DIAN BANK IMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 in the United States and England BY MAIL 85 bed by mail with any branch y be opened and deposit: il. Every attention is pa .d BRANCH, ND PRINCESS STS + 's > Strap ers ya Calf and Patent an jendless variety ces range at 0,1.75 & 2.00 s Shoe Store YO 000 0000000000000 000C] 00 COI000I)0 ATORS | NERA" { Lawn Waists n shows one style of "Minerva® need to see the garments them- ow well the smartness of general ut. ts are made in the prettiest styles erials on the market--cut and put Prices to suit every Ask w them to you--and for the WINERY" Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. ly The Leading Undertaker, "Phone2l 47. URANCE CO'Y D (1847) RONTO, ONT. Market Street. i LT 1005-6 (over) - . 11420,000.00 = made by Canadian People For for you will be cheerfully given ut J. 0. HUTTON, Managers ncomparable, Economicall A LB. 8 aroosnme, olesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, Canada. ng Powder oR o ik | re i <2 E : i § ld H il vacant on. receipt of the tele such Application is to bave priori d and will be held ot the ly and rs to complete thé tramsaction are received il cose of "personstien the ill fl ancelled and the am wil sfeit al of claim. a inspection must be eligible for inspectian A re ial 30 i" that. application bas been "aw omesteader whose entry is in good ve to cancellation, may, joot ®0_spproval of Department, relinquish of er, mother, son, eer brother Or sister, if elgible, but to no one else, on Aung declaration of abandonment. 'here a8 entry is summarily cancelled ar voluntarily aban , subsequent to instite tien of cancellation dings, the applicant tor inspection will entitled to prior right ot entry. . inspection must state in ulars the homesteader is in default, subsequently the statement is found to be incorrect in material particulars, the appli- lose any prior right of reentry become wacant, or if entry # may be summarily cas- ired to orm the following plans :-- (1) At least six' months' residence nu; and culti' of the land in each year dur ing oe term of three years. (2) if the father (or mother, if the father is decensed) of a homesteader resides upon » farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by sach homesteader the requirement as to residegce may be satisfied by such persom re siding with father or mother. (87\1f the settler hes his permanent resi dence upon futing land owned by him in the vi..auy of his bomestesd, the requirement may be satisfied by residence u such land Before making application Pret the settler must give six months' notice in wris ing to the Commissioner of Dominien at Ottawa, of his intention to do sa SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING REGULATIONS Coal.--Counl lands may be purchased at $10 Pe acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. Jot more than 820 acres can be acquired by one individial or company. Royalt rate of ten cents per ton of $0 shall be collected on the output. Quarta. --A eighteen years of age, or over, having discovered mineral in place, may locate a elaim, 1,600x1,500 feet. fee for recording a claim is $8. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expend: ed or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, purchase land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment of a Topaley of 83 18 32 cent. on the sales. at the pounds acer mininy atms generally are 100 feet square, entry fee $3, renewable yearly. An icant may obtain two leases to dredge gold of five miles each for a term in operation within one Semeoe from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental. $10 per annum | for euch mile of river leaned. hy at the r 1 cent ected on the output after it ole $10,000. W. W, CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unsuthorized publication of this ad vertisement will not be paid for. When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. SEeITOR T. McAuley HAS REMOYED TO; 93 Princess St. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil ton's, directly opposite An- grove's, COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 778. MUTILATED IT STORY OF ATROCIOUS CRIME COMES FROM CHINA. Ycung Bride Murdered and Her Body Cut Up--Boiling 0il Poured on the Poor Girl and Nails Driven Into Her Head. Vancouver, B.C., June 27.--News oi one of the most atrocious crimes ever heard of was brought to this city by Passengers on the steamer Monteagle. It appears that a family living near the hsien yamen, Sianyang, China, re- cently received into the household a wife for one of the sons, The wife was a girl of sixteen years of age. Shortly after her coming the father-in-law took sick and died. The ignorant and sup- erstitious mother at once put the blame on the little daughter-in-law, claiming that some mistake had- been made by the geomancer in reckoning with the eight characters, and that she, therefore, not being the one psychologically fit or intended for the home had brought bad luck apd evil influences which had caused the death of the old man. She therefore pro- nounced the death penalty and pro- ceeded to execute it. She poured boil- ing oil over the poor girl, drove five big nails into her brain and two through her neck. The mother-in-law was assisted in her cruel deed by a couple of other females in the family. They cut the flesh off portions of the body, but ai- ter all was done they lacked the cour- age to wrap the corpse, and put in a box which the water carrier had brought. They made him do it, thereby letting him see how terribly the poor body had been mutilated. He called three others, and together they car- ried the corpse out at the south gate The story reached the cars of every official ahd citizen, and the hsien was compelled to make an investigation. He tried to quiet matters by mak- ing the water carrier retract the story he had given out. The water carrier did not deviate a hair's breadth from the story. He said: "Hang me if you like, but I will not take back one word." Father's Occupation. New York Globe. A boy about fourteen years old had been put on the stand by the defense, and the distriet attorney was examin ing him, according to a story credited to Senator Depew. After the usual preliminary questions as 'to the wit ness' age, residence, and the like, he procesded Have vou an¥ occupa tion ?"' 0." "Just loaf about "That's about all." "What does father do?" 'Nothin' | much." "Does he do anything to support the family ?"" "Hes does odd while, when he can matter of fact, worthless | home ¥' vour | jobs once in a get them." "As a isn't your father a pretty follow. a dead beat, and a loafer ?" "I don't kmow, sir; you'd better ask |him. He's sitting over there in the | jury." it | Lombardy Locals. Lombardy, June 26.--Miss Marie i Dooher is the guest of the Misses { O'Loughlin in Perth. Miss Minnie | Ryan, Smith's Falls, spent Sunday at {her home here. Clinton Williams, of | Fhglehart, is visiting at his. home here. Owing to the long-continued | drought the farmers here expect a shortage in the hay: crop. Daniel Der- | mck, of Tleaw, visited friends here last Sunday. Miss Ella McGuire, of To | ledo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed ward Covell. Born : Op Sundav, Juae 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Covell, a daughter. What Elgin Hens Laid. Flgin, June 27.--About a month ago this place had a hen lay en egw which measured 6} by B inches, and yesterday another hen laid an egg 74 by 94 inches. 'Lhis lat- ter egg, when broken, showed 4 com- mon sized egy shell. and all surrou.d- ed with the yolk -and white of the larger egy, making two complete eggs in one. Both hens were a mixel breed. Can one of the thoroughbreeds we hear so much about beat th» com- mon hens. The Continental Sunday. New York Post John Gambler, of St. Joseph, Mo., has been convicted of 'constructing a trellis for his wife's sweet peas" on the Sabbath day. This is what comes of letting Europe pour its stream of criminals into this country: Of a million girl babies born, 871,- 266 are alive at twelve months. Of the boys, 30,000 fewer live thropghout the first year, Wedding Gifts We have a most up-to- stock for wedding Siriing Silver tase, China, Kinnear & d'Esterre, JEWELERS 100 Princess Street Waggoners Special Blue Serge Suit _ $20 Best Workmanship First Class Trimmings Fit Guaranteed in the average his streak of streak of yellow is larger than PAS ITTLE IVER "CURE eadache and relieveall the troubias indd 3 he a bilious state of the system, such a8 CARTERS S. Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dis edting, Pain in the Sida de. While their mest pemarkable success Las shown in owing | SICK Carter's Little Liver Pills are ally val in Constipation, en pro- hs or thisannoying complaint while alse eorrect all disorders of the stomach stim! the Rover and regulate the bowels. ven if they oulp HEA Behe they 'bealmost priceless to thoes whe Se complaint; but torte their goodneas does notend here,and those Se in 8 oy wi without th But after allsick aed ET ---- RIVALS THE RAZOR: > New Invention For Shaving--Magic n Powder Does the Trick. 0 abolish razors a "shavi - der" has been invented by Mr With erin » of London; England. The powder, made into a paste and rub- bed on the most stubborn beard, is said to act like magic. All that re- Aains is to wipe it off, and the chin 18 as clean and smooth as alabaster. At a demonstration given at Can- non Street Hotel, Mr. Frank Richard- son, the eminent whisker hater, was present. Here is his description of the scene: I have just seen whiskers harvested, ynd I never saw anything like it be- ore. Provided I receive certificates that the "shavees" are alive and happy a week hence, I shall expect the Prime Minister to make me a member of the Cabinet. It would be only fair.to reward me when my desperate campaign against hikers had ended in their annihila- ion. A crowd of journalists (mostly clean-shaven), jealous barbers (all carrying protuberances on their chins) and other intellectuals fought their way into the room where the exhibition was given. Six nervous men sat on a platform. The master of ceremonies distributed a white paste over the several beards. Even moustaches were attacked by this ruthless person. Thus the labor of years was sacrificed to make a journalists' holiday. "Ofi-Shoots Filleted." _ When the paste had been doing ite insidious work for some minutes-- during which no one had dared to breathe--four or five dozen desperate | men broke into the historic place, say- ing that they were determined to be in dt the death. These were clearly some of the people who had been | reading my books, and had been en- raged against whiskers by my elo quence. | The paste was sprayed with water, thén two or three beards were scrap- ed off with a paper-knife. Everyone applanded and congratulated the pa- | tients on their improved aspect. Their employers will probably double their salaries. They said they felt quite convalescent. One man had the southern wing of his bush removed with a thing like a garden spade. Another had his off- shoots filleted. { Then they brought up a man with prize-fed whiskers and abolished them with a few well-directed swoops. Whereupon I fled to circulate the news of the splendid victory. Paupers In a Palace. "A structure which, in many of its details, is equal, if not superior, to any nobleman's mansion in the land, and could vie in many respects with. | some of the most expensive hotels in London." Such was the description given by E. ¥ Robb, on behalf of the Ratepay- ers' Association, of the new Hammer- smith Workhouse and Infirmary at Wormwood Scrubs at the opening of the Local Government Board inquiry into certain charges of extravagance. The building, which is estimated to have cost $1,307,630, was elaborately described by Mr. Robb. In the whole of the administrative block they entered between handsome screens fitted with pitch pine and plate glass, on a floor tiled with mo- saic and surrounded by a dado of en- caustic ware of the most expensive art type. The cooking apparatus had cost at the rate of $15 per pauper, and the cost of supplying electricity per pau- per was from $10 to $12.50 per an- num. The kitchen blazed with four brass electroliers, fitted with five lights each. In every corner or vestibule that a light could be carried it had mn done. A svetem of duplicate wiring had been introduced, and he was cfedibly informed that when alterations were undertaken at Buckingham Palace a few years since, this system of du- plicate wiring was suggested, but re- jected on the score of expense. The dining hall was almost baron- ial in its style. It was like a ca- thedral or chapel. The light was softly diffused through stained-glass win- dows. The whole apartment was equal, if not superior, to most of the dining halls to be seen in the colleges at Oxford. How High Are the Waves? "Waves mountain high" is a com- mon phrase, without which no de- | scription of a storm at sea would be absolutely = complete. Unfortunately for the romancers, a naval architect named Bertin has recently been measuring, by scientific means, the exact size of these watery mountains. According to the report of his investi- gations given in The Chicago News, the longest wave. that he found meas- ured two thousand five hundred and ninety feet from crest to crest. Its | height was not more than one-fifth of its length. In open water this is as | high as there is any scientific record | of, although it is possible that in the Southern seas the waves may be at times even larger. In shallow water, | moreover, the height of the waves is much increased, a forty-foot one climbing to a height of more than fifty feet on striking a shoal. If an ob- stacle is encountered it may be thrown up as high as a hundred feet. Thus, solid green water has been known t6 reach as high as the tower of the famous Eddystone Lighthouse, off Plymouth, England. ------ How Emigrant Was Robbed. A week ago, an intending Canadian emigrant was robbed of £16 in Edin- burgh by means of the confidence trick. He was accosted by a plausible man, who said he had a farm in Can- ada, and was returning there, and after fraternizing for some time he showed a $100 bill, adding that he had no British money. He asked and got Much Interest Being Taken In Next August's Artillery Contest. Arrangements have been for an interesting competition the first week of August between Brit ish Royal i Volun- | Garrison ) teers and the Artillery Militia of the | Dominion of Canada or about made being in 1884. returned the compliment in 1897, when a specially selected detachment of Canadian artillery, under the com- mand. of Col Minden Cole, took part in the National Artillery Association meeting at Shoeburyness, and distin- guished itsélf by winning the Queen's. Cup in the group-firing com 5 Recently the Domimion Arti As- Soeiation renewed its invitation, and! e fnand the i one Shah will entirely acceptable to Bri nteer arti n. He is recognis- u artilleryme: ed as a thoroughly competent gunner, | and possesses the tact and other quali- ties necessary to make the visit a complete success. The presence of Lord Stradbroke, who takes the keen- est possible interest in artillery work, will be of immense service, and the' volunteer gunners may rest assured! that they willbe worthily -represent- ed during the approaching visit to Canada. It may be mentioned, as showing that Lord BStradbroke's in- terest in the volunteer artillery is of a practical kind, that his own regi-| ment, the 1st Norfolk Royal Garrison Artillery, won the King's Cup in the National Artillery Association compe-| titions at Shoeburyness in 1905, when | he himself was present with his de- A committee of selection, consist ing of Lord Stradbroke, Col. Wishart, | Col. F.C. Paul, V. D.,, and Oxpt. R. J. | WallisJones, 1st Monmouthshire Boyal ately prior to sailing. who are going will pay their own ex-| penses, but it will be necessary fo] raise a fund to defray the expenses | of the noncommissioned officers and | gunmmers. Coat of Arms For Alberta. Rarly snnouncement may be ex! ' of the fact that the Heralds' College has of the proposed | coat of arms for the Province of Al-| berta. The design pabmitied shows a wheat field in the centre, with snow-| capped mountains in the 3 the whole surmounted by a Bt. George's Cross. When this shall have been approved, all the provinces of the Dominion will have been granted coats of arms, but it is not expected that there will be any change in the | cont of arms of the Dominion itself, which will continue to show the shield of the four original provinces, On- tario, bee, Nova Beotia and New| Brunswick, although the time ma eome when it 8 be considered sd- visable to reeast the design and in-! clude a representation of all the pro- vinces. A Ten Days' March. The Royal Canadian Horse Artillery left Kingston last week on a ten days' march across country to Petawawa, a distance of 170 miles. The artillery is under command of Lieut.-Col. Les- On the trip bivovaes will be made at Brewers' Mills, Elgin, Oliver's Fer- ry, Perth, Carleton Place, Pakenham, over Sunday, Sand Point, Forrester's Falls and Pembroke. The force will remain at Petawawa until late in Sep- tember. While away Tete Du racks will be renovated "RB" Battery, now in Toronto, will Pont har- a loan of £16 to pay his passage, and with a companion went in the direé- tion of a bank, ostensibly to sign pa- pers. The dupe was ed to wait, and said he would, his suspicions be- ing allayed by the fact that the men went towards the side door of the bank. They went down another street, -- of course never returned, i ---- H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's. re book store. "Phone 7/8. : Allscream ice cream, in bricks, any ; ab flavor, delivered. at any hour, Price's, - Orders at McAuley's [discussed the bombardment of return to Kingston in September Comedy Treats. Willie--My fia is going to take me to see some funny movin' pictures. Tommie--That's nothin." My ma/ is goin' to let me see pa make a shel! for our attic. ~~ ---- conference, on Thursday, inde- The Hague fended towns West Huron conservatives nominated their present member, KE. N, Lewis, for the commons. | | four {| revealed the fact that the for your The Big Sa wii ATT meee Is attracting large crowds of pleased customers. Get in line and come here Clothing & Gents' Furnishings. at 19c,, 22¢. and 39c. Extra Special Inducements: for Saturday The Biggest Snap in Men's Soft Front Y Colored Shirts Ever offered in Kingston, All sizes, 14 to 17. At 49c. Each. YOUNG MEN, get here Saturday for your FANCY HOSE. Swell goods Your Suit is Here! See the Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds we are showing at $6.95 and $9.65. worth $10 00, $13.50 and $15.00. ----------------. Come in and Takea Look es 43 Lie BLACK ANTS EAT SILLS. Oak ' Foundations Reduced to Shells By Insects. W. M. Thomson, a grocer, of Rook. ville, has had an unusual experience with ants. For several years he has observed that in the spring a certain variety of Hack ants, with white wings, swarm like bees from erevices about the foundation of his house, in South College street, Usually three or swarms, seemingly millions, would issue forth at intervals amd fly away. The thought of any damage to his house, however, was not dreamed of until recently, when an examination foundation sills. consisted only of a thin outer || shell, the whole interior being reduced to a powder. Within the last week sixty- eight feet of sills in this condition were removed from the east side of the building and the sill under the south side was These sills were 10x12 inch hewed oak. UNNA DEFINES A CAUSE. some also removed, European Skin Specialist Says Dandruff is Caused By Para- wites. Upon that theory, proved beyond a doubt, a cure for dandruff was sought Scientists, 'chemists, druggists and physicians all "took a hand' and the successful issue ix the present pro- duct known as owhro's Herpicide." This remedy actually kills the para- sites that infest the hair bulb, does its work most effectively and contains not an atom of substance injurious to any thing else than the germ alone. Her- picide causes the hair to grow as na- ture intended it should, soft and abun- dant Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich Two * sizes, Be, and 81. G. W. Mahood, special agent. after Attacked By A Bull. Bath, June 27.--Mrs. Maxwell Rob- inson is visiting friends. in Kingston this week. George Irish and wife, Kingston, who have been visiting at A. Irish"s for a few days, returned home on Thursday of this week. Our village was visited with a shower of rain, on Welnesday, which has done Quite a number from this locality took in the cireus, in Kings- ton, on Thursday of this week. The steamers Caspian and North King are making daily trips to the Thousand Islands now, ealling at thi port regu larly The entrance examinations are being held here this week, about forty n being in attendance. Mr. As ok Wilton, is examiner. Miss M. GG. Edwards has returned to her Home in Napanee for the holidays. Our Am- erican visitors are coming to the sum kere, a few having arrived this week. James Stevenson, serions- some good. mer resort Jeave . Monday, W and Saturday at 6 fatn Friday and James Swift ly injured last week, by a bull at iacking him, is recovering and able to be around again. . Rideau Lak ttawa. Steamers Rideau| Xing and Queen dduesday, Thursday For Clayton--Tugsdsy, W . Saturday, at 6:15 pan. F you were a grocer--and you had recommended St. George's to your customers and they had tried it-- ! had come back to tell that it was BETTER an you said it was-- --now, wouldn't you smile?" "That's the way 1 feel about St. George's Baking Powder « Use St. George's--and smile on baking days." "If you Joe National ite ie Co, of Canada ited, Montrea! ifn ndsome cook book, ul write , FREE, 8 Txcillent pa Refrigerators! Our line of Refrig: erators is now com- plete. We have them ranging in price from $810 $35 Ours at $16.00can not be beaten for the | money. Before go- ing elsewhere, it will ay to inspect our ine first. McKelvey & Birch, 88 Brock St. POLLLELLL0000000000004 R0ECLLEEE { STRAWBERRIES, PINEAPPLES TOMATOES 'AND BANANAS. f -