Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jun 1907, p. 5

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here, will get the ets afford. ations you'll be unable to find § please, that our prices are al- § nit, never fancy. . oo Suits ee-Piece Summer Suits, in Jorsteds, at $8.50, $10, $12.50, Trousers [andsome Summer Trousers, in , at $2.50, $3, $3.25, $3.50, § Coats tks, Greys and Fancy Stripes, ym Shirts the Summer Season are e ever owned, 50c., 75c., the $1, ream Neglegies, at $1, y Hosiery ts something swell, in Hosiery his ideal Hosiery here, 25¢., Cashmere Hose in Canada. { aw Hats Handsome Straw Hats as tch our Hats at our prices. 1'$2 Sailors. "BIBBY'S." er Belts and 75c¢. each. ing Suits ew Shades, new Fabrics, 50c., flen's Underwear IB G0. FOOT COMFORT re's Jom Sis warm weather comfo: a pair of - US Oxfords. "= y do away with that tight ng sensation around your Ss that boots giw on a \ day. y prevent your feet from be- ot, damp, and sticky. y keep your ankles cool and ortable, and allow eir to rculate freely around your ¢ 7ICTUS Oxfords never bulge g at the sides. : ices in Pat: Colt. Gun otal and Tan = « smartest | $1.26, $ The Mra. Kells 1628 Linco! Ave, Denver, ole, to Mv, i ham, Lynn, Dear Mrs Pinkham: "For five years I 'was troubled with Nelligg a tumor which kept growing, _causir and great mental rn sion. lwasu le to attend to niy house work, and life became a burden to me. I was confined for days to my bed, lost my appetite, my courage and all hope. "I could not bear to think of an operation, and in my distress I tried every remedy which I thought would be ofany use to me, -ading of the value of Lydia E. Pink- Vegetable Compound to sick women i 1o5ive it a trial. I felt so discou- ng had little hope of recovery, and when I began to feel better, after the second week, thought it only meant temporary relief; but to my great surprise I found that gaining, while the tumor I ke ¥. The Compound continued to build u my general th and the tumor see: to be absorbed, until, in seven months, the tumor was entirely me and I a well woman. 1am so thankful for my recovery that I ask you to publish my letter in news- papers, 80 other women may know of the wonderful curative powers of Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound." When women are troubled with irreg- ular or painful jariode, weakness, displa- cements or ulceration of the female organs, that bearing-down feeling, -in- flammation, backache, flatulence, general de y, indigestion and nervous pros- tration, they shodld remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such trouble. No other medicine in the world has re- ceived such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female trouble. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She is danghter- in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her decease has been advising sick women free of charge. Bhe hss miided thousands to health. ddress, finn, Mass Remember that it is Lydia E Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound that is cw women, and don't allow any d to seil you anything else in its place. me intense FOR STAKE EVENTS. The Entry List is to ' Be Re- Opened. The directors of the Central Canada Exhibition have decided to re-open the entry list for the two big stake ev- ents to be run during the exhibition. It closed on June 15th, but wil now he open until July 15th. This is 'done with a view to giving several owners a cincé fo énter as the horses enter- ed so far were not entirely satisfac- tory. ------------------------------------------ Which Is Correct ? "Which is correct," asked a summer boarder who wished to air his knowl edze, "to speak of a sitting hen or a setting hen ¥"' "I don't know," replied the farmer's wife, "and what's more I don't care. But there's one thing I would like to know: . when a hen cackles, has she been laying, or is she lying?" Spend Sunday In Watertown. Tickets good going Saturday, b am, and 2 p.m. returning Monday. Only $1.25 retufn. Life Producers Chatham Incubators Life Preserver Chatham Brooders The only machines that rival the mother -hen, Automatic In action, perfect tn construction and a sure hatcher, Sold on time, or With a five yer Kuarantes. PD. J. HAY, T. E. HUGHES, Agents, 42 Princess street. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned en City and Farm Pro | esyv perties; Municipal and County tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits Director. received and Interest allowed. 8 ©. McGill, Managing Office, 87 Clarence Street, Kingston follo letter eng PREMIER WHITNEY "LEASE oF Fu. hi RE- Sentence to . Jail For Assault-- Death of James J. McDonald-- Brantford Police Magistrate Won't Resign. Toronto, June 28. --James J. Me- Donald, business agent of the Toron- to employees' union, died at his home early this morning of pneumonia. He was forty-eighty years of age, and was for twenty years connected with the street railway. Mr. McDopald came Into prominence at thextime of the street car strike in 1902, when his leadership of the men was so success- ful, that he was appointed business agent of the men's organization. Premier Whitney to-day signed the petition Yo the minister of justice, asking for the release of "Tim" Flood, the Toronte second baseman, sentenced to fifteen days for assault- ing Umpire Conway. The premier said he signed as a private citizen inter- ested in sport. Hon. J. J. Foy, at- torney-general, did not sign the peti- tion, stating that as attorney-gener- al, having official relations with the police magistrate, he did not care to interfere with any decision of the magistrate. A deputation from Ottawa waited upon the attorney-general to-day and asked for the appointment of Berkley Powell as sherifi of Carleton county It is suid that the residents of the county outside of Ottawa, adavene the claims of Dr. Richardson. I'homas Woodyatt, polide magistrate of Brantford, has written to the at- torney-generad, refusing to send in his resignation @s requested by the de- partment, Sarah Coulter, seventy years of age, an inmate of the House of In- dustry, saying she felt ill, asked, yes terdav. to be allowed to go to the general hospital. She started to walk to the hospital and when opposite the house of Mrs. Elen Powers, 26 Terauley street, became faint and re quested the people of the house to let her rest for a while. She was put in one of the bed rooms, where she went to sleep. At two o'clock, this morn ing the old lady was found dead in William Banks, Sr., is mentioned as a possible candidate in East Toronto for the dominion house, to oppose A E. Kemp, M.P, Mr. Banks is a re porter on the Globe. DID NOT MEAN DISMISSAL. Corbett Transferred. The 'motion presented to the county council this morning By Councillors Mchonald and McGregor, asking that the Ontario government be requested to "remove" Jailer C. H. Corbett did not. mean dismissal, but a transfer to a similar position elsewhere. No rea son was given for the propoeal, and the thirteen of the council who voted down the motion simply smiled at the suggestion. Mr. Corbett is thetlong est jailer in service in Ontario, having been appointed over forty years ago. As he has served that long with satis- faction he is capable of serving twenty more years at least, in view of the fact that the late Sherifi Ferguson re- mained in office until he was over ninety. An old and tried servant like Mr. Corbett can well be let alone. He tolds the record of having one of the best regulated jails in the province, and the inspectors, past and present, have always complimented him upon his good work. Omly a few weeks ago Dr. Bruce Smith, Ontario inspec- tor ol prisons, recommended the coun- ty council to increase Mr. Corbett's salary. The Star Dance Folio, 25c. On Saturday only we. will sell the Star Dance Folio, No. 6, containing thirty-eight pieces of music; waltzes, two-steps, schottische, ete., for 26c. a copy. This folio is arranged from the most popular and latest successes. has seventy-two pages of music in a neatly bound volume. McDermott Bros.. 260 Princess street. Lawn Social. The mother superior of the Hotel Dien is most grateful to the generous people who assisted the lawn social by giving in abundance delicious re freshments: also those who attended and freely gave, thus making the so- cial a success in every way: The la- dies deserve great praise for the court to all. e---- Cheap Excursion To Watertown. Going Saturday, 5 5 am. or 2 pm, returning: Monday. Only $1.25 return. Campbell Bros'. GRAND UNION HOTEL Opposite Grand Central 8 NEW YORK CITY eouvenience at moderate expense. Rvery Rooms $1.00 & day and upward The store for nobby hats. No old stock there, M. Stolypin's ficht for the contrel of his own ministry is at last meeting, with success. M. Charles con Schwane- bach, the comptroller of the empire, Send 2cent stamp for New York City Guidebook and Map. and loader of the reactionaries in the Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Op *n from 10 80 a m. to 300 a.m The best place to t an all Lunch in the city. Dishes a specialty. SUMMER WANTS Screen Doors and Windows, Ioe | ; Lawn Mowers | 1... double gut hooks, all sizes, Cream Freezers, and Charcoal Irons. STRACHAN'S. Restaurant 5 0 New England Chinese a Ce be round eals of all kinds on shortest motice. English and Chinese cabinet, has resigned, and Russian expected to follow him others are shortly Nothing quite as vests. . Prevost, Brock street, has received three cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and Fuglish tweeds, serges, cheviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from. Rale of wash belts, 'with ! buckles, 10c. Wash collars, worth 25¢., for 15c. New York Dress Reform. Jenkins' for extra large shirts for nen os i races, boat races, baseball and trained dog show at Gananoque, Mon , July Ist. "chocolates are made frech ov- new as Jenkins' pretiy Fairweather's shirts made to order Jenkins'. at Rouatley's, 173, 175 Princess street; and 354 King street. : ; The schooner Violette, with nineteen hands, has sunk off the coast of Tre pn dood coolers and talcum pow: ders at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Acrtex mesh underwear at Jenkins'. knee p : a 4 tT Several Councillors Wanted C. H. | They Are Saying And Doing. Frederick Kyle, London, was in the city to-day. Charlés" Campbell, Oshawa, is in the" city on a brief visit. city on business to-day. James Patterson is in the city, from Winnipeg, visiting friends. H ; Herman Shirk, New York, is spend- ing a few days in the city. Miss Lieherman, of the Whig business office, left at noon for Montreal ona visit to friends, _ Isaac Livingstone, of Albany, N.Y, is spending a very pleasant time, fish- ing at Brophy's Point. Miss Louise Reid, Queen street, ves- terday, returned from Ottawa, where she has been visiting friends. Dr. J.C, Gibson, who has been visiting his brother, W. W. Gibson, Clergy street, returned to Detroit, last night. T. Cohen, L. Abramson and J. Turk will represent the Kingston Zionists at the eighth Canadian convention which will be held in Ottawa next Monday. = John Lemmon, Jr., Albert street, for some time employed as a plumber at Elliott Bros', leaves, Monday, for Ottawa to accept a position as over sevr in the royal mint. Gilbert MeClymont, with wife and little daughter, Mina, of Ottawa, ar- rived here Thursday, to visit relatives in Kingston and vicinity. Mr. Me- Clymont is on the editorial staff of the Ottawa journal SCREEN OF HUMAN SKIN. In Palace of Turkish Sultan, it Has Place. There is a story told of a famous and curious screen which occupies a prominent place in the menagerie of the Sultan of Turkey. It is made, so rumor has it, of human skin, perfect- ly tanned amd elaborately tooled and embossed, and thas been in the rol quarters than two centuries. This remarkable screen is not an evidence of cruelty or barbar- ity on the part. of Turkey's ruler 200 vears ago, but is a memorial to twelve faithful servants of a former sultan. At 200 years ago a wing of the palace canght fire. and during the conflngration a much loved member of the sultan's family was rescued by twelve servants. The twelve servants perished, some of them dying later of, th wounds and burns, so his ma- } had their skins removed by an expert and had them preserved in this touching, though remarkable manner. The screen is now looked upon as a {part of the ruler's inheritance,and it 1 said that every sultan cherishes, it 1 his own royal for more as he would almost | skin Evidently Didn't Want Work. An English immigrant named Rogers arrived here this morning, having walked from Napanee. He wanted | work, he said, and went to Immigra- tion Inspector Devlin,- who directed him to a good job with a well-to-do farmer. 'The latter offered to take the man, but the latter did not turn up at the time specified to accompany his employer. This afternoon he.was seen walking the streets. When ques tioned he said he could get only $15 a month with the farmer and wasn't | going to work for that. He knew his value, he declared. The immigration {inspector had a few warm words with him when he met him loafing on the streets, and told him he didn't de | serve attention when he turned up his nose at a good job. The Englishman retorted that he could take care of himself Two Wedding Ceremonies. On Thursday evening, Rev. Charles serformed two wedding cere- Sydenham Street Method¥st At six o'clock, he mar- Miss Olive Snider and , \ : in of Pdrtland township, n¢ y'elock, he united Alfred Nelson Kenny and Miss Gertrude Wil- liams, of Gananoque --i------ "For A Pleasant Outing." 'ake the America's special tour of the islands Dominion Day. Supper on board. Home early. Only 50¢ Pines, Pines. Last cheap sale this season, Satur- day. R. H. Toye, King street. ---- 5c. en appreciate © Values, and vy at Jenkins'. ' Only all-cream ice cream in the city at Price's Buy tooth brushes at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Special value there, for President suspenders Yesterday afternoon during the chariot race at the Forepaugh-Sells Bros'. circus, one of the quartette of horses driven by a lady charioteer, stumbled and fell, thus bringing the vehicle to a sudden stop in the midst of its headlong career. To avert In- jury the driver threw herself our of the chariot, thereby sustaining a severe shaking up. The horse, itself, after regaining its feet started with its mates to complete the circle of the ring, being finally stopped by attendants Jenkins' for fancy vests. » sugar:laden steamer Crown of atin, from the British Weet Indies, which has arrived at Mi ral, brought the largest cargo of the kind ever brought the St. Lawrence. It consisted of 69.702 bags or 6,900 tons, the duty on which is £15,000. Jenking' for new collars. yo Se ; on Saturday every- music at 15¢. for 25¢. We have on waltzes, two-steps, wal vocal sucoeseen. MeDer- ' 260) Princess street. Chocolates at Fdwards & Jenkin's. New York is facing a Jenkins' jee famine the American Ice company go to work, and tind up every wag gon of the company. 3 Jenkins' suits the hard to suit. Splendid summer' corsets, and York Dress Reform. rm. |BIG BEER MERGER Charles Waters, Renfrew, was in the! mid-summer On Friday the drivers of refused to 65¢. Dip Hip special corsets, 65c. New BRITISH WH1&, FRIDAY, JUNE 28. SYNDICATE WITH CAPITAL OF A BILLION ------ Al! Large Breweries Are in It--The Spring Brewery Company is Said to Be in Combination. Cincinnati, 0., June 28.--A gigantic merger is being organiced by James 8. Brailey, of Toledo, Ao, who has just completed the $9,000,0 merger of the St. Louis, Mo., brew- eries. Dispatches from Toledo to-day state that Brailey has returned to that city and is now at work on the general merger, with the ultimate consolidation of all the principal breweries in the United States and Canada into a $1,000,000,000 corpora- tion gs the end in view. Among the Canadian breweries that are already listed for this stupendous combination A are the Grant's Spring Brewing com- pany, Hamilton, Ont.; O'Keefe & Cos- grave Brewing company, Toronto ; Rudolph & Begg, St. Thomas; Brad- ing Brewing company, Ottawa; Joseph Hamilton and Carling Brewing and Malting company, London; Sleeman Brewing and Malting company, of Guelph. At present those breweries that have consented to become a part of the trust will simply have a sort of working agreement with the St. Louis combination, "which is the nucleus of the big merger. The consolidation of the Ohio breweries has practically heen effected, and Brailey figures that it will be an easy matter to get the others in, two states already being in line. Cincinnati capital will be a do- minating factor in the billion dollar corporation. Local brewers refuse to discuss the merger, which is being worked out with a great deal of sec- recy. A False Count. Chairman Nissen, of the customs committee of the Importers' and Cut- ters' Association of New York, was talking about the jewelers' shops of the Rue de la Paix in Paris. "Millions of dollars' worth of jew- els," he said, "are bought in these shops by American women and smug- gled into the country. Only 10 per cent. of the omen who bring -over diamonds pay duty on them. "There is no such arran of jewels anywhere in the world as is to be seen in the shop windows of the Rue de la Paix, from the Place Vendome on out to the Place de I'Opera. Dia- monds and pearls and rubies, flawless and cri big, glow and glitter and blaze in a confusion that makes themi seem cheap. You see so many necklaces you think they must be common; you ean't believe they are worth $30,000 or $90,000 apiece. Rue de la Paix jewels are so abun- dant that you are deceived into re garding them as fakes, You are de- ceived in a different way from a young actress I heard about the other day. "This young actress won the heart of an elderly count who was visiting our shores. The count frequented her society for some months, and gave her a great many jewels. "After he had gone home the voung actress, dining with a diamonds deal- er, said, as she fingered proudly her flashing rings, her sunburst and glit- tering dog collar--gifts of the count: "Well, as long as I have these rn never want for bread.' *" 'Nor for pastry either,' chuckled the diamond dealer." ---------- A Pretty Booth. One of the prettiest booths at the garden party at the Hotel Dieu, on Wednesday evening, was the soft-drink booth, the three ladies in gharge be- ing Mrs. Sowards, Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. Moran. All the ladies are to be congratulated on their success in decoration. The colors were yellow and white, and flying in the breeze was the Upion Jack, and underneath it the Stars and Stripes. Some Am- ericans present were quite delighted at sceing their flag flying. WAt The Police Court. At the police court, this morning, the case of George Cotman, Jr., Cherry street, charged by his wife with using threatening language, was dismissed. The evidence of Mrs. Cot man was taken, but in summing it up, the magistrate said that he would dismiss the case," as the evidence was of a conflicting nature. A by-law breaker who created a fight on the market square, was fined 85 and CcOSt8, ; 5 Jenkina' fancy vests from $1 up. Marcelin Albert, the leader of the wine growers' agitation in the south of France, gave himself up to the au- thorities at Montpelier vesterday. His comrades of the committee of Argel liers have repudiated him ami declare they will continue the strike. Jonking' for 50c. French underwear, We make a specialty of underwear, corsets and stockings, all sizes, fancy or plain, and all prices. See our ons New York Dress Reform. Jenkina' for desirable fancy veats. A London despatch says it has been announced in the New Zealand parlia- ment that the British government has decided to advise the king to raise New Zealand to the status of a domin- jon. - » Special valve in Jenkins' Panamas. Jonathan Hodgson, one of Mon- treal's oldest and wealthiest: merchant. princes, was knocked down by a team on Friday and is in a precarious con- dition, as a result. Panamas at Jenkins', $7.60. peror William and the vember next. Jenkine' for sleeveless jerseys. July periodicals--Munsey, Argosv, Red Book, Weldon's, Ladies' Journal, Ladies' Home Journal, ete. McDer- mott Bros., "Phone 773. . Kool-skin knee pant underwear at Jenkins". - At New London, the four-oared hoat race, beating Har- vard by fifieen lengths. i 11 Quality and price sells Jenkins' sail Ors. . One thousand boxes = Canadian at Findlay, Ohio, was. unable, to 8 The. jury in the Standard oil casey pass year consumed 6,500 u wns year at 130,000,000 © Julr's crop figures were 93,000,000 companies operating district, Nevada, bes p Sait Lake Tt is authoritatively stated that Em- Empress of Germany will visit King Fdward and Queen Alexandria, at-Windsor, in No- '| 6f a Thousand Candles," 25c. Conn., Yale won COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going On in the Business World--The Markets. The Grand 'Trunk Jadlw 83 1%00, $515,120; Incrense, 'The American sweet tooth during LU00, 0 avery A special despatch irom Winn mutes the westurn U i gE i § th A for a 40-ton mili to u ores of the several propesties. Charles Brock has been elected presi- dent end general manager, and Blake, v t and tremsurer of the Susquebania Co. The corpora: tion is to succeed lrom & Steel Co., which went into a receiver ship in 1903. The new will have a working capital of {rocco ufacturimg Go. of and Southern rmer : will be shipped to Galveston North a complete paper-making outfit, which will be shown in every large town in the rice belt, where the per mills of the future will be Tocated: Next to wood, rice straw makes the best pulp for paper, and it is only a matter of a few years when paper wills will be lo- cated at the source of supply of the raw material." The Hudsom Bay Co.'s finances appear to be in an unusually satisfactory com- dition. The semi-annual divided of 65 whilkings which that corporation's man- agement recently ¥ os its total distribution for its fiscal year £4 5s. After adding £10,000 to the gm- ployeea' benefit fund, there remnins £117,874 | to be carried forward, com- pared with £96,306 at the corresponding time last yeae. This year's dividend of £4 5s compares with £4 for 1905-6. Sweet Words To Hear. Jim Wray, the Harvard rowing coach, said to a prophét of evil, be- fore he sailed with the Harvard crew for England : "1 take no stock in your words, Your words remind me of those a cer tain married man once heard. "Coming home quietly one evening fe heard in the drawing-room the voices of his wife and mother-in-law in earnest conversation. "He tiptoed to the door and listen: ed intently, He heard his mother-in- law say : . " 'No, durfing; 1 really must go to- morrow. I do not believe in mothers inlaw making long visits. A day or so, once or twice a year, is enough. And now let me tell you, dear, what a treasure 1 think you've got in Will, There are few husbands like him, and you must try your best mot to spoil him. Me is perfection as he is. But don't you think you are a little hasty and inconsiderate with him some times ? You must be gentler and more accommodating, and, above all, avoid stricture, Men every appearance of need a little latitude, and you have no right to chide Will when he stays out till two or threo in the morning, for you must remember that he is a man, not a child or a woman, and it is your duty to allow him three or four evenings a woek--' "Will stirred uneasily. He qwoke. It all seemed so real, and yet, alas! it was but a dream." Left For Toronto. A. Stokes, who has been in charge of the YMCA. tent at the Barrie field camp, loft this afternoon for To- ronto, to take up his new duties at the West End Y.M.C.A., in that city. Mrs. Stokes has been in the Queen City sovernl weeks. Miss Josephine Stokes, of Darlington, Durban county, England, will arrive in Toronto to- morrow, to pny a visit to her brother. Miss Stokes is a nurse, and a graduate of the Sunderland hos pital. She has been enguged in work at Bradford-on-Avon, and is coming to Toronto to emjoy a well-earned rest. They Stole Brass. Hamilton, Ont., June 28.--James and Mrs. Campbell, Dundas, are un- der arrest on the charge of stealing large qumntities of brass from Bert ram's works in Dundas. Campbell was employed at the Bertram works, and it is charged that when his wife carried his dinner to him she brought away baskets full of brass. The wo- man was caught with a filteen-pound lump of brass in her basket, yester- dav. and was immediately arrested. The arrest of her husband followed some time later. 4 -------- Baseball Record. Eastern League--At Toronto, 2; New- ark, 8. At Rochester, 5-2; Baltimore, 29. At Buffalo, 4; Jersey City, 3. At Montreyl, 2 Providence, 4 National League--At Brooklyn, 1: Boston, 4. At Philadelphia, 0; New York, 2. At Chicago, 0; Pittsburg, 3. At Cincinnati, 2; St. Louis, 1. American At Boston, 1: Philadelphia, 0. At New York, 15; Washington, 7. At Detroit, 4; Cleve- land, 5. At St. Louis, 7; Chicago, 4. We Lead In Early Vegetables. For Saturday we offer asparagus, beets, butter beans, carrots, cauliflow- ers, cucumbers, cabbages, celery, head Jettuce, pepper grass, potatoes, spin- ach, tomatoes, etc. All new crop and fresh, at Carnovsky's. Water." sil 4 By taking the America's special TOBE of the os a, Monday, July iat, 2:30 p.m. Supper on . Fare, 50c. ---------- Summer Reading. We have received a large supple of new novels for summer Fond copy; 3 copies of 25¢. Special, C0 mott Bros, 'phone 773. All classes of fine shirts made to or- ing . der at Jenkin , that circus day was ; quiet day in their { business, and further state "the people attached to the big show are of a better class than usual run circus oyees. There were no disturbances of anv account at the grounds, and no cases of poe ket-pioking an ex line © that were "Spend (The Holiday On The *i hal Ba VEE hh Shoes For Summer Gowns. The lady without a pair of Cantas Shoes will be hard to find this season. The pretty, dainty, and stylish Canvas Shoes will be a great favorite with all women who dress well and want smart Shoes. . ciate ibr ni rudd i Every New and Right Style is Here. Ladies Come see, we can't begin to tell you about our Canvas Shoes here. All prices, but not high, $1 to $2, and for 15¢. we. will color shoés to match your costume or will sell you the dye, at 25¢c. per bottle. fbb saa i We will close our store at 5 o'clock every day during July and. August, except Saturday. td Ab Eas EX at P. J. H. Sutherland & Bro., THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOE MAKING ¥ SPP BHOIFIIOOPIOIIOPEIT0000 BANISHES BOTHERS Every day in the year a good 'gas range will save you half the| money any coal range wastes . Half the year--warm weather--" it saves your womenkind's health . as well as fuel--money. Gets meals x Oxford § ready quicker and cooks perfectly, when it's an Oxford Gas Range. It is made of steel and will not warp or twist from overheating or crack from a hard knock. It saves gas that in any other make of range would be wasted. Ample air supply creates perfect combus- tion, a clear blue flame free from yellow streaks. Burners are flush with top and can be easily lifted out for cleaning. The oven doors drop flat instead of swinging and will su : without breaking the hinges. An Asbestos oven prevents without We : " heat radiation and ensures a very PRICE $18 -- that conomise on We want you to: sall fn | and ses this . We 4 can prove to yom that it The Gurney Foun dry Co., Ldmited. For Sale by SIMMONS BRO S., The Yellow Store, Princess St. 'Phone, 494, an 4 Leading Dealers Everywhere. * # and August, Saturdays Excopted. « LY oka Gents' Fancy Socks, in Tax "Work, extra 8) Men's | Balbriggan Shirts . and. Da EE a Bala - URDAY, at 37je. each. . Men's Soft [Front Shirts, Hot % Weather Goods. A big assort- Ladies' Swise Ribbed Vests, hot weather goods, at . 12je., 1Be., 20c. and 25¢. each. Light Weight Summer Corsets, al! siges, only 50c. pair. C. M. C. Hose Supporters, the very best clasp, made, good| ony of patterns and fit elastic and pad fromt, at 35e. ting, at $1, Se. and . each. hs Hi: ot ------ uep---- : * tapes 40-inch White Lawn on Sale Saturday at 10c. Per Yard. From $3.50 to $18. riages, from $10 to Mattresses, 0 strawberries expootel Saturday morn: ing, at Carnovsky eT . i i S20 ---- ' banana _ sale, Satur; |

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