'of mind, speech and pleasure; ich sho once dered clumsy wil orce he ar- ale will-- that she was before she begone-ls ; \ wal about with Y abdomen, as if in the throes ain, loomed up before ¢ many of One auditor, who had read reports pring encounters, but had not hly digested them, placed a and on her snowy throat, un- right ear, and asked, inno- "Isn't this the place where the xus is 1' to give further informa the subject, Madame Bell- revealed a most fascinating it appears to have passed age of theory--as to the causes of the that flesh, and es: ly woman is heir to, and to eradicate them. SA He lanation makes that refer. ence lexus stem more a frst blush. : , human anatomy are many : 8 of plexuses--the various systems acing nerves, vessels and fibers 'under that | ut none to ny with the solar plexus, the "abdominal begin. you like a loyal Trojan, hil a fo be simp she is assured that her home a maured that movement husband; her 'work will . she won't be at all the same took Advice Who Seek to those 'Grace and Domes tic Happiness. Docan't it sound wonderful--vision- ary ? h One thing, though, must impeces ona looking into this science, a how skeptical he may be. It is that Madame Bell-Ranske herself is a glow- Ing example of the value of her theor- ies. She esses all the merits she claims for her advanced health meth- ods. She sincerely believes she sceurcd them through these methods alone, Ve fect seven inches tall :she is lithe, - willowy of figure; her yellow hair surmounts a face, oval, placid, of cheer. Its every line has the solar plexus, Reaping 4 op Ro ey ry woman would like to ves a Taw Foson h ny to one's ; one's fam- ily, the world at large, tobe healthy. in contact \ come in con i diseased or condition throw out radia- * poisonous character which . fs yeni f it clear that one's | cl prepares the ordinary person, the 'rib breath er,' a8 we must call him to distin- guish him doesn't use half the ahr ing the health exprossive been formed by set, well-planned build- ing of character, i charm, " When she smiles 'or Cpcompasses you with her eyes it is in no haphazard manner, but with a confident spirit, as if netism of health dispensed by those organs will have. And the offect is al. ways positive. But it is principally with respect ta her Sarsinge: ~her form, that she is different the type of woman whom the fashion experts of the day actept as graceful, beautiful. The accepted type is well-known-- wasp-like waist, copious bust girth, and all that. When the average woman breathes she expands the uhper longs, but moves the abdominal cavity not at "her corset wouldn't permit it, evin tried tones just what effect the mag- she a Before' ining her method of retin Meng Bell-Ranske in- forms you that she doesn't wear the corset of commerce. Yet she wears g corset. It's 8 one prepared especially pr: adaptation to correct breathing osely encircling the waist line, sup- porting the abdowen, but in no mea- sure full expansion of in breathing. "You know," she explains, as she "inflate her chest, "that from a correct breather colly in his .. For than half the cells more are down in 'the abdomen, surround- Dreaded ish We » and in this lies its | asy- wath Solar.Flexus.Grip! ng 7a. Now she inhales. You see, or feel Plexus massaged sufficiently to make certain, that the air is going'into her Me active, alert, cheerful. nostrils in a sodly stream, and yet "Whenever I go on the stage to her chest doesn't expand a particle, Ine | #ive a lecture--und I am lecturing al. stead, her abdomen panda 1 most daily--I grip my solar plexus-- This continues while you slowly | wentally, of course, count. five or ¢1x, Then, gradually, the "'L breathe deeply, A upper lungs expand, until you count | o0 the solar. plexus. Then I know my five oF six more solar plexus will take care 'of me. 1 By this time her lungs are plentiful. | become filled with confidence, 1 need ly supplied with air-she has taken in | not stop to think of what I am to three or four times the amount that | ay; my address, trips naturally, al- the average person in fair health in- | most intuitively, from my lips, = be- Bales, tause my sunconscious mind is, like a \ storage battery, loyally: unwinding, giving out the energy that 1 have stored up in it, "And'T don't experience the slight- est palpitation of the heart. No au- dionce could 'give me stage fright. I am conscious of my power. My grip on the solar plexus fits me to cope with any obstacle, makes me supreme --perfectly master of myself." How you envy her ! ou who trem- ble when you face an emergency, who curl your tots up in your shoes when approdching » great personage, or perchance, addressing a small assem- bly. True, you have a solar plexus of your own, hut upon practicing with it night after night for a week or two before retiring, you come to the con- clusion that its too old a dog to learn new tricks, that it's spoiled, and give it up. But, oh, if you can only get one ready trained ! > The room in which Madame Beli visitor was as cold as fixing my mind -- The Best Breathing Exercise. For ten to twelve seconds the air is retained. Then it is expelled. An other anonially, Instead of the chest falling with the exhalation, the abdo- men falls. Then the chest. It is explained that you Rust breathe this way if you would make use of all your air cells. For, if you should first Gill your lungs, it would he impossible to afterward fill the abdominal spave, and the exhalation is simply the lo. gical roversal of the process. It isn't easy to learn. You are told that it aids greatly if you practice breathing with your hand on your abdomen. The action is an aid to the cranial mind in centreing its atten- tion on the muscles of the abdomen and causing them to expand with oxygen. Then, aftey a while, it becomes me- chanical; you do it without thinking. For the subconscious brain, once it has been taught by the, conscious brain to do a thing, goes on doit it without being told. \ "Do you always breathe that way?" "Oh, no," replied mmdame. "It would be impossible to take these long breathe in the course of conver- sation. Besides, if one should breathe that way ten times in suecossion, one would bocome dizzy headed, would ex- Ranske met the the day without--and it was one of those cold spring' ddgys--for every win- dow was wide open, and there fire in the heater. Yet, as you ghiy- ered in an overcoat, this woman, drawing warmth from her subconscious storage battery fluffed about the room in" a light frock--tantolizing in her comfortable appearance ! Pure air, was no walnut chairs, beautifully carved, the | es ut. pictures, orngments, rugs, ali ol artistic magnificence, soothed th mind, but now palpitating from the noise of the busy street without. Environments -aficct the solar plexus. But in a greater sense control of the solar plexus affects environments, For instance, if you can grip clusive, mysterious muscl chen table, with the y dishes Strawn about, with the eat and a child dragging at your skirts, is trans- formed to a parlor palace; the clank- ing of china becomes the soumd of sweet music, the smell of thecooking becomes pleasant aroma. That is, they become so to you-- 80 much cannot be expected for the baby and the cat, they not having learned ghout the solar plexus. Seriously, it does make a difference. You are optimistic because of the health that your faithful servant down in your abdomen is radiating to all that your kit- perience intoxication from an over supply of oxyoen. "But at intervals during the day I take deep breaths; in fact, I take thom unconsciously whenaver I need them sho tells you, is indispensable to the pper: working of your abdominal brain. . Otherwise, though, it was a room which would attract anv ane. The . ploxus~the real seat of | x or have the opportunity. 1 manage to keep enough oxvgen in my system, and, by breathing to keep my windows were hu a with Indian tapes. trv; there was a canopy "of Moorish solar design in one cornery the high-back & Linen, Too ecpRS May be Lday.ar Work. are in such an _ excellent state of health could be other than graceful. Suppose you see a piece of twine on the floor. You stoop to pick it wp. if you have been breathing with your upper ribs only, you bend the 'body clumsily, your abdomen caves in, you grunt from the exertion. But suppose : you have been breath ing properly. The mouth is rhythmi- cal, the body bends with a sweeping mation: instead of deubling up like a jack knife, you have the string in your hands, and are on the way to the stove with it, unconscious that you have dome anything unpleasant. And, moreover, you are not apt to cet absent-minded and throw a $5 bill into the fire instead of the string, as is the woman who has no control of her second brain. Control Your Nerves. "Whether you have a floor to scruly or an epic to write you will do it with expression if you hawe your nerve system under control," is one of Madame' Bell-Rauske's epigrams. She has declared that harsh, stri- dent voices on the part of woman have been responsible for more strife and discord in the home, and declires it is :a wife's duty to so train her vo- cal organs that, with a gentle voice, she may, so to speak, lay a hand softly on the soul. "Suppose you are a clerk in a store," she said. "A woman rushes up to the counter, asks for somethin You tell her that you are engaged. She shrieks: "I cannot wait: 1 must get it this minute I' Do yOu accommo- date her? No, you punish her by making her wait longer than neces- cary. "But suppose she answers, "Very well, T can wait," in a soft voice-- don't you suppose you would hasten to please her ' And so, she declares, it is in the house. The husband Comes home tir, edd, nervous and requires soothing con- versation, not nagging, bantering. Ta be sure, the rule recommended works equally well when reversed to, apply to he stern sex; 'but Madame Bell-Ranske doe n't usually lecture to men. Z%e Carrect ard Incorrect Solar. Plexcas, vs: Zid Jreathin 5 4 Mama, Be Warned! Pro- tect the Little Ones! AMA] Don't be frightened -- but be warned | Every . Mother knows, or should know that the terrible Mortality among children is caused by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colic, Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer Com- plaint, Measles, Rashes, Scarlet Fever-- --even Mumps--have their first cause in constipation. i i "The , Delicate Tiss 18 of a Baby's Bowels will not stand Salts are too and Castor Oil will only greas passages, but will not make and keep them Clean, Healthy and Song, T° TT rough 'reatment. - * * There is no other medicine as safe for a child as Cascarets, ths iragrant little Candy Tablet, that has saved thousands of families from unhappiness. The Nursing Mother should always keep her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking a Cas- caret at night before going 10 bed. No other medicine has. this remarkabla and valuable quality. Mama takes the Cascaret, Baby gets the Benefit. Cascarets act like strengthening Exercise on the weak little bowels of the growing babe, and make them able to get all the | Nourishment out of Baby's Natural Fopd. * - - Larger children cannot always be watched, and will eat unreasonably. The Ready Remedy should ever be at hand--Cascarets =rto take care of the trouble when it comes. No: need to Force or Bribs children to take Cascdrets. They are always more than ready to eat the sweet little bit of Candy. * 0» w A Home is not complete without the ever ready Box of Cascarets.. Ten cents buys a small one at the Corner Drug Store. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com- pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet Stamped "CCC. * { w THERE JAE ANT BAKING POWBERS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING Ra Nor & EW.GI LLETT Spina 1 . : 2Aaasn at SRRT 2 L FVPPSIOCTUY parts of your body, and - nothing can It is easy for her to demonstrate, by ¥ ? +44 look unpleasant to you. running up a scale. that perfect eon. | 4 ,No Need to Suffer of Kidney 3 Moreover, you are graceful, for no trol of the solar plexus is a valuable | § . OF Bladder Trouble. + thing which you could do when you | 8id to a Singer. She sings with o | § An authority on diseases of the I clear, open throat. ° The sound comes | $+ kidneys aod bladder sta that I - f : P pain in the back, loins, or region 1 . or down in the throat, { Of the kidneys fs the alstress 4 This is hee: she bi p ; y 3 e ul O1 ause reathes ly, | $ signal nature han out to no- 4 . because she takes enough air into her | § uw ua that the k dneys require + SE ---- lungs at a' breath to carry a note of | $ anne A Prd 3 Starch anv required height and still have F Bie such as lumbago, ume- + D7 0 M10 ree "ag | § 8 SEES SE Sa RE * Sud . equilibrium, [ following valuable information. 4 Easier ironing gives | She likens the vecal organs to gq) 4 Get from any good 'prescription 1 better finish on thi floxihle rood instrument, the Tui be | $ druggist the following aimple 4 a ngs {. Mh fow ie lungs p vegetable extracts: 1 starched with Celluloid | jc th" bx and the tread libs or cords | § 0 ounce fluld extract dande + pe © toeds, and the throat, the phary. | § 0%, et Suaseh, 2 x nly rh nx, the mouth and the nasal cavities 3 One ounce compound salatone. + water starch | the r. sonator. 4 Four ounces compound syrup ¥ that can't stick. You , Preathing, she declares, is the most 1 Jatmepariia, 1 will like it best, once | important part of song, since it is the | $ Mix welt Jug take > : Joanpo ful + you try it. Buy it by Slerment hick operates the instrument | 3 30 "Cine. has "brought adont IT : 8 I 18 brea gon, most. favorable its, be- name, Any good dealer. an overflow of fe, ong becomes 3 Ing expansive snd "entirely 3 " armless, e ormu w Ss aves et Women first secure anatomical 3 doubt be appreciated by Hany 3 A ------------ a antttent by getting control of their 3 readers. ' 3 -- solar plexus. then spiritnal adjustment F444 5000000400004 000 "041 La bor bv virtue of nérve forte. which ----iee ey - this training makes eible a they : a 3 . a. et ® ; possible, and they | The chief ob ection to a record Tim © wk be happy--tkey cannot ba other. the habit it bu ay 4 Wise favorite sayings, as of breaking in on This is one of Madame Bell-Ranske's On the stage ' without character, tical conversations. many a character ig He ' 8 A.M. UNTIL ¢ SATURDAYS, 1' P. No Char JOHN McKA "Fur House. 149-155 Brock Si Kingston. Sault Ste. Marie ( NOTICE TO CONTRAC SEALED TENDERS ADD to the undersigned and endorse der for South kmtrance lier, S Marie Canal," will be receive omce until 16 o'clock on Tues 2nd July, 1907, for an extensi South Entrance Pier at Upper of the Canal. A Plans and specifications of 1 can be seen on and after this d office of the Chief Engineer o partment of Railways and Ottawa, and at the office of gineer in Charge at Sault = Ste Ontario, at which places form der may Lo obtained. The lowest or any tender n¢ sarily accepted By order, la EK. JON 0] p f Railways and DP June 18th, 190 Newspapers inserting this ment Without authority from ti edt; WL met-bo paid for it. ------------------------ eee le Goold Investment A Practioal Business Training is the Master Key to Success. : Fronte na Business College FINGSTON ONTARI Superior Course: --AT-- Moderate Rates. oT. N; STOOKDALE, Princival. *Phone, 680. Cheapest Place in ston for Boots Clothing I; st the foot of Princess Having received a big lot Tweed Working Pants, 1 will at the low price of 95¢c. per Special stock of Overalls o low figures. Remember the place. A: LIEBERM/ 39-41 Princess St A. E. HERO ORDERED FOOTW If the bot weather is tr your" FEIP Try a pair own make, any style, quali shape, made for reputation -------- 286 PRINCESS § THR HOUSE OF QU# Sc. . WONDERLA MOVING PICTURES T 'Shooting Expeditior '""Rajah's Casket." New Illustrated Songs. Entire change of pr every Monday, Wednes Friday. Electric Fans. Sc. GARDEN PA Is Ald of Hote! Dieu H on Hotel Dieu Grou Wednesday, June 26t} Afternoon and" evening. Su 8 to 8, 25¢. 14th Band in af Admission, d0e. ; Children,