F °F Lire ilH frst Eg ¥ 2ie7is g ® A PARR Soe. ; Young Baron Shot and Robbed By Thugs. June 1s-Baron de Van the son of an ex-dij : Paris, "The yacht Waoong, from Detroit, is and | at Swift's, on her way up the Rideau. "Th Metzner will clear, to- mill. The schooner Mary Ape Lydon ar rived Oswego, with coal, for Nile, with wd, from. Howe Tang, for shipment, The, Volunt ith been found. | Stockings that will wear for child ren, 10c., 12§c., 15¢., 18c., 20c. New York Dress Reform. Water wings." Buy them ot Gib- Son's Red Cross drug store. New ones | Bibby's $1.80 siilors are fine. New Black Silk Coats aly Wim made of extra quality sik, latest styles, New Linen Coats 4 Extremely i oddly $2.50, $3.50; $4.50, $5, $36.50. Fancy Muslin Shirt Waist gE Suits Exact reproductions of New York styles, $2.50, £50, up 10 $8 ; . or Children's Muslin Dresses To fit all ages, $1.76 to 86 each. sciousness in about an hour, and, to- day, is resting quietly. -- Sheets Is In Trouble. "Professor" 0. S. Sheets, a dancing master, who tapght in Kingston eight or nine years , in spught for . by the Sault Ste. Marie police, charged A PY . young girl, Miss Mabel Thomson whose 'step-father atl mother live in Toronto. The girl was a pupil of Sheate' He took her to North. Boy, wi the alleged crime was commil ted. When the girl found out her con- dition she went to the Michigan Soo to her annt. A short time ago a baby was born. Sheets is thought to be in Montreal. He married a Deseronto girl when in. Kingston. wit » Ladies' Summer Vests In Cotton, Lisle and light-weight Wool, Jong, short and sleeve. kes, at 124c, 10c., 0c, Be, Mei MWe, Me, 5b, 0c, Toe. $1. CHILDREN'S VESTS in all siees and styles. -------------- Mcn's Balbriggan Underwear A hr rope Genuine French makes, all 'sizes, in 'Shirts and Drawers, 30 to 46. The palm for uniquely kept grounds Parham, by Rev. W. H. Sparling, chairman of Kingston district, - to work the field in the interest of the chuteh, Rev, Mr, Waddell will remain at Battersea until college opeps. SE ------ For the sake of justice to the afliot- od and for the xd of humanity, it "lis mv right and v to recommend Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Wo owe our country and our felly a gus Tea "or tablets, 85c. Ma- hoods drug store. We have placed on the new cakes for Saturday, and Chocolate cake. Try one as a sample. R. H. Toye, King street. A. Agassiz loft, Slocum City, B.C. See Bibby's $1.50 straw sailors, bw : the Nurses' Home draws the atten- tion of all who pass. The grass is in Black Spot Mushne (all black), 2c. 30c., 3c, 40c. ants of a wi All Black Fanoy Stripe and Check Musing, 2k. 30c., 40c. Soc. les Auxiliary Sent To Parham. White i , White Drills; White Piques, in large Variety. "White Persian Lawns and Muslin, 15c., 3c. 25, 0c, 35. doc. Sh oe ove an tut dev, a (Er kl TH a © Novelty All Black Materials healthy. condition, and about three feet high--a burglar copld hide in it Black Vailes in Wool, Cotton and Residents § hme dee = ig ts a Pol hap th scythes and White Materials Handherchiot Liness, , Linen Lawns, Blowse Linens. Dress Linens, in large variety, at dc. to $1.30 yard, the 1 Hospital, The plot around Black Organics, 19c., 3. 30c., Se. : with ease. At varipus spots, there are lawn mowers. Muslin, fine sheer materials, 12je. to 30. yard. 1 {ed representatives, it is G. D. Fredinnick, has been sent to here, Friday, for | question of finances was the in ohiseion in the minds" of the Ten, but as. communication geome before the couneil it "Hidoided to zee it to Shut body: woke question of placing « light Lane t brought the etter rT M. Cary on. the matter recommending that other than the suggested ts be made or that it be held over till the t of the systems is of the could ' Ald. Grahym held out for the light being installed but finally agreed to - | allowing the . matter to stand over e day, for Bodus, for coal, for the cot- | ton mill of every one signed the original So. far asis known all of powers are willing to admit the South Americans, but a single com- plication has arisen in the case . of Turkey. That power attended through delegates the first Hague conference, but it never ratified till. next meeting. Mr. Carapbell in the meantime to be asked for a- further report. STRANGE OOINCIDENCE. ---- Dates and Names in Case of An- other Child. Y Madrid, June d6.~One of the most extraordinary eoincidences--or, rather, series of coincidences that has hap- pened. of late years is ted fram the Spanish town of Estelln. the 10th of May and at hali past twelve o'clock (the same day and hour as the birth of the Prince of Asturias) a womgn named. Victoria gave hirth to a mile child, who was inscribed in the givil register by ome Don Alfonso Ugarte .on the same day and at the - | same hour as the heir to the Spanish SHONSOTS Weber BANNERMAN'S RESOLUTION. Dealing With the House of London, June 15.--The government has issued the text of its resolution i the House of in order to give effect to the will of the people as expressed by their elect- necessary that the power of the other house to alter or reject bills passed by this house should be so restricted hy law as to secure that, within in the limits of a single parliament, the final decision at. he House of Commons should pre- vail." Good-Bye To Arden Family. Arden, June 14.~The number that gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snider on Monday evening went to show that. the people of Ar- den and vicinity. realized that in the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Snider to reside in Napanee, they were losing one: of their best families. The fare { well was all a surprise to them and everyone knew they would be weleome. An address was read by Miss Clara Detlor. A grateful reply was made by Mr. Snider. Addresses were delivered by the chairman, Dr. Geddes, Rev. Mr. Crow, pastor of the Methodist chureh, Councillor McGregor and €. W, Loyst. After jee cream and cake had len gerved ye by the ladies, the re- mainder ol e evening 'was spent in exchanges of good wishes with Mr. and Mrs, Spider. ------ Likely To Go To Asylum. Sandwich, Ont., July 15.--The mast important case tried at the ecaunty court was that of Arthur Wrightman, charged with shooting his brother-in- law, George Hirch, The shooting was not denied, but the defence put in a plea of insanity, which was supported by the medical evidence given by Drs. Sampson, Gow and Casgrain. On the doctare antimony the nde declared the prisoner to irresponst lor his i vemanded him till Wed- n - for sentence. It is possible that Wrightman will. be sent to the asylum for the insane at London. pe pres Nose Bitten OF By A Rat. Dublin, June 15.--A' little fownsyeiry running to her bedside that a rat had bitten 'off a part of hor nose. x The Pope A Vegetarian. Rome, June, 15.--It is announced here that the Pope has become a vegetarian, His holiness formerly suf- fered severely from gout, but he has had no attack since January, and he attributes this to the fact that ho has adopted a- vegetarian diet. Tickets for Sydenham street church choir convert at Ontario park may be had at Dr. Chown's drug store, 's drug store, Jenkins clothing It removes hair from face or arms, "Dr. Miracle." Sold only . at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store, ' throne. The child was christened on May 18th (also the same day as 'the chris tenjug of the baby. prince), and 'the named respectively Don Pio (Pius) Fernandez and Dona Chris tins Lasuen. It will be remembered that the sponsors tothe Prince of Austurias were Queen Maria Chris tina and Monsignor Rinaldini, the Jd in representation of Pope Pius SEVEN MEN DROWNED. Were Carried Over Falls in Saguenay County. Quebec, June 15.~A sad accident happened, yesterday, at Hamilton Cove, Sagmwnay county, which caused consternation. A few cances, filled with men working for C. P. Easton & Co., started to cross above the falls when one of the canoes, containing Seven men, got caught in the current and was swept over the falls. The men were all drowned. Up to the pre- sent time none of the bodies have been * recovered. Four of the men, namely, Alfred Gagnon, George Quinn, Xavier Guerin, and Jose Quinn are all married men and belong to Mille Vaches, County Saguenay, and leave large families. The three others are single men named Philippe Chappn- deau, of Paspebiac; Zenon Otis, of Little Metis, and George Campion, of Matane. ---- i ---------- Medals 41 Years Late. London, June 15 Color-Sergt. MN. Flynn and Sergt.-Maj. Wesley,. both of Nottingham, have just received their medals for 'the part they took in the Fenian raid in Canada in 1866. In 1904 the Notts Veteraps' Association took the matter up after the Cana- dian government had refused to grant the medals, apd after three years of correspondence the medals have ar rived. Gambling For Ice Cream. London, Jume 15.--Two ice cream venders were fined at Tower Bridge police tourt, yesterday afternoon, foe gw h t wae stated that a coin was 'spun, and if the vender guessed correctly he got. the money and gave no ice cream. If he lost he guve the winner a povmy- worth of ice. cream and: a halipenny. I ------ To Save Policemen's Time. London, June 15--The general poses committee of the Holborn hor. ough council has given directions for the ation: of a few sectional maps ol ough, mounted framed, to be placed : i i Positions in the thoroughfares, for the idance' of persons not familiar with the locality. y Pleasures For Paupers, . Lontlon, Tune 16.The . inmates of Romford = workbouse are to he enters taned on various Sunday. eveni during the summer to music Jy oe Beacontree Heath band, and they will be permitted ¢ to promenade the grounds during the periormance of the programme, < -------- A River For Sale. London, June 15.--The Atjeov Chase estate, Chertsey, including the Abbey river, is far sale. The wviver, which is nearly 4 miles long and roman- tically sitomted, flows round from Penton Hook to below Chertsey Weir, "Have you tried our 10c. specials, i Pong, Turkish Delight, Man- hattan and David Harum? If pet ask for them at Hoag's. " S0c. tape girdles for 35. New York Dress Reform. Bibby's straws are favorites, ig To-Night, Any onelfof the 3 woul "104 Silk To-Night 7.50 to 10 O'clock, particularly good bar. 3 gains will be offereg d be well worth com- Shirt Waist Colors, Black for quality Japanese Silk, .in the very latest style now buttoned front, long . sleeve. White, made from good shown in New York for this summer, The front of blouse is entirely composed of small pin tucks in clusters of three with a deeper hemstitched 'tuck between each cluster. The back of blouse is also tucked to match the front, Full sleeve finished with deep cuff. tucked and hemstitch- ed. Sizes 34, 36, 38. 40. This stylish waist is worth regularly 3.75. Yours To-Night, $2.95 1689 Pairs White Lace Curtains Very pretty designs, Nottingham Nett, sizes 3) yards long by 55 inches wide, regularly sold at 2.50 a pair, Yours To-Night, $1.50 Pair ¢ er bishops and ~~ 800 Yards Good Quality Linen Crash Towelling Full 20 inches wide, regularly worth 12 1-2c. yard, Yours To-Night while the lot lasts, Yard. 8c. L -- LING GOODS ection in the City. - o The lowest prices and the best made goods. Suit Cases from $1.75 to $20. Io, English Deep Club: ags $5 to $25. Trunks from $2.00 up. & We sell Trunk Straps, | Shawl Straps, Address + al ' Club Bags from 75¢ to SCENE O Ceremony Was blage of Fo Gi Madrid, June'l infant prince of the As formed with recal pon cence in the royal chap Queen Christina was ¢ Carindal Dinaldini, the represented the pope ¢ Cardinal Sancha, the Toledo and primate of ¢ ed, assisted by more th archbi canonicals, and surroun liant assemblage of f grandees and civil and cials. Long vlaza and were filled with spectato ed the prelates and oth ed guests as they drove in state carriaves. The chapel only of a small nave, » to accommodate all tl the court who were entit the ceremony. but many able to see the actual before. moon approaches itself, wl opportunity of viewing procession from the loads fram the state a the chapel. This gallery was ador ty-two splendid Ge Quintet of - This picture repre Newill Court, Englan mouth, Devon, Engla ed in the amateur pe the Imperial Threatre ent Society, and pro the ordinary. Miss. ] group) was a charmi and played the part | Donald im thwn (wl the Lady Basildon. T for the benefit of pol who number somethi