4 dvertised oO Department It that the good Hosie low prices at which ol dvertising, and it has for we ur Hosiery customers a host atrons. They have learned fom 5C.. to 25¢. a pair on Laidlaw's. So can you. Fine Hosiery In Plain Lisle Thread Colors are Lj g ht Blue, Pink, Light Green, White, G Cardinal, Tan. wey, 39c & 49c. Laceand Em. broidered Lisle Hosiery AT nd 39c¢. OWING COLORS : 2, ink, Champagne, Nile Green. ik ery 1.49 Pair. wr Le ur Hos. EE -------- fff IN LIST Ce AND ENDS, SIZES" IN- ATENT OXFORDS sold out of some of our Oxford I e sizes left. These wi i 5 sale, at ; . are going J "IN PRICE ords. The season is just start- this store. Shae Store. tke of Travelling Goods to FALE UT Lah of Had) a = FO BL te ae on =. Se : { . = . === fe - : R= NO 43 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE' 19, 190%. - = 000 COC0OOS000000E0 DAILY MEMORANDA. HE IS A DELEGATE WAS YOUNG AND POOR, | wRATEHER PROBABILITIES. WE ARE OPEN FOR CONSULTATION FROM 8 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. "SATURDAYS, 1 P.M. No Charge BEER EE JOHN McKAY, \ Fur House. 149-155 Brock St,, © Kingston. O PEERED ALWAYS IN SEASON Whether We have warm weather or cold, sunshine or raim, our QUEEN BEE TEA Is always in season and always in de mand. Imported direct from Ceylon, in hall b. and one Ib. packages omly, 50 and 60c. Jas, Redden & Co, IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES, sn I! you wish to be successful mt tend The Kingston Business College MMmited, bead of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business echool. Book-keepiny, shorthand, typewriting, tele- graphy, all commercial subjects thoroughly taught by comptent experienced teachers. and night classes. Enter at any time, Rates very moderate. "Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, Presidents J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. AUCTION SALE AT THE RESIDENCE OF MR Milne, 38 Umion St FRIDAY, Ju 21st, Huircloth 1 r room Suites Table, Rockers, Carpets, Curtains ing Machine, Baby Carriage, Ice-Cre Freezer, Kitchen Uter t ALLEN, The Auctioneer. Sc. Sc WONDERLAND OPEN---Afternoon, 2 to 5. --Evening, 7 to 11. --Saturday, 1 to 5. Fntire change of Programme every Momduy, Wednesday and Friday Motion Pictures Wednesday and Thursday : "The Miner's Daughter." "The Pork Butcher's Nightmare." New Hiustrated Songs by WILBYE AUSTIN, of New York. Sc. Sc $10 REWARD. FOR ANY INFORMATION THAT wiil lead to the arrest or convict of the party or-parties that hroke into the bowihouses at Lake Ontario Park, bes tween Saturday night and Sunday after- noon. Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataraqul Electric Railway Company. eter AFTER HOUS: CLEANING If you have decent Fursiture os Stoves, yu want to dispose of, will give you Xe "deoent, price for, them TURK, the Leading Second Hand Dealer of ing- ston. Wedding Gifts We have a most up-to- date »tock for wedding gifta in Stirling Silver- ware, Cut Glass, China, Clocks and Brouzes., A Thing wuch sought after. Campbell Bros.' Fine Straw Iats, Band in McDonald Park, 8 p.m, Wonderland, aftgragon and evenings pai Meeting, St. George's Hall, 8 a. . Many novel features are promised Hotel Diem Hospital Gurden Pariy Wednesday, June 26th. ih This day in history --King James 1 of Bogland born, 1566 ; Methuen defeat. od De Wett at Heilbroo, 1900 Secure your tickets for the Concert Lake Ontario Park before 6 o'clock Thursday evening and save car fare. 2, I. Jenkins', Dr. Chown's at on at P-- WHIG TELEPHONES} 243--Bysiness Ofcey 229--Editorial Rooms. 2923--Jobbing Department. Try us for Billheads, etc. Dinner Sets We have a few of those job sets left, you can save THREE OR FOUR DOLLARS u All new up-to-date patterns, on every one of these sets. ONLY SHORT A FEW PIECES. Robertson Bros. NOTICE. THE MEMBERS opr KINGSTON Lodge, Nu. 39, 1.O.OF. are requested to meet at the Lodge Room, at ome o'clock THURSD AFTERNOON, for the PAT POSS pttending the funeral of our late r John Lappan. Funeral me of his father, at Garden Island. Tute at as ol Island. 'The boat will leave wharl, foo of Clarence street, at 1.30 p.m.. shar / » Brothers who can do so are respectfully roguested to qitend. F. A. KILPATRICK, Secretary. * WORRY HOTEL MANAGER, Americans Violate Etiquette in London. London, June 19.--There are some Americans who come abroad who re- fus: to do as the Romans do, "and, conse puently, let themselves singled out for attentions which are frequently not agreeable. Particularly is this the cas: in London, where conventionality is so strong and where evening dress of some sort is the rule everywhere. Into the palm room at the Carlton hotel a few nights ago, just after difiner, when the room was filling with men and women in evening dress there wandered a young American, whose father is a man of wealth and prominence. The young man wore a lounge suit, muddy boots and carried a straw hat He sat down, and na turally was conspicuous. So much go, in fact, that when the manager saw him he was greatly distressed and went over and asked him please to change his dress before entering the room again in the evening . Men are not the only offenders in this respect, for women are seen at times to evinoe a lack of sense of the fitness of things, as in the case of three who came into the palm room of a fashionable hotel about nine o'clock one evening recently with their day dresses on, Baedekers in hand 'and their hats n after a day's hard work "doing London." They sat down in the middle of the room and be wn to stare at everybody and drew much attention to themselves. In this case the manager could de nothing "But," he aid to me, "if some Am ericans who come over here would only realize how such carelessness strikes foreigners and that it really injures their fellow-countrymon, they might be more particular. Dozens of re said to me sons in the rooms persons in ne "Those people are Xmericans : cannot expeet anv better of them. This is. unfair, 1 know, to the thou- conrteous and refined Ameri sand of but it shows cans who come over here, that a people generally may be Jemmned v the acts of an unfortunate jew of their kind." ---------------- con- Jenking' for American straw hats. Sunny Jim Was a household word during the vigorous adver- tising campaign that put Force in the mouths of millions. Even now these people are enjoying the o fruits of this advertising expenditure, but the ces- sation of most all adver- tising is gradually placing them on. the list of '"'has beens,"" and when bill boards and side walls have been repainted Force in the minfls of men will be but a recollection. Are you trying to do business .on reputation ? Your reputation is, no doubt, good, but the pub- lic. have so much to about that your reputation 10 STOP THEN Dynamite Is Put Upon The Railways 10 IMPEDE TROOPS { THE REVOLTING VILLAGES BUILD BARRICADES, A Lively Debate in the Chamber of Deputies--Clemencean Says as All Means of Coneciliaticn Have Been Exhausted He .is Bound. to Enforce Respect For Law. Paris, Juno 19.--Advices recoived here from Charbonne state that dynamite had been found on the railways. In some cases the tracks have been res moved and the telegraph wires cut sg as to impede the arrival of troops while the revolting villagers" have boen pulling up the pavements and eollect- ing materials for barricades. The ac- tion of the government, in determin- ing to prosecute the agitators in the south of France, led to a lively de- bate in the Chamber of Deputies, ves- terday, but after a tumultuous time the eabinet secured an indirect vote of confidence by the large majority of 234, Premier Clemencean refused to agree to the discussion of an interpel lation of the subject of the govern ment's plan and demanded that the motion be postponed until June 26th. In a speech, which was frequently in- torrupted by noisy protests, he de clared that all means of conciliation were now exhausted and that as chief of the government he was bound to enforce respect for the law. SCARED BY MOOSE. Remarkable Story of Man From Kippewa. Montreal, Jume 19.--A man named Charles Cochrane arrived by C.P.R. at the Windsor ° station, yveterday, from the Kippewa district. He ap- pearsd to be suffering acute agony, but refused all medical assistance, saying that he could find no relief une til he arrived at his journey' end. To a sympathetic railway official he told one of the strangest stories that have ever come from that land of happen- mgs. Cochrane is a diamond expert, and went north with two others to the district north of Kippewa, diamond prospecting. They found some gems, aml were procecding to look for the mother lode, when an unfortunate ac- cident put a stop to their work. Cochrane was moistening a large stone with his lips, in order to bring out its brilliance, when he looked up urd saw an immense moose standing within a few feet of him. In a sud- den fright he swallowed the stone, and started to run for his life. Te es caped the moose, but the stone caus- od him serious internal trouble, and he had to hurry to his home in New York to be operated upon. NAPOLEONIC WAR LEGACY, Lubeck Claims Two = Million Florins From Sweden. Copenhagen, June. 19.--~The Danish government is likely to be called upon to arbitrate a strange case befween Lubeck and Sweden. During the Napoleonic wars of 1812 15 the Free City-of Lubeck procured provisions for the Swedish army of the value of 50,000 florins, or about £20,000, The: money, however, was not to be paid so long as Lubeck re ceived certain mercantile privileges from Sweden These privileges wero stopped by law last year, and Lubeck now claims the amount with interest, making a total of about 2,000,000 florins, SAPPERS MUTINIED, They Fired on Loyal Troops and Then Fled. Kieve, June 19.--The 2Ist battalion of sappers, 450 strong, mutinied last night. "They killed the commander of the third company and began firing volleys at random, Five loyal bat talions were summoned to quell the mutiny and called upon the mutineers to surrender; they replied with shots, wounding four of the loyal soldiers. The loyal battalions fired a volley and the mutineers broke and fled. Two hundred and fifty-eight of them were arrested, but the others escaped, Fatal Bums From Curling Irsa. Binghamton, N.Y. June 19.--While heating a curling iron over a lamp as she was dressing Mrs. Earl Bogart re- ovived fatal burns by the sudden .ex- plosion of the lamp which deluged her with burping oil. The lower por- tion of her body and limbs were car- bonized. The flames were extinguished with a small loss of property, Parent Loses Both Child: wm. Lindsay, Onts, June 19. --~Imnindiately after 'the death' ol his year-old child a telog@m came to P. Whitney, of this town, giving the sad intelligence of the drowning of his eldest son, Philip, at Aurora, Ont. Men's 25¢. Straw Hats. Light in weight. Campbell Bros, The famous Hiawatha mineral wat- er, has won the favor of .all in the AN a. To the Peace Conference at the Admiral Charles S. Sperry, USN, delegate to the peace confor ence, was borm in Brooklyn, N.Y September 3rd, 1817. His first studies in the public schools of Water bury, Conm., antl he graduated United States Naval Academy in the class of "66. Admiral Sperry married Mise Edith Marey. grade of lieutenant was fifteen years later before he reach od the next grade of licutenant-com- He was not made a commen der until 1884, He received the rank of captain in 1900. ) has been on special duty near Washington. His home ig i Waterbury, Conn A VERY CLOSE CALL NORWAY'S QUEEN NARROW- LY ESCAPES DEATH. During Visit to Paris More Serious Than the Cable Disclosed at the ray, Cleveland, to Prof. Edward H. Schwab, of Notre Dame University, a brother of Charles M. Schwab, slace, on Tuesday, in Cleveland. have ever visited Paris who have left behind them such a Maud of Norway, who have just tex- a most ogreeable sojourn Details of the accident which woour- rod"ta the youthful ¢ mere mention of whic od abroad, show that she had a very parrow escape from death or serious the accident occurred A narrow, stone bridge crosses a deep stream in the Trianon over it, when the ion and mounted by a postillion, halfway. over lease itself, the animnl fell over into dragging another breaking its rider's leg. third horse strug- ged to get away, tripped in the tangle Mad with fear, a Only the second postillion and The carriage was tilted to a sharp angle, and was only prevened striking the trunk of a The weight of the horses in the stream began to be felt, and the car- ringe was gradually being drawn after The queen turned very white, King Haakon, who was driv- Fallieres in front, heard leaped! from his carriage and rushed to the queen's kelp. the. secretary for : doing his best to re-assura the peril was past. Two dragoons of sprang from their saddles, plunged into the stream and, swords, hacked: at r In a few seconds address, on Tuesday entangling harness. the carriage was freed and the horses and postillion drifted with the stream. The aueen was helped at once from the carriage, and quickly assured her hushand that she was ushurt. Mehe. Fallieres alta escaped injury, though a good deal shaken. While «the queen was being felicita- ted on her escape, +t the injured postillion and the horses. in the fall and drowned." The postillion was seriously The royal party walked for about a third of a mile to the Petit Trianon, where a fresh carriage was in waiting and the cortege was reformed, recovered from her when "she reached Paris again. "Czar Sends Peter's Pence. 19.~The first contribu- Pence fund from Russiy has arrived at J the vatican, and is said to amount many thousands to colleet the amount and send Rome the Russian Catholic were obliged to ask for the anthoriza- tion of the czar's government, after some difficulty was granted. of roubles. In order + Went Up To London. berlain travelled from" Birmingham to 1 ondon, yesterday. 0 not appear to be worse, aithough he His condition did ET EVs THEWORLL'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over-Little and Remembered. A slight improvement in Hon. Ed. ward Blake's condition is reported. A true bill was found against Mr, Emmerson libel case. The Balvation Army is planning to |, establish several general hospitals [oollcctor of customs at. Winn , amd is a graduate of the Royal Military 'ollege of 1591, throughout the North-West, Five men were blown to atoms by an explosion in a powder factory, at Sennemahoning, in Pennsylvania. Prince Fushimi was greatly interest. od in the Blackfoot Indians and gave the chief $100 to divide among the tribe. The United States government pro- ws 8 to relieve China of part of the foxer indemnity, amounting to $12,. 00,000, Sir Alexander Lacoste, chief justice of the court of king's bench, had a ten-dollar bill taken from his pocket n a Montreal street car, o One of the fastest trains on the New York Central lines was wrecked, at Columbus, Ohio. The fireman and four passengers wore severely ine jured, A high police official in 8t. Peters urg is expecting a speedy resump- tion-of the terrorist campaign, inelud- ing attempts on lives of the ministers and high public officials. The wedding of Miss Edith McGor- The jewel conse lost by the Do o Dowager Duchess of Roxburgh, desing a reil- way journey from to Donces- ter, June 15th, was found intact in the oar, where it At the Haywood on y Joseph Ripley, whose resignation as ym the Panama canal, is announced, has accepted the position of advisory mgineer to the department of public works in the state of New York. The text of the Franco-Japancse agreement, issued in Paris, binds France and Japan to support one an- Ahir in securing the peace of China and the maintenance of the present territorial rights of the two contract: ing parties, The announcement was made River of the appointment of Rov Daniel Foehan, permanent rector of St. Bernard's church, at Fitchburg, as bishop of the Fall River diocese, to succeed Bishop William Stang, w lied recently. Alexander Stewart Herschel, co sor of physics and experimental phil: osophy, at Durbam College of Seience, died, yrsterday. He was a son of distinguished Sir John 8. Herschel and was well known, himgell, as an IF astronomer, ~ A Governor Cummings, df lows, in an Pittsburg Board of Trade, declared the monopoly, combination and church. ------snsnisiorin Stole A Gold Cup. cup, valu at about $2 , whic clue to the thief. -------- * Men's Straw Hats. son's style entre for men's: hats, Jenkins' navy suite are all right. it is known hy millions that Miller "Hufiet" and "Miller High Life, the, best Milwaukee beer, ate au) X all. Try them when you go to Club." + or oe Only pure fruit~jaices best hotels and restaurants, You can the wash. goods at p the Pr of Lippe, bo- § Despatches From Near And |. tee of Schubtreliog, bt Villy Vienna. She was and poor: The jnco foll in T-- with her. He travel extensively, striving to for. got her, She arrived unexpectedly in Oo fevhuisen and the pri married short) fiancee half a million kroner. of Everything Easily Read|p.iiish War Office Lends Col. R. Scott, of the army ordnance depart . ; ment, has been lonned to the militia Crockett, at Fredericton, N.B., in the department of Comada by the British war office for a couple of years. He is Martin, injued uy u fall ou the rece v track, on y afternoon, and whe in in the Hotel Dieu, in [ 0 be doing nicely, although he is in oom ul hospital that an abscess forms from the injuries to E WEATHER CHANGE THE HIGH BAROMETER MAS Veteran Botanist Says There Is veteran botanist, state produced four letters, tend | | ing to show that the accused pated in. a plan to deceive | Mra. Orchard as to her husband's where abouts. aN An Armenian with soveral aliases) Now the high hae been arrested in Liverpool charg: «l with the murder of Father Caspar Vartarian, whose body was found in a trunk in a lodging house jn Now York, on May 206th last. north-caster], north-westorly winds, The ot flowed down the same probably to the Atlantic, and the pre- railing winds are south, south-east The telographers of the Western Un- te Jatvienun Which oo w Postal Telegraph companies | oo oe are threatening to strike, They say they. have not received the increase of my promised in March last, while the h companies say that they have. been that such things as the gulf stream, Mars or a second moon never Another point is that nobody can tell sngineer in charge of the lock designe What kind of 'wou we are going to sons who talk about hot days and days to come have no ground for heir statements." wy City, 3 t Buffalo, 6; Newark, 2. National league---At St. Louis, 0; ot Fall | Brooklyn, 1. Av _ Pittsburg, 5; Phila- dolphin, 7. At Chicago, 3; 1 At Cincinnati, 3; New York, 4. American league 2; Detroit, 6. At Washington, 2; Cleve: and, 1 1. At Bowton, ho |'At New York, 6; St. Louis, 1, A okie Reported recall of be sown in t, before the bl 3! United States had gone mad in ite | regard to mati . zeal for the seller, had abandoned the buyer to the tender mercies of greed, The foreign office has sent the Bible which King Edward has given to the Boulon chureh, at Williamsburg, Va., in commemoration of the ter-centen- ary of the establishment of the Angli- ean church in Virginia, to Ambassa- dor Bryce, for transmission to the London, fuse 19. ~The Ascot old was to be run for, tomorrow, was stolen. from the table, back of the grand stand, at Ascot, white it was to be exhibited, On one side of the stolen 'cup was the King's gold cup, the Royal Hunt cup, the former, which was won, yesterday, while the latter wa to be competed for to-day. Neith- er of these were touched. There is no Her. © , June 19.--A romantic o> love mat became known, to-day. Bn Prince Eugen Thomat, a relation of -- ont., J ; - But the Prince Fell in Love With [ued and Sorth whith cater Fhariiiy, family, threo years ago, met Larmn, o Bavish actress, in prince proposed to acocpted. They will be at the princes castle "he prince has given his or and was n Hungary. ------ - A CANADIAN RETURNS. K. Seott. Ottawa, June 19.--Liout.-Col. R. K, son of - Lisut.-Col. Thomas Seott, Injured 1 A Fall. Windsor, a Bp 19. Jookey derable pain. It ja stated at the be. will recover unless NOW SHIFTED. -- Nothing Abnormal About the}. Hot Wave--FPooh-poohs Theor fos. Ottawa, June 19.--Prof. Macoun, the ing of the hot ater to the place of low : has shifted nd south-west, "I'he change was brought about by For the boys, from be. to 28e. i ent 'Weight w cant . Fabric, at 30¢. each. It's worth your while oa wary 'Mem in this lst. we'll expect yous Steacy's. conditions. My opinion has ad anything to do with the weather. ave the rest of the summer, and per- dry Baseball Record. Eastern | we---At Toronto, 6; Jer. t Roel ester, 8; Providence, 11. At eal, 2; Balti y 3. At Philadelphis, 0 3 Has No Information. 5 Washington, June 10The Japanese -------- To Select Rhodes Scholar, Ottawa, June 10.--At the convoos- tion of the University of Ottawa, tor day, Rev. W. J. Murphy, rector, an- | gi; nounced that a Rhodes scholar would | J be selected for that institution this N. . All On Her Way Inward, Quebec, June 10-2 H,M.8, En I © of Britain, C.P.R. line, from' Liver- | Day on Cars. pool for Quebec, inward, 105 _ miles east of Cape Race, at 9.30 pn. last night, 8t, Paul's church strawberry festival will be held on Thursday, June 20th, in Artillery Park, Band will be in attendance in the evening. When you want icy a 1 beer, at Be le' taurant, * fot" or "Miler High Lie," the best 00. beer from Milwaul ud. the he Hear Ruthven ted biritone of Toronto, at Degt in style, best in quality, best in value, at Campbell Bros', King: . |] day evenin, Perfectly delicious," the ice cream sodas at Gibson's Store fountain. fawn, b brated Ontario Park, Thursday evening, ideau Ottawa 0' . Moon, Monday reday, of 6 8.0. Ji. the excava James Swift & Co., agents. work Court Frantenac meets this , apen. meeting with pro. ter 7.30 o'clock. required in als ts to the ators i « s Thurs: or ia a city" Lowest or any. temder mot. Acoma, on, NEWLANDS & SOX Red Cross Drug JX ais rds of musling in, pink, blue, a , tod, navy, to go, ak The. | LONG, BLACK Sys arday | wight. amme, ol 1,600 Tac dispensed ab | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store foun Cotrigan ot les a Tie Lotta oh a