We will be place on sae To morrow another lot of or Just= ly popular Tweed Skirts at $3.50, Those who secured | one of these early in the season know they are the smartest Skirts in the city for the money. . Made from fine Mixed Tweeds in Light Shading, smart side pleated design, new and up to-the- minute in style. > $35.50 Silk Gloves hite, 75¢, ogc, 1.25. These eptionally good value. Lisle Thread Gloves Kid Gloves Grey, White, at prices kpect. . SETS OW, ALL DAY. [13 Pairs * Ladyship White id Drab Corsets' rly sold at $1.00. Sizes 19, 20, 'and up to 27. While the Lot Lasts, C. Each -- | : i etty Dorothy Dodd Shoes 0¢s That Hee a + istinctive Style + pe. of i ot i ast x 1445 i Shoe Store. SNS Guinan, We pat thers | _ cont wrappers for newspe = y Mitchels' 1907-8 Sample Styles ° Now Ready. Seal Skin Garments Made to Order. 2 Special Discounts for June, JOHN McKAY, Fur House. 149-155 Brock St., Kingston. The Best Plan To adopt in the selection of Fishing Tackle 48 to get the best ¥ oan find. buying hese en- Le ua rfect eyunipment 'and an outfit pl ta tho hest, antl, if you don't catch fish it is not the lines fault. Mitchell's Hardware. County of Frontenac. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived at the Office of the County Clerk, Court House, Kingston up to THURS- DAY, JUNE 18th, at 12 o'clock noon, from persons Willing to furnish : 115 tons Scranton, and 50 Cords of Hard Wood or more if required. Coal to be of good quality, well screened und free from dirt, and to be delivered at the Uourt House, Gaol or Registry Office as may be required up to Decen ber 1st next, The Wood to be composed of Maple, Been, lickory, or , Ironwood, to be sound and of good quality, one-half dry amd one-half green, 10 be delivered at th County Gaol hall before January 1s next, and the other half after that date. Wood and Coal subject to measurement and approval of Ubairman. of "County Property. Coal to be weighed on City Scales, at the expense of Contractor. The lowest tender not nucessarily ae- cepted. JOHN FOLEY, J. W. EDWARDS,, Chairman Co. Properly. Coumty Clerk STOCK. Kingston Hosiery Co., Limited. ------en I WILL SELL BY AUCTION, AT ny rooms, Brock street, Kingston, on MONDAY, 10TH JUNE INSTANT, AT 2 P.M. IFTY paid up shares of the Capital 'tock of the Kingston Hosiery Company, i ed. imited WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer. Montreal Jockey Club INAUGURAL MEETING Biue Bonnets Course "TJUNE 4th 'TO 15th INCLUSIVE. \ | A Racing and Steeplechasing every day. rain or shine: Admission to course, Stand, $1. AFTER HOUSE -CLEANING ve decent Furniture or Stoves vo ye yee dispose of, 1 will give you } decent price for them. TURK, the leading Second Hand Dealer of ing: ee -------------------------- Reduced Price Of Wrappers. Ottawa, June 6. The price of one apers has been including Grand reduced from $12.50 per. thousand to $12. en -------- If you intond painting your hous call and get D. E. Fraser's price. Only best materials used. 78 William St, 'phone ye i Every boy and r J ghould learn to "swim. No danger i i ter wings. Jearning when you have wal Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug ouse, girl. in Kingston DAILY MEMORANDA. Missionary Dialogue at St. Georse's 8 p.m. Polo Match, Lake Ontario Park, morrow, 4 pan. The Lion and The Mouse," , Grand House, 8.15 pau. This day in history :--Sir J Macdonald died, 1891. on "2 WHIG TELEPHONES 243--Business Offices 229--Editorial Rooms. 292--Jobbiag Department. Try us for Billheads, etc. ber of pieces. CHEAP DINNER SETS We have just finished stock. taking, and find we have a few set short of a small num- These we will clear out at a great sacri- fice. Come and get a snap, $12, $10, $9 Sets, for $7.50, $6 and as low as $4.50. best quality. Robertson Bros. working building. Deceased was an exceptionally bright and a general favorite with ev- eryone who knew him, and the sad af- fair has cast a gloom over the home. Besides his parents, he is survived by three sisters and two brothers. Miss employed in the CM, oflices in this city, is a sister. The funeral will = take place Friday morning at nine o'clock, Farmers in the city this morning that the Sarah Henney, from around Joyeeville, say rainstorm itself. was not a very sev- one, but that the lightning was very keen. Itching UST OUT JUNE NUMBER "Spear's Mine Develop- ment." Special issue on Larder Lake Gold Fields. Interesting, instructive and valuable to all who are in- terested in North Ontario mining. Sent free for the asking. 'Bonanza Gold" at first price of 15 cents per share will be withdrawn June 22ud: Write to P. V. FRASER AND CO., 28 Toronto St., Torvanto, Ont. GATHERING EGGS. ---- A Lad Was Killed By Light. ning. While gathering eggs in 'his father's about half a mile from Joyce- William, the thirteen-year-old of John Heaney, farmer, was by lightning about two o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, and killed instantly. The body was found a short time afterwards by members of the family who had occasion to go to the barn. Lightning They Rely On Wade's Ointment. Wade's Ointment * is depended upon in hundreds of homes for the cure of all injuries to the skin as well the various skin Wiseases, There not a family that would not find this ointment invaluable. Cures Berema, Salt Rheum, Scaly or Eruptions of the skin, Pim- Blotches, Dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. Cm ------------------------------ "THE MAN WHO IS SURE" The man who is sure to himself is safe in any com- pany. Seli-confidence is of inestimable service to man throughout life, for it gives him initiative and enterprise, which are at the bottom of all great suc- cesses. - Timidity, distrust of one's own powers, 'the thought of failure, are un- manning. He who is bash- ful when walking into a parlor will appear more like a clown than a gen man. The man whose knees knock together and whose voice shakes when he addresses a convention will be heard with a measure of contempt, A' merchant invariably approaches every undertak- ing with confidence or fear --when with 'confidence' victory is half won--it is the spirit that marks suc- cessful advertising--confid- ence plus persistence--which follows naturally: Thé Whig is wo with confidence--to ok : eirenlation of over 5, / CR He struck the corner of the barn, and tore off several boards, its way down through the For The Ending Of This Old World. NINETEEN MONTHS MORE TO ENJOY THE COLD AND BLEAKNESS, The World Will Soon End Says Prophet Spanglern--The - Sun Will Be Black in 1908. York, Pa., June 6.--~Lee L. Spang- ler, who has styled himself for a num- ber of years as "the last of the 3 : ' prophets," has issued another of 'his remarkable bulletins. This time he is more specific in his statements. He now asserts that the world will come to an end in nineteen wonths. He warns all the people to beware amd look out for the dissolution of the world. : He says there will be no more sea sons, that sununcr and winger will be as'one, and there will not be any way of telling one from the other. Snow in July need not be a surprise, and sleigh riding is likely to be one of the summer pastimgs. He adds: "There will be more black spots to occur on- the sun's disk, and by the Intter part of 1908 the sun will be en- tirely black. The earthquakes will shake all the principal cities of the nations. Great excursion wrecks will occur, and there will be great distress in the land until the end shall come." KING EDWARD'S CHEQUE. London Shopkeeper May Frame His Specimen. London, June 6.--How many of King Pdward's 'subjects, one may well wonder, have scen a check signed by his majesty ? "lL have just seen one of these for the first time in my life," says a correspondent. 'It was shown me by a certain West Fad tradesman, who, though his firm has supplied the royal houschold for generations, con- fesscs he has never known the king to sign a cheyne heloxe."" pule, of op stheques on hig majesty's private account are drawn and signed by ly s, and it is rarely that his majesty signs of these little papers. In this. Poulet instance, however, the kine entered the shop ghite casually, attracted by some object in the window, and, find- ing he had not sufficient money with him, at once drew a cheque, which the holder is thinking of framing. It may be interesting to add that the cheque in question was drawn on Coutts' bank, where the king has al- ways kept his private account, as docs also Queen Alexandra, the Prince ind Princess of Wales, the Duke of Connaught and most other members of the royal family. BURGLAR"S' AIM BAD, Fired Seventeen Shots nt Post- master. Fairfield, Conn., June 6---Postoffice burgluries are of almost daily occur- rence in Connecticut. Just before day- light safes in the office of A. S. Perry here and in the postoffice kept by E. W. S. Pickett were blown open. From Mr. Perry's safe a small amount of money taken. By the time the bur- glar, as apparently there was but one, was mady to crack the safo in the postoffice, Mr. Pickett was on the street, having been aroused by the explosion in the Perry office. The burglar saw him first and open- ed fire from the postoffice window, gnd a fusilade followed, the safe being blown open during the exchange of compliments. The burglar fired. seven- teen times and Mr, Pickett six times. The former got away before the con- stables could get a shot at him or trace him. Nothing was taken from the wreckage of the postofiice safe. DOM MIGUEL READY To Fill Any Vacancy in the Portu- guese Throne. Vienna, June 6.-Dom Miguel de Braganza, head of the line of the house of Braganza (which formerly réighed over Portugal), announced, through the metlium of the news- papers, his readiness to fill any va- cancy in the Portuguese throne rising from the present constitutional dis- pute in that country. Shelved The Question. Berlin, June 6.--The special com- mission to which was referred a pe- tition in favor of the establishment of juvenile courts has shelved the ques- tion. The t government pro- fesscs unwilkngness to express a de- cisive opinion on the question and is disposed. to leave the existing bene- volent agencies to look after the young offenders. " Fell In Path Of Fire. Forget, Sask,, June 6.--Mrs. Alma Shevlin, while assisting in fighting a prairie fire fell in an epileptic fit in the path of the flames and was probably fatally burned. She was one of the firat settlers in this locality and the town of Forget was originally named Alma in her honor. Your eves receive a thorough exam- ination by an expert opt vou get glasses at Chown's FEF F FEE EEF EEXX XA EEE 2 Mondays and Saturdn ician when | qui Drug Primrose and West Bought Mount - Wernon® Property. New Yerk, June 6.--About twenty yours George H. Primrose amd iy est, partmers in the minstrel busines, investal about $70,000 of their 8 in a tract of fifty-two acres fand at Chester Hill, Mount Vernon. Bach took an undivided half in the property and agreed to let it stand a8 an investment, Mr. West dial ou fow years ago and his interest passed to his widow, Kmn- ma CO. West. Leal estate dealers and bul site promoters have long coveted this particular stretch, but it semained for the Chesterfield Land and ImpRevement company to sceure it. Title has just passed from Mr. Prim- rose and . West to the company, The consideration was something over $200,000. The plot will be subdivided into building lots ' and sold. It ad- joins the fine home of the late James A. Bailey, the circus man. DEATH PASSED HIM BY. Fell fom One Run Over By Secotid and Uninjured. Logiah 6.--A five-year-old boy fell a train that was run- ning Sear Twyford. He was not hurt, an 10 rejoin the train, which his father meanwhile had had stop- ped. Before the boy reached the train an expres passed along the parallel track which the youngster was rynning aad knocked him down, pass- over Bim. The boy immediately rose and gontinued running to meet his fathets His head was cut and stoning Blood, but he was pot seri- ously hi eee SHORIBIGIIISIELERBREOIENE SEEKS TERMS. London, June 6.--In the House of Commons, in reply t6 a question of | Mr. Lonsdale, conservative and tariff reformer, Mr. Runci- man, financial secretary to the treasury, announced that the government had opened negotiations with the United States, with the view to securing the most favored nation treat- ment for foreign articles 8] in sectisn 3 of the act. question 3 'arose out' of the conclusion of the recent modus vivendi 2X FXFEEFEXFRERS HF REXX EEE PACIFIC CABLE. Well Satisfied With Result of Year's Work. London, June 6.~C. H. Reyndids, general manager of the Pacific Cable Board, is very well satisfied with the result of the past year's working. He said to the Canadian Associated Press that the deficiency on the years's ac count will show a large reduction on the previous year, giving hope that in the course of a few years it will be wiped out altogether. This deficiency, added Mr. Reynolds, included an *n- nuity of nearly $50,000 towards the re- payment of capital. a------------------ Send Congratulations. Philadelphia, June 6.--As a mark of respect to 'the sovereigns of their native land, Swedish people all over America have prepared addresses of congratulation to be presented to the King and Queen of Sweden, to-day, when they celebrate the fiftieth anni- versary of their marriage. Great pre parations were made to oclebrate the gracious event in an enthusinstic and gladsome manner. vddresses sent from this city were engraved apon beautifully luminated sheets, and have the signatures of many promin ent Swedish Americans attached. All the Swedish residents in this country have manifested great interest in these addresses, and hundreds of others have followed from all the cities in the United States, the sig- natures being most numerous in the west, where the Swedish element is strongest and most vigorous. Would Not Take Chances. Toronto, June 6.--Three English builders' laborers, and their families, sent to Peterboro, a few days ago, by the Ontario emigration bureau, ar- rived buck in the city, having been returned at the expense of the muni- cipality of Peterboro. There was no work for the men at Peterboro, nor prospect of any, and as the city, last winter, had to bear the expense of in this instance. Baseball On Wednesday. Eastern League--Ai Baltimore, 2; Buffalo, 14. lyn, 1. 'At St. Louis, 2; Philadelph- ia, 8. . American League--At Washington, I; St. Louis, 10. This is the only # that welly strictly high class ly in King: ston, said a lady In Gibson's Cross Drug Store on Tuesday. Mo Conkey's nnd Huyler's are sold Commencing Thu , June Gth, ws will leave Mcliguham's livery, Princess street, at aily, except for Cataras Tier he them il bet 00 for. Store. keeping several immigrant families the authorities decided not to dake chances National Leaguo--At Chicago, 5; New York, 2. At Cincinnati, 0; Brook- Balser SopBedle Cann Friends hi 1 Sy 8 a ¥ 2 i BUT ACTS HIMSELF Supposed to Have Been Carried on By Persons Near to is . MajestyThe High Friends Have Had to Get From Utider After Disclosures. Berlin, June 6.--A semi-official state. connection ho the part of the kaiser with the alleged court intri SUP- posed to have been ra io Prince Philip Zu Bulenberg, who was until recently the kniser's prime favor- ito at court, and Count Von Moltke, who was forced, the other a. $0 re- sign the governorship of Berlin, and by others. The statement says: * circle of confidante whom. he consults, as well as his ministers, but it would be a great mistake to suppose that he is intluenged them, as if by a ality and strong will of the kuniser would 'think he could be so influ enced." PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Prince Fushiwi and staff will reach Quebec on Friday morning. The eu of he province of On. tario for e five mon ending May, was $3,611,000. thee : Two men were burned to death at Birmingham, Ala., in a street car, sot on fire by molten metal, It is understood that J, S, Webster has been the fisheries moved 4 T to. an ame The railway commibaion will' 6 46 to the express ruses way, be, Poston: A. E. Dyment, M.P., and W, F. Lo- gan, Oi 1d tothe king. Cap- am C, : presen at the levee, Poti \ The price of bread in Ottawa has gone up from $1.00 to $1.30 per dosen loaves, or from ten cents to dleven cents per loaf. A negro cowboy, for brutally as saditing a little Galician girl, has been sentented to the Edmonton peui- tentiary for life, opened at Montreal lust evening. Rev, Robert Campbell, of Montreal, was 4 elected moderator. Pere Marquette stockholders have expressed themselves willing to sub- scribe $5,000,600 cash for new. stock to end the receivership of the road. Sir Robert .Bond, speaking at a ditiner at London, declared that the union of Canada and Newfoundland was at present neither desirable nor practicable, In' connection with the recent freight train wreck on the G.T.R. at Beatty Station, the entire crew of the west bound train has been arrested pending an investigatian, except Champness, the engineer, who has disappeared. Henry Orchard, who has confessed to murdering Gis Steunenberg, of Idaho, on suggestion of fellow work- ors, says he is forty-one years of age, that he was born near Cobourg, Ont., and that his real name is Alfred Hors ley. He has been in the United States gince 1806, The procgedings of the imperial con- ference was issued in a big bi hook. The sensation reported by the scare press to have been made by Sir ert Bond over the Newlpundland 3 tries question is conspicuous by its absence, In it is a home thrust given by Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Loyd George. When the latter, speaking on "We fought it very hard were in opposition," Bir Wilfrid re torted, "Fight it hard now that you are iu the government." . J------------ ATTAbKXED BY WOLVES. S-------- Killed Two and Wounded a "Minden, Ont, . June 6.--Robert Thompsan, Dorset, reports that while out Hunting in Aivingeine.sovuhip. near » boundary the park, pe 7 attacked by wolves. The stock of his rifle had been accidentally broken and was only temporarily re. paired, and it was ghite dangerous to five, but the situation demanded imnwdiate action--the wolves would not wait till the gun was fixed, so an thoy came, and as Inst as they came in sight "Bob" levelled the old gun at them. When two had been and vance was mide and be took the dead wolves to. his caope, paddled ", a Ap RD wolves lo the resounded a po their Bowhngs: £ : Only One "Bromo Quinine: Mead | gut is Laxative [romeo Quinine. arly named FaRet is a White Tablet 2 ing, 23 ment has boon issued, diselniming any | A Daughter of 'a Minister' Weds Ottawa, June S.-&4: Bt Andrew's to-day, in the Prose of a : "Our kaiser, as is well known, has a large ti camarilla. None "knowing the person- | § The Presbyterian General Assembly | j i E i ' June GMs resided with children in =» James Li Tay- miley doom tha wily; ni . fix ; 4 SI NDER- | and may die. ARTE rao VI Teamsters On Strike. ot ilton, Ont., June 6.--Ahout for Hamilton 3g o employ of the Hendrie Cartage company, went 'on strike for higher wages this s They have been receiving $42 a mon and made a demand for $46 a month, | ous NEY. in Joyesvitle, on June ty teamsters, in claims to have fourteen men at work, but the strikers say 'only four men re- fused to go out. 1 officigls say they will not \ filling the places of the strikers, and } . overything - will that, by tomotraw, be running wmoothly, Get Trace Of The Fraud, Windsor, Ont,, June §Lnakle to ny mn "on $0. Detroft hy! way of Windsor afd Walkerville, company have any trouble ners lin, whore a solemn requiem for the embargo on Canadian gottic, said ; 1 w we To 2ut On Car Ferries. Detroit, June 6.-- ,. including CG. re at (u and. Trunk minus property, They they intend to. build another car pet ee There 2 Je OLIVES on a number of car ies bet : Grand Haven and Milw: i Eg ar we] Slat 206 2 Satta ng 0.00. 5 Allentown, Pa., Jupe 0.--Wha £1 [ incendiaries to } ° : be Allentown: another badly scarred, no F ad " from ie he of the city... # pT. 3 - At Ottaws. ~The. list of ER fis is sefsd ry Tg will return, to Edmon- ton Soptesiber, -_ en sn -------- > AIR SHIPS, over oflered at the price. _Steacy's | i company 1907, Joseph Williams Heaney, thirteen yoars, ten Funeral 1 his father's aged Foyer ville, at D clad Friday 4 to "" will bo sung the repose of His soul. Frieods Sea quaintances fespettliully davited to Olives at 10. per bottle Olives at 18e. per t was Oli t 35¢. ee Qn afd Ee bon hb ow Fo (Mutiny At Ozar's Palace. \St. Petersburg, June 6.--A broke out yesterday among a von of Husars of the guatd ed at TsarskoeS R °