ORING. np -- RAINCOAT ROUSERS Finished to your order in iloring is exceptional --it's pecial $15 Blue lack Suits. cial $20 Blunoz erge. obby Trousers 4.50 and 5. Bibby Co. mp rio. ce-Pres. wi Northern perties, have blown ont the ore, not only by our own assayists we have obtained demonstrate s of the LUCKY BOYS. low our advice in the purchase rely upon our reputation and ustworthy. Follow our advice will astonish you. s and engineers who are rated mining and reporting on pro- vhich have every indication of the others are turned down as perts are in the field at a great 8 to siniply make a report on SS company, he future, and we thoroughly our eustomers and keep them L their money in stocks- that ners. [| WHO INVESTS THEIR I DOWN AT THEIR HOMES WHATEVER FUNDS THEY N WELL PLACED. 1 that the officers and direct- nd the money received from development of the property. the fact that 1,000,000 shares for the absolute use and bene- oint of all, when you interest ecoming a partner of -ptople nen, and have made fortunes who are willing to wait the make their fortunes. anks, mailed to any address. 20. -- A ---------- -- Celluloid Starch Easier ironing gives better finish on things starched with Celluloid Starch, the only no- boil cold-water starch that can't stick.. You will like it best, once you try it. Buy it by name, Any good dealer. Saves Labor-- 'ood. :conomical. CAN SELL YOUR WINNIPEG PROPERTY- WILSON'S FIY ---- PADS --- SOLD BY -- DRUCCISTS, GROCERS anp CENERAL STORES 10c. per packet, or 3 packets for 25c. will last a whole season. Fragrant, nutritions and This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resis winter's extreme cold. Cocos Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers in }-Ib, and 1-1b Tins. killed a bushel of flies. You camnoi ZS 1a have 1 a better C EPPS'S | A delicious d:lik and a sustaining 4% SENG DESCRIPTION TO PO.BOX 739 - 445 MAIN ST. WINNIPEG - Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets |: for Women Make Healthy Women We have a date stock gifts in St ware, Cut Clocks and I Kinnear & d'Esterre, MAN. [a tt on | fom jee in OTTAWA CITY'S CLAM INION GOVERNMENT In Regard to Taxes on Property's Held on Lease--Civil Servants' Association - Becoming Nery Strong. : Ottawa, June S.- The dominion gov- wament has admitted the city's claim for. taxes on properties which it holds on lwse in different purts of the city, About $15,000 will thus be added to the city's revenue or the half year. This is mn regard to places purchused aml not vet used for departmental purposes. The tenants claimed exemp- tion. The Gazette issues proclamntion proroguing 'the assembly of parlia- ment on July 10th in the usual way. The. Civil Service Associntion among employers of the government now number 1,318 members and more are daily being emrollad. These, it is pro- posed, will show an unbroken front before the commission 'and state their proposals on the subjéct of promo- tion, superanmumtion and classifica- tion in the service. Tidings From Long Point. Long Point," June 7.--T. McConnell, road commissioner, bas given the con- tract for a large amount of stone to be got out for road purposes, the prospects are a good road in the near futy P. Nolan, factory inspector, visited the local factory on Thursday last; he tested the milk and found all very satisfactory. The trus tees of the school have purchnsed a new block for the schoolhouse. James Kelsey had a mising on Thursday last putting an addition to his barn. Dr. F. J. O'Connor went to Kingston jon Saturday last; he intends while re writing on his final examina- tions for the JOntario Medical Coun [he Miss Florence Townsend returned and cheese home on Tuesday from Gananoque, re she had been visiting friends [for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. M | Lemeer , of Melntosh's Mills, «Jsited at . Slack's. Saturday and Sunday Nice Rose Fodev, of the Outlet, © is pending a 'couple of wacks with her ter, Mrs, A. Slack. George Con Cis doing some plaster t a chimney for, C Singleton came near losing by fire last Thurs He was heating oal tar on the kitchen stove, t boMed over, the flames set lire to the walls and ceiling, and they dould it out, it did to the kitchen The by insurance. anpiversary two old =a respected nts, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bevins amd the people wish them many happy returns of the dav. There was a large party held at the residence of John Thursday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, of Sind Baws visited friends here' on the mar Sandav laste: Mrs. Jobm- Dillon, See of Ellisville, was calling on friends {here Wednestlay of this week. Joseph to Kingston on a busi vss trip yesterday ovine went Sharbot Lake Items. it Lake, June 6.--FE. Hamilton to Tamworth Shar has gon to do mason work. Rev. Mr. Halpenny has return- od from conference amd is remaining hare. Rev. Ms. Sanderson and wife ited at William ~~ Milligan's last week. © Sincere sy mpathy is extended » : wmphel Hl Guess, of Oso. over the third death in his family inside of two weeks. His wife and two children have passed away drain fever caused dea th of his little girl, who died Jobm Martin has charge : on C.P.R. for ar ll kept Lew, of Lind with his mother, | Nr Irs. Elliott, of Mon : if trad Kilborn last week edding Gitts||| |v. a. oom hi {ix days. Rev. Mr. Smith most up-to- 'was in ton this week Mrs r wedding Storms, of Verona, is at Mrs, Briggs' E Coir Thomson & . Avery's saw mill hore is ' running for a fow days while their {al t Mountain Gr 1 {x Pair The new buildings present will add gr wenrance of the village.' The Ca JEWELERS 100 Princess Street Cook's Cotton Root Compound. druggists, on receipt of price. | Free pam hlet. Address: Coox Memaing Op., TORONTO. ONT, Gormerdy W For Indigestion Try Chocolate Coated i. D. C. +aoich | THEY ARE PURE HARMLESS AND CURATIVE ---- WANTED Li OE dk m » Cobalt and Larder 732 ronto. Traders Bank y every 2 in Can ritorious Building, To- UNION | HOTEL |: {GRAND |" NEW ioRe CITY, he a Dey hoon oS pwnd Jae re, Guide! free on receipt of 2 2D ent stamp. posite Grand - Central Station gage to and from t New York City er ----,-------------- Shasessesectitste Sande $ Dr Broc Ad Brine) 4 ant Kiugplon as 5iet. Mailed on todd rg Gelobrated$ ob DRUG | wavs feil you what tholic church is to be torn down I t away mud r it Some Posers How many couples, if they could over again, would remarry Are not cigarettes at best Iv an inferior kind of stationery ? hy do those candid people who al- they think have ant thoughts ? fhat those who do the the smallest pay, pleasanter and restart all some 18 1t hardest work get while the easier and more interesting the work becomes, the better grows the remuneration ? Wouldn't it be painful to think that poor men gamble away their at poker, were it not for the thought that other poor { some noney contrasting men win it? straws are beauties. Bibby s new ol to bea A paddle-aged man, bel or wc the city, was arrested, orning, by Constable Patrick i charge of being drunk. is the first arrest made by the oli, in two days, The offender will riaigned before the magistrate on sirang , on 8a {| Monday. \ Mis Victopia Long, Earl street, has home, "after visiting Srieuds and Montreal. Miss Agnes Long, leit on Wednesday, to visit j« in North Bay and Callander. 1 £1 shirts for mine. Agricultural laborers' wages in Fpgland now average 18s. 3d. a week; in Walés they are 17s. 3d.; in Scot- land, 19% 3d. in Ireland, 10s. 11d funny how seldom a man's con- wionee will bother him until he thinks the police is coming. ; France, portable h hot water, are returned in Ottawa bys It is bath deliv- A+ Ri tubs, filled ered to order . it takes a man to explain to a wo- man things that he doesn't understand Hime 3 hh the exception of the underink- er fow. wen finish all they undertake. And the bottom of the eup of joy is seldom far from the top. Bibby» SL shirts are Bue, ADMITTED "BY THE OOM. DAILY BRITISH WHI1G, SATURDAY, JUNE 8. ---- LATE §ocIAL NOTES. (Continued from page 3.) The postponed croquet meeting way held in' the park, yesterday afternoon the ladies hoping that the pathetic spectacle of the elub sitting wrapped in winter garments waiting for favor able skies, might soften the heart of the weather man. A game was played by enthusiasts, who affirmed the grass wasn't wet; the 'wiser souls waited till a more propitious day. om Miss Edna and Miss Rita Mitchell, William street, asked some people to tea, on Thursday, as a little fare 4 to Miss Sadie Reid, the JDride-clect; The luncheon at the Country C on Thursday, for Miss Hermine Pacaud gathered together twelve girls about the festive board. . They were Miss Edith Drury, Miss Bessie Gordon, Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Kathleen McParland, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Made- lon Carter, Miss Yvette Pacand, Miss Phyllis Short and Miss Marie Car ruthers, - - - N. Mozley, Captain Russell Brown and Mr. Blair dined the visit- ing polo players, on Wednesday, at the Royal Military College. Major E. At the golf tea, to-day, the hostess es will 'be Mrs. Norman Leslie, Miss Macdounell, Miss Lily Norton-Taylor, Miss Elsie Pensc, Miss Kathleen Harty and Miss Marion Redden. $e ew "Somershy House," tea at Mrs. R. E. Kent, will: give her postponed Country Club, next week, when Mi Amy Rutherford, who arrived, to-day, from Toronto, and Miss Edith Drury, will be the guests of honor. » - . - asked llis, Mack street, Miss Jessie's girl friends to Mrs. W a few of tea yesterday. . . «a Cards were issued to-day, by Mrs. James Cr: Princess street, for a tea on Tues June 18th. In the ev- ening Mrs. Craig will give a dance for Miss Marie Gilmour, «a. of the younger girls organized this afternoon, and went off baskets laden s - $'» Some a picnic with their Miss Elsie Gillies returned on Thurs- lay. to Carleton Place Miss C', Hooper, Allred «n Thursday, for St. John, N.B. Mrs. Herbert Patten, of Prescott, who has been staying with Mrs. W. B. Carey to-day to "Hazeldell" ty visit Canonand Mrs, Cooke. Mrs. Van Straubenzie gnd the Misses Straubenzie were expected home to-day from Toronto. Mrs. E. B. Gallagher, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John McKay, Jr. Sydenham street, has returned tg, Toronto. street, left , went Mrs."A. Stokes, lay for Barrie street, left Toronto to look up a , and prepare for Mr. Stokes' coming about June 15th. Dr. Herbert Malone will he Kere from 'Frankford for his brother's wod~ ding. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Clergy street west, will go up to Toronto for the marriage of Mrs. McKelvey's con sin, Miss Minnie Dodds, to Mr. James Gounlock. The wedding will take place at the bride's home, Cowan avenue, on June 15th. Miss Dodds lived in King®ton some vears ago and warn friends to wish her has many wel Mrs. Ogilvie Dobbs has returned to Brock ville Mrs, Joseph Walkem and Miss Mhud Betts, Union street, will go down to Metis in July soe Miss Mary Legwo, of Ottawa, may be up to visit friends in town this mont} Mrs. J. Haskell, who has been with Mrs. W. B. Skinner, King street, has gone up to Picton to visit some of her friends there, but will probably be back in Kingston again for a brief tay Fhere is a rumor that eight Hamil ton girls are coming down for the June hall Miss Hermine Pacawd has returned to Montr The Walter MacLaren, of Bos ton, is visiting his friends in town Mrs. Elliott, wile of Professor James Elliott, of Wesley College, Winnipeg, is expected in the city the pext week, to with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Clark, Clergy street . . we fore part. of pend several months Richardson, Kingston, Baxter, Bridgeburg, are the Mirses Mann, in Avimer Mrs. George and Mrs. guests of the Ont ; Miss Hannah Bredin, left, yesterday, for Chicago. She will spend the sum- mer at Fox Lake, near Chicago, where hor uncle, Mr, Ford, has a summer cottage. It is probable that the Rev. Allan McRossie and his family will be here this summer Mrs. Herbert Spencer is going down to Winchester, shortly, to spend a few weeks," with Mrs. D. F. Sutherland, at her summer home there - - - . Miss Edna Lockett, will leave this evening, to visit Mrs. Bellhouse. Stuart Street, for Napanee, Miss Edith Hawley, of Bath, is the guest of Mre. William Gunn, Ports- mouth . eve is Mise Minnic @®rothers, Earl street, came home from Montreal on Wednes day. * Mrs. John Ward and Miss Etta Ward, Johnston street, are expected home on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, It is hoped that Mrs, C. YJ. Crookall who is coming over from New York towards the end of June, will manage to get here beigpe the ball Mr. W. T. Minoes, "Hillcroft," and Jittle Miss Veta Minnes, . gone up to London for a. trip =» ow Holy Trinity Miss Elith have At the marringe In church, Lucan, Ont, of Mara, eldest danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mara, to Mr. Wesley 8. Cole, Phm.B., of Exeter, Miss Mabel Bate man, of Riugbton, cousin of the hide, was the maid. of honor. She wore white crepe de Jap ower tafieta silk. with trimmings of baby Irish and Honiton, and a white hat, trimmed hihi wh fe poppies GANANOQUE NEWS OWN WINS CASE AGAINST CABINET COMPANY -- The Latter Will Lose Its Property If it Moves--Death of Patrick Corboy---An Engagement An- nounced. Lananogue, June Patrick Car- boy, an old oni of the town, passed away, on Thursday morning, at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Herbert Wheeler, First street; in the sixty-ninth year of his age. The fun wal took place, Saturday morning, to John's church, and thence to the Raa Catholic burying ground. The 'young men's Bible! class of St. Andrew's urch, held an entertain: ment in the Colonial Theatre, Thurs day evening. The programme was un- der the management of Fdward Shields, and a large number of local talent took part. They were greeted with a full hous ; The ayuatic sports committee in charge of that item for. &zanapogue's dominion day celdbration, Ras com ple ted its programme, whidh will con- sist of canoe, skiff, vacht and motor boat races. The committee consists of Frederick J. Skinner (chairman), D. Ford Jones, official timekeeper; W. H. Britton, starter; J. FE. Birmingham, secretary The Willing Circle of King's Dangh ters held a wnigue entertainment in the lecture-room of St. Andrew's church, last evening, consisting of a soven-cent supper and a smle of sun bonnets, There was a fairly good at tendance. The proceeds are to be de voted to the purchase of an invalid's chair, to be presented by the circle to one needing it. John Murchie, South street, an em ployee of the Messrs. Watts' machine shops, Factory strect, met with a se vere accident vostorday While run ning an iron plancr, he had his arm caught and badly crushed." The young man will be laid. up for some time Tremont Park house, which for the past three seasons has been run by Adam Brown, has opened up for, the season, with good prospects for an ex- ecllent season, A store is being fitted up in the Me Kenzie block for Charles Corniechia, who will conduct a moving picture show there during the summer months Mr. Cornicchia has, for some time past, been Italian interpreter in the coyrt at Watertown, N The case of the town of Gananoque against the Canada Cabinet company, toirecover the amount of #10000 bonus to above company, covered hy mortgage in favor of the town, forfeited for mon-fulfl'ment of the up before and terms of -agreement, came Sir John A. Boyd, chancellor of On tario, at the non jury sittings in Brockville, . A decrie oly, foreclosure was granted 16 the town, the company having till January Ist, 190K, to meet the demand, or in case of default, the town will assume ownership of . the plant and property gor MeCam man} Reeve Bgit ton, Reeve Me- or C by ve Gibson amt Munilew, and Lawyers W. Bo Car roll and J. A. Jagkson ®ere in at tendanee, # Dr. R. W. Irving, agers, who, for the past two years, has heen loeated here, has sold out his practice to br. J) Davis. Dr. Irving is leaving on ae count of poor health, and purposes locating in British Columbie W. J. Gibson, King street, hus pur chasid a fast horse, Black Maud, from H. Reynolds, Verona, Rev. Henry Gracey is spending some timg__ in Montreal, in attendance: at thes Preshy trian general assembly, and will pot return until next week Henry Upton, of Montreal, is spend ing: a fow days in town . Announcement is made of the' ap proaching mariage of Miss Josie Wilson, B.A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson, Pine street, to Ce il- Sherin, of Pelican Rapids, Minn, on Wednesday, June 26th. Mrs. W. H. Jackson arrived in town during the past few days to join her husband, and will reside h in fu. ture, W. 0, Adams and family, of possession of island residence Epsy Meggs, of some Lime and Mr Toronto, have taken Gordon - Macdonald's for the season Miss Syracuse, N.Y. bere with her Abel Maggs, Oshorne Harrison has gone to ac in a large drug' es Cleveland is spending parents, Mr street Gordon cept a situation tablishment in John Ge rov, an old Gananogue boy, who, for some yoars past, has been located: at Montgomery, AMa., is spending a short time with relatives and friends: in town George Webb, recently gradu ted from Brockville Business College, has taken a situation With the Kemp Manufacturing company, of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rawson and fam ilv, of New York city, have taken sion of their island residence, sy Rock," for the season Miss Duisy MeCalpin, who, for the past year, has been in Detroit and Chi ¢ago, has returned home. James E. Kenny, Pine street, has gone to New Liskeard for the summer, Light In Weight. Light in price. Campbell Bros." hats. Take a box of McConkey's or Huy- ler's high-class candy home with you on Saturday. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Prog Store. "Phone 230 in case you forget it. Seo our fancy wedding cake: will be in the window" all day Saturday. If von want something special in wed: ding cakes, call at Toye's, King St. At the residence of the bride's fath- er, Chalk River, on Wednesday, June 5th, Rev. George D. C ampbell, minis- tet at Chalk River, and Mabel. dungh- ter of Thomas Field, were married. The groom is a Queen's graduate. a AES Gly FTI June 3rd, Members all James W. Bell's assessment on 300 acres confirmed. Kemp's assessments acres, reduced $400, duced 850. J. B. Walkem's MoKim's assessment for Cataraqui, lot at ment on Portland road, firmed, © John Villa Park hotel, $300. Wellington of premises at Cataraqui, $1 duced $200. « 'ataraqui, ment grant, Gordon, Carried. Josoph Smith's place and ha filled up. Carried. oved, be divided hetween Divs, oqually. Carried. Moved, don, that R. J. townshin Shine. Carried. Moved, Reid Purdy, that C of by Joseph Hurpell, with § act.--Carried. Moved, Gore that C. F. Adair be eallector at usual salary. divisions 3 and 6, 3 and the balance to No. 6, t« en. from the special grant for Carried. Moved, reocive his salary. Spooner-Purdy, Carried. that Council Mr. Pillar, with rie. Moved, reve be power 10 a Gordon Reid, appointed to meet esttown council and sell a je pairs on the town Vrooman's place, faid job no ceed $25. Carried. Moved, don, that ten toise of g granted to road division 13» Moved, Reid Gordon, that Geo township offioers for at 1 pm, fn Annual Meeting. { annual meeting of the ers' institute was held in June lst, ed. officers' and directors : Peter E. R. Madden, Irvine Hambly, Jones, Ira B. Hudgins, F. Bogart, Charles Anderson, Hough, Jacob Roblin, J. N. J, CC. Creighton, Thomas C H." M. Johnston, Harry Hunt Dunbar. Messrs. Manly Miller were elected auditors for It was decided to hold the meetings at Napanecemand Odes th» supplementary Mille A Nevada Verdict. Chicago Daily News popular man into difficulty with a the place--and proceeded to up" in a manner entirely to the community at large. It ing necessary, however, the majesty of the law the was brought up for trial charge al assault with intent The case soon went to the jur they had been out about two they returned, ed the judge in a familiar way, "It it please the eourt," re the foreman, "we the jury fi the prisoner is not guilty of with intent to kill, but sim paralyze, an' he done it." So the prisoner was acquitt applause, - A dull common symptoms of kidney and these symptoms must al heeded. and Liver Pills a edy. These pills are a scien paration der troubles. In boxes, 25c. at Wade's drug store. Born Only Once. street inquired, ren born inthis town ¥' the man replied, "Onl dist riot, No. 12, Leeds chapter, Gananotje. "Sunnv Jim," just a whim. sundae, 10c., at He ans. See our splendid summer 80c. and 65c. known makes, as well as corsets, and guarantee a New York Dress Reform. Reid-Gordon, the assessor's roll be accepted and he that , Ross Paul, Myro Sehryver, J. S, Henry Martin, Manly Jones and P, meetings at phustown, Sillsville and Wilton, Well, gentlemen of the jury," Tooth brushes, from 10c. to 50c., at Siaon's Red Cross Drug Store, ' KIN GSTON TowNSHIP Assessments Considersd--Minutes of Couneil. Council met as court of revision, of i300 Arthur of $4,550 on 250 Mrs. MeGrane's assessment of $2,250 on 100 acres, re ANNORS- ment of $725 on 100 acres, confirmed, a house w confirmed. Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle's assess: £1,650, con- Boyd's assessment on reduced Purdy's assessment 200, ro Court of revision closed and regular township business taken up. Minutes of tho April meeting road and adopted. Moved, Spooner-Gor: don, that George Roan be added to list of poundkeepers. Carried. Move od, Spooner-Purdy, that Div. 13 be granted $25 for road purposes. Care ried. Moved, Gordon-Reid, that ten toise of gravel be granted Divs. 35 and 36, to be paid for out of govern: Moved, that Councillor Spooner ex. amine oulvert complained of obposite Reid: Ve same Gordon. Reid, that Wesley Har, pell's road work 20 and 20 B, i Reid-Gor- Vair be appointed ouncillor Gordon examine a culvert complained power to lon-Reid, of taxes Carried. Moved, Gor: don-Spooner, that $100 be granted to two-thirds to No. » be tak roads. -- that Movedi lor Ger don inspect the road complained of by ct. Car the the Ern- ob of re line, near M#. it to ex: Reid-Gor- ravel be Carried. rge Bab- cock be paid $10.66 Tor two sheep and one lamb killed by dogs, heing the two-thirds value of the same. Car red, Ordered paid: William Smith, 87.90. gravel - for division 33; W, J, Smyth, $0.32, for one sheep and two lambs, killed by dogs; the clerk, £1.12, for postage on 312 notices to two years. Ad journed to the first Monday in July, Lennox Napanee The following were elec President--T. B, Lund. Vice president --D, W. Shea, Sceretary--1)., Aylesworth. Treasurer--W, N. Dollar, Dircetors--C, W, Neville, William Frink, Thomas Clyde, James F. Daw. son, George Fleming, Guy Simmons, Robert Close, Vande i SE Fitchett, halmers, or, John ER. 1908, regular sa, and Adol A Chicago lawyer tells how the most in a Nevada town got disreputable tough--for a long time the terror of "do him satisfactory becom- to vindicate offender on the to kill. v. When minutes ask. off-hand "What have you to say ¥' , raponded nd that strikin' ply to od amid Backaches Are Warnings. heavy pain or oceasional sharp stitch in the back are the most trouble, ways be You will find Peck's Kidney most reliable rem- tific pre that can be depended upon for the cure of kidney, liver and blad- For sale A visitor in the little town of Bow- doin saw no children, but only grown men and women. He wondered at this and meeting a wizened old man in the "How often are child- ly once, as 'he ambled on. French. English and American per- in bulk, fumes, latest and best odors, at Hong's Ww. 8 K. Murch, Kingston, past grand superintendent of St. Lawrence Roval Arch Masons, has been given a past grand jewel: by It's a corsets, We keep all the well ordered t ER -------- A GRAPE CREAM rors ! It makes. thie most delicious and healthful hot breads, biscuit and cake FREE FROM ALUM, LIKE OF PHOSPHATIC ACID No other baking preparation of powder has equal leavening strength or heaithial aust JAP PRINCES ICES TRAININGS | EH Had FORGOTTEN FOR - CENTURIES. Church Unearthed in Ancient To Enter a Regiment of Prussian - Rome. . Guards. ' Rome, June 8.--There is great re- | Paris, June 8. Pringe Kumi of 3 joicing in Roman archeological circles over the splendid discoveries which have taken place on the Palatine Hill. Although the excavations on the sito of the Villa Mills, lately demolished, have only just begun, the Church of St. Cesarius has been found. It was the private chapel of the first Chris tian emperors; and was completely forgotten by ° the fourteenth century, no mantion of it being made alter that. This is a most precious isi tion, as it fills in the gape of his The government has also aoqui the famous statue of a priestess, found in the Villa Néro, at Porto d'Anzio, belonging to Prince Lacelotti. It is considered the greatest gem of Greek art in Rome, and ranks with the Ven. us of Milo. It was uncovered by a storm, the sea. 'washing awiy Prince Jancellotti's property. He has now sold it to the government, apd it wil be placed in the Dicoletion Museum. ------ peror, arrived here, last night, EK short visit before leaving whero he will spend the summer stugh- ing the language preparatory to en tering one of the Prussian guard. ments in the autusm, in order to he A come abquainted with the German military system. te Prince: Nashimito, his brother, is ab present. training at Rowen. | Es Te o Pr Raa B fap The Locust Plague. Middle West United States farmers thought they were getting more than their share of hard luck when the green bug, boll weevil and codling. moth swooped down on them in the coldest spring weather that ever hap- pened. But the worst is yet to come. The department of agriculture has sent out a warning, that the thirteen. year locusts are due this month. Well, there's some consolation. If erop con- ditions até as 'bind as reported the lo- custs will probably become disgusted at the poor forage and not return for twenty-six years at least. Euthvmol, Formolid, Sozadont amd Sanitol tooth pmetes at Hooy's. Summer's Loveliest Mil-~ linery Is Here. Not merely the abundance of good styles, but the exceeding good taste everywhere apparent, will commend to you this SUM= MER'S MILLINERY. Every Trimming effect seems to be em- ployed in modeling the Summer Hat--Flowers, Plumes, Wings, Velvet Ribbons, ete, The great divérsity shown in Millinery materials is one reason why the modes are of such unvarying in- terest to womankind. * 3 Never wear a greater variety of Hats shown, both as re. gards shape and size, and trimmed in the most up-to-date tashions. Mushroom Hats, broidered Drooping Sailors, Flat Brim Sailors, Wide Leghorn, Round and Flat Crown, Beautiful Em Lingerie Hats. Also a at variety of Baby and Children's Embroidered Hats and Bonnets. See them at SPENCE'S ™ ot een -------------------- ---- ss The warm weather has come at =U . last and you will need your doors rs I [4 and windows protected from the oi flies. We have a complete line of Screen Doors of all styles and prices. Telephone us and we will measure and hang your doors upon the shortest notice. We also have all sizes of Screen Windows. Give us a call. |] WApER ES ET