1 ~ & i 2 i §= : of the business tax for ys University athletic commit- i that a water meter be ing a request from , manager ol the Stanley at Petawawa. Granted, Ids. Givens and Millan. F. Conway, of the K, & P, railway i to have road be- ice and the railway twice a week, also street, below Ontaria street sprinkled below the railway track. omas Thurlby and others, for wa- twoen ight. of track sprinkled street, McKelbey & Birch, for permission to openings in sidewalk, in ding, on Brock t of distress. The a ai be had owned no dog 1 : ; The Mayor's Topics. ayor Mowat brought several mat- occur' that eommittées were un- to transact business because of ng to Kingston, noe Fushimi, heir throne of Japan, his said that he had. communicat- Col. Gordon, 0.C., and Lieut.- the Royal Military lege, and they had expressed their to do anything possible a proper reception of the dis- visitor, the prince of Brit- Further arrangements the finance commit: tee. He hoped the citizens would fly their flags on the occasion, and ensigns as possible. and 19th, the Histori- cal' Society of Ontario is to moet convention in Kingston, and the mayor. ted that the city provide some f entertainment in the way of an excursion by steamer to the local points of historical interest. arding 'the eomi apparent to the might be left to A Lawsuit Likely, raised a question as to leased by the Donnelly The waterworks ecommended the adoption solicitar's advice, that a repairs be made Wrecking company, and if the company that a suit be entered Elliott said it would and agree on 'the m rather than become i Ald, Nickle 'explai pany and the city solicit, posite views on the matt suit seemed inevitable. that the company's lease be better to try atter in question nvolved in a suit, ned that the com- keep the wharf in repair. company was liable. Mr. K.C., held that the o ompany+was not airs after fourteen solicitor's advice, by-law. was about to be he construction of a drain raised an objection drain in a strect no houses. Why pay perhaps 8100 for drain up there, when ple in otNer sections of ad houses and who inage ? he asked. stated that the owners petitioned for the drain were willing to pay. He and ed to his feet and' to constructing a Store Dwellings, 4 rooms each, | where there were good cellar, well drained. ia & Tro good couldn't get dra stone foundation and cellar, and 463 Johnson Sti--Facing Collingwood St., 7 rooms each. and 100 Barrie St.--Cor. con, Double Brick, 8 rooms | B. and C. (Basement). d 222 Johnson St.--Double of the sewer to drain The point was raised as to the ex- tension of William street to Univer- sity. avenue. oh sion, yet the Lion for. the It was pointed out by Ald. Carson, that this 'was a legal point, and that the city engincer could not be expect- to decide upon such a question. He had followed the plan made by the late 71. O. Bolger, which he found in his office, and which any engineer Would have followed. = The Aberdeen street matter will be 2 Ald. Ross hunted up the minutes of 1905, and found Hhat Ald. Carson had signed the board of works' report, re- commending that the Aberdeen street sewer be built. Why was Ald. Carson biecting now ? "Ald, saan replied that he had signed that ort because, if he hadn't he wouldn't have got any- thing through council that he want- ed. He did it as a sort of compro- ise. "Then Alds. Nickle, Graham, Gaskin, Angrove and Ross took a swing at he had voted to spend city money on what he now declared to he wrong. Why did he thus vote away the city's money. Rs Al. Carson had spoken once, he was unable to reply to the criticiem heaped upon him, but wished to say that he then had merely voted for a motion, and that now he was oppos- ing the by-law, which was the really important affair as it involved the expenditure of money. Other Business. : By-laws were passed empowering the finance committee to sell certain de- bentures of the city, viz., for light ex- tensions, $85,000; for O'Kill street ments, $28,738.40, at four and a half per cent,, subject to the ratification of the lieutenant-governor-in-council. A by-law was also passed for the con- struction of certain concrete walks. The smelter by-laws were given law to close 'khe fimanee committee was given in- structions' to make pri ts for a reception of apanese in on the 11th, for entertaining the officers of the military camp, to be held here this month and for en- tertaining 'the Ontario Historical So- ciety which will meet here in July, AT THE GRAND, -» s-- The*!'Widowers' Houses" to Be 2 on To-Night. In ""Widowers' Houses," which will be presented at the Grand Opera House to-night, with Herbert Kelcoy, Effie Shannon and an all-star cast, Geor Bernard Shaw attacks the rack-renting landlords of the London slums and there is abundant justification for his assault. The theatre is g convenient, onspicuous and legitimate arena for She Shaw treatment of this and the subject of tainted money. ""Widowers' Houses" is much better written than some of the other plays by this au- thor, "The Lidn And The Mouse." Charles Klein's play, "The Lion and the Mouse," which Henry B. Harris will produce, here, at the Grand, on Thursday, June 6th, contains elements of vital interest to all classes of peo- ple. One, a portraiture of the octopus of finance who, stern in his attitude to all, even to his wife and children, is relentless to his enemy, treading under his golden heel all those who oppose him or his colossal schemes. The other is a characterization of a young and beautiful girl, the daughter of the judge who is being driven to the wall with impeachment and disgrace as the result of his = righteous decision against the trusts. So that in "The Lion and the Mouse' Mr, Klein has given "| us an idea of the influence of money and politics, Backaches Are Warnings. A dull heavy pain or occasional sharp stitch in 'the back are the most common symptoms of kidney trouble, and these: symptoms must always be heeded. You will find Peck's Kidney and Liver Pills. a most reliable rem. edy. These pills are a scientific pre- paration that can be depended upon for the cure of kidney, liven and blad- der troubles. In boxes, 2c. For sale Fire On Union Street. About twenty minutes past nine, last evening, the fire brigade answer- od a telephone call to the corner of Union and Alired streets. A Jamp , ex- ploding in the residence of TJ. Lock. hart set fire to one of the rooms and destroyed a sofa. sewing machine, and some house furnishings. The fire. men made a quick Tun to the scone but their services were scarcely pe- cessary to extinguish the blaze. * ------ Was Taken To Hospital. Willinm O'Reil, an elderly man, was gathered in by the police last night on a charge of drunkenness. When placed in the cells he became quite ill, and: had to be removed 'to the Hotel Dieu. His ca®e is not considered to be at all 'serious, Prevost, Brock street, has received | t reported that cor- bad been opened, and the in the hand¢ of the committee, appointed at ills and Jenkins reported had interviewed Col..Kent regard to the request made for the the gymnasium one evening winter, for drilling Messrs. Gill and Chown were t with the gymnasium Committee, to make the necessary ar- Fangements with the 14th Regiment. ~ On motion of Messrs. Harrison and i the board heartily endorsed of the secretary in mak- ements for a Sunday con- arriefield camp, and ask- religious work committee every 'way possible, with work was left special appointed to ac usual report of the secretary received, and a hearty vote of 8 was tendered that officer, who the work of this as- Ald, Carson, demanding to know why lo In his, report, the secretary had the "Gentlemen, in closing my report, I be 'my last one, and with you will termin- of this month, three years that I have spent you have been happy ones indeed, The g and every piece of furniture as been held sacred. The o through the generosity friends, and the Ladies' satisfaction. It has great pleasure to labor in many ways with you collee- tively and individuall satisfaction has come ing with Mr. Lockett, work committee, have worked during the spiritual times gone by, in Bible men's meetings. But God our fidelity to Himself Us, as representatives of sewer, $3,000, and for local improve a third reading and passed. The by- , Tis street received its | gpa pastors and the vival services, which have h to the city. For once, association has been of ed its world-wide reputation of being which all sects can unite, gious propaganda. rge Williams, presiding for at the annual meeting Hall, said in a feeble expect great things from on's executive, do this. and expect grea There is a flood in for clubs and club Jife--al €¢ lof these will have for their aim, the bringing of the lost. sinner to a loving Saviour. This, however, is our highest aim and ideal. The as- with its motto, and Christ for men,' When Jife is drawing to a close things done, the acts performed, and words spoken in His name, will shed a heavenly light on life's pathway, while. These are the main. I sincerely hope that the man of take up the work, and guide it future than ever for your prayers sympathies, as I enter a new , vith 80 many possibilities for before, May I ask OE -- Why It Lasts Longer. Pure "Olive 0il" Laundry Soap lests langer becanse it's a pure useless filling. It's all soap. destructive resin like other soaps. Has no disease-bringing greas- es from dead animals. tality. It causes both suffering and permanent injury. Cure aches and pains promptly anytime by using Smith's White Liniment. it. © Best remedy for Neuralgia or Rheumatism, or for any inflammation or congestion. You should never he without it. 25¢., at Wade's Drug 'Store. : Your eyes receive satisfaction when blouses: will stand the tub test. Bibby's for the nicest straws, . The Royal Military cadets, who re- cently went to the military tattoo at Montreal, have expressed, in strony terms, their. appreciation of the highly satisfactory transportation arrange- ments made for them by the (irand Trunk railway system, Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ascertain if your deafness isn't due to catarrh. Hundreds have been cured of total deafness by "Catarrhozone," which is prescribed for impaired hear- ing and deafuess by physicians in ev- ery city. If deaf by all means try Ca- tarrhozone. Price, $1, at all dealers. This is the best time to 'have your furs remodelled-- costs less'by far: in the dull your garment is ready in the fall when need- r work.rooms are not rushed now and we can give everything special attention. Have us send for them to. eI 4G Toronto's annual special trains of Kingston's Old Boys will arrive July 27th. Will there be a welcome ¥ Some- thing should be doing, and some new | Mallorytown; workers should take the reception in hand. They may have new ideas and { Sheppard, Toronto, improve the demonstration. It is dal in tin containers, y " pi ------ ¥ Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Ontario, The twenty-first annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Ontario, will be opened on Wed- "Inesday morning, with a celebration of holy eommunion in St. George's cath- edral, at ten Sclosk, The Dean of On- tario will be preacher. The deleg, ates rial go to the parish hall, where Miss Gildersleeve will give the address x elo. Mrs. Wilson, of Napanee, replying. pre- 3 es 4 drag will open the .after- various diocesan officers will give re- ports, and Mrs. Tilton of Ottawa, president of the general board of the W. A. will give one of her interesting and inspiring talks. Mrs. Lennox their hostesses will pleasantly close the afternoon. : Miss Askwith of Palamcotta, India, will give an address at eight o'clock, Rev. J. O. Crisp illustrating it with his capital lantern views. Miss Make- ham from' Japan, though not on the printed programme, will be here to talk on her work, < Thursday morning, reports of mis- sionaries will be read, vote on offer- ing taken, conferences of various offic- ers with delegates re their special work, held, Mrs. Tilton speaking on vital matters. Balloting will gome at lunch hour for diocesan officers. The afternoon will be equally inter- esting, On Thursday evening the juni- or section will be in charge, and will give, under the chairmanship of the Dean of Ontario, "The Little Pil- grims and The Book Beloved," a most interesting play of the nature of the old mystery plays. The kh i cordially invited to all meetings. Those on Wednesday and Thursday evenings are free as well as tho day sessions, and all coming, whether members of the W. A. or of the Church of England or not, will be sure of a warm welcome, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The Latest Items From the Wharves. The schooner Lizzie Metzner cleared for Sodus at 5 p.m, Monday to load coal for Kingston. Folger's, early Tuesday morning, on her way to Montreal. : The schooner Ford River has arrived from Charlotte with 589 tons of coal for the K. & P. wharf. : Charles Livingston is erecting a boat house on the property of Robert street. The barges the tug Katie had in tow when she was sunk near Farran's Point are expected to reach Richard- son's to-day. The schooner J. B. Kitchen is being loaded with feldspar at Richardson's for Charlotie. Several cars of feldspar arrived here yesterday from the Bed- ord mines. Swift's : Steamer Plummer, for Montreal, yesterday; steamer Belleville, down, to-day; steamer Kingston, from Toronto; steamer Hamilton, up, to- night; steamer Toronto, down, to-mor- row, on her first trip of the season. M.T. : The steamer Westmount arrived from Fort William with 128, 000 bushels of oats, and cleared for Fort William with barge Niagara; the steamer Rosemount arrived from; Pres- cott and cleared for Fort William with barge Hamilton; the tug Mary arrived from Montreal with two light barges, and cleared for Montreal with two coal barges and one grain barge; the tug Glide arrived from Montreal with two light barges; the tug Emerson ar- rived from Charlotte with two coal barges, and cleared for Charlotte with two light barges. Fine Bed Of Tulips. David Scott, of 307 Johnson street, has an execéptionally fine bed of tulips in front of his home, which has been much admired by, citizens the past few days. The tulips are of a rich color, and go to make up a very pretty bed, and a neat front for any home. It has been pointed out by prominent citizens that all "wishing tq make improvements about 'their front lawns for the summer would do well to prepare for a bed of tulips. The expense is; very small and when the work is 'completed the beauty of the home is increased ten fold. Be Master Of Pain. Any pain, little or big, exhausts ¥- It finds the deepest ache and cures Visit Of Military Cadets. -- . Warning To The Deaf. Before investing in costly car-drums, The Home Coming. mive------ 1,000 Islands--Rochester. "a IDEAL E WAS THAT ENJOYED BY MANY PEOPLE, The Parks Had Many Occupants: and. the Beautiful Harbor Was Dotted With Pleasure Seekers. Last night was an ideal «ge for Te- ents who care for the water. It was, perhaps, "the most perfect experienced this spring and was taken due ad- ge of by the citizens, Macdonald k seemed a favorite many, but the waterfr breakwater was also a Un the water, however, ble craft of all kinds was urface was gs calm as a noon session at hali-past two, the 1 Mills' reception to the delegates and o propel the white-win The scene was typical a summer one and the onlooker a participant alike lingered drinking in Sporting Notes. Buffalo lacrosse team to nothing, in Buffalo, on At Brooklyn, on Saturday cents won from th Ont., team, by 7 to 2. awa defeated Bowmanville, in a and League baseball awa, by 10 to 9, Swarthmore, Pa., Crosse team defeated the Toronto by the score Illinois won the we: ate track champion vania took the big eastern m. The Austrian Derby, 000, was won by Styrian from Count e touring Bradford, 0g stern intercollegi- Henickle's Come Szemereq'a Langole Willer's Hierhhyhmus for third place! The mile and a half, Colio, proclaimed many shrewd horsemen to' be the best two-year-old of ran a dead heat distance was one James R. Keene's National Stallion at Belmont Park, The son of Commando- stakes, five furlongs, most heavily played The steamer - Alexandria called at polo team, 'whose season opens this Toronto on Thursday, will be considerably strengt, inclusion, on the line up, of Major Freeman, who, last year, played such a dashing game with the Calgary team when they were here to take part in the tournament: on Montreal Polo Club's grounds, at St, Major Freeman, at his posi- tion--No. 3--is considered to be finest player in the dominion. The present superiority of American boxers is largely due to the faet that they have used brains in their work and have developed the hands. The fashion in which the Brit- one cling to the old, of leading with the le ght only for coun- ny an easy victory from this side of the of balancing eas- using each hand Crawford, near the foot of Princess ters, has scored ma water. The practice ily on both feet, of when necessary and of having a knock out blow in either mitt, does not seem to have appealed to the Englishmen. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, * Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Bibby's for the fatest straws. Wade's Tooth Paste, in tubes, at Wade's Drug Store. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. Bathing has now commenced, it is stated that the water is Fee Cox Meoioine 0o., ToroNTa, ONT, (formerly ,All-cream ice cream, in bricks delivered at -any ' ho H. Cunningham, piano tuner, book store. "Phone 778, ' are maple walnut, chocolate' almond, ice cream parlor. painting your house, maple almond, and fc. only, at Hoag's best materials used. 78 William St. morning an order Blaud's Pills, "Red Cross Brand,' received at Gibson's Red Cross store from Picton, Ontario. The street cars were der late Monday afternc a large number of 10 great inconvenien It's a pleasure to have citizens wore Pat have such a polish," Gibson's Red Cross d tain on Saturday. Work begun to-day first one to receive attention is that from Queen to Prin. Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. E. Bondy, A. EK. Treadgold, all, J. W, Gordon, C. J. B. Lang, Toronto; R. Hamilton; D, 8, Wright, Eastman, Denver; London; J. M. Watson, Morri \ gq, . Armstrong, Parry Sound; W. L. Visger and wife, Alexan. dria Bay; W. H, Nickle, C. W. Ewan, W. A, C. Bruce and wife, B, Martin, Montréal; U. nee; Clam. G. A. Webster, L Hamilton, W. @ Butts, Cleveland, ansdowne; D, 8. Male Immaculate Soda Glasses. Steamer North King leaves Sundays | ly rinsed at 10:15 ° a.m. for Thousand Island | each glass is set aside afte; points and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, [is then thoroughly washed N.Y. calling at Bay of Quinte ports. | suds, is rinsed, dried and p « P. Hanley, agent. : a clean towel--just as you ------------ in your own home. ngerous to keep fruit syrups | Soda Makers of Fine Furs. 1 Erg des les at Gibson's y_ fountains glasses are mere- for ladies and children, Wade's Ice Cream syrups are dis. is hetter, Jeter and In the best houses you almost always meet "GALA--PETER" A dainty after-dinner hon-boa. -- Lamont Corliss & Co., Sole Importers, 27 Common St., Montreal. FURS! We have the advance styles for the coming sea- son, and we advise those wishing a change to have their Furs ATTENDED TO Now --BY-- W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER _ 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. CUT GLASS SPECIAL We have at present an assortment of Desirable Petterns, in 8 inch Fruit Dishes, at $4.50 each. This line, at the above price ; is the Dest value we know of. SEE WIN- DOW DISPLAY, SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 668 Issuers of Marriage elem ot Cook's Cotton Root Compound, 'The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly n which women can Regulator o a a thee % rength--No. 1, $1; tro $i o. 3, per 0D aegroca sl nger, o 5, or §| cases, box. Sold Y all isthe or sent paid on I of price, ress pamphlet. A : Th Wednesday! See the line of Fancy Patterns in DRESS MUS. LINS that we will show on Wednesday at 10c. a Yard, extra value. 90 DOZ. LADIES' ELASTIC RIBBED SUMMER VESTS White, with short or long sleeves, also sleeveless, a bargain lot worth regularly 20¢. each. < Wednesday Special 12ic a Garment. Do you require any dain- ty Valenciennes or Torchon Laces, with insertions to match ? We have a beavti- '. I'ful range of these goods. In fact the best display in the city. To see our showing isto buy. Swell range of - Corset Cover Embroideries at 25¢c. and 3sc. a yard. The very latest in Tan Hosiery a I ------------ 2: NEWMAN & 'Rating ent! ges stoma Feu hen your food can supply et aoengthened. Food BEECH the greatest stomac Don't attempt to cure starve and get little bene will again know the ple: return and the stomach ag will clear, the face lum; you're looking. ese Prepared only by Thoms Sold by all Druggists in C ------------ eS D-------- EASILY AEGULATED FURNACE It's a real pleasure to own a Sunshine. -- It's so easily regu- 7 lated. Drafts work perfectly--do just what yo cxpect them to. The firé is al ways under C control. . You can-have ag hot a fire as you like on zer And one just warm cnough the chilly feeling Wosent thaw comes, Fortunate is the man who a Sunshine. If Your Work Tire between meals, n Ue€ It is nature's owr stimulates the ne Black, green, m Canada Met: | Our D 20 per cent. off until Friday Night, goes at 20% off. Dress Goods, | Rain Coats, Skirts, sets, Table Linen, 1 Cottons, Embroide hams, Corsets and | Don't miss this Wants this week. - | THE JAME, 180 W