NG ENTA 'CARBONATED), PLITS ONLY. ant Aperient for Morning Use. ok of Sleep stroys Health The leading physicians pre. be an invigorating and agree- treatment--one-half bottle of Miller's Xtract of Malt Made in Milwaukee It soothes the exhausted ner- system, gives new strength; ngs youth back positively. Ask it from your dealer. FOR SALE BY ist, Kingston, Ont. -- I Kinds of Women to fd==and It Takes All 1008 to Pleass Them. OT EM I THE WOMEN Or more conservative shapes, chosen by our experts from models. Not one pair in s the acme of high grade 1 all the desirable leathers, s, button and lace style, or ada is worrying about Tan large range "of the "Golden Gibson effects at the popular \ Pair and & Bro, D SHOE MAKING ,- ---- D0 GRINDING \GNETIC". PERFECTION. A better Razor than ve? : er to you a "CARBO [3 \ thirty days' 'trial ir part to purchase. >" Razors 'don't B will! d you'll shave : TROUBLES, 1gnefic RAZOR 85-87 Princess Stree; ¢ Bottom, jhest Papers. ~ "R GS ND sizes. pany, Limited, 2 ADA isk for Eddy's Matches. Ee ---- THOMAS MILLS, 79 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. Private Banking. Mortgage and Other Loans. General Insurance. AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES 11 TARIFF OR NON-TARIFF COMPANIES DEPOSITS RECEIVED WITH DRAWABLE ON DEMAND. INTEREST FOUR PER CENT. PER ANNUM, calculated on the daily balance and added to Deposits account quarter yearly. Small accounts with numerous checkings will receive less interest. When the Depositor agrees to give me three or six moaths notice of withdrawal, a higher rate is paid. Home Savings Banks I sell these, with key, for one dollar, or if you open an account with a dollar, I give you the FREE USE OF THE BANK, and I hold the key and thus lelp you to save money. Banking; General Insurance; Loans; Home Saving's Banks. 79 Clarence Street. DAMPER a dust flue (see illustration.) When you rock down the ashes (no back-breaking § shaking with the Sun- shine) what dust arises is drawn from the ash- pan up the dust-fiue, then £ + FF ies i There is no dust nuisance in connection with the Sunshine. Because the Sunshine is fitted with ascends to the outer air. Only two things to remember * in connection with this operation --- open both the dust and direct draft --0 dampers. : = Sunshine is just the cleanest, sim- plest, easiest managed, greatest labor saving furnace that you can buy If vour local dealer does not handle the * Sunshine" direct to us for 2 Za ~ across the fire-pot to the emoke- pipe, § ; as shown. in' illustra- tion, where it immediately write wes» Free Booklet ey SEE PR <Clary's London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg. Vancouver, St. John, Hamilton, Calgary. LEMMON & SONS. r-- m-- SE08088088088008000880888808088880480000000¢ 4 Bricks, all sizes. SLSLLAH8606464864 Ice Cream Genuine, Pure Cream, Ice Cream in Bulk or FJavors the best in the city. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street < » SPIT IVIIIIIIIVIIIIPI PIII IIIIIINIIIIIINN 5 T. McAuley HAS REMOVED TO 93 Princess. St. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil tons, directly opposite An- grove's, COME AND SEE US Phone No. 778. If vou wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, bead of. Queen street Canada's Highest Grade' business school. Book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, telo- graphy, and all commercial ects thoroughly taught by : otont experienced teachers. Day and nicht classes. Enter at any time, Rates very moderate. 'Phone, 440. 1. F. METCALFE, President: Jd. E. CUNNINGITIAM, Sceretary. Life Producers Chatham Incubators Life Preservers. Chatham Brooders The 1; machines that rival the WT ba; Automatic tn action, perfect a sure " in, edustruct on a with & five year | A. E. HEROD | ORDERED FOOTWEAR [Now is the time those Re pairs are wanted. Our anti squeak Is used & all work. 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New. Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for'sale. - > Sale of Horses every Saturday. New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Sto Open from 10.30 a.m. t0 3.00 a. »n The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese Meshes a eDeciallys 'Phone, 655, LAWN MOWERS $3.80 Every Machine Guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. £.8.-- We don't keep Paint, we sell it NewVork=Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Opn from 10.30 a m. to 3.00 a.m. t an all ' round Cculs of all kinds English and Chinese The best place to Lunch in the g@ity. on shortgst notice Dishes a specialty. em Try a Pound of Myers' mous wavs Sausages For Sunday's Breakfast. 60 Brock St. a LOTS OF LIVE STOCK] OF THE VERY BEST KIND IN KINGSTON. What a Trip 'About the City Shows--A Fur and Feather Society is Suggested For the City. : Kingston, June 6.--(To the Editor): It is an old adage that every man has a hobby, and as 1 pass down ome road and up another I gm more t convinced that Kingston has its share of hobbyists. live stock seems pre dominent. Walking along Ning street 1 came across a gentleman with a pair of lovely boar hounds, or some say Great Danes, a pair the owner should be proud of and ought to grace many a show. Crossing nto i strect 1 came across a puir of really grand St. Bernards, having that much desired benevolent look which is char- acteristic of every good St. Bernard, the dog having a grand head and square muzzle, the very type of old Ch. Clinminnon. Now getting along into Princess street 1 came across a bull terrier which 1 really had to ad- mire and thought it a great pity he was not looked after with a little mote care. Going a litte further along the street I came across a first- Iuss Aberdeen terrier and still further along a pretty little toy Yorkshire with splendid head and coat. Crosk- ing over into Montreal street I came across four or five really grand Dal- matien- dogs, beautifully spotted, and one dog clear and distinct and would Le sure to find a card at any show, if showed in trim, and of spaniels there are certainly in Kingston some beauties, one or two nice Comeranians and a few good fox terriers, but most- ly failing in head points, but still a deserving lot. Now as I go farther out of town I come across some first-class fowl. Poultry men now seem very busy with chicklets. Coming down Sydenham street I came across a lovely pair of white- Wyandottes, good size and shape, with good roseates and other head roints combined with good color. Turning the corner and getting into York street I come across here a grand pen of white Leghorns, 1 should say a most prolific lot of birds, of which the owner might be proud, but the severe winters must play havoc with their combs. Going further along 1 came across a nice pen of black Minorcas, but spoiled by being mixed with other . breeds of mongrel type. Going up another strect I came across some bufi Orpingtons. Ome or two of these took my fancy, a most beau- tiful shape and color, even from bot- tom to top, birds that could win, and birds the originator "the late Dr. Cook" would be proud of. Passing the next yard I saw some fine barred Plymouth Rocks and did the owner know their worth he would be sur- prised, 1 have no doubt. When one having a slight knowledge of live stock and seeing such that 1 have described, one wonders why such a place like Kingston is lacking a fur and feather society. Such a society would enhance the value of th se beautiful pets. Make fanciers take a bigger interest in their dumb animals such 5 society would easily get one to two hundred members. [It would mean breeding a better class of stock and doing away with so many mongrels that are a nuisance even to themsdives. There are many who would be glad of such a rociety and surely there is some lady or gentleman who will start such a so- ciety for the benefit of our noble and faithful companions, the dog, and our fathered tribes of poultry.--Yours truly, ALFRED COWARD (Tate Tive Stock Provider to the Roval Family), Syd nham street, Kingston. : -------- Preferred Baby's Voice. Success A New York scientist, the father of a larve and growing family, has his troubles. One evening his vounerst was holding forth in her best style, The mother could do nothing with the child, =o the man of scicnce went to the rescue. "I think T can quiet 'little Flora." he said. '""There's no use humming to her in that silly way. What she. wants ix real music. The fact that 1 used to sing in the Glee Club at Yale, and sang well, too, may make a dif fererce."' Accordingly, the professor took the child and, striding up and down the room, sang in his best manner. He had not fimished the second verse of his song, when' a ring was heard. The door opened and there stood a girl of fourteen, who said : "I'm one of the family that's just moved into the flat next to yours There's a sick person with us, and he save, if it's all the same to you, would vou mind letting the baby. ery in- stead of singing to it?" a The Banana Peel. Montreal Witness : There are people in this city, men and women, and even children, who javariably when they see banana or orsnze peeling lying on the pathway, kick it off into the gutter, This js practical Christianity. The practice of ipdiscrininately throwing such fruit rinde about is such a reprehensible one, it is 20 menacing to life and limb, that it should have an eduea- tional penalty exacted. against it whenever detected, In the meantime civilized citizens will remove the dan- ger wherever they see it, and will teach their children to do the same, ion a, Crop The interesting custom, dating from the fifth century, of blessing the crops was carried out, yesterday, at Edaur- ton, a Sussex hamlet near the South Downs. The rector, accompanied by nearly 100 parishioners, took wp a position in the open on the side of the downs, . and a reverent and impressive service was held, "the blessing of the Al- mighty being igvoked upon the crops and an appeal being made for am abundant rvest. The service con- chided with the hymn, "We Plow the Fields," which was heartily sung. Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, our own make, oqual to the best. Big bottles, 50c, and T5e., at Wade's Drag Store. $ DAILY SRITISH Ws | Jenkins' Panama hats are takers. Golden Wedding of Canon Baker and Wife. Springfield Farm, Puslinch, near Guelph, the home of Canon and Mrs. Roker, was, on Monday, the scene of a gathering of very pleasurable inter- est. It was the fifticth anniversary of their marriage, and a great host of fricnds will heartily congratulate this, good old divine and his worthy helpmate. Canon Bakér is one of the lovable, ki men regarded with affectionate iki even by men of the world. How much deeper must be the feeling of those who know him well, have listened to him for many days, and who know how kindly and genuinely he bas helped in the good work of the church. No matter what the dutv was, no matter how stormy the weather, hand has never been slack in the work that the Good Mas- ter has called him to do. At the family gathering at Spring- field Farm were Canon Baker's three sons, (Sidney, Edward, F, K.), of Guelph, and Miss Roberts. of Brant- ford, a granddaughter. Holy com- munion was celebrated by Rev. H. C. Buckland, and followed by a presen tation of easy chair and brooch, and address by the rector on behalf of the members of St. James' church, Dur- ing the luncheon the toast to Canon and Mrs. Baker was propused with great cordiality. Rev, Edward Mussoy Baker was born in 1527, in Norwich, England, whose old cathedral is fam- ed for ite flying buttresses. His father wne a Waterloo veteran, Capt. George William Boker, R.A. his mother, =a daughter of J.C, Cole. an ex-mavor of Norwich. family "sailed for Canada when Capon Baker was five vears of age, and Bytown, naw Ot- tawa, was where the family first sot- tiled. His early®&ducation was under Rev. Dr. Wardsote, whose name is dear to many good people in Ontario Young: Paker went into commercial life in Galt. amd then in New York But his veal w wag not to be done in the marts, since he became a stu- dent of the General Thrologienl Col- lege, and wa® ordained in Trinity church, New York, in 1854, hy Bishop Wainwright. He "returned to Bytown ond his first parish wos the county of Renfrew. We successively Inhared in Carleton Place, Almonte, Hillier. Gerow Gore. Stirling, Pearbfook, and Bath. In 1898 be had an attack, of locomotor ataxia which = brought shout + his retirement. but at Gueloh he has shored in the work of the ministry when health. and . weather permitted, : Hammond aladar Lines. Kaladar, June 4.-W. Kimmerly, Flinton, passed through here on Satur. day, enroute to Napance, Miss B. Kennedy, teacher, "has returned after spending a few days at her home in Centreville, ~ Otto Dempsey, Tweed, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Nelson McBride, Miss Mae Jory,Flin- ton, was at the station one day, last week, to meet her friend,, Miss Mann, from Poterboro. Mr. and Mrs. M. Presley and Miss Norma, Northbrook, pass.d through here on Saturday, en- route to Tamworth to visit Mps. Pres- ley's parents, M. and Mrs. Reid. Misses Leta and Laura Morton were the guests of Mrs. J. Forbes on Sunday lait. James Bathgate made a busi n.8s trip to Tweed on Saturday. A number of the young people from here attended the picnic and ball held at bFlinton «n Wednésday last. Mrs. Mor ton and Mrs. Allport spent Victoria Day with frinds in Springbrook. Our merchant, Mr. Robinson, is still en- larging his stock. He has now a fine assortment of goods, Miss Lillian Fleming spent Wedncsday in Tweed with hor friend, Miss Dougan, New- burgh. Peter Morton spent Sunday at the Algerian, Mr. Rose, Michigan, re- gistend at the King Edward on Thursday last. Mr. Rose was on his way to Denbigh where he will spend the summer with his son. Mrs. Bishop and Miss Muriel Banker went to Cloy- ne on Saturday, returning on Monday. Good Home-Made Blood Medicine. Makes the kidneys filter out the pois- ons. Answering the questions, "What is the best pre scription to cleanse and purify the blood," a leading journal in a recent issue, prints the follow ing : Fluid drachms. Fluid extfact cascara aromatic, ono drachm. Compound Sabal, one ounce, Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound, three and one-half ounces Shake together in a bottle and take a teadpoontul after fach meal and at bedtime. This remedy nourishes the blood and cleanses it of impurities. It puts vim and energy into run-down people. This combination puts © the kidneys to work to filter out the waste matter, uric acid and other impuritics that cause disease. It makes new blood, relieves rheuma- i lame back, and bladder trou- extract dandelion, three Get the ingredients from your drug- gist and mix them yourself. Death At Inverary. The death is announced at Inver- ary, of John Loney, at the age of seventy-one years. Deceased had been ill for two months. He was a re tired farmer, and was born near Odessa. He is survived by three sons and three daughters, William, in the states; Frank 'and C. H., at Inver ary, Mrs. James Lemmon, Kj n; Mrs. George Pound, Ontario street, city, and Mrs. Woods, of Chicago. The late Mr. Lonoy was "sngaged in the butcher business at Inverary for twenty-five years, and prior to going into that tine; was farming near Odessa. The funeral will take place on Friday to the Holiness Mc nt church, with interment at Sand Hill cemetery. Drowned In Erie Canal. Rochester, N.Y., June 6.--John Mur phy, aged {fty years, employed on an rin kanal boat, fell froin the deck of the craft, at the Lexington avenue canal bridge, last night, and was drowned. . Other men employed on the boat saw Murphy fall into the water, but before they could reach him he had gone to the bottom. All cream jce cream, in bricks, flavor, delivered at any hour, at Price's. in T Testimonials free. Sold by SHUT THEM ALL UP LIVING STATUARY SHOWS CALLED IMMORAL. Bishop of London and Others Ask the County Council to Act-- Shogs Forbidden Elsewhere. London, June 6.--~The Bishop of Lon- don yesterday headed a. deputation which visited the music halls com- mittee of the London county council to urge the immediate suppression of living gtatuary shows in the interests of morality and decency. The deputa- tion includ representatives of the Catholic, Jewish and Protestant non: conformist churches, besides more than a score of religious and social purity societies. It was pointed out that Edinbargh, Glasgow, Munchest- er, Birmingham and other large cities already had forbidden such shows. The chairman of the committee said the matter had been discussed already, but it would be reconsidered. DOINGS AT PICTON. Players Hired. Picton, June 6.--Miss C. Winnifred Morrish, B.A., teacher of moderns in the Picton high school, has sent in hr resignation to the high school board, This has been accepted to take effect at the end of the month. Miss Mor rish, who is parted with regretfully, has ben associated with the high school staff for two years, She is a graduate of Toronto university, Miss Morrish has accepted a similar posi- tion on the teaching stafl of Lindsay Collegiate Institute. The results of this year's examina tions at the university of Toronto have much interest for Prince Edward: ers. Frank E. Spencer, of town, has following have passed their first year medicine; James G. Widdifield, former ly of Picton, has finished his second year in arts at Trinity college. Ihe followinghave passed their first year in arts : Miss Nellie L. Clark, Picton; J. A. McCamus, ' formerly of Welling- ton, (to supplement in Latin, gneicnt history and German); Miss E. E. Nas tin, Wellington, 'and Theodora W, Dwight, Picton. The two Toronto baseball men, who are expected to help Picton win the trophy in the Bay of Quinte league, have arrived, and are busy working out with the local nine. They are Wrist, the catcher, and kens, the pitcher, both of whom # played last season with the Parkdale Owls. E. M. Bigg, MA. and D. A. Gil christ, B.A., science and English mas ters on the high school staff, have heen appointed associate examiners for the departmental examinations, G. W. Morden, formerly science mas ter of Picton high school, is in town to spend the summer, having finished his post graduate work at the univer sity of Pennsvivania, Mr. Morden con- templates goine to Germany in the autumn to further his studies for the degree of 'h.D. IS NOT A VEGETARIAN. Shrubb, Great Runner, Not a Faddist. ' New York, June 6.--Alfred Shrubb, the world's champion distance runner, dropped a bomb in the midst of Yale's flesh-abstainers. The fleet and untiring Englishman has exploded all their theories aliout vegetariamism be- ing essential to endurance tests. Shrubb eats meat three times a day and he can come close to outfooting a subway train. Just before Shrubb arrived in New York, Prof. Irving Fisher, of Yale, had an article in the Yale Medical Journal on "The Influence of Flesh Eating On Eodurance." It was mighty interesting. It was a strong argument for flesh-al ptinence and told of tests made at New Haven. Endur ance tests were made. on forty-nine persons, representing two contracted types--uthletes accustomed to a full flesh dietary and athletes acoustomed to a non-flesh dietary. There was o group also including sedentary per sons accustomed to, a low-proteid and non-flesh dietary Then came Shrubb. This little run ner has been the fnarvel of the athle tic world. There scems to be no limit to his endurance, In fact, he is the finest le of endurance in the world e's Longboat, of but it is doubtful if Longboat could keep up to Shrubb's pace, and Long: boat is not an abstainer Ansbindy knows that his antecedents abstained from everything but meat. I was in- terested in this matter when Shrubb came to see me, and I asked him what he ate when in training. "Well,"said he, "1 eat eggs and a chop for breakfast. About noon [I have a mutton dinner, aml for supper I usually eat fish." And this man Shrubb has covered tei miles in about the time it takes a subway train to run from the Bat- tery to i Just imagine yourself starting out with a subway train at the Battery and racine it to Kingshridge. That would seem to be a pretty severe test of enduranos, course, Packache is almost immediately -re- lieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back: ache Plasters. Try one and be free from pain. Price 25 cents. It pays to buy Dr. Pierce's favorite prescription and Lydia Pinkham's Compound at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh there. The Abyssinian railway is in liquida tion. The receiver, a Frenchman, is preparing to extend the road to Ad- dis Abbaba, the capital of the coun try. Beware of Ointments For Catarrh That Contain Mercury. . as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces such articles shoald never be used > from reputable physicia as the damage they will do is ten fold the gopd you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Cutarrh- Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upom the bi and mucous sur- faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made 'oledo, Oblo, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Druggists: Price 75¢. per tle. -y- Take Ifall's Family Plils for econsti- tion. ) Shoe. city. Tan Oxfords tle. There is noth- ing cooler' for summer than a nice O xford By wearing Oxfords you will not suffer with perspiring feet, We have Ox- fords to fit any man, woman or child in the Patent Oxford CHLOROB YN CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE Alway ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ware of spurious compounds or imitations. = The "DR, J, COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE"" on the Stamp of each bots Canvas Oxfords Abernethy's. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNI (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). acts like a charm and is the only and DYSENTERY. effectually Er Y RHEUM Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s. 13d., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d. each : (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies ~ each bottle.) : re Sole Maufacturers i--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON, w gents, LYMAN BROS. &CO., Limited, CLL L000 L0000000000¢ Lawn Mowers Sharpened You will soon need to use your Lawn Mower. Why not let us sharpen it for you ? SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. § large assortment of Lawn Mowers 6 in price from $2.75 up to $8.00 Each. We carry ie' admitted "by 'Aho 'prolousion 40% the most wonderful apd valuable -~ ely ever wed, had is the best known for COUGHS, Lhe GONSUNPTION. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, i 'in DIARRHOEA, © cuts short all AYSTERIA, PALPITA- 110N and SPASMS. xi isthe suly Jailintive in NEURALGIA, TISM, GOUT, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete. CHLORODYNE," and be- genuine Lia es oF 2 ific in CHOLERA, a attacks of CANCER, Toront PIFIVIPISIINILINIIINNG GROWTH BY DE Year OF THE Kings J. B. URQUHART, Special t. ELLIOTT BROS. § 77 Princess Street. Insurance In Force 1850. onc www § 8,048137.88 § 498,646.13 1866 4 354.59 876.807. FE 1876 .. 2,997. 2.805, oo i - 0 507.31 17425. 389.1 ioe Tea AINE The Foregoioe Figures Show The Even, Steady Growth: ANADA LIFE -- po Ai ht ala ee ees CADES 5 Assets J. 0. HUTTON,