We have th e advan + | Styles for the coming er 1] son, and we advise those wishing a chan their Furs ge to have --BY-- W. F. GOURDIER Will be much required dur- ing the coming "BRIDAL SEASON." You will find our Stock replete with mew designs, in Pearl, Brooches, Rings, Scar! Pins, Necklets, etc for gift giving. i SMITH BROS Jewalers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage $1 a Day and upward to and . faszage 0 rom sie: free on receipt oan of New York City THE FRONTENAC OAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED 1863. resident--Sir Richard Cartwright C. McGill Office. 87 OmBazaging Diree tor, MEN AND WOMEN, 'se Big @ for di a or antatural exp A $1.00. or 3borlics 7h. "wut on Manes 6 Are Ready orthe Warm Veather, re You ? > time to spare if you t to get some of I y 'WASH DRESS DS. A most magnifi- range to choose from oing rapidly. ' nts in a big range of s and and Spies, 7c. a tite Muslins, good va- C. a yard and gos ya ored Muslins, 10c. a and up, id in Colors in Cham- 2}4c. a yard. Cy Check Ginghams a yard and up. ? Range of Cotton ®S, I5C. a yard, lish Galateas, 1sc, vn Linen, i 21c. and Rg inches TORIA LAWN an Lawn, Pique, te, Mull e ; prices. ' tc, at AN & SHAW FURST ATTENDED TO Now "0 Coffee! goddess hat delighteth the taste 1 drink to thee in thy perfect form, Chase & Sanbém's It Takes All Kinds of Women to Make & World==and It Takes All Kinds of Shoes to Please Them. WE'VE GOT "EM THE SHOES, NOT THE WOMEN Smart, fashionable styles, or more conservative shapes, built for comfort. All were chosen by our experts from the newest, most up-to-date models. Not one pair in the lot but what represents the acme of high grade workmanship. They're here in all the desirable leathers, in the late lasts and heel effects, button and lace style, or the ever popular pump. x Every shoe dealer in Canada is worrying about Tan Shoes. We are showing a large rapge' of the "Golden and Gibson effects at the popular Buck Shade" in Oxfords $3.00 A Pair - J. H. Sutherland & Bro., THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE MAKING price of The Ideal Beverage A Pale Ale, palata- ble, full of the virtues of malt and hops, and in a sparkling condition, is (LONDON) the ideal beverage. Now, when chemists announce its purity, and judges its merit, one need look no further. HA FT ATTHE COCAINE FIEND CREATES A Thought He Was Being Puriued disorderly, the prisoner was remanded police wish .to' make inquiries about LICE COURT een. DISTURBANCE. o and Ran Into a Store For Protection. : Views of & Tra 3 Kingstoh ,- May-d1.--(To or) : Your comment O° drunkenness "just Every facility. is son, x who would cure the imebriate. have food inspection laws, wo' have early i LETTERS To THE. a pu Cox Fog | the Edit curg. - for my 3 gow the pex- very individual We pa say, we have inex- lawd, been touring the western states. When he reached the police station, he was raving mad, and it took three officers to keep him quiet. When under the influence of the drug, he thinks that some person is chasing him, and is very anxious to run away. When arraigned in the police eourt, this morning, oit a charge of being to jail for a week. He pleaded hard to be allowed to go, stating that he would leave the city at once, but the him, . The prisoner did no bodily harm to Mr. Spaugenberg, hut 'could not be persuaded to leave him alone: He felt sure that he was in danger, and he uted Mr. Spaungenberg to protect nim. . This is the first case of the kind that the Kingston police have had to deal with in some time. Robert Reynolds, a sailor, registered as a drunk, was taxed $2 and costs, with the, option of ten days. WOMEN VIOLATED. Outrage Continues in Hapless Armenia. Geneva, June 1.~Droschak, the or- gan of the Armenian Federation in Geneva, asserts that there has been a recrudescence of Turkish cruelty in the neighborhood of Van. A despatch has been received via Tifis from the Armenians in Van (Turkish Armenia), stating that =the governor, Ali Bev, is draining the province and adopting the most atroci- ous means to secure the payment = of taxes. He is forcibly demanding taxes that are twenty-two years in arrears. The people, who are already poverty- stricken and famished, are in a state of despair. The Turkish collectors, unable to get money, are taking possession of ev- erything they can lay hands upon, {pecially furniture and implements of labor. They even destroy houses, cut down trees and sell the ffrniture by auction. Some of the measures adopted by the tax-gatherers are indescribable. They violate women, tear the mous taches frgpm men and force them to drink five or six liters of water. An in- habitant of the village of Aratenz has died from ill-treatment, and a child has been killed there in its mother's arms. At Hayatzazol 2,300 men, wo- men and children have passed six nighte in the streets. The less we work the less we want 'JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agent. cossensabtessssttstittsetessttttettststttotttttststittoets to. 'The Store of Quality: On account of the Backward Season, large under the present trade condition, and know b y : the - | The James Johnston b Store of vai. | [py Goods Store. b we find our ML bl blll lbslrdddddddddddds * * / You make your purchase like this, ! You Know. 6 yards Dress Goods, 4 yards Silk, 50e. - Less 20 per cent off your gain = «= = Mi, oy 1113 i ALL 4 $000000006006680880800688088400¢8 way 'to reduce it, that is to make a loss and do it quickly. ) bl) I b . $ Nothing T 4 4 4 - ® Keep You For 5 days only, commencing MONDAY MORNING, at 9 a.m., $ # and ending FRIDAY NIGHT, at 6 p.m. 4 We have no old stock to offer so you see the sacrifice will be 4 Away. on this season's Goods, the entire stock eonsists of every des- : cription of seasonable Dry Goods, and just when you want them ® most. 4 ELE Enki LEE LIRR s The Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, Dress Muslins, Prints Linens, 4 ) $ Sheetings, Cottons, Flanneléttes, Corsets, Embroideries, Laces, 4 Gloves, Hosiery, Lace Curtains, Art Muslins, All-Ready-to-Wear 4 Hour 'Waists, Skirts, and WHitewear, also Men's Furnishings, and 3 Ladies' Raincoats. : 4 The Sale will commence MONDAY MORNING, at 9 o'clock 1 Is Set. sharp and continue ' th } <4 Y 4 i 3 The Date FOR b DAYS ONL and The Discount will be taken off June 3 ' This is How We Take 20 Per Cent. Off : > B06. nw nnn win «== $3.00 oo ALES FOR CASH. NO EXCHANGE. 5 stock far too of only one a a Shbbbbdd he and ark it 1907. - 2.00 $5.00 - 1.00 bps. : 0 | a --N | ] in your issue of minds of some there is misunderstand ing concerning the property recently leased by the Dominion government, and situated on the south side of the market square, in which to consolidate the various local governmedit offices at presént scattered throughout the city. The wording of the resolution is mis- Jeading in that it conveys the idea that the people's money is to be wasted on improvements to tho build- ings. The fact of the matter is that not one dollar of the people's money will be spent, but the owner will ex: pend some $10,000, putting the prem- jses in up-to-date shape, With all modern conveniences, The Market street front will be improved and the rear of the building extended to Clar- ence street, thus affording entrance to all offices from both roughfares. 'The plans covering the alterations, especially of the interior arrangement of the various offices, have been pre pared, at the property owners' ex- pense, under the supervision of local government, officials, and approved by their several departments. When the improvements are made, both the market square and Clarence street will be materially improved. This plan of consolidating the gov- ernment offices was Bot brought out in opposition to the board of trade, as some want your readers to suppose, but was, under comsideration some months before that worthy organiza tion passed its resolution relative to the building of & new post office and the utilizing of the present one for of fice purposes. If street rumor be true, that" resolu- tion, and also the one passed by the Independent Political Party, is the outcome of agitation by the interested dlords who are losing tenants. In most instances 'thése interested partics are noted 'for the opposition to the present powers, at Ottawa, but who, in some Gases, have enjoyed high rental for antiquated premises--and it is even said repairs to the buildings have been made from time to time with the people's money. As their leash were expiring; why did they not come for- ward with offers of improvement to their buildings to hold their tenants ? Did they want the people's money to pay for them ? The resolutions passed would lead the public to believe a graft was about to be perpetrated to benefit the owners of the Market street buildings, whereas the said owners stand the cost of all improvements to their buildings, and, it is known by those in a position to judge competently, that for every dollar to be paid by the government as rental for the new of- ficos more than value will bé received, when compared with rental, paid_for the old offices. It is also known that plans for the rearrangement of the present post office have been approved. Instead of being knocked, the owners of the recently leased buildings should be commended for the large expendi ture they are making, and bringing forth a consolidated office scheme which will bea convenienes and hene- fit to the public. Part of their pro perty in question has been held at a loss for some time, rather than allow a foreign and undesirable element to secure a place on the square to the detriment of all property owners, When will knocking cease in our fair city CITIZEN. IT's QUITE POSSIBLE To Add Addition Without Spoil- ing the Post Office. "Is it possible to erect an extension to the post office without spoiling the fine _ architectural design of that building ?"" © a local architect was asked "Yes, it is quite possible," he said, "The building could be extended along Wellington street and the extension made in keeping with the older part. In a few years the stone would bleach the same white color." "Can you get the material to match the present building, and can the stone be tut in (he saffie "Beautiful way as the old time masons used to do it?" y "Money will do almost anvthifig," he replied. "If there is pl « of money appropriated, there need ¥y no fear that the architectural beawty "of postoffice would be in any way spoiled by gn extension. The building.is cer- tainly a magnificent piece of work, both from an arpiteet gal as Sell as constructional point view. 'Th, the walls there is not one piece of wéod. All the carnicos -ate' of Stone. Aclose examination of the building shows its many beauties. The customs house is another ornament in architecture and construction." It is safe to prediet that nothing will be done io the postoffice this year, in the wav of an addition, but next spring will: likely. see. a move made. Dominion inspector has ndvised that an extension 'be made. If a new post office it to be got for the 'city and the present one turned into other government offices, the city coundil and the hoard of trade will have to raise their voices louder than they have sd far done, and bie them- selves to OttaWa, or " ent's present plana of pe 'general offices into the stone building. on' '® | THE HELP WANTED-MALE; a ply British Whig offiée EOPLE'S E 2 Nt BOY, TO LBARN, PRESS-WORK,|A SUM OF MONEY, ON SATURDA + ass trade. Ap in borhood of Rare eins ol . Team, Reward for return to Offices FOR EXCHANGE, A h C4 CREDIT CERTIFICATELFOR A ams' Piano, for a v Phone um "a JA0 Inelism. site. Apply "Box or ' rem---- LOST. pan SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLB- Claiming that he was being p v LBA bia \ s purr | perienced,: and crude. advocates of | A GOOD SMART BOY, TO: RN : suet by ener who intended to | temperance om the whole, who think the knitting busivess. Good wages. | A BUNCH OF KEYS, this monring. con - BUSINESS CHANCE x shout bim, Victor Jackalke, a stranger fthat all persons of whatever, colar, | « Apply Kingston Hosiery Con Nngh. Net, Tour SF Son Sts. Finder oY yl z ™ > " 2 " v i » ar A E 100 sity, and 8 Csossine fiend," {yace or tougue, Simply oom ee | to thi Jewaded ou returning sine | [Ty NpICATE IS NOW FORMING TO into Spangenberg's jewelry thet and so die | BOY WHO CAN .EARN FROM TO | erm ste 4 ait Sperute God \ a Sore, King, street, about nine o'clock, diversity in $4.50 per week. A at Sha GOLD LOCKET AND CHAIN, EITHER vered on all Parts I : Saturday night, and asked that he be fman, b Broom Factory, St., ear on Sydenham, William or Earl Sta. and ome hundred dolla Shvested: in ; giver protection. Jackaike grabbed |ehould be " : Per ee kin any syndicate will of hold of Mr. Spangenberg, who was be 4, mixtures of beer | SALBSMEN FOR AUTO-SPRAY Witton Yr F's ton, 8 ag dollars Full partiotlary, by hind the counter, and police were iguor Ampure, knowingly to those' Best hand Sp tic he Bark Building to, On called to take him to the lock-up. | who jt from. the inception. In Sample to soproved | A GOLD BROOCH, ON SUNDAY ------------------------S fv Constables; Megarry and Craig went to | clude liquor in food inspection laws. agubt. Cavers . evening, between Cor. Princess and PERSONALS a the "store and placed the y: man WENTY » on ee ---- Alfred, Victoria Sts., and St. Luke's i > el : A pla e young ~Youy P ; TRAVEL- | PORTRAIT AGENTS WORKING FOR! church. Finder rewarded on return: em under arrest, When searched at the} LER ROAD. ti . : themselves send for our mew whole ing, to this Office. PROFESSOR HALSTEAD, LO police station, the prisoner had some rnin sale price list. Samples ret Puoglapd, Palmist and Psye cocaine in his possession, and this lowest. Fortralt " A WHITE FOX TERRIRR PUP, ON CRANE SA was taken from him. The Real Facts. : ---- Saturday sven og; 2s Ble black ngs dally 9 te 9, pudt Jackals arrived in Kingston on Se Kingston, Jime (To the Editor) : | ; Goon SMART BOY, BETWREN THE ot on El Aled St. Any 'one der urday, and papers found in his pos- It is apparent, He resolption age of 16 and 17, to look after taining him will be prosecuted. FOR SALE session, go to show that he has been passed' by the resentatives of the news stand and deliver to customers. undergoing treatment in an hospital independent Political Party of One Apply lu' Perec. to ritish American SITUATIONS VACANT. ----------------------------. at Chicago. He says that he has | tario, hers a op "of which npprared GENDRON BIC! + AFFLY AT x i Ist iust., that in the WANTED-TWO SPECIAL SALBSMEN | Whig office. 5 or men, your own cloth and - for Bastern Ontario to work -------- ---------------------------- AE with. geng on road. ly ta ESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, Pn te mit made Style. | Bros. Co. M oe A ined streets he ta airy am rena aan well. Galloway, Hitchen. Brock ee ------------------ or Street, FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. | QFFICE PARTITION, OF WOOD AND w. » giase, peat and well-finished in oll HELP WANTED-FEMALE. |pypMisgep FOR THR SUMMER ppiy at Whig office. TWO CHAMBERMAIDS, AT ONCE. E. art doa located, de- | GRAVE PLOTS FOR SALB Apply Britigh American Hotel Office, tached, large , tennis Sourt. Christ chursh Qematary, U ay wn Apply, or pert street, ply Rector, F A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- tween Union ob 1 streets: ardens Lancaster and Smith work. Apply Mrs. W. F, McBroom, Eliott, Cataragui. 18 Rideau St, TO.LET SOLID. BRICK RESIDENCE NO, on A MOUSE-MAID. APPLY TO MRS . Sydenham street, at Brownteld, Cor, Wellington = smd by Rev. W. G. Jordan, Vacant lob Union Sts. . RURNISHED ROOMS, WITH MODERN on corner of Stuart and Ste., pion Sts. 3 176 Clergy streets oretten with three ¥ a ouble brick 'houses O08 A COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY. RBE- . Well interest OOK, FOR A Atply in the oven | SUMMER COTTAGE. NINE poous,| Nellinetog St. Bere in aubr ing to Mr. Henry Foiger, at resi partially fornished. Apply J. 8. R. division of Farm Lot To. 8 Town: , dence of Mr. Howard S. Félger; McCann. ship of Kingston, containing about West St, -- cres, formerly prefurty John SE ---------------- - SUMMER COTTAGES, DWELLINGS 3 on Apply : 7 WANTED--GENERAL. Stores and Offices. McCann, sl ' street, VETERINARY. ---- [ . i . A LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, IN vicinity of parks Apply Box "D." Whig office. MEDICAL. ---------------------------------------------------------- DPR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Dry Ryan, cormer Mon treal and Brock streets. MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE Of pullding and contents than any othe company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark. ot Square: LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBR Fire Insurance Company, Available wasets $61,187 215, addition te which 1 vo » the unlimited Haodlity of all ot olMers, Farm and dt at lowest lo The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian. REV. C. W.CASSON, OTTAWA s-- A Religion For This Earth. What we need more than all else js a religion that will be of service in this life. The fact that it is supposed or guaranteed to give us happy en- trance into the next life is not of itself sufficient. Fifty years may elapse be- fore the coming of that time, We need a religion that shall fill the in tervening time spent on this earth with happiness as well as with hope, and that shell give us strength and stimulus for the daily tasks of life. What we want now is happiness and soul-strength, and that religion is best that gives them most, and most truly, Address Mr. Casson for free litera: ture. THE WRONG DIAGNOSIS. Prompt the Use of Worthless Remedies. Even an experienced physician will sometimes make a mistake in dingnos- is, in which event his entire treatment is wasted and may even be injurious to the patient, The advocates of all. other hair resto ratives save Herpicide have wrongly diagnosed the cause of Dandruff and Falling hair. They figure on a functional disease whereas it is now known and generally accepted that hair loss is due to a parasitic germ which Newbro's Herpi cide destroys, There is no Bubstitute for Herpicide, accept none, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e., in stamps for sample to The Herpi cide Co., Detroit, Mich, Two sizes, 50c. and 81. G. W. Mahood, special agent. ---------------------- NO CORRUPTION PROVED. Sir Percy Fitzpatrick Declared Elected. Pretoria, June 1.--The attempt to unseat Sir Perey Fitepatrick, for ille- gal practices during the elections has failed. Sir J. Rose-Innes, the chief justice, in dismissing the petition in the su- rFeme court, stated that it was clear- y proved that Sir Perey all rea- sonable precaution to prevent corrup- tion. The two other judges conciirred, and the petitioners were ordered to pay costs. Before giving advice a wise man pre- pares io dodge the consequences. A Mild A coupL OF OFFICES OVER TRE | Toor 0my YS. ou Koy to TTR Rr ke Sich Fn ee -------------------------------- TWO GOOD OFFICES, UNS IN FRONT | prom DY of b facing Ky ties, pea Trintonn., Vo! Rorra Gonts? Fur ARCHITECTS. aber: 848 King street. : -- === | ARTHUR , ARCHITECT, OW BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. og gg Fg Magy vg fae fom diate poi ter | aENRY P. 8 0 SL nn iron" AF | THR adios Wipe, ME earn an Market street will go inte eft. a vision street. XING STREET, CORNER EMILY St, , 11-rooms, hot water, Having the most complete Stock of Up-to-Date Gas Ranges in the city, we invite you to call and examine them. They are very neat in appearance, economical in the use of gas and perfectly safe. We also have a very large as- sorted stock of Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors and other necessaries for the warm weather. Joemmon & Sons, 351-353 KING STREET. SALE OF HALL' FURNITURE THIS \WEEK .§85 THallracks Polish Oak, 80x40 Mirror, for $35. $30 Hall Polls Oak, 80x40 Mirror, for $35. 13 Taliracks Polish Large Mirror, or $20. 1 € 1 10.50. x rt Nn, the latest style, will be sold cheap for Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker end Furni- ture Dealer, 230 Princess St. Ambulance 'Phone 577. Ice Cream Genuine, Pure Cream, Ice Cream in Bulk or: Bricks, all sizes, Flavors the best in the city. A..d. REES, 166 Princess Street