We have the adva _ styles for the coming oe son, and we advise those wishing a change to have their Furs ATTENDED TO NOW re BY ee W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. CUT GLASS SPECIAL We have at present an assortmen¥ of Desirajple Patterns, in 8 inch Fruit ) Dishes, at $4.50 each. This line, at the above price ; is the best value we know of. SEE WIN- DOW DISPLAY. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 666 Issuers of Marriage THE STOLEN HORSE. , Old Proverb With a New 'Application. he woods are full of wedies for baldness. ou may call anything in creation emexdy, but to use them is like ing the stable after the horse is en. 1Idness and dandruff are caused A germ--if you don't 'kill the germ, germ will kill the hair.. : dontists have labored with the lem of a 'preventative for buld- for many years. whra's Herpicide is the product - motlern idea, and will cure dand- and prevent. baldness because 18 cannot exist when vy. 0 you apply Tpicide is a valuable hair dressing scalp disinfectant as well "so-called" for dandruff. "ui Id by leading druggists. Send In stamps for sample to The cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two S50c. and $1. G. W a eu . W. Munhood, TEMS. ieving in the sayin "Dry Goods Stose 4 by the Hosiery it we endeavor to keep ery best quality as 1S the latest ideas to ind in Hosedom. For the Ladies Cotton, Lisle Thread shmere, plain, drop and embroidered, tan or white, we a magnificent range popular prices too. For the Girls recommend "Peer- a very fine Ribbed , in tan or black. For the Boys Jecommend '"'Her- very strong Cotton 5 in black, wears | PERUNA A WONDERFUL BOON |THE WOMAN'S AUXILIARY IN MY OLD AGE. _ 0000 FERRER i ; AHALA REID. > g Heantily Approves of Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin for Kidney and Bowel Trouble 0-000 RS. MAHALA REID, Corbyville, Ont, Canada, writes: «Your celebrated remedies have } | regular, rheumatism is the result. been a wonderful boon to me in my oid age. ; several years as mow. I was troubled with" constipation, kidney trouble. pletely lost my health, becoming al- most helpless, when a dear friend sent me your remedics, Peruna and Manalin. § directions on the bottle. began to feel benefited by their use and continued to take them. . the above ailments, in fact, better than Ihave been for years past. I cannot praise the remedies too highly and will always recommend them to others." other derangements, bowels are partly reabsorbed into the system, producing sometimes rheuma- tism, sometimes kidney trouble. «I have not been in so good health for | joints. rheumatism and «A little over two years ago, I com- trouble is the result. began to take them, following the I very soon | constipation. The blood being surcharged with acids, which ordinarily find their es- cape through the bowels when they are Acid blood forms crystals, which ao cumulate about the ligaments, carti- Iages and sometimes the bones in the Stich morbid accumulations of blood throw extra' work upon the kidneys. The kidneys'being unable to perform the unusual labor of excreting these poisons, often give way and kidney Permanent relief cannot be reasona- bly expected except by correcting the | OF ONTARIO D -- The Ladies Come From 2 A Service in St. George's-- The Welcoming of the Dele- gates. By every incoming boat nd train on Tuesday delegates from all over the diocese arrived to attend the twenty-first annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Ontario. Sections of the billeting committee, all wearing large bows the ausiliary's color, red, met them, and welcom them heartily to the city. The presidents of the parochial branches, who are members of the board, met with the executive in St. George's: Hall in the evening, and transacted preliminary business, while delegates were entertained by their hostesses. : At ten o'clock, on Wednesday, there was a celebration of the holy com- munion, Dean Farthing preaching a most helpful sermon. The offering was the annual one, and was this vear de- voted to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. After assembling in the hall.' after service, correspondence and congratu- latory telegrams were read, a bunch of beautiful scarlet and white carna- tions tied with red ribbons was pre- sented to Mrs. Tilton, of Ottawa, president of the general board, and Miss Gildersleeve gave her address of welcome. This was in part as follows: "We of the Kingston branch of the Woman's Auxiliary extend to our visiting sisters a most cordial wel- eome, all the more so that their com- ing here hus been a deferred pleasure which now has its realization. The sad loss ~ our parish sustained last year in losing our beloved rector, he, upon whose wise counsels we had re- lied since the formation of our so: ciety had made us feel that we were searcely equal to having the annual held here as had been © purposed. Therefore, as we could not have it then, © we have looked all the more eagerly forward to having the mem- lsers with us this year. In one way the delay has proved opportune, for it unables us to bold what may be Regular bowels are a great safe- «I am now completely recovered from guard to health. . Peruna and Man- for chronic diseases affecting the bowels and kidneys. 'alin are unexcelled the world over considered a festival here. It is fitting that the coming of age should be celebrated in the cathedral eity, for though the society had its commence: ment in Ottawa that city belonged in those days to the diocese of Ontario, Constipation is almost sure to set up Retained accumulations within the "34. | Wash Silks e from the best raw JJ silk, dyed fast colour ° with Asiatic dyes in % nearly 400 shades. ZK Mrs. W. W. Lamaster, 3127 McAtee, Ave., Louisville, Ky., writes: +] guffered for twenty-six years with bladder and kidney trouble, and being advised to give Peruna a trial, I did so. Eight bottles of Peruna and three bot tles of Manalin entirely cured me." Gort 48 used by artistic e everywhere'3) since that time Ottawa has branched off with a diocese of its own name, but still w¥ arc still ."The Auxiliary of the diocese of Ontario of the WA. of the president has been its mainstay throughout it whole existence, on this occasion. one year in existence, £0 We are justi fied our us, for, are we not all one family ir our endeavors to further the cause of our father, which art in Thess annual gatherings make reminiscent, how well some of us re member our first meeting in Ottawa when we were ealled to eonsult in re gard to the constitution. Several of those who were at that mecting still working for the cause and youngest member from Kingston ther with us is now the president of the diocese, on behalf of Kingston." Mrs. Edward Wilson, of Napanee, replied : "It is a very great pleasure to re spond on behalf of the visiting mem- bors of the W.A., to the cordial wel come extendid by Miss Gildersleeve, Our coming to Kingston this year is, as has just been said, most oppor- tune, since it enables us to give the coming of age of our auxiliary the added dignity of the cathedral city SALE OF HALL FURNITURE THIS WEEK $35 Hallracks Polish Oak, 80x40 0! for $25. Mo" Haliracks Polish Oak, 80x40 Mirrer,. for $25. $25 Hallracks Polish Large Mirror, $20. fog15 Hat Rack, for $10 50. A few China Cabinets, the latest style, will be sold cheap for cash. * Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker and Furni- ture Dealer, 230 Princess St, Ambulance "Phone 577. Our Discount Sale 20 per cent. off each $1.00 you spend at our store until Friday Night, June 7. Everything in the store gees at 20% off. Dress Goods, Silks, I Rain Coats, Skirts, Trimmings : C sets, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels. Sheetings, Pilow Cottons, Embroideries, Laces, Laces, Prints, Ging- hams, Corsets and Lace Curtains. Don't miss this grand ¢hance Wants this week. awn Waists, Silk Waists, gos, Hosiery, Gloves, Cor. to get your Summer THE JAMES JOHNSTON STO 180 Wellington Street. and the home of our beloved bishop, whose heart is filled with true mis us Mrs. Tilton, the president of the W. A. of the whole dominion. It is impossible for any of us to adeybate- ly express our gratitude in that it pleased God to put it into her heart to give Canadian womnn the glori- ous opportunity of working for. mis sions. We realize to-day how noble this work 'has been. Its results are twofold. Growing -- ' and Still Growing LSE bison insuring in Fad 'Gainia Surplus in 1906 251,377.46 Gains Insurance in 1906. 2.712/453.00 the wee $10,224.36 LESS Jatt ctiizem wes 310,224.36 Wiite for the 37th Asnual Statement to any of the Company's Agents or to Woman's and we are specially glad to welcome i the whole dominion, shé who was the chief instigator of the movement and who We feel much hon- ored by having with us. Mrs. Tillon It is just twenty years, 'June 18ST, that Mrs. Tilton presided in this building at the firs agnpat: meeting. We had then been in feeling that we have come of age,and have much pleasure in having connections and relatives around heaven ? one are the We extend a cordial welcome to sionary zeal 'and who is a great friend of our organization. Also, it is my gratifying duty to voice the deep pleasure we all feel in having with EE -------------- EET Florgdora %. 33» % h, WEDNESDA) a Tor ond m Rin sy » brought hope Jo ou unhappy sisters in foreign lag otherwise were denied the opt true living. In the © of many of these hope has merged into fruition, and they are active servive for their new wh have purified and ourselves. W i. TINT YY S CHANCE. Woinen of the strengthened 3 dee been given #0 work to do; they have forgotten .#elf in thinking of others, and in this way life has be- come fuller and they have reaped the harvest of unspeakable personal bless i What a power for good christianity has given women ! First, the taining amd teaching children for Him, in our: homes and in schools. Second, as witnesses for.Christ to in fluence for Him all those with whom we come eontact. But our re sponsibility does not end here. God seems: to be yt saying to us that; since we, alone can gain access to the women of heathen lands, it is our duty to be stom of heart and dake or send to oy. faraway sisters the knowledge that love which illu- mines the « whole world. Woman's work for women Js rich in possibilities of blessing for through the women we influence the nation, since it is the mothers who inget . their little ones at the most impressionable period of their lives. Hence what a vast need for us to reach those women in their homes, To the women of this genera- tion has been' given the privilege of bringing te its fulfilment the pro- pheov in the 65th psalun--"The Lord giveth the ward, great was the com- pany of those that published it." But we cannot all' go; there must be some to tarry at home. And so we are "assembled here, to-day, to de vise plans for the encouragement of those who have left all they love on earth and have taken their lives in their hands to labor in foreign fields, It is our duty to provide for their' support, to strengthen their hands and hearts, that they faint not nor fail in theie: times of need and to pray carnestly that they may have God's blessing and guidance. Thus what they sow in weakness shall be raised in power. Again, I thank you for your hearty welcome. Since we know of old the kindness of Kingston ladies, it afiorde us, one and all, muck ploasure to meet again in this city. The coming year 1s bristling with opportunities: let us not suffer our energios to stagnate. May this meet ing inspire us to greater effort and may God use each of us to help each other,that it may be truly said of us, "She hath dome what she could." _ Almost tho first item in the morn- ing session was the presentation of three life memberships. Some W. A. friends valuing Mrs. W. H. Mitchell's , | great work, first in the W. A. of St. . | Paul's, later as the treasurer of the diocese, gave her the honor, Mrs. W. IB. Carey pinvidg on the gold cross, St. Paul's branch, appreciating Miss Grict's indefatigable work, recognized it by the reward . of life membership, Miss Hentig giving the cross. ! St. Thomas, Belloville, by the hand of Mrs. Henry Currie, sent the honor to Miss Annie Ferns so' many years "1hat branch's. 'repres ih sentativ oun Voard. Long applauvse met each gift, as the recipients are all most worthy and beloved, x / | he treasurer's renort showed cash receipts for the year of $2,038, This will be added to by various sums throughout the meeting. There are sixty-nine branches, made up of for- ty-two W. A, sixteen J. W, A.. and eleven C. C. M. G. branches, with = ' | total membership of 1,762. There are i sixty-five life members to date. Within the charmed girele in the hall of those who could vote, roped off y | from the space devoted to visitors, .} was a tiny life member, little Miss Gwendoline Green, of the C, C. M. G. of Oak Leaf, aved eleven. Mrs. Tilton when presinted with her bunch of flowers explained her plea- sure at Being present at the hirthday party to celebrate the Ontario -W. A's coming of age. The service was a most inspiring one, organist and choir being present and_the service full choral. The com- municants were many, and the gos peller was Archdeacon Grout, of Del- hi, N.Y., some time ago one of the strongest supporters of the auxiliary in Ontario. s WILD BIRDS ASLEEP. A Sight Not Often Viewed By Human Beings. One of the most fonching glimpses I ever had of wild birds asleep was of the little slatecolored juncoes, or black snowbirds, I had tramped all day through a chill, drizzling rain. Towards evening, as I was sitting in front of the old stove, warming my- self and drying my clothes, I noticed a flock of jupcoes through the win- dow. 'Poor' things," 1 said, "that have to sleep out doors on such a cold drizzly night as this is going to be."" Presently they began to hop and flit toward two red cedar bushes into which they' seemed fo disappear one by one. After supper I went out with a lantern to find the juncoes, and now I learned how well nature conceals and shelters her sleeping children. There were at least twenty jungoes in one bush, but I could not find more than four, and those Ti liscovered only ty the light lalling on theis white hreasts, A Bird sitting peddectly motionless resembles a leaf or. tuft of evergreen 80 closely tha¥ A almost impossi- ble to discover, dt. ad day- light, to say no en rahi The birds believe in their own invisi- bility, and will not stir unless one almost touches * them or' ' Jars and thumps the tréd. 1 held my lantern within a foot of évery fittle funcoel saw, and 1 have no doubt that all the birds on the bush watched me, but not one of them stirred a' feather. To strike the bush and = drive the birds out of the dry nooks which each had found for himself, I had not the heart. The rain wos still drizzling, down, big drops were hanging from the bare twigs of lilacs, maples and cottonwoods; there was not a dry bush' or weed on the farm except the two cedars near thé kitchen window, morning called them to continue their journey to the far north.--From an article in School Education . -------- ' Have yon dried. oaw's naw, special ane yo van 'in Canada have ¢ STRONG BOY, TO LEARN CARPET- laying. Apply Ty F, Harrison Co. Prifwess strovts -------------------------- BOY, TO LEARN PRESS-WORK., first-class. trade. Ap Good chance at ply British Whig ofiee, AT ONUB, SMART YOUNG MAN TO learns the shoe . business. . Apply Abernethy s Shog, Store, Kingston. POY WHO OAN BARN FROM $3 TO Js0 per Week. Apps ~ Suds Factory, St Dear Queen Sty - SALESMEN-. FOR AUTO-SPRAY. Best. hand made, automatic. Sample free to appruved agent. Cavers Galt. A SUM OF MONEY, ON SATURDAY, in neigh! 3 '8s Auction room. Reward for ret to this GOLD LOCKETT AND CHAIN, EITHER on Nyde § mham, William or Sts. Finder will be rewarded by ing 'at. Mrs: McKay's, Cor. Sts. SITUATIONS VACANT, 'BD--TWO SPECIAL SALESMEN i" Hastity Outatiy to work singly ot So: Montreal. Oy | FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. A SYNDICATE IS NOW FORMING TO discovered on all of the a me mdr dnwessmls Bt. Fo a ers Bank Building, Toronto, Onl x FOR SALE. ¢ -------------------------- COAL TAR. NAPANEBD GAS'00. A DRON BIOYCLE, APPLY AT GEE office. 3 iin S---- A DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, ON Alfred wtrest, = Apply, 0 pv ERCTETTEEEETIC------ HELP WANTED---FEMALE. A GOOD COOK, APPLY TO MRS, K, N. Fenwick, 141 King street, ---- TWO CHAMBERMALIDS, 'AT ONCE. Apply British Awerican Hotel Office. A GIRL TO DO GENERAL work. Apply Mrs. W. F, 18 Rideau St. HOUSE- McBroom, een GIRLS, BETWEEN 14 AND 15 YEARS of age, to earn a week. Apply to Gould's Hroom Factory, King St, near Queen St ee ------------------------------------ A COOK, FOR SMALL FAMILY: RE- ferences required. Ap in, the even ing to Mr. Heary ol dt resi dence of Mr. Howard 8. Folger, 58 West St. ee ------ ONE PASTRY COOK, ONE LAUND- Se AGENTS WORKING TOR | FURNISHED, LOR mts of. Chars: | PTICE PARTITION, OF NOOR, ARD themselves seid for our new whole 5. Wreashall located, de glass, and well-finished jm oll. sale price list. Samples free, prices tached, grounds, » Rly at Whig offies. Jowest. Merchants Portrait Cg. Lad, Apply, or address Albert street, be- |" ; tween Union and Earl NEW CANADIAN CEDAR 18 FOOT: rowboat. Can . \ SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE- : ae. "ox aly 38 4: men, your own cloth and i. TO-LET. O. Hutton, 18 Market street. ee ae, finish "iariateed a "Galloway, | FURNISHED ROOMS, bY H MODERN | ONE FINE . "STBINWAY™ PIAN ad fbiriag i ell way conveniences, 176 U streets cost $750, must ON at once. Yo SUMMER COTTAGE. NINE ROOMS, quires, to Box "X. Y."" Whig of partially furnished. Apply J, 8S. R. Cann. SUMMER COTTAGES, Stores and Offices. street. DWELIANGS McCann, "81 + TRE Nog Es Comair s, SIS LN. . m Clarence St. ply to J. B. 5 A SMALL HOUSE, IN REAR OF 87 Johnson St. $3.50 per month. OMPLETE SET or OFFICE RN ture. Will be SrHcE To bloc. Apply at once. at office of 7 Hedloy-Shaw Milling hy Gore street. GRAVE PLOTS FOR SA : 5 Re Rog gor Stead 4 ary NE : Elliott, Cataraqul. Apply OC. H. Powell, 108 street. ee pe -------------- TWO GOOD OFFICES, UNE IN FRONT of b K uilding.. facing King street, near Princess. be vacant May 20th. Apply J. P. Forrest, Gents' Fur BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION street, twelve extension din- m ross, one chambermaid, two kitchen ing rool and kitohen, hot water girls. Good wages. Asgkiress Myrray heating ; immediate jon. A 1. Bartley, Manger Opinicon Club ly to Frederick , Np. 1 Hotel, Chgffey's Locks: Ont. ivision street. WANTED--GENERAL. n KING STREET, CORNER EMILY T Ma GENTLEMEN OR LADIES, WHO Rot Water, furnace, all modern con® would like to make $50 to $100, Senlenced table nt conth house, using only a fow moments of spare ng Macdona! arks, : Formerly occupied by W. F. Nickle, time, write The Gold Island Syndi Rent 3500 oo aR cute, 526 Tredors Bank Building, of Yo it' desired. kev 43 her Toronto, Canada. eC: y . LADIES OR GENTLEMEN, IF YOU would like to make $50 to $100, us- VETERINARY. ing only a fe¥ Gt Of yout shure time, write The Gold dsl & ie Uma, write, The Calg a ""Suliing, | 8.0. W. BELL V8, RAD RW Toronto, Canada. street, just above the Post Calls bv telebhont or PERSONAL. SOR , HALSTEAD,, NOLE tou © Boga Pabihiee Na in Kihgston de- lil Jen L vd Payehotogist. oy i HE men! IT WAS A MISTAKE TO PLAY JACK WILLIAMS ON BASEBALL TEAM, pr---- A Good Racket to Work--Thoney to Remain on the Toronto Pay Roll--The Tippler Pigeon Record. At Tottenham, Eng, Saturday, a baseball team made up exclusively of American Rhodes scholars, of Oxford University, beat a picked London team by a score of 22 to 7. The Canadian lacrosse team for the Australian and around-theworld tour defeated the Checkers of Beaverton, at Orillia, by 13 to 8. The team left Orillia, yesterday, and play a number of games en route to Vancouver, from which port they sail on June 21st. Toronto Star: The American tip pler pigeon record of twelve hours and four minutes, held by a Philadelphia fancier, was broken by tipplers owned by James Simpson, of 340 Gerrard street cast. Mis birds remained up twelve hours and sixteen minuteg. A number of fanciers saw the birds break the record. "When Manager Kelly; of Toronto Baseball Club, was asked, in New York, whether Thoney would be sold, he replied that while several offers wave been made for the good outfield er by big league teams, Me will re main on the Toronto pay rofl until the end of the present season at least, The Philadelphia Nationals arg said to bo particularly desirous of getting Thoney. At Memphis, Tenn, Judge Palmer, of the 'criminal court of Shelby coun ty, held in a test case that the anti race track gambling bill passed by. the recent session of the legislature is unconstitutional, because the caption contains more than one subject. The race horse owners are jubilant, assert ing that the decision will permit rac- ing in Nashville and Memphis in the fall, as the case cannot reach the su- sreme court for several months. Ottawa Free Press: "Jack" Wil liams, whose cptry was refused for the Ottawa Collegé sports, was permitted to play third base for the Civ il Service baseball team against 'Varsity, on Saturday, and not even a whisper was made from any quarter, althbugh Vice-President Grierson, of the C.AA. Ul., was a prominent spectator in the front row of the grand stand. Ac cogling to a contemporary, Mr. Grier son states Williams was = played throngh a "mistake." Here is an opening for all C.A.A.U. suspects. if they are under the ban for playing with or against an alleged pro., why put in the plea the other fellow was competing through a "mistake." This in a precodent in keeping with past ae- dons of the C.A.AU., and the latest addition to the bushel of loop holes left by the governing body. ene ------ They cost no more than inferior linés. MoConkey's high class candy, "the choice of royalty." Fresh at Gib- and, there 1 let the juncoes sleep until | go's Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phone at = ~ 230. We carry a fine line of black Llamas, worsteds, ete., for wedding garments. Crawford & Walsh, tailors. . Down in Valparaiso it is that the earth swall is about the biggest Toye, justice of reported lowed a lake. "That | Perunm, drink on record. | parilla got them MARRIAGE LICENSES. 0; 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER gr |. | Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence Phones 508. . |The Paragraph Pulpit nitariani ' REV. 0. W. CASSON, OTTAWA nn------ x Are You Paying Your 'Way? Are you " paying your way through this world 7 You are receiving wmeh from it, and from Countless privileges are given by Jou, Innumerable blessings are cast ily at your feet. All the men of all the age your dbing anything to square the account ? Are you aiding any Are you engaged in was when you were born? to the goud tribute your share Pay your way, goin of the world. Address Mr. Casson for ii litera ture. i A man who enjoys his social glass should take Bu-Ju. He needs Bu-Ju if he wants to enjoy health and his favorite drink for years to come. All Alcoholic drinks irritate the Kid- neys, A man, who drinks re. gularly, is almost sure to have ly urine, brick dust deposits in the urine, headaches and pains in the back. In time, if neglect ed, serious trouble will sesult. udu Centle Kidney Pill is the finest remedy in the world for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Neutralizes the effect of alcohol p on the Kidneys. Bu-Juis not a cure for drinking; but Bu-Ju does protect the steady drinker sgaiust Kidney Trouble. Bu-Ju cures Rheumatism, too. . Soc. a large box. At druggists, or by mail. n THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL G0, LIMITED WINDSOR. ONT. \ Was Sworn In. W. 11. Medley was sworn in as poat- master 'in charge of the branch office the corner Princess and Clerv troots, this morning. Ald R. H. the peace, performed the duty. : you want Celery Compound Ayers' and "Hood's * Sarsa- When your fellow mem. ws have contributed their share to wealth 'and happiness, Are yom govd cause that tends to the development of mankind ? in any work that will make the world better than it It is only common justice that you should econ- and soih, Snic RESIDENCE NO. 7 by « W. G. Jordan. Vacant lot ou. corner. of Stuart and George Sts., Double brick the t Med" bo print Tihs af entry. Applicants for inspection must state EB the homesteader is XYROPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH«