Daily British Whig (1850), 31 May 1907, p. 7

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of Ca a 4 : how {quickly Scorr's you to throw off a { : A RE EN TS) We. AND $1.00. ally for the heating of large ves, is designed to throughly cold air in the least possible 5 shown, in the accompany- fire , pot, the cold air is >d column which overhangs xning in direct contact -with 2 4 al an ky, NY 3 N 3 J nd smile on baking days." ational Drug & Chem + Montreal--the will a ne cook book, Drinatus cy ng le; dpenwork, drop stitch gths, all sizes at 40c. id Colors, extra good quali- an and White, 15¢., 20c., girls', in all qualities and ter and short 1 i #1 per pair.|" Shgths, In rter and short length i . Per pair. Fa STS with or' without sleeves, +5. 0c. and 26e. each. With or without sleeves, nd top, 40c. and 50¢. es, s. CASH COUPONS. ROS. re -- I CADES Assets 498,646.13 876,807.37 1,859,146. 190,455 15 423,280.10 280,542.59 Steady Growth, A LIFE o . INGSTONG IE MBROKE W RRL IN CONNECTION WITH . Canadian Pacific Railway. CHANGE OF TIME Commencing June 3rd, No. 1 train witl leave Bingston at 12.10 p.m., mek- ng direct connection at Sharbot fo oil points east and west, also ... Re fre with No. 1 train for points wont, atin ro-e, Fort Willigun, Winnipeg Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria, B.Ow. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. Rr. Ticket offices, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P R. Ticket offices, Ontario stroet. 2 F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Bay of Quinte Railwa) New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Descronto, and all local points. Trains eave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. R - DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., Kingrton ER "TOURS Summer Resorts Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Are described in "Tours to Summer Haunts." Write for free copigs to GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, MONCTON, N.B. Or Montreal Ticket office, 141 Su James street ; Toronto Ticket office, 51 King street East, Block. King Edward Hotel Homeseekers' Second-Class Round Trip Excur- sions To Manitoba, Saskatchewan berta leave Kingston, Ty 4th, 18th ; July 2nd, August 18th, 27th ; Sep. 10th and 24th. Tickets pood to return within sixty days frdia going date. ; Branch Local Time Table Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST Lve. City No 12.45 a.m Local 9.15 a.m 1_ Intern] Ltd.12 2 7 Mail 3.19 p.m. 8. * 15 Loeal . 7.08 pms 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST Ave. City Arr. City No. 8 Mail 2 Fast Exp. 14 Local , v 6 Mail 1 4 t Exp \ 12 1 Nos 4, 5 and 8 run daily. All otk trains daily except Sunday. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts, TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe lsland :-- ON. 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m 'UES. 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m JED. 7.80--9,15 asm. 1.00--3.00 p.m THURS., Dreaky's IH 6.80--0.30 a.m: 1.002.830 par FRI. 7.20--9.15 am. 1.00-3.00 pim: SAT. 8.00~9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m SUN. 9.00--10.00 a.m. 12.30--8.00 p.on Leave Kingston:-- Mon 8.30--11.830 a.m. 3.00--4.80 p.m Tues. ' 8.80--11.30 a.m. 2.00--.30 p.m. Wed, 8.80--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p.m Thurs. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00--7.00 p.m Fri, 8.80--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4,30 p.m Sat. 8.30--11.30 a,m. 2.0)--4 30 p.m. Sun: 9.30--11,30 a.m. 1.15-3.30 p.m. Sat.--Special trip to Simcoe Island and Spoor's dock, »t 3.30 p.m. Time Table subject to change without mele: calls at Gardem Island going tec and from Kingston. Be BRICELAND, Manager. Lio Torento § X 0 Montreal Line Steamers}"Toronto & "Kingston" EAST BOUND Commencing June 2nd, leave Kingston daily, except Monday, for 1,000 Islands, RIL Nay b Montreal, Quebec and Saguenay River pointe: WEST BOUND Leave Kingston, 5 p.m., daily except Monday for Charlotte. and Toronto mak- ing connections for ull Western points. Hamilton-Montreal Line Tri-weekly service EAST AND WEST BOUND 'For ticketd and berth re servation, Bi ply to, J. P. HANLEY, kot Ag it Kingston, Toronto. R,. & ON. Co. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A.G.P.A. a eee NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Strost Open from 10.30 aur. to 8.00 el The best place to get an ail r Lunch fr Meals of wll kinds wa Weed English and Chinese » eppclaity It's so easy to Rh y tis Cure Rheumatism. Such a simple treatment. So abe solutely certain to cure. Just take Bu-Ju. Not a few doses--don't stop even after a few baxed.v Give Bu a fair chance -- take it faithfully ; carry out the directions exactly ; and By-Jg will cure you as surely as 2 and 2 make 4. he Gentle Kidney Pill cures Muscular Rheumatism, Ine flammatory Rhenmatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, because it removes the CAUSE of these troubles. Young's Point, P. O. " Have tried your Bu-Ju Kidney Pills, ind found them very beneficial for Rheun- natism and pain in the back. They are certainly a blessing. My husband is also receiving great benefit from Bu-Ju. He as had great pain in the small of his sack, but 1s so much better now. Mgrs. A. C. Kip. Rheumatism, in any form, means irri tated nerves, and is caused by uric acid wing depositedin the blood stream. The only way uric acid reaches the blood is through weakness or disease of the Kid- neys. The only way to cure weak, dis. cased Kidneys, and thus cure Rheumat- ism, is to take Bu-Ju. soc. a large box. At all druggists, or sent on receipt of price. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED WINDSOR, ONT. n MULLENA NICHOLSON GRANITE MARBLE LDL MONUMENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY ---- "ol 372 PRINCESS SY LAL -E L] [LER Abou} tht mo MARVEL Whirling Spray Tbe dew Vaginal Ky : Best--M ost couven- canses Ask your druggist for it. If he cannot suppty the NJ MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamn for linstrated book--sealed. Tt gives full particulars and direetious in- to LT NDSOR SU LY CO., Windsor, On =~ Geueral Agents for Cannde. The suien. changes in weather dught to susgest the wisaom of puftieg in some good Coal. We soll good Coal. it's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes tbe home comfortabls ; it's can buy, and the best money there is nome better mined. Wo deliver it to ou cleam and without slate, at prices; e yery bottom BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St ROYAL ALLAN "w/c" LINE Irish International Exhibition Dublin--May to November . For the convenience of those wishing to visit the Exposition it has been arranged that the Tunisian and Ionian on the Liverpoal Service will cali at Moville (Derry) to land passengers east and westbound. Eor full particulars, Exbibition Pamph® lets and reservations. Apply to P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R., or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Clarénce street. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 ISLAND-ROCHESTER ROUTE 'Str. North King Commencing May 206th, steamer, will leave Kingston, at 10.15 a.m., Sundays, for Thousand - Island points and at 5 p.m., for Rochester, N.¥., via the Bay of Quinte, calling at intermediate ports. For further information, apply to J P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent, JAS. SWIFT & CO.," Wharfingers, Kingston. 1B. E. HORSEY, General Manager, Kingston. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in-Cool Latitude Iron SS. "Campana," Twin Screw : - electric bells and all with electric lights modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS at 4 p.m. 17th June, 1st, I5th, ard 201 12th apd 26th August, for Picton calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Cape Cove. Grand River, oe P.E.L;, apd Charlottetown, Summerside Pl BERMUDA $35 and upwards, r Excursions, by w Twin Serew SS. "Bermuod- iar 5.500 ' tons. Sailing from New York every alternate Wed ay, ecom- 5th June. Temperature cooled mencing I hy sea breezes seldom rises above 80 de grees nn 0 The finest trips of the season" for fort health apd comiort ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. Fe jekets and statergoms, apply to ie aN EY. or Jd. P. GILDER- nich that is all right. a con? THO MOONS IN SKY But He Says Earth is Slowly 'Receding From Sun and the Temperature is Rising-- Oranges May Yet Grow By Hudson's Bay. a Ottawa, May 30.--Prof. E. Stone Wiggins, who, some years ago, was famous throughout Canada as an an- thority on weather problems, hut who of late years has preserved a dignified silence on the great topic of peren- nial interest, has at last been induced to explain to a waiting public the wherefore of this long lingering of winter in the lap of sphing. His ex- planation, published to-day, is a no- vel and original one, namely, that there are two moons in the sky. He premises his explanation by stating the sun has nothing to do with the case. The prevailing colfd weather, he says, must be due to planetary at- traction, for it is gencral all over the globe. It is known that the earth's temperature falls when the sun, earth and moon are in the same straight line, that is at new and full moon, when the attraction is greatest on the earth. This attraction is intensified when the moon happens to be in her perigee, that is, when nearest the earth, which is thirty thousand miles nearer than at apogee. Suppose the moon to be doubled, that is, to sud denly become double as heavy as it is now, the oceans would rise and flood. low-lying islands and shores to the height of several feet, the Atlan- tic would be forced over the Isthmus of Darien into the Pacific, earth- quakes would ocour in all the.con- tinents, volcanoes would break into eruption, storms unheard of would sweep our oceans, the gull stream would be forced northward by the un- usual mmesing of the polar cold waters towards the eguntor, and the temperature would cover the world. That is exactly what has just happen- ed, but in a milder form. But since the moon's magnitude has not in- creased, he gives another theory to account for the partly abnormal plunctary attraction. A Very Undesirable Moon, This "In 1882," says Prof. Wiggins, discovered another moon. It is now at that point of its orbit nearest the earth and is producing all the afore- mentioned phenomena in the earth's atmosphere. 1 knew this moon existed because our visible moon showed a dis- turbing force in her revolutions round the earth for which astronomers could not account, My strofigest evidence was the advance of the moon's peri- gee, for her line of apsides makes a complete revolution of the heavens in nine years, This disturbing force was further shown apart from her libera- tions by the fact that her mean mo- tion during the second half of the cightcenth century was less than dure ing the first half, besides it is known that she revolves round the earth more rapidly than in ancient times, thus shortening the lunar month. In 1884 I published a letter in the New York Tribune claiming the discovery, giving the evidence of trustworthy persons in Michigan who declared to me that the sun was eclipsed on May 16th of that year, the sky being per- feetly cloudless, and when ogr' visible moon was in another quarter of the heavens, and, therefore, could not pos sibly eclipse the sun. This dark moon has an immense carbon atmospRere in which the sun fu] develops little or no ight, but it has often been scen by persons who happened to be in the range of incidence of its reflected light. The Toronto Globe said, on Septem- ber 27th, 1386 : A green crescent moon of the most brilliant yet delicate shade was recently seen in New Zealand, The phenomenon was visible for only half an hour. It has been seen since in North America, but each time only about twenty minutes. A German Scientist Saw It. "Dr. George Waltemath, Hamburg, said in 1898, that in February of that vear he saw in his telescope a second moon to the earth, and calculated its orbit and motions, which were very nearly agreed with my published cal- culations in 1884, more than twelve years before. Schiaparelli, the cole- brated Italian astronomer, suggested that if this dark satellite exists it must have eclipsed the sun frequently during the historic period, however, irregular its orbit. In searching the records he found that the sun 7as several times eclipsed by some un- known body other than the mgon dur- ing the historic veriod, causing wide- spread darkness and 'low temperatures for which 'astronomers could not ac- count. This dark body moves in un elliptical and irregular orbit. beiag attracted and repelled by the earth as the comets are by the sun. In time its dense atmosphere will distill its carbon into rock oil, the oxygen and carbon will stratify its surface, its sky will become clear, and it will as- sume all the phases and motions of a regular and visible satellite. This is the cause of our present severe and unusnal weather, which can never be predicted till all the phenomena of this dark satellite shall have hecome known to the astronomer." "Isn't our climate becoming sold- er?" Professor Wioring was asked. "No; the earth is slowly receding from the sun, and the temperature is rising. In the future the astromers of Mars and Jupiter will look thronzh their telescopes and say that 'he snow caps have disappeared from the earth's poles. Every man and animal going into our north-west is a stove to raise the temperature. In time orpnges will grow in Canada and fine orchards will hold un their colden fruit before the mirror of Hudson's Bay. "Made to walk on" is what the manufacturers say of Campbell's Var nish Stains for staining and varnish in floors, woodwork and furniture Well, if 'they will stand being walked uron they must be made from a var Why vot try For sale by W. A. Mitchell Where to get the best for the east money ia what is puzzling some _pa- rents. Try Roney & Co. SIERVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. wy ibby's for underwear and hosiery. Tells About a Lot of Things in Short Metre. N elts at Roney "s. pod agl 'no minds don't seem to mind. Bibpy's collars, No economy: 2 for 25c. ; is better than poo Tibbs for handsome $1 shirts. Take your boys to Roney's for their new scits. Some people eall you up just to call you down. How can men to live on Try Bibby's 80c. and 75c. under wear. goods publicity is better than st Bibby's outing suits are fine. Everybody likes to live] but few live like, "ay the Best for the least money when you buy of Roney. That which we do for applause is never our best. Bibby's fancy hose for mine. A dollar's. worth of cash is worth two in credit. The lowest prices in the city for i oods. Romey & Co. "2. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's. Orders at MoAuley's book store. "Phone 778. of! Poisonous snakes and _ destructive sugar rats caused the importation of live on with nothing the mongoose from India into Ja- maica ears ago. This dively little animal killed off the snakes and thin- nod out the sugar rats, but it espe- cially 'enjoyed destroying the chickens. Now it is a costly musance. The is- land poultry has to be kept within wire netting above the ground and the price of eggs is high. dibby's Jor the best toggery. MIX IT YOURSELF. "Best Remedy For Rheumatism 'and Kidney Trouble. Get from any good drug store the following : Fluid extract 'dandelion, three drachms. Fluid extract eascara aromatic, one deachm, Sabul coumpound, one ounce. Syrup Sarsaparilla compound, threo and one-half oundes. Shake well ifn a bottle and take a teaspoon whyadéedgench meal and be- fore retiring? This is the presuription as given by an eminent authority in kidney disease, who states that this simple home-made mixture will ye lieve almost any case of feeble, in- active kidneys, backache or bladder weakness, if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. This should be valuable to all elder- ly people who always sufier, mare or less, with their kidneys and bladder at this season of the year. A Tailored Waist. A stylish, practical and simple con- struction is the shirt waist here illus- trated. It is of plaih white linen, hav- ing three tucks on the shoulders near the arm, both front and back. The box plait down the front stitched on each side' gives the blouse a neat fin- ish. The full sleeve with a deep cuff and a turned back cuff of embroidery is very pretty. The neck is finished with a standing collar having a turn over of the embroidery to match cuffs. White pearl buttons are used down the front. Any kind of tie desired may be worn, No Doubt About It. Now that the @émelter is assured and practically everybody in Kingston is drinking delicious '"Salada," the city should, and doubtless will, enter upon a new era of prosperity. About all that appears to be required now, to make e,ervbody supremely happy, is fine weather. As to the sampling of tre city, which has just been complet- ed, thére can be no two opinions as to the result. Quality is the first con- sideration with the "'Salada" Tea company, and particular people are quick to appreciate it. Most people want the best, especially when it costs no more than the ordinary kind: that's why they demand "Salada," and as all grocers keep it, there is no trou- ble in getting it. The attention of people who cannot drink black tea,, is directed to "Sa- lada' uncolored green tea, No paint or other adulteration. It is abso- Jutely pure and wholesome. Always in packets, never sold in bulk, Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. M. W. Morman, Missouri; Kerr, George A. Barragar, Miles W. Green, A. M. Kir K. Clufi, C. H. Lewis, Filliam J. Bradley, F. Edwards, Toronto; Charles Smith, Picton; H, M. McCallum, Re- ging, Sask.; W. E. Dunn, Hyde Park; R. 0. Wardsworth, H. P. Voce and wife, Mrs. Allan Shortt, children and maid, Mrs. Shortt, Miss Arder, New York; H. F. Keorell, Buffalo; V. Palm- erton, G. A. Comschesue, R. E. Pould, Ii. R. Charlton, C. H. Martin, Robert Sharpe, Montreal; A. M. Sweetland, South Bend, Ind; W. T. Ritch, Man- chester, Eng.; Charles A, Watt, Gana- nogue, For The Children. Siraw hats, 10e. ups cloth tams, 25c. up; leather tams, 50c. up, . at Campbell Bros.', the store that saves Zam-Buk, the wonderful oint- at Gibson's Jed. Cros Drug vou money. . A List of News you'll find well worth 'reading, for every word you' -will lead you up to MONEY-SAVIN . ON SOMETHING YOU'RE LIKELY TO NEED, LLLL0006000000000800000)00000004 18 and 2) SUMMER MUSLINS-400 yards only summer musling, in latest designs, including sweet peas, rosebud, violet, ete. Will make beautiful waists and "dresses. Regular 18¢c. and 1 2 1 da? MEN--Best yards Corset Cover Embroidery, inches wide, worked in dainty Reavy designs: Regular value 40c. and 45¢. yard, On Sale Saturday, per yard... * te and lawn, latest hroidered fronts, t sertion. Short, long sleeves, butto Regular price $2.50, On Sal: Saturday TOILE DE LINDE soft' silky terial, with patterns, suitable fc ete. Regular price yard, On Sale Saturday, of Summer threv-quarter and A new wash ma- + ¥ S000 00000 Sas { 2eseetettets ® . We $ Ladies---A Stirring Lace Chance ; 2,500 yards Lace, 2, 8, 4, and 5 inches wile, inclulling valenciennes, torchons and Fronch imported Lace. All worth Se., 10e., and 120. 5 yard. On Sale Saturday, only, per yard jin vie RA % FORESEES EERE EEE FETE JUST ARRIVED-A new lot of 500 | LADIES' WAISTS-Sheer white batis-) SILK = BLOUSES Japanese Silk makes, with em- rimmed with in- beautiful new designs. ned at the back, 148 Regular 86 finish, neat or waists, dresses, Bt price, £3.50. Big Saving for 8 BC arin oon per yard Blouses, daintily made, fine tucking, valenciennes lace, in many Short and long sleeves. Sizes M, 36 and 38 and $6.50. On Sale Saturday .... TABLE CLOTHS, EACH $1. .sateen, double damask, around, handsome designs. W ed pure linen. Size 72x04. aturday 1. Wear Here 7 On Sale Saturday, per yard 55 MEN'S SUITS-All wool imported summer tweeds, in medium and dark tailored mixed Perfectly very good choosing. Regular pricé, $12 and $14. On Sale Saturday ..... patterns, Regular price 90c On Sale, per pair NEW England tweeds, made dy expert tail ular price, $2.75. On Sale Saturday Sizes 31 to 42, RECEIVED THIS WEEK 500 PAIRS HEAVY DENHAM OVERALLS--In black, blue and grey. . pair. ARRIVALS--125 Pants, 2 fine patterns in Pairs Men's West of os effect ors, Reg- 1 48 five to ten years. awe Regular 75¢. to 0c. only £9 i rs LT OE 120 'ROYS' SWEATERS Heavy wool---assorted colors, closely cuffs and skirt, Will fit boys from On Sale Saturday... A LITTLE ITEMS FOR SATURDAY | i They won't take long to read, and they are well worth remembering. Worth 20c. On Sale Saturday only, eae STRONG TOOTH BRUSHES - 08 hh" LADIES POR For .. BEST H RS----Worth Brinn vas OSE SUP- bo. 19 ors. For, per yard , FINE WHITE EMBROIDERED TURN- OVER COLLARS 05 . Worth 10c. STOCKINGS, POR iviin) vise as drasniend" sasbiess LADIES' COTTON Black and tan. Worth 20c. and 25c. On Sale, per pair ... 60 INCH TAPE MEASURES-- Worth 6c : } FOF vir: sii wi pen herkas haiarieo iy 2,000 PACKAGES eye and others. Worth Be. packeje. For Saturday only, 3 packages for ..... DAINTY dered and lace trin Worth 25c. BOT piss soi NEEDUES--Gold -- RUBBER APRONS Worth 0c. 05 WASH COLLARS--Embroi- mmed, CHILDREN'S HOSE ' 1 5 PORTERS--Worth ny Por iii tata ai ve FRILLED ELASTIC-All ol- Worth 12¢, yard, Fa 3 JOR rurnions inliisiar' s4v. Arotsabaeteptay Lo 15 EE id - Everybody Pie equally in Constipation, and a regulate the Even i{'they only Asvethey world belmont priceless to those whe suffer from this distressing coruplaint; Duttort | PEVEEPT RRR ER EERIE Re EE Come. i & The largest Batteries, 1 Fire pedoe Canes and A. Jd. assortment of Roman 8 viangles, Wheels, Rose Whecls, Mines, ete. Crackers and Cannon Crackers, Torpedoes Everybody Save, The Montreal Stock Co., 180-Princess Street-180 BETWEEN REDDEN'S AND CRAWFORD'S GROCERIES. SALE OF HALL FURNITURE THIS WEEK ui Halilacke Polish OesE, 30x40 irror, for $30 Haliracks Pollsh Ouk, 80240 Mirror, for . 8 : ' 1 or ; " . or # $15 Hat Rack, for $10.50, A few Chine Cabinets, the latest style, will be sold cheap for cash. iy Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker and Fursi- ture Dealer, 230 Princess St, : Ambulance "Phone 577. Fireworks! Rockets, Candles, Sky Caps, Balloons and REES, ain 166

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