---It's Your Kidneys. >= re- | Mrs. E. E. Van Denter 1..- i » Los he | * gales, California, ary ow. the Social Science Club, yy on Ki Trouble So Bad That wo She Could Not Straighten he Up--She Has Been Cured "| Warner's Safe i Cure, w | A TRIAL BOTTLE OF THIS Gi): th | KIDNEY CURE WILL ng -- ABSOLUTELY FREE To joy ro ¢ | READER OF THE BRITISH EN - Wie SUFFERS = FROM Kinypy' " LIVER, LADDER OR BLOOD DIS. rs Mrs. Van Denter i a lo Frateful for what. Wag i a i for ne that 1 un lensed ta give Hu once, p p ha et kidney trouble and ay a peswid n ¥- | pained we $0 much that I was rus! n- | be on my 'feet "for 'several wonths, or we had was unable to . relief, so I told him not to 1 (jmore, and begun using Warner's Cure, 1 was much relieved from in the course of three weeks, und 1 I tinved to improve all the tine. gE. come sex! Rive me eight bottles in all and that efecto t complete cune, feel so well that I aur d | like a different woman. I cin strain o §° UP now, something that 1 was wu, be \ to do a few months ago. Grat fu ~fyouts, E. E. Van Denter, 423 West © if J St., Los Angeles, g-1] Science Club," Cures Kidney Disease When the 'kidheys are diseased the yur acid is not carried off, and this Gout, Lumbago, Cal: Secy. caus In Kidney Disease the bowels ar constipated apd the liver torpid. ner's Safe Pills quickly relieve this n a a - 0 n n WARNER'S SAFE CURE is put em rf or direct, at $1.00 A BOTTLE. substitutes which contain harmful drug injure the system. TRIAL BOTTLE FRER- ~ jevery sufferer from disease: Df | | kidneys, liver, bladder and . WARNER'S SAFE CURE will cure trialjbottle will be sent absolutely F} OF CHARGE, postpaid, to any « who will write WARNER'S SAF CURE .. Atlantic and Pacific Ave Toronto, Ont.. and mention Rheunratiam of n Joints, Rhewmatism ol the * Mus os Rheumatism af the Heart, Rhewmatis everywhere. Ay Lois TO convina Social o 3 8 War- dition, and no ill after effect iy experienc. a x in two sizes ard is sold by all druggists Refuse 3] having seen ; this liberal offer in the Kingston British .. The renuineuess of this offer ; fully guaranteed by the publisher. If v will write us a full' statement of you case, our doctor will send you free a | vice and a valuable medical booklet ar many convinking testimo s. All munications are strictly confidential con Ss u ar -------------------------------------------------------- The Cinderella Shoes A Ladies' Goodyear Welt Blucher Shoe, Vici Kid, with patent toe cap and high Cuban heel. It is an up-to- date street shoe: £ Price' $3.00 and $3.50 H. JENNINGS, KING ST "ARE THOSE STRANGE YARNS REALLY: TRUE 9" This Was a Question Fut to a Toronto Business. Firm Yes- terday. --e "I have been reading the news pers lately and I have come in rom Vaughan township, over twenty miles, to see if thase strange yarns about 'A Deliberate Case of Grave- Robbery," and 'Literally Dragged From the Grave' are facts or fiction," was the way an intelligent Vaughan larmer introduced himself at the offion of Dr.. T.. A. Slocum, Limited, yester- day. He stated that his wife ven up by a numbér of doctors being in the advanced stages of con- sumption caused by a neglected cold. He was invited into the office and erused most earnestly hundreds of etters from grateful people who had een oured of just such troubles . by sychine. At the end of an hour he aid, I take back' the word varns. ¥ou have published and much tore is true. You hawe not given the ublie. half of the truth. I feel like a ew mam I sce there is-hope for my ife, and T am convinced that Psy- hine.. will be salvation." Her rouble all arose from a summer cold ho warst of ail Solids, Here is one I cannot refrain from telling all who fer of my remarkable recovery wough Psychine. Tn. May, 1892, I wught a heavy cold, which settled on vy himgs, and gradually led to con: was mptidn. "TI 'could wot sleep: was hjeet to night sweats. My lungs si so diseased mv 'doctors consider- me mourable. Rev. Mr. Mahafiy, ort Elgin Presbyterinn church, re mmended Dr. Slocum's Psvchine to e when I was living in Ontario. Af- "using Psychine for a short time I e and slept well, the night sweats d cough ceased. Months ago I stopped taking Psv- ine. a8 I was perfectly restored to alth, and today I never felt better my life. Psychine has been 'a God- d to me.' MRS. ANDREW CAMPBELL ng end Cottonwood; N.W.T. al summer epuchs and ds, eatarrh, bronchitis, chills, night ats, rundown conditions, summer ility and .alf throat, lung and mach'. troubles vield auickly to chine. To be had at all druggists » cents and 31, There is hope in sufferers Te aa Synopsis of Cavadian Northwest | HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS numbered section of Dominion or the North-West Pro- ces, excepting 8 26, not reserved, may Yr omesteaded by any person the sole head % a family, Of male over 18 years of age, to he extent of one-quarter Section, of 160 acres, Any even ni Lands in Manitoba »" or less. : pplication for homestead entry or inspec- oP ust be made in person by the applicant Ue office of the local Agent or Sub-Agent. 3 {n application for entry or inspection made fenally at any Subagent's office may be to the local agent by the Sub-agent, at expense of the applicant, and if the land for is vacant on receipt of the tele: such application is to have priority and will be held until the necessary pa- complete the transaction are received gra the land Pe by ma. i, . case of "personatiun" the entry will be i canceiled and the applicant will forfeit all priority of claim. An applicant for inspection must be eligible entry, and only one application will be received from an indi- that application has been dis for * homestead for inspection vidual until sed of. - ws A homesteader whose entry is in good stand. and not liable to cancellation, may, sub- ject to approval of Department, relinquish it Is favor of father, mother, son, daughter, other or sister, if eligible, but 'to no one else. on hang declaration of abandonment Where an entry is summarily cancelled or Ton abandoned, subsequent to institu- i cancellation proceedings, the applicant ection will be entitled to prior right ing icants for inspection must state in rarticulars the homesteader is in default, subsequently the statement is found to rect in material particulars, the appli | lose amy prior right of reentry the land become vacant, or if entry en granted it may be summarily can es--A settler is reauired to perform the ons under one of the following plans: 1) At least six months' residence upon ar ultivation of the land in each year dur the term of three years 0) If the father (or mother, if the father eceased) of a homesteader resides upon a a the vicinity of the land entered for by ch homesteader the requirement as to <dence may be satisfied by such person re- with the father or mother y 1f the settler has his permament resi tence upon farming land owned by him in ey «y of his homestead, the requirement may he sagsfied by residence vnon such land Nefore making application for patent the tiller must give six months' noti in_ writ the Commissioner of Dominion Lands ra, of his intention to do so. i t Ott SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal! Lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. + more than 320 acres can he acquired by individual or company Roya'ty at the r of ten cents per ton of Mi pounds sh-11 be collected on the gross output. Omartz.--A person cighteen years of age, or over, having discovered mineral in place, may Joc te a claim, 1,500x1,500 fe The fee for recording a cl least $100 must be expended on the ach year or paid to the mining recorder hereof. When '$500 has been expend 1. the locator may, upon having a nade, and upon complying with other purchase the land #t $1 per survey rirements, sales. patent provides for the payment of a vy. of 2 1-2 per cent. on the sal : 2 ns generally are 100 feet are, entry fee renewable yearly An applicant m: obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five m each for a term f twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior The lessee shall have a dredge in operation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 2 1-2 per cent. collected on the output af it exceeds $10,000, iar : W. CORY. Ww. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unputhorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for, acer mining © SRECOTEOPISOEHO00S When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing clse. ® MOHICOHSIOIOFICISOE ENN T. McAuley IRE FEMOYED TO 93 Princess St. Between Corlett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil ton's, directly opposite An- grove's. COME AND SEE US "Phone No. TB. If you wish to bo successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business school. Baok=keepiny, shorthand, typewriting, tele- and all commercial su ts thoroughly by comptent Day and nirht classes. taught experienced teachers. Eater at any time. ~ Rates very moderate. "Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President: J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Life Producers Chatham Incubators Life Preservers Chatham Brooders machines that rival the mother Automatic In action, pegfect in ttl and & sure hatcher, & Sold om time, or With t guarantees. 2 L D.J. HAY, T. E! HUGH=S, Agents, 42 Princess street. "JA, 42 Princes 2% New England Chinese 'Restaurant pings Open from 10.30 a.m. to The to_get an si round Lan "a ube oh ha "la Style 388. The Wilkinson N the forefront of the new season's vanguard the * Wilkinson" Tel- escope stands alone. For one season a reigning favorite among College Men, it is now being taken up by dressy men, generally. If you care for quality youll find it in the " Wilkinson." * Prices $2.00 up. ASK YOUR DEALER NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. AND FASTENINGS. steel rails (open lenders must be made on the ed on application to Hugh D. Lwusden Chief Epgineer, Ottawa, Ont. Full mformmtion in regard to deliver on which tenders are to be made, had on application to the Chief Engineer Each tender must be sigued and sealed ¥ all the parties to - the tender, witnesswd, nnd be accompunied by an uc Dominion of Canada, payable to Cheque deposited by parties whose ten ers are rejected will be returned within en days after the signing of the contract The right tenders. all By Order, P.' E. RYAN, Secretary. srs of the Railway, The Commissio Transconti nental HEART TROUBLE CURED In the rush, hurry and worry of modern times, we overwork the heart. Is it any wonder then that there comes a breakdown of this wonderful little engine, when such a continued strain is placed upon it day after day. There are many forms of heart trouble and the slightest derangement of this im- t organ is extremely dangerous. To use a rel that will act u tissue, -- and Tevitalive Jt And at the same time tone up and invigorate the ner- vous system, we have such a combination in MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS rs. Ella Di Ont, i Es Da them: "It is with the test of pleasurehas I recom- Td Milbarn's Heart and Nerve Pilla. I was bled for a long time with my heart; 1 had weak and dizzy spells, could not rest at night, sod I would have to sit up in bed the ter part of some nights, and it was absolutely impossible for me to lie on left side. Ab lamp I pot box of Mil Heart and Nerve Pills and did me se el Ygot anothes box and they effected a complete cure. I have nob been troubled with my heart since." Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 all te ot aed Jrock wa sucsipt 54 pn ty The Milken Wm. Kurray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. ~ Sale of Horses every Saturday. een LAWN MOWERS $3.80 * Every Machine Guaranteed. STRACHAN'S. £.8.-- We don't keep Paint, we sellit NewYork Chinese Restaurant TENDERS FOR STEEL RAILS hearth or Bessemer, at forms sioners which, as well us the specifications, may be obtain- ies, and also as 10 the other conditions can be and cepted cheque on a chartered Bank of the the is reserved to reject any or NEW YORK LETIER srormisE RON BULD. To Flant Many Trees--New York: Society Leaders Ambitious--"' Porters of Twenty Hotels! Struck. New York, June 7.--The first church made in New York and set in a dis tant land will be at Colon, Panama. To accommodate the increasing num- ber of white residents in that section who wish to attend service on Sun- days, and who now hold relighous ser- vices in the hotel corridors and par- lors, plans are under way for the set- ting up of a portable church similar to those which have been used in vari- ous purts of the United States. The building will' be male in sections here and shipped to Colon, wherd it can be put together sasily. The portable church gtill possesses the feature of novelty, although it has been grow- ing in favor and in use during the last five or six years. At least thirty such structures are to be foupd with- in the limits of Greater New York, The buildings are constructed in see- tions, usually two feet, nine inches, by twelve feet. The Blank sections are made all alike, so that they can go together any way without being num- bered. These little churches have proved useful in solving the question of a suitable place of worship in small communities of rapidly-growing districts, where the location of a new trolley line, a new sublvay station, or extension of the elevated round sud denly opens 'a new section. Some. times the "boom" dies away, and with it the need of a church. - Some- times the place develops permanently, and the portable church, having set- ved. its * purpose, is taken down, giv- mg place to a permanent structure. The tree-planting association hopes this year to plant many more trees than it did last year. The associationi has a good balance on hand, but the planting of trees and their protection cost, and the association' would like more mambirs. Then, too, it has ifs eve on a part' of the $30,000 that was SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED : to the undersigned and nmrked on the |APPropriated this year by the city envelope "Tender for Steel Rails and [for the care of trees in the city Wp er rail Pugloningn respective- | streets. The association feels that the Shite will we Con ee LorS "ne Lhe amount is larger than will be found Transcontinental. Kailway at Ottawa, | necessary for the actual eare of the unal twelve o clock noon of the 206th | trees now in the streets, and hopes day of June, 1%07, for sixty-five thous- ro ' a \* . and, 'three hundrud 'und seventy-one, (85,- | 1° Jet Dart of the money toward the 8.1) gross toms of eighty pound (80 lo.) [Purchase of = trees. The associntion has just sent out thé annual report the on, of the - onnmssioners), on of lits officers. "It contains many hali- he sary fastenings n strict ac- Oar i ¥ : " cordanc with the specications of the tone engravings to show how much Commissioners better a street looks when there are trees instead of simply asphalt, stone and brick. During the last year the shade trees' committee spent about 81,500 setting out 150 'ice as, many as the year before. "The embellish- ment of the city by planting trees is financially profitable," declares Cor i | nelius B. Mitchell, the president of the association. "It proved so in Paris, in Washington, in Cleveland, and . in all other cities where the work has Lommissioners of the Transcontinental | een carried on. Houses rent more ¢, for a sum equal to , five per a ra : cent (5 per cent) of the amount of the |Padiy in attractive streets than in crder bare looking rows of stone and mor - ter. What little objection was for "I merly raised to trees in our city streets is rapidly disappearing. There are few gifts that would be so bene- icial to the masses of people in the tenement district." All sums eom- tributed will be emploved for that purpose and the committee takes en- atid at Ottawa, 30th May, 1907. re oh . 1 . ai Newspapers inserting thi advertise- | {iT® charge in p antmg trees in de- aent without wuthority from the Come | Signated localities, at a cost of ff issioners will mot be paid for it. teen dollars each. AE Leaders of New York society are looking up, and becoming more ambi- tious than they ever were before, They are scheming to have the Kaiser's daughter come over. 1 hey are hopeful that the little Princess Victoria Louise will be permitted to visit this coun- try before she is married offi to some snubnosed sovereign or princeling. The princess is of the schoolgirl age, but she is approaching young womanhood rapidly. Her newest photograph shows her sitting on the arm of her moth- er's chair with her youngest brother, Prince 'Joachim, standing beside the kaiser on the other side. It is a sim- ple home scene that doubtless. makes a highly favorable impression on the kaiser's subjects, as it certainly does on German Americans. The princess is not pretty, but she has a good face, and it's impossible to say how she'll look when the mane in which she now wears her hair disappears and a sty- lish coiffure takes its place. She is dressed simply in the picture, as, in- deed, she is on most occasions. Of course the lace collar she wears doubtless cost the proverbial pretty penny, and her frock probably is the best the German taxpayers money can buy. But the effect is one of girlish simplicity and pleasing. The kaiserin's gown seems equally plain at first glance, yet study the embroidery along the flounce, and collar quickly reveals there is nothing cheap about it, . "The Marcel wave," said the hair- dresser, "illustrates how ecapriciously fate often bestows fame on a man by giving his name as discovering some- thing he never discovered. The wave which we know as the Marcel was in- vented long before Marcel at his mod- est and not extraordinary shop in the Rue de 1'Echelle began to use it. By then the wave was already wide ly popular, Lantherio and the other hairdressers of Paris all practicing it, and practically all the Parisian wo- men of the world having taken to it. There was one difficulty. The wave was graceful and lent gn air' of great dis- tinction, ah, yes, but it was so ex- pensive, and, alas, lasted so short a time. In a few hours at the mgst, the beautiful waves had collapsed to their natural limp lanknets, Here was Mar- cel's opportunity. He devised irons by which method trained attendants, un- der his enterprising hands put in = wave which stayed five days. Imagine the gratitude of the Parisiennes. To be kept chic five days running, and that with one-fifth of the former trou- ble and expense. M. Marcel became the that gratitude, object of All Paris GIN PILLS BRITISH WaIG ,» SATURDA ug Bedfordshire, who was digging: ost a figcked to him--at least, until . other hairuressers could, more or less effec: tively, copy his method. How women of other nations came, saw and de- manded you can figure for yourselves, So the wave spread, carrying with it Marcel's method, and that giving his name to the wave, Staten lslanders are spending the half hour between St. George and the Battery in dictating letters to steno- graphers and typists on the big muni- cipal ferryboa between the island | and New York. The suggestion was seriously made and recommended to Commissioner Rensal, of the depart: ment of docks and' ferries. It is the idea of Mr. Springer, a wealthy real estate broker. He wunts three of our stenographers on each boat. The ter- rors of fog and ice arc diminished when typists and stenographers are there to do the work, so that a large share of the business man's day's work is ready for the mail when he sets foot on the shores of Manhattan Islands. It has even been suggested that the government place a substan- tial post office on each boat, and that the privileges of a lunch-counter be granted somebody to serve passengers with breakfast, luncheon and supper As a great deal of time is lost to business men om the trips, which fre quently occupy mere than a half hour, the trip to Statem Island would no longer be a scareffow, but attractive. It is rather striking and significant that twenty-two of the largest hotels in the city were the subjects of a strike of 300 porters; it was specially significant that the principal ground of complaint was the food. served out to the servants of all kinds. In many of the restaurants and hotels the waitresses and waiters have to sur. reptitiously take food, and sometimes are discharged for cooking themselves something. Some of them are almost starving while serving the most ap- petizing of eatables to patrons. There is general complaint on the part of the hotel employees of the character of the food served out to them, ul ways second hand scraps. and some times even putrid, the cast. off scraps that nobody else would masticate. The following first-class hotels are in the list condemned by the strikers, Bel mont, Manhattan, Holland, Murray Hill, St. Regis, Imperial, Grand Un- ion, Wolcott, Fifth Avenue, Prince George, Marlborough, Gotham, Savoy, Seville, New rand, Berlin and the Majestic. It seems the height of the grotesque to contrast the guests anc the waiters in the matter of their feeding, the poor wretches who carry to them the rich and daintily handled eatables and the wretched stuff that the proprietors serve out to the wait- ers. It must be the extent of the sub- lime that these waiters have to smell and see and carry to guests food that in contrast to what they themselves are compelled to swallow is as widely different as ean be furnished Frock For Little Girl. on earth, A modish htue frock for a twelve year-old girl is shown in the sketch, the design being good either for wash goods or cloth or pongee. 'The model was in light blue linen, in combina- tion with linen several shades darker White soutache braid and blue linen buttons embifoidered in white usd as trimming. The guimpe was of sheer allover eyelet embroidery, the sleeves being of the same, with band cufis to match. were Immaculate Soda Glasses. At many fountains glasses are mere- ly rinsed in cold water. At Wade's each glass is set aside after use and ir then thoroughly washed in hot soap suds, is rinsed, dried and polished with a clean togvel--just as you would do in your own home. Wade's Ice Cream Soda in such glasses tastes better and is better, Wade's drug store. A Tame Thrush. London, June 8. gree of tameness hos been displayed by a sitting thrush in a garden in Exeter. The nest is in the fork of a cherry trée, not five feet from the growl, and a. clergyman has been photographed in the act of stroking the bird as she sat om her brood. Language Of 1,000,000 Signs. Berlin, June S.-It is annopnoed that work has been begun by German philologists 'on material collected dur- ing the last nine years for a die- tionary of the Egyptian language. The lancuage goes back more than 3,000 years, and there are more than 1,000,000 signs used in it. Penalty Of Bachelorhood. Pretoria, Jume 8.--Sugpestions for increasing the revenue of the Trans. vanl include the taxation of white bachelors and married men who are ' Ses A remarkable de- JUNE 8, -- CUPID 1S VICTO RICH HEIRESS ELOPES WITH PLUMBER'S SCN. Vigilance of the Stern Parents is Eluded and Two Loving Hearts Made Glad. Paris, June 8.--The only deughter of a millionaire manufacturer at L'Isle Adam, in the depurtment of Scine-et- Oise, who is heiress to a fortune of $5,000,000, eloped yestérday with the son of a local plumber. : The voung plumber was superinten- ding extensive alterations at the slendid chateau of the millionaire. He attracted the notice of the mil lionaire's daugiter by his good looks and nice manners, and the two fell in love. 4 4 When the millionaire accidentally discovered the attachment, he forbade his daughter to see or communicate with her lo and in a towering rage ordered the young man off the pre: mises. The couple soon found means to correspond, and as the girl despaired of securing her father's consent to the marriage, she agreed to an elopement, She, therefore, arranged for a wisit to her dressmaker's, in Paris, yesterday, and was allowed to go in charge of her governess. The governess return ed to the chateau in tears late in the evening, and said that while she and her charge were looking into a Paris shop window the girl suddenly disap- peared. The police have not succeeded in tracing the girl or her lover. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE Tells About a Lot of Things in Short Metre. One has to perspire to realize his de sire. It's better to advertise than to hyp- notize, Price's chonolates are made fresh ev- oy day. Most people's out-go is bigger than their in-come. Never judge what a man knows by his knowing look. I'wo quart fountain at Wade's Drug Store. Boe. syringes, The better some people arq the more violent the reaction. : Sunshine of happiness is not a freckle producer. Wade's Tooth Paste, in tubes, at Wade's Drug Store. No, Cordelia, footnotes are not pro- duced by blowing a shoe horn. The easiest way to interest a wo- man in a $l article is to mark it down from 81.50 to $1.29, A pint bottle of Beef, Iron and Wine, 18e., our own make, only 80c., at Wade's Drug Store, Rideau King for Ottawa every Monday and Thursday, at 6 a.m. James Swift & Co., agents, A woman invariably tells a small boy to hurry back when she sends him on an errand--but what's the use ¥ No, Cordelia, a married woman isn't necessarily up-to-date, because her husband happens to be the latest thing out. If you istend painting your house, call and get 1), E. Fraser's price. Only best materials used. 75 William St, "phone 373, Mrs. Iirowne.~Mrs. Wythe says she thinks that it is wrong to play whist. Mrs. Black--It is, the way she plays it. i The most beautiful assortment of high-class perfumes I ever saw, said a traveller in Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store on Thursday. Get the habit of going to Kings- bury's antispetic barber shop, 185 Wellington street. Everything new and up-to-date; three mechanics no ap- prehtices. And now a corporation with $500, 000,000 capital hus been organized to build a railroad from North to South America. The odds are that the Pand ma canal will be finished in plenty of time to furnish water for the stock. For any case of nervousness, sloop- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in market The teacher--Now, children, why do you love to go to the park in the summertime ? What do you find there that is always fresher and purer than it is in° the city ? The Scholar--De peanuts, ma'am. How to live on fifteen cents a day. The mind as well as the body is benefited hy economy in eating. There's no health giver like a diet of Hollister"s Rocky Mountain Ten. In a startling way it keeps you going. Savings Bank 35 omts, tea or tablets. Mahood's drug store. » dash of!'Montserrat #Lime Fruit Juice. . This fruit juice lerids its own delightful flavor to pure {ivine in the colony without their wives. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamer North King leaves Sundays at 10:15 am. for Thowsand Island ints and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, RY. calling at Bay of Quinte ports. J. P. Hanley, , agent. A "Happy Family." JYime 85.--A anpor in the smploy ol Mr. Barford, 8 "x hole, found a white rablift. a anda rat in occupation. Jce Water, Iced Tea, Ginger Ale, Mineral and "Rye." Everything you drink in summer (except coffee) is all the better for a Head Office" 5 = & JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO _B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Of yours will need spading, the fences and out of doors put in order, for the glorious spring time at hand. If you require New Tools, Spades, Rakes, Shears, Pruning Knives, Trowels, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Wheelbarrows Or anything that is necessary for this kind of work come to us at 86 Brock St., next to Carnovsky's Fruit Store, MCKELVEY & BIRCH} Kingston J. R, URQUHART, Special Agent. ATT) EGE SEVEN, 'T V0 ES ---------------------------- 3 Toronto a oftvot without Slag of Gost Write oe call for farther particular. Interest added four times a year Department in Connection with all KINGSTON BRANCH J. 8. Tarner, M COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE | ESTABLISHED 1807 BANKING BY MAIL Business may be transacted by mail with of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is to out-of-town accounts. KINGSTON BRANCH CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS C. STEVENSON, Manager. THAT PET GARDEN trimming and vines need 2 Special in Children's Office, 18 Market street. Makes Everything Taste Better, Because It's So Good Itself It makes them more enjoyable. more retreshing, more healthful. Everybody's Favorite Thirst Quencher pantry and Water, Claret, Wines, "Scotch" "Montserrat" Lime Frui Canadian Agents : NATIONAL DRUG CHEMICAL 0! coolness and comfort. Order by name--. ' 5: J. 0. HUTTON, Keep a bottle of *'Montserrat"' in the have the means of preparing an ideal summer drink whenever you want . Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, -le. 5,000,000 2 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England 85 any branch deposits paid i 4 Go-Carts x From $3.50 to $15. Baby Car- riages, from $10 to $25. Camp Cots, Mattresses, Camp Chairs and Stools, from 35¢. to $1.50. . Hat Racks, from $5.50 to $35, . Hall Seats, from $7 to $18, Mirror . to match, $3.50, $5.50, $10 and $15; id R. J. REID, 230 Princess St. Telephone, 577. GROWTH BY DECADES Year Insurance In Fores Assets 5 1856 498,646.18 ? 1866 876,807.37 1876 2,850,146.85 1886 8, 465.19 1806 - 17,423,289.10 1908 ...... 83 280,542.59 The Foregoing Figures Show The Even, Steady Growth. OF THE CANADA LIFE you