PR ro Ac SE a RAR, TF = v ---- : ] of Canadian Not}, ign Are West | Is a Sign Your Kidneys HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Bi by. Any. eves numbered wection of Domi cased This Will Develop hy, -- ---- Lands in Manitoba or the North.Wiey THO" Bladder Tr i : incon excepting & and 36, not reserind, os ouble, Rheumat -------- any person i i -- Ha Jamil, or male over 18 eis dole bead Diabetes or Bright's Dis. = een OMe-uarter section, of 160 meres ease, Which Will Prow " Application for homestead ' on must be made in person To Tac ROPES: Fatal If Not Attended Po at the office of the local Agent or an A application for entry or inspection mag: At Once. ly any Sul pr sired to the local agent bo the "CS May be y be of the applicant, and if the Bo ed Grd pm re of Bt fd 8 ulin on is ori te land will be held until the necessary po [is the nly pir He mplete the transaction are received Kiduey tr ¥ Ihnitive cure for all formy in cage of iva the eatry will 3 TRIAL BoTTLE * ital ety ar Sm 0 PCat wi | SHEAT-KIDNEY TOE, Gl, TR An applicant for inspection be EVERY READS rl RIT rl S74 only one application HIG WHO SUFFERS FROM Kip vidual until that epplication. has "hens "an | DISEASE Re BLADDER OR BLOG, A homesteader whose entry good stand The kidneys are the ing and mot liable to --n may, sub- blo the Poisonous waterial from i ject to approval of Department, relinquish it | 000; If they become inflamed, tw. Bn Jwvor of father, mother, don, aoanier Seated or otherwise wewkened in heir sister, § elfgible, 'tion the poi i else, on hang declaration of Aa, uo, ond aul the whole syste tomes ti b Where an entry is summarily cancelled or with uric acid. voluntarily subsequent to institu. | The generud symp k tion of cancellation ings, the appli loss of Symptoms are package, or Sinptction will age, Solicent puny condition Ee a _ A : the ankles, sail eo Applic for 4m » Sallow complexion, tong what particulars the me in hve, 100 requent flow of urine, Se and {; subsequently the statement is f: d . --~ ae ure. if suy or all of be incorrect in material particulars, the appR et DIOS ure Present. you sho cant will | any prior right of re-entry St re, T unency aring Wathy ie scalp that Methe land become vacant, or if entry | CC. Cure. this microbe celled. Samed i way my y eas. hr Weston, of Sioux: City, Jows, n . Wy ole air is bound Dut settler Is iy form : vonfitons Jnder Sue of the following re a een. sullering Spey acka ds od eoltivatin, of he and In caer ear Th | Rod ETE UY trade. amt my packed ne of three yea Sad 50 as ou hot, ot re an u ME my druggist a ttle of oct of su. ts daiemeny of (or Ee erate father Warner's Safe Cure, and after us Sent - farm in the vicinity of the land enterin Ba halt of it my jackache was entirey I by such homesteader the requi t as to | KOU. I have used a great imeny pre. se of Herpi- residence may be satisfied by inp on rations, but found nothing else the wholesome. vidin ith ¢ e father oF ther. Yoram Te. 1 gd me as wuch good as Warner's Suk 3 ie settler has his permanent resi. ' the Hence Spos vein Jang cwned by him in i PARNER S SAFE CURE is put wp use omy . equiremen! N Wo sizes and sold - dl. Before mad 27, Teaidence Cs n such A a direct, at $1.00 oo Tn ad | sett] 2 A , Yor paten h Substitutes which contain harmfal drug, ing to the' Chinmissons "of Dossier Limi | 170 1819 the sysiom. 4 at Ottawa, of his intention to do 80. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING c REGULATIONS, Coal.--Coal! Lands may be purchased at $10 the summer herwise clog TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. To convince ary sullurer Irom disease of the kidneys ver, hla r and bl LR: NER'S SAFE CURrp a WAR vill 3 I i sere for hog and $20 for anthracite. | bottle will be sent absolutely FREE OF everish con- one individual or nn RS i ol i oy to-sny one who will leans head of hod : rat ; "R'S SAFE CURE Co, Rs eau of rpicide gives hel of ems per ton of $000 pounds | Atlantic and Pacific Avenues, Toronto, | md pret ihe gross output. BON PRINCE AND PRINCESS vO WED. } London, Jung 27.--The Duke of Or- the French Bourbons, tender to the throne of France, stantly. Quartz --A person Out., and mention having seen this|has decid i iage his re Ohio Pos. over, having discovered med of ay | poral ofiér in the Kington British dater py Shat the matings of tc locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 feet. Whig. The genuiness of tins offer is fullylp. > Mites Louise of rance, to : fee for recording a claim is $3. guarantesd. rince Charles of Bourbon, will take ell as being At least $100 must be expended on T------ Place_in November at Wood Norton pen the ® mber a ' claim each year or paid to the in lieu thereof. When or paid, the locator survey made, and upon mining recorder $500 has been expend- may, upon having a complying with other iy advice a 8 verdict is, turers claim m he en the English mgidence of the duke. gement of the two was an- nounced previously and almost since ul ements, purchase the land at $1 per as the death of Princess Charles it was The patent provides for the t aR open secret STORES. ony et er cent om eyment of a| Department of Militia and Defence, | princes, [oie who is a beautiful pt. L., lacer mining claims generally are 100 feet oO oh HSS) ii dg 907. Serial square, entry ee $5, renewable Yoia TTAWA., girl and fscoenpliahied i IARY Xe) n ant may obtain two leas TB A IAN Yok: spects, 1s the youngest daughter o dredge for gold of five miles each for a PALED TENDERS (IN DUPLI- the late i P is, who, during of ig ars, renewable at the discretion | C'?) for the supply of Coal and Fuel Wood "i ountal "ans, gra arng | Agent, of the ter of the Interior. required to heat the Military Buildings his was next in succession to the The lessee shall have a dredge in operation | *t Kingston, Belleville, 1'ort Hope and | throne of Louis Phillipe. She has lived 3. within one season from the date of the lease | LOboOUNg, Ont., for the twelve months |, life wi ther, the coun- for each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum | U*®inning 1st July, 1907, will be re |» TWet life with her mother, the coun for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the | C¥ived up to Saturday 6th July next. | 88, and has not mingled much with te of 2 1-8 BC" ne gollected on the output uch, today is to be futrked "Tender for | the royal circles to which her descent ,000, e a; Secre n ings rive 3 W. W. Cory. |the Militia Council, Ottawa, oor "| fom a long line of kings gives her Deputy of the Minister of the Tnterior. | FTinted forms of tender containing full | #mission. ; N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad. | LOrticulars may be obtained from the | She isa sister of the queen of Portu- vertisement will not be paid for. Secrutary of the Militia Council, Ottawa, dal and the duchess of Aosta,and she 1 1 When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing a uj n oF ut the Office of the Officer (: an accepted cheque, payable to the of the Honourable the Min and Defence, for five feited it the party declines to sign a 'o cepted the cheque will be returned. Department of VOTERS' LIST, 1907 H ommand- ng Eastern Ontario, Kingston, who will urnish all information required. Each tender must be accompanied' by order en her fu 0ys 1 share of the heauty nd high spirits for which her family s famous, Her flance is a brother-in- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 29. Pine. Char/as. of Lovrbon law of King Alonso, his first wife having been the late princess of the Asturias, and his lr son was Prince of the Asturias and heir-pre- sumptive to the Spanish throne until the birth of a son to the king and queen less than a month ago. The marriage will he an interesting, ele although a somewhat quiet, ceremony, ister of Militia cent of the which will be for- making the 1ender ontract when called If the tender Le not ac mount of the tender, pon to do so. The Department does not hind itself to ccept the lowest or any tender. E. JARVIS, Militia and Defence. Militia and Defence, June 21, 1907 BE. Secretary, Dept. of Ottawa, IR WE TRI Impressions Given By 'A Canadian. else. Municipality of the Village of | INK J Portsmouth, County of Frone ; HDT tenac. + NOTICE is hereby given, that I have -- transmitted or delivered, 10 the persons Mentioned in sections 8 wud Y of the] AND YET THERE IS NO Unturlo Voters" List Act, the Copies re- quired by said sections he so rans- . HCY [ici = melt ie ivi DRUNKENNESS. . pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- Pe Shoes will be hard to find vlish C : HAS REVOYED 70° Roll of the said Municipality, to be en- ylis! anvas Shoes will be titled 10 vote at Elecijgus for Mpmbers ress well and want smart 4 . of the Legislitive Assembly, and at Mun- icipal Filections, apd that the said list was first posted up at my office jn ¥ Portsmouth, on the 20th day of June, uring by the last revised Asspssment Disappoin Fenceless, Railway Travel Very Comiortable ted With the Rhine-- Well-Tilled Gardens and Fields. Style is Here 1807, and remains Jhere for inspection, Brussels. - Belui Yune 15.--Whon. 1 tdectors are eilled upon to examine the f Prussels, 'belgium, o ? 10. -- . Between Corbett's Hardware | sd Tt: and' 1 anv ban lo ex or other | first saw the Rhine, some rs ago . errors are found therein, to take immedi- I confess 10 a feeling 84 t tell you about our Canvas Store and Taylor & Hamil. | ate proceedings to have the sid errors He ha ng ok Sisaphoa orrected® according to, law te 1 famou 8, o to 32, and for 15c. we ' : Sin' Os Re Ww. Hi 'RIDGE, Canadian eyes scemed but a minor or will sell you the dye, at ton Sy directly opposite An. Clerk of Portsmouth. le, interior in some respects to Portsmouth, June 29th, 1907. 5 . ve's, -------------------------------------------- r the Ottawa. The riv- very day during July and gro . er above, it is true, presented many Steno beautiful scenes, as at Basle and the "Unter See," of Lake Constance. 1 lh have, however, heard disparaging com- id I'0 COME ARD SEE us Good Investment in ns meg She seencry, of 1 A Practical Business the lower river and that of many Am- bt J "Phone No. 778. Training is the Master erican waterways, notabfiy the Hud- 10E MAKING Key to Su . son. All d pon the point of C view and one comes to sce Frontena While 1 « ot agree with the small Waggoners FONREDASN fic foes ors with he oi : spending the holidays with his grand- - Business mother. in St. Th 5, Ont., who was Special overheard to remark to a travelling 11 [° companion on un Rhine steamer that Bl ollie the Rhine wasn't in it with Kettle "Creek in St. Thomas!" I can still ue FINGSTON ONTARIO - sympat} him from his point of view. To on ho had paddled the Serge Superior Courses Canadian er on the end of a plank, 2 --AT-- bare-legged and happy, ancient cas- 3 Rates. tles and miles of vineyard-clad moun- Suit Moderate tains , ant little, The Germania $20 Best Workmanship First Class Trimmings |, Fit Guaranteed 'he Leading Undertal er, Phone2147. Life Producers Chatham Incubators STOOKDALBE, ™ Ne el rr We do not intend to infliet the public with a technical description I of how we arrive at a good quality of FLOUR, for we consider that r the proof of the puddi is in.the eating. All we ask a trial. \ Our brands are: ic Now nome et o PATENT HUNGARIAN §|. i I for the historic tic imagi m, volumes {ill i ow the latter monument at | pointr disaj ni or Biebrich to Coblens uidy tudescheim, the eques- rPhone, trian statue of wi liam 1 at _Coblens, to a boy dressed in the habiliments of eastern civi ion, and, confined to the fore or after k of a "damf ote," might well be positive eyesores. ut to t grown-up" with an eve a dash of roman- I cannot conceive could come for a suve from Maniz I must needs pictures and travel y details. Be romantic gives nt tent Li Ince. to some to the utilitari: ife Preserver an, as tall chimneys and. smoky towns ANCE coy For Bread are passed, b or ge > mains to : make the river still a delight, especi- ow, Chatham Brooders WHITE ROSE ae Hr, og Co treet. bridge of hoats and famous cathedra y . : » disappointed ima 115,000,000.00 The only machines that rival the are sighted. As well be disappoint -. =. : 32,000,000.00 a nt asia matic Inaction. Fort Yor 8, bisuits, eto. with this noble structure with its (over) - 1,420,000.00 Sold on time, or with a five gear towerine heicht, flying buttresses and ruarantes i grand interior, as with Father Rhinc de by Csnadian People For , D. J. HAY, T.E HUGHES, Kingston Milling at his best. % will be cheerfully given at Agents, 42 Princess street. " 3. 0 The aggressive man is usually only a polite way of referring to your guar} ------ the coun] Co., Across the N ni Belgium, at Vi eds sels via border into on to Brus- d Louvain, etherlan panorama of fencoloss, well-tilled gar- dens and fields as elsewhere, save that Flemish windmills loom up on every side. Brussels is often termed a small- Paris. 1 have not yet been able to trace the similarity, save in the fine houlevard residential avenues and, to extent, in the language. Brus- however, beautiful in its own way, which, after all, is best. Its won- or some sels id, derful town hall and Halle au Pain face one Another across the market place, flanked by the old guild house, presenting a medieval picture in con- trast with the modern city, which is ever spreading. The spirits of Counts Egmont and' Hoorn and theit fellow victims may be easily imagined hover ing about the spot where their bodies and heads 'were & The justice palace or court house was the largest architectural work of the nineteenth century, and is a noble building. The royal palace on the hill above is hanging its' outward appearance, the scaffolding still covering its new facade Fhe same absence of over- head trolley wires, the trolley poles being tied down and out of use, as in noticeable . ere I leave the continent for England may be here briefly down. Railway travel on the whole is comfortable and, especial: ly in Germany Belgium, even luxurious, as well as reasonable. The second-class is practically as good as the first, unless perhaps in crowded seasons. In Austro-Hungary all roads are owned by the ate, except two, in Germany Belgium all Italy 1 other S. 18 om plat A few impressions sot and and have spoken of in former letters. In Germany the fares have been recently reduced, the earnings justifying this step. In all these countries the roads appear to be carefully and capably managed and well run. The limited allowance for baggage and the system of fair registration for the same, as well as the tips 'to porters and others, are some et to the cheap fares. But,on the whble, government owner- ship seems td be a success oh this continent. A South African fellow- traveller telld me that the railways of the Transvaal (where coal is plenti- ful) yield a twelve per cent? dividend to the government. Whether it would be #0 in Canada, with its different conditions, I shall not attempt to dis- Cuss. One thing which might he discussed by farmers' institutes in Canada, per- haps with advantage, is the practica bility of abolishing farm fences in the older provinces, saving the expense and labor which their maintenance in- volves and improving. immenscly the ippearance of the country. The diff culty in protecting the erops from the live stoek is, I suppose, the chief ob- jection. That seems to be got gover in Hungary, where immense herds and flocks of horses, cattle, pigs and sheep wre pactured, presumably by herds. men and shepherds herding them, Lab- or is, however, cheaper there than in Canada, where some mechanical device animals within their for confining pasture limits (as I believe is now the practice in part of the North-West), yould seem to be essential Labor must be cheap w 'women work aus they do. on this c be Not only are they to be see ing here in the fields lS dens. in * the towns of Jf an athlete ? geles, San Francisco, Portland, Seat- all points in Canada. Favorable "top- during June and July at lower rates with shorter time limits. For further particulars, illustrated folders, ete., write or call on B, H. Bennett, _gener- al agent, No 2 East King strest, To- ronto, Ont, milk carts. Occasionally the milkmen stop to ex a friendly word with one another, when the immedi- ately, have a set-to on their own ac count--illustrating the fact that man oven here is the wiser animal. In Munich women sweep and clear the re- fuse from the streets--and make a good job of it, too--while others open and the switches of the electric car tracks with an iron road, sitting sometimes for brief in on a chair by the curb. All this outdoor work tends to give the laboring wo- men a weather-beaten, mannish ap- pearance, but I found myself regard- ing them with quite as much, if not more, respect then many of their idler sisters with "made up" com- plexions, pencilled eyehrows, and red- dened lips. . ® ® ae Though I have now spent two months in countries. where little wat- er is drunk, I have seen no drunken ness. Where light wines and beer are the universal beverages, intoxication is rarely encountered. I recall the fig- ure of a man I saw lying prone on the sidewalk in Rome, compelling passersby to step over him or into the road. Yet it did not occur to me that he was intoxicated. Rather that he was following the custom of the many idlers of the country, in taking advantage of the only piece of sun- light on the street to have a warm sun-bath, the weather being somewhat chilly, Where--as, for instance, in Vienna--half the population seem to he perpetually eating and drinking in the open air and in public places, the general sobriety is remarkable, The absence of bars and of ardent spirits, and the commingline of hoth sexta the cafes, no doubt conduce to this. There may be evils possibly resulting from these customs, but drunkenness is assuredly not one of them. © --C. 0. ERMATINGER. THE SPORT REVIEW. Notes on Lacrosse, Racing and Other Sports. Several Ottawa men will compete in the Ogdensburg sports, July 4th. Some valuable trophice have been of- fered. Longboat will be put to school * at once in Toronto and the city will at- tempt to reward the Indian for the honors he has brought to Toromto. The Britt-Nelson fight, which was scheduled for July 3rd, was postponed until July 31st. A reason given for the postponement is the inability of Nelson to continue training owing to an abscess in his ear. Toronto News : Tecumsehs and Shaunrocks are the only two which have not been beaten at home, but who shall say when their timo mmy come ? Toromtos promise to turn the trick for them on Saturday, while the Indians are not slow to predict that they will do as much for the Irish on July 20th. John D. Marsh, the Winnipeg long- distance runner, has loft for Sunder- lantl, where he will moot Longboat in a ten-mile race on Dominion day. Marsh is in fine condition and confi dent of beating the Indian, to whom he ran second in the Hamilton race lust Thanksgiving day. Inferno will not race agmin until late in the fall. Injuries received to his foot at the Toronto meeting, which kept him from racing in the suburbhn, have turned out to be more serious than was thought at first. The inflammation has gone up into the hip, which means a long rest up for the horse, as nothing can be done with him in his present eondition. Toronto Telegram : In addition to his punishment at the hands of the police magistrate, Flood has been sus- pended indefinitely; in fact, it is held in certain well educated quarters that his baseball career is finished. This lends strength to the opinion that he was rather severely punished. Then again, some folks refer to a Toronto policeman who thumped a pedestrian over the head with hie baton. He lost his job: But he didn't pet fiftdon days with hard labor. Ts the xtra punishment put on Flood because he wns an athlete? Is it a crime to be li Pacific Coast Excursions. effect after to-day. change your meter and-put LEMMON & SONS the proper us "MONTSERRAT" Ice water is responsible for many a child being sick in summer. 2 . Little ones get over heated, and drink glass after glass of cold water. "~The stomach is chilled--the flow of gastric juice stopped--digestion retarded-- and cholera morbus is the usual result. "Montserrat" Lime Fruit Juice satisfies the thirst, where ice water only aggrevates it. " Montserrat" makes the water wholesome, be- cause the fresh juice is a natural tonic and .actually cools the blood, Just try adding " Montserrat" Lime Fruit Ju ice a little o Nout children's drinking water--give them "Mont- serrat" Limeade when they want "something good to drink" --and see how free they are from stomach troubles this summer. Just as good for adults as for children, Your Grocer or Druggist has "Montserrat" Lime Pruit Juice. Canadian Agents : National Drug and Chemical Co. \ of Canada, Limited. GET YOUR METERS CHANGED 0 into et us Cheaper gas rates Il your Gas Fittings in Perfect Order. | We also carry a complete ne of GAS RANGES. : Call and see display. ' Nothing So Healthful and Satisfying in Summer as Bh WH EA or creamed vegetables. It is deliciously appetizing Try the Biscuit with Strawberries. and sustaining. Contains more real nutriment than meat or eggs Via Chicago and Northwestern Rail- way, daily from June lst to Sept. 15th, $75 from Chicago to Los Am. tle, Victoria, Vancouver, B.C, and return. Correspondingly low rates from over arrangements. Final return limit, October 31st, 1907. Special excursions The most aggravating kind of a person to live in the house with is one who always has his own way and yet goes around with an abused air, Don't air your family skeleton. Peo- ple know enough about it when it is kept locked in the closet, There is always a demand for the man who does his best, Poor, Pale Anaemic -- There is no beauty in plenty of weakness. Any exertion makes 'your heart flutter, your badk and limbs ache, and altogether you pallo¥, but Misses' Strap Slippers' In Dongola Kid, Boz Calf and Patent Leather. We have an endless variety to choose from. Prices range at : $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 & 2.00 5 King St," Phone 588. i ' feel the need of something to make you strong--Ferrozone will supply it. First of all, Ferrozone gives you an appetite and improves digestion. Rosy color comes back to your checks. The thinness that makes vou angular, and the tiredness that had taken the place of your old time brightness disappear. Fiarrozone quickly makes you feel alive--it makes you want to do things. Ferrozone can help you to do things without getting tired, because y rich blood has nourished the 2 strengthened your sired STRAWBERRIES, PINEAPPLES TOMATOES AND BANANAS.