hitewear. cores of women say that uy in other stores they ite. Underwear at Laid- absolute proof of supe- ell as in value given-- n. But 'it is a proof of nen do not come from and. from surrounding dollar. They desire to prettiest of designs. lerskirts, from 75¢ itgowns, from 75¢ a 'awers, from 20c set Covers, from mises, from 33c en's ar, Too S34 lodge. to 14 5- om 35¢C to 1.25. ow ll rr Des | Sandals lippers -- k of other kinds of the new styles at EEC hoe Store. SHPARATE, SEALED TENDERS aduressed to the undersigned, und - dursed ""lemdér for alterations, additions and repairs to biock A or BE (as the Tete du Pont Barracks h I be received at tins office 1 hursday June 27, 1907, inclusi the works above described Contractors may both buildings tender for either or lans and specifications can be seen and forws of tender obtained at this Department and ons wation ta H.-P, Smith, ksq Kingston. Archit notified that ten- 1 unless made ied, and signed al signatures. must be accompanied bY ed cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Hon- ou le the Minister of Public Works, equal to tem per cent (10 p.c.) of the wmount of the tender, which will be forfsited if the party tendering decline to onler inte asontract when called upon 10 do so, of if he fail to complete the work contracted for f the tender Ve not accepted the cb oe will he returned. The Department not bind itself to ateept the lowest or any tender By Order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works Ottawa, June 10, 1907 Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment Without authority from the Depart ment wil not be paid for it, County of Frontenac. SEALED TENDERS WILL BP RE- ceived at the Office of the County Clerk, Court Ho .. Kingston up to THURS- DAY, INE 18th, at 12 o'clock noon, from persons willing to furnish : 115 tons Scranton, and 50 Cords of Hard Wood or more if required Coal to he bi good quality, well screened mand free from dirt, and to be delivered at the Court House Gaol or Registry Office as may be required up to Decen ber 1st next. The Wood to Beech, lickory, or sound and of good be composed of Maple, mwood, to be one-half dry lelivered at th January 1s after that qu t County Ge al next, and the o date. Wood and Coal subject to measurement ahd approval of Chairman County Property. Coal to be weighed on City Seales, at the expense of Contracior. ver half The lowest tender not necessarily ac- cepted. . JOHN Forky, J. W. EDWARDS, County Clerk Chairman Co. Property. MULLENA NICHOLSON LUNE NU WORKS MONUMENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY IAL RN LILA] CELA) Montreal Jockey Club 'INAUGURAL MEETING \ Blue Bonnets Gourse JUNE 4th TO 15th INCLUSIVE. : kk Racing and Steeplechasing every day rain or shine. Admission to course, Grand Stand, $1. Co -- AFTER HOUS: - CLEANING ture or Stoves, It you hve decent Turniturs fF lvou u want to dispose RK, the ¥ docent. _ price for them, TURK, 8 including ston. en TRY A POUND OF ¥ . & WHIG TELEPHONES %| 243--Business Omce, | 229-nNditorial Rooms. ® 292--Jobbing Department. ® Try us for Billheads, ete. .) . . 2|| CHEAP DINNER Choice select" = specimen FURS, at Manufacturers prices, guaranteed in every & SETS respect, We are showing new de- 3 Zee have just Suished stock- , Signs in Neck Pieces. A very @ 1 a find we have a fashionable Scarf, in Mink |] few set short of a small num. or Ermine, a special bargain & Boh £91- pieces, These. wo will 'at : o Sea out at a great sacri- . 1 7 ®) Come and get a snap, $12 $ S|] $10, $9 Sets, for $7.50, $6 ; & and as low as $4.50. All (®) best quality. 2 JOHN McKAY ¢ ChAJ, Robertson Bros. S Fur House. -------------------------------- 3 149-155 Brock St., Attention, A Company 47th Regiment ! 6) > MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY 3 Kingston. will call at 297 Barrie' street. and re- 3 ceive Uniforms, ete., at once. Any young DAILY MEMORANDA. Cheese Board, 1.80 p.m., Board of Works, 4 p.m Tenders for Court till noon Thursday, hy County Clerk. This day in history =o ur defeated Botha, 1900. or Roberts Thursday, » Thursday. House Coal received men who wish to join will report Sign Service Roll T. H. HEALEY, Regiment. and uniforms A Company 47th and receive apt STEAM LAUNCH SANK And Eleven Officers and Men Drowned. Narfolk, Va., June 12.17 he first serious mishap to mar the gathetimg of the warshins of the United States navy, in attendance at the James- town exposition. occurred last night, when the steam launch of the battle ship Minnesota, conveying from the exposition landing to the battleship a party of officers, who had heen on shore leave; met with "an unexnlained disaster, resultine in the loss of élev- en officers and men. The officers, all young men, had been spending the evening in a social manner, being the quests of an old-time Virginian danc- ing partv. They left the party about eleven o'clock, and being joined by the launch"s erew, proceeded into" the roads to join their ship. Admiral Fvans, commanding the squadron is of the opinion that the steamer must have heen run down and sunk as all trace of the tender had disappeared, , No Fraud Advertisers. London, June 12. ~The New. Zealand government has found a way to pre vent fraud vertissments in the newspapers list of all such bogus advertisers has been printed and dis- tributed among the post offices with peremptory orders to refuse to give up the letters or to pay anv money orders to the individuals whose names mentioned in the circular. Baseball Record. Eastern league--At Montreal, 1. At Je fal At Newark, (forfeit. ) American league--At 0. St. Lows, 3. At B¢ Providence, 4 City, 1; Buf Rochester, 0, Philadelphia, ston, 2: Clove Chicago, 5: Cincinnati, 10; 7: Brooklyn, Philadelpd Boston, 2 At Pittsburg, Thirty Five Deaths From A Razor. A physician in Chicago states thirty-five deaths have resulted from paring - corns with a razor. Avoid blood poisoning by applying Putnam's Corn and War Extractor Purely vegetable Painless and sure is Put nam's. The récorder of the city of London receives £4,000 4 vear, and the cham- berlain £2,500. That (tired : feeling will disappear, and you will be able to eat well and sleep well: by usine Miller's Compound Iron Pills. For sale by W. H. Medley In the state of Utah a criminal sen thnced to death may. if he desires, be shot instead of banged. "HOE YOUR OWN ROW" It is bad policy to talk about the other fellow's goods--it is free advertis- ing for him, and non-pro; ductive for you. The public forms its opinion from the way you present . the goods. Do this concisely and convincingly, just as if you were talking with your buyer in the store. Then you will have made one long stride toward SUCCESS. Lord Bacon -once said: "The secret of success lies not in doing many things, but in doing a few things welll"? Advertising is the every mercantile vital SHOT NEGRO EDWARD WANDLE WAS THE KEEPER OF A RESTAURANT. Boyd Who Shot Him is Said to Have Been Very Jealous--The Murderer Was Locked Up-- Trouble Had Been Brewing For Several Hours, his throat, Edward Wandle, colored, for twenty-one years the keeper of a restaurant in York street, Toronto, lies dead above his place of business, John Boyd, a colored man, was plac- ol immediately under arrest on a charge of murder. Boyd was about the vicinity of York and Queen streets, in the morn- the murdered man. Boyd disappeared for a while, and then entered the re staurant agmin. "Where's Wandle ¥" he asked. "Opstairs," said a waitress, Boyd sprang up the stairs, revolver in hand. He ran along the hall, first into the apartments of Mrs. Hawkins, a colored woman. Mrs. Hawkins saw the revolver. Boyd then ran back to a Mrs. Isaac's rooms, which he had to pass in order to get to those of Mrs. Hawkins. He passed through a small room, thinly partitioned, and then up two steps into a room, which overlooks Queen street. Wandle, who had gone into Mrs. Isanc's rooms, turned ns Boyd entered, revolver in hand. He harely faced around before Boyd fired. The bullet entered Wandle's thront, just: abbve the collar bone. Death ensued instantly. -- A Waitress' Story. Oliver Bovey, a waitress in the re: staurant, said : "About twelve o'clock Boyd came in and asked Mr. Wandle whether a women whose full name I do not * re- the house, "Mr. Wandle told him, no ! and he said : 'You are a liar, she is.' They had quite an altercation, and Boyd sut down, and for quite a while kept threatening Mr. Wandle. sidewalk T heard himr say, 'Come out ere and fight like a man.' "Abput hali past one he came back, but he did not come inte the dining- room, and I lost sight of him. Short- ly after that hour Mr. Wandle said to me, 'I am going upstairs, so keep an on the place," and he went up- stairs "Within a minute or per: haps less, T hemrd two shots, at least, I think there were two, upstairs, and eve or fo, we went upstairs and saw him lying there. | don't know who called the doc , but he was there in a few mi but Mr. Wandle was dead before he got there." Wandle's Wife Arrived. \ The murdered . man's wife arrived about half an hour alter thy tragedy, but was prevented by the police from seeing 'the She was in a piti able condition, and almost crazy with grief and excitement. Jovd lived with a white woman in the upstairs of the old frame build- ing at the north-west corner of Bay and Adelaide streets for three or four months. The woman was known to the other people in the premises © as "Mrs. Bowl." She has not been seen around the premises for a day or so. Boyd was emploved for the past two weeks at the Grand Union hotel a% a bootblack in the wash-room. He didn't drink to excess, i Was 7 and and was regardec as a good employee body. peaceable, Wandle's Previous History. recall the fact that hore, a seore or Older residents when Wandle came more vears ago, he was the subject for severnl months of extradiction proceedings, instituted by authorities of the state of Georgia, where he was wanted in connection with the as- saulting of a boy on a railrond ear. Before his escape from the United States lynching was threatened for him, avd he spent a great deal of money fighting the extradition pro- coodings after he reached Toronto, heing at length successful, Lived In Kingston. Twenty years ago, Wandle lived in Williamsville, Kingston. His' mother was a fortune teller. He worked at odd _ jobs, and left for Toronto when a young man, : A Newspaper Candidate. - Janesville, Wis., June 12.--In a brief speech here Secretary of War Taft said that he had been forced into his pre sent position as a presidential can didate hy the newspaper men, and that he himself had picked out 'another ca- reer, | Broken down systems, shattered nerves, and 'emaciated forms are rap- idly restored by Miller's Compound MYER'S "0x5. SAUSAGES For Sumdey Breakfast, 80 Broek Sty part of 1 business. "Do this one thing well" and get it be- fore the eyes of your jatrons in the surest and ost inexpensive way, 1. e., the columns of the Whig. Iron Pills. For sule by W. H. Medley, Toronto, June 12~With a bullet in - "Finally, Mr. Wandle told him to get out and took hold of him and put him out. When he got to the }, Af : TO Ce] The Very Latest Culled From od Over The World. Seven bundr d freight handlers on strike at Port Arthur, HALLS. dani nie has had her re irs Sue ed, and will shortly re ois the Channel! fleet iortly xe Sir Wilivid Laurier «ill retap Canada by Allan liner Victorian, léav- ing Liverpool July 5th, General Booth arrived in Winniy on his:way from Japan, and is to ry from Quebec on Friday, A la French firm, of Rouen, is to build a refrigerator of 19;000 bar rels capmeity on St. Picrre." e longshoremen's strike at William has been settled. Arthur the C.N.R. men are still out, A Galician found yesterday stealing a ride on the C.I"R. from Winnipeg, jumped from the train and wai x stantly killed. ary Orchard, on Tuesday, confess ed a ot to blow up a boarding house at Globeville, (ol, containing 150 non-union mon Mrs. Jean Voucher, of Paris, France, eldest ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Burk, Port Arthur, is dead at the home of her parents. A boy antl man were lost in the woods in Fairfax, Wash., and sub- sisted for five days, without any food except frogs' legs. , Fort ing, "looking for Wandle," he. said, Brakeman Gunter was run over at He went into the restaurant, where A | Sherbrooke, Que and Killed while wordy war ensued between him and cauplin cars. He was to have been married in a few duys, It is said that an offer, well up in the millions, has heen made to. the Ontario government, for the mineral ized portion of the Gillies limit. The Penman Munufwcturing come pany's factory at St. Hyucinthe, Que., is likely to be closed as a ree sult of the strike of their employees. Mrs. Andrew Van Vranken Raye. d, wife of the president of Union College Schenectady, N.Y, ure, having been confined to her for five weeks. The king, gs patren of the Royal Life Saving Society, sanctions the en- rolment of A. L. Cochrane, Toronto, as honorable associate of the Order of St, John of Jerusalem, The Hudson's Bay Pacific Railway nd tal stock is $100,000,000. consideration and su tions, Experiments with Canadian red clo. mesbber, but whose first name 1 think |v. 'Tesul 1 , fi : is Leonie or Uney, and who, T think, Tots ins oe Canufian oe lives over a fruit store down on the ewt, of green product 4 et corner of Bay and . Adelaide, was in - : gar js described as an extraordinary cess, In Canada last year the new insur creqse of over $90,000 from 1905. In the United States the amount was $28,093,484, over six millions less than last year. There is trouble in Korea. The em- peror snubbed a new eabinet by keep- ing them waiting for two hours and then refusing to see them, and riots are started by people who obiect to paying taxes. * Before leaving Ottawa, Prinen Fushimi conferred on Joseph Pope and Capt. Newton, AD.C., the Order of the Rising Sup," The conchman and footman were given a lower degree of the same order, It is reported that M. Kogoro Taka- hira, ex-Japanese minister to the Un- ited States, who, it is announced, is to be appointed Japanese ambassador to Italy, is charged to negotiate an agreement between Japan and Italy. A rumor is going the rounds in con servative iv that there is a possi bility of opposition to "he re-nonina- tion of Edmund Bristol, M.1%. for Cen. tre Toronto. The rumor 1: that Cen troller Hocken would not decline if the honor were thrust' upon him. At a dinner in London, yesterday, in honor of James Hughes, inspector of public schools, Toronto, the principml of the Fdinbtirgh Training College, expressed great admiration for the freedom, flexibility and co-ordination of the educational system of Canada. Two more explanations of the San Francisco- Japanese muddle are given in Japan. One says that they are in- stigated by the sugar growers of Ha- waii, who are anxious to keep Japa- nese from going to Calilornia. and er, giving as proof the statement that Mayor Schmitz did not attempt to enforce the law separating Japanese and white children in the schools until he returned from Germany, where he had an interview with the emperor. Sterilized Kisses Safe. Cleveland, Ohio, June 12.--' 'Kiss all you want to, but after each fifth kiss take a sanitary gurgle. Germs and microbes like kisses just. as well as human beings do. To be on the sale side, though, sterilize each kiss.' : This was the message Dr. T. Frank. lin Gifford, of New Jersey, sent to the world at ldrge between the ages of sixteen and the divorce court. He has lectured upon the hygiene of the mouth before g numbef of dental conventions, and recently completed a series ol talks here to the dentists of Northarn Obie. "Tt isno pleasant thing to Viss" said thé" doctor, and them caught him. self, "er--that is, from a purely un sentimental, scientific and, 1 might say, hygienic standpoint. 1 have no wish as a man--and a married ene, {oor--to pose as the enemy of the kiss Kissing. though, is a form of disegse which the vonstitution finds it very diffienlt to throw off. There are germs and microbes lurking in every kiss The constitution can throw off these in timited quantities. It cannot do 0, however, if there are too many of them. The only safe way is to be sani: {ary about your: kissing," are to -- = a ™ Ro R BEM. ICTR = TN - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1%, 1907, . | At Port } IRISH a) | To Oppose Liberals In Parllament. BECAUSE OF AC] IN NOT GIVING BROADER MEASURE OF HOME RULE, Rule Can Alone Be Won---To Get For Britain the Advant- was under arrest, lated a btter from Barrington appeal John Redmond Issues a State- | ing to his Baglin rn ) ment and Tells H that "the bugle calle you to arms ih ay Some defence of a maligned and persecuted countryman." It Horse Knew. Ottawa, June 12--The Steathoone Home, in the ying | 4 under sentence of death a Baga, tw hw: , dopurted, They got a description the convicted man, Barrington mour, which in some details likeness to the Lord ever, show that the lord in question was there, during the ia Barrington Wo., has cireu- Tressider, St. Louis, , stating soems, probable, |. ages Germany Has Secured. died of heart fail | company has been organized in Seat- | °d his majesty's government tle to build a railway from the Hud- did not wish to make the administra. son's Bay to Port Simpson: Its capi- | tion provisions of the German mercial agreement the basis for The report on church union was re- | crimination against any other ceived. by 'the general assembly, after | and was willing to a notable debate, and will be sent to | Great' Britain, if she so 'desired. The the preshyterics and congregations for | secretary municating with the board of trade with the view of making the nooes- sary afrangemenis. Sir "| later anmonnced that This | the United States, the nature of which suc- he was unable to disclose, were ceeding under section three of the Ding. ley act. Replying fo questions on the ance taken up was $65,699,313, a de- | subisct the secretary said hs baped to secyre for Great Britain the same ade vantages as Germany had derived. I t Bay for Canton, Ohio, where he will |; that he would not agmin be lit ir participate in the dedication of the tn for parliamentary honors, w g monument of McKinley. The summer |i. oxeoutive of the South Wentworth capital will be located as usual on the | Co crvative Association met to done second floor over the grocery stare ol. | sider the festion of secuning another Moore, at the corner of Main and | iidate. [t was the general ne South streets. Secretary Loeh's home | 0 (hat Mr. Bmith was too t ' 1 " Sagamore ad a half from 8 the House of Commons, thorough fubization of the i push forward the cause of home rule ---- hy taking every opportunity and every Financiers to Supply With $80,- Britain, to force upon public attention the United States had officially assur- President Roosevelt Leaves Wash- Roosevelt left town, this morning, fon he will spaynd a quiet summer, ansl on he 29th of September leave Oyster | cpith, MP. Fownsond cottage the Irish parliamentary party, in decided to fight he government, both in the house and in the constituencies, in order to punish the liberels for failing to give Ireland a broader meas- wre of home rule than contained ip the rejected Irish council. John E. Redmoni. on bohali of Irish concluding as follows : "Another proof has been afforded that home rule can- not be won by a policy of coneilia- tion alone, It hard fighting, vigorous agitation Ireland, an active disciplined party the § 4 hizo Irish vote in Great ritain and its use absolitely inde pendent of English party interests, to means offered in Ireland, and in Great the grievances Ireland has suffered and | Paris June 12---Arran i are the ruinous effects of British rule in made by European ¥ Vests that country, supply Russia with hg Fine white, fine knit, lace trims Foreign Secretary Grey informed the | ¥old of which sum the ined, at ot Fo sleeves. Touse of Commons, yesterday, thet |™ to furnish $2) ery + that she com. dis- state, ly them to added that he was com: Edward Grey ations with pro- SUMMER OUTING. J ington For Oyster Bay. Washington, June 12.--President t Jvster Bay, the summer capital, where be the pretty E. N. up the cove road, Episcopal church, where he president and his family attend | weekly worship. The president's home, }° Hill, is some three miles the village offices, his year will war Christ London," June 12.<At a meeting of | so far as aid from here ix concerned, the | for House of Commons, yesterday, 1t was | ans. A Bribe to Make Archbishop After the mestiog had adiourntd a party, issued a long statement, h nis Archbishop I in ica if made a cardinal and. that they, at can be won only by | once would donate one million dollars in| to the church. The pope, according to in | the co or | nant at the suggestion of such a bar- gain. man, er-in-law, will be insanity. man to be allowed to politics, and a committee was to endeavor to get him to consent to however, that he will die for the mur dor of Turfman McCann, on the 25th, be is unknown to the local voter POPE INDIGNANT. Ireland a Cardinal. Paris, June 12.---The Matin publishes TA a ga values . i Ee Fen wo oe Tor 'mai ogy LE Oe ak Ladies' Cotton Ve R SaaS Wh thors. slenren t, was most BIG RUSSIAN LOAN. 000,000 in Gold. + A New Judge On Bench, Sandwich; Ont., June 12.--The, June the Essex by Je White: Special at 20c. CHILDREN'S KNIT UNDER WEAR, 'Steacy's -------------------- Will Be Asked To Run Asin, i , Ont; June 12-E 5 Hamilton Sap Ri od J » drop out of in again. -------- Fire At Bridgeburg. O'ROURKE~CA Bridgeburg, Ont., Jue 12.--A fire Mary's Cainer and in order to keep the president in i : : touch with the work of the adminis. hich mari last sight; in Na, tration as well as to secure the very Eo at. the t of the. : necessary president's signature to ich > . PAA: commissions, orders, and important | siderable a tol damage, letters, the eerciary, wilh mak daily all extent of which cannot yet be trips to and from the Roosevelt resic | 0 i ri timated, but is will be LIVERPOOL'S 7TH CENTURY. nd | niversary of the granting the other lays the blame on the kais- | pool by King John of the charter to which its rise is ascribed will be cele- pomp and circumstance that its cor- poration and its citizens can devise. The mrrangements have been in Great Preparations Being Pade For Its Ceisbration. Liverpool, June 12.--The 700th an- to Liver- brated early in August with all the gress for some time, and are ing practical shape, August 3rd, Sth and ith, hmve been appointed for a pa ant, consisting of consecutive object: lessons on the history and progress of the famous city. Its locale will be in Wavertree Park, Many committees are working for the success of the celebra- tion, and the corporation have voted £2,000 towards the expenses, GERMANS SICK OF CHILI. Asks President to Cancel Contracts. Berlin, June Kaiser 12,-Because of a series military officers are stationed at Val paraiso as instructors of the Clailian army. The © emperor requests e president to permit the officers to re- turn to Germany without. delay. ( Miller's Compound Tron Pills, only cream 'ice' cream in. the sity, ral thousand dollars, is the men, as can with other work pending reconstrue- ROBE! tion. 4 " ------------------ aL es he knew to be married al- realy. : ¥ -------- of intolerable abuses, | mainly con- ts' Bank, on Thursiay even- nected with the small pay and t Jehan 13th inst., at eight o'clock lack of 'comradeship of the Chilian pe LAN brethren invi wi ; lh i army, the kaiser has as presi- 1 © 4 perfumed Barated Talcum powder ; dent of Child to ence] the contract | {. joc, at Gibson's, Red Cr 5 : Evening, 7 to 11. jer which a number German Fg Ral Sis oo 3 5 under whic stats. a Tl Ontarian, fron] Fatire change of . programme London, for "Montreal, passed Father Point at 10 a.m. Choiee Conkey's," sold only at Gibson's Ked 2c. for filty doses. For sale by W.|Blake is unchangsd. Ci kA Medle ; Lime And Divorce Charges. of having married fs always oand.. * Imported direct from in 'Séaso 'antl al¥ads Gl de Ceylon, in halt only, Bought Mormon Hill. Lyons, N.Y., June12.--Latter Day Saints have wuccosded in th. and ond Ib. packages Mormon Hil, at Palmy Sea; the spot where Joseph Smith is alleged to have Eo mR 50.and60c, the book of Mormon was printed. hea The department of lands received word that forest fires were raging along the line of He Port Arthur, Duluth & Western railway. Scottish Rite re-union will be held ih the Scottish Rite rooms, over the Monday, Wednesday and Friday. MOTION PICTURES, "In Search Royalty caramels, "Ne 'ross drug store, The. condition of Hon. Edward