, at 12 : 1 1.780, at 12 0 500, at 12 3-16. t 124c. 2 708, ot 12c. to 13 516e. Ep °F ; o i i I i : Et fi 2E5E Siri E a fhe & g remains : £ - 5 SUITS Regular values $1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25 | cLosinG cess to the Water--The - City Has the Necessary 'Land For. ir Ladies' Summer Underwear}! Our summer stocks are complete sortments of Fine White Summer U *==LADIES' White U. 12 1-2¢, 25¢, 35c. LADIES' White Unde cotton and Lisle Thread. LADIES' White Summer Merino I = il fe ¥ vy Ef ] *§ a £8 i { ly § ention of the city authorities western portion of the s to provide for i i E 5 : with dainty ase r. } 5 + ? i ! 7 Sup i 7 i i rey 15¢. 2 i | | od " iI i w £ § F i £ fF i Mapping Out Camp Ground. rvests, both ig i ! ] § g i " £4 over on Barriefield Heights the ground for the com- The locations will | 2¥ound has 3 ' i i trouble is likely to arise S the necessary strip of make another thorbughfare satisfactory to the ¥ ; ] place in line with | 85 the city hy, tead of across the 1 regimen Belleville and Peter- F i At 12§e; to 12 .9-18c. LADIES' White Drawers section involved. Ti ---- Dailies Surprised Them. The Oliver Typewri i ter company had magazine space to Ypewriters, but they Ong a new course and portion of their adver ation with newspapers. rtisement in one | to advertise an £3 Childrens' Summer Undervests In Fine White Wool. Ia White Union Wool and will now work al people | tising appropris one insertion was instantaneous, and of bringing forcibly value of newspapers as i § 53 g : i : fact to negotiate a -- PRETTY JUNE WEDDING. of Miss Stella Staley and Samuel Brooks. a sumptuous banquet will be We cordially invite all our ds of the Bay District to come /] and join with us in celebrating . * : Duty Felongs Ta Pe Police. In Fine White Cotton, loag or short sleeves, : sult on Saturday, June Ist. Everything new in straws. Bibby's. 1t that the enforcing of the ; ts with the police. People who violate by-law relating to hose come under Rev. J. | walking on the track when th struck it. Its owner claims that the Elected Its Officers. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Men's Balbri Men's Balbri teamboat company was ensuing year : Presi dent, M. H. Folger; vice-president and general manager, H. retary-treasurer, George Bawden: di- Folger and George. Lee, of Cape Vincent, S. R. Barker, of Claytom 8 This morning the shareholders of Lawrence River Steamboat Kingston for the The balloting for offieia ganimtion resulted F ggan Shirts and Drawers, 25c. each many beautiful and costly presents. Her travelling suit was blue, with hat to match. The newly married couple ape boat for Syracuse, and other places in New York state, and upon their return, they will 110 yp Sle residence at 133° Staart si After the ceremony a wedding break- ast was held 'at the home of the bride's parents, 170 Barfie street. -------- Live Stock Market. Montreal, June 3.--About h of" bitchers' cattle, 2.188 po, oad calves and 50 sheep sale at the Point St. yards this forenoon, and the East End Abat- butchers' cattle, sheep ggan Shirts and Drawers, 50c. each, Men's Merino Shirts and D. ra Men's Fine Li or rach. ght Weight Wool and Union, 75c. ir annual gathering. as follows : Tre Men's Fine Summer Cashmere Underwear, Men's White Twill Cotton Nightgowns, 75 Cents. it in favour of father, manager, H. S. Folger; George Bawden; secretary-trensurer, directors, Messrs. M. i S. Folger, B. W. Folger, 'J. L. Whit- rge Bawden, all of this an entry is summarily cancelled Applicants for pvr P Rap ion must state fo subsequently the 1 LIQUOR COMMISSIONERS Urged to Grant a License to the i ] | toi were about 300 80 milch cows, 350 and lambs and 160 fat hogs, The i § a i f i] 4 i i Bo The liquor license conunissioners met | gram Inspector Wright & is 1] 'American Muslins, neat designs, in all sizes, extra full widths. f and trimmed, in Black and White nd Blue and' White Checks and Stripes, Also Navy and Black with White Spots, E desired size. # Regular $1.75, 2.00, 2,50 prices of cattle have afiother quarter of a advanced nearly selling at from 5c. to good catth, die. go Sie. the common stock, 3 Ib., while the milkm 3c. to over Se. per I. 25 "| each, most. of the sales being from $35 to $45. Calves sold at from $2.50 to Sheep sold at from die. to o.. Lambe. a $3.50 to 2G ots at h sold about Tie. per Ib. " " F. Conway, superintendent of the railway, left for Toronto, last night, to attend a meeting of the Passenger agents, and the bamauet, to he given in the new railway building ere, 'Patrick Fannon, the wellknown fell and had his right around He was confined to 'the Hotel "#Arthur Ingham, organist of St. George short time; died suddenly in Toronto, on Monday, from pneumonia and col- heperd, Pembroke, has secured | i : ported that the quois, Queen's and E 2 do-American, Iro- i g 5 FH FE £ i fs ¢ f i ! i 28 i - » the requirements, and accordingly their licenses werae renewed till May lst, > ; 2 oc AREY Made of Fast Colored English Prints and £ gx Son received ga peti- a large number of witi- zens on behali of James Adams, ask- 4 TTT Made in the latest New York Styles, neatly Shoes That Have a Distinctive: Style the re ea an oT PATTY Shoes that keep ¢ k We have a splerdi % Dorothy Dodd Sum + Pumps, Button, B the contract for supplying th ili- dary camp at - Petavava' with fresh be "The Mackie estate, Pembroke, has handware business of A, Gravelle, of Calgary, a former 'as "most unpopular Setot olrlebatatalot 5.0 0 8 0.8 ---- JHA ey Dey Window Display commissioners will foll, Eo Caley 1 ow public opin: and Ties. All the newest Li i J ; JH. Leslie, Mont vet Te Bowie Bows ing off some Jess deserving ontreal street, left last 'Craigie Len," for the sum- ™ - we came down from Bath, this morning, returning this alter Tripp, Picton, spent to-day in RON. | : TE ---- "Tom™ Marks, of Marks" * Dra- a Visit to the 8 > Shoe Store. Lockett ,, P8.-- Steamer Trunks are in ofeeleletelet 8.0 8 o Mitchels' 1907-8 Sam Now Ready. Special Disc y+ for Jun JOHN Mcl Far Hous 149-155 Brocl Kingston RPE ERE EEE 4 NOTICE TO CONTE TENDERS FOR STE . anh rashang SEALED TENDERS 10 the uwpuersigue "la ne envelope tenuer Kk De amr for sail Fastona iy. wilt we receive vssce of the Commissy rutinencal aRliway unul Wwelve © cvdoek noon day of June, iw, for si and, three hundoed ana sey Bed) gruss toms of eighty stewl rwls (upon heardn or tion oi the Comin beSsury lustendngs, cordance with the specific Cnn issioners. renters must Le made « suppited by the Lomaassio well us the specilications, 3 2 ot on to Hugh Uhiel «Ottawa, U Full miformation in reg jes, and also as to the ol on which tenders are to tr bud on application to the { ach tender must be sig by all the parties to the witnessed, atl Le accompa cepted cheque on a charte Domidion of Canada pu Commissioners of the 1 Railway, for a sum equal cent (O per cent) of the a tender. Chegue deposited by par ders are rejected will be r der days after the signing The right is reserved ta ewders. io By Order, PE . The Commissioners of th Transcontinental Rai Dated at Ottawa, 30» M Newspapers inserting U ment without authority f missioners will not be pan County of Fro: SBALED TEXDERS W ceived at the Office of the Court House, Kingston uj DAY, JUNE 13th, at 12 from persons willing to fi 115 tons Scranton, ant Hard Wood or more if re Coal to be of good qualit and free from dirt, and at the Court House, Ga Office as may be require ber 1st next. The Wood to be comp Boeon, Hickory, or Iron sound and of good gualit and one-half green, to be County Gaol half before next, and the other ha date. Wood and Coal subject | and approval of Chairma Property. Coal to be Wi Scales, at the expense of The lowest tegder mot cepted JOHN FOLEY, J. W. Chairman Co. Property. Montreal Jo INAUGURAL M 'Blue Bonnet: JUNE 4th TO 15th | ha Racing and Steeplecha: rain or shines Adurission to course, Stand, $1. iat Shs SEER St. James 4tl EXCURS To Ottawa, via G.T. TUESDAY, J Fare, $1.75; Sails Special train leaving, ing leaving Ottawa san PAR tickets wood retut train, June 19th. rnin, Juma 18. NOTIC pan. J. H. Secre! ------ Pi og E33