Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1907, p. 2

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] ts with Queen's oe Teeter Peta. schools for ty of , to be es- tablished of the committee are That the board shall permit the Col- legiate, the Victoria school ns' Home in so far the board's authority extends, to. be used by the students 'of the School of for practice and instruction. of Education the sum of $2,450, to be applied as refnuneration of the teachers of the schools referred to for tra work performed nection with the d with a view to securi t the board consents to allow the use of other schools than those men- tioned on terms which may be mutual- That if the Board of Education fur- nishes to the students of the Schaol of Pedacogy instruction in athering of troops for training expenditure of a little money upon the grounds will make them all ihat could be desired. Several years ago a quantity of tile was placed of ound, but it was -done hurriedly and proved of little More tile wik XK commercial work including writing, (2) manual training. (3) domestic science, the university shall pay, to the Board of Fducation the sum of $200 for each these kely be added during next year amd every provision for improved drainage. Not A Saluting Station. Kingston is not a saluting station, and therefore no firing in honor of the arrival of Prince Fushimi, of Japan, con take place. All that can be done in the way of a military welcome is to have a gvard of hohor prince, and the militia department, at fied Colonel Gordon, 0.C., to have this vided That any equipment or accommoda- tion required by the School of Pedy ey for its purposes in the :chaols v1 the Board of Education shall be paid for hy Queen's university. That the power to teachers in the sch by the board shall remain with Board of Education. That the Dean of the School of Ped- ogy shall report to the Fducation regarding the he chers engaged in the work that School. In "the event of a dis- agreement between the Dean and aud {Board the guestion in dispute shall be referred to the Minister of Education for final adiudication. That if the university requires ser- vice in teachers or equipment from the Education which will cost move than the sums named in the pre- ceding paragraphs, it shall supnlement its grant to that extent. the assursnece being given that the Board of cation shall not he put to expense in connection with the School of Pedagogy. That this agreement. shall iake fect on July 1st, 1907, after its adop- tion by the Board of Fduecation the trustees of Queen's University, and rontinue for #ne vear. Tt may i to both parties, be vised or amended, and it may be . re- newed for a second year. ---- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. William Kelly's Sarcasm. Kingston, June 4. In the light of the tained in the rev - tug Eme 'harlotte, with two i i! % i 4F i 4] ools who are paid i ! 7 i Fs 7 'with two coal barges, ight or rather earl, elements were at their worst and wind and wave made ; f I i i} ly thres saluting stations | Kingston is not on list, although she has heen a fort ago she - was struck of fortresses on account of Fort Henry having heen unoccupied for so long. It is too bad that she has lost that standing. ouly an endeavor should be made to have the title re-established. the Ontario Historical Society meets here next month, might add this topic to those that may be placed on the programme for discussion. ---------- Arrivals At B. A. Jotel. Mrs. George McNaughton C. Knowles, . Hamilton Webster, Lansdowne; if town. Two years & s, was forced to lie to un. the point while the ton could not make the nd ran into Garden cpuple of hours, coming oorings this She. steamer Toronto had If for the name establishing of the Farther along the « tompany's tag, and u King, tied up in blown from their he mariners some keeping things ship shape. ------------ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- - Newsy Paragraphs Pioked Up By There was no session of the police Powders Oure. For harbor the M. T the steamer { I: if t freal;: M. Visger, B. Kenderdine, W. B. W. Allan, H. Powell, Je Alexandria Bav: €.°C: Wallace, T.. Walter Davis, Toronto: J. Giheon. Genano- ~{(To the Hditor): "real facts" con- elations made by issue of Monday er that our good at last going to aue; 'F. L. Brewster, ork; 5 1 and wife, Burlington, Baker, Picton; M. Ran- tree, George Al Limond. F. S. Meighen nt, H. F. Robertson, 0. regl: George 8. Boulton, ottschalk, London, Une.: . New York; W. 3. Rich- ght, is it any wond : a » limestone city is water age. Gibson's get out of the slough of despond, and bounds ? Why, is it tion to all properly right minded citizens while many of us have been reve in an adolescent somnolence, a ber of enthusiastic, minded men, for past, have been and tearing their brains pieces, trying to put up a job, where- "expend some $10,000," accommodation and convenience of the dear public, and prove the appearance and Clarence street, of a Carnegie, or a constituted, and a8 at the cricket manoeuvres when «d a hurried flight to qi v toilet buy Mennen's and iolet ' Talcam powders from ght coaches, =un- to the west, passed toh this morning 'at © families stayed off -------------- Had A Serious Fall. past six. on Tuesday, Al a ship's carpenter, tsmouth and 'empl ved ernment dry dosk and philanthrophic months, or, years A train load of ei vey in YIof immigrants rving a block of wood ( up the vessels in dock) er toward the edge of the basin, Ar. he made to toss the block of the dock nut 5 nail aught the clothing over nd Forsythe, losing ts precipitated down Luckily enough for him there for they broke his fall as hea dronped head foremost. conveyed to the Hotel Dien juries cared for, one gash in the head necessitating The ininred man's conc tidered very serions h thowed improvement. when compared with the disinterestoed- lity of these locas pub- Mondays and S . wings at Gi Y Cross Drug Store. oh gon's Ru Get the habit of treet, Every hin, w t RX new and May I ask if "Citiren" will not be good enough in your.next issue, or as convenient, to make known the exact names of the owners of this market square propery that they are so anxious to sacrifice and beautify for the public weal ? Each public school indpector is here- ut this morning each of his boards of done T am confident will, undoubtedly, be reat ular move to erect tablets, oast Excursions. g op hicago and Northwestern rail- from June 1st to from Chicago rancisco, Portland, Vancouver, and re- ngly low rates from all points in Canada. Favorable stop- ents. Final return limit Special excursions during June and July with shorter time limi illustrated folders, etec., . Bennett, gener King street, Tor local educational memory of their public gencrosity. Again, if "Citizen" will only sent, for the nonce, to cast aside his innate modesty, and disclose his iden- tity by signing his name, I am confi- dent that 'an effort. would be made to place the laurel on his brow for his very great public services in discovered citizens -- WILLIAM KEL BITTEN BY A DOG. Made to Police About Canine. Mahoney, of the sloop Pilot, caller at police headquarters plained about a dog $s sixteen-year-old son, on the leg. The lad, so it appears, was walking along the street. when ,hy the dog. His in- cal 'attention. Tn- be made about the dog, ot chained up, the owner fied that he mustdestroy or Seattle, Victoria, Much trouble would turn. Correspondi on when they are for which erged Infants' food are receiv- at Gibson's Red away know the foods sold there perfectly A Belleville cabm, a Kingetonian for write or call on B. H al agent, No. 2 East an tried to hold up double fare at the S-------- station yesterday, | Price's chonolates are made fresh ev- day to-day, and com having bitten hi: Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ty" chocolates, in fa juries required medi ------ Notes From Eric. Eric, June 5.--The many friends ill be sorry to hear illness, and wish her a GOOD OLD SUMMER To Water The Road. Ald. Elliott generally looks after the comfort of the military camp, and did not forget to secure the order of the watering the road of Cataraqui bridge to to the camp ground, on This long, wind- av will be water » once in the morning the afternoon, so tha traffic over it will not be through dust ---- i= The Agonies Of Hades. Aren't supposed to be worse than a bad corn. For years remedy has been Putnam's Corn Kx- tractor? It painlessly removes Worst corn in twenty-four hours; try it. ; forty out system. in this locality have J. A. Wilmot hes The sun is smiling--don't s well and has ersct- Juul outright at head" vader. he COO SHADE OF A' STRA pay. We have the finest sortment of PANAMA HATS | in Kingston. "All}' a moment, "When oi ne, new wi aah family have m tage at East View Park, Bachelors' cottage at Rock read the newspapers without ing, Pittsburg roadw The gathering laughed heartily, Miss Ethel Mclea n, Pittsferry, at J. Milton's; Miss . "T Rev. Alired Andrews later character- ized the words Chickering book store. 'Phone 778. Only ~ "Cocon - Kola" "and Cola Claret tet are * MONTREAL WINNERS DEFEATED THE KINGSTON PULO PLAYERS. By 7 to 1--Montreal Plays Toron- to Here To-Morrow--Toronto Will Clash With Kingston on Saturday. \ The polo season opened . yesterday afternoon on the local club's grounds under none too favorable conditions. The weather man was not in the best of humor threatened during all the play, though fortunately enough did not fall to interfere with the match. Despite is however, there was a fair at- of spectators and they were amply rewarded for daring the ele- mefrits and encouraging the home team in its uphill battle against the crack organization representing the metrop- not up to expectations, though that does not necessarily imply that the play was below the average, But the season is very young and- both play- ers and ponies' demonstrated the fact. Neither have by any means developed the form they will show in succeeding matches, ¢ At the appointed hour of four o'clock, Referee McParland wounded his whistle and the teams trotted in- to the field taking up their positions as follows : ingston, -- Back, Brown; No. 1, Capt. Blair: No. 2, W. Harty, (Captain): No. 3, Maj. Mozley. Montreal. --Back, Robertson: No. 1, udry; No. 2, Seymour; No. 3, Capt. Pickering. Capt. Conger acted as timekeeper. Four "'chuckers" .of ten minutes each were played with an interval of five minutes between. he game started off briskly enough and looked as though it might be close to the finish, but Montreal soon pulled ahead and had three tallies be- ore time was up. In the second "chucker," they added two more to their score and in the third each team put the ball between the posts. In the final go the visitors landed and the came ended seven to one in their fav- or. The home team scored at the last but as the referee's whistle had sound- ed it did not count. The play through- out was variable. At times there was keen sport, fast riding, and heautiful strokes, but misses were not infre- quent. The Montreal team had the ser- vices of Robertson, their professional, and Capt. Pickering of Imperial ser- vice, Scots Greys. Both showed su- perb horsemanship, good stick handl- ine, and a thorough knowledge of the game. On the home team, Captain Harty was easily the premier player and quite the equal of any man on the field. He roge fearlessly, showed good Reneralship, and was a marvel in per- forming some of his backhand strokes. As for the pqnies themselves they were the admiration of all the specta- tors. Here Montreal had the advant- age in numbers and traifif~ while Kin~ston suffered from the indisposi- tion of members of its string. How- ever, the came was interesting and no one left the grounds dissatisfied, On Thursday what promises to be an exceptionally good match will be contested between the Montreal and Toronto teams. On Saturday after- noon, Kingston meets the Queen City club, and then watch out. If the lo. cals don't win out it will be a missed guess for the feelings prevails among both players and backers that the tide will turn. One thing is certain, however, and that is, that the two most _ interesting and spectacular athletic contests that will be seen in Kingston for many a day, ean con- fidently be looked forward to on Thursday and Saturday afternoons. -- Capt. Russell 'The Lion And The Mouse.' In "The Lion and the Mouse," Henry B. Harris will present here Grand: on Thursday, June Charles. Klein, the author, has written a play that promises to be of en- during popularity. Indeed, it may be said that the success already achieved 6th, by this drama is beyond anything known in America in the past ten years. The theme is most pertinent to the present day when everyone ig keenly alive to the machination of trusts and kings of finance, Mr. Klein presenting a phase of American life with which the public has become fa- miliar through the newspapers = and Magazines of the times, SR ---- TITHES SYSTEM ADUFTED, ut Two Former Kinestonians Clashed, One of the sharpest debates in which the milton Methodist conference as engaged took place this morning. The beneficence committee recommend- ed that the Methodist church should adopt the system of tithes. Rev. A. E. Lavell, of Niagara Falls South, one of the ablest debaters, did not approve of the idea; and forcibly ex- his opinions. He thought not only a tenth of 4 man's income, but his entire Possessions, belonged to God, and if a man limited his givings to one-tenth he Was not offering as he should. Rev. Dr. Antliff sprang to his feet: "Those who will tel] us that all their > of it, I have noticed," said the doctor, who is a large mag. He then stated that he had given a of his possessions for the last years, and he found he had heen better off than if he had given with- Rev. Mr. Lavell was on the floor in > stocks were falling 10 nieces recently," he said, "I eould a tremor had nothing to lose." "1 or I knew I and consequently rain. olis, Speaking generally the game was | or Cashmere, stitch and black, tan or white, we show .a magnificent range and at popular prices too. -- FURS We have the advance styles for the coming sea. " son, and we advise those wishing a change to have their Furs ATTENDED TO Now ---- YW W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. "GUT GLASS SPECIAL ~ We have at present an assortmen¥ of Desirable Patterns, in 8 inch Fruit \{})) Dishes, at $4.50 each. RR This line, at the above price ; is the best value we know of. SEE WIN- DOW DISPLAY. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 666 ssuers of Marriage Licenses. THE STOLEN HORSE. An Old Proverb With a New 'Application. The woods are full of remedies for baldness. You may call anything in creation a remedy, but to use them is like locking the stable after the horse stolen. Baldness and dandruff are caused by a germ--if you don't 'kill the germ, the germ will kill the hair.. Scientists have labored with the problem of a 'preventative for buld- ness for many years. Newbro's Herpicide of a motlern idea, and "so-called is the produet will cure dand- ruil and prevent. baldnéss because germs cannot exist when you apply Herpicide. Herpicide is a valuable hair dressing and scalp disinfectant as well as cure for dandruff. fa Sold by leading druggists. Send 0c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Muhood, special agent. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on w 'women cdn = depend. Sold in degrees #8{ of strength--No. 1, $1; No. & 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 8, : for s cases, per box. Sold all a Sab paid on Be Addon | ITENS. Believing in the saying that a "Dry Goods Store is judged by the Hosiery it sells," we endeavor to keep the very best quality as well as the latest ideas to be found in Hosedom. For the Ladies In Cotton, Lisle Thread plain, drop embroidered, For the Girls owe nothing, and have all my life giv- We recommend "'Peer- s Jrerythitiy je the cause of God. less, a very fine Ribbed a given onlv a tenth no doubt I i tan would be as well off as Dr. Antliff." Cotton, In or black. of Mr. Lavell as hacious, and sounds went up of ha The report was finally adopted. ---------- H. Cun pug- "Oh, mingham, piano tuner, from 5 at McAuley's cules," a ve Ribbed, y € iron, For the Boys We recommend "Her- strong Cotton black, in wears lik Heantily Approves of Pe-ru-1 RS. MAHALA REID, Co Ont, Canada, writes: «Your celebrated remedie been a woaderful boon to me o N «] have not been in so good } several years as now. I was with" constipation, «A little over two Fours ag letely lost my health, beco sr Foe Bory a dear fr me your remedics, Peruna and I began to take them, follo directions on the bottle, y began to feel benefited by thei continued to take them. «I am now completely recov the above ailments, in fact, be I have been for ycars past. praise the remedies too highly always recommend them to of Constipation is almost sure other derangements, Retained accumulations wi bowels are partly reabsorbec system, producing gotnekimes tism, sometimes kidney troub Our D 20 per cent, off until Friday Night, goes at 20% off. Dress Goods, | Rain Coats, Skirts, sets, Table Linen, 1 Cottons, Embroide: hams, Corsets and | Don't miss this Wants this week. THE JAME!

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