EE ---- I| Public Taste to Improving : I| . Much greater -- 18. now. oration of hoes. Strikit ot Sse. inal effects are being so ig orig. and harmony of decorator Et for, § I 3] sigteret of s , n account for Antal. a haps this ou n in Phe of ny a! 1 mal per for the interior of homes, ed Metal Walls or of Ceilings in many advan building ae EY ae nary proot. sauitaty and rool Where Metal Walls and Ceili used the insurance Hin re third less than ied pt one. It is not n home in order to en of metal instead of Zand ceilings may present woodwork at very The Metal Shingle a expense. Limited, of Pres: ton, Ont., have E ad beautiful designs oe Sagoria ng many intending to 1d Th na ora Tree Eid ar rebuild, shoalq Skins! We have just received from the Dresser, a choice lot of Mink Skin Persian Lamb Russian Lamb Have REPAIRS and AL- TERATIONS on your Furs done now. W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. We have at assortment of present an Desirable This line, at the above price ; is the best value we know of. SEE WIN- DOW DISPLAY. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Optician 'Phone 866 Issuers of Marriage Little Warm, Did You Say? bs are warmer still. Are 3 prepared for the heat ? © you a good supply of hite Blouse Waste yo ish Skirts, and White derskirts, and Light ight Cotton Hose, black, or white, and Summer dervests ? If you have got a supply of these fortables for summer, Is Not Our Fault ve have a big range of these lines, g rat a *S at which they are ked will be an agreea- urprise to you. Them To-morrow you want anything in way of Dainty Laces Insertions, that is thing entirely different what other. siares » we have it, if it. and desirable, ng N able values in this de- ent. en's Wash Dresses at 50c. and Up. " Fused Joints are used only in *"Hecla" 'Furnaces. They 'are made by ~ bringing the iron and steel of the radiating chamber to a white heat and fusing = the metals into one piece--making a joint sO : permanent and so tight, that it prevents for all time the escape of smoke, gas and dust into the house. 'Hecla Furnace joints are just as tight, after ten years service, as when first installed. "HECLA" FUSED JOINTS are covered by patenss and are used exclusively in "Hecla" Furnaces. "he cemented and bolted joints, in other furnaces are soon impaired by the unequal expansion of the steel and iron. The cement drops out; thé bolts work loose; soon leaving openings through which gas and dust escape. FUSED JOINTS make "Hecla" heating ample, {: ecaniomical, sanitary and healthful. Learn more about Hecla Furnaces by seeing the nearest agent, or by writing for the latest catalogue to ar Clare Bros. & Co. Limited, Preston, Ont. KiNnGsTON Agents: ELLIOTT BROS. 1 wo, are used by artistic everywhere ng Made from the best raw silk, dyed fast colour - with Asiatic dyes in nearly 400 shades. 23 Spada cid I = 'HICH KI Dr. KOHR'S RESTORINE :-3 New Céutury, the iunst wonderfal Medicine ever covered. It is astounding the medical world. "000 cases cured in one month in Paris, The Nati onal ecommended this Remedy for use Jums where, as is well known, & inmates are victims of lost italy form. In Europe the remedy ir veruments and is now used as a e great standing armies of both France Stoops losses in from seven to ten days never return. atus entirely cease s treatment. T he akin becomes clean, Confidénce returns, stepelastic, bowels aches disappear, NO more weak me- es bri ght and active. A Food A permanent cure no matter 1 nd us to-day your name and a 5 days treatment 26 Ja plain sealed pack te a moment. We will treat you 1 with honest confidence. HEN DO YQ [ff THE POWDER WITH A GUARANTEE yi positively exterminate aches and Water Buiis JACKSONIAN ROACH POWDER [Ed In Car y Hand 101. © ns 4 Ityour Drugs Wash Goods Specials White Dotted Swiss, in different size Spots and Figures, 12}c., 15¢., 20c., 5c. and 35c¢. yard. White Mercerized Waistings, large variety of patterns to gelect from, 15¢., 20c., 25c. and 35¢c. yard. Persian Lawns, nice fine Sheer quality, 25¢. and 35¢. yard. Fancy Dress Muslins, in all the most wanted designs, 10c., 12}c., 15¢., 20c., 25¢. up to 50¢. yard, Ginghanis, Chambrays, Prints, Ducks, Dress Linens, WVic- toria Lawns, India Linens, Embroideries, Laces . and Inser- tions. BEE uot oo Our Lawn Waists, 'at 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, cannot be had elsewhere for the money. Come and Inspect Of. Stocks THE JAMES JONSON TON STORE 180 Wellingtor 15¢., 18c., 20e., ISYNOD OF ( OF ONTARIO THE BISHOP'S Ct CHARGE WAS HEARD WITH INTEREST. The Report From Treasurer Carson--Dean Farthing's Ser- mon--Dedication of Various Memorials, When synod resumed work, on Tues- day afternoon, additional delegates were present; including Revs. Messrs. Jenkins, Lewin, Armitage, Dibb, H. F. Woodeock, Spencer, Dixon, Bedford. Jones; Messrs. J. R. Dyrgavel, Joka Gaskin, Henstridge, W, B. Carroll, A. Loft, Dudley Hill, J. B. Walken, +f Dr. Gardiner, The bishop's charge, which occupied over an hour in delivery, was heard with great interest by a much-increas- ed attendance of members and by spectators, who filled the visitors' seats. The applause was frequent and generous, "The charge wae referred, for speeial consideration, to a com- mitter composed of leading members. I'he treasurer, R. J. Carson, pre- sented his, report. Phe consolidated und, stands at 3401 35, an increase « 47; in mortgages $256,375 is in- vested; gross income 44 per cent, and ter providing a rest account a divi- dend of 44per cent. was paid to these subsidiary funds : Rectory Lands $176,530 Napanee Parsonage... .. wo. 990 Clergy Trdst ' 135,020 Clergy Superannuation Divinity | Students Gainford Mission Gainférd Parochial | McLaren Endowment Widows and Orphans'... .. . Sustentation Sellars Bequest Rest Account (mission) the Episcopal fund is $ ng an income of £3,495. The balances are : At Credit Ovendrawn Asspssinent Fund $ 290 Widows apd Orphans .. 5 2,806 See House . --- 1930 Episcopal w "714 Superanua tion res 495 lot: of desultory discussion somewhat sharp between Messrs, Car son and Gaskin; items, Fhe report of the board of rural leans was received, but not adopted, since it was without report from ome f the six deaneries, Some of the mis- son clergymen north had failed to make réturns, These will be completed wing statistical, for the printed Journ al. The increased stipends pledged dergymen had Leen fully paid, save in Sunday schools are took place on small two Instances; financial conditions good. nsuranee © on church buildings in bout three-fourths of the parishes, all prospering; hat have been reported, was ¥ ] ipon a valuation of R216, 'The hurch population increased slightly. Bequests of the year about $1,100, in cluding ¥500 at Merrickville and $300 on Wolle lslund, Some of the expendi tures on improvements on churches were: §1,025 in Sharbot Lake mission; HW at Sandhurst; $1,200 upon new shirch at Morven: ¥800 at -Selby" WLoit SLU in Ameliasburg; 83,000 at st. Pauls, Brockvill £1,150 on Eiizabobigwn rectory. The executive committoe's review of yroceadings was adopted; ns also vingston rectory report, Resolutions from Judge McDonald wd Rural Dean Dibb, provided for the pening of record books in sypod of ier of legacies and gifts, which some- kimes were not reported by executors forgotten after lapse of time also for records of hurch furniture, ornaments and vest- which were really diceesan ropertics under synod control; clergy- nen will be obligated by a new canon to report lists or were f reversionary; The synod opened with prayer, Wed- nesday morning at ten o'clock, with a cood attendance, In connection with the resignation lay secretary for ars, Archdeacon following minute, f Dr. R. V. Rogers he past thirty-five ; Macmorine read the vhich was adopted by a standing He "The Synod of the Biocese of On- tario, in receiving with profound re- gret, the resignation of its lay _secre- tary, Dr. R. V. Rogers, places on re- ord its high sense of very warm ap preciation of his faithful, valuable and Lnostentations services given to the church during many years. It is not cv to realize that of those who were members of the synod in 1872, when Mr. Rogers was first elected, the fingers: of one's hand would suffice to rockon sich as are members to-day. Vet during all these passing days, Dr. Rogers has continued his loving ser- viee with assiduous attention and ac enracy--a fnmiliar figure never miss od, a presence never failing in conrte «sv. While deeply regretting his resiy- nation, the members of synod rejoice to know that he will be still with then ont the floor of the house, and hope to receive the benefit of his counsels, 'his wise he ad and true heart for many years. In reply, Mr. Rogers thanked the members for the kind words. He said that he was no speech-maker, but would 'say that the kind words utter- od in connection with his work, were far more than he deserved. E. J. B. Pense presented, the mis- 'Don't Forget Creates strength for aged, weak, run-down and debilitated persons and strengthens weak lungs. Vinol is a Cod Liver preparation --true--that's why it is valuable-- but it contairie no oil and is delicious in warn® weather. * GEORGE W. MAHOOD, DRUGGIST, Spr ph io 562 Slowinehis, ; expenditure for tans, §7, an increase of $71 caus : i and w strong ap= peal. "The 'grants to missions were Cqutinted as reported last month, Rew W. JW, Ae AE. retarn showed His work in ho ouch an increase of Ee in the stipends of the ergy The average stipend at mission had beth increased in three years. froms an average of 8538 to . The gave $155, the diocese, $281, stipend was over £500, six over $700, cight over $600, four over Rev. Mr, Shearer, secretary of the Lord's Day «Alliance, addressed the synod. He said that the report before the house would: give a good account of the work asocomplished by the al liance. There" + was «a. world-wide spread of the Lord's day observance. France, after enjoying a "free" Sun. day for one: hund of od twenty-five years, hail passed laws roviving the Sunday rest. He felt sorry that the change had pot been brought about by religious conv ictions, However, there was a gteat deal fo be thank: ful for. Several thousand Bundey pa- pers and periodicals had bhoen barred out of Canada, snd ouly a few Suns days ago, enrload of American liter- ature had been held up at Rouse's Point, and kept until Monday. The speaker told of a ¢ertain gentle man, the head of a great industrial concer, who had called. ap the office of the diliance yuite recently, to ask tho alliance not lo interiore with him iu ome violation of the Lord's Day act, if they jaw in another. respect. By the work of the allinoge, many railway men now enjoyed their, Sunday rest, and the speaker briefly, reviewed the work done. Canon, Jarvis, of Napanee, re sad the geport, of the special committee on missions and the mission fund which contained the following : "The essential features in the change complied with the | ey FOB GENERAL A Go steady t. Avply Kingeton Hosiery onployipent. I ------ BOY WHO CAN EARN FROM $3 T at Gould' «00 per Apply Brcom Factory, King St, nag 3 FOR AUTO-SPRAY. men, bring your own cloth and cheap up-to date suit made. 8 price and finish guaranteed. Pressing and repairing done well. Gatien The Tailor, 131 Brogk street. -------------------------- STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, coop sulestnan 'and accountant a ems loyment, as shopman, traveller, or ookkeoper, Whole or part time. Ap- ply Box "A.B.C.." Whig office. TO JLo 0 fu A REBIEXCE ROX A FEW 'MORE CERT) ALESMEN Best hand Sprayer munde, astomatic. New Roller Rink. Sample Machine free to approved agent, Cavers Bros., Galt. AT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS SECOND ges a pastry souks . hotel, MACHINISTS, UP-TO-DATE PLANT, hos Well 1% fit ; mode tools, good . wages, "ond "908 ington St, tren Fark, Joon Tointiom, 'AVR ur' rd r orse Canadian Company, 1,379 Bigor St. West Tor norEDtATELY Ta tigre THIER onto. class Teachers for sche sy Has Yotehowan and Alberta special SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE. te ent of Prieur ICATES FORT. erane Script ¢, H.] -- 108 i or MAN CASHIER, DOOR skate Boyse Apply and five or six Sueation permits "in be issued for | one Yebr to third clues professionals, es eubsonuent to. 1496, with hull HELP WANTED----FEMALE, A DINING ROOM GIRL AND kitchen girl. Apply Hotel Iroquois. GIRL, STEADY WORK, GOOD PAY. Apply Gould's Broom Factory, Kisg St., near Queen. AT ONCE, A VEST MAKER, STEADY TO-LET. ---------------------------- FIRST-CLASS FPURNISIED ROOMS, $1 per woek, Apply 631 Princess St. SUMMER COTTAGE, NINE ROOMS, partially furnished, Apply J; S. Rr. cCanm SUMMBR COTTAGES, B,. pLINGE, om waohines in finishing room. Splendid wages to beginners and good chance, Apply Kingston Hosiery Co., King street West 'of administration recommended hy your committee are as follows : (hy Amalgamation of the board of diocesan missions and the the diocese, to conduct all missionary operations, care being token for the people's safe guarding of the interests of all classes of missions, and especial ly of the M.S.C.C, (2 The creation of one mission fund to be atamiatered hy the board for the benefit. of all classes of missions being afforded to contributors to de-d signate the amount of their subserip- tion or any portion thereof, to any specifig object within the cal of the | bourd. (3), To extend the principle of ap of Domestic and Foreign missions) to collections and subscriptions for mis xionary purposes of what kind, so ever | C made within the limits of the dio- cese."' : In 'answer to g call of the synod, the rectors and wardens of the different purishes in Kingston, gave reports of management, bequests and endow- ments, showing in cach onse that they | had been regularly name of the wyried, and were quite safe. Just before adjournment at noon, Cdptain John Gaskin strongly criti: cized the control of the money at St. Pauls church, but his objections were allowed him more. latitude than was usual. The bishop stated that the present arrangement regarding endowments was a clear understanding hetween the parish, the rotor, and the congrega- tion. The Synod Sermon. The syned sermon in Bt. George's : énthedral was preached hy Dean Farth- ing, who made an eloquent appeal for | the winning of souls for Christ. His text was Il Corinthians x,-3, 4: For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh For the weapons of our warfare are not carnml down of stronghokls. In his opening remarks the dean stated that" the churéh of to-day was engaged in a great warfare--a life long warfare against the evil known gs sin. Sin was not a Mauriol thing, but & spiritual thing, Sin was ever the same, whether fond sitting on the throne, in the council chamber, or in govinl life. It was the will of man in opposition to the will of God. In the world of to-day there was a great craving for excitement and pleasure. All this tended to turn the heart from God. There was, no doubt, in the wns but ome life, and these people wanted to have all the tun they could out of it. This sort of thing did much to weaken the manhood of the | country. There was also » ont ofowihg for money . jand wealth, / Men ; wege for- getting everythings die in 'the vir Mesire to accumulate wealth so that they might livecwith ease and. Juxury, And | how came it that a man was honored simply because of his wealth ?. should be homored for what he is--by | would toss pennies. . The the same in all cases. 1 led men to betray their Cd trusts, It must , not be that there were' wealthy men whe The duty of the church 'was to fight against sin wherever it was entténch® «J, whether In the commercial, poli- tical, or social. life. 'Tt was the duty of the church to advanee the kingdom of Christ, and to Blot out sin where ever it wns fonnd. The wark of the church was not to injure mon, but to | win them for O rig and he humble followers of AF biyhiry should be made in the iin towns and wil- it would be Jound that there wore Shoutands pi ple. whe never entered a pla fu Tt Mela the duty the chisel ri ary Mn board of | Domestic and Foreign missions, thus | pn A tb forming one board of missions for |A NBAT GIRL, FoR GENERAL recognized by the diogesy, opportunity | IA BALR OF pointment (as now applied in the case E invested in the | ruled out of order by the bishop, who | but JiEhty through God to the pulling | minds of some the opinion that there | did not make the character, ye man | tet hin character, The love of vas | other, holding the crane fast by the of all' cladnch, LI¥) found even | MeOks in the dru : would sell his vote for y . the mes' who would on' tho stock exchange, | (on. hundred and in "the pewshoy on the street, who { this morning, on the steamer Ameri- iple was is evil had forgotten, however, placed their riches on the altar for Christ, but the fagt gould not be de- nied that these vices" were foo pre- valent, both with ithe rich and {he poor. There was a constant craving for wealth. {A qoon « FRAL SERVANT, ONE who can do plain cooking. Apply in the evening to Mrs. Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot street. housework; must washer and irover, For three adults, $18 Hii onth Jor the summer. Ap- ply ig office. A COMPETENT HOUSEMALR. RE- ferences required, Good Wagés given ply Mra, G. W. Blair " Ring- woo," Kime St, between §. and 12 FOUND. CALF-SKINS OWNER can have sama hy willng ot ¥ linwior's Liquor Stare, iii , and paying for this sdvt MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. 8. KIMKPATRIOK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, .42 Clarence St *Phome, 568. | the pame of Christ, to seek and to save the lost. This duty should be | ronlized at once, and every effort pos sible, should be put forth to win men for Christ. How: was this. to. be ae- complished. It was tree' that organ: lization, with money and equipment, Pwolld: be neerssary, But this was not all that would be roguived, The vices named would ruin the nation. if an reffort was not put forth to stop it. Got was the 'person one must obey, rand we should be over ready to obey Him, at whatever cost, oven at the | lose of our own life. We should use our wenpons of prayer uncensingly. By the pulling down of the strong {holds of sin, the nation could be | mide n great nation. Dedicated Memorials: The gifts placed by friends in me mory of departed members of the ca- thedral, were dedicated hy the bishop at the synod service in the cathedral, { Tuesday evening. | The reredos and sancluary floor were dedicated in memory of the late Arch- { bishop lewis and Dean Swith; the | architrave and clock, at the west en- trance of the cathedral, to Chanodlor | Walken gnd his three, children, Wal ter, Greta and Syhil; a tablet in me mory of Rey, William Macaulay Herghs mer, first assistant minister of | St George's cathedral; the litany dedk in memory of Mrs, Starr; window in me- mory of Overton Gildersloeve, Capt. R (, Carter, Cal. Norton-Taylor, Royal Artilliry, Lieut. March, R.C.HA., John Watkins, James Scott, Mrs. and Miss Gunn; tablets in memory of Gus. tavus Wicketoad and Col. Van Strau- henzie, and a sedilia in wewmory , of | the Misses Rice, i SE ------------ A Peculiar Incident. Beagkyilio Thines, /. Earle, local manager of the Bell Tele phone Soinbly, kind a com- | plaint from the G.T.R. office regard- {ing the service on the line near Gan- anogue and a man sent out to investi- | gute located the trouble, & most un- usunl circumstance. Near Gananoque | he found a large crane hanging by the | eck from two wires. It is su 1 that the bird in flying came con- tact with the wires in mich & man. | ner that it was securely held Hy chok- led to death. One wire overlapped the Excursion To Ogdensburg. and fifty people left, a, on the éxeursion of Grace church, Gananoque, to Ogdensburg. The boat left Folger's at 7.30 o'clock, and with such fine weather the run was a most enjoyable one. Capt. Robert Carnegie was in charge. 0 After a brief and painful illness of three days Mrs. Thomas Hurst died at Picton, Saturday, in her 55th year. She was taken ill Wed- nesday morning with peritonitis. De- conned was widely known and highly respected, She was a daughter of the late John and Ann Carter, and a sis- ter of the late J. N. Carter, Beside a work and anton Wages. Apply toe 4 Stores and McCann, Prevost, Brook Sg. Brock street, GIRLS TO OPERATE Sywina A courLE OF OFFIC Comp OVER gn aelegraph Jom, ny "a fiflce Sn St ply to ---------------- FURNISHED HOUSE, ing Teng, IM- provements, gas cook 3a for July and Kogiai. A ply to Mew. Baird Liye a On tenon BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISL Junior leavig Write us immediately Raving A qunlifica ions, experivneo ing, tov jor a | pointmant, enclos motls, a stating Your exact OM isaesmmerbumb---------- So eh JO Telegraphio address. Veter hers OUR POLIC IE COVER MORE OF Bureau, Room 024 Seott Block, building than any other Winnipeg, Man. Sompany at t Fefore renewing od ne pew business wot rates from § v Strange, VETERINARY. Le ------ DR B Vv RE- moved to wa Belek bi a stroot, above Post Offi Calls by or 4 mptly to. [RR LAUNCH, | a dion. App fy oD AG OFFICE TTT oF lass, neat and well office. foo at Godin's Tnsurante Fiuporiuam, EE URN LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Chien aneuts $01 "For 0b a ; wecurity the unlimited ted Hebiind wo the stockhol perty insu "aR FOR SALE OR TO LET. aot amd Kitchen, hot. Water WED room a tchen, ot Wal Mating | Juntediate w Pos Aon a CAL, ply to Frederick Wel o i DR, McCARTHY, OFFICE LA x vision street, Sy DY, Roan. 3 sn Kina STREET, CORNER BMILY , commmodious residence, 1l-rooms, hot water, furnace, all modern con venlences, stable and coach house, facing Maodomald and Ot Parks, For naly ocoupied Ly W. F, Niekle. Rent, $500, free of taxes, for a term of years, i desired. Apply to J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED FOR THE 8 ""Roselea,' the residence of Ohare ¥. Wrenshall, desirably located, tached, Jerge grounds, tennis Apply, or address All tween Union and Harl streets. Germans to Tarn a Tt Into Power Gérmany has he fields of peat, containing 6 large proportion of com. bustible material and it hae worried as fuel was steadily declining. This has been due, of course; wo the super: ior qualities of conl, and vapeciully to the troublesome process of drying the peat to fit it for fuel after it has been cut, Now, it is believed; all the draw- backs have been overcome and use of turf for fuel for industrial pur poses. Prof. A. Frank, of Charlotten- burg, made the first step, He proposed to ulilive the peat by converting it into gas,iand he demon- strated that for this purpose it wak entirely unnecessary to dry it, water in fact, Veing a principal ingrodient in the up-to-date manulacture of gas for iluminating aod heating purposes. Next came Dr. N. Caro, a colleague of Prof. Frank. He greatly improved the type of generator by which the gos iv produced. 'He brought these to such a perfection that in some ox- periments made with his apparatus at Stockton, England, coal dust, saw- dust and peat containing 50 to 85 per cent. in weight in water was turned | into commercial gas, while valuable by-products, including a lar per | centage of sulphate of ammonia, were secured from the peat. The * experiments to date indicate that from shout 2,200 pounds of tusel av cut about 87,600 foet of gas ean oe distilled, capable of daveloping 300 Sheceotical | eye Bowes hours when need for echanical 4 through the media of 3g The cost of cutting the course, small and, i paver" plants, ave ve. un near at bogs cost of moving the weight of water it contains is negligi- ble. The ammonia by-products can he wilinng in the manulncture of fer t Beveral considerable plants ave said to be contemplated in various parts of the country, " We're All Sold Out. We sold out of the lot of gigghams, we put on sale Jawt Saturday, and have another lot of striped muslin In heavy quality, all washing goods, and will wenr and wash better. than print. On sale at Tie. yard, Corrigans', The Best. You have not seen the best straw hats unliss you've séen ours. Men's ARTHUR ELLIS, ARGUITECT, JOP fies, Cor. Queen and Hagot £3 ---------------------- RENRY PP. SMITH, ote. Anchor Building, Market = Pane , B45, ¥ The Pa -- the economists and scientists. of tho | There ix only oe ly empire for years that the use of turf | MON fan roally be Chetan. Jo not hy any ole any or even faith, It - not x pene ony salvation there | ao dy Jesus is going to be a serious boom in the §{., that same di, and the treal and Troek strevti.. s 'ARCHITECTS. & ma. ©. W. CAS Being, A Christian. y heaven's joys are received by the rir of God and Aha purchase of Christ. It is simply and solely by the living of the same life that Jesus lived, the endeavor to do the same Jricible iple that he in, i Fw ng the man, bu n fol method. Believe what you like, but do ax He did. You are no Christian otherwise. Address, Mr Tamon for free literas A ture, People Now a oe te col behold 'the eleotrie cars, Phayiwonid hold "dhe Huts in_astonishment. Were take : ; used to bo satisfied with aE of a hair lotion that' came ~if it did not prevent baldness thought it was reir baldness ny proven It's different now. People that germs cause baldness and Newbro's Reicids ) hie the thus curing da Is at the foot of Princess Street. Having réosived a big lot of Men's or Aprih I will sell them at the low Special Tak 2 of i ais hand a4 low Sguret, Remember the place fina straw sailors, 50c. to $3, at Cemp- bell Bros', Kingston's style contredor men's hats, The accuracy attained by the use of the theodolite in measuring mountains is extraordinary. Ben nodhui was cageulated to bo 4,205.6 foot, and this result, when n chuck was right with- in one and inches. ®ethore in hothing #0 refreshing and de: licious in these hot summer days than ty drink Miller "Buffet" or "Miller sorrowinghushand she leaves one son | William, two married daughters Mrs. EW. Sheriff, Picton; and Mrg. Milton Adams, Toronto; and a younger danghter Rea, aged eleven. A famous beer in a famous place, "Miler High Life" the best beer from Miler iwilcee. Get it at the lroquois © \ High Life," the best beer from Mil: waukee, The Windsor Hotel Kegps it. A eyvelone may have any diameter from 100 to 3,000 miles. The usual dimetivions are between 1,000 and 2, 000 niles. Hiawatha ean be had fresh wi at Ecele's restaurant, It is the most hygienic and bracing water buon, ue and prompt attention will pe given to all customers. T: W. Milo, or Men. season Dress Oxfords The dress shoe of t plnin patent shoe, with e have a fow 85 ones we The Lockett shoe store. Weddi bells, rang en Th ne led to the Mise i Bull,