Kinds of Women to d==and It Takes All es to Please Them. A tO IT "EM THE WOMEN more conservative shapes, 10sen by our experts from models. Net one pair in the acme of high grade all the desirable leathers, button and lace style, or la is worrying about Tan rge range of the 'Golden ibson effects at the popular Pair and & Bro, SHOE MAKING ncoats buying one of our Up-to- all new goods, in Fawn, 21 full lengths, exclusive ur Print Wr. ' ds, ce appers * and full, splendid Cream in" Bulk or' in the city. 0s Street, LOAN ANDjINVESTMENT SOCIETY President--Sir Richard Cartwright _-- s DAILY BRITISy WHIG, W "JUNE 13, : AY YY PAGE SEVEN, HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS numbered section of Domini 1M in Manitoba or the North-West Pro. vinces, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may homesteaded by any person the sole head over 18 years of age, to family, or of a ho section, of 160 acres, the extent of more or If i lication for homestead entry or inspec- Bie a be in person by the applicant at the office of the local Agent or Sub-Agent. An application for entry or inspection made personally at any Sub- s office may be Fired to the a agent by the Sub-agent, at the expense of the applicant, and if the land applied for, is vacant on receipt, of the tele. gram such Msheation is to have priority and the land wii be held until the necessary pa- ers to complete the transaction are received "In case of "personatiun the entry will be summarily cancelled and the applicant will forfeit all priority of claim. : An applicant for inspection must be eligible for homestead entty, sad only one application for inspection willbe received from an indi vidual until that appMcation has been dis wed of. PX homesteader whose entry is in good stand- ing and not liable to cancellation, may, sub ject to approval of Department, relinquish it L favor of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, if elfgib'e, but to no one else, on hang declaration of abandonment. Where an entry is summarily cancelled or voluntarily Sbandoned, subsequent to institu tion of cancellation proceedin the applicant for inspection will be entitled to prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must state in what particulars the homesteader is in default, Mothers cannot be too careful in what they give children to move the bowels. Calomel, Cascara, senna, salts, cathartic pills, castor oil, and purging mineral waters irritate the bowels--upset the stomach-- and eventually lead up to chronic non-action of the bowels-- Constipation. rule FRUIT LIVER TABLETS) are the finest medicine in the world for children. It is just like giving the little ones apples, oranges, figs and prunes -- because: *' Fruit-a- tives' ARE the juices of these fruits--but so combined that the medicinal action is in- creased many times. Fruit-a-tives are perfectly safe for the children.- Keep a box and if subsequently the statement is found w he incorrect An material particulars, the apph- cant will lose any pnor right of reentry should the land become vacant, or if entry has been granted it may be summarily can d ties--A settler is required to perform the conditions under 'one of the following plans:-- (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year dur ime the term of three years (2) If the father (or mother, if the f jeceased) of a homesteader resides in the vicinity of the land entere ther n a for {| neh -homesteader the requirement as to | ence may be satisfied by such person re- | | | | # g with the father or mother ) If the settler has his permanent resi- | dence upon farming land owned by him in| the v \y of his homestead, the requirement mav he satished by residence wnon such land. Refore making application for patent the ! cettler must give six months' notice in writ. | to the Commissioner of x on Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to do SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTILWEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--Coal Lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. | Not more than 320 acres tan be aconired by one individual or company Royalty at 'the | rate of ten cents per. ton of 0 pounds shall be collected on the gross output Quartz--A rson eigh over, havin iscovered locate a claim, 1,600x1,5 The fee for recording a c At least $100 must be claim each year or paid to the mining recorder lien thereof. When $500 has been expend ed or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon complying with other | requirements, purchase the land at $1 per | acr " The patent provides for the payment of a ravalty of'2 1.2 per cent. on the s Placer mining claims generally a square, entry fee $5, renewahle yearly { An applicant may obtain two leases tol dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discret of the Minister of the Interior The lessee shall have a dredge in operation within one. season from the date of the lease | for each five miles. Rental. $10 per annum | for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 2 1.2 per cent. collected on the output after it exceeds $10,000 WW. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.---Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. ""NOTIOE TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS FOR STEEL RAILS AND FASTENINGS. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned and mnrked on the envelope "Tender for Steel Rails and "Pendir for .dcail rastenungs" respective ly, will be receiy ed at the oitice of the Cowmissioners of the Irunscontimental Railway dt Ottawa, until' twelve '@'clock noon of the 25th day of June, 1%07, for sixty-five thous- und, three hundred and seventy-one, (65,- 3.1) grees toms of eighty pound (30 lv.) steel rails (open hearth or Bessemer, at the option of the Commissicners) and the Retelsdry Tustendings, in strict ge cordincg with the specications of the vmiuissioners. * lenders must be made on the forms supplied by the Louunissioners which, as well us. the specifications, may be ottain- ed 'ot application to Hugh bL. Lumsden, | Chief ¥pgineer, Ottawa, Ont. Full iarmation in regard, to deliver | ies, dnd also as to the other conditions | on Which tendurs ave to be mpde, can be | had 'om'application tQ the Chief Engineer. | Hach tender must be signed and sealed | ¥ all the parties to t witnessed, and be accon iied by an cepted cheque on a chartered Bank of t Dominjoh of Canada, payable to t Couunissioners of the. Transcontinental | Railway, fer a sum equal to five per | cent (& per cent) of the amount of the] onder. Cheque deposited by parties whose ten- ers are Yeh stead will be returned within en days after the signing of the contract The right is reserved to reject any or all tenders. tender, and | By Order, P. BE. RYAN, Secretary. The Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway, ated at Ottawa, 30th Muy, 1907. Newspapers inserting this advertise Jent without authority from the Cowe- issioners will not be paid for it. RS wish to be successful at- The Kingston Business College Idmited, bead of Queen street Canada's Highest Grade ness school. Book-keepinyg, lorthand, typowriting, tole- graphy, and all commercial thoroughly taught by comptent experienced teachers. Eater at Day and wnirht classes. any fmol io" very moderate. H. ¥ METCALFE, Presidents J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. E-------- -A.-E. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re pairs are wanted. Our anti squeak Is used on all work. ---- 286 PLINCESS ST. THE HOUSER OF QUALITY THE FRONTENAC ESTABLISHED 1863. ' Money loaned on City and Farm Pro and County Tehen- allowed. always in the house. no soc. a-box--6 for $2.50. Sent on receipt of price, if your druggist does not handle thers. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. This Surplus of Over a Million and a-Half --$1,552,364.26--the 1906 surplus of The Mutual Life of Canada, on Government Standard of Valuation -- or $1.203,378.58 on Company's Valuation Standard (an in- crease on the latter, for the year, of $251,377.46)-- proves that The Mutual Life enjoys, to an extraordinary degree, the full confidence of the people. The gains in every department are far beyond our expectations --and the steady gains of pre- ceding years had made those expectations reasonably high. Write the Head Office, Waterloo, Ont. for particulars. 0 1 i < OF CANADA. S. ROUGHTON, District Agent. 'HAD THIRTY-TWO BOILS ATONE TIME Two Bottles of Burdick Blood' Biters Cured B'm Imperfect organic action makes bad blood, so, too, bad blood, in turn, makes imperfect action of every bodily organ. If the blood becomes impure, poisoned or contaminated in say way from comstipa- tion, biliousness or any other cause, some especially. weak organ must soon become diseased thereby, or the whole system may suffer in consequence. Pimples, boils, biotches, nloers, festering sores, abscesses, tumers, rashes or some serious aud perhaps incurable blood disease may resait. There is no medicine ea the market to-day to equal the eld and well- known remedy, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS for all cases of bad blood. Mr. Ernest B. Tupper; Round Hill, N.S., says: *I think Burdock Blood Bit- ters a great medicine for boils. Ihad them #0 bad I could not work. I had thirty-two on my back at one time. I used only two bottles of B.B.B. and they completely cur- od me. I cannot recommend it too highly." Price $1.00 per bottle or 6 bottles for $5.00. GILLETTS Same Price as the cheap adulterated kinds. E.W.GILLETT {EiFeS 4 and should know 18 interestne 81 J y Viiring Sacer Best--Mo#t eon L It cleanses BEAT OUT OF $3,000 GARDENER SWINDLED BY A CONFIDENCE SHARK. Trick Casket and the Old Story of the Rich Relative in Poor Health, Made An Easy Victim. Montreal, June 12.--Paul Wattiez, a gardener of Uutremont, is the vie- Um of a confidence man, who called himself Lagrange, anc purporting to be an immigration agent of the French government, Lagrange unfolded a smooth story to Wattiez, who also came from France, to the effect that Juliette, a niece of the latter, aged vnly Sixteen was failing in health, and worth $40,000, For $4,000 Lagrange promised to look after Watliezs interests. After considerable discussion £3,000 was de Losited as security until the titles to the property were produced. Un the 5th of May Lagrange called again, this time accompanied by another al- leged agent of the French govern ment by the names of Georges. As a pledge of faith they left the titles with the old gardener, and also left his $3,000 with him, putting hoth in- to a casket and the casket into a bag handing the gardener the key of the bar. Lagrange and Georges then left the house, but after a short time re- turned, Lagrange stating that he re quired the bag, He opened the bag, took out the casket, gave jt to Mr Wattiez, and left the house. As the two did not return, according to pro- mise; Wattiez burst open the casket with an axe and found that his $3,000 was gone. The casket he subsequently examined and found that it was fit- ted with two spring locks on either side. On qpening the bag Lagrange pressed the spring of the casket and in lifting it out the false bottom op- ened and the $3,000 fell into the bug. He gave the empty casket to the gar- dener and walked off with the bag containing the money. PRINCIPAL GORDON Spoke Very Enthusiastitally of Union. iii She Presbpterion general qssem- . en church union was under re- 'lew, Principal Gordon, Queen's Uni versity, dwelt on the idea of unity ex- pressed by St. Paul, and contended that there had been a tendency to ignore and forget the illustrations used in. the New Testament implying organic unity. He submitted that the onus of the argument on the question of union rested not on isa advocates, but upon those who opposed it. It was manifest that the churches so far contemplating union, the Methodist; ongregational mand Presbyterian, had been drawing together during the past few years, and that there had been a silent growth of similarity on ap- proximation in doctrine. He believed that whatever might be desired by members of the assembly, the general membership of their church certainly desired some revised and briefer state- ment of her creed. (Applause.) It had becn argued that the Presbyterian church had the highest type of minis- ter and member, but: they had paid a tremendous price for that position by neglecting districts that should have been evangelized, and failing to go down to the level where the less re spectable were to be found. When he thsught of the work of the Salvation Army he did not feel like priding him- self on the respectability of his ehurch. (Applause.) The church of Christ. was not a mutual admiration society, To-day there was given to the churches of Canada that had not presented itself to the churches of any other country since the dave of the reformation, and the movement seemed to give promise of the gloriobs consummation of Can- da being the! first country in the em- pire to present a united Christian church. (Applause.) RETIREMENT OF HERO. Colonel Mathias, Leader of As- sault at Dargai. London, June 12.-Col. Mathias, the 'famous leader of the assault of the Gordon Highlanders on the heights of Dargai in the autumn of 1597, will re tire from the army under the age reg ulation this week. It was a critical moment in a fight with the Afridis when Col. Mathias sail to his men: "Highlanders, the general says the position must be tak en at all costs. The Gordons will take it." And they did. The regiment, to use the words of Sir Wilham Lockhart's official des patch, dashed through a murderous fire, and in forty minutes had won the three officers and or wounded on the heights, leaving thirty men killed way Among the wounded was Piper Find- later, who, shot in both ankles, prop- yed himsli up against a boulder and piped "The Cock of the North" until the Gordons had won the heights, and he had won the Vietona Cross. A good. story is told of the steep climb which the charge entailed. "Stiff climb, ¢h Machie," said Col. Mathias, who was breathless, to the color-ser- geant by his side. m not so young as 1 was, you know." "Never mind, sir," the sergeant re- plied; "fe're gaun verra strong for an auld mon." Socialists Sweep Austria. LUTELY PURE | Vienna, June 12.--The houses of 88 | parliament assembled, to-day, with the anti-Semites in the most power- SOLD IN PACKAGES AND CANS. § [1.1 numigre. The spoils of the party have gone to the factions that were possessed of the best party orguniza- tion. Thiz iz espeoially the case with regard to the socialists, splendidly organized and they worked hard. Their gains were principally in the industrial centres of Vienma and Pragwe, and in turing districts of Bohemia 'and Mora- via. In the socialists whereas they now cured nehrly sixty seats, and they are likely to balloting. who were the German manufac the last house of delegates, had only eleven seats, have already se get many more in the re- Try ~ Hong's maple walnut, maple almond and chocolate almond, 5c. The French government has offered five to remit their land taxes for roy be : an opportunity, EONESDAY, i -------------- JAPANESE PREMIER. Lad et Party Founded By . ' Marquis Ito. & Marquis Kin-Mochi_Saionji, » The new Japanese premier, Marquis (in-Mochi Saionj , was the leader of the Seiquka Political association, the party founded by Marquis Ito. Me was borm in 1849. He studied in Paris from 1870 to I880, und came home with western ideas of politics that startled the older Japar He published a paper call Liberty." He was made Austria in 1885 and went to Berlin in 1887, but retumped home finally to take charge of the national board of education. He held this post trom 1894 to 1896, and then became 'minster of foreign affairs. He was afterwards created president of the privy council of the Japanese empire, which he held untill called to the premiership. e stétesmen "Oriental minister to A GREAT PRESCRIPTION Handed Down By Sufferers of Rheumatism, Ete. Those who have used it claim that the following simple yet wonderful prescription, is the best remedy for kidney and bladder ailments : Fld Extract of Dandelion, 3 drachms Fluid Extract drachm: Compound Sabal, 1 ounce; Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound, 3} ounces Get these ingredients at any good pharmacy, shake together in a bot tle and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. This is. said to be the simplest, safest and nowerful mixture known to purify the blood and rid the system of uric acid and other poisonous impurities and is re- commended very highly by those who have used it for rheumatism, kidney and. bladder troubles, overcoming the most chronic cases in a short time. Cascara Aromatie, 1 most Design For Striped Material. The drawing shows a simple and of Joctive design for striped voile, silk or linen. The model frock was of me- dium blue linen, with a fine stripe in a darker shade. The fold about the yoke and the girdle were of the darker blue shade in taffeta. silk, the hand embroidery used on the bogice front also being in the darker shade in wash cotton. (luny late and cream batiste were used for the yoke and sleeves, LOOK FOR BLOOD HUMORS They Crop Out Constantly, Showing the System Needs Purifying. You're not satisfied with your looks, How can you be with such disfiguring. pimples, such rough, uneven skin ? Blood is full of humors and it's no wonder you look and feel poorly. You are languid, Appetite is miserable, Sleep is hard to get, Snap and vim are lacking. High time to improve moatters--but what's the proper remedy ? Experience proves that' Dr. Hamil ton's pive instant effect. They tone the entire system, fortify the blood and impart a feeling of pew life in a few dunys Unlike strong purgatives, Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills are exevedingly mild. They are made from -concemtrated wegetable extracts such as Muodrake and Butternut, and ean be taken by young or old with absolute safety. 1 learnt. something very valuable after using Dr. Hamilton's Pills." writes Mise Effie Thompson, of Meri- den. "1 used to have ugly. pimples that much embhrrasssd me. The tonic and purifying effect of Dr. Hamilton's Pills completely restored me. My health is splendid and my complexion a great credit to this marvelous me dicine."" 5 let vour me licine be Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They a> cure so thoroughly. Sold by all de Jers, 2c. per box. or five boxes for $i By mail from N. C. Polson & Co. + Ont., and fiwrtiond, Conn; Us VICTORY SHIELDS ARE MEANT 10 RECALL NELSON'S MEMORY. Generous Offer Made By Lord Strathcona to Supply the Shields to Every School in Canada. It will be interesting fews in this city to learn that city schools may be presented with a "Victory" Shi ld by Lord Strathcona. In a ot ter from Edward B. Matthews, secre tary of the British and Foreign Sail- ors' Society, this announcement is made. He quotes a letter sent by Lord Strathcona making the offer. The letter is as follows : "Dear Mr. Matthews, --I am excoed- ingly sorry that my offical duties make it impossible for me to be pres ent at the anniversary meoting of your socicty this afternoon. You know 1 am entirely in sympathy with the work of your society, and it: will afs ford me much pleasure to contribute £1,000 for the purpose of provid ing a 'Victory' Shield for the schools throughout the dominion, to be dis tributed as you suggest.--Believe me to be, dear Mr. Matthews, yours sin- cerely, Strathcona," Commenting on Lord Strathcona's letter, Mr, Matthews says: "The society has undertaken a big thing for a big couatry. But I feel confident that, as heretofore, the gov- ernment will admit the shield and sounenirs duty free, and that the min isters of education and various odu- cational authorities and teachers will co-operate with us to ensure the sue cessful carrying out of this project The society has already spent sewvergl thousand pounds in its educational, patriotic and philanthropic work in connection with its Nelson centenary and anniversary oedebrations. In addi tion to the copper given to the socie ty by the lords of the admiralty, tak en from Admiral Nelson's famous bat tleship, Victory, all the copper left from Nelson's other historic fingship, Foudroyant, was secured, to: be used for the above purpose, "The sacred promise made to the admiralty when the material was giv en was, that any financial outcome should go for the bheaefit of seamen In ecarrving out, therefore, by the assistance of Lord Strathcona, this great project in Canada, we are anxi ous that every school, however small in numbers, however far from the frontier, shall have its 'Victory' Shield. But at the same time we would lke to receive, even from the smallest school, not less than one dol lar for the society's work for seamen. And every boy and girl giving or col lecting only twenty-five cents will re ceive a 'Victory' charm made from the same copper.' SPORTING NOTES. Interesting Items om Various Matters. 3 Kelley, of Toronto, still leads the Eastern league with the bat, having an average of 394, Thoney is second, with 967, Cornwall's win on Saturday may cost the Capitals the championship, A win now is worth two at the end of the season. The agitation for a post-season ser ies between the winners of the Fastern and American Association baseball pennants is being renewed this sea son, At Manchester, - England, in the Northern championship tennis meeting May Sutton, of Calilornia, was de feated in the final by Mrs. Story (for merly Miss Cooper), the English cham pion, by 7-3, 6-0. President McCaffery, of the Toronto Baseball Club, is jumping around be tween Baltimore and New York in quest of a couple of players. Heis ne gotiating with the Pirates and Boston Amenicans for an infielder and an out fielder, The twelfth annual meeting of the Royal Canadian Golf Association will be held at the links of the Lambton Golf Club, June 29th, July Ist, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th amd 6th. The Quebec vw, Ontario match will be played the first day. RUNS FROM HOSPITAL. -- in Rain Clad in Shirt. Fredericton, N.B,, June 11.--Warren «Allen, twenty-nine years of age, a fe- ver patient in the Victoria hospital, while delirious, escaped. He rushed to the bath-room, which is on the ground floor, and jumped through the window. He was clothed in his nightshirt only. All day a searching party, including members of the fire department, en deavored to locate him, and late this afternoon he turned up on University avenue, and was removed to the hos pital. All the night and ell day it poured rain incessantly. The supposition is, however, that he travelled from the hospital to the LCR, freight shed, where he remained until he recovered consciousness, LIGHTNING WRECKED HOUSE. Spent Hours Killed Cat, But All of Family Escaped. Fredericton, N.B., June 12.---The dwelling house of Slathiel Carr, at Geary, Sunbury county, was struck by lightning, Saturday evening, and Mrs. Carr and two daughters and grandchild, who were sitting on the front steps, had a miraculous escape. The bolt struck the roof of the house, demolishing the chimney, and then travelled down into the chimney, amd out through the front door, smashingt dishes, furniture, stove, and, in fact, everything in its pathway: cat lying on the flor between the ladies was instantly killed. Cne of the ladies had her shoe and stoeck- ing torn from her foot. ' Asks A Divorce At Ninety. Kunlamazoo, Mich., June 12. Levi Woods, ninety vears old, for fifty years a pillar' in a church, has ap- plied for a divorce from his wile, whom he married twenty-seven years ago. ' H. Cupningham, piano tuner, from i a. Orders at cAuley's book store, "Phone 778. " William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders A man is as old as he feels. _ The man, who feels old, is the man who neglects his liver * and stomach. Every man can be 50 or 60 years YOUNG, by keeping his stomach clear--liver active--and bowels regular, A dessert spoonful of Abbey's Salt, in a glass of tepid water every morning, is the "fountain of perpetual youth." Alibey Try it this summer, and keep young. 25c. and 6oc. a bottle, Salt Atall droggists. us Cool Suifs w- 4 for Hot Days . Flannels--from England. Blues, greens, grays, : whites etc. 1 4 effects. Serges --* Imperial" i ue Serge its. f 1 Al Worsteds--beauntiful grays, in a host of elegant effects that are exclusive with Fit- En Reform. $15. up. a E. P. Jenkins, - Kingston THE RECORD FURNACE \ possesses one of the largest feed doors of any furnace manufactured. The advan tages of this are obvious when one considers with such a is such as to permitof either wood or coal being used. The only change necessary when using wood is_the insertion of a per- forated metal wood-grate, which is easily placed inside on the grates, or removed, according to the fuel used. 108 Write for Catalogue Taylor & Hamilton, Stoves; Simmons Bros. Furnaces, Kingston, \ Sales Agents. | -- -- SO Eye Easy, Lip 'A most convenient Kitchen Tool. time, strength and fruit, Price 25 Cents. Br. its Saves