LONDON CHURCH. St. Mary Abbot's. London, June 15.--To see the usu- ally storm and dignified lord chief jus- eice of England, dressed" in interesting and unique. Despite the cares of his and «the entails, attends the services at St. Mary Ab- humble members of the church choir. His-lordship is an enthusiastic music- ian, and possesses a. really nifient' voice; Indeed, if he were mag- : Style 432, The Carter RRY MESSAGE FOR | J SIR | English bench he could make a for tune on 'the operatic stage. CHIEF JUSTICE SINGS IN A Possessing Splendid Voice, Lord Alverstone Uses it in Choir of : soutane and surplice, leading the choir in a London church is a spectacle at once great office large responsibility which it Alverstone assidiously bot's, Kehhington, every Sunday and takes his place among the somewhat not the tighdsi legal functionary on the DAILY BRITISH WH) LATE SOCIAL NOTES. (Continued Trom "page 3.) Miss Frances Sullivan, King street, gave a very pleasant luncheon party to-day for Miss Gertrude McParland. and her special friends. The guests were: Mrs. J. J. Harty, Miss Kath- leeh Harty, Miss Bessie Gordon, Miss Beatrice Tandy, Miss Mabel Brown- field, Miss Edith Drury, Miss Marion Redden and Miss Loretta Swift. Miss Loretta Swift, street, will entertain party on Monday for Mc Parland. Sydenham at a dinner Miss Gertrude Mise Kathleen Harty gave a dinner, with covers laid for iwelve, on Thurs- day evening, and the bride of next week was the raison d'etre. The guests were: Mrs. J. J. Harty, Miss Bessie Gordon, Miss Edith Drury, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Mabel Brown- field, Miss Beatrice Tandy, Miss Kath- leen McParland, Miss Agues Brown, Miss Marion "Redden, and Miss Lo- retta Swift. - Mrs. F. D. > a Lafferty, of the RM.C,, > JAE this is one of the new spring Suing She eg when Lord Alver- {will give a tennis lode for the 5 . " " sto! pends is time on his cstate first-clas: p ll to see our New S shapes in_the "Carter" the in the country, he invariably rs si cinss Cydets ou." Tucsay afte Seamer Wear. | » Tt ] ) ariably. sings in | noon, and a number of the town girls +3 ® new Englisk hat you have heard so the villa Church, which, it need 5 heen invi ternal ee ge chu , ; have been invited. New Grey Worsted uits, $12, $ much about. No fear of the trim- sare Be, uid, je lmog: i Pett ! s : 3 . C by ourists anc other 3 LEE HEE i) s 1011S mitgs weafing shiny or the felt | strangers empelled by the natalel Mog Tong Yorn Schou] . . . . i) . , $12, $14, $s and ® t g rusty in this hat. The qual curiosity of. seeing the Jord chief jus- | (his afternoon. ® $20. b . tice in a position so opposed to all ss. er > Coats ualined, ® ity is all there -- the style is a iti i - arent. t = or mn, Grouse ¢ ty a y pp Je Suilitions. of Yifituose wit) seron wing to the mateh between ' the 46.50, $7, 50, Samper dn. He owas, $ Prices $2.50 up. os iron the Enghsh judica nen 5 team from the Brockville Golf and $15 ire. Club and our own to the !50, $3, $3.50, $3.75, $4, $4.50. ® Like Lord Russell, whom lhe sue usual aftornin tod ens on but & awdeld, Lord Alverstone is a great $ ' : great | the men will have high tea to them -- ie $ fricnd of America and Americans, and | Ives later. \ $ ASK YOUR DEALER many moembers-of the American bar ie. . have enjoyed his hospitality. He | Th i e wre have been severdl® high teas A twice represented Great Britain in in- {with 4 little bridy i e t ge and tennis throw é t Yuatjonul arbitrations, in Wild *h hes lin, at the . ( Totairy : Olub : this A me acing merican counsel and | They have all bper 1 tus $ -- | jualgts; first at the Behring Sea arbi were po hg Wuiy 3e Pisiadt ue Wey v > tration and afterward at the Ven . ® pula Sebitration. ile has been an | Miss Penner is coming up from Ot- | ] n may jirend ol the representatives | tawa next week and will 'be' on pen nH gy of Ye United Sint * at he cg of j sion with Miss A. Anderson, Welling St. James, and, while holding them | ton street, while here. The 3 . : h Ol ; prospect Sy opsis of Canadian Noribwesi all in the highest esteem, was partic: | of having her agmin with them de ularly a close friend of Mr. Bayard. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or North-West Pro vinces, excepting 8 and not reserved, may IMPERIAL SECRETARIAT. th 26, be homesteaded by any person the sole head To Be Presided Over Official, Yoillon, Tine 15.--The Canadian As sociated Press understands - that steps By High of a femily, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of. one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less, Application fof. homestead -ly or inspec- tion nist be "male in 'person by the applicant traw Hats: POPP PI00 DOP 9é at the office of the local ent or Sub-Agent. fork Styles. An application for e or inspection made | Will be immediately taken to bring pegsonally at any Su ent's office may be] into existence the: permanent secre this warm weather, but you'll Na to tie Toes Ek: by the Subagent, at | tariat authoriped by the recent imper- it, if you come here for it, 50c., applied for is v3 receipt of the tele. | ial conférence. It is to be presided | $2, $2.5 gram such application is to have priority and | over by one of the higher officials of the land wil] be held until the necessary pa- | [ord Elgin's department. It will be Sailors, pee to complete the transaction are received y mail, In case of "personatiun' summarily cancelled and forfeit all priority of claim. Aw applicant for inspection must be eligible for hoiestead entry, and only one application his duty to receive through the agents genre] in London notice of all. ques tions which it is intended to bring forward on behalf of the colonies at swoding conferences! the entry will be the applicant will self-govern- mg § for inspection will be received from an indi- | - vidual until that application has been dis | 1eE Will-then be carefully tabulated posed of. in Dowr ing streét. The official to be A bomesteader whose entry is in good stand: | entrusted with this work will prob. ing and not liablefto canceliation, may, sub ably be slected from amongst: thoso ject to approval of Department, relinquish it in favor of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, if eligible, but. .te no one wha hae aciical experience at the conference Just closed. ela on nang declaration ne Where an entry is summbrily. cancelled or = volghtarily abandoned, subsequent' to 'institu- A Reniarkable Bunch. tioff' of cancellation proceedings, the applicant tor<inspection will be entit'ed to prior right of entry. ants for Almonte Gazptte. ComcillonT oe: Naismith, of Ram- n boast of a bunch of horses ate in inspection m say, © what particulars the homestedder is in default, | ( W} cis very scldom met with. He and if subsequently the statement is found to " 4 § ines --t be incorrect in material particulars, the appl our geaerations of egwanes--the cant' will loge, any prior. right of reentry [erent grand dam, the grand dam, the showa the)lanl become wiicant, or if entry the T Toe has been granted it may be summarily can: dam and , the, foal. Theegreat grand ceil dam is thirty years old, the grand Dyties--A settler is Teuired to periona the a um, eighteen years, the dam, four conditions under one of the following plans:-- the a (1) At Jeast six months' residence upon |X 4TH olde pnd the foal a few days. and' cultivation of the land in each year dur. All are 3 vd, healthy animals, and ing he term of three years. ah the addition: of another generation to (2) 1f the father (or mother, if the father | 1. |yneh js quite within the range t is deceased) of a hom nesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such homesteader the retreat as to residence mav be satisfied by such person re siding with the father or mother of the possible. » the préttiest Shirt creations them. . Drunk"s Day At Court. lain Fr onts, 75c., $1, $1.25 If the settler Bas his ig resi Three drunks 'appeared before Ma- 1 d o by him In : > : donee pn Er a he rouirement | istrate Farrell, at the police court, e Blues, Stripes, Checks, Plaids § may be satished by residence npon such land | on Satyrday. Wilham Jones, who fore making appli on for patent he said he was a pedlar, on his way settler must give six i note in WH from Montreal, to Toronto, was given ingto the Commissioner of Dominion Lands [1 LEA {i at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. a chance to continue on his journey SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING | LO the Queen city, Me was: arrested REGULATIONS, by Inspector Arniel. Patrick Burns, Coal. --Coal Lands may be purchased at $10 | rp sod by Sergt, Snodilen, was fined r acre for soft coal anc for anthracite. | J 3 and costs, or twenty days, and David was taxed $2.and costs, one' individual or company. Royalty at the with the option of fifteen days. rate. of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quartz. --A person cighteen years of age, or ot_mare than 320 acres can be a by Hosiery Tri : over; having discovered mineral in place, may 'Archbishop' Villatte. ade, with some New and locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 feet. a 5.7 Fsicl iery, 26¢. and 45¢ The fe¢ for recording a claim is $5. Paris, June 15.--The sclf-stylad ! . At least $100 must be expended on the | Archbishop!' Villatte, who attempted birt HEL a lai each year of paid 10 the mining recorder | form an. inopondent Cathe in church here, with himself at its head, ed 'or paid, the locator may, upon having a ' survey made, and upon complyi ng with otfiet to<lay, bade farewell to some sixty ¢ d per Tequirements, purchase the land at $1 Pet | of his followers. He announced that The patent provides for the payment of a [he would shortly returned to the r cent. on the sales. aims generally are 100 feet square, ehtry fee $5, renewable yearly. An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, rencwable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior The Jessee shalt have a dredge in operation te of the lease royalty of 2 1-2 United States, Placer mining { I' 2rwear =f} Turkey Asked For Compensation. London, June 15.~The British em bassy will "elaim damages from the porte Tir fhe, aiding -by Bedouins of Pe Rh er aan | the' Brifislt «Seamer Kilburn. Until for cach mile of river lea yalty at the | lately Farsan Island contained a ratetof 2 1-2 per Sent. collected on the output 10, after it exceeds § W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized prablication of this ad yeriisement vill not be paid. for, Turkish garrison, which, for some un- Known reason, was withdrawn, Mayor Gives City $100,000 Muvor - \ = . Ogdensbyre, N.Y., : June 15. " : wrge linll, of Ogdensburg, will give ¥ the ¢ £100,000 for a new academy : i ew: acts for buildimg to be erected ag a memorial A F oF A d to his Reocaad wife. The city must > t 4 i | provide, the site. for the building. ' a - ---------- - " : ¢ Sermons In Esperanto. i Constantinog I», June 15.--~A Gérman pp ------ . mecchast. who. died wat ( Sotthus, left " $ y 3, Health ablets $25,000 to found a church in Constan- EW. BUILDING DING Wm BOSTON. About Dr. Hugo's T tirople for. all denominations. The : ofa ! sermons are to -be preached in Es- Pwentieth Century Museum of These tablets are ti women's dis- | pranto. ston, June 15. he Museum of a are compounded for the special At "The Red Star." v (Arts in Boston hae begun the needs of women alone, Pineapples, 2 for 25e. om of a new building near the They em X the results of the very |. .. 9 dozen for 20. : : Harvard Mad latest medical discoveries. . Lettuce, 3 bunches for 10e. al. Ts Ay site on Madicn) They contain ingredients recslly Spinach. 4 bunches 43 10c. : the public Tit: ned, covered that no other fea od hams, 30, ty Sues, « is not len A * . They are 3 Sompound remedy, st Edwards & Jenkin, oy Princess St. ave cut 'of Night h buildings Boars of the female system. & are a standi Soller. They are purely vegetable, and rifts ® | Quality counts., That's why our ice > Sey ng 'menace of fre. the liquid preparations contain - neither ercam gives satisfaction, Try it at T of alcohol nor opi |He-g's a a of, Boston's parks, ore six dozen tablets in one box, | The fecling in Pigton rims very the site. ide by troller 3 enough for an extended treatment. {strongly in favar of thi Rev. J. J. one, situation Healthy Women. 4 Bae The church board pessxl a re- eXelinpt from mote Tio) hal, . They Make | solution of confidence and made the ample: gust, and. regolution public. The Methodists de- clag that they "mast have Mr. Rac as their pastor to finish his term. MYER HOME SAUSAGES {Offers of additional contributions have AD been made be méfibers' of the con- For 8 u oll 60 Brogk St. grogati n, and even those of other 'or Sunday's Breakfast, tions wish for the return of Sale, of, stoshitgn, 2 vaies 35; 3 gel TRY A POUND OF Mr. Rae to Picton. : Hellehore, paris green, pad blue [ petiters in an lights her old friends in town. Miss Rorothy White and Miss Pansy Mills will be two Ottuwa girls here on June: 24th | Word has come from Mrs. Max Aiken, of Halifax, that she expects to come to town for the Kerney-McPar Hand wedding Miss Marjorie Betts eame down from, London, tomy, 'to pay her aumt, i} Mrs. Joseph Walkem, corner Beverley and Union streets, a visit. She will I be he of the debutantees at the Jupd aul, t Mrs. H. Bute, Earl street, and [i r aunt, s. John Brooke, will go to Ottawa next week to spend a few {days with Mrs. Charles Bates, -. . - Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Alice street, 18 expecting two nieces for the June ball, Miss G. Hawley from Napanee, and Miss Bristol, sister of Cadet Bris- fol, from Hamilton. Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Brock street, returned from ! Hamilton on Monday. The first in *cadets gave a pienic to Kingston Mills, this afternoon Mrs. Charles 'Low chaperoned them There were several small picnic part- ies by land and ater this afternoon *Mrs.E. A. Booth, Alired street, is going up to Whithy next week to see Miss Edna Booth graduate, and will ! return on Friday with her daughter. Miss Grace Rogers, Gore street, is home from Lachine, : Miss Jean" Gordon, of Toronto, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. G. Flett, Colborne street, . + Miss Annie Irwin will be up from Ottawa, for, the ball, and Miss Lillian Tavlor also | Miss Kathleen Snider is coming | down from Hamilton, ahd wil be one of the gusts at the R. M. C:. ball. Praise For Y.M.C.A. At the farewell tendered A." Stokes, retiring secretary of "the Y.M.CA | Mayor Mowat gave an address which brought forth much favorable com- ment. He referred to the good work the association had accomplished in the city, and paid special reference to the work under the leadership of Mr Stokes, whose leaving would be deop- ly regretted: by all. Mr. Stokes had in a most eredit association was carried on the work able mammer, and the doing a gramd work for the com: munity. It Isn't Extravagant. Think of using a pure castile soap for laundry purposes, © Sounds extra- vagzant, doesn't it. Yet it isn't. In i fact when you buy "Olive Oil" laun- dry soap vou are buying a pure cas- tile soap for 5c. a bar, the only soup of the kind made in Canada, and you will find that it will do more work and do it better than any other soap you have ever used. Try it. Where Divorce Is Common. Vienna, June 15.--The world's re cord for the greatest number of di- vorce cases is held by the Hungarian city of Arad. Last year's statistics show that 280 divorce cases were trind by the courts and 210 divorces grant- ed. At present there are $0 divorce cases awaiting trial. Arad has less than 30,000 inhubitants. Oetogemarian Sheep Shearer. Cardifi, June 15.-- Among the com- open 'sheep-shearing competition at Maridon, near Paign- ton, yesterday, was James Saunders, who is in his eighty-second year. He has been shearing foé\kixty-nine years, and his work in the competition bore Very favorable comparison with that of younger men, . Sheep-Shearing Object Lesson. London, June 15--On Parliament hi'l fields, yesterday, men were engag ed in shearing a large flock of sheep now grazing on this open space Among the onlookers were a teacher and a class of twenty pupils out for a natural history lesson. -- ---- Bananas ! Bananas ! Bananas. Fdwards & Jenkin. Phone 775, NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM, ---- Matézes That Interest Everybody wNotes From Al Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The Bell Telephone company says its dividend is not yet announced. Mr. Belcourt, Ottawa, is to retire, and will either go to the senate or the bench, it is said. Rev. Wellington Bridgeman, of Nee pawa, Man, is elected president of the Manitoba conference. The Toronto Anglican synod has track resolutions urging that mace trug gambling be declared illegml. Judge Tascherenu has donated $1,000 towards the rebuilding of the burned Church of the Sacred. Heart, Ottawa. Dr. Falconer, Halifax, formerly ac- cepted the § cy of the Univer. sity of Toronto at a meeting of the board' of governors. A plot to blow up The Hague con- ference has bee discovered by the Russian secret police. Russian terror ists are descfibed as the instigators. AtRapid City, S.D, five lives have heen lost owing to the destructive floods that began with a ecloudburst at Tiliord, on Wednesday, Much pro- perty damaged. The Coanadign chicfs hold their third annual Montreal July 2nd and than 100 members are in attendance. A home for nurses in training at the Catholic general hospital, Ottawa, and of police will convention in 2th. More expected to be other institutions of the order of the Nisters of the Grey Nuns, has been begun. The estimated cost is $60,000, Arthur G. "Hopkins, editor-in-chief of, the Farmers' Advocate, Winnipeg, re signs to resume work with the Domin ion department of agricultu in the live stock and health of animals' branches The Detroit Salvation Army is eon tertaining about 5% Canadian Sal- vationists and Bpelr friends from ng the line of the Pere Manyuette y between Lone and Kings ville, Ont The high water occasioned in Pitts. burg, and * several points in Western Pennsyfvania caused by the heavy rains of ' Wednesday and Thursday, will cause of neurly an estimun tod £300,000. Edward A, Tighe, andl James A, Murtaugh, found lying a ditch New York Central track Albany, N.Y. were struck by Miss Maggie twenty-four tempting to get line car at the corner of King Duncan sereets, T nto, and fractured her skull. The Canadian Street Railway Asso ciation is meeting, in Windsor, Ont. Friday night the ddogates' were taken to Amhersthurg and digner was served on Boisg Blane Island. To-day the delegates will be the guests of the De troit United railway, Detroit. Over seven hunrired thousand logs valued at $2,000,000 the gorge of timber ever West Virginkin sireamr broke loose two miles up the Goyandotte River, and practically swept out everything in its path, including a large iron bridge valued at $75,000 Sir Claude McDonald, the British ambassador to Japsn, has started from London, where ha has heen visit ing to Tokio, with special instruc tions to take immediate steps toward Winging about better relations be- twe'n Japan and the United States Tho Interprovineial Purse, the spe- cial race designed to bring together the province breds of Ontagio and Quebee, resulted, at Blue Bonnets, Montreal, on Friday, in an easy vie tory fors T. Ambrose Woods' Kelvin, winner of the Ontario King's guineas, at Woodbine last property loss Newask, N.J Boston, ongside the just west of It is belived that both & Passing train. Hunter, a, waitress, age, at: belt 'and full ws years of of? was a moving when she She died. saw largest known in a Mrs. Margarie Davidson, a wadow, twenty-nine years of age, of Wahni patae, came, a few days ago, with a male compan on, dnd put up at an hot} at Toronto. She left him and went to 84 Elm street, where whe at tempted to commit suicide by taking carbolic acid. She is dying. STANDARD STOCK EXCHANGE. Reported From 18 Market Street Kingston, Ont. Kingston, June 156th. 1 pan. = Abitibi $ 16 3. .10 Coniages 4.15 8.50 Green Meehan 47 43 Petersom Lake 30 Silver Queen 1.07 1.02 Bufinlo 2.75 2.00 Foster 54 RO Nipissing 11.75 11.25 Silver Leal aA2% A34 Trethewey 68 63 Silver Leat ii JA14 LAST SALES Foster At & 77% Silver Quen . 1.02 Trethewey a4 Peterson Lake 29 Edwards And Jenkin. For fresh' box candy. Bibby's $2 sailors are swell. J. 8. Boothman, for many years in the painting business in Heanilton, Ont., attempted to eommit suicide, on Friday. by 'throwing 'himself into the lake at Burlington. He was discov- ered abl was pulled out of the water tittle the worse for his wetting. Mr: Boothsnan has been in poor health fog Jome time, and is not responsible for his actions. At Perth..on Tuesiav, Craig. an emolovee of McLaren Lumdwr company, James A. the Peter wae uni- ted in marriage to Miss Miller, of Perth. CC, R. Melntosh has resioned the principalship of Athens model school. Sea Biblv's $1 straw hats. and SATURDAY, JUNE mid: INCIDENTS OF THE 1 DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. See Bi s $2 straw hats. R. H, , Brockville, was in town yesterday, George Croft, artsaouths J has left on a wip to Bellingham, W S. Thompson, of the Merchants bank, has left, to his vacation t Quebec. * Children's black drawers, 25c., un- dervests, from 10c. up. New York Dress Reform, : Armour Haystead, Toronto, return- od home to-day, after visiting f 1 oped' WARNER'S CURES TO STAY CURED, A TRIAL CURE WILL BE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE TO EVERY READER oF THE BRITISH WHIG, WHO SUFFERS FROM KIDNEY, LIVER, DLAD | DER OR BLOOD DISEASE, in Kington during the past week] 's $1.50 straw hats. or Vilkie, a well known resi- dent of Pittsburg, Pa, is spepding a ow days in Ringeton and vicinity, oun oan always depend on Gibson's Red Cross cough syrup. Suites & ally cough. Homey, Montreal, is spend: ing a a days in the city with her sister, Miss Horsey, on her way to Listowel, : R. J. McClelland, of the City Engi- neer's 'office, is going to Barriefield camp as licutenant in the Intelligence Corps, of which Dr, A. W. Richard: son is at the head, The steamer Alexandria made its usual trup up, Friday nighti and took on several passengers here for Roches: ter and intermediate points. Consider able freight was also taken on board the vessel See Ribby's straw pats. Saturday was the first. day for the cheap rates at Folger's, for Water: town, N.Y, and quite a large number took advantage of the excursion, The cheap rates will continue until Sep tember 15th. See our splendid summer corsets, G0c. and 650. We keep all the well known makes, as well as ordered cor- sots, and guarantee a perfect fit. New York Dress Reform. The civie council committee appoint: ed to report upon the ¢ivie laborers' wages has not yet had a meeting to make a settlement. One was to have been held last: evening, but proper notice was not given. le is claimed that Kingston gave Prince Fushimi and his suite the best mooption on their short visit of any place in Canada. This will be remem bored in the land of the Mikado on Prince Fushimi's return. Bibpw's for stylish straw hats. Folger's steamyacht, Ramona, which has been lying at the wharf, here, the past fow days, has been ted out and put in shape for the #ason, by Arthur Sparham, and his staff of mon. The yacht will resume its old route, among the Thousand Islands. The warm weather has given the Cricket club the impetus "it has so long awaited and now each afternoon evening the faithful are enthusi- indulging in their favorite pastime. Several games are heing ar- ranged for the summer months with outside organizations. The constant use of the Queen's Col: lege greens by youths who indulged particularly in baseball, has led the authorities to erect placards announe- astically ing th intention of prosecuting any one found = trespassing thereon. The grounds about the buildings never looked better than they dg this sum- mer and are kept nicely cut. Biblw's straw hats are beauties. Shortly after four o'clock, yester- day, a hack team ran away, down Clarence street, to the K. & P.orail way freight sheds, and wound up at the ferry wharf. They were frightened at some rubbish on the strest. They were caught, little the worse for their run. Ninety-Five Deaths A Minute. Vienna, June 15.--~An Austrian stat istician has calculated that there are 1,500,000,000 people in the: world and that the average span of. life s thir ty years. ( 'onsequently , 1,500,000,000 people die every thirty years, or 50, 000.000 'a yeuir,. or 137,000 a day, 5,700: "every hour, 'ninety-five every mivate, and three in every twa sec onds. />Dog Saves A Child's Life. Edioburgh, June 15.-A large dog saved Olive Thomas, two years old, from drowning, yesterday, at leigh. The child's perambulator had rolled down a hill into a lake and she was in danger of drowning," when the dog plunged in and dragged the per ambulator to the ba ---------- To-Night At The Fruit Store. Peaches, apricots amd cherries, also mushrooms, dt Carnovsky's. Write or call for prospectus and full particulars. J.O. Hutton, Broker, MR. IT. DB. SPARKS, Gout, Lumbago, Rheunmtism of the Joi atism of the Heart, itheuwmetism Yer Wile In kidney dikeuse the bowels ar- ofte ner's Safe Pills quickly Riess hi bondition, and mo ey witer efect i" WARNER'S SAFE CUR. up in two at $1.00 A BOTTL Pho substitutes as ning ATES or direct, wivich injure {the 'system. TRIAL BOTTLE FRE absolutely eure « tell) histtle al he se ny one wiio Will Write WA RN I SAF Toronto, Ont, and mention ting Whig. The pornuineness of this off write usa full statement. of your Sane. a valuable medical houklet demeribi diseasés of the Kidneys All communications White, White with Cardinal. New Fancy Boot Lace open 3bc. New Tan Hose, all sizes, 10c. to 1Be. New Long Silk Gloves, good quality, Greys, $1. New Blouse Waists, very pretty, styles, in Musline, $1 to '$4. New Summer Costumes, in Lawn and Peréale, $2.60 $3.50 to New White and Colored wash Skirts, $1.50, $2, ash. New White Underskirts, Corset Uovers, Night Gowns, ete. MILLINERY ! New Lingerie slats, made of Embroidered, Trimmed Variously with wide Chiffon and Fancy Straw. New Sailors, American and LARDER LAKE GOLD . ISLAND SYNDICATE, We are now forming a Syndicate to tak richest gold properties of Larder Lake and few days only a limited number of m@mberships ia HUNDRED DOLLARS per membership cate at ONE bership oho had P SHARES ($5 urchaser Bright's Disease Cured, Taousnds Have Kidney Trouble and Fo Not Realise it Until Into Bladder Trouble, Rheuma Bright's Disease, Which Will Prove Fatal if Not '16 years. In 1891 he had Bright's of When the kidnoys are diseased the wie acid is not carried off and this caumes To, Mgr Kies Heer sofiorat Ir from dises PT ---- SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY New Golf Jackets, all White, all Cardinal, Cardinal with SPENCE'S ™e Lens te store. value) in-a maw ot x tism 'Diabetes, or Attended to at SAFE CURE BOTTLE OF THIS GREAT KIDNEY. Mr. H. B. Spark, of Hydesville, California, has prolonged his life Disease and the doctor's said he could not, live. He then com. menced to use Warner's Safe Cur, was gpompletely cured of his kid. ney trouble in four months and = bas been a well man ever since. He writes February 2th, 1007:-- "I was taken ill-with Bright's Disease the kidneys in February, 1891, I went to a doctor here and he dmalyred wy urine and said that I could mot live. I suffered greatly and would have to urinate once 'or 'twice every hour and nearly every time there wus blood. After the doctor had given up hope 1 began taking Warner's Safe Cure and in four months I was completely cured and © Have not been troubled with my kidneys Wine. "~<H. B, Sparks, Hydesville, Cal ed Rheumatism of the Muscles, Rhewn- n eonst tipated and Sud, the live liver lo perience Wars and that eee Bai 5" a FE inn nt | 2 OF on oul .. toms nd Poot , and many convincing work Hose, in White and Tan, Black, White and MILLINERY ! and Muslin, Richly jue Zawn Duchess "Ribbon, English. iv over ons Sf ipa in thls to receive FIVE organized to take a and operate the pro EThe stock of the company, when offered be sold for less than 25 TS PER by joining the syndicate you can get in on the 'we believe will develops into one of jth x tus and other Lake distri*t. Send. at once tor, Pron) tion, which will be free. tion on any other Larder Lake - RUSSELL 526-527 Traders Bank 50c. Per Share The present market conditions are the only reason for the ties ; of BIG BEN STOCK. Under ordinary conditions it would be put E- or the market at $1.00 at least and as soon as the money market loosens it will almost certainly reach par and in all probability be worth $5.00 per share by the end of the year. Buy Big Ben Now And you will have an investment that should return enormous pro- a fits within the year. with some of the biggest Canadian business men BIG BEN is an all Canadian in er erste ound floor. This =rererty ht richest in inthe, - Larder We will ia armioh informa. COMPANY, y Toronto, Canada. Company and its directorate.