MIGHT HAVE AVERTED. on Hospital from blood Doison| oy xmb-nail, which ¥ ECZEMA, ITCH, ETC. ariots Skin troubles common in hot weather. d Eczema on my face and. ¢ ro years everything I tried wag aon 10! was unavailing, y great delight, it cured me com completely," z Sorel Ulcers, Sore Feet, Blisters, Bio 1 ema, Itch, Piles, Fistula, Cute. fir 1 all ekin injuries and diseases, séll Zam-Buk at 500. a box, Buk Co., Toronto, for price'; 8 (C. E. Fulyord All drug' or mailed boxes for Limited. Ont.--« J. ! Good Investment i Business A Practical the Master Ppusiness College #INGSTON ONTARIO Superior Courses RAT Jderate Rates. Be *STOCKDALE, Te princival: phone, 680. he Cinderella So A Ladics' Goodyear Welt Blucher 8, Yd Rd, with patent tos cap 4 high Cuban heel. It-is py te street shoe, oe >rice $3.00 and $3.50 - JENNINGS, KiNG sT ookkeepers for ce companies make ot of cold caleul : i ations, IN N 2 or ource. Chairman of the Policy- 1 © no good. Now we © hot lose our insur- Re ma 1 #2 | THE STANDARD BANK TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE andersigned at Ottawa, and on the envelope "Tender for Lighthouse Supply Steamer,'s will be received up to he Y JENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1907, for the charter of a suitable steam vessel to deliver Supplies to "the Lighthouses above Mont , commencing at Montreal on the 24th of June mext. Bach tender must be accompanied by an aces ue on a has tered Cag dian bank ey! en per of the whole amount of the Sendbe,r which cheque Will be forfeited if the party de- clines to eater into a contract or fails to perform the service. particulars as to vessel required can he tained en application to the De partment here, and _at the Custom Houses at Montreal, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, Sarnia, Owen Sound, Midland, Collingwood, and Sault Ste. Marie. Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the under- signed will not be id. . . GOURDEAU, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisher- fe Department of Marine and Fisheries. 18th May, 1907, Waggoner's Special Blue Serge Suit $20 Best, Workmanship First Class Trimmings Fit Guaranteed If you wish to bo successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business school. Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele- graphy, and all commercial thoroughly taught by experienced teachers. Enter at Rates very moderate. subjects comptent Day and night classes. any time 'Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President: J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Sccretary. T..McAuley HAS REMOVED TO; 93 Princess $1. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil- ton's, directly opposite An- grove's. COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 778. A. E. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the tims those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti- squeak Is used on all work. gin, 286 PEINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Coal Cook Stoves, $17.00. Gas Stoves, $2 50. Screen Doors Complete, 85c. Garden Hose, 8c per It. Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Alabas- tine, Kalsomine, dry colors. AT REASONABLE PRICES. Taylor @ Hamilton 89 and 91 Princess Street. LAWN MOWERS $3.50 Every Machine Guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. £.8.--We don't keep Paint, we sell it The } oe ) Its unrivalled ' is due to the choice c ° through the unexcelled s ABSOLUTE. ronsaus James McParland, Kingston OF CANADA . Head Office « « « = JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Toronto can attend to the banking when in town. ) by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for further Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. KINGSTON BRANCH J. §. Turner, Manager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEX. LAIRD, Owes Banat : | Rost, <» =~. 5,000,000 L IREIAND: Saperigiudunt Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 9 Deposits of $1 and upwards received; interest allowed a: current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no § delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. POOTOEDIOIOSOIOTOVDVDD HOOPODOOOIOVOPHODOOPOD $ The Range of Highest Efficiency @ Gas Range FFF The oven door, which drops J down and forms a firm, solid shelf, is operated by self-clos- ng spring hinges aud a special Gatch, sa it may be left ajar. The pew Oxford Adjustable § guns Valve is one of the small big things on this splendid range. It regulutes the pres- sure of gas so that nome is wasted when the pressure 9 too strong, and even when it's too low you get plenty @ of flame This excellent gas range { with 16-inch oven costs less @ than many a poorer one---- $12 and $20, according to X finish. 3 We also have this range § for the use of natural gas, P & the most successful range ® Ml ever produced for the pur- pose See this range to-day. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited. If you have already realized the ® economy and comfort of cooking by gas we know that the exclusive features of the Oxford Gas Range will appeal to you at once. --Its economy of gas. --Its ease 1 comfort in operation u --The perfect results it gives in baking, x broiling av roasting--these are the ro» ¥ sult of the special features intro duced in- to this range. S The Oxford ® heavy gauge, cold rolled steel ® out--won't crack, warp or leak. The owen is a most excellent baker @® Ventilated so all the fumes of the cook ® ing are awn ofl Lined throughout § with asbestos millbhoard--all *~ the heat ® vourggas generates stays: im the oven instead of leaking into the kitchen. All the burners arc in two pieces, and may be removed for cleaning without aid " Each stove is equipped with i cant and simmering burners. PRICE, $18 Gas Range: is made of through- For Sale by SIMMONS BROS., 211-213 Princess St. "Phone, 494, and Leading Dealers Everywhere. e POPPOPOVPOOODHO® - -- The Ideally Perfect Cereal Food is | Contains more mauscle-mak- PF ine, brain-building material than corn or oats, and is 3 more easily digested, being made digestible Ly steam cooking, shredding and bak- ines i Always pure. BISCUIT for Breakfast ; TRISCUIT for Luncheon All Grocers--13c. a Carton ; 2 for 25e. Best Milwaukee Lager Beer IT DEFIES COMPETITION BECAUSE IT DEFIES COMPARISON qualities place it to the first rank: Itu superority selection of its component parts, transformed ITS PURITY IS cience of reputed brewers. Ask it from your Dealer. DAILY SRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS : : ------ WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. -- White Lake Items. White Lake, May 31. Mrs. Shannon Armstrong and children, of Maberly, who have been visiting friends here, have gone to Saskatoon to reside, Miss Bell Conboy has gone to Perth to spend the summer. Miss M. Me Pherson, sick for some time, was tak. en to the Kingston hospital for treat- ment. Miss Goldie Sanborn visited friends here lately. Miss T. Johnston has returned, after spending a week visiting friends at Oso News From Washburn. Washburn, May 31#Farmers are alout through seeding. There gro a large number of men working on R. Cuddy's island, at the stone quarry. E. Hatchook is seriously ill. Among the recent visitors were Mrs. J. Me Alpin and daughter, Mabel, of Taylor, at W. Woods'; Mrs. W. Lyn, at Mrs. J. Fisher's; Mr. and Mrs. William Woods and daughter, at J. McAlpin's, Taylor; Mrs. Slone and daughter, Sun- bury, at Mrs. J. Fisher's. Lansdowne Locals. Lansdowne, June 1.--H. S. Merrill and family leave, on Monday next, for' Antlers, Sask. The community re- grets the loss of Mr. Merrill and his wife, and tender its best jeighen for a prosperous and happy fufure in the west, Mrs. Samuel Horton has return ed from Brockville. Mrs. Byron Lever: ette, of Brockville, was the guest, last week, of her 'son, B. W. Leverette. Norman Webster is making (=~ addi {ion to his store. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. 1s. Dixon spent a few days in Brock ville last week. Pressed hay is still being shipped in great quantities. Mountain Breezes. The Mountain, June 1.--The farmers on the Mountain have about finished seeding and are starting to draw their milk to the Plevna cheese fac- tory. W. Herbert and family expect to move this week. They intend lo cating near Plevna. Miss Briggs has organized a Sunday school in this sec tion. Dp Clarke: intends building a summer cottage at Mackey lake. Visi tors : Dr. Clarke, Toronto, at J, Ohl mann's; Mr. Thompson and party, Sharbot Lake, at S. Ohlmann's; Seymour Vanness, Plevna, at Herbert's, Lyndhurst Notes. °° Lyndhurst, June 1. William Wing's house and contents were burned to the ground on Monday night, along with his year's wood and a quantity of lumber. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Scofield, a son. The new manister, Rev. Mr. Crowley has taken well with his people. Visitors: Mr. and "Mrs. Robert Moulton and little son, of Berrytown, at Mrs. Moulton s father's, R. R. Gates; Mrs. H. Ten pant, of Lyn, at R. J. Woods'; Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren, of Junetown, at R. J. Woods'; Mrs. G. Wroney went to Montreal for a short time. Mrs. A. C. Doyle spent Tuesday in Brock- ville. D.' Groen. and daughter made a business trip to Ottawa on Tuesday. rt Reports From Ventnor. Ventnor, June 3.--Mr. and Mrs LE A. Dinwoodie* are visiting friends at Winchester. Miss Leah Cook, who has been Buffering during = the pagt yes from a sprained ankle, is to leave for Toronto, this week to have. it treat- ed. Mrs. W. Pittman left on Tuesday for the General Hospital, Ottawa. Mrs. John Gillespie, very ill for the past two weeks is slightly improved. Miss Maud Fairbairn, Ogdensburg, N. Y., is spending a few weeks at her home here, School has been closed during the past week, owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss C. Fair- bairn. Frederick Kulcher has moved into J. Spencer's house below the vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vander- burg. spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwell Slack, East Oxford. There was no preaching in the Methodist church on Sunday as Rev. W. Wells was away to conference, Mr. and Mrs. H. McKee spent Sunday with friends at Roe- buck. Mr. and Mrs. William Davison and Miss Mame Grue of Kemptville, spent Sunday with friends here Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, June 1.--On Monday even- ing last a number of the Harloweites went to the home of Miss Sadie Scott to spend a pleasant evening. Towards the close of the evening, af- ter and address-wwas given Miss Scott was presented with a beautiful silver fruit dish. She has been a very successful organist and leader in the choir of the M. E. church . for about six years, and ore was remem- bered kindly, all hoping that she may be spared to 'work for many years yet. Rev. Mr. Bertram, Kingston. con- ducted the service in = the English church on Sunday last. Miss C. Mor- gan is home but expects to soon leaves for North. Bay. Rev. J. C. Black. is visiting friends here, en route to Toronto, where he will be the min- ister in the Holiness Movement church. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wheeler, Par- ry Road, visited at G. Wheeler's on Sunday last. A. Fraser has left for the United: States. Fzra Thompson is home from Rainy Lake. Rev. Mr. Wal- Ince will preach on Sunday evening in the M. E. church. 8. Clancy made a trip to Camden East this week. His daughter, Miss Lorraine, who has bern spending a number of weeks there, returned 'home with him.' On the 24th, Thomas Whiteman of this place and Miss Alice Curtis, Myer's Cave, were united in marriage at Flinton. Crop Reports From Sharpton. Sharpton, June 3.--~While the heavy frost of May 25th brought growth. of all kinds to a standstill the farmers are not aware that it caused any ser- ious harm to meadows or grain. Clo- ver is largely winter killed ond it is ths general expectation that hay will not be a heavy crop this year, Grain 4 huyers are offering JUNE a, although very little above ground should stand a better chance than mea- dows, Withal Viele ia 3 fair possibic lity. of a good yiéld of grain, Pas tures are only middling. Meany are still extra feeding milch cows, This is having whe effect of diminishing to a minimum the supply of old bay and grain, hence ome concludes that the supply of feed in this respect is far the smallest as compared with any previous year for some time. Some are now doing statute labor. Hog 90 for hogs, live weight, Miss Campbell, teacher Sharpton school, has sent in her re signation. J. Redden has built new milk stands for E. Vrooman. W. Bell and Peter Mohan. The supily of milk is not at all up to the average on account of the lowness of the pastures, This may have something to do with the high price of cheese. Miss Myrtle McCormick, Erinsville, is visiting friends here. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Death of An Athens Resident, Aged 92 Years. Gananogue, June 4.--Thomas Me Avany passed uway at Athens on Sat- urday last, in the ninety-second year of his age. The remains were brought here by train yesterday and the fun- eral took place to Christ church, where Rev. W. Hatt Lipscomb ocon- ducted a short service. The remains were interred in Willow Bank ceme- tery. Deceased was the father of the late William MecAvany for many years a resident of this town, A coal schooner is unloading at each of the local coal sheds. The Tradewind at Robertsons'; the Briton The Misses Edna and Ida Sweet, of Brockville, are thé guests of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Lake, Garden street, for a few days. Miss Florence Hagan, Watertown, N.Y., is spending a few days with friends and relafives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lloyd, of Brewer's Mills, spent some time dur- ing the past few days visiting with friends in town. Miss Bertha Key- worth, Osbo ne street, spent _ yester- day with friends in Kingston, Ca- det Harry' Lawson of the Royal Mili- tary College, spent yesterday, with friends and felatives in town. Frederick Meggs of Syracuse, N.Y., arrived home Saturday to spend a short time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abel Meggs, Osborne street. Hinchinbrooke Council. Piccadilly, May 25.--Council met for court of revision, but there were no appeals. Then township affairs were considered. - The reeve;, Councillors Me- Mahon and Lesslie reported that it would cost at least $700 to build a road on side line between lots 10 and 11, in third concession. It was re solved, therefore, that no action he taken on the petition of Wesley roe. man and others. On motion, Lesslie- Wagar, Councillor Wagar. to oxamine for road across lot 16, ninth conces- sion. with power to act. Resolved, on McMuhon-Lesslie, that the council 8o not give bonuses for build- ing wire fences. Report of Parham cemetery was read and laid over un- motion, til next meeting. On motion, Me- Mahon-Lesslie, the clerk to notify James Kennedy and Samuel Good fellow to remove fences off side line, between lots 5 and, 6, in third conces sion, within ten days. Voled : Wil liam Hicks, 812; George Deer, 85; A. Bush, $6.30; D. Mcleod, 84: J. Rut- tan, 85; J. Babcock, $2: Wesley Wagar, £1: B. Shay, $2: William Ham ilton, $4; A. Embury, £31.50. Resolved, that each councillor lay out £75, in his road divisions. Adjourned till July 6th. : SCOTCH TWEEDS MAY RETURN Fashion Journal Sees Signs of a Return of the Vogue. The tweed mills of Scotland were placed hors de combat when the York. shire worsted mills learned to weave the finest tweed patterns into their smooth-finished woolen worsteds. This was followed by a general de- mand for worsteds, but the English fashion journals say they sce signs of the return of the Scotch tweed re- gime for winter wear. In Semi-ready tailoring, where one can always get a complete idea of the correct thing in dress, even if one af- terwards decides to buy mn custom tailor suit, the fine worsted patterns are shown in unusually large variety. There are few really good suits under 815, and the Semi-Ready salesman says that the larger bulk of their business is in the 820 and $25 values. Every price is plainly marked on the trade mark. The H. D. Bibby Co., 78- §0-52 Princess street, There is a race of shepherds at the village of Gomera, in the Peak of Teneriffe, who are able to converse at a distance of two or three miles by intelligible whistling, » Bled nans, urinals, pus basins, in- valid rings, ets, Everything for the sick and sick room at Chown's drug store, Opportunities are like bees, in that you have to know how to take hold of them. Bibby's for smart straw hats. With rye, scotch or brandy, York Sparks adds zest and improves flavor, because no salts overload it; it does wonders in bringing out the bouquet of spirits. Ask for it at good hotels and clubs; jor tell your wine merchant you want it. York Sparks is better--yet costs no more. The Mineral Springs Limited, Toronto For by Rigney & Hickey, Jas. nd and W. R. McRae & Co., Wellington street, ani at - the Scranton Coal company's sheds, and the Voges at Taylor &.. Green's. Joints are Air-fight Fused Joints are used only in "Hecla" Furnaces They are made by bringing the iron and steel of the radiating chamber to a white heat and fusing the metals into one piece--making a joint so permanent and so tight, that it prevents for all time the escape of smoke, gas and dust into the house. 'Hecla Furnace joints dre just as tight, after ten years service, as when first installed. «HECLA" FUSED JOINTS are covered by atents and are used exclusively in " Hecla" Furnaces. he cemented and bolted joints in other furnaces are. soon impaired by the unequal expansion of the steel and iron. The cement drops out; the bolts work loose; soon leaving openings through which gas and dust escape. FUSED foINT make " Hecla" heating 'ample, economical, sanitary and healthful. 5 Learn more about Hecla Furnaces by secing the nearest agent, or by writing for the latest catalogue to. 47 Z Clare Bros. & Co. Limited, Preston, Ont. KinasTon Agents: ELLIOTT BROS BECAUSE ~--it is a solid bar of pure, fresh, dirt ingredients, containing not a single atom of harmful adulterants. ~--whea washing colored goods they will not run or fade. --woolens or flannels will not shrink, as no boiling or rubbing is necessary. ~--easy on the hands and clothes. --no experimenting --in use for 40 years. Write for our handsome illustrated Catalogue of Premiums, given tree for Richards Pure Soap wrappers. . Mail five Richards Pure' Soap wrappers | FREE or Richards Pure Soap advertisements trom any paper, and we will send you a beautiful souvenic. . The RICHARDS PURE SOAP CO. Limited WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO CUT THIS AD. OUT-{T IS VALUABLE. Please mention Kingston Whig when snewering this advertisement. . Self-Opening, Square Bottom, Made from the Toughest Papers. PAPER BAGS ALL WEIGHTS AND SIZES. The E. B. Eddy Company, Limited, HULL, CANADA. Always Evarywhere in Canada. Ask for Eddy's Matches. {Lawn Mowers] Sharpened You will soon need to use your Lawn Mower. Why not let us sharpen it for you ? : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. = § We carry a large assortment of Lawn Mowers in price from $2.95 up to $8.00 Each. ]