the 'one he has in his mind. an has a monoply on Prevarica- i. ier who, on account of the "dry or iis $20 Spring Suits for $4.99. The "big hearted" men, aare dealing Clothing Houss ap r your Suit and get your money's Frit dg ind $15 Blue Suit. Piece Summer Suit, other lines, at $3, $3.50, $3.75 and $4. 00000000000000000000005 Summer Dresses . And still they come something new at Crum loy's every day, and this . time it's Women's Wash \ , and all low prices--for instance : Ladies' Peter Pan Dresses--Fine white lawn with blue polka dots, pretty turned back co). lar and cuffs, wide tie, good full models, all sizes .... 3 yr Ging- ham = Costume--In pale green and | white trim- med with tucks and wide white embroidery, short sleeve, with turned Back cuff, skirt pleated and trimmed with embroj- OLY sosiieen & .. $4.00 , Fine "White Pique Costume Waist made Gibson fashion, and trimmed with wide embroidery, skirt pleat ed and trimmed with embroidery 5.50 Ladies' Black Muslin Costume --Beautiful qual ity, trimmed with fine lace insertion and edg ing, short sleeves, skirt made with full flounce and eine with inser- tion ..... . 87.00 Y BROS. ee -- 1 Shoes adies 'west creations in Fine inspect what we have nutty Dunn d G. A. Slater d Sailor Ties in Tan t Colt and Vici Kid. p Shoe Store NAAAAAAAAAA; WNAAAAAAAS Er ------------------s rs ~DECADES Cs 7. i. £ L. . R Bazes 7 io Even, Steady Growth. ADA LIFE | Market street. J. 0. HUTTON, Manager. All Sizes. ead WILLIAM BT. 000000 S000 OOLLD a VION PP000909009000000 0000000 OOOO al Poeoe90e | CONSTRUCTING FIREPROOF OUTBUILDINGS. efforts "have recently been siade, to reduce the frightful loss from lightning and fire on Canadian farms. And they have been wholly success- ful, not only in sgearing a thoroughly lightning : and ei construction, but also in heluging the Jrice down to, and even below, that of the old-time board and shingle barn. The new plan is to use corrugated galvanized cets for roofing and sid- ing barns and all outbuildings. These cheets are very rigid, and makea perfectly strong construction when used over very light framework, No sheeting 8 are used at all--only light purlin strips being necessary, | Such buildings are now becoming véry - common, "and users everywhere afirm that "Acorn Quality" Cor- rugated Galvanized Sheets, manufac. tured by the Metal Shingle & Siding Co., Limited, of Preston, Ont., is the most satisfac material known for the purpose. hey are so heavily galvanized that they easily outlast a goeration and never necd repairs. he firm above mentioned will gladly send to inguirers their interesting litera- ture about ** Acorn Quality ' Galvanized Sheets, an of users in all parts o ' Corrugated give names canada. 46 Everyone needs something to create and maintain strength for the daily round of duties, There is nothing better than an Ale or Porter, the purity snd merit of which has been attested by chemists, physicians and ex- perts at the great exhibitions. ASK FOR #9, JAMES McPARLAND, Sales The, Jack Manu- facturer in the World Writes * "about wr ing your Zutoo Tablets I beg to have been a sufferer from bf head- x since childhood and have used All or nearly all, of the so-called "cures" the market, till warned by my tia to discontinue their use on account of their bad effects on the heart. Some months since my attention was called to your Zutoo Tablets and I have been us- ing them ever since with the most grati- fying results. I find they cure a "sick" or "nervous" headache in a few minutes and leave no bad effect. My family use them whenever needed with equally good results. I have frequently given them to friends who were suffering from head- ache and they never fail to give quick re- lief. I find them a good remedy for "sour" stomach as well asheadache. I al- ol" carry them in my grip on the road would not be Witliouts them at any A. O. NORTON, 286 Congress St., ey Mass, 10¢. and 25c. at dealers or by mail. B. N. Robinson & Co., Coaticook, Q. Samples fr "Bany' S Own" Soap --is made right with the right ingredients for a perfect soap. It gives a rich creamy lather beautifully foamy & fragra ts --itimproves the complexion; --it cleanses and soothes the skin ; --and protects it from hard water, strong sun or wind. * Baby's ow" i is the best soap for every toilet purpose. Albert Soaps 144. Murs, - Montreal Beware of imitafions and substithies. 47 Sarin {ive Agents in every WAN i tb city and town in Can- ada to handle our me rritorious and high-grade Cobplt and Larder l.ake flotations Hefted, ; pond solicite YAW a BT ye 72 729-780-731- Traders ie Building, To- ito. Rem [GRAND | oreicdititne UNION NEW YORE Sry: . a « $ Gold i : Cuwilight SIIIIIVIIIY Twelve of "the girls" went over to the Country Club, yesterday, for lun- cheon, and the usual very good time indecd. The dozen consisted of Miss Elsic Pense, Miss Frances Hora. and Miss Nora Gordon, Miss May Smythe, Miss Marie Gilmour, Miss Madelon Carter, Miss: Dorothy, Brownfield, Miss Lillian Kent *and Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Marie Car. ruthors and Miss Phyllis Short. Mrs. F. D. Lafferty gave a little tea early in the week, at the stafi-adjut- ant"s residence, when about a dozen girls and men were asked to meet her sister, Miss Hermine Pacaud. . - * - The second class cadets have or ganized a pienic party for this after- noon, and Major and Mrs. ¥. D. Lai- ferty are chaperoning it. The dance which Mrs. ® J. Carson, Brock street, intended giving on Wed- nesday, June 12th, has been postpon- ed and it will probably be given on June 19th. - - - The tennis tournament on Saturday had the most perfect of weather to grace it, amd proved all kinds of a success. Twenty-four people took part in the tournament, which was for mix- ed doubles, 'and practically the whole of Kingston's social world was there to cheer the contestants on, or con- dole when only "love" was their por- tion. After a good fight Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee and Mr. P. G. Campbell came out victorious, and carried off the prizes, which were really beauti- ful. Mr. James Cappon put them up for competition, and for the ladies he chose a jewel case of leather, with gold mountings, and an inseription. The men's prize was a coral scarfpin, The linke were by no means deserted, for with some the newer craze for golf has transplanted tennis in the afféc- tions. After play was over the players and onlookers were viven tea at the Country Club. Mrs. Hiram Calvin and Mrs. FD, Lafferty dispensing it, some of the girls assisting them. . 8 ve Le There will be a Yacht Club dance this evéning, - . - » Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Sadie Reid, young- est datighter of Mr. and Mrs. James 12. Reid, Earl street, to Mr. Ernest Malone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Malone, Toronto, formerly of King-, ston. The marriage will take place at halfpast ten, " on Wednesday, June 12th, at the home of the bride's par- ents. - - - - ~*#Phe | 16ndhedn . wife 'was to have "| been * 'wiven to-day, at the Country Club for Miss Hermine Pacaud, has bern postponed until to-morrow on account of the weather. «- + 1i the ground in the park proved too wet this afternoon, the croquet enthusiasts decided to postpone the formal opening of their club until to- morrow afternoon, The business meet- ing will probably be held in the park anyway, Chg Mrs. George Young, University ave- nue, will be the busy hostess to-day, with her large tea this afternoon, and her dance for the young people to- night. "ce vs The first class cadets are organizing a picnic party to go to Kingston Mills' on Saturday afternoon. s 5 oe = Mrs. Forbes "Torrance, Wellington street, asked half a dozen of ladies to tea, yesterday, to meet Mrs. Percy Stevenson. - - . At the dinner given at Stanley Bar- racks last night in honor of Miss and Captain Van Straubenzie, the decorations were of scarlet satin ribbon, and mignonette in silver cups. The ladies' favors were of white sweet peas, tied with white satin ribbon. The health of the guests of the even- ing. was drunk with. Highland honors, after = which Mr. Jamieson marched around the table playing the pipes. An imprompta dance was kept up un- til midnight. Case - - Mrs. William Roberts, of Adolphus- town and Miss Mary Moutray, of Stella, gre the guests of Mrs. Clark Wright, Colborne street. Mrs. Thomas Singleton, of Toledo, is the guest of Mrs. Henry Merrick, Bagot® street. Mrs. R. "H. Tothill came back to tqwn on Monday. ies Gertrude Connolly, who was visiting Mrs. W. G. Craig, West street, returned to Yarker, on Monday. Miss Eva Rogers, Gore street, went up to Peterboro yeste rday, and every- body will miss her very much from June gaieti aE Mrs. W. C. Herrimuh, of Rockwood for a visit of left last, week and Hospital, onths in Pittsburg, a couple of othe" ple fi Pennsylvania. The Misses Richmond, Union stgget, have gone down to "Rosencath" Js- land. Miss Isabel Ross, has gone with them for a visit. : The prese nee of the polo players in town is jmaking things very gay this woek. Cadet Watts was in Brantford, Ont., on Saturday, an usher at the wed- » of his brother. Lenore Hamilton of Kingston, is visiting friends in Woodstock, Ont. Mrz. Drewry, Winnipeg, entertained at the tea hour on Friday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. Linton of Ottawa, and Miss Lalton, of Kingston, whom everyone is 'welcoming back to Winni- 4 dine Misp peg. . - - . Dundas, sister of Mr. R. E. Stnart Street; has" come: home om Sacramento. Cal, years' Aiken. Mes Aiken, unexpectedly fr after neafly twenty and is visiting Mrs, Aiken 3 , Miss Ada Chown, University ave- Tue," re rday, from Ma 4 ; with her absence, DAILY spe intends following her daughters te "Roseneath," her summer home among the islands to-morfow. - Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Malone, and Miss Vida Malone, will be down from Toronto on Tuesday next to visit Mrs. W. J. B. White, University aye- nue, and be present at the Malone- Reid wedding. vy Dr. Emmus G. Twitchell, son of the former United States consul here, is in town with his bride, till the day before yesterday Miss Edith Nutt, of Youngs- town, Ohio. He and his "wife will vb warmly "welcomed by the doctor's old friends. Miss Helen Bailey, Queen street, has left on a visit to friends at Roches- ter, N.Y. Miss C, Hooper, Alfred streef, has] not left for the east yet as she is weiting" for a cable from her sister, Mrs. Robertson, who has not yet sail- ed from England. Miss Amy Rutherford, who was ¢m- ing down from Toronto to-morrow, hea postponed her coming until turday, . . * . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey went up to Point Pleasant, Prince Edward, yesterday, for their sammer holiday. The best of good wishes will he wafted, to-day, to Toronto, towards the Straubenzie-Case wedding, which takes place there this afternoon. Sa- Mrs. Hegbert Patton of Prescott, is the guest of Mrs. W. B. Carey, Brock street, Mrs. H. Petre and her daughter, Miss Vyvyan Petrie, and Miss Daintry Yt are expected in town about the 17th of the month, to visit Mrs. Rich- ard Hooper, Albert street. Miss Pet- rie will be one of the debutantes at the June ball, Mrs, Cornelivs Bermingham. Barrie street, returned on Monday from New York. Miss Anna Rigney, Johnson street, has come home from Montreal. - Miss Marion Leonard, of Napanee, is the guest of Mrs. George Young, Uni- versity avenue. Miss Edith Carter has returned from Vermont and other places in the states, where she has been having a pleasant visit, and'is again 'with her sister, Mrs, Hugh Maepherson, John- son street. Mrs. Barwick, of Montreal, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Colin A. Macpherson, Earl street. Mrs. J. A. Madill, Brock street, is in, Toronto. Miss Jessie MeDunough returned to Montreal by the noon train to-day. Mr. Walter O'Grady returned to To ronto, in about the pleasantest way a journey could be made, for he seiled up on the Adele. Cl eb i Mrs. George Robinson, and her son, wil leave some time next week, mothe hare Mrs. . McDowall, Princess street, and ea are visiting in Cape Vincent, N.Y. Mrs. James Nugent, Kingston, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs: J. H. Do- Jan, of Picton. Mrs. Ferguson, of London, sister of Rural Dean Beamish, is on a brief visit to her brother in Belleville. ew". '@ Alfred street, for California to spond three The marriage of beth, second daughter of Donald Ban Mackennan, K.C., Cornwall, to Mr. Charles Geddes Scarth, of Edmonton, will take place at Le Bocage, the resi- dence of her gsandfather, Mr. Samuel Cline, on June 19th. Elginburg Happenings. Elginburg, June 5.--Rev. . James Lawson, Chelsea, preached here on Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Shortt is attending conference. On Thursday, William McBride pissed away at the general hospital, after a. very brief ill- ness. The funeral took place on Sat [ urday. Rev. 8. Shibley, Kingston, preached a very touching sermon The teacher and scholars placed a beauti full crass on: the casket as a token of their sympathy. A number from here attended the funeral of James Lake, Portsmouth. Wilbert Jackson's little girl had the misfortune to fall and break her arm, bn Sunday. Rev. J, M. Tredrea and wife, Oxford Mills, vis ited at C. Irvine's, recently. J. L. Pope, Kingston, and daughter, Mrs. W. Spooner, Montreal. called on friends this week. Visitors: Miss Powell, Kingston, at W. Lawson's; Kingston, at J. W. Mar. tin's; Rev. James Lawson and daugh ter, Chelsea, at H. Lawson's; Mrs, J. MecBric and baby, Kingston, at M. Silver Mrs. A. Cranston and daugh- ter, Watertown, at J. Porteg's. ------------ Mrs. Grass, Reports From Morven. Quite a lot of frost June 5. bitten by the Morven, garden stuff got last week. The Anglican church is moving on 'to completion. The con- tractors expect to get the steel roof on this week. Charles Wilson and Mr. Mullet are digging cellars for new houses and Froderick Perry and George T. Perry are each building a new barn. Byron Jackson has men at work -palling down the old barn that he recently bought from Mr. Unger. W. W. Davis had been im- proving his premises with some ex- tensive cuthulidings. Visitors : Mrs. German Valour, of/ Cso cheese factory, with her parents Inst week, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith; Mrs. John Palmateer, of Frinsville, at her daughter's: Mrs. D. R. Hicks last week at Maple Corners; George Clap- per, of the Bay road. visiting his old neighbors at this place. Clarence Sharp is erecting a new windmill. Lapum Locals. Lapum, Jupe B5.---There will be no service here on Wednesday evening, as Fev. R. A. Whattam is attending con- ferey Mrs. Clara Lapum was taken seriously ill on Sundgy morning, but id a littde better. Mrs, William La- pum, suffering with a severe attack of tonsilitie. iz convalescing. © The farmers are through seeding an! have planting. Sperry Rikloy, Sunday here with Davey has re friends "in commenced Jethel, svent . friends. Benjamin turned from visiting Watertown. Visitors Mr. and Mrs 8. Vandewater, Yarker, with Mrs. pily Simpkins; Mr. and Mrs. Emery Spider, Wilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie Pringle; Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, Yiolet, Mr. and Mrs. George Freeman, Sydenham: Mr. and Mrs. F, Wallace and Miss Halon Sallhee, Hasson Mr. Mrs, C.J Miss Grace Flizasfdouan reservoir; he BRITISH WHI16, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5. ---------------- THE FINAL DRAFT THE NCW MEN Wi WHO WILL BE IN PULPITS. In the Methodist Churches in Kingston--Burke For Brock Street and Sproule For Prin- cess Street Churches The followi are the final changes made in the t draft of stations at the Methodist conicrence' at Ganano- que : WN ntroal District Hochelaga, Melvin Taylor; St. Paul, William Smith. atilda | District Cardinal, Henry Walker; Shanly, William Knox; South Mountain, Wesley il. Raney; Winches- ter, John Webster. Brockville Distri t--Spencerville, J, B. Hicks; Mallorytown, William Wells; Newbaro, George (. Wood; Westport, J. Howard Philip. Kingston District--Brock Kingston, Thomas F. Bur street, Ki jon, F. H street, Princess Sprouly; In- verary, dob. Rondhonse. ® l# Porth District--Oxiord , Mills, W. T Keough, Pembroke, District Greenwgod, | ¥ George A. McIntosh ¢ Ottawa--Hintonburg, Basil J Ww. Thompson; Carp, James W. Hum phrey; Metealf, John M. Tredvea. Québee District Sawyerville, Daniel A. Lough. Stanstead District Fisher; Mansonville, J loy. Barnston, L. Alexander Mal ENGLAND IN EGYPT. \ ---- A Part of the Empire You Should Know About. The great majority of the inhabi- tants of Egypt are small, pard-work- ing peamnts, and these take a far greater interest in matters conce ring their daily bread, such as taxation, police, sufliciency of water, than in national representative government. The fellaheen care most for a good administration, and they have every reason to be, quite satished with Brit. ish rule. Former rulers of Egypt ex ploited the people without mercy Mechemet Ali and Ismail, who piled up a ational debt of $300,000,900 - two rulers whom the older men still remember--saw in Egypt their private domain. They and their favorites ground down the people on whose work they lived. Not only was the fellah overloaded with taxes, pressed into the army---which at one time comprised 160,000 men--ordered to forced labor and flogged with the courbash, but the wuter necessary for the irrigation of his crops was diverts ol from his land to the lands of the khedive and his favorites Egypt was ruled by the dour (Vs-the corvee, the courbpsh, eamiption and corruption. The Egyptienm cultivator was the most: infortunate 'worker on earth. No where in Turkey wns misrule more flagrant and more heartless thun in Egypt. These were the fruits of na- tiondl rule.' Since the . Pritish opeupation, the fellah has Ln given Justice and pro- sperity. He has been given water in plenty through the regulation of the Nile and the construction of the As is no longer rob- bed of his land or of his work: ho can justice ip the courts mivhtiest pasha; he is can borrow money atl moderate rates; the corvee and conscription have been abolished; he has become free and very prosperous. Of 1,147,321 owners of land, more than 1,000,000 own five aeres or less, and while the acreage possessed by these small holders bas, during the last ten years, increased by thirty per cent. the acreage of the largest holders has decreased by seven per cent. These figurcs - eloquently prove that Egypt is being ruled for 'the greatest good of the greatest number. During the fritish occupation the productive power of the country amd its popula- tion has doubled. Egypt has risen from bankruptey to affluence because Lord Cromer followed the policy of "Egypt for the Egyptians' in- th easily obtain against the lightly taxed: he ju broadest sense of the word. These are the fruits of British rule. The Egvp tinns cannot even complain of being ruled by Englishmen, First, the num ber of Egyptians possessing the strength of tain branches technical skill "or the character renjuired in oet of the adnsnistration is «a quate. Secondly, out of servants, 1: or 1 in 13, ar¢ Euro peans, and only 662, or 1in 20, are Englishmen. + inade civil to What Navies Cost. Britain's navy costs her the of #200.000,000 a vear, and and bounds and as to Great vast sume this is increasing by leaps France spends $65,000,000; Germany. the well-known naval party behind the kaiser is responsible for a craze that is adding a grievous burd en to the people. Will it be believed that forty or fifty years ago a Ger- man man-"O-war Was' as rare as a Swiss admiral: whereas on April lst, 1910, there will be no fewer than twenty-six magnificent German _ bat- tleships afloat. including the Ersatz Bayern and Ersatz Sachsen, proud flonting fortresses intended to rival the Dreadnought herself. The man of peace is in despair. In an age of Haoue tribunals he beholds many of the greatest minds on earth chemists, enoineers, mathematicians --lbent on frightful engines of destrue- tion. Supreme honor awaits the man who produces a new explosive, a tor- vedo of wider rance and deadlier of foet, an airship that will clear the sen with vast charges of cordite. ---------- think heaven is a place Most men f not going where their neighbors are to get in. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. Coutlee, Sharbot Lake, was in the city to-day. JH, Weber. city yesterday. T. C. Wilson returns to the North- West to-morrow. C. A; Hogle, Belleville, spent, yes- hic in the city. William Somerville, Chatham, arriv- ed in the city, to-duy, on a buiness trip. Henry 8. Driver, of Watertown, N.Y., is spending a few days in the city. 1H. Duffbis, travelling freight agent for the R. & 0. N. company, is in the city on' business. George Mnllin, of Montreal, has re turned after a week's visit with friends at Kingston and Watertown. Mr. and Mrs. James McCammon en- tortained a fow friends at their home, on Victoria street, last evening. De. W. A. Smith is home from Ro- chester, N.Y., after spending the past sixteon months in hospital' practice in that city. Dr. Emmus Twitchell and 'wife ar ' in the city, Tuesday, on their from Youngstown, Ohio, to Bur- On Va. W. Harris will cater for the officers' mess of the {th Hussars during camp and Con. Haig. will look after the wants of the divisional staff, W. H. Macnee, who has been ill of pneumonia, ia steadily improving, and his medical attendant expects that he will soon he able to he up. Montreal, was in the Honry Watterworth, of Toronto, is spending a few days with Kingston friends. on his way to Montreal, where he will spend a two weeks' va. cation, The young friends of Miss Bertha M. Van Winckel, Ordnance street, will be sorry to learn that she is confined to her home, through illness, suffer- in from blood poisoning. Mrs, Robert Arthurs, 619 King Fd- ward avenue, Ottawa, laid up for some time with a fractured shoulder, is around agnin. She expects to leave shortly. for Kingston to spend the summer with friends, Thomas Glenti and bride (Miss Mor- timer, of Montreal), after a very pleasant *trip visiting western points, returned to the home in Montreal to- day; after spending a few days with Mrs. M. Glenn, Ordnance street. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Big strawberries, Carnovsky's. Wedding suits a specialty. Crawford & Walsh, tadors, The treasurer's books underwent the government audit at the court house this morning. There was a great rush for the street. ears at 'noon, in the rain storm. The people in the open cars fared. almost as, bad as those om the stroets, : This evening, aldermen representing the hoard of works, light committee and" waterworks committee: will meet to fix a uniform scale of wagek to be paid laborers performing work for the various city departments, At present the wages are not all, the' same. Fram --tili-- TO.COLLECT DAMAGES. Order Issued By Judge Falconbridge. Toronto, June 5.--~An order of inter. est to all labor organizations was made, this mornine'. by Chief Justice Falconbridge. 1t is in favor of the Metallic Roofing company, of Canada, in an action against the Local Union No. 30 Amalgamated Sheet and Metal Workers International Association. The order appoints the company, without security of salary, till June 30th next, receivers to the amount of their claim of all moneys, tolls or fees which are now payable, or may here- after be nayable, to local Union No. 30, or their officers, agents or mem- Ira who may act on their behalf. The | company some time ago got judgment against the union for damages, and also an injunction preventing picket ing, and the order virtually sllows it to collect its damages in the indicat- ed An Girls Take Mad Step. has occur- convent school, an An extraordinary suicide red at a Russian aristocratic inetitution under the pa- tronage of the dowager empress It is stated that the a girl of four teen, had been punished for reading a social pamphlet, and that the punishment had preyed on her mind, She accordingly announced to her: companions her intention to com- mit suicide, whereupon another girl of the same age volunteered to share her victim, oconomic fate. The two girls proceeded to their dormitory, and, watched hy their fel- low-pupils, said their prayers, after which they wrapped sheets about their heads and leaped out of the window. Both were terribly injured by the fall, and one died Jo} twelve hours' agony. The other, however, is expect- ed to recover. With this may be com- pared the case of the schoolboy who ran away from his home-f" the south of Russia, and wandered over the lace of the country because he bad been reprimanded for not passing an exam- mation. The Company Won. Toronto, June 5.~The Ottawa Flee tric Railway - company has won its appeal in suits against the city of Ottawa. The city agessed the com puny for $4,000 on a storage battery and the company brought action to have the 'battery declared exempt. Judge Teelael dismissed the action and the company appealed, judgment being given in the court of appeal, to- day, in its favor. The annual convention of the Con- gregational Union of Canada opened, in Hamilton, Ont., this morning, with about an hundred delegates. in attend- ance. James Mountford, a financial agent, of London, Eng., dropped dead at the entrance to the 'parliament buildings, Toronto. Sy Frank Harrison, Buffalo, N.Y. found ruilty of periury, in Totonto, in connection with bigamy charge, was yg to. two years in penitenti- Tn is expected at Hamilton; that the Grand Trunk railway will build amew station for that 84 . i Slippers In Dongola Kid, Bos Calf and Patent Leather. 'We have an endless varicty © | to choose from. Prices range at ik _$1.00,1.25, 1.50,1.75.8 200 | McDer. mott's Shoe Store CREEEEREEREEEHRNEHNEIEEROMIRIEERNIETEREES The warm weather has come at last and you will need your Joos and windows protected from the flies. We have a complete line of Screen Doors of all styles and prices. Telephone us and we will measure and hang your doors upon the shortest notice. We also. have all sizes of Screen Windows. Give us a call. LEMMON & S Fire Bricks Fire Clay Pig Le Arriving. Sa i en ders #3 wi gh de 5 MoKELVEY & BIRCH, ai En Kingston, i ir no experiment. tis by Its use in the 3. ospital. of Exrope. Ters of tf of weak and | caces cured dy 30 d:ys treatment. T! a fact = Prove it yourself by a test. A$ days {ratruant with full sent absolutely free carefully sealed in a plain wi full 30 days treatment (180 cure or refund 'of money, for 00: . Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received wichin the Jast twelve De. K'HA MEDICINE GO.. PO. Drawer 2341. MONTREAL Our Big Re-Build- ing Sale * Only Lasts A Few Days Longer. Everything at sale 4 prices, A big stock to select from, at: : James Reid's, ™ "main A ---- "Condor" Mustard Wy "gadis STRICTLY PURE It gives appetite and helps It contains all its wholesome oir 50 cts. a 1b, from sll ™m ED. MARCEAU CO., LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Cofces, Spices, Vinegars, 261-265 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, Canada. PUBLIC NOTIGE. me ATTENTION TON OF io owing holders i Tow: visions of the, Public Health Ac ao scarieting, who cough, measles, Wn} ers or contagious 3 any house or household lon hen 5, PL vie ok ade y the h he red ol also the Professional Ethics, Philadelphia Ledger. The acquitted woman (young pretty) kissed her lawyer, _ "Madem," said he, with an attempt wt firmmors, "my stipulation was that there should be no fee in this case. You must permit me to return it." and Made A Lively Trip. i Harrishurg, Pa., Jume 5. Capt.' Chandler's balloon, which left Wash- | nels od ington, yesterday, landed nine miles, Board ¢ of from here after a trip which covere nase. older failing to give 140 miles in four hours and thirty | the. existence UT auch discuss G8 minttes. provided ht; upon conviction by the rotary of Health of the exist:nce of -- The spinach tribes. are natives of the goa-coasts, Yon will find the sea-beet, the glass-worts, salsolas, and sea purslane, all of this family. rowing: on British shores. Many "bod wan has bee cowed by 'the 'milk of human kindness. "The early fish hook will soon