Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1907, p. 7

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ness, Headaches, Stomach and a man to the office with clear his whole system bound; ourself y ounding At All Druggists. 'estors JY BOY MINES, TED. of these shares, buy them ortunity. LUCKY BOYS WwW ed for investors to make elled. sed some of these shares, JP YOUR HOLDINGS. raph or telephone orders 58. Orders and reserva- er received until this al- is sold. Remember we ue Bell in 25 days. This ill. be largely over-sub- nish the: world with its $ is in the heart of the ors rich. Buy now and g advance that will cer- 3oys. Fortunes will be ese shares. S Or reservations at our to follow. tion; containing appli- address. _ CO., I-18 Building, CANADA. eee 3 » 3 $ $ 3 3 $ » ~ alm ¢ Cream in Bulk or est in the city. VIII IIIIeeIe - 'gour dealer will tell you that he mever has any fault found with our flour. This js the best proof of quality. Ask him for, PATENT HUNGARIAN For ¥ Bread WHITE ROSE For cakes, biscuits, ete. Kingston Milling Co., Ltd. x L Waggoner's Special Blue Serge Suit $20 Beat. Workmanship First Class Trimmings Fit Guaranteed It you wish to be successful at- tend T Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street. Canada's 'Highest Grade business school. Book-kegping, shorthand, typewriting, tole- graphy, and all commercial subjects thoroughly taught by comptent experienced teachers. Day and night Classes. Futer at any time, Rates very moderate. 'hone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. T. McAuley HAS FEMOYED TO 93 Princess St. Between Corbett"s Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil. ton's, directly opposite An- grovg's. COME AND SEE US Phone No. 778. COAL! The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisaom of putting in some good Coal. We sell good Uoal. It's the Lind that sends out the most heat, and maken the home comfortable ; it's the best money can buy, and there is nome better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the yery bottom wricem BOOTH & CO, Phone 133. Foot of West St EG I... i ye] | AE HEROD | ORDERED FOOTWEAR |New is the time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti iqueak Is used on all work. ---- 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. New England Chinese Restaurant 33! KingSuex Open from 10.30 amo 3.00 a. m The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city Meals of all kinds pn shortest notice. English and Chines Miehea a wpaciall 'Phone. 6585. $3.50 Every Machine Guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. P.5.-- We don't keep Paint, we sell it es NewYork ChineseRestaurant 83 Princess Street Opn feom 123) - m. to 800 a.m. The best Lunch in the on, Shortest notice Ths specially. ------------------------ ALASRLL000080080084084 3 tod € Dr. Brock's S%% ian, € Femals Period! ul! Pills are the * moathly medi<oe et a @; cotv in Kinoeton st be REST DRU € STORE. 1M eel" Mailed onl® @ receipt of price --$1. Esse FIIUIISTIISIIN Besesastadesvnd¥os 1 Try a Pound of : place to get an all, round city. Meals of all Kinds Euglish and Chinese a / 5 1 J, } Ao . an] 0] 1 5 SA Coat 'LI 752) Shirt Just slipit on like a coat--nota rumple to the bosom. : Fits snugly over the shoulders. * nn Comfortably roomy under the arms. Correctly proportioned sleeves-- gener- ous length. . Made to look well, wear well, fit well. Dress and business styles, white and colored, Zo Makers, Berdin, Canada SKIN DISEASES Salt Rheum, Pimples, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Shingles, Scald Head, Itching Sores. Al diseases of the skin are mere er less directly cansed by & bad state of the bleed, which produces aerid huners and osrrupts the secretions. No ane can expect to have » elear, bright skin when the bleod is in a disordered con- dition, and the stomach, liver anid bowels acting feebly im consequence. All the above akin diseases, in fast, any disease arising from a bad condition of the blood, are curable by BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS through its wonderful cleansing, purifying powers on the blood, and its renovating action on the system. Mr A. Squire, Déminion, N.8., tells how he was cured of Salt Rheum. He writes: years I suffered with Salt Rheum, and was unable to find a curable remedy out of all the medicines I took, and Phym- Rima . a f time I com ter a o was com- AY pi 4 1 shall always recommend *d or such oases, as I consider it an indispensable remedy." Price $1.00 per bottle ar 6 bottles for $5.00. --ro 9 Good Investment A Practical Business Training is the Master Key to Success. Frontenac Business College FINGSTON ONTARIO Superior Courses ~--AT-- Moderate Rates. Tr. N. STOOKDALE, princival. 680. "Phone, jk Headache and relieve t to a billous state of the eyetom, such a8 Di Distress afte Digi , Nausea, ine, Pain in the ide So. 'While their most pemarkable success has oadache, yet Carter's Little Liver eyaally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- wenting thisannoy? complaint, while they also srrect all disorders of thestomach stimulate the and regulate the bowels. Even if they omg ~ HEA Bobet! wonld beslmost priceless to those. whe Se {his distressing complaint; but forte mately theirg: sodness does notend here,and those whoonuetry them will find these little pills vale in somany ways that they will not be wit Bt todo without them. 'But after all sick head CH shown in curing Pills are ithe bane of so many lives that here Is where wemake ot oa boast. Our pillscireit while here do not. Oarter's Little Liver Pilla are very mall and 0 fake. One or two i makes dof y are strictly vegetable end do aot gripe &@ rae, but by their goutle action please all why oy them. In vialsat23cents; five for FL. Seip fy araggists everywhero, or sent by mall. "CARTER MEDICINE CO, New York, Goo) fl Small Do mall Pm DICINE CHEST Ym Cl = FA " i ™ MED Ach for INDIGESTICN we constr, KK. D. C: and K. D. C. Pills, Recommended by and . TRY IT. Myers' sous ast Curgroes Doctors everywhere. . C.is now put up in Tablet Form, Ghaoolete-Gested lod the celebration in Kir on DAILY SRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern On 0 -- What They Are Saying. To Erect New Buildings. Lavant Station, June 4.--Miss Net- tie Watt left last Tuesdny to visit friends in Perth and Lanark. D. Crawford visited his parents, at Flow- er Station, on Sunday. Miss A. Paul, Lavant Settlement, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. E. J. McFar- lane, last week. William Lee intends leaving on Thursday for a trip to the west. W. Sculland, Brightside, is en- guged to crect some new buildings for T. Lee. Sunbury Items. : Sunbury, June 4.--W. Hogle is mak- ing improvements by fencing. Farmers are sowing ensilage corn this week, as the weather has now become favor- able for a quick growth. The local cheese factories are receiving a fair supply of milk, considering the pas turage, which is not up to the stand- ard. A quiet wedding has been ar- ranged to take place this month. Those who have been on the sick list have recovered. Some private picnics have been held lately. The outlook for a good erop of hay is not very en couraging. Many old meadows have been damaged by frost this spring. Addition To Club House. Chaffey's Locks, June 4.--The farm- ers of this vicinity have finished their seoding and planting. The new addi- sion to the Opinicon Clubhouse is be- ing painted, and a new store. is being erected. Master Vincent Regan is visiting at Gananoque. Mrs. Lennox, Kingston, and Mrs. W. Kelly, New York, are the guests of N. H. How- ard. Mrs. Young, Kingston, is visit- ing her daughter, M®. William Ker- nish. W. H. Fleming has purchased a new runabbut. Mrs. Jeacle, Smith's Falls, is spending a few days at Mrs. J.. W. Simmons'. Mr. and Mus, Horace Carr, after spending a week with J. Murphy have returned to their home, Battle Cre ich. A School Library. Wagarville, June 4.--Farmers around here are about through with their spring's work. The quantity of milk taken in the factory is rather small on account of the poor pastures, Fred- erick Kirkham has his house nearly completed. 8. Jackson paid a bust ress trip to Kingston on Friday. last. ¥.. Vancélkenburg's saw mill has been closed for some time owing to scar- city of-men. T. Met umbar has gone to Kingston. A pew library is being put in the school for the benefit of the scholars and all who are interest ed in it. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vine Cronk at Enterprise; Mrs. A. Wagar, Echo Lake, at William Wa- gars; Miss Fdith and Byron Cronk spent a couple of days at Enterpris: last week. Mr. a Mrs. G. Howes spent Sunday at Parham. The tele- craph poles have been stood and are ready for the wires. A few are hav- ing the 'phone in their house which will be a benefit to surrounding places. Mrs. William Ruttan is. im- proving. Ida Hill Notes. tended Friends' quartecly meeting at home to-day. Makin Bros. and Wil- liam Shannon have erected fine road fences. RR. Kells is making improve- ments jn connection with his residence. Contractor Stonness 1s work, R. Cuddy has leased his stone quarry to a city man, who has a number of men now employed therein. B. Kelis and Wiliam Richards are erecting street fences this week, with J. Chapman as foreman. Mrs. Thom: as Shannon is quite unwell, being an- der a physician's care. J. Jackson's do. Statute labor will be performed as usual upon the village streets. The gravel obtained here is the best in the country for roads. Farmers are planting and sowing ensilage corn this week, few of the dairy men still provide for their cattle by grain feed. E. W. Makin, who has been quite indisposed of late, is somewhat better this week. News From Sydenham. Svdenham, June 3.--Mrs. Alice Sto- ness has moved to her new 'home, on Queen street, Kingston. Charles Trug- cott, had a large barn-raising last week. Elmer McRory has his barn set up, ready for a stone basement to be built. Mrs. Charles Shields, Verona, is with her daughter, Mrs. W. Cars callen. Miss Mary Gonge spent a few days last week with her brother in Deseronto. Mrs. Lytle, St. John, Ore- gon, is with her sister, Mrs. Tovell, and will spend a féw months with re- latives before her return. Miss M. Townsend leaves in a few days for Clifton Springs, N.Y., to enter the sanitarium as nurse-in-training. Rev. Victor Purdy, , Presbyterian minister, is spending kifs holidays with friends here. He took charge of the evening service in the Methodist church on Sunday, preaching a very eloquent sermon to a large congregation. Rev. Elwood Lawson, attending conference at Gananoque, spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Tolls, of Elginburg, spent Sunday at B. 8S. Day's. The re-opening, services of Wesley hall will take place on June 16th and 17th. Rev. Dr. Benson is expected to be present at all of the services. . Burrflige Tidings. Burridge, June 1.--The farmers have nearly all completed their spring's work. We are pleased to state that FE. Mudden is able to be around again. Mrs, Madden is also rgcover- ing after a severe illness. A very en- jovable evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Swerbrick on Tuesday night. The time was spent in dancing and games until daybreak, when all returned home well ploased with their night's - pleasure. J. Shellington has pat a new floor in his store. Mrs. J. Badour and family heve mowd to Bathurst, where they have purchased a farm. number from here attend- . : Victoria day. Our checsemaker, OF NEIGHBORS 55 acs &. (5% Adrain, Elgin, to assist him tor the ---- season. Mi WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: | fame: in Sita Falls. Jr Porter, Westpart,, and J. Hartman and sister, innie, spent Sunday at Stihson's. Mrs. J. Shellington People Are Doing And What |( Ida Hill, June 3.--William Webb at- Wellington the past week and returned doing the will still runs, and with much yet to | Hartman is visiting and Mrs. George Barr at J. Darr's, Jr. J. Hartman has peturned irom Fish Creek. Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor, Sa- lem, F.. Forrester, R. Derbyshire, MM. and daughter, Mary, Miss N. and A. Stinson and H. Mustard have roturn- ed after spending a few dois in King: ston. Miss G. Kennedy, Westport, and D. Barr at. J. Shellington's; Thomus McGowan spent Sunday at home: Miss M. Crozier at Nrs. Swer- brick's; Miss B. Souster and Miss V. Sweetman at R. Patterson's. MONTREAL OONFERENCE. -- The Many Matters Before the ? Gathering. Gananoque, June 4.-The Montreal hodist conference, by a large vote, decided to continue a forward move- ment among its French missions. Ihe conference disapproved the selection of an assistant to Rev. Dr. Briggs by that gentleman, that 'duty being a gen eral conference appointment. The pas toral address, prepared by Rev, W. 8, Jamieson, M.A,, was read and most excellent in every respect. It was decided to give $100 from the bil Jeting fund to help reduce the deficit of $750 in the continge: wd The district chairmen were a committee to consider mi ex tension. The. conference urred in resolution recommending that every ef- fort be put forth by this ference to aid in the maintenance wd upbuild ing of Stanstead College. A supple mentary course of Bible study for min jsters and laymen was strongly 'ap proved. The committee on state of the work gave an excellent report of progress throughout the conference Rev, F. C. Stevenson the forward movement for gave a detailed report of the work, asking the conference to do its part in establishing summer schools of in struction, and showin work of the young people al their lines during the past year to have been fol lowed by excellent results The Gananogue people were thanked most graciously for hospitality; Grace church authorities and choir for = ex- cellent service, It was reported that the uperhnnuation fund was in flour ishing condition; th mierenoe h the high mark would be maintainec missions, od 1. I. F. Harrison presided at the ann versary meeting of the Sunday hools and Epworth leagues Able addrosse were delivered by Rev, R. G Peover, B.D., on Sunday school works J N. McKim, on Young Men's Clubs, and by Rev, W. 8. Lennon, on Ep worth | eague work. The Montreal 'extension movement wae ordered to hg placed under the supervision of the, chairman of the Montreal disteiet." This decis away with the office of secretary held ion | does secretary of | 200 All from one Label. Rose Tea is noted from your grocer! To make a great big differenc "TE. Cups of Tea The tea will be as strong as you will want it--and it has that rich, pungent flavor for which Red Prove it by ordering a package IT TAKES ONLY A LITTLE OF; : EA><PERRINS : Ask any honest grocer for THE BEST SAUCE--He is sure to give you 1EA & PERRINS' FINES pound of the Blue e in the deliéiousness of soups, sauces, meats, fowls and game. Says Germany Wants Army to Meet England. Berlin, June 1.--A leading article in Die Post, which is evidently inspired, draws attention to recent articles in a soction of the London press, calcula tod to sow dissension between Germany and England by statements to the effect that in Germany war between by Rev. Mgnt Taylor for the past two years. An _adyisory commitiee of ten will be appbinted by the Montreal w . district. ¥ MAKE IT YOURSELF. Simple Formulae For a Good Blood Medicine: To rid your system of blood disor ders of all kinds, when the Kidneys have failed to excrete the uric acid and other waste matter, when rheu- or bladder trouble is following matism, kidney prevalent, th home-anauls remedy is said to be invaluable Fluid extract dandelion, three drachms. Fluid extract cascara aromatic, one drachm. Compound sity Syrup Sarsuparilla Compound, throd 1, one ounce, and one-half ounces Take a tea nful after each meal and before retiring A well-known authority the worst forms of. rheumatism, bl dicorders, kidney and bladder ness are often readily relieved by taking for a this simple home made remedy. When taken regularly, there is no other known remedy that thoroughly and promptly, enrichens the blood and. cleahses it of all purities. Sarsaparilla itself js good but wher | taken in combination with the Sabal and the writes that wd weak time acts so im- compound other in gradients, the results ar lous This combination sets the kidneys to work, filtering ont the waste matter uric acid'and other impurities. Makes relieves rheumatism and bladder disor- new, rich blood, lame back, kidney ithe two countries is regarded as in evitable. The Post, which is by no means iviendly to England, emphatically states thut in Germany no responsible politician holds this view, On the contrary, in Germany, as in England, responsible men know no higher ob- ject than the maintenance of peace, and regund existing armaments as serving this purpose. Between the two countries, it says, there does not exist any yhestion to cause a conflict. There are no points of friction which could lead neces. sarily to war. Not only is this the opinion of statesmen but of the vast majority of the people of both na- tions. It is only a dwindling minor: itv on both sides which thinks other wise, a minority which has no in- fluence on international politics. It is a direct perversion of the truth not to recognize this and to give as the public opinion of Germany the views which fill the heads of fools or erim- inals. The Post stigmatizes this me thod of controversy as perfidious, as a warfare sgainst which the sharpest MoQSUres are necessary. The Boards Negligent. Reports school regarding the of schools because a teacher has rv signed and' a new one has not secured. It seems that in most cases the fault lies with the township school are negligent in their er think of looking out acher until the old one is about to vo or has gone. Then comes the trouble. J{ they would take action ak soon as a teacher sends in her re signation, there would be no necessity to close the schools, Township school boards might takb of this, Of course it applies to only some. ------ often eome from county sections closing boards which luty. They ney note Corns Disappear. ders. When Peck's Corn Salve is used. It ---- takes them out, root and all, and Wise mothers buy their' infants' | Without possibility of injury to the foods "at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | foot. In big boxes, 1c, at Wade's Store. Fresh there. drug store. Flay at The "THE LION AND THE MOUSE." Grand, JINGOES IN MINORITY. | 1 Summer Tweeds and Worsteds Thete are myriads. of shades--a wealth of effects--and every new style that well-dressed men are wearing-- in Fit-Reform Tweed and Worsted Suits. These summery garments are designed, cut and tailored with that perfection which assures permanent shapeliness, coolness and satisfaction. Of course, we can fit you perfectly. Come and try us. $15, $18, $20. up. y Fit-Reform Kingston 8 E. P. Jenkins, - It Takes All Kinds of Women to Make a World==and It Takes All Kinds of Shoes to Please Them. THE SHOES, NOT THE WOMEN _ Smart, fashionable styles, or more conservative shupds, built for comfort. All were chosen by our experts iro the newest, most up-to-date models. Not one pair 8 the lot but what represents the acme of high grad workmanship. They're here in all the desirable leathers, in the late lasts and heel effects, button and lace style, or the ever popular pump. : Eh Holt in Pin Canada is worrying about Tan price of : Shoes. We are showing a large range of the 'Golds Buck Shade" in Oxfords and Gibson effects at the pop $3.00 A Pair S on lu. H.

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