Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1907, p. 5

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{RY MESSAGE FOR | SIR ! 1 to see our New Summer New Grey Worsted Suits, 10, $12, $14, $15 and $20, or Suits, terial is Homespun, in 6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10 and $12, 50, $3, $3.50, $3.75, $4, $4.50. . raw Hats! fork Styles. this warm weather, but you'll it, if you come here for it, 50c., Wear. § $12, Coats unlined, Trouser Browns GO SS PPP POPP OP PP 2D cE 4 4 4 S 2 >> POOPPIV DOPOD POPLOE< BOSS SOO® SOLA OP0060085 $2, $2.50. $ Sailors, Q » ® v q ® b *® 9 $ *® b * 4 & 3 <8 ® p S of Soft | rt II'tS § i > ? tho prettiest: Shirt creations 4 em. 4 lain Fronts, 75c., "$1, $1.25 & J y e Blues, Stripes, Checks, Plaids ® y' hd ® Hosiery Trade, with some lery, 25c. and 45c. New and | I' crwear 5¢., 40c., 50c., 75c. to $2.50 bby Go SOPOVOOVOPIDOPE & ® ANvas ras $1.00, 1.50. 2.00 $1.00, 1.25. 1-2, 5c, $1.00 - § hoe Store Mre. T. C. Willadsen, of Manning, lowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham * Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- 'I can truly say that you have saved my life, and I ress gratitude to you in ia =p ny "Before Te wrote to you, telling you how felt, I had doctored for over two years how] and spent lots of money on medicines besic les, but it all failed to help me. My monthly pe- riods had ceased and fered much | ain with fainting spells, headac c bearing-down 1 could hardly oep Aro und ec i led to write y 's Vegetable Con thankful that 1 h instructions, which y charge, became res ar and in perfect health. Had it not been for you I would be in my grave to-day "I sincerely trust that this letter may lead every suffering woman in the country to write you for help as I did. When women are troubled with i irreg- ular or painful periods, weakness, displa- cement or ulceration of an organ, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation, backache, flatulence, genmeral debility, indigestion br nervous prostration, they should remember the re is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's V. id, and after following your u sent me free of all etable Compound at once removes such | * troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqua- lified endorsement. Refuse all substitutes, For tw: ety -five years Mrs. Pinkhara, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, has under her direction, and since her | decease, been advising sick women free of charge, Address, Lynn, Mass. - EEC" OUT OF POCKET BY HONESTY. Wondering If It Pays to Be Con- scientious. New York Times. "Sometimes it doesn't pay to be conscientious," said the in who had a. scruple, but Jost it. "One day I found a hali dollar in my pocket--I don't know how it got there--which didn't have 'sterling' written on it. Said I to my philosophically : 'Uncle Sam is a scrupulous fellow. He doesn't like bad money in particular. So he has established a sub-treasury where he exchanges:. bad- money for good money." 1 don't know why I thought this. 1 suppose 1 must have read it somewhere "When I had finished found myself looking into the speaking 1 weath er beaten face of Washington on the steps of the subtreasury. So I enter- ed. Behind a cage found a elerk. I think is bad: od one for it,'T 'Herc is a hall d Please give me a THE COUNTY COUNCIL] DISCUSSED TH THE PERTH " ROAD [PURCHASE -------- The Back Townships Want to Be Bonused--Objection Taken to This By the Islands and * Pittsburg. At the county council session on {Thursday afternoon,®J. S. Gallagher, MPP. for Frontenac, and W. J. Paul, M.P.P. for Lennox and Adding- ton, urged the'ecouncil to purchase thy Perth toll road. They. pointed out the adwmntages that would result. I'he Ontario government would pay onesthird of the cost and also aid in rebuilding Loughboro Lake bridge. Councillor Stoness endorsed the stote- ments of Messrs. Gallagher and Paul, aud declared that the best thing the conucil gould do would be to buy this road. Alfred Hunter, a S. Gallagher and Charles Stewart asked the council for a grant of 250 to the county Harrowsmith, and W. Black made a similar roquest for a #50 grant to the Hinchinbrooke fair. The council pro mised consideration of - the requests, and then adjourned for the benefit | of the property committee. At four {o'clock the council visited Rookwood fair at asvlum, an appointment having been {made with Dr. Ryan for the purpose {of viewing the working of that insti tution. | At the Friday morning session, th jerand jury report concerning the penal tl the charitable institution was read. The jury recommended {that a small building be erected with {in the j walls for the turnkevs | whos it quarters they condemn «ld as edly unsanitary. The jury i recommended that the council ve 3 to the House of Provi Infants' Home b regurding the ment equalimtion passed. The | township ts remain the 1SSOSS was NESOSS sume as they hay 1 for years It was moved by Councillor Shan ;non and seconded by Councillor S s,y that the Perth road pur matter, on which no action was 1 last January, be rec i motion was adopted without dis wag then moved: by Councillor Avleswarth. and seconded by for Purdy, that the Perth tpurchnsed at the arbiter i f 87.000, and be Council Road be ition award hereafter be { as a county roar | Councillors Franklin ¢ {mov «l in amendment that the {be laid over till Saturday morning he amendinent was lost. | It was then moved in amendment {to the motion by Councillors Wood {and McDonald, that the Perth road be purchnsid at the ar ration figury jon that tle townships of { Raxgie, Hinchintrooke, Olden, Kenn | bees Novth and South Canonto, and { Palmerston and Miller be bonused to condition the "extent of S100 a year suncillor Calvin held that Coun- illo lly s amendment was most untair to Wolfe Islam, Howe Island and Pittshurg townships, which kept {up its own roads, and whose people {had to pay ferry fare and bridge toll {to reach the city. Why should the {back townships be compensated and nothing be given those in the front ? Councillors Foley and Franklin also opposed + the proposed compensation, included the islands and unless it Pittsburg Councillor Thomson pointed: out said meekly. The ol took the coin, | that Oso had two bridges to keep up carefully placed it on a die and {and was just as poor as the back brought a mallet down on it with ,a i! nvuships. Bric hel : resound blow. Then he tossed the coin Counci lor riceland held that it back to me and continue to count |Was unfair for the back towhship 5 pennies. 1 looked at my coin, and I" entatives to bring in such a reso swore then and there I would never be {lution. They had a majority and so conscientious again. The 4 of {could carry it, but it wasn't fair to Liberty was battered int 0 {ES INE Cae. kd That Vine rert) ouncilk cliregor said That Ba i meant col as \ which plainly nl Y township didn't want any bonus, ar d asked tha sh be ol Poi - ¥ and ask that that township i efrigerators, $7, at Ta Ham y » gilgeentors, 8, at J minated from Councillor Woot's reso ton s lution Councillor Stoness didn't think thet the couneil would. be doing any Injus tice at all by granting the proposed honuses. He pointed out that the county was bound to maintain the Lough o Lake bridge im any event, Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap Only 10c. a cake. 3 cakes for 25c. T. McAuley HEE[FEMOYED 70; 93 Princess St. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil t n'c, directly opposite An- greve's. "COME AND SEE US Phone No. T78. GRAND UNION HOTEL @ d Central Station Oppauite Ges ran aTY a at modérste expense. Rooms $1.00 a day and upward Send Scent i, for New York city nd bv pu ing the road and get- tir t government grant, it would be, money in pocket. A discussion took place as to the government grant. illor Stonesa {held that the wernment grant wa a third of the purchase prie ned also®a third of the cost of mninter nee. Councillor Truscott didn't agred with the: view that the county would got a third of the cost of mainten- ance. The w 1 stated that Lennox and Adding from something m got wnt for" the maintenance Canning Aslemworth. suid fin Wotkl withdraw his motion and allow th ter to stand over till Saturdny morning. The council then adjourned till three o'ele GRADUATION EXERCISES Of the Nursing Sehool Held at Rockwood Hospital." 3 exercises, in conned training school for hospital, Kings- hospital, on 13th, when presented The graduation with the Rockwood held at the Thursday evening, June the graduating nurses were tion nurs 8, at ton, wer with the medals, prizes and pins, by Mrs. Ryan. : he gold médals were won by Miss Margar<t E. McKeown, and Miss Mar who tied for first garct. 8, Armstrong, was won by honors. Shwe sccond prize Miss Nellie Glens / The fiest price in the juffior class was won he Miss Anna O'Meara, i by Miss Emily Payn- «nes Lafleur, who tied and the second price ter--and Miss for second pla The names' graduating class Mise 8. Armstrong, Northlrook x Glenn, Kings ton: Miss Any mon, Kingston; Miss Mn rt Bic Keown, Desmond; Miss lilie O a le, Kingston; © Miss Edna 1. Frizzell, Kingston; Miss Mary A. Keamis; Clovne; Miss Cassie Lun man, Kingston; Miss Mabel McCul- lough, Marysvil Miss Gertrude 8 Ryan,' Portsmouth; Miss 'Frances S, Walker, Kingston -- y- George Mills & a dollar hats. Sell the famous world-wide Waverly NEW STAMPING MACHINE Is Now in Operation in Post Office. The new letter stamping machine has arrived and was installed at the local post-office this morning. It is capable of stamping ten thousand letters an hour. Already these "Hey & phin letter stamping machines," > been placed in over 130 offices in the dom- inion, between Cape Breton Daw- son City, rand the Pacific his present trip the firm's represe tive will instal fifty-two machihes in dificrent offices, In' the United States they are used exclusively, and in Grgat Britain, France, Germany, and Russia, they are fast winning favor Belgium has been the latest country to begin their ase: Curiously enough the first machine placed in St. Peters burg, was destroyed by the post- office building being blown up by a bomb, The machine, self, stands about four and arhatf"or five feet high and will receive any number of letters, stamping them one at a time, und turning them out as clean as they entered. There is no blotting or sp lashes of ink or dirt in their handl- ing. All the chains and gears gre in w a ngeable. It is a self-rubner and a self-oile r, netding to be recuperated with lubricant only But once a year. The oil is contaimed in a shallow tray Leneath the machine. No matter what size the letter may be the stamp it re- ceives will 'be the same in all cases, and the stamp is stationary, worked 8 it is by a trip tongue, cog-wheel, and spring in turn, so that the let ter must reach a certain part of the machine before bringing the stamp into action. The machine is proving a great success and already Postmaster Stewart and his n its use. for the public is to always stamp the right hand do this will g cials in the stafl are quite Une thing it adept is necessary to remember, however, their letters in upper corner, li they reatly expedite the offi- discharge 'of their work. ANOTHER CLERGY SWINDLE. New Yorker Gets 'Em on a "Puff"' Book Scheme. : York, June 14.-The curtain which had concealed a gigantic scheme has been drawn aside and shows that practically every prominent minister in New York and hundreds through New out the country at large have fallen prey to it. A chance to get hoth name and likeness between the covers f a proposed book with costly bind ing, to be printed in three volumes and entitled *"Notable Clergymen of North America," was the tempting bait held out to the To further the scheme the most churchmen interests of the narhes of many of the prominent divines of the United States were used. H. W. Mason is the er. Three years have canvassers went out, but to date no move has been made to put the mat- ter assembled into type. it is declared that those who could least afford to pay for the costly work were ensnared into contributing thou- sands of dollars. Despite the state ment in the prospectus that the book was to be devoted to ** men" only, body who alleged publish passed since the 'notable clergy- it is admitted that anv was willing to! pay the price was accepted, l the mash act. was discovered while the being dragged for another Samuel Rankin, wha disap- mmittee he body was river person, peared. The body of found by a party Samuel Rankin was of searchers, in the river, near the House of Refuge He had committed suicide while brooding over financial difficulties He was about sixty years of age, and mar ried, but with no family. He was a brother of the late Joseph Rankin, who "met an untimely death some years ago, and une of Charles Ran- kin, killed in the Guelph wreck, Grain Market. Richardson & Sons report prices to- day : Wheat--July, SOlc.; September, ©2¢.: December, Bic. Oats--Jun July, 42¢.; Sep- tember, 35ic.; December, 36c.; May, d8ide. Corn--July, 513ec. September; 5c; December, 50e.; May, 51ie. ---- "Cow's Fatal Kick. Brockville, Ont., June 14.--An elder ly farmer named W. H. Godkin, re siding between Lyndhurst and Soper One week ago ba injur- ton, died yesterdhy. was kicked by receiving ies which resulted fatally. He a widow and family. a cow, George Mills & Co. Sell the "Woodrow," King Ed- ward's favorite stifif hat. See our splendid summer corsets, 50c. and 65c. We keep all the well- known makes, as well as ordered cor- sets, and guarantee a: perfect fit New York Dress Reform Charles Wright, to-day, for called by a telegram, son Edward, was very low An architect will be employed to prepare plans and specificatipns for a high school building Alfred street, leit Davenport, lowa, being stating that his new eight-room at Smith's Falls David Tiel was arrested for. drunk. enness, this moming, by Police Con- stables Timmerman and Filson. Dr. Mundell left to-day for the Peta- wawa camp. Ife will be absent a fort- night. . i She. tape girdles for 2 be. New York Dress Reform, fea BRITISH WHlG, FRIDAY, JUNE 14. THE AMERICANS DOMINATE IN LONDON'S SO- CIAL LIFE. -- Capture Boxes at Royal Opera Once the Almost Exclusive Property of the Aristocracy of England. London, . June S.--Americans predo- minute in society owadays. They play a leading purt in every London tunction, and whether it be for bridge or dinner, an embnssy reception or a charity bazpar, there they are, to the fore, and there they will romain with no relaxing of the position once guined, but each succeeding souson se- curing a Smee foothold on the Ind: der of s At th sofiel 0 Opera House, Covent Garden, which was once the almost exclusive property of the aristocraoy of England, so far as the most ex- pensive and exXelusive pit-tier boxes are concerned, the American colony is supreme, amd most. of the best have bon taken for the season by Ameri cans. Among those are: Lilv, duch- ess of Marlbgrough! Cora, countess of Stafford; Mrs, Adair, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs. Ronak Mrs. Bradley Martin, Mrs. Mpckey and Lady Paget, better known as Mrs. Arthur Paget. And not only is the American colony in London in the forefront of the social functions, but the annual invasion of American tourists is al ready on, and it seems clear that this will be a bumper ane for them. We shall find them in possession of the lordliest shoots' in the Highlands: sitting in the stalls at the theatre in the high-neoked dresses of Puritanism and proviudalism; dominating ih. best hotels and mongpolizing Blooms bury buwarding houses; over running the omnibuses amd coaches; haunting the "swagger" restaurants with a nlf scandalized conviction that they a "secing life;" promenading inde Eade in the Row on the off-chanes of snap-shotting royalties besieging the American embassy in Victoria street with the assurance that only those can master who belive that diplomats are sent abroad to act as an official combination of tourist agent, host, courier and DN finder for their countrymen and ecoun- trywomen: "doing" all the sights Bacdeker in hand, from the tower to Carlyle's house, from the Cheshire Cheese to Hampton court; taking, in aw ord, all London and most of king land under their artless patronawe. Put it is om the provinces that the invaders chiefly concentrate, In Shake speare's country their sway is univer sul, and the peverence with which they kneel at his shrine and fondle his "relics" would move even a German to pity. Stratfordon-Avon and War wick live on them, and even emulate their simplicity by hanging out the Stars and Stripes over hotels and re styurants and old furniture shops. It is coming to be a maxim with Eng lish traders that the road to hn Am erican's pocket lies through his pa- trigtism; and it is extraordinarily re -reshing to soo with what avidity the bait is taken. The delusion, quite imperishable amoag English people, that all Am- ericana are millionaires is, of all de lusions, the most fantastic. The or I'he smallest sum for which a brie dini.cy American tourist is very far notices could be obtained mn the book from regarainit a European inp as ¥ was $25, while for $30 a page bio, | light undertaking. Nine times out of graphy, with a likeness, was offered, | 0 it represents the reward of many Churches were charged a straight years' saving and pinching and con price of #25, and it is said that the triving--the one extravagance of a space was bought with surprising lifetime. capernuss. We are a very old people, we Lon- doners,and very bored, infinitely cal lous, and, of course, infinitely wicked, FIND WOMAN DROWNED. and these ingenious Americans, with their eternal interest in the little Two Stratford Residents Destroy | things of Jife, break .in upon Hur mag : Themselves. nificent indifference with a hvdonish * Stratford, Ont., June 14.--Mrs. Pat- [Mod of freshness that is quite cx terson, aged "about seventy, drowned | hilaratin They react from the erude herself in the river near Victoria Park | ¢haos of their own surroundings at yesterday. Her hat und cape were | home with a large and voluble liber noticed on the bank, and on_ search | ality, and fling themselves with in being made the body was found in | Satiable gusto into the esthetic wealth shallow water. It is believed she was | that we, who live in the midst of it, in a state of temporary insanity when | almost forget to notice. It is an education "do" London with an American, especially with one of the right sex. Militia Orders. Mth Regiment (the Princess of Wales Own Rifles)-To be provisional lieutenants, Jan Armstr Rich ardson, Georov Tavlor Richardson Benjamin Noble Steacy: to be limiten ant (signaling), Lieut. W, Peters 17th (Frontenac) Rogiment--Tao be captain, Lies W. 6G. Pringle, vice J; Robataille, transferred; to be ad jutant, Capt. A. M. Bell, vicn 0, E Hewton, retired lieutenant, Sergt to be provisional James Vincent #ars rison. Goderich For Militia Camp. London, Ont., June 14 « being prepared by the cers of © the military camp now on here or presentatfon to the minister of militia at Ottawa, asking that the removed next year \ petition leading off camp be to God érich Lives Were Lost. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 4.-Three men wern burned to death and two men seriously injured in a fire that destrozved four houses in the White Water Settlement, near Harrison, Ohio, to-day. : Men's Sailor Hats With colored bands are quite the rage just now. George Mills & Co show of course the largest and finest assortment. Sale of stockings, 2 pairs pairs dress shields, 25¢.; 2 undervest 2c. strong hose supporters, 25c. New York Dress Reform. burglar out of her house with a re er, antl moaned to have him ar ve rested . Stockings that will wear for child ren, 10e., 124c.," 15c., 18¢, We. New York Dress Reform. The Traders' Bank is suing a num ber of Essex farmers on notes made to the Consumers' Tobacco company. Children's black drawers, from We. up. New ¥« wk ydervests, Ares Reform, | who cond on body is conductor, dian deals and and far-sighted ed up to never A CRAFTY LOVER. Who Stops Train To Kiss His Sweetheart. A Detroit young man who has oo casion to visit Buffalo tly and has a girl at one the inter- vening stations in Canada, has scheme whereby he can seo and Mie his girl occasionally without losing any time. The particular station at which the young lady in the case re-- sides is a flag station between St, Thomas and Buffalo, and only when there are pussongers to get on or off there do the fast express trains on the Wabash stop. Passengers for that sta- tion are few and far between and the young man has many times had to bn satisfied to get a glimpse at his sweetheart as his train hustled past the station at the rate of fifty or more miles an. hour. Bat it's -differ- ent now. He 'bas discovered how he can get a look and a kiss every time that he passes between Detroit and Bufinlo, which is about once a week. He worked the scheme for the first time last week to the great amuse- ment of the train crew and other pas- sengers. This is the way that he does it. He first notifies the girl what day and on what train he expects to pass through, and then instead of buying a throngh ticket he buys a ticket for the station at which he knows his swoethonrt will be waiting for him. Having a ticket for that station, the conductor must stop to let him off. He has just long enough wait to efi- able him to imprint two or three ise on the girl's rosy cheek, and jump abpard the train agnin and pro- his wav to his destination. meantime he has taken the nrecaution to purchase a second * ties et from the little station to the end of his journey, and when the train In the FOR SATURDAY -- AND -- - tail, ALL NEXT WEEK § We offer exceptional values in al lin~s of Dry Goods, Ladies' Ready-to- | Wear Garments, Nien' 5 Cloth. § ing and Furnishings. As space will not allow us to go into de. we will name just a few of the Bar- gains that will await you here : 3 EXTRAORDINARY ' PRICE-CUTS ON LADIES' COATS When we tell you the former prico was twice as big as this, the m nitude of the offer js apparent. And it's backed up by quality. They're for spring and sumaner wear short jaunty effecty --novelty twos, finished with velvet, braids, strappings, ete, Regular prices, $7, 88 and $8.50, 3 On, Sale Saturday and All Next Week... ewe aa NE unbeatable pulls out from: the flag station every- happy but the emgineor and who do not like the idea of stopping their train just to allow a couple of lovers to do a little coo- REVERSIBLE CRETONNE--Nowest demgns, Worth 20c. yard. . 15 On Sale, per yard TN BLE J OILCLOTH PATTERNS Worth at: On Sale ing on the station platform. But as monton, corded ta new citizens, The inunigrants from the United States, Great Britain and Europe are welcome, but they must accept Cana- Canadian ambitions. We do not want them here to help build up am amex to the United States nor a duplicate of the ecomdi- tions in Europe. Mr. Oliver is a believer in the possibility of building up on this part of the continent a be superior in many wave to any others. He holds the torch high and || it is well that we have leaders able enough to do it. I Canatin's national ideals, morals and inftitutions are not better than those elfewhers, then she will not have liv- $6.50 and, $7.50 TOVELY LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS-Plain civilization and a nation which will All Reduced to Half Price JADLES' SPOTTED MUSLIN BLOUS- CHECKED GINGHAMS-- Blue and white, and red and white. Worth 1Se. yard, 12! For .... : 2 and pleated styles, ES--Trimmed with embroidery. Worth $1.25, On Sale ......... THE BALANCE AND CHILDREN'S greatly reduced for all next week, yet they have not been able to figure | LADIES' EMBROIDERED CASH. out how they are going to put a MERE STOCKINGS GIRDLE CORSETS._C. & Ww, hake stop to the pmetice. Worth 80c. pair, , Me. pair. - On Sale, per pair ...... ... in National Ideals. On Sale, per pair ...... Catia Couriet, w ith LADIES' RAINCOATS Three auatiee - on. Frank Oliver, minister olf . nd seven-cighths length, vlis 3 interior, and, therefore, in charge of | 'makes. " length, stylish | 0 ARDS WHITE COTTON- Fine all immigration matters, has been | Worth $10 and $12. durable quality. ; talking to the Canadian Club, of Ed. On Sale ....... Worth 15¢ 12 on the treatment to be ac . ------------------------------------------------ WHITE COTTON NIGHT GOWNS O9¢., Te., 80e., 9%. up to $1.48, AL Regulur prices. 81 to $2.25, et tis et DAINTY WHITE LAWN Some. button SUMATIAL SARE Ee OF OUR LADIES ATS All Saturday + and Sam. in back, othors- front, all latest summer makes, C09 oo id 1.19 her opportunities. She is the newest nation, and she has the experience of added centuries to guide her to what is to be desired and what to be avoided. To do as well as Clearing Prices on Clothing & Furnishing bern out for more them 100 years and over which gridle cakes are baked. This huge burning by Yorkshire moors provided for visitors, fire is kept continually peat or turf from the An excellent tog is the chief dainty being the gridle cakes. The wt glows like reel embers on a red tiled floor, the gridle being suspended from a bar avove, the whole looking most MEN'S Regular $3, To Clear at, per pair ... POLICE- FIREMAN BRACES Also finer elastic braces, Worth 35. pair, iN Clearing at, per pair x 85 Clearing Price, per pair MEN'S DOUBLE -- BRIGGAN UNDERWEAR Worth SOc. garment. 39¢ a Garment or 750 Suit. For Saturday snd All Next Week. THREAD Great Rritain or as well as the Uni. ted States is not sufficient. She has NIV CY . TR 4 " 7 aah AP. " y opportunitics which those countries MENS = ra 908 Boye TWO-PIECE SUITS-Nadolk never had. She has been bom in a lar prices, 815 and $15. 998 Regular $3.50 and 84. 269 : Fire Burning One Hundred Years. To Clear at . To Olear at ...... x The Chequers Inn, Osmotherley, is a BOYS' CANADIAN TWEED KNICK. relic of the old coaching days, but it | GREAT REDUGTION-MEN'S PANTS FRS--Sizes 23 to 27. is now famed for its fire, which has Made of fino English worsteds, Regular price oft pair. 15 BAL. quaint pied picturesque, 'The exterior of the inn is most unpretentious and old world lcoking as it nestles alone on the Yorkshire wolds Is Better Soda Possible ? I thers is " anything we can do to make our ice cream soda better than it is, we should like to know what it is. We provide the finest ico cream and crus shed fruits and juices, We give go liberal quantity of them. Cleanliness in every detail is absolutely assured Clean, polished glasses 'only are used. Wade's Drug Dining Cars. On all sides, from the commercial traveller, the business man, or the tourist, the Grand Trunk is receiving praise for the splendid service it is giving. The handsome cars, fine lin en, beautiful silver, and cut glase, with the best of everything to eat and drink, make a long journey a delight, and especially over a double-tracked, smooth roadbed, squplied by few and surpassed by none. When going to Montreal, Detroit, Chicago, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and New York, try the Grand Trunk dining-ear service. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamer North King leaves Sundays at 10:15 am. for ousand Island nts end at 5 pm. for Rochester, Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. J.P. anley, agent. That Aching Corn, not remove it with Peck's remedy is 'sure, it is guaranteed. It is easy to use and the corn overy time. In big at Wade's drug store. Why Corn Salve. The rots boxes, i5¢., Just When You Need Them. a 1 25¢.:, 2} s Ex-Cadet Gillies is a visitor in the cits y | Mrz. Ambler, of Qu'Appelle, chased a | 25¢., un- oh ad ta D E. Fraser's 1,900 yards of fine dress ginghams, b worth 124c.. 15¢. and 200. yard, sale at Corrigan's for S§c. Limited quantity } | to each customer, at Corrigan' 8. i i A Hg Showing. | : A | Of men's nobby. straw sailors, 50. fo. 83, at Campbell Bros. Kingston's | stvle centre for men's hats! Men's patent leather shoes, Burtt & Packard make 85 and 86. Every pair guaranteed. The Lockett Shoe Store i | | We Guarantee Them. | { you jatend painting your house, { best 'materials used. 78 William 8t., Come Saturday and let us prove statement with fact--to your advantage. The Montreal 80 PRINCESS STREET |§0 > coal any coal ri cookery Its name is the Oxford Gas The Oxford requires less evpr can. That jng a plate and wiping it with a clear, blue flame, d no waste. ® burning grease. There ars many other reasons hy the Oxford is superior any other ait i pd this range and Lt.us demonstrate its efficiency Jo 5 The as of fT I as Range hr 1 tach oven is 1s 20, accordh rib, oe also mal thin range to burn natural Oxford Gas Range Lidl te a The Oxford Gas Range burns all heat There is no odor of Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. CTOUIIIIITE EEE H5400580800980800405000 3008 ONE GAS RANGE FOR YOU. is just one ul ear op to goat ob Tow mst i do and does it quicker, cheaper and easier than range y and pleasant instead of masey and toilsome. Range. gas to run it than any other! range, and its asbestos lining holds the heat in the Other gas ranges radiate it at into the kitchen. Cleaning the Oxford Jstachable burners is as easy as lift- The: oven doors drop flat instead of swinging sideways, 'so that a heavy roast can be drawn out for Eat ox oven. Rest the

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