Ca aa hrs a oy Fah Mink Skin Persian Lamb Russian Lamb Have REPAIRS and A Le TERATIONS on your Furs W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. CUT GLASS SPECIAL We have at present an assortment of Desirable Patterns, in 8 inch Fruit ) Dishes, at $4.50 each. This line, at the above price ; is the best value We know of. SEE WIN- «+ DOW DISPLAY! SMITH BROS., Jawglisrs & Opticians Seasonable Articles \t Popular 'rices. lies' Fast Black Cotton €, special, 2 pairs for ies' Wash Collars, em dered, 1sc. § Sogn Kid Gloves, k, white, grey, at 75¢. a dren's Tan or - White ®, in plain or open work, izes and prices. iren's Dresses and Bus- irown Suits, to fit ages ) years, soc. and up.' dreds of White Waists adies, at 39¢, to $5.00 al in Ladies' Elastic *d Summer Vests, with thout sleeves, 12 x-2c. 3 Shirts, pretty pat. Percale soft Y ray. I4 to 16 1-2, Special ht 50c. each. : Percale Shirts, sizes 4, special. prices. MAN & SHAW hort will lecture in Cobo nn. ur Ist a Education and ee neh belts with pretty bue- for noliby straw hats. Sustaining, as Bread Wehave just received trom the Dresser, a choice lot of a "re Der TE -- Nis "I Sufféred With for Years--Pe-rina Cured Me Entirely," CHE, WERNESS, Tor ° { Pisase accept my thanks and best wishes for your Perna. Miss Albina Chauvin, No. 50 Rue Agpes, St. Heri, Montreal, Can., writes: | "1 consider Peruna better / Ahag any other remedy, ae it cured me when nothing else could. I suffered for years and years with heart trouble, headache and weakness, J never Ldowit to find anything to cure me, 1 saw one aay, in "La Pressey" that Peruna was excellent and I 'tried it. One bottle produced a change in me and if the price had been $100 a bottle I would have paid it gladly. I have taken six bottles and am entirely cured. "ss Bn "Please Sorebt My Thanks and Best Wishes For Your PE-RU-N Many cases of heart trouble are caused | ! Such & conditiofi of the stomach is by reflex disturbasiees. also liable to produce headaches of the Derangements of the stomach and worst sort. liver produce symptoms of heart trouble. Medicines that palliate the symtiptoms Catarrh of the stomach is a very fre- will never lead to a cure, quent cause of sympathetic heart dis-| 1¢ is the effect which Peruna bas upon ease. J the stomach, healing the mucous mem- Palpilation, shortness of breath and | branes and restoring the natural funec- bloating after meals are the most prom- | tion of the stomach, that causes Peruns inent Symptoms, to bring such Fromp relief. RO000000000000000000080000000 Chasse Iron Specially ccnv-aient and economical for Enough Charcoal for 15c. to last the season. McKELVEY & BIRCH aaa EAA L0600000800000000000000000000000eetsss i STRAWBERRIES, PINEAPPLES TOMATOES AND BANANAS. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street Eso o0e 50000 FOP IOII PIII I PIII P III III IS III {afternoon hops. . : SERRE SPER REI . For the Afternoon At Home, : fragrant, aromatic Tea is the most delicious-- Blue Ribbon Tea has no rival in health giving flavor. It- stimulates the enervated and is a wholesome tonie fog 'all, Blak, green, mixed--35e. to $1 alb--All i SPECIALS FOR Jodie RIBBONS 10" Pieces Dresden Ribbons, 4ito 6 inches wide, in Stripes and Figures, worth 35c. yard. Special TO-NIGHT, 18c. yard. ) LADIES' VESTS es hort | or Sleeveless 15 dezen Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests, s Styles, worth 18c. each. TO NIGHT, 2 for 28¢. SILK WAIST SPECIAL y € f " Fihish Ja White Silk Waists, made of Taffeta } P Sao i Allover Em broidéry Front, others Lace 'and Insertion Trimmings, Short Sleeves. This is 5 regular $4.50 Waist, TO-NIGHT on sale, $3.19 each. THE JAMES JOENSTON STORE . ; 180 Wellington Street. Gold in Buwilight With Mrs. James Craig's tea and dance, Mrs, R. J. Carson's dance, Mrs. William Lesslie's. dance for her - two little nieces a few teas thrown in and the R. M. C. bull on Monday . week, Kingston society is running a close second to the garrison town whose "guardian prows put forth into .the sea." Halifax, so re port says, had thirteen dances in one week. Of course some of them were «a Mrs, Herbert Robinson's tea was a pleasant event for this afternoon, The Ske hing Club will have a pier nic at Mrs, Crigp's, on Monduy, the pretty rectory lawn lending itself well to such things. . - The croquet club held a meeting yes- terday, transacting business under the blue sky and the waving trees, and with the sweetened 'breath of the air of June to cool any discussion which became too heated. There was play as well. as work too, and the afternoon was most enjoyable. . - - - The commandant, staff and gentle men' cadets of the Royal Military Col- lege have issued invitations for their vall on Monday evening, June 24th. The, attraction of this ball never grows less. The youngest debutante and the dowager find it, delightful, and' the hours spent there always leave a pleasant memory. 8 8a Miss Violet Grimshaw, William street, will give a linen shower for her cousin, Miss F. E. M. Hutton, on Monday, em Will guests at the Royal Military College ball follow the example of those attending such functions in the larger cities, Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa, and send a brief description of the gowns worn by them to the pa- per: for publication * In this way only ean accuracy of detail be' assured, for with several hundred pretty women, with lovely gowns moving about, it is next to, or quite impossible to get from the kaleidoscopic picture any clear cut idea of material, trimming or_even color of an individual frock. A postal muiled to the office anytime preveding the ball, with a short de- scription thereon, will be one way of compassing the matter, - * - Dr. Newhort Jones and Mr. F. Ham- mond, arrived to-day from Toronto, and will be ushers at the Kenny-Me- Parland wedding, on Wednesday. They are staving with Mrs. J. McParland. Those second in importance at Wed: nesday '# marriage will. he Miss Edith Drury, the bridesmald, Miss Kathleen McParland, the maid of hobor, and Mr. Fred, McParland, the best than. Owing. ;to Hiness in Colonel Kepny's family none of the members wil bo able to came to the wedding much to everyone's regret. His aunt, Lady Daly, is better, but his father's res covery is very slow. All her friends hope for the bride, who is a great favorite in town, a bright sunshiny day for her wedding, and a cloudless life for her future. «ie =z Mrs. Lennox Mills has returned to "Bishopscourt" from her ' trip with the Bishop of Ontario. Mrs. Anthony Malone and Miss Vida Malone returned to Toronto to-day. Miss Frances Sullivan, King street, is home from Ottawn. - Miss Loretta Swift, Svdenham street, who hee been visiting in Ot tawa, is at home agmin. Mrs. 3. G. Pablow, Clergy street, may take a trip to the coast next week, Mrs. John Ward, Johnson street, and Miss Etta Ward, came home, Ves- terday afternoon, from Caledonia Springs. Mrs. Ward is very well, in- feed, is quite hersell aga. Miss « Annie Newman, of Lansing, Mich., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Charles Villjers, Johnson street. Miss May Villiers, who was expected home shortly, has changed her plans and will remain a little Jonger in Connecticut before" returning home, 0 2» Mrs. W. H. Harrington, of Ottawa, alter a week's visit in the city, re turned to her home on Thursdaw Dr Charles Dyde and wife, of Greeley, Colaratlo, will leave an Mone day for Belleville to visit at Mrs. Dyvde's old home. Miss Dora Herchmer has come up from Ottawa to see her amt, Mrs. James Gildersloeve, before she lepves for Denwer. Mr. Alexander Innes. of Totanto, will be a week-end guest of Mr. and y Fair, King street. Mrs. EF. V. Orford and Miss Gladys Orford are paying their P.P.C. ealls. Kingston is most genmnely sorry to lose these pliasdnt people! Mrs. Felix Shaw, Bagot 'street, who is visiting in Perth, is expected home a week from Mowlny. - - rl * Mra. Henry Wilkinson, Bagot strat, will: leave shortly for Ottawa to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Me- Dunough. Ds. and Mra. D. M. Kpapp and chil- dren departed Thursday evening for Kingston, Ont. where Mrs. Knapp and children will spend the summer with .the doctor's piirents while he is in Germany taking post-graduate work and also visiting the 'hospitals -of London, Paris and New York. We hope they mas enjoy their outing and re- turn safely to their home in Mendon. ~From the Mendon. Cal., Despatch. Miss Macaulay, King street, and Mrs. Charles' C. Abbott, left, yester- dav, for Stratford. Miss Macaulay will go to Metis a little later in the summer. . -. . » -. Mr. Frederick Merrett of Peterhors, and 'his little son have been paying a short visit to Captain and Mrs. T. Merrett, William street. Mr. Oliver Hooper is in Kingston | for 4 few days on his way east from Buffalo. Miss J. R. Drummond has arrived ot "Avosmors' and will be en pension thet for sume time, and Sp Kingston by the Miss Jennie eg. who is her way up from: lengarry Hon pital, Montreal, ol ue. in Pon- Mrs. W. 4. Crothers, Jr., er el street. She left for the wet io-day, 8nd, will spend we, months Yo soe. Mrs. F. S. dan, of New York, is the guest of" Mrs. James McPur- land, Emily Jeet. . Mr, Frank ny was a cordially welcomed vigitor "at the Yheht Club dance on Wednesday. He spent a day or so here on hie way west from Hal fax. He will spend part of his holi- days in Toronto Brantiord, and Californin, passed $hrough Anaheim, this 'week, en route to New York, and «| from there will sail for Europe where she expects to spehd three months 1 OR ovo Smith, University ave: nue, who has beea confined to the house for some weeks owing to the ill- ness, from scarlot fever, of her little girl, is able omoe 'more to seo hee friends, "now typoel, of Shum ty," hits 'been the | HELP WANTED MALE, - A WOMAN TO 90 10 coy! hard th BOY Who CAN ba FROM $3 onLn STEADY WORK, 's Hiram F week. Apply as J Gould' a A -doun GENBRAL SERVANT. NO the dry Apply Stacy & Stacy. A wes Rs Ta | STR FERS IR -- ---- ---------- ". -------------- A BLACKSMITHS: MELPER, ALSO A Po 2 fA GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, OR A to assist housework, Comrie Oh 'to Mrs. Be on Barrie St. BLACK. HORSE, Host hand Sprayer made. automatic FOR mo good cook: freq to approved 3 " Cavers Bros,, Galt. fod 3" TEE British-Awerican Hote! News' Stand. Apply to Thomas Nash Peli, or first thing Monday. DETECTIVES ; SHREWD, wan for profitable searet. REA no wxporience nets ry. "Write Wn ©. Webster, lars for samp. ap oth of Miss Edith 2 a hee of the. Rev. James and rs, Lawson, of Chelsea, to Mr. John Stewart Mcleod, C.K, of (Miatva. The marringe will take place carly in September. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Mabel Gwendoline Cooper to Charles Edwin Chown, which will take place in Chalmers church, Montreal, on Thursday, June 20th, The groom ha son of C. D. Chown, for of Kingston. The damelty, Miss Winifred Spar- row, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sparrow, Sherbrooke street, Montreal, to Mr. Arthur Dick, will take place on Wednesday, Juke 26th. The marringe,of Mr. Harry Rawlings of New York, son of Mr. B. Rawlings, of Montreal, to Miss Laura Snowball, of Chas thus, N.B., second daughter of the late 'Lieut.-Col. Snowball, is ar rangrd to take place on Jif ard. The marviage of Miss Gladys Jrwin, only danghter of Lieut Uol. and Mes, Irwin, Ottawa, to Capt. Allan Palmer, R.C.A., has been arranged to take place enrly in September The marriage of Katherine (Kate), Benson, only son of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Manly Benson, Perth, Ont., will take place at dhe residence of the noon, June Hod. Edith Silver, now of Montreal, and her husband, ave visiting their unele, Mr, J. Silver, 102 Princess street, Miss Edith Heiter will arrive from Aylmer, Ont, on Monday, to visit Mrs. R. J. Carson, Brock street. Mr. Walter Plming came up from Ottawa on Thiatsday and take Mrs. Flemingzhome with Hi ion Mon- day. 4 a 2 or R y Mr, aA Fay Wat Vin and amner respi mext week, Dr. gnd WeS"A. Tp. Knight, Alice street, hal bedi paying Mrs. Charles Lewis, Gananegue, a visit, . - "Te Mice on Gi sland, Announcement is made of the ap- proaching marriage of Miss Nellie Lap- pan, sccond daughter sof Mr. John Lappan, Lansdowne, te Mr. Joseph J, Kichoet Trevelyan, "on Puesday, June ht » . - » The engagement in asnounted of : Frances Edith Mande, second daugh- ter of the late William Hutton, ex- reeve of Pittsburgh, to Dr. Clement Arthur Hamblet, of Lowell, Mass. -. - . Miss Ardelle Elder, daughter of Mrs James Elder, William street, was one of the guests avesht wedding: in Ov tawd, last week, of the eldest daugh- Mr. William lewis Mclaren, son of Dr. D, McLuren. Miss Ardelle wore orochet Ince and a white hat with touches of blue, The bride will have an interest for Kimgstopians, as her mother, Mrs. Wylie, made many friceels when visiting here a year or 50 ago. Mrs. S. nyt il, Albért street, has po to ington, Ye, to vial friends. Mrs. T. Sibary, of Renfcew, is, on a short visit to. friends in Kingston. Mrs. William H.-Stevenson 1 on Thursday, for Toronto, to be oes at the closing of Moulton Ladies Col- lege. on the 15th. Her daughter, Dor- ita, will accompany her bome after a trip to Buffalo and Nlagarg Falls. Saved Front Ths Grave. London, June 15.-A commercial traveller names Jans Fagan, of Preston, who wae suffeging from prien- monia, died, apparen 5 'on Thurs day night. -A certificate of death was granted and the grave wes dug. he undertaker while faking = measuse- ments, noticed a movement of body, and a twitching of the éyelids. He summoned the relatives, and Me, Fagun wasgoyvived, aml is pow likely to recover. Manxland's Prond Boast. Liverpool, June 15.-<"The Isle of Man is the only part of the British Lord Raglan, the liutenant-governor, yesterday, in sublnitting the budget, statement to the Mud leglslatore, Irish Harvesters In England. Dublin, June 15.- More than 25,000 Irish migratory laborers, chiefly from Donegml and Cobuatight, visited Eng- land and Scotland 1906. They took back to Ireland $1,375,000, The home of Mr. apd Mrs, D. Me Gill, Renfrew, wae the mene of a very happy event on Wednesday of last week, when, their ter, Mil dred, wis united Gn | "rend of matrimony to Get le, Whose home is in: Carleton Place. COND 3 Bathing caps, wh ter wings, ec, at Chown's dre" xtaxey ¢ See Bibby's neat $1.50 ve ; - -- mn. CERTIFIC ATES oh ML To T Oldest' secret Service States. Na experiencd n give full ipwtructions. -------------------------------------- SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE bring, your own cloth and cheap uptodate suit made. Rice awd ish Ruarasiond, permanent position to man, un. derstands business, Matried wap withouy A YOUNG MAN TO'HEBLP IN oto. 0 and make Nmsaif have same vy proving | SARA Sra & Tar Sem ' gutarie 8 Hay bost Co. widust Co. 6 Market stron WHITE CEDAR SKIFFS, "17 To 18 TO 18 'motor hulls, 4 fr. 6. Arply A. fred TE Gore 8. Booths Coad Offices: and well secommended. Ap FIRST-0 LASS FURNISHED ROOMS, Fruit Store, Brock Ayiply 621 Princess St, + St ------ A -------------------- SUMMER QOPTAGE, EL urtinily furnished, Appl y Je SR ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT, of. roots. ARTHUR ELLIS, SUMMER COTTAGES, A fise, Cor, Queen and Bagot st Btores Offices. Mel eldest daughter of Nr. aod Mrs. Henry ! B id. ket L. Meyer, Toronto, and Mr. M. Stare; ARehih: wildimg, Mar Bu A cOuPLE 0 OPFIUES DYER 3 ed chant' " Bank Buirding, corner Brock mr bride's parents, on Saturday after: | RE "i PE seven BE furnishes. Apply | FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. Mrs, FER | [TO FOR THE SUMMER, i ply to Men. wg on A BRICK PuELLING, NO. 182 ve ot -- funy pc Frederik ie ghsmenge" inion 1 KING STREET, Sanne Ba) 1 bes omtnadicus 11-roois, water, con Apply. 'or uddreas Union and Fan streets. ice Ayam, Corsis LAT Rl N their on 20, over do their NEWS FROM 0A GANANOQUE. 4 Lady Spud 3 Borge a urn Barn. NO ACCIDENTS 1 IN NATURE. Every Calamity, r, No Matter How Great, Has a Definite + no accidents in nature, The avalanche that without a mo- Ment's warning rushes headlong down » mountain side is not an accident For years revious tiny atoms have and adding their into weight to "the mass which left its base when the accumulation reach: od a 'certain point. Neither is boldness an accident. The itfipitesmnlly snl! germ which is the » of dandruffl and baldness, { silently' and Tong before the result in s ter of Mr. and Mrs, William Wylie to | W bey brionn Garden « onde rable headway Mrs. Acton," in her hus very pluckily got the horse from the. burning hailed ng. The fire brigade was but could not save the i There _ ig he a high. wind. and a. hall of neighboring houses were guiall extent, as wall ax John Cook's Furthey damage was, The coal schooner Briton cleared, for The sehodner Trasdewind, cosl-laden, orn. The small germs which *thrive on the {scalp and which are the enuse of buld- ness aml dandruff cannot. exist, how- white Toa silk trimmed with Irish | when Newbro's Herpicide is ap- ' druggists, Send with a cargo a coal, for Taylor & Groen, halo vivid last evening. T ROBBERIES, town, the ot of 'her So Mrs. Gananoque Thirty Members of Powerful As- ng at the. ia Paris, June 15. --Robberies from. the English mails. and parcel posts {been very frequent in P past, The thefts have been chilly cur vied out at the Gare St, Lazare. A special staff of detectivés has been ng the robberies for several Juels, with h the result that lust even y ariests were made, Dirge. Ai are said 10 be mem- Montgomery, Ala., who is Visiting wi with Relation in town, fow is week, aa Fy [3 ws Princess sires, deft, yester- day, for Edmonton, to hs. Shere ge her. da Hubbell who is ill, of Brockville, in wend: RETIRED BUSKINESS i, wealthy, wishes Nox ng for more good woman. Hox 4 r= ------------------------ PROFESSOR : PS : ston on the , but will fall. Headings by Daily, 58 Earl St. TT Te WARLTIY ROOER ALTIY 3 with hg esta wo Ta Joony. or poor, "write Box. gin, 1 The Paragraph Pulpit REV.O. W. SaSask, orrawa bers ol a powerful assodation of in- ternational thieves whilh devoted it- self to railway robberies, and had agencies in the chief centres of Europe. All this week we shall continue our great showing of $2.50 Hats, with a different series of styles. We should particularly like you to remember that every one of these Hats have been made by our own EXPERT MILLI And that just as much care and skill enfered inte - the . into any of our $15 or $25 models. ¢ pains not only to secure variety of styls, tof bach styls _absol Waviutely dtiges and dis For satisfaction in a' tooth brush got a Ohowss special, No. Quite a of young men came -- to-day, from different on the K. & P. rai join the Anny Service Corps, for the One of the 'worst times in the year to have a cough is the spring. Gi J y cough syrup cures > . ™ gant] uch. empive this iv really sofvpdt; Aer, Edward Richards, committed suicide 5 on ibn » y swell straw hints. Have One Doctor No sease ia runni lect eo Hot delay, Be San on of Aver' Chay Pec: but to have bw tinctive. For instance there are the Dressy Hats, the Store Hats, the Walking Hats, Etc. And no two in whole lot are alike. Select in the forenoon if possible. : 5