i - 554 b performance of both a violin and pianoforte concerto _ in same +ie an' un * fedt, even for an artist of mature age : - ILE f = i of Siptiona al features are in 25 r. 1H Magdalen College. In all Oxford there is no more inter ing structure than M just mediaeval, holding an almost solutely central place among the MAGDALEN COLLEGE. leges of Oxford. At the same time the idea that it is ud Sider, than his a natural not entirely ground- less one, For it was established on a site al occupied, and its es- tablishmeat absorbed into itself not only the property but some of the ma- terial remains of a much earlier foundation: The founder of the pres- ent college was William Wainfleet, who in 1457 obtained a patent from King Henry VI. to erect a hall for the study of theology and philosophy in the University of Oxford, and chose for its site a piece of ground on which stood the decaying hospital of St. John. The college &s we know it was not fully completed until the first Suarer of the nineteenth century, by addition of the Grammar Hall, . All-cream ice cream, in bricks, any flavor, delivered at any hour, Price's. To produde that cooling effect, try Patterson's or. Enos' fruig : . LARGE GROWDS ARE NOW AT- | TENDING THE EXHIBITION. i 'Dublin Fair Proves Irish Possess i iin £2 gbis | Florentine, but, many Seviatichs been made to harmonize as far i features . Apparently of the Middle Ages, Mag- phat point of date is really only at {shooting o Edward 'FP. Wandle was ta of Schles- Ss EER i E g: case of rieed, She fin ends It dn' likely Laver earn a. g But ani no Sa 'of ¢ lity to do so should the ne wiih" arise. A hatity bansats,. h FW : variab! Vg rook Many Jlatives treasure | 3 ames, © or | The. finest she sror couple t- . cross ave her Srothor Prinee Christiat: Vie. ng Vie " 3 apd. resemblance ad g 5 iE = i PRINCESS LOUISE AUGUSTA. is named. She has a great aversion 'f to the fuss and ceremony which her birth involves, and shirks it whenever possible, is On one occasion this disposition re- sulted in her being treated with a degree of familiarity which she is far from courting. She was faking a sea voyage for the benefit of her" health and the weather being boisterous, she was advised to seek the shelter of her cabin. She found the confine ment irksome and resolved. to brave the storm and go on deck. i from her saloon, she attired herself in a set of tarpaulins, which a sailor had left ly, mounted to the deck, and, slinging to a handratl stood en- joying the spectacle . of. the surgi billows. Her pretty hair was tacked away beneath a great sou'wester and the disguise was complete. Present g 3) she received a thump between the oulders whieli nearly took her breath away and a big voice bellowed in her ears, "what the devil are you IE 2 turned round in- gisnantly and. faced--the captain! it was the captain's turn fo gasp. He aught he had caught one of the crew ng. k $ Game Shooters' Trophies. The many -big game shooters among wealthy Britons who go to far dis tant and wild countries where the & lion, the tiger and so on are to be found are always particularly anxious fo preserve and to have set up for home display the skins of the animals that have fallen a prey to their prowess. 2 Unfortunately, the skins thus cb tained have often .to treated in a very primitive style, in the first in- stance, from the taxidermist and fur dresser's point of view, says Tu-Bils. abd, though the Sti etice of tropical climates and im pre- ation they arrive in land as $ stiff as boards. So stiff and brittle & are they, indeed, that: unless they ® mere gently handled they would break | ¢ up into {ragments. vr + of the rarest and most beau- | & tiful skins in the world, are dreated -$ at a unigue establishment in. the east end of London, prior. to being handed over, to, the regular fur dresser. At the place in question he folie or skins are gently. deposited. Then they are put iato Wy des shallow tank and oovéred over with a liquid containing eertain chemical ingredients. After being in steep for some time, parties i * of men, bare-footed and bare-legged § to the knee, tread about, backward and forward, day after day, for a cer- tain period upon each particular in, and it is this apolication of u- man foot that brines the skins back to a perfect state of pliability. Nearly all the men employed in this ing process, for hours at a are aliens and 'unskilled workers, so far as other trades are concerned; but those among them who ean bring aboat with their fest an equal degree of pliability in all parts of a skin can earn good wages, ar------------_-- Fast Trains Ja England. To take only one or two 'from doa ens of examples. the number of daily trains between London and Birming- ham (113 miles) over the London and. Northwestern, makine over 56 miles an hour. is seven: between London and Exeter, over the Great Western (194 miles), the number running at a rate over 85 miles is four. One, of later trains makes the 118 miles between London snd Bristol in 190 minutes in each direction every day and does this with remarkable regu- larity and punctuality. --Soribner's. -- Cost of European Armies. Burope spent' in round numbers £800,000,000 on its army and £80,000,~ 000 on its navy in 1906, as against A £146,000,000- and £60,099.000 respect- ively in 1898. That is to say, Europe spends to-day £930,000,000 on its army and navy as against £206,000,000 in' 1898, a total inavease of "£74,000,000, or, say 26 per cent. Seventy-four mil 8S A year is equiw to- 4 per J cent. interest upon a ital sum £1%60.000,000, "0°" * "Pi 1 ---- A verdict of wilful murder for the returned agminst John Boyd, A pint bottle of Beef, Iron and Wine, » . Splendid Worker In Enamel = ise A > FIIIIITIININIIIIIIININ VITIIITIIIIIIIIIIII IIIs eRe ee Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve months, (7) Assets in foree (Over) ~'s v . no iu. o.oo Cash Dividends paid Policyholders in 1905-6 (over) - The first "LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY? made © Market Street, Kingston. ee e---------------- Sheet lL.eadz... 1 5 Sen a3 i Fg ; Then see how you enjoy the mea Ask any honest grocer for TH E BEST SAUCE--Hs is dure "to give you LEA & PERRINS' Jv M. DOUGLAS & CO., (Established 1857) Montreal, Canadian Agents. \ Prince 4 rgyll, after Whom she I beg to announce to the Ladies of Kingston and vicinity that I shall commence a June sale on : ATURDAY, the 15th Inst. When I shall offer all Millinery at HALF-PRICE, including Hats, Flowers, Feathers, &c., &c. This shall be one of the best bargains ever offered to the Ladies of Kingston. 'Come Early to Get First Choice. Miss L.. Sutherland Sm a Sessusessusscscssesssresbssenessistenestathirsre ses erent br sseneee lly on . $ Sub-Post Office NO. I : pens Monday Next, June 17 : Stamps sold. i -Letters Registered and Insured. } Postal Notes Issued, 3 Parcels Weighed. 3 Letters and Parcels Posted. =u | MEDLEY"S THE CORNER DRUG STORE. 3 y emma 3 ---------- THE 200 CENTURY. TREATMENT, The source of all Power, , awww The Fountain of Youth, r= o~ - 'The result of 50 years of scientific research, 4 manhood brought back efter years of Life Producers | Chatham Incubators Life Preservers Chatham Brooders The only machines that rival the weakness mother hen, Automatic in action, parfect despair, Nature's Secret restored by combining thres Sonstruciion aud a re havcher, year of the rarest chemical reagents in the world. This i# | goaveste : of Euperiment. itis proved by itsuseintheoupitsk (DJ, WAY, T. EB . HUGHES, f. weak and : 2 Princess £5 cases cured by 30 days treatment. This is a fact} ; Ams, 42 . Prove it yourself by a test. AS ih = refuily sealed in a lai mark. R ed fall 30 Weabutur Tot, a A uction in Gas cure or refund of money, for fig 00 July Ist Be. KCHR MEDICINE €0.. PO. Drawer L 234i. MONTREAL Save the rent of one metre by ESTABLISHED (1847) HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. Kingston Office, 18 Market Street. ssurance in force (over) - - . . CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO'y. TAYLOR & HAMILTON Vo to remove one, where there is two at present. eh ; PI 0 Headquarters for JEWEL GAS 1,420.000.00| STOVES and RANGES: by Canadian Peoplé For PHONE 418. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND;INVESTMERT:SOCIETY anadian People. For information how a Policy will shape fir you cheerfully given at 18 R. URQUHART, JAMES THOMSOM J: 0. Hy (Special Agents.) 0, HUTTON, Manager, our own make, only 50c., at Wade's Drug Store, I; d- Metal Co., Ltd. LLIN ST. Underwe oraged ve Jug br dh, der by dhe Trai EET Seven Sutherland Sis Hair Grower Ottawa, Ont., Ap: Seven Sutherland Sisters :-- Dear Ladies, --1 had [ost all my hair, th my head being entirely bald for thrice Alter using your hair preparation for thre my head was covered witha new growth Now my hair mpasures about thirty-six is th and is oving all the time. |I Hair Grower me dressing as well as and can recom itto all | Yours truly, go Cambridge St. MRS. G. B. NO For sale at all druggists, two sizes, 5( . $1.00 per bottle. SEVEN SUTHERLAND SIS" SOLE, PROPRIETORS CANADIAN Orrick, 256 Yonoe St, Te J. H. BaiLey, Foreign Manager. Recommended and sold by FOR SALE BY Geo. W. Mahe Corner Princess and Rago T. McAul HAS REMOYED TO e 8 93 Princess | Between Corbett's Har Stere and Taylor & | ton's, directly opposite grove's. COME AND SEE U Phone No. T78. ll Hood Investment A Practical Buriness Training In the Master Key to Succr«s Frontenas Bu siness College ¥INGSTON ONTARIO Supe ior Courses --AT-- Moderate Rates. oT. N. STOUKDALE, y Crincival. »ppone, 680. - Waggone Special Blue Serge Suit $20 Be:t Worl mansh First Class Trim: Fit Guaranteed ------ ------ Wedding Gift We have a most up-u date stock for weddin gifts in Stirling Silve ware, Cut Glass, Chim Clocks and Bronzes.