Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jun 1907, p. 4

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much in engagements. The plaint is that the writer could not g°t a look at the last ly state- FRIDAY. JONE 28 TIDINGS Cheapest Place in King- ston for Boots and Is at the foot of Princess Street. received a big lot of Men's Pants, 1 will sell them of 95. pair. EF Overalls on hand st Remember the place. A. LIEBERMAN For Dinner--me WINDSOR TABLE SALT. It fine purity adds a new delicious savour to vegetables, meats and salads. d delicious when! baked to a 8 "golden brown-- sour' roll, "biscuit, etc, needs a fine have, it when you burn i : AER i i i THE WEEKLY BR wHIO, 18 1 a is two Thursday advance 80 re ho Dulted' Satan $1.50 po yen Attached to. the 1s one of the Job k ALLE British Whig iste--chiefly in. this province--who feel it necéssary to hit back. Their temp- it is to be feared that these symp- toms of political lunacy will in- crease in violence. These look like the Ping off - of effervescent. matter--noisy press might well ignore it. usage has rise to contemptuous silence. Any parly or political advantage it may vincial ideas. The great mass of the cunning which combate and thereby magnifies his words. The Star's reasoning is not at all complimentary to the members of parlinment. They must, it appears, talk nonsense for effect, but the press must not pay any attemtion to it. Perhaps it is right. If less attention were paid to the Sproule twaddle thera would be less of it. S : i ¥ y E 72 D g i 4 : : certain statements for the correctness |drew's churel of which they can be held liable. "The gets workeey in the Young People's fey and ome on | sooner, however, people disabuse their | Society and choir. ; mornings, at $1 o years | +, poo ir | About -200 of the New York Drug- 50" per | Minds of the impression that the gov- gists' Association who have been in ernment has undertaken to protect | convention at Thousand Island Park them in any investment, that they this week came up to Gananoque on may choose to make, the better it the will be for themselves," Mr. Mulney Gananoque ow on pensar. | adds with emphasis. The information Jof Maj. TB, Robison, which, fur Director. | Which is fyled with the mines depart. | the past sixteen dnys has been at ment is "for statistical purposes and | i®ir annual encampment at Petawa- tation is sore, but the good they do |it exacts been said to satisfy the hundreds preliminaries of an ante-clection race- | pe-sons, perhaps the thousands, who bred a familiarity which give rument has n people, French and ish, | would cease if it were exposed, and could well dispense with bbth Sproule- | there would be no more of it were the | Moore, of Peterboro; Miss Feith Mo. ism and demagogism and political | faots only known. EDITORIAL NOTES. The . young woman who takes the somersault in the circus automobile looks much nicer before the dip. It is a case of before and after, A good many days have passed since Mr. Cooper, of the Courier, charged | oo wa camp, tell a strange story of a book specifications | bush fire said to have been started had been changed, after tenders were | by incendiaries. CHALLENGED TO THE PROOF. |in and, there is no defence of the deal. that the school company, and it, on application, was | marriage of their only daughter, Mise refused. Meanwhile erroneous impres- | Jessie A Wil, B.A, to Cecil W. Sions were being circulated in the | rivate banker. The contracting par- ° 1 : 5 i : ; § i : ; : This idea Mr. Mulvey, assistant to |by the numerous and beautiful tokens Hon. Mr. Hanna, furiously attacks. estoom. After an excellent supper, It is not, in his opinion, the business many friends from 830 to 10:30 of the government to pry into any o'clock. The young couple left on the business or enterprise, but that of the i shareholders or directors of a company. points west. They will reside in Peli- The directors, it is true, must make [oo HRoPiis. Gananoque loses ome of her popular young ladies, and St. An- > her most ener- steamer New Island Wanderer, yesterday afternoon. Field Battery, in charge wa, returned home yesterdny morning. tions are in full swing at the high RTE TNLEREINT Daily 1Whbi 8 ot foe the information of the pub- en ans Justerily. wotuing. 1» * : re- | school here in charge of Messrs. R. G. markable. It sounds like a rebuke to [Graham and J. C. Linklater. The THE SPROULE TWADDLE. these who The Montreal Star has no patience | should guard them with the politicians and pressmen | imposition. Nor is the grievance dis- | Property on Charles street, which was who will presist in appealing to race | posed of by Mr. Mulvey. The people number of candidates is considerably government | shove the a from downright] W. G verage. G. Rogers has purchased the sold by the executors of the late Rob- ert Parker, by auction during the past prejudices. Listen to this: are still under the delusion (let us few days. Men may be very sincere and yet | Put it that way), that the govern- Mrs. Fredenberg, of Lansdowne, is may do infinite harm. Dr. S| Io is ment is serving them. It has under- sponding foe Ha in, Sowa, the a sincere ( , but wi rogul : 1g of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph flings the of ut wh he taka to ate the nines of On C. Connell, at Gananoque East par- into the tr politics' of this coun- | 871% and surely it will not be said |sonage. Henry Upton, of Momtreal, try--made up of two races and two re- | that all it is concerned in is the ex- io ap rneling a short time in town this ligions--he riske\ the infliction of great | tent to which precious metal is ex- | week. ; harm upon the land he desires to | tracted from the earth, so that they | 97 Who have been spending the benefit. And so it is with the journal may tax Mrs. Robert McBroom and chil- past six weeks with friends in Toron- : it, and got its division of to, have returned home. R. D. Gor- wealth ina royalty. The information don, First street, is spending a few for statistical purposes [days this week in Toronto. is worse than problematical. . . . .. | and not for the public, says Mr, Whit- |. A- Douglas, of New York, is spend- As the gemeral election draws near | ov. That is really 1 ing a short holiday season here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Parke, take more than what has | King street. Miss Maud McLellan, of | who has been spending several weeks in Montreal and Merrickville, hae re- turned home, creed ex dt would be too much | have put their money in Cobalt pro- Gee " i p ) ieoree Taylor, M.P., 'accompanied to expect. of the Hughes-Sproule perties, that the government can do by his wife, and a select party, j teniperament to forego an annual pop- nothing to protect them. The mines [during the carly part of the week in o. . are wealthy, but they can never pay We opibe, howeter, thet some gen- | dividends on the present capitalization Benjamin Davis, his launch, . The Apobagui, for a cruise up the Rideau to Ottawa. an old Gananoque of $500,000,000, more or less. The gov- boy, who, for some time past, has its service men who | been located in Toronto, spent a few know the value of the mines, approx- days this week with his parents, Mr. mately, and who could, if they wore bring is offset many times by the pro- | or itied, give some tion of narrower and more pro- they ought to yield. Mrs. James Davis, King street west. idea of what] Among those from a distance in at- The gambling | tendance at the Wilson-Sherin wed- ding, were : Miss Sherin, sister of the groom, Mrs. D. H. Moore and Miss lone, of Kingston, and Miss Fthel Best, of Peterboro. FIGHT A FIRE. Exciting Incident at Petawawa Camp. Ottawa Journal. Members of the Ottawa batteries, who have just returned from Peta- The batteries were making ready, vesterday, for the return journey. Mr. Aylesworth, whom the conser- | 1s the thing absolutely indefensible ? Suddenly the air was tinged with vatives cordially hate, and largely because they fear him, has been ad- dressing public meetings in the west and giving evidence of that virility which he was said not to possess. It was only a day or two agb that the Toronto News bemoaned his tendency to condone the offences of the liberals smoke. Clouds of it came from the Mr. Aylesworth takes the only posi- west end of the camp. Soldiers ran tion of one who is accustomed to | 4, and fro wondering what had hap- reach conclusions on the evidemce pro- | pened, and looking for orders from duced. Men talk of graft. Where is | the officers. A general order to turn the out came from the offices of the com- proof ? Let it be produced so mandant. Permanent and militia that he may show what he can do. buglers formed up, and in perfect or- der prepared to meet any circum- notice of the Whitney govern- | stance. They marched in the direc- and while credited with preaching. a ment, that it will not stand for im- | tion of the flames and smoke. It was new liberalism, as distinct from the purity in the license business, old liberalism, he was taking a stand | 0, cory to have hod the desired of fect. The business was to be non-poli- tical in its management. Could it be | lames under control. Enquiry was yer. "He has," says a critic, "a libe- more titan} which all good men must admire. Mr. Aylesworth is essentially a law- ral and powerful mind, with wnusual powers of exposition. He has high does found that a bush fire was in full swing. Who or what started it was not known. Hard work on the part of the soldiers sufficed to 'get the made, and threé men of the 8th Gana- noque battery were arrested and plac- The Mail cannot state any political | oon court martial. There was insuf- ficient evidence to convict them, and character and fino Standing in an | fact correctly. It has Mr. Emmerson as all three gave their affidavits of honourable profession." But he does | declaring that the Fredericton Gleaner | innocence they were allowed to go not accept as true all that is said of | charges should not be made, true or | free. It is not yot known how the fire his friends or the government of which | untrue. Giving the man fair play, Mr, | originated. heis a member and, therefore, he is | Emmerson did not, either personally a "partizan." er through his counsel, make any In his later addresses he has defined | such contention. his position most clearly. "I defy any man," said he,, "to establish by evidence any part of the charges hint- | Zant commission ed at by newspapers and the con- | farce, IS HE THE MAN? A Pittsburg Farmer Tells About a Mr. Graham charges that the Van Hired Man. of enquiry was a | William Colquhoun, of Atkinson, in before it took | Pittsburg township, read am item in the Whig of a week ago, that a servative platform speakers. I am not | place the dismissal was slated and atram Grant. had Kill. . : ger named Grant, been defending what is called 'graft.' Show | Rev. Mr. Chambers was promised the ed at a barn-raising at Meaford, a me one instance in which there have | job. The deal was deferred until three [rafter having hit him. It said the been corrupt practices by any member | days before the preacher's conference [dead man was a stranger. This has led Mr. Colquhoun to think it might of the'gowrnment, and I will admit | year expired. This identifies Dr. Cham. [<0 tr: LO HWhOMN © man, who was the justice of the attacks. I have no | bers with the spoils system. knowledge of wrongdoing." Is that not the manly course? Is it not the only course which can be fond of bees. Grant, aged about twen- ty-three years, worked for Mr. Colqu- The license enquiry in Toronto was |houn for four years, an honest, truth- caused says the Toronto News, as a |ful and industrious man. Last fall he grew iu and doctors advised him to followed by people who 'Teally amd | Worning that the Whitney government JF 14 [0 ROUOR outiecd Wim to honestly desire to corréet alleged would not permit corrupt methods. rom in Vancoyser. Last February he abuses ? Mr. Fowler may talk of And the evidence showed that there | wrote that he was improving and was graft to doomsday without effect. He could do some good if, knowing whereof he spoke, he' laid the Jounda- tion for an entpuiry into 'the. facts, ami that foundation was made up of charges specifically against some per- son or | business The Persons, giving the. facts, and | Dros.' was nothing in Canada to. equal the | working his way back. "I will work mal-administration of the license [in good, old Ontario soon again" he Are the evils over ! Does purity now prevail ? And Outing Tats. 25¢. up, at Campbell ---- At Columbus, Ohio, James Corneli- said. His purpose was to come east by way of Port Atthur and Toronto. It is thought he came down by boat to' Collingwood and got work at Meafdrd nearby. Mr. Colquhoun has written the Meaford chief of police for information at the same time describ- ing his friend. Grant's mother lives in Dundee, Scotland. He had his life insured for $1,500. 4 gular that the party associations nothing about his dismissal is so of- fensive as the pretence that he was removed for any other cause than to every person who uses "intemperate langunge," occasionally, was visited with dismissal, there are few institu- fresh there. count. the king-pin of the buildings. He was Buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug store Gitson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there. tack from Petawawa after sixteen days' training. Only two showers of rain visited the camp in that time. Capt. Morgan and Capt, Sands were the local officers who were with the battery. They were on the brigade staff, London Daily News. three ambulance dogs to Turkey, and instructed the Albanian soldiers of the guard at Yildiz in their use, has been created by the sultan a com mander of the Order of the Medjidich. The sultan, whe witnessed the per- formance of the dogs in his private ground S their work. Maj. Richardson says The svstem has been adopted for the Turkish army. THE AXE IN BRANT. ---- Toronto News. Thomas Woodyatt, for many years lice magistrate at Brantford, will Pe henmey : and the local Counserva- tive Association, with a delicate sense his successor. Mr. Woodyait was vharged by two clergymen with using "intemperate language" and this ac- cusation was seized upon with deadly zeal by his opponents in order to effect his removal. It is no secret that the party workers have been om Mr. Woodyatt's trail ever since the Whitney government came into office, and that more than one scheme to effect his overthrow oved abortive. At length, however, ti two clergy- men appeared as his accusers, and the axe fell with amazing promptoess. The church in sheer-innocence is serv- ing the spoils element to some pur- jose. In Toronto a minister, after on~ andl weary waiting, steps into another man's job and retains his church connection! In Bramtford two ministers, animated by no sinister purpose, have enabled the workers to open another office and to provide for ------ SIR CHARLES FITZPATRICK. Chief Justice of Supreme Court Knight- ed by King. still another faithful adherent of the tirely proper that the police grand old party. Of course it is en- tirely proper that the the police magistrate should be recommended for appointment by a party association. We know that all criminals are con- nected with the liberal party, and magistrates, therefore, should be se- lected by comservatives. "It is sin- neglect to nominate county and sa- perior. court judges. We are, however, moving in that direction, and in time the more ideal condition will develop. Upon the whale, Mr. Woodyatt was a satisfactory police mawistrate, and provide a job for a conservative. If tions that would not be turned up- side down. Even the cabinet in Queen's park would not escape. The premier himself would be in danger. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Save money by going to D. E. Fraser's for wall paper. 78 William street, It pays to buy blood coolers at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. All The people are hurrying to the city buildings to pay their taxes. To-mor- row is the fast day to get the dis- The city building officials are glad to see City Clerk Sands back. He is at Petawawa for the past sixteen days. Foot powders for sore, lyurning feet. William Newlands has been in Smith's Falls, talking over with the Board of Education there plans for a new high school to cost about $35.- 000 The firemen made several trips to the fair grounds during last night, and it was early this morning before the aftermath of yesterday's fire was com- pleted. Buy Colgate's Violet Toilet Water at The 5th Kingston field battery is ------ War Dogs For Turkey. Mnj. Richardson, who recently took is, expressed great delight at that the sultan is a good sportsman, with a thorough knowledge of doge, Hats For The Holiday. The up-to-date kinds are at Camp- bell Bros." Ls A Successor Named For the of propriety, already has nominated : and latest productions the markets afford. d ways as low as quality will admit, never fancy. © $3.75. "BIBBY"S." > at $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $3. ® to go with his Oxfords, will find his ideal Hosiery here, 25c., & 35c¢. and 45c. £ Db we are showing. The Man who buys Toggery here, will get the smartest § We have many exclusive creations you'll be unable to find in other stores, but remember, please, that our prices are al- Outing Suits : See Our Nobby Two and Three-Piece Summer Suits, in ] Serge, Homespuns and Fancy Worsteds, at $8.50, $10, $12.50, $13.50 and $15. "BIBBY'S." Summer Trousers We are showing some very Handsome Summer Trousers, in Light Grey Tweeds and Worsteds, at $2.50, $3, $3.25, $3.50, & Lustre Coats See Our Summer Coats, Blacks, Greys and Fancy Stripes, Soft Bossom Shirts Our lines of Soft Shirts, for the Summer Season are the prettiest Shirt creations we have ever owned, 50c., 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. See Our Dainty White and Cream Neglegies, at $1, $1.25, ® $1.50. "BIBBY'S." 2 New Fancy Hosiery The Smart Dresser that wants something swell, in Hosiery We have the best 25c. Black Cashmere Hose in Canada. { "BIBBY'S." Smart Straw Hats Don't think you ever saw as Handsome . Straw Hats as Not a hatter in town can match our Hats at our prices. See Our Special $1, $1.50 and '$2 Sailors. "BIBBY'S."' New Leather Belts Blacks, Greys and Tans, 50c. and 75c¢. each. Swell Bathing Suits Two and Three-Piece Styles, new Shades, new Fabrics, 50c., 75¢., $1 to $2 per Suit. wh There's 'lots of warm weather foot-comfort in a pair of IN- VICTUS Oxfords. They do away with that tight sensation' around your ankles that boots giw on a warm day. They prevent your feet from be- ing hot, damp, and sticky. They keep your ankles cool and § comfortable, and allow gir to ¢ : od circulate freely around your { t. - INVICTUS Oxfords never bulge or sag at the sides. Prices in Pat: Colt. Gun Metal and Tan = = - ha wi 818) Dear Mrs P "For fy } was trou rah Kellogg a tumor w! rs. growing, me intense agony and great ments sion. 1 was uw e to attend to n work, and life became a burden | was confined for days to my bed, appetite, my courage and all hope. "I could not bear to think of an o i in my distress I tried ich I thought would be ofany u ling of the value of Lydia le Compound to sic) ive it a trial. I felt a raged that T had little hope of recoy when 1 began to feel better, after th week, thought it only meant te relief; but to my great surprise I fo 1 kept gaining, while the tumor ¥ The Compound continued to | my general health and the tumo to be absorbed, until, in seven mo tumor was entirely ne and I woman. 1am so thankful for my that I ask you to publish my letter papers, 80 other women may kno wonderful curative powers of L Pinkham"s Vegetable Sompond. When women are troubled wit ular or painful periods, weakness cements or ulceration of the organs, that bearing-down feel nmation, backache, flatulence, bility, indigestion and nervor tration, they shotild remember one tried and true remedy. L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound removes such trouble. No other medicine in the worl ceived such widespread and une endorsement. No other medic such a record of cures of female Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick to write her for advice. She is d: in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham twenty-five years under her d and since her decease has been ; sick women free of charge. | piided thousands to health. J py Mass 'Remember that it is Lydia } ham's Vegetable Compound that women, and don't allow any to seil you anything elso in its pl FOR STAKE EVENTS The Entry List is to Opened. The dircetors of the Central Exhibition have decided to re-c entry list for the two big ste ents to be run during the exh It closed on June 15th, but w he open until July 15th. This with a view to giving several a clince fo enter as the horses ed so far were not entirely s tory. Which Is Correct ? "Which is correct," asked a i boarder who wished to air his edze, "to speak of a sitting a setting hen?" "I don't know," replied the wife, "and what's more I don But there's one thing 1 would know; , when a hen cackles, | been laying, or is she lying ? Spend Sunday In Watertc Tickets good going Satur am. and 2 p.m. returning | Only $1.25 retufn. Life Producers Chatham Incuba Life Preserver Chatham Broo The machines that r OE a: Automatic In action in construction and a sure hate Sald oa time, or With a f Kuarantes. PD. J. BAY, T. E. HU Agents, 42 Princess st: THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT S ESTABLISHED 186 President--Sir Richard Car Money loaned on City and F pert Municipal and Count tures. Mortgages purchased. received and interest allowed. 8 ©. McGill, Managing] Office, 87 Clarence Street, Ki GRAND UNION H( posite Grand Central 8 " "NEw YORK CITY Wvery couvenience at moderate ¢ Rooms $1.00 & day and uj Scent stamp for New ¥ Guidebook and Map. Wm. Murray, Auct 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, | etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every S NewYork Chinese Rest 83 Princess Stree Opn from 10 30 a m. to 3 The best place to get an Lunch in the city. Meals © on shortest notice. English ar Dishes a specialty. ~ SUMMER WA! Screen Doors and Wind Cream Freezers, Lawn and Charcoal Irons. STRACHAN New Bngland Chi Restaurant E

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