AY MORNING ' BLOUSES Regular 75c, $1.00, 1.25, 1:50, 1.75, 2.00 For 48c. Each. This lot of 720-New Summer Shirt Waists comprises the very latest styles in White and Fancy Designs, made in the most a proved fashion, neatly trimmed with Embroidery and Ie ! ces, White Blouses Long and short sleeves, lace and embroidery trimmed, buttoned in back. Fancy Muslin and Organdic .....+ Blouses aS In large variety of design, neatly trimmed. iE Persian Lawn Blouses ~~ Silk Striped Blouses 'Also 175 Only Colored Dress- ing Gowns & Kimonas (Slightly damaged), regular $1.75, 2.00, 2.50 ~ For 48¢c. Each. See Window Display | nt cos -------- Price on" Board Wa 11 9-16e¢. The Selling Thursday afternoon, 70; Motning Star, 30; Hill, 50; - Sunbury, 25. Gl; Silver Springs, lands, 61; 60; Collins 25. Total, 714. Colored. --Glenburnie, 70; Our 18k. Gold Exoels in { of color, and we shape our Rings to give comfertahle wear. *The Marriage Rig is worn §| 60; Gilt Edge, 75, for life, be wise and buy the Oso, 43; Ontario, 110, Total, best. The bidding opened CES went as high as 11 9-16¢, 'Mr. Murphy bought 250 boxes, , Mr. Gibson scoured 797 hoxes. Two factories, Spangenberg } JEWELER, KING STREET AA " Bay View, bury, did not , sell. last week, when the price was 128¢. -------- our own Drug Store. 3.| Carhirit's union overalls. . It is such a comfort for , Mothers to know that the Wash Tub will' sémew the Freshness and good looks of our Washable Suits, t But all Wash Suits will not stand the Tub Test. OURS WILL. Russian, Sailor and Blouse Wash Suits, Blue, Brown and _ White Linen Galatea, ete., { sizes, 8 to 8 years, 75c. to " $3 Suit, Blouses, sizes, 8 to 16 years, 40c. to $1.95. would have been and before he could young ladies was other night. The victim of the aoei- dent collars consist of | Sailed Miles After Vessel Was Cut her frail thirtyfoot sailing vessel, Japrice, was run into and out down almost launch of Rear-Admiral John P, Mer rell, USN, the Chilian cruiser, making her way towards the German | f cruiser Bremen, navy launch started out from the Iat- ter and made directly Capt. Knutson, Mrs. ing, master, belived would change its course It did not, however, hut coming, seem- ingly at full: speed, fairly amidship qn the port side, caus- ing a yawning hole about ten fect for- De. GC poll ward of where Mrs. Vanderbilt stood MN, nmpbell, in the stern. Montreal, was nominated for modera- I ever saw," was her indignant obser vation to Capt Knutson, with refer ence. to the seamanship of the navy coxewain. Then she made inquiries as dd condition of her boat, and, leak much, told the captain to decline other things, in scientific stutlies. "At Wonderland Yesterday.' all offers' of agsistance, and ordered him to wail for the yacht club-house, two miles away. Had the wind heen a" little rougher, or had there been | A a Ys a ripple on the bay, the boat |tendnnce was fair, considering would have filled and sunk almost be- | Weather contlitions, and all thosa who Mrs. Vanderbilt could have been [Saw the pictures were of opinion that transferred to another boat had there Been ome very near. just | THE 5 P.M, EDITION FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Sandwich Fast, with a view to bor ing for oil. Some years ago the late Hiram Walker sccured leases in Saund- wich East, but as field, in districts, abandoned the work nearer home. At the Frontenac Cheese Board on there were hoard- ed, 714 boxes of white and 398 box- We Sactyre od 1 es of colored. The following factories ding a yon & | boarded : White--Elm Grove, 85: Cold Springs, Model, 0; Rose St. Lawrence, 100; "Thousand Is- Wolfs Island, 67; McGrath's Bay, 60; IHinchinbrooke : ley, alias Henry Orchard, the self-con- fosved assassin of Ex-Governor Steunen- berg, at factory 'about a mile west of here for a 'number of success of that," he left here for Van- Glenvale, » counver, ahout 1890, and had not heen 40 ; 308. at llc, and At this price and chesi has been appointed and cepted the post of third arbitrator in the commission which will look into the claims Bay View land Sun- The selling 'price took a drop from A pint battle of Beef, Tron and Wine, make, only 50c., at Wade's | der the Lemieux act. G. W. Stephens Jonking' for extra large sizes in | Mr. Jainey, the men. Tuesday. Charles Leark was left alone tion than to sce my old friends, who are dying off in great numbers." ne for Borsalino's in light t. Sundaes, Floradora * . he been alone he 1 in a serious plicht. it was his neck was badly burned, he had to have it bandaged up '#0 to work next day. It is said that the eall on the postponed 'until an- hae forever renounced celluloid and in future his neckwear will neh goods. ---- A PLUCKY WOMAN'S DEED. -- to Waterline. Newport, R.I., June 6.--Nérve and are strangely characteristic of re. W. G. Vanderbilt, judging from experience on Friday, when her the EAPEXERER EEF ARE EA TREE to the water's edge by the Mrs. Vanderbilt had been looking at Zentene, and was when suddenly the the for the Caprice. Vanderbilt's saif- that the for every instant. struck the Caprice A tor "That was The most rediculous thing that it probably would not Looking For 0il Sites. Walkerville, Ont., June 6.-0il specu arm properties of the township of oF his oil and gas Essox and Bothwell more promising he al South were Belonged To Brighton. Brighton, Ont., June 6.--Alired Hors Boise, Idaho, ran a cheese years. Not making a Montreal, Juce 6.--Archbishop Bru-|"P has ae of the "longshoremen of represents the shipping federation and Part Of Face Blown Away. Fort Frances, Ont., June 6.--A seri- ous accident occurred at Emo, on in the house, his mother having left him to pay a visit. Upon her return he was found lying unconscious with 5 om beside him. Part of his face was blown away and one hand severely burned. Coming Up The River. Quebec, June 6.--The RM.8. Em: press of Ireland, from Liverpool, for Quebec, inward, eighty miles vast of Fame Point, at 830 am. She has Croker To Visit. America. the girl on Have you tried Hong's new, special Ping Pong, * Manhattan, The French seamen have refused 'to adopt the recommendations of their delega tes and are still on strike. 7 ing' for ever-wearing fweeds, © "TWAS ONEON HIN] AINSI Will Likely Become Principal. In the event of the appointment of Principal W. 8S. Ellis, of the Colle- riate Institute, as dean of the faculty pedagogy "at Queen's Univigsity, appointed successor launch | ¢he principalship. Principal Gordon's Candidate. hyterian Queen's, wick, of Nowy Scotia. Rev, Principal Gordon paid eloquent tribute to the faithful services of the pastor of St. Gabriel's during his forty years' min- istry at that church, and also to his distinguished they been put on. won the admiration of all, and continually applauded for hig heroic offiorts in lators in Windsor, Detroit and this child. Those who did not see them, i : yesterday, should Plan have been securing options on |? y portunity to-day; songs York, a special be open all summer. Electric fans dro being facilities are all that could be desired. are poor and child. years in' penitentiary. brought to the Prince Fushimi and Barl Grey on | charge Wise mothers buy their infants' foods at 'Gibson's Cross Store. Fresh there. Jenkins' for twentieth century cloth- TO DEPORT WOMAN. Rochester, N.Y., June 6. ~Immigration Inspector Martin, of the port of Rochester, who was author- jad by the authorities at ashington to inves te the case, has oe gute that Mrs. Anna Barrow, twenty-eight years old, of K ton, be deported, which will be done as soon as the government's sanc- tion arrives. The woman came to Rochester in Febru- on a vagrancy, and the peniten- likelihood is that E. 0. Siter, M.A., classical master at the institute the pust eighteen years, would be to" Mr. Elis in t the general assemply of the Pres church, in Montreal, Rev. St. Gabriel's church, by Rev. Principal Gordon, of seconded by Rev. T. Sedg- scholarship, _ among t Wonderland, yesterday, the at- the were of the best that have yet "The Clever Detective" was recovering the Kidnapped not miss the op- also the pictures to-morrow and Saturday are un- doubtedly of the highest order. "The Henpecked Husband" and "Views and People In Ceylon." a miscellaneous some of the more prominent features The latter are of nature and illustrate Covion. The illustrated William Austin, of New professional singer, are a attraction. Wonderland will life. in by installed and the ventilating Sending Boats Up North. Frederick Huck, a boat builder, of Westport, brought two steamvachts heard of since until the present ; to Kingston from Sorel, Que, on trial took place. Wednesday. From: here they wore shipped over the C,P.R. to New Lis- Arbitrators Chosen. keard, Ont, The yachts were towsd the river on a scow. are very finely appointed and of consider- able speed. Their new owner is Fred- erick Hardy, New Liskeard, Ont. The erona, is a seventy-two footer and Montreal for an increase of wages, ira Bisons ig re it, Mi, 5 i inks wa y ow vy Mr, procecdings having been instituted un himeall, aml was. one: of she known craft on the river. The other, a fifty-five Tooter, the St. Antoine, ranks easily with the premier craft of her class. Mr. Huck himself is one of the best known yacht builders on the St. and fastest sailors and motor boats among the Thousand Islands, to-day, of his production. The list of. trophies won on his designs shows a very enviable record. Lavwronee and many of the finest THE GIRL RELEASED From Penitentiary After Serving Three Days. Last month Miss Margaret Barber, a te young woman, was tried at Sweetsburg, Que., on the of concealing the birth of. a The judge sentenced her to three The girl was women's department of London, June 6.<Mr. Croker mado | the penitentiary dere to serve her im- was united in marriage to Howard B. the interesting announcement that he { Prisonment, but remained only three Ketcheson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. would visit Ameriea. thie fall. "1 days. Her Triends led to _ the T. Ketcheson, Belleville.' ro," he said; *with no other inten- | Minister .of justice, looked inty "Cocoa Kola" and Cola Claret are case, and decided that the con- victionthad been wholly rregular. He ordered the immediate rdease of the , and the penitentiary authorities, receipt of the order, set her at literty and sent her home, Red Cross Drug orks, I nar ad light are granted an increase in wages. ' REEX EERE X REE ZEEE EEE HER | Chown's Drug Store.» June's BOOKMAKERS AT HAMILTON RACE TRACK Will Be Summoned Por a Test Case--One of the Hand-Book- men Found Guilty and Fined. of ses - . Hamilton, June 6.--It was announc- Peterboro, Ont., June 6% young A Narrow Escape. ed this morning that it had been de man employed at the C.G.E. works | While George = Reid and party 'were | sided to prostcute the Bookmakers and who 'boards at a house in the [out for 'a run in Mr. Reid's motor | operating at 'the race track. but, neith. south end of the city was the victim | boat, Tuesday evening, the engine got | or the 'police nor the crown attorney of a most peculiar accident on Mon- | out of order, and in the excitement, 'will 88% anything about the matter. day 'night. After tea fhe young man |a man fell overboard, but was finally | 1¢ ig pot likely that all of the lnyers and his roomate wers in their Toscued after mach ificulty, of odds will bg prosecuted, but that Toon dregsing themselves to vo out RE one or two of them will be served and call upon some friends. The vie. To Use Only Lower Section. with summonses 'and a test made of || tim of the accident had ton a cel- | Simmons Bros, who purchased the | their cases. tuloid collar and with. his [brick at the corner of Mon | The trial of the handbook men, cont off went to light a cigarette. Tn treal and streets for their | whose places were raided by the pol- some hay or other the Hgited match | tinsmith and bing business, do | ice a couple of months ago, was. he- Shite conta et with 'celluloid [not intend to wtilive the upper storeys gun this morning, There are three de- oy nd before one could say Jack [which will Continue to be used by the | feylants, William Carroll, Albert Om- , the highly inflammable ar- {board of oducation and the Hebrew | and and James Bayne, The case of a von ui fe. Cfilloid Ditnt with | congrogntion. © the last named was the first to be grea; before young fe nae taken up. He was found guilty and on Jnew what had happened the City Baseball Executives. fined $100. Omand was found not guil- A hace wore circling round his neck- | A mecting of the junior executive is ty, and the charge against Carroll ithe noticing the peril the to bo Meld at the Frontenac Business | will be tried this afternoon. The man with the eslluloid collar was in, | Collohe at eight o'clock, this evening. [crown's chief witness is a Chicago Sreped Wy at the back of the neck, To-morrow evening, the senior exe- private detective named Warner. He with ome quick jerk pulled collar |cutive will 'meet at the Y. M. CA. swore that he made several bets at and a good part of the shirt from his | buili to consider the withdrawal | Bayne's plage fo business and saw body. Had it riot been for the prompt [of the Royals from the league. It is | other people making bets. He won action of his friend the young man hoped to * arrange matters satisfac some bets and lost others, would no doubt have been seriously | torily. a rm Le burned as was too much surprised uke ---- ATR ZLE to know what to do. The flames were HICSS ay SF 302 = i Extraordinary Addresses Which Required Skilful Guessing. Toronto News, Ottawa, June 5.+-One of the compul- sory pastimes of the post office is the deciphering of extraordinary addresses on letters. Some of the problems solved almost pass the limit of wrong headed ingenuity on the side of the pas of the first part, and of skilful, nlf-reasoning, half-guessing . on the party of the second part. Here, for instance, is one address which the de- partment recently" puzzled : y Newfoundland. If that were a newspaper puezle you would use up a good many coupons he fore you solved it. In the end of the post office got it. It was "Fort Town: send," of course, in Newfoundland. Exually odd is the following : 18 Birds, Ontario. This letter reached its destination correctly enough at "Hintenburg." The secret of getting at the meaning of these ctyptic attempts at spelling seems to be to pronounce the strangy appearance aloud, and possibly a bit thickly and * incorrectly, as if by an ignorant man or a foreigner--or both combined--and then to see if there is any similarity between these sounds and a corresponding distortion of the name of some actual post office. The first case is an oxample; if you will imagine an uneducated Frenchman try ing to say "Four Tousan'," the clu to "Fort Townsend" is fairly obvious. It is an easier deduction than that of connecting a hasty, slovenly and as- pirated pronounciation of *'Eighteen Birds" with an equally absurd attempt at "Hintonburg." Naturally, in deal- ing with the spelling of men who nev- er read, the look of a word is the last thing to be considered. SEVENTY MEN KILLED, Contrabandistf Captain Blew Up His Vessel. Tunis, June 6.--A large sailing ves sel, believed to have been Greek, ap- proached the coast, yesterday, be tween Biban and Rashxadiir, and be gan discharging contraband. A French coast-guard observed the vessel's ac tion, and collected twenty-four barges and cutters, manned by native fisher men. These surrounded the vessel at nightfall, and kept watching her until dawn without approaching her. * When day broke the fishermen were in the act of closing in on her, when a terri fic explosion ocourred.on board. The captain had blown up his vessel, kill ing his crew and several men in the small boats. Altogether sevénty men were killed: An inquiry held here fail ed to identify the vessel. The contra bandist to whom the powder aboard her was consigned is not known, WHAT ALD. CARSON SAYS About His Attitude on the Aber- deen Street Sewer, Alderman Carson, who has been at- tacked by his political opponents for stating in council on Monday even ing that he signed the board of works report of 1905 regarding the Aberdeen street sewer for the purpose of get- ting something he wanted, says that those "who are barking at him know well enough what he meant by the "something," he wanted to get, That "something" was simply a few con- cessions for the residents of the ward which he represented, and nothing for himself. In order to get a little fair play for his ward he signed the re- port, because he knew that he was on the minority side and that it didn't matter. Now, however, he is opposing the construction of the sewer as most unfair to ple in other sections of the city which are built up, Queen's Endowment. It is stated that Toronto's * con- tribution to the emlowment fund of ioen's University, amounting to over £36,000, will be devoted to found a D. J. Macdonnell chair of mental philosophy. The total amount received up-to' June lst, is $271,000. Jenkins' for Fit<Reform clothing. charming June - wedding took place, Wednesday, at the residence of M. B. Redner, near Roblin's Mills, when their daughter, Miss Jessie May, dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross Drug' fountain. For .any case of nerGousness, sleep- lessness. weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's: Little Nerve Pills. Relief is sure. { The only nerve medicine for the price in market. It pleases both your eyes and your pocket book when you get glasses at T0 BE PROSECUTED 12 Pairs White Lace Curtains All good patterns, worth 75c, 85¢, goc. Your Choice To-morrow 65c pair \ pecial Sale ZOF-- ce Curtains To-Morrow Morning, 9.30 to 12 o'clock. To-Morrow Afternoon, 2,30 to 5 o'clock, We have secured some remarkably good values. in Lace Curtains, offered To-morrow, as follows : These will be 8 a pair. Pairs White Lace Curtains All pretty new designs, worth 1,00, 1.25, 1.35 Your Choice To-morrow 90c¢c pair 113 Pairs Curtains All different designs and 2.00 CURTAINS for 1.50 pair. 2.25 CURTAINS for 1.69 pair, 3.00 CURTAINS for 2.25 pair. 4.50 CURTAINS for 3.15 pair. ALSO 30 PAIRS OF Fine Swiss Curtains and French Nett Curtains at 20 Per Cent.' Off. If not prepared to buy just yet you can secure one pair or more out of the special lot and have them placed aside until required. White Lace qualities, \ Hf Ll flee Pett 8 9 Bele SPP 2 0 9 9 2 0 0 9°0 0 0 EE I TT I TI rit Jenkins' for Corhartt's union Rail- oletealol ® 8 0s Tan Pumps | Chocolate Tie Shoes Tan Calf Blucher Oxfords 1802 oP oN On =1 ZZ New Goods Just Received 4 oA $2.50, $3, The Lockett Shoe Store. | P.8.----Japanese Wicker Suit Cases, $1.00 and ap. TIT iiiieh tate teeta is tee ten Bente fantaat ent eato tent 20 8 0 2 0 TIT ad tis ov os iit gp Mitchels' 1907-8 8 Now Rex Special Dis for Ju JOHN M, Fur Ho 149-155 Bro Kingstc PIT IIE Thej}Best2Plan To adopt in tl Fishing Tackle .is you can find, By sures . you 'a p and an outfit equ and, if you don't not the lines fault Mitchell's Hq County of Fro SBALED TENDERS ceived at the Office of th Court House, Kingston v DAY, JUNE 13th, at 1 from persons willing to | 115 tons Scranton, an Hard Wood or more il r Coal to be of good quali and free from dirt, and ut the Court House, GG Office as may bo require ber 1st next. The Wood to be comp Boech, Hickory, or Iro sound and of good quali and one-half green, to be County Gaol half before next, amd the other he date. Wood and Coal subject and approval of Chairme Property. Coal to he Ww Scales, at the expense of The lowest tender not cepted, JOHN FOLEY, J. W Chairman Co. I'roperty. Opposli UNION ew HOTEL free on receipt of 2-cent s "soc Kingston Hosiery ( rt I.WILL SELL BY A any rooms, Brock street, MONDAY, 110TH JU AT 2 P. IPTY paid up shares 'toek of the Kingston. IH imited. WILLIAM } Montreal Joc INAUGURAL M 'Blue Bonnet: JUNE 4th TO 15th | tt | htt Racing and Steeplechu rain or shine: Admission to course, | Stand, $1. etme AFTER|HOUSE:( have decent Fur " To to dispose of 3 decent price for the Leading Second Hand De =. SLOm. am-------- Campbell B: Is the place for nobb ---------- f' gusto, ab Joh lot of for