 street gloves. ~ 5 h/ 2) 1&4 (OO LSELT I Modeled upon sclsntifie principles a series of curves of grace and elegance is comprised in every pair of D, & A. Corsets. You can buy a "" D. £ A."' at various intermediate Made from 'alum and \ & DEATH IN KISSING. This is the Conclusion of Medical Officer. Glasgow, May 30.---Dr. Chalmers, the medical officer of the city, has completed an elaborate investigation of the recent high rate of mortality by spotted fever, and as a result de- clares emphaticafly that{ there is death in kissing. He condemns the prevail- ing habit of kissing infants which, he says, is an unmistakable carrier of disease. For weeks the city hospital has never had fewer than one hundred patients. | The heat example of what a lawn grass seed will do is the court house lawn, Kentucky. lawn grass seed was sown thre, Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The wife of Admiral Chadwick, of the United States navy, has invented a carrier by which disabled soldiers may be borne from the battlefield in an upright position, These Hats are nicely of Velvet around the c¢ the same advantage. Coat Bargains still on u No Need to Suffer of Kidney or Bladder Trouble. An authority on diseases of the kidneys and bladder states that pain In the backs loins, or region of the kidneys Is the distress elgnal nature hangs out to no- tify us that the kidneys require assistance immediately, and as a preventive of more serious trou- ble, such as lumbago. rheuma- tism, sciatica, etc, which are al- most sure to result, he offers the following valuable Information, Get from any good prescription druggist the following siniple vegetable extracts: One ounce fluld extract dande- lon One ounce compound salatone. Four ounces compound syrup sarsaparilia. Mix well and take 3 teaspoonful after monls and at bedtime, This, : he claiins, has brought about most favorable results, and, be- ing inexpensive and entirely harmless, the formula will no doubt be appreciated by many readers. » BEEPS A000 044440 Pet bbb a easassssssas tastes Reso d New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a. m The best place to y fanch BA the, ay . Fa 0 ns on notice. English hinese ishos a speciallys "Phone, 058, o Learned The Moral. A duck who had faithfully stuck to business during the summer and laid several dozen [awn-colored eggs, com- plained that she was not appreciated. "See that hem over there," said the duck; "'she has not laid as many eggs, hor so big, but she has books written in her honor, while nobody says a word about me." "The trouble mith you is," said the wise buff, "youd, not tell the public what you have done. You lay an egg and ddle off without saying a word, while. that sis- ter of mine nover lays an egg without letting everybody in the neighborhood know of it. If you are not apmrecia- ted, eackle about it--advertise 1" -- 1,000 Islands--Rochgster. Steamer North King leaves Sundays at 10:15 a.m. for Thousand Island points and at 5 pan. for Rochester, N.Y., ealling at Bay of Quinte ports. J. P. Hanley, agent. "Don't forget" your children noed fresh food as well as you do. Tt pays to buy infants' foods at Gibson's Red Cross dru, tare. All fresh there, Lawrence Gowland has confessed to the horrible erime of assaulting and Georgina ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. i -------------------- AR BERR RR Se 100 READY-TO-WEAR HATS 75 CENTS EACH. in front, with two quills through it, worth $1.50, but being all the manufacturer had of the line, he offered to clear at half price, which offer we accepted and now give our customers $1.50 Hats for 75c. SEE WINDOW DISLAY Your size and style may be in them. p. : D. M. Spence, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. F444 44014 THIH E0444 pure grape cream of tartar, and ab- solutely free from lime, ammonia. A GRAND THOROUGHFARE Is Now a Project of Berlin Cap- italists, Berlin, May 30.-- According to the Lo- kal Anzeiger, the kaiser has just sano- tioned a gigantic street improvement scheme here involving the outlay of $37,500,000. Four German banks and one British bank will finance the un- dertaking. It is proposed 40 widen the narrowest part of Friedrich Strasse twenty feet, and to replace the pre sent insignificant houses and shops by a magnificent array of palaces, gal levies and hotels making the sireet one of the grandest thoroughfares in the world. There are many forms of nervous de- bility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Iron Pills, Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, ete., should try them. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, froth Chickering's. Orders. at MoAuley's book store, "Phone 778. | trimmed with two rows rown, a Round Rosette . Only seventeen left, Hurry & If you wish to be successful at~ tend The the residence upon to sinfon Lands at Kingston Business College Limited, bead of Queen street. ' - Canada's Highest Gradeg business school. Bookekeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tole graphy, apd all cla) subjects thoroughly taught by comptent exparienced teachers. Day and night classes. Enter at any time, Rates very moderate. 'Phone, 440. . H. F. METCALFE, Presidents J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Life Producers Chatham Incubators Life Preservers Chatham Erooders Ti Shia hat, sve the action, perfect in construction and a sure hatcher, Sold on time, or with a five year fuarantes. D. J. HAY, T. 'E. HUGH<S, Agents, 42 Princess street, BRITISH - AMERICA HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIC| Has uadergone alterations and Is now open to the travelling sublic. W.'TELFER - - Proprietor Brown, near Kil all or, or upon mi fon te do se. of the 120 Jor ponum RE ee. . oyaltys ye 38 cent collected oW sods $10,000 ion for entry at 5 to the lar has ai such oe cation nd mel v A Ladies' Goodyear Welt Blucher Shoe, Vici Kid, with patent tos cop and high Cuban heel. It is an up-tos date street shoe. 3 Price $5.00 and $3.50 H. JENNINGS, KING ST SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NGRTHWEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS sntry SETLER bo local Agen six months' XYNOPSIS OF WEST oul. 10 per acre for soft' amnthrasia, the rate of ty of claim, on must EER on will be until that land owned ¥ CANADIAN NORTH. MINING REGULATIONS, 4 gutput aftor {t oi , CORY, or Ropu of the Mialeter nf . N. et mauthe Publication of this advertisement Ww or. for oner tawa, of his inten ears oven IU t by the poriianent PE -

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