Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1907, p. 4

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NGS] 2° S------ KI td : '|A FORMER NGSTON trade, which is MARRIED. : in the year, the | , -- | erop Reludes io stay Miss Edith Hardyend W. H, q 100. 3 Turnbull, Toronto, Wedded--. A ] ; Chicago Man Also Takes a $ 4 Protection. Napanee Bride. : . 9 3 Napanee, Slee 3, The marriage of : two most popular apance y ~ - 4 le oo le was Pog on to-dn; By. at Jas - --- 3 30 a.m., in t Presbyterian » x > a ; arding | Miss Edith Hardy, youngest daughter : 3 of J. C. Hardy, John street, became ] 4 the bride of William H. Turnbull, of : 4 Toronto. The ceremony was perform 3 $ ed by Rev. J. R. Conn. The church % was beautifully decorated with Jims, 3 Magers- [potted plants ant vines by the ide's EE ------ 3 routed firt friends. The ceremony was per- ; $ - His Hormed under an arch of vines and Now look out for fish liars, j 2 ; forces [dnisies. The bride was daintily at 3 is social | tired in embroidered lace, over cream 4 p al secretary, office, oun, and Wore the Susie' There are two sizes of fish. $ that 'made a statement which ary veil, and orange blossoms, an ¢ IL nade. Same date, \ gartied. a Rouge of dates i files The one he caught and the one he has in his mind, 3 g ? * Valley. She was atten in order that the colonial office The New York Central has laid off | Miss Helen Huntsman, of Toronto, : : : know all the facts, Sir Wilrid 8 thousand mem for the summer. If | who ware pink liberty silk, and car Don't think the Fisherman has a monoply on prevarics. s 4 version o they know their business there is ried pi roses. Garnet ardy, tion ¢ ne ip vert JS) Sin Sane bably room for them in the ny brother of the bride, supported the J ! > ) : such a con- | that is much new railway (groom. The ushers were: Gladstone He hasn't § 3 ™ i : cinpopularities yl Tllenge t men camot be found for ay and E. MeGonegal, od Tora. ' f . McBride expected may » : work, to. e groom's favor to the bride * known. He must have had you say? Yes, very - was a handsome ruby and diamond Look out for the Clothier who, on account of the "dry or 5 i t 3 Selfish Partn he Ting, to the bridesmaid, f 52 : however, that some pressure plain, and such 'as the circumstances Wall Street J ership, pentie: od end Tt as pg damp weather," is selling his $20 Spring Suits for $4.99. Th, be brought to bear and that suggest. Lord Hugh is not giving Governor Hughes has coined a tell- [man and ushers. Mise Cairns sang country, is full of just such "big hearted" men. government would be com- |. yoo or ing i i m ing words : [0 Fair and Sweet and Holy" (by ay his party, t, but a in the following words : Novi 3d, Holy ] pelled to agree to his desires. It Lhe is trying 'to call some of its lead: f° vornment Hom Bok riot Jor put in), Fd Songhers's Toray Mics Better go to a good, square dealing Clothing House ang M be an eteuondinaty, ir ers to their senses. exclusive benefit of their rhe the Edna Fraser [Plesyed the wading } Pay $10, $12, $14 or $15 for your Suit and got your money's possible, anythi -- , EX ¥ | march. , 4 ; : ich there is a récord. Mr. Me- REDMOND"S STRANGE CHANGE. Tacty Sunt fo inking. of g a re ae? ay ay worth. CCE REEL | has probably learned by this | The Bannerman : me that the imperial statesmen are given to emotional legislation. suaded that the nationalists made think the same thing, government is per- Mistake in rejecting the Irish Council and 1, and there are Canadians who The proposal was to give the Irish people an ex- perience in administration, and, to a government hy Parties on a high ceremony a reception was held at the lane, residence of the bride's parents. John Better come here ! ® a] ¥ ans -~ street, and a dainty wedding break- rong Job For Jurors. last served. rs de Eh arn See Our Special $12.50 and $15 Blue Suit. The prerogative: exists in the crown lace blouse and becoming blue and in i cas 3 white hat to match. The bride re- See Our Special $12 Two-Piece Summer Suit, other lines, ha of reducing the: pun- ovived manv handsome pe imprisonment. Would presents, con- ; sisting of 'cut glass, silver, brice- $7.50 to $15. in teeing. lavours rather {liberal extent, give the Trish lenders | {b unploasan, duty 15 Tore ied OF [Dre Sond otha. boil re PFIOS one in authority. | opportunity of demoustrating in' ae frien Which are and Mrs. Turnbull left on the 1.08 See Our Nobby Trousers, at $3, $3.50, $3.75 and $4. will "bo romembered that during | what they could do, and thev should | facts were required to also fix the dain fat a Jemevmoon Tn the Wet, conference of premiers, at Ottawa, | have been taken advantage of it. Penalty ? Cotlld it reasonably be con. Ton Fike In Toronto on thelr the subsitly question, he asked for Having had twenty off millions of Soaed orclisies. would feluae such | Another wedding, equally as inter- . 2 oposi a \ t the others deemed dollars to dispense, and having prov. shoulder this duty hr 2 Tong Sid sting he the fate, Was Performed - a te ne so us po | in Ol, Sr 1, nT 3 The H. D. Bibby Co. } view ol the peculiar position { there would have bem more ground B ri -- John street, was united in marriage . ® y » 4 by British Columbia, . and | for asking to be intrusted with a ome From The West. to Milton T. Bates, of Chicago. The refused it, left the conference in a larger measure of legislative vwower. | | Maberly, June 3.--The Bishop of Ot- Ceremony was performed by Rev. W. declared that he would ap- The attitude of Mr. Redmond on the Jawa oan anual visit to St. AL Ss. Boye. ot Auoiphustown. The bride 000000000000000000000%, + . y p nday eveni: , an was attended hy er cousin, Mauss peal to the throne. He has had his Question is not quite clear. He was at { preached a ve impressive nhs iT tie Gilpin, of Cheyboygmn, Mich, | <== ees he has learned how unwise | the outset in favour of the Irish {| the season of inity, taking for his | hnd a like service was performed the » a D Council Bill, 'and he was the ane who, Cla aninthinng xiii, 14. Miss Mary | groom by Charles Meagher. The Women 8 New Summer resses in the convention in Dublin, moved to ar au : Moore, two popu- | graceful hide was attired ™ 'a be- And still they come reject it, and. ventured 'the opinion] 1 Yi g ple of Sur village, will Soming gown of cream silk eoliene, » . on nesday evening, over silk, trimmed with silk avpligpe fooled themselves by so doing. 75d that of a cotitageous: man: It knows, however, that he did not fulfil hia .pro- mises in several respects. non-political, and the government, by its wholesale = dismissals, has ' en- deavoured to make it as partiean aus possible. The Toronto News says the liberals at Ottawa adhere to the old Patronage system. So do the conser tics. The conservative party, indeed, has had its quarrels over this ques- tion, and the only hope of settling some, of them is to prolong the term of assembly as much as possible. Then the temperance men were hum- bugged by the Whitnoy party. They were dissatisfied with Mr, Ross. He would not push reforms as fast as they desired him. Honos they under- took to punish him and they pumish- thomeclves. The Whitney govern. tion law, Net It is time, therefore, that the libe rals. got wise, and were true to their party in federal and provincial slec- tions. If they were as partivtan a their opponents they would be poli- ticians all the time, and they would carry their political likes' and dislikes £Y into every walk of life. ¢ TOUCHING UP MR. BALFOUR. had his seasons of that | ment to harmonize the political ele- by the party on: | ments #0 as to assure Ireland, of o , that it does not {local legislature, a wobble in ! issues, are some nationalis 0 a ipl The ho want a parliament that will be indo- in local affairs the | pendent of the imperial houge, that are naw. followed closely, | will have the power to legislate for News does not think so. It laude vatives, in liberal and provincial 'poli- . that no time would be lost thereby in securing self government, There is no evidence of this; on the contrary,' it does not seem possible in_ this parlia- Ireland without interference, and that is something which is not in sight. ---------- EDITORIAL. NOTES. Crockett, of the Fredericton Glean- er, has a large, contract in justifying the Emmerson scandal. The Suicide Club, made famous by Stephenson, did not use carbolic acid. There was 'some style about their way of taking life, -- The Orangeville Sun (conservative) refers to the Orangeville case as 'a transparent and brazen exhibition of the miscarriage of justice." Correct. -- The pharmacists ask tha¢ legisla- tion be passed limiting the sale of carbolic acid. The sale of all poisons | should be more restricted than it is. The Methodist conference have been | denouncing the three-fifths clause of the liquor law. Demunciation does | no harm. It is the votes of the peo- | ple that talk, ; I---- A conservative paper announces 4 that the West York election ie an en- dorsement of the Whitney-Beck power policy. Well, something of the kind is badly wanted. New York will try 'the probation as well as parole system, that is the re- leasing of criminals on trial or good behaviour before as well as after trial. It is a bold and doubtful ven- ture. -- The Montreal Gazette regards the Assolin trial at Quebec as a discour- t of independent critici . The press fortunately does not endorse attacks on public men for the pur- Pose of geouring rovenge, -- Next session of the imperial parlia- ment will be an important one. It will deal with a new educational bill, and a bill for the reform of the lords. They may be rejected, and the people will then be asked to Vote up- on the question. -- The Taw of Quebeo requires that two witnesses to a perjury must be had in order to secure a conviction. Hence the escape of Baron L'Fpine from prosecution in Quebec. Ho and the attorney-general were the only per- sons present at the alleged interviews. Dr. Chown has been giving away a | stone of the James Buchanan, Washington, has re. something new at Crum and silk net, and carried a bouquet ley's ry day, and $his turned to visit his many friends and fof white bridal roses, The I fie it's Wamman . Wash relatives, after an absence of ten years. | maid's dress was of white pointe reas, an t es He P very successful in the |d'esprit. over white silk, and she car. Pe di or Astance Pp West. Mrs. Charles Th n and [ried pink - roses. The groom's favor " rT er an Mrs. James Swerbrick, Bodord, visit« | to the bride was a substantial chock, Dresses--Fine white lawn ed friends here, on day. Mr. and Mrs. A Cobalt, on Saturday. is much improved and looks hearty. after his long stay in the min. ---- Items Snipped From Hiram Forshea, resident, died, seventy years, Patrick's ish, died Satur at. 1 The total assessment this year © ceremony of layi tute will take Picton council has entortain the E sociation, expected to h convention in Picton. An expert is 's new pawer Power wil] weeks, plant The hotel building Park has, of late, been three mattresses and taken therefrom. It js uenting the place, The marriage mount, to Miss left for Toronto, and Miss M. ilias ot, bridesmaid, spark fell of 8, Larue, ton a water Wi blaze, but not skin and a been burned from his ha: Alfred Ward up. tap, ue iil dy, to have set aside a certain will of the late J Ward, Montague town- ship, ne are Samuel Barra, ar, Bi on Monday, onan Ben. accident, enty-five team threw Mr. Barragar on him for some distance, which may prove fatal. At the House of Indust last, died.' He was a veteran of. raid. He received acres, which he di ernment, placi to de years of age, t, the ay bis funeral W. A. Mitchell has just received great socret. It is that a majority [fresh stook - of Campbell's i vote on option law would enable the | Stains. These Stains are. easy: to temperance people to sweep the pro- {Fy and "are iol ior A vince. And this was given out by | pd Sarnishing Jun Retiro ote Who was supposed to speak the colorcafd. i > the nt. Some one {If Saturday and Sun. rt, t Sunday at' Thoms Bei : Kies. Thonte Charlton gh Allisonville, an old on Friday last, Rov. Father Glenn, pastor of Watertown, is $1,847,906, over last year of $2,486.89 Picton Col place on July Ist, Rranted $100 to astern Dairymen's As. 3s in Eganville superin- tenking the installation of J, D. Me- be available broken into and other articles 3 suspected that some parties from Belleville have been of George Brown, Fair. Luella Snider, occurred on June 3rd couple William Lane acted as Minaker pe upon the bandaged hand Belleville, and the cot- but failed; but Mrs. a towel, smothered before nearly all the portion of the tlesh The unfortunate man, sov- the animals ran away, causing injuries omas McAvena, was ninety years of age. He "66 at the Fenian and money in the Ww. West. returned from Mr. Charlton hale and well of the Our Various . aged St. N.Y, for Port Hope an increase the corner- late Insti- old its annual in that town. in a fow t Massassaga Picton, + The happy and Buffalo, oomsman, ormed the tried to the had dh. Island, was, of a serious to the bridesmaid, brooch, pearl ya dainty lunch was s rved by the bride's tuscan hat to couple left on the 4:93 o'clock train. a pearl crescent to the groomsman go After the ceremony with blue polka dots, pretty turned back co) lar and cuffs, wide tie, and Pm. good full models, all girl friends. and o couple. of hong' Sizes .. see on $3.50 i i Ladies yr Ging- was spent in happy intercdurse. The 3 et id i bride's travelling soit was of grey am ne 5 pale cloth, trimmed with brown and smart green and . white trim- match. The happy med with tucks and wide white embroidery, short amidst a shower of rice and good sleeve, with turned back wishes, for a honeymoon in Omahn. cuff, skirt pleated and They will stop at Toronto, Niagara trimmed with embroj- Falls and Buffalo en route, and after. dery Sestinne feeae, «$4.00 wards make their home in Chicago. Ladies Fine White Amone the out-of-town guests were : Pique _ Costume Waist Mrs. Bates, of Chicago, mother of the made Gibson fashion, groom: Miss Mabel Gould, of King- and trimmed with wide ston: Liout.-Col. and Mrs. Clyde, of embroidery, skirt pleat Odessa; Mrs. Duckworth and daughter, ed and trimmed with Rose, of Bellaville: Dr. and Mrs. Acki- embroidery re des $5.50 rel, and Frank Wallis, of Belevidle; Ladics' Black Muslin Mrs. Carrie McCullough, of Trenton. Costume --Beautiful qual and friends from Bowmanville and ity, trimmed with fine Lindsay. The drawing-room was lace insertion and edg beautifully decorated with potted ing, short sleeves, skirt fle rR wi st st was driving p | Ses plants and with white ceremony the popular bride Very numerous. and attest to the friends. suffering makes you well, trating. Large botiles for 250. -- Cross Drug Store Conkey's and Huyler's are sold here. George Lavalle, position in Port Hope. : ' : 2 cut flowers, and the tables and pink carnations. The was performed under a The presents received by were beautiful and high her made with full flounce and trimmed with inser tion ...... w $7.00 ROS. ------------ oral bell, CRUMLEY B teem in which she is held by ------ Does Your Side 'Catch." p That's the sign of pleurisy. Rub well th Polson's Nerviline. Beautiful Shoes For Ladies If you want to see the newest creations in Fine Footwear. Come and inspect what we have made by' Utz & Dunn J. & T. Bell and G. A. Slater Gibson Ties, Pumps and Sailor Ties in Tan Calf; Gun Metal, Patent Colt and Vici Kid. A It eases the once, cures the pain, No liniment so pene- at This is the riotly hich on, said only store that sells class candy in King- a lady in Gibson's Red on Tuesday. Me- 4 Picton, has taken a NO WOMAN CAN BE and dragged TY, Saturday Gananoque, ant of 160 to the gov- expenses, Whea the are ill, the whole body ) fs ill, for the which the Soi rin niin | § The Sawyer Shoe Store rr oerdRrd od tem of A MH Hh, ou ny eg 3 w S' - oy p. - foilid Ny em hn ey T od undergo. GROWTH BY DECADES Doan Year 5 + Insurance Im Fo is - 8 are $ a . 4.550. 354.59 876,807.87 16,412, 997 66 2,859,146.85 TOTaT 88s 1 AS0Ae810 112,572,028 39 33,280,542.59 The Forogoing Figures Show The Even, Steady Growt. OF THE CANADA LIFE Kingston Office, 18 Market street. J. BR. URQUHART, Special Agent. J. 0. HUTTON, Manager. Sheet Leads: Sizes. " ST. Lalla ls J my | 3 J ! i doe RUCTING FIRE CONS TBUILDINGS efforts have Jute sad je, to reduce the frightfu a and fire on Canad And they have been who ful, not only in sgeuring a | lightning and Sreprocl ca in heingi bai 'sven. below, that of 1 board and shingle barn. ew plan is to use Te cets for roofin ing barns and all outbuildin cheets are very rigid, ai perfectly strong construc used over very light frame sheeting hoards are used al light purlin strips being ne Such' buildings are now véry - common, "and users ¢ affirm that "Acorn Quali rugated Galvanized Sheets, tured by the Metal Shing] Co., Limited, of Preston, C most satisfac! gnatetial ur A iey are Ny ramad that they easily generation and never neg The firm above mentioned send to inguirers their intere: ture about ** Acorn Quality Galvanized Sheets, an B of users in all parts of*Can AN ESAS Frat) BON 18 SNE & A bt) AT | somet| Everyone needs create and maintain stre: the daily round of duties. There is nothing batt an Ale or Porter, the pu merit of which has been by chemists, physicians perts at the great exhibiti ! ASK FOR {LONI i cbi-------------- JAMES McPARLAND, The Largest Jack facturer in the World "about wr ing Jour Zutco TaN § ve been a sufferer ace Se childhood and' ha or nearly all, of the so-called the market, till warned by m to discontinue their use on their bad effects on the he months since my attention wi your Zutoo Tablets and I has ing them ever since with the fying results. I find they cu or "nervous" headache in a fe and leave no bad effect. My them whenever needed with ec results. I have frequently giv friends who were suffering f ache and they never fail to gi lief. find them a good "sour" stomach as well ashea ways carry them in my grip « ~~ would not 4 without 1 356 Congren Str Be . and 25¢. at dealers or BN. Robinson & Co., Coat Samples free, Soap --is made right wit right ingredients perfect soap. jves a rich creamy ily foamy & f oa --~itimproves the compl ses and 8 ects it from n --and pret water, strong sun or W * Baby's Oui" is the bes for every toilet purpost Albert Soaps fad. Mirs., - Beware of imitafjons and 53 Sistine wANIED 4 to handle our da high-grade Cobalt a) tions. Lake fotations. co., 7 Agents city and tow Live m ite OPP entr

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