Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1907, p. 2

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COAL! ie sudden changes in weather t fo suggest the wisdom of in sows ghod Coal. We L_gUod Coal. It's the kind that out the most heat, and the home comfortable ; it's the hegt money can buy, and there is none better mined. Wo deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom BOOTH & CoO,, Phone 133. Foot of West St Now is the time to buy a iaing Lot cheap, We have them at all prices d in any location. Plan iGet a ot and build a home ) your liking, £ *ehuckers, "so everyone had. the pleas: pame, presentati whole. 1 counting for several misplays. other handicap was the fact t ral of the riders were unaccustomed to i play. was keen and many remarkalfe plays were not e. The ponies very speddy and innumerable closcly a Nad Taken 0 a , the match was an immense suc- and polo still retains, with an increased enthusiasm, i Easily the best man on the ground was Robertson. He is a quiet, un- ostentatious player, 5 magni t and unerring stroke, and cool of head and of mind . He holds his position won- Of the players there is not a great to choose. Perhaps, though, Ma- jor Meighan should be awarded second discounted similar efforts of the other players: Ho rides faster than most opponents hs meets and plays the hardest game. * Major Mazley showed ood condition pnd improves marked- ly with each match. Yesterday's exhibition was of six ure of witnessing a complete match ad one so interesting that the spee- talors were sorry when it came to an end, Owine to the inahilite of the Toron- fo plavers, they having heen called home through the death of their com- rade, Alex. Mackenzie, to-dav's Fame with Kingston had to be cancelled, The Victoria Club. On Thursday evening o meeting of the Vieserin baseball wam was heid The following officers were elected : Captain, G. Dick; manager, William McFedridge;, secretary-treasurer, W, Hazlett. e colors of the team wil} be white with navy . blue trimniings The team now stands at the head of the league and the boys hope ta dn great. things suder their ale mena. ger. Withdrawal Considered. At a meeting of the senior executive of the City Baseball League, hold Fri- duy night, the withdrawal of the Royals from the league was laid upon the table. The team, at an recent meeting, was ordered to play over a game ih the Young Irishmen, on ac- ' of their violating certain rules. The management considered that they had not been given fair treatment, und for this reason wanted to drop out. The executive again ordered that the game must be played over, and this will be done. "All the members of the teams appear to be quite will- ing to contest the match again. In the senior league, to-day, the Irish- men play the Emeralds, and the Roy- als will tackle the Victorias, 3 -- Sporting Notes. : "Jimny" Beit and Battling Nelson i articles for 5 twenty- t at 133 pounds at Ran Fran: cisco on the night of July 3rd. Every player on the Canadian la- Crosse team for Australia was at firsy required to put up $200, but this was increased to $270 when it was decided that England should be taken in, too. A feature of the New York assembly | sessi was the passage of Senator Thom| 's bill which would permit may t horse show will take place team was omposed of | oy Alexandria Bay ci the first with the exception oi week in July or the week in n, who is of the August. Floyd L. Carlisle and Dr. D. phe oppastug fine B. Armstrong have the matter in locals, AJor | charge, and have already been assured eastern combination wi t easily, by ascore of nine goals to five, but at that tne play was by no meads one-sided and show- ed marked improvement on Tuesday's A much larger attendance was Present to enjoy the afternoon's sport and included most of the members of 'he was soméwhas soft and dg places, thus ac- i seve. their mounts, and so hampered ip | 8 rice i However, the excitement the favor it won on its initiation here last sum- he makes an excellent | 7h , has kindly donated the use of his track for the occasion, and also promises to bo a liberal sub. seriber. He will bring his stable of fine horses, and a number of other millicnaires are expected to do like wire, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on. Their Rounds. ry Bibby's 50c. underwear. Only all-cmm ice cream in the city, 's. There were no cases for hearing at the police court this morning. Wiuiam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. Perfect fitting glasses, the result of a perfect test, at Chown's drug store. Lennox and Addington county has granted $50 to the Hotel Dieu, King- ston. Shaving strops, store, All cream jce cream, in bricks, flavor, delivered oe's. Soap, shaving ' brushes, razors, ete., at Chown's drug any at any hour, at piano tuner, from Chi . Orders at McAuley's Look store. 'Phone 778. The steamer Wolfe Islander brought a rocord number of Islanders over to the market this morning. Bibby's #1 shirts are dainty. irs on the hose waggon having been made, it has again replaced the old one at.the lower fire hall. Seven Sutherland Sisters' hair tonic gives nourishment and new life to the hair. Mahood's Drug Store. Sale of stockings, 2 pairs, 25¢c.; 2 dress Shids , 2Bo.; 2 ander fens, ; strong supporters, 28¢. Now York Dress Reform. The civie finance committee has au thorized Mayor Mowat to make all arrangements necessary for the recep- tion of Prince Fushimi on Tuesday next. Eackache is almost immediately re lieved Ww wearing + one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back. ache Plasters. Try one and be free from pain. Price 25 cents, William Shea made a contribution of twenty-four numbers of the Munsey magazine to the Kingston police force, for which the bluccoats wish to extend their thanks. See Bibby's display of straws. The Trust and Guarantee Company, Limited, Toronto, has been appointed administrator of the estate of Harry F. White, late of Toronto. The estate is valued at about $150,000. Several new' buildings have gone up at Clayton, N.Y., and others are in course of erection . They are built chiefly from granite, taken from Pie- ton Island, and polished at the re finery. See Bibby's handsome hosiery. The 14th band and orchestra goes to Picton, on Wednesday next. after- noon and evening, to assist in the' welcome to Premier Roblin of Mani- toba. The distinguished visitor is an old Picton boy, and will receive an ovation on his home-coming. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, regulates the bowels, aids the kidneys, cures stomach troubles, builds up the nervous force and re. . Cunningham, ickering's rd pairs the ill-effects of over eating. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Mahood's drug store. DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT. A Farewell Given a Popular King- stonian. With fine music, a splendid floor and a jolly crowd, there was nothing lack- ing at the dance given by Miss E, McAuley, in her dancing rooms on Wellingiton street, Friday evening. The dance was given as a farewell to Frederick Paynter, a popular young Kingstoninn, who is leaving to take up his residence in the States. He leaves in a wpek's time for Water town, and later will go on to Syra- cuse, where he intends residing per- manently. He has a host of friends in Kingston, who will wish him overy success in his new home. About twenty-five couple were pro- sent at the affair, and dancing was continued until 1 a.m., refreshments being served at midnight. ------ Mild Smallpox. rescott Messenger. Under the casy disguise of chicken- PoX, an epidemic of small-pox_of the milder type has been _ raging in Kemptville and in the adjacent town- ship of Marlboro for several months. Suspicions at th being aroused Provincial Health Inspector Bell was summoned from Toronto, and charae- terized the disease as undoubtedly small-pox. Vaccination was begun and quarantine enforced in existing cases, of which there are now only three or four. There has been one death, the twelve-yoarold daughter of W. A. Barnes, cases further up the Rideau fires number, it is said Irish Creek. . will detrain at company will cinity both troops and Cedar Island, about which eom- plaint is made in regard to robbing it of its evergreens, is a military island, and under the control of the office: commanding Eastern Ontario. who, it the 'incident, and no doubt, will have notices vosted forbiddine the eutting down of trees. on. the old isle. Form- erly there was a caretaker, who lived in the tower, but the place was too cold in winter for comfort, and lat- terly the island has had no sentinel. Thi afternoon recruiting for the 5th Field Battery took place at the armouries. This battery leaves on Tuesday for Petawawa . eamp, where it will receive sixteen days' training. t The 14th P.W.0. Rifles' church par ade to-morrow morning js' three woeks later than usual. In past vears it has' taken place on' the Sunday before the 2th of Mav, but was left till a later date this year, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Transpiring Along the Harbor Front. There were no arrivals or departures Seported at the M.T. company Satur ay. The - steamer Alexandria made her regular stop at Polger's, Friday hight, on her way up. schooner Metzner cleired at four o'clock, Saturday morning; for Sodus, ,with a cargo of feldspar. Swift's wharf: Steamer Rideau King, from Ottawa, to-night; ste; King- ston, down; steamer Picton, up, to- night: steamer City of Montreal, up, Sundny; steamer Erin, up," Sunday night. 'The steamer Vietoria, of Brockville, will enter Davis' dry dock on Mon- day, to have a new engine installed. e steamer Brockville, which has heen undergoing repairs at Davis', is about completed. The steamer Midland Queen arrived at Richardson's at 2.30 o'clock Satur- day mornin, from Fort William, with 143,000 bushels of oats. The work of unloading the vessel's cargo was commenced at 4.30 a.m. -- Straw Hat Weather Is Here. And so are the nobby straw hats at Campbell * Bros.' Kingston's style centre for men's hats, ---- Try Bibby's 25. fancy hose. Seven Sutherland Sisters' hair tonic is a food for the hair, 500. Mahood's Drug Store. It's up to a married man to be a husbandv-not merely an ex-bachelor. It takes a fool to fool himself into the belief that ho isn't foolish. Bibby's $1 shirts for men. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store' EE ---------------------- y SUMMER AT LAST. Now for Light = Felts, ; Beanie sud Straw Sailors. verything . that's right, nice § and stylish is here. It's onl y a matter of selecting whic) you'd rather. Tete de Pont barracks, and thence march to Barriefield. It is likely that i But your the GT. R wil Ve special arrangements in the vi- of the barracks for dotraining horses. is understood, has taken cognizance of CITY AND VICINITY. "Edwards And Jenkin. Lowney's, Stewart's, Crothers', 's, "McCormick's, Robertson's. Sepa ov and" fon Read Forum Columns. Families requiring furnished housts for the summer would do well to con- Arrivals At B. A, Hotel. Frank B. Nachman and wife, Balti- more, Md; A. B. Cooper and wife, Wilkinsburg, Pa.. G. W. Vantassle, | Belleville; A. W. Benjamin and family, Varker; Max Miller, New York: W. 0. Miller, Toronto; R. Chestnut, John R. Molther, Oswego, N.Y.; D. Ford Jones, Gananoque; J. T. Singleton, Smith's Falls; J. B, Sweetman, J. S. Fox, Boston. Action Was Taken. gard to the family reported tobe in titule circumstances upon their ar- - A week from Monday mext the mili- [rival in this city, from Oso Station. communion: 11 a.m., matins; 14th tary camp on Barriefield heights will | The two elder children were sent to Regiment church parade, preacher, open, and for the next twelve days |the House of Industry and the other |r to "Siar: 3 p.m., Sunday. school about 3,000 men will be trained in the [two were taken to the Orphans' Home. | 3" "Rible class: 7 pom., evensong, art of war. An addition, will. be the | 1he family stayed at the police station preacher, Dean Farthing. Tuesdav, Prince of Wales Dragoon Guurds of {until late Friday afternoon. June 11th, St. Barnalus' day, 10:30 Ottawa, 'who 'will tgke the place of a.m., holy communion. the 3th and Sth field battéries ich RAEI IORNTDORe, J Click Tota lormerly camped here and which now . ur otes. go to Petawawa for their training. | TIDY YOUR PREMISES. Ml Rev. H. C. Speller, Guelph, has - oN dn ¥ | been called to the:Tabernacle Baptist Barriefield camp will have the best # Keep the lawn mowed, re- 3 church, Winnipeg. ; camp administrator in. the Canadian ¥ move the unsightly fences, ¥ Rev. H. F. Thomks. pastor of Olivet: military service in the person of Col, ¥ trim your trees, sod the ¥ Congregational church, Toronto, up Gordon, the 0. C. of Eastern Ontario. ¥ barren places, plant flowers to April 30th last, has been re-admit- His assistant, Lieut.-Col. Hemming, ¥ here and there. A lot of ¥ [ted to the Presbyterian church, after €.8.0,, is an old-timer at Barricfield, | 3% little i taken collec- ¥ lan absence from it of cight and . a having been there twenty years ago, ¥ tively can produce a wond- ¥|half years. es: and also having heen, assistant to the | erful result. M| Rev. A. H. Wright, rector of All late Col. Montizambert. " I'% 3 | Saints' church, Whithv, has resigned. The Consul An Author. Few know that the local States consul, H. D. VanSant, is an au- thor. He hasn't written of late but when younger he published a book en- titled "Barnegot Pirates," a tale of New Jersey. He is now occupied in his spare time upon a theme that will prove very interesting to the peo: ple on both sides of the line. Employers Oppose Increase. In employers' circles there is objec- tion to any increase of wages to the corporation laborers, as it is claimed that if an increase results will be a demand all round. On the other hand, the corporation laborers claim' 'that all other civie employees have been given increases, while they alone have been loft without a raise in pay. To Put Up Decorations. The decorations belonging to the Grand Trunk railway company arriv- ed in the city on the early morning train to-day, and this morning the men who agccompunied them from Montreal, started in on the work of erecting them about "the local sta- tion. They are being put up in honor of the visit of Prince Fushimi i apparent to the Japanese throne, and lending the Oriental sigmas with the Canadian and British emblems. A STEAM YACHT SEIZED ---- § For Debts Owing to Kingston Firms, The steamyacht Albina, owned by Dr. Wagner, of Detroit, who was dorm- erly interested in the Frontenac Cereal company, Kingston, arrived from De troit a couple - of days ago, and anchored in the harbor. Very soon af- terwards she was placed under seizure by the sheriff, at the instance of sev. eral local business firms, to whom the owner was indebted when he left here, nearly two years ago. . The Albina is 100 fext in length, and was formerly owned by W. H. Comstock, of Brock- ville. She was originally valued at $30,000, and is now worth $10,000 or 812,000. It is understood that a set- tloment will he made. The Kingston Foundry company is one of the eredi- tors. A Tip To The Men. The frock coat has: ceased to be worn by men of fashion in London, and is relegated to bank clerks and dry goods floor-walkors. It roccived its . death blow some time ago, when a bride groom belonging to the best set ap- peared at the "altar in a cutaway coat. . For all ordinary social purposes the cutaway (called here: the "morning coat") is worn as full dress for day- light. «The only occasion when the frock coat is still worn is when meet- ing royalty, as at a royal garden par- ty or at Ascot. A man under fifty seen anywhere else in a frock coat is voted quite "'declasse." Donaldson Jottings. Donaldson, June 7.--The milk wag- on has started on this road. Two dies of this icinity got lost while out after their cows and had quite an exciting time before they found their way home. J. Jones. while ploughing in his field one day last week," saw a very large black bear. William Webb paid a flying visit tq his home here. Miss Mamie Boyd has returned from Toronto on ga visit. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson, at J. Jones's Mrs. Rodgers, at Mrs. F. Sargeant's; Edna Jones, are A. Chester's, ---- Fall In Line. "nd come to Campbell Bros.' for Your new summer hat. Bibby's for swell straw hats. Postal development in China has a revision in the spelling of Chinese city names. "jpreach morning and evening. Action was taken on Friday in re United the revolutionary war, dealing par- ticularly with the shore inhabitants of i: heir} pelled to take to his bed. He suffered consist of banners, flags, crests, ete., menu, but a décanter was sent for nt SUNDAY The Gospel Will Be Preached Unto the Multitudes--The Topics Some of Clergymen Will Dis- cuss. | Sydenham Street Methodist church Rev. C. E. Manning, pastor, will Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- rie pnd Earl Steuds Pastor, 2 M, Macgillivray, D.D. vices, a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Dr. Ross will preach at both services. : Queen Street Methodist Church.-- Rev. W. H. Sparling, B.A., will preach 'at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Evening topic, "The Modern Prodigal." Sunday school, 2.45 p.m., midweek service, 8 p.m. , Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock street--Thé pastor, Rev. W. S. Mac- Tavish, Ph.D., will preach at both services. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 pam.; Presbyterian Guild, 8:15 p.m. Strangers always welcome. First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas Laing, nastor. at both services. 11 am, "The Beautiful Life;" 7 p.m., "Israel's Deliverance By the Red Sea." Sunday school and Bible class at 245 p.m. Strargers cordially in- vited to all services, St. George's cathedral--£ a.m., holy The Rev. P. G. Mode, of Broadway Baptist church, Winnineg, will fill the theolowieal chair at Brandon College. Mr. Mode is a native of Vankleck Hill, Ont. Basil McCrea has willed $750,000 to the Magee DPresbyterian College in Londonderry. The college is named niter the late Mrs. Magee. of Dub- lin, who founded it. Tts object is the training of Presbyterian ministers for Ireland. A SUDDEN DEATH. John W. Bertram Passed Away on Friday. 3 John W. Bertram, one of the best- known and most highly respected res dents of Harowsmith, died quite sud- ly at his home there on Friday af- Sealy 2 at two o'clock. Although of had been ill a few days his: deat! was quite unexpected; and the news of his passing away was quite o shook to his friends at Harrowsmith and 'in Kingston. Deceased was will known in this district and held the regpeet of all who knew him. He had not heen in the best of health of late, but wgs able to be around on the street and attended to business as usual up to Wednesday night, He was postmaster and undertaker for thé village. Wed- nesduy evening, while reading 5 news- paper, he was taken ill, ana was com- from inflammation of the bowels. The laté Mr. Bertram was about sixty-five years of age, and was born in Frontenac comnty. For over twen- ty years he, with one of his brothers, 1an a carriage works at Harrowsmith but of late he has been postmaster and undertaker, - He was an ex-mem- bar of the county council, and was also identified with the Mgsonic order, the Oddiellows and 'the Workmen. He is survived by his father and his wife, but no family, Mrs. Bertrain was a Miss M¢Kim, of Newburgh. De- ccased's father lives at Parham, nd is now ninety-eight years old. = Three brothers and three sisters survive. George Bertram. Harrowsmith. is a Trother, alsq William Bertram, of Par. ham. The funeral will take place at Har- rowsmith at one o'clock on Sunday afternoon, and will be conducted by the Masons. Members from the King- ston lodges will attend. . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. City Officials and Their Office At- tendance. Kingston, June 7.--(To the Edi or): Will you kindly allow me to ask through the eolumns of your paper, what time city officials are supposed to be in their offices. A few days ago I went to a certain: civie office to lay an information and com- Plaint. 1 was told the official in charge was out. [ called three times during the day, only to meet with the same results, and I could not secure the papers. For the henefit of myself and other taxpayers, I want to know if we are paying for officials to come and go at their own pleasure. --RATE- PAYER. The hours 'that the civic offices are open to the public are from 9 a.m, till 4 pm. Oftentimes the heads of the offices have to be out on business, but in nearly all departments there are. recognized assistants who are able to wait upon the public. If they ts snot capable, they shouldn't be in office. Ee Can Taste Wine. The Prince of Wales, who is dining out a good deal this season, has an old-fashioned taste in wine. He dis. dains the light; sparkling wines that have come into fashion, and always asks for old port. He will not. drink bottled port, preferring some fine fruity vintage from the wood. He has thus acquired the reputation of a genuine connoisseur in wine. At a recent banquet of a London legal society, the prince was the only guest who asked for a certain port which he knew the cellars were s for. | This particular wine was not on the are more blind people amoung } Spaniards: "any other SERVICES THE FILLING OF THE CITY PULPITS is inhaled and of ordi When you dilute spirits with York Sparks you not only gratify your palate but you benefit your digestion. Some few imported waters are almost as good as this pure charged water; but these few cost more than York Sparks The Mineral Springs Limited, Toronto ERG FURS! We have the advance 3 styles for the coming sea- son, and we advise those wishing a change to have their Furs ATTENDED TO NOW mW es W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. CUT CLASS ~ SPECIATY We have at assortment of Patterns, in 8 inch Dishes, at $4.50 each. present an Desirable Fruit at the above best value SEE WIN. line, is the This price ; we know of. DOW DISPLAY. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 868 Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 10-NIGHT! We will sell Long Silk Gloves, Black, at 75¢. a pair. . Long Length Mousquetaire Gloves, White, Black or Grey, at 75¢c. a pair. Fast Black Cotton Hose, Ladies' size, worth 18c. a pair, TO- NIGHT, 2 pairs for 25c. White Embroidered Collars with or without tabs, 25c¢. line, for 15c¢. each. : White Embroidered Turnovers at half-price, 5c. each. LL04400400008000000000 i 20 Dozen Ladies' White Lawn Handkerchiefs With Hemstitch. A regular 8c. line, TO-NIGHT, $9¢. Each or 6 for 25¢. FIFSININIIIISIIIIIIINY Piles of White Waists, at - prices ranging from 39. to $5 each. Special, in Ladies' Summer Vests, with or without Sleeves, at 10c., 12jc., 15c. and up. NEWMAN & SHAW It's A Fact. The $2 and $2.50 derbies sold at Campbell Bros' are not- excelled at the price in- the dominion, ------ Try Bibby's for cool underwear. About two-thirds of -a pint of sir exhaled dt each breath -------------------- j=" us S------------------ w-- TT ? Pelvic Diseas any sn invalid is dragg oi ith 'cdtarrh of the bladder, or Yoth. ' There is no disease equal in producing complete despair, haggard misery an An army of this sort'of v discovered that Peruna cou lieve such cases. One man tells another ms news spreads whtil in all p to be found men who have ated from the thraldom of c s course of Peruna. » Many cases of catarrh of t other abdominal organs ha as cured, We give below two promi illustrate the benefit of Pet Catarrh of Stomach an Mt. H. L. Emory, Vice and Master of Arms, | Omaha, Neb.,, writes fron Sixteenth street, the follo of praise for Peruna as a says: . "Jt is with pleasure / » Peruns as a tonic of unu A large number of promi bers of the different o which I have been conr been cured by the use of cases of catarrh of the si head; also in kidgey com weakness of the pelvic ol #"Peruna tones up the 8 a tion, induces sleep, ; on y the confidence of the above complaints." BLLLLLLLLLA00E4, =fce Genuine, Pu Bricks, all sizes. A. J. RE] PIPPI IIITIIYY Shee Canada Met NEL ian = New Wash Bi Veilings, Hosiery, Corset Ties, Frillin Combs, Leathey AH at Sp THE J¢ ME

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