It was expected timer of Winnipeg Put One ummer | lad named Ernest Latimer, Sunday af- 'staff of the | around. home. oul picked up the 2 A party of gVenteen Austrians are out to be good work- not speek a word of their arrival, but language very 'quickly, ---- Going To General The ton representatives to the Dr, MacTavish, Rev. Rev. James Fowler, Rev. R. J. Craig ---- and G. M. Macdonnell, K.C, "Ri RAI ---- 0 Rielly, oJ. O'Rielly, "Widowers' Houses." The Very Tatest Culled From An Mrs. Gallivan. Over The World. nd author, will be pre- Herbert Kelcey and Effie rrdinand Gottschalk, one best eecentric comedians, 5 ontreal River my Mrs. Michnel Gal of Medicine has' been boen ill for the Past tion with the Univers miserable, fawning rent col -- No Intention Of Go June 3.--(To the -.Edit- headed "Looking * let me state that I had no intention I hope you will insert, tion to the article.-- MISS L. DIXON. Brock Street's New Pastor. comes from Cananoghia ntreal Methodist confer- to appoint Rov. Phomes of South Momntain, to the Brock _strect church, in succession to Rev. Ji man under forty The owners of elevator No. 7; Mont- n muleted of $5,000 as he SS. Gaspesian, in a husband, two sons, a brother, Robe and two sisters, Mrs, d ihe or) : Concerning ny Sn daugh Saturday's edition, For His Daughter," The agreement be it was a mistake. Typographical Unio tween the Toronto n' and the employ- as ratified at a mect- The late Mrs, Gallivan Boven years of age. this in contradic ollection. of art treasure - mouth, of James vy storekeeper at KJ don; total sum realized £85, A wreck of a freig uth about two mo, ths been ill for some ti ---- erick is offering for sale by auto Hh ship of ctically the whole ground Drea! Mh ny i #'The Lion And The Mouse." 1s built. The engagement of * which is scheduled for the are dead and it is likely that t dow i ruins of Turn Hall, New- » and three houses £5 i sent the Klein picee, is among all classes of "this city! It is now He iy Blakeley, organist Methodist church, dd up by a drunken | od to play at the point F | i ful production ever laune £ ---- One of the vans of 'a teavelli Bought Noted Running Horse. of this city, bought at Livermore, seven- -------- PASTORS PREACHED | roasted to death. dt to the Bath » a legacy of £20,000, is that his connection not known, .even to the famous young rumm who was recognized the greatest turf horse Jarvis Bennett has | Yesterday was the congregation w former pastors, Re holds the Woodbine Pay cord, also the world's record two and one-sixteenth miles hite Star liner Oceanic this morning, and was control in two hours, other perishable erage were destroyed, s belonging to Forbes said to have been burned carrying ninety-six pounds, | be summaril other, Wire In. holds : + track record of two miles, time 3.34. | eligible for, homestead en and only in' the morning, and fittings of the ste : Rev. Mr, Brown Theatrical scenery were bright and interesting, and the -. re Mr, 8 IX Ww sham War Whoop was sold Geddings, Ounkville, ---- HELD A LEVEE. Was a Brilliant Scene in Throne relinquish it in favour of father, mother, Son, daughter, brother or sister, u were over $6,500. Mr. decided yet what he j with the horse, but make a driver of Miss Purdy and Miss visiting ministers day school in the dressed the scholars, ee "83 Pri 5 hin from 10.80 a m. to 8.00 aum, " > Sun. or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to attended the Sun Institution of cancellation o the applicant for inspection will be em titled to prior right of entry. London, June B.--The third levees of held, by King Ed- James' palace, this ternoon. Some fifty veteran hended by Field Marsha erts, about a dozen of w Cross, formed the main "Jerry" 'Hunt' ha: tion as wine elerk tel, Brookville, and retuw t s resignad his posi- TOLEDO TIDINGS. -- Death of F. Xx. Donovan, Seventeen Years. Toledo, May 30.--Mi ginshaw, student of school, spent Victoria he annual social under Bpworth League, The difference between ther and a woman's actic with them being you may hit it on the weather. M E Ital of civilians a handful of civilians the Athens high 'Campbell Bros.' the correct. styles in straw hats. eet. Brock street, has received military men. The king spend the summer. § Mrs. (Dr) Hunna, of New York e city and will spend New shaving brus! Crom de ore hone 230 Charles M. Niekle, was given, in the J on the evening of of the corner-stone of the Buckingham palace, escorted by Life the requirement as to residence m IS SLOW WORK. Hard to Get Machinery Into the bishop Gauthier, Massey, principal of the school, conducted the se Presbyterian church, her By of Kingston. N. A Ss, Toronto, June 3.--W. provincial geologist, w ed from a trip to the n ge of Miss Bertic Garvin novan, is announced snion Lands at Ottawa, of his fon to do so. is being mined by the to take place on government, is somew marriage bf Miss Ma, Ambrose Salmon, on On Tuesday, the 25th inst, Xavier Donovan, the of Jerry Donovan bh in getting mach g installed this week, however, and, theroafter, the work will gorously. Owing to ma- , died, at his home, Grey is the "Favorite" colo 106, and no mistake, and could Fashion Gods in selectin g wha Ee Fi r in the season's happier fancy have taken t was to he for sumpder, Gentleman wants it that way. through a wardrobe f 'Coat and all things bel ghteen years old and was elligent boy, popular with He bore his suf- and patiently, and th will be greatly mourn- The funeral took weather not much progress is bei ------i ferings cheorfully ent run his hose all is the "enquiry of a writer, "I ow a man in full sight of a water. works official, who defies Whig understands there gre certain hours euch day set apart for relatives and friends. lace on Thursday, at is late home, to the R church, and thence to The funeral was largely telephones are still bei On Tuesday evening, the members of Tolndo League spent a very social towh hall here js undergo- tween and from Half shades of Greys, ts to Order, Ross So Neckwear. Half a hundred Grey Summer Sui $1810 $28. ninth in the list of ca outside points in the Toronto World's She has only been in Seem of twenty years renewable at the , | of going to Kings a lasses shall hive a dredge in bury's antispetic Wellington stree t. Everything new and thn® mechanics no ap- Among the Tor rived in Kingston, Lowey, will never ask vour ad- vice unless she is sure to agree with her. S 0 #0 fast that they pass hout ever noticing that mionians who ar " 3 today, was J. D. | happiness wit advertisement A DEADLY CRACKER ENOUGH POISON IN IT To KILL A HUNDRED. A Little Boy Named Ernest Lat- | in His Mouth and Died Short- ly After--Doctors Analyzed the Cracker, | fa-| Winnipeg, June 3.--Phosphorus in a for | firecracker caused the death of a little ill | ternoon. The child was playing cracker and put it in his mouth. A few minutes afterwards he was seized with convulsions, and the doctors were at a loss to understand the case. The post-mortem revealed the fact that he had been poisoned hy phosphorus. 'The firecracker was sug- gested as the source, and the doctors analyzed the one the ohild had sucked, making the startling discovery that it contained enough poison to kill an hundred people. ---- TO FIGHT FOR RELIEF. Finland, Says Capt. Kock Must Be Free. + New York, June 3.--J. Kock, leaders] of the famous Finnish Red Guard, the revolutionary militia 'of Finland, al- though searched for by the secret Police of Russia and all Europe, has arrived safely and is staying with friends on the east side. Capt. Kock declares he will continue his work for the liberation of Finland, and that uprisings, greater and more terrible than those of the past, will confront the Russian government. : Stocks Were Sit. New York, June 3.--There was. a sharp break in stocks, in the early dealings, to-day, which was particulyr- ly severe in the Pacific railroad stock and the Copper Industrials, The dis- couraged tone of public utterances, by the head of the Harriman system, un- seasonable weather for crops, business intermissions, contraction in various hranches of industry, lower prices for copper and additional exports of gold combined to affect the market unfavor- ably. ------ Ready To Go Back. Toronto, June 3.--Germain Kerns, Knoxville, Tenn., arrestéd here on a charges of concealment of Property and perjury has offered to go back to Ladies' Summer Underwear! plete with dainty od mer Underwear. i LADIES' White Ua 12 1-2¢, 25¢, 35c. LADIES' White Un ? cotton and Lisle Thread. LADIES' White Summer Our summer stocks are com sortments of Fine White Sum Seal S Garme Made to C dervests, 15¢, 20. dervests, both in Special Disc LADIES' White Drawers the above vests Childrens' Summer Undervests In Fine White Wool. In White Union Wool and JOHN Mc 149-155 Broc ~ County of Fros SEALED TENDERS W ceived at the Office of the Court House, Kingston uj In Fiae White Cotton, long or short sleeves. from persons willing to fu Knoxville and will not fight extradi- tion. The police have recovered $5,080, twenty watches and pawn tickets re- Presenting $2,000 worth- of psoperty. -- Mrs. Arthur A. Davie and daughter Winnie, of Memphis, Tenn., are visit- ing Mrs. Henzy, $29 Princess street, Jenkins' Panama hats are moving, Get into the line, y SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTHWEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ¥ even section Domin- od ae in toba or on North Wa Provieces, eXecpling 8 and 26, not Feserved, a. 'be homesteaded Person the rh. head of a family, pA 4 over 18 years of to the extent of ony uarter section, 160 acres, more or fy phAbplication for homestead entry or ip tion must be matle in on by the Applicant at the office of the Total i or An-application for en or inspection made personally at any ain s office AY be Wired to the local Agent by the S the ol and cant will forlelt all priority of claim. An applicant for inspection must be Pus application for inspection will be eceived from an individual until Hard Wood or more if re Coal to be of good qualit and free from dirt, at the Court House Office as may be required und and of good qualit) pr one-half green, to be County Gaol half before and the other hal Wood and Coal subject t and approval of Chairmar Secnles, at the expense of | The lowest teader not "JOHN: POLEY; © J. W Chairman Co. Property. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR telegram Men's Balbri Will bo held until the mecessary special, Men's Balbri special. Men's Merino Shirts and Men's Fine Light Weig there is nome better mj We deliver it to you without slate, xt the ) aricom BOOTH & Phone 138. Foot o [e------ Montreal Joc! INAUGURAL MI ggan Shirts and" Drawers, 25c. each, ggan Shirts and Drawers, soc. each, Drawers, soc. each, ht Wool and Union, 75¢. pplication has been disposed of. that and ggcC. Omestodder whose entry is ia good snd not liable to "cancellation Ay, subject to approval of Department, eligible, but £0 no one else, on filing de |] elarati eat. An entry is summarily cancelled Abplicants for inspection must state in ial the licant i ram particulars, pl w ed any prior right of reentry should the land become vacant, or if entry has been granted it may be summarily cancelled. Duties--A settler is required to per form the conditions pader one of the following plans :-- ix months' residence up on and cultivation of the land in each year duri three years. homesteader (1) At least ay be atisfied by such person residing with the father or m . (8) It the settler has his it IRA upon farming land owned him in the vicinity of bis hom A the requirement herbs Batisfiod by upon su e Before aking application for patent the sottler mus Ve Six months' notice writing to the Commissioner of do ole YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH: WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Beteetolo tt 0 0 oo TET BATE A ATTTIT i i § ¥ £i38 £ en's Fine Summer Cashmere Underwear, ggc, Men's White Twill Cotton N ightgowns, 75 Cents. Blue Bonnets JUNE 4th TO 5th I! Racing and Steeplechasi Admission to course, WONDERI OPEN--Afternoon, Pictures To-Day 1: Noni High Sea Fishi Countryman In Photographing AUSTIN, of New York. Dorothy Dodd. Shoes } Shoes That Have a Distinctive Style '9261 PRINCESS § Wednesday, June & and numerous other artic ----e---------- AFTER HOUSE-C) It you have decent ¥ you want to dispose Shoes that keep their shape. r We have a splendid stock of k Dorothy Dodd Summer Shoes, - Pumps, Button, Blucher Cut (P------------ An applicant may obtain two leases to x and Ties. for gold of five miles each for a iscretion of the Minister of the Interior. 3 £ £ 2 5 ; f i a $ ty of the Minister Py N.B.~--Unauthorized Pislintion will not be RY, Ful for, 2 Ne All the newest Wedding G The Lo ad P.8.-- Steamer Trunks ckett Shoe Store, are in great demand. We sell them